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# 8 My titanium balled, taking his life into his big hands,


Thread Title Poll  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • I really look forward to hearing Clay bring a sexy Moon River back
    • All this talk of Moon River has made pour a nice glass of red wine, curl up on my sofa with Waldo
    • It makes your girl parts vibrate
    • The board of easy women
    • It's just that Clay's world is so much more than us. So much more than fans and concert dates and venue choices and juvenile exchanges on his fan site. He's just so much more.
    • He's just so much more.
    • He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.
    • They have not fallen down on their knees and kissed his lily white ass!

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Happy Easter to Everyone.

Nothing new.........YSRN thanks for the link to your blog. Gorgeous pictures. I have a Wisteria bush and I love it. However, I call it my Hysteria Bush, because those things just take over. Once they get rooted in, you can't kill them. I know because my husband has tried. LOL

Clay sure has come a long way in his appearance since that photo shoot you posted about YSRN. Idyjocelyn that picture you posted is one of my favorites.

There is an MSNBC video, about the the rigging of AI, on the OFC. I don't know if it is a new one or not, but the topic is old.

I loved all the auction videos and I can't believe she was in the last row. WOW. I need to go out and practice taking pics and doing videos with my new camera. BEFORE I go to a concert.

I have a neighbor who is an auctioneer. He does estate auctions, when someone dies, and other auctions for people who want to sell their antiques etc. I worked for him for about a year. I loved it. I helped to go to locations and gather up the stuff for sale and bring back to the sale location. I would then display (merchandise ) it for sell. I also had the job of writing down the bid numbers and how much it went for. I really enjoyed that. I used to also buy and sell antiques and collectables. Working in that field was so much fun. However it got to be too physical for my back. Lots of heavy lifting etc. So I know first hand when someone can work an audience. Clay was so magnetic. He just drew those ladies in like ducks to water. I would of give anything to have been there and be able to let him work his magic on me. LOL There were a couple of things I would of liked to bid on. Doubtful that I would of got them, but I would of loved being able to help him get the bids up. LOL Although, I am smart enough not to raise my own bid. LOL

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Oh, for those who don't have a copy yet - Kimmel and the Gawker girl

You can copy this link to any board. Unlimited downloads.

The one thing that struck me is how the girl had the foolishness of a youthful ignorance, not that I know her age. I remember talking to someone who was having trouble getting into medical school after his interviews, but was top of his class in grades. He was telling me how there is only so much medical attention that can be given and since the poor could not afford to pay, they should be left to die, because how great can ito be to be poor anyway? - Needless to say, he had to go voerseas for his education, his mother blamed Women and non-whites(?) taking his place in school because of their minority status. Well, he has grown up, got married and we talk a while ago. He is very ashamed of his old opinions and now does a lot of charity work and strongly disagrees with his mother - he now knows why the schools would not take him and his elitist rich boy upbringing attitude.

Well, someday she may grow up, but it is tempting to help her by setting up a gawk the gawker siting board for her and have people run up to her and flash their cameras in her face.


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WooHoo Jimmy Kimmel! God, I remember just simply cringing at his name at the height of "The Man Show" popularity. And remember how so many Clay fans were appalled when it was announced that Clay would be appearing on his show November 2003? My, how times have changed. Jimmy rawks. That Gawker chick didn't know what hit her. Heh.

I forgot a couple of things -- YSRN, your blog pictures are beautiful. Very nice job. (This comes from someone who has the blackest thumb on the planet, even though I keep trying....) And this is from a LONG time ago -- Claygasm, thank you for the picture of Max. Such an adorable dog. How's Waldo? Did you find cat food for him?

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If you would look up the word clueless in the dictionary, I would expect to see that woman from gawker's picture there. Kimmel gave it to her good, but it was almost like it went right past her. I'm glad he used a story they posted about him as an example of absolute crap. I can't remember his exact words to her but it was something to the effect. " When you die and go to hell hopefully someone will be waiting there to snap your picture to send back...., "maybe someone else caught that a little better than I. I also felt that his comments to the one paparrazi guy, the young one. "Your grandmother is watching, I'm sure she is very proud" was meant to be a put down too. These people see nothing wrong with what they do. This one "a--hole" seemed to think that because celebrities have a lot of money they should be able to handle anything that comes their way. WTF??

Jimmy told this jerk, not all of them have "lots of money" Talk about a whole group of people who are morally bankrupt.

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KAndre, smirking at Claygasm's reassurance of FCA's behavior, hoped their they remembered their fake IDs...

Man, y'all can be a wordy bunch, but ya know what? I'm gonna covered everything and you can read it all, now that the last of the LIITs and semi-naked men have worked their way out of my system...ooh, I was at a comedy show Thursday night and there was a Clay mention by one of the funnier comics - the comic (who was from Canada) went on about how he (the comic) looked like an enlongated hobbit (which was true) - and how neither he nor Clay could kick somebody's ass - but they could seriously kick some ballad ass! The audience roared with laughter - Clay is definitely a cultural touchstone, y'all!

The role model thing - I agree with roseviolet that some fans really have that "Clay is not allowed to have any strong opinions because who the hell does he think he is while I have a constitutional/God(dess) given/megalomaniac right to spout off whatever craptastic mess has been percolating in my mind because I am morally superior/more sophisticated/once listened to a band that someone somewhere else once considered cool" attitude. My opinion of Clay as a role model. More power to him. However, it's up to an individual to accept him as one. It's like TV to me; ya don't like it? Turn it the fuck off. The biggest role model most people (especially kids) have always been their parents - parent's influence even outweigh people's peers. Now teenagers? One of the things teenagers are trying to do is separate from their parents - but parental attitudes are still in there.

Marketing? Feh. I was glancing through magazines at the airport and the headlines are all about Brad and Angelina - but a paragraph in one caught my eye - it said that Angelina did NOT have a publicist. Heh. She was used as an example to me of how a publicist can change one's perceived image - apparently Angelina is just livin' her life and letting the image take of itself. heh. I still think the "importance" of marketing is mainly pushed by marketers who have a fiscal interest in telling people how marketing is the sun and the moon and the stars and the whole universe. Feh again. Marketing (and not that definition of marketing that includes everything but the kitchen sink) may occasionally get me to try something once. But the product or service either keeps me or loses me. And frankly, I think that goes for the majority of people.

ldyjocelyn, I feel you on the small town thing - it worked my nerves almost as much as the southern thing. I'll put the sophistication of my grandfather who lives in an unincorporated area of East Texas up against anyone in any metropolitan area - he helped teach me to think and reason and question and avoid freakin' stereotypes. Unlike many so-called sophicates.

Those that took a hiatus from the fandom? Good for you. I didn't, because I tend to love opportunities for my natural born bitchiness to come to the fore - I occasionally enjoy dealing with assholes. It makes me feel superior. (I never told you people I was nice, did I? Good.)

Clay not watching AI6? To me, it just came across that he's not watching AI6 - which is good cause it kinda sucks this year. I keep it on in the background in case there is a good or entertaining performance (Jordin, Sanjaya). But I totally agree with Claygasm on this:

I think AI is sort of like high school to him. The first few years you're out you try and stay connected by keeping tabs on what's going on there, but after awhile you just stop doing that. Doesn't mean you won't turn up at the reunion, though.

I also agree with Couchie on this:

When I think about the gnats I know there are a lot of angry people about how that was handled. I just can't be because there is a human being in the middle of it all. Clay. He had a tough road to hoe, and I feel it will always be lumpy because of the concerted effort/hatemongers and the fandom reaction always in this tug of war so a light will be shined on it. IT's really easy to say..well they should have done this or that when the collective we couldn't really do our part by not reacting, not engaging. We did some positive things with the blogs after awhile yet the face to face combat continued. Maybe some of it worked..I don't really know anything about that one guy's site that use to engage the crazies. I believe and who knows if it is true that if Clay had taken the road of responding to everything he would have to issue a weekly press release for the rest of his life. You can try to throw out the good press -- but Clay had done plenty of good things during that year and stories were out there just not picked up. Who cares about UNICEF when there is smut to publish. He definitely went through the fire.

People and the "new album" thing? The same people are gonna say the same thing with no more evidence then before, ad infinitum. I have powerful scrolling fingers. I'll think about a new album when I get a drop date. Won't worry about what's on it. Won't worry about the label. Will download any snippet possible. That's what I do.

Heh, cha cha t, so the Beatles weren't always the oh-so-pure, we're-above-gimmicks thingie? Kewl.

play, as for the business thing - I agree with you, especially the:

the general increase in incompetence that I witnessed in executive decisions over the last 10 years. As executive compensation increased the intelligence of the leaders seemed to decrease.

The music industry is a prime example - but you see it so many places. Mainly because business is a human endeavor. And people occasionally fuck up. Or occasionally get it right despite themselves. Or stuff just doesn't work and nobody really knows why, though they is always someone with to pontificate with or without knowledge. But this is my ultimate truth regarding Clay:

What I am saying is that I would never try and tell Clay how to run his business, what to record or where to tour. It is his career and is more important to him tahn it is to me - so go to it, fella!

But I don't armchair quarterback either. And I am one of those who mention to screaming guys that the coach really can't hear them through the television and I frankly don't think the guy sitting on his ass on the couch is much of a coach either. You wanna discuss the game? Fine. But I don't think being an observer or becoming an Internet "expert" or quoting other "Internet experts" equals enough real world experience to beat me over the head with your "opinion".

Dallas better not be messed up. That's a threat to whoever needs to be threatened.

The lambikin person? I disliked the lambikins and so didn't participate. That's how that works for me. Lots of stuff in the Clay fandom like that. If I do like it, I do participate.

Hey, pkmiller!

Hey, ncgurrl! A perfectly reasonable post - and it's sort of sad, it's the first one to go into detail instead of just doing the "ptui! How dare she?"

I tend to be with Couchie , Clayzor, ladyj and atinal. IF it were up to me, no fan would ever write press releases - because I've never seen any fan press release I was impressed with. But then, I tend not to be impressed with press releases at the best of time because I file 13 99.9% of 'em.

But ldyj, I'm GOOD at holding grudges! It's a frickin' talent of mine! I've held grudges from before Clay was born! Especially the one against my sister who ATE my lime sherbet that I had BOUGHT with MY OWN MONEY while I had to go to the EMERGENCY room! July, 1971. And she's still not sorry! That "it's in the family refrigerator so it's fair game" excuse is totally bogus! Hmph. That total beyotch.

Claygasm, I like your rant. Though I have to tell ya, as a minion in good standing in my Army of World Domination, you're at the pinnacle of elitism. Navy SEALs and the Special Forces shake their heads at the difficulty of achieving membership. Of course, couchie is close to forcing him to impose some sort of draft... Me, people either just tend to come up to me and announce "You're KAndre" or back off with the whites of their eyes showing. I have no clue why they do this. I'm just mildly shocked (and thrilled) that I rarely get confused with other melanin-enhanced people. Just Diva. But that's understandable.

ldyj - I played the nickel slots a couple of times just for you - but Vegas is now full of penny slots! I was in hog heaven!

Ooooo, that had a Groban article in one of those hotel mags because apparently he's coming to play at the MGM Grand - and honestly, you could have stuck Clay's name in there, it was weird: multi-platinum star, primarily female audience, sings pretty. I think I heard Groban on DWTS - I was just bored. The man can sing really pretty though. Didn't see Bublé. What I heard, didn't particularly like though.

I don't wanna go to Tulsa. I wanna go to Dallas. There is a serious after party in Dallas!

pkmiller, I found this interesting:

He replied again, and this is what I find interesting:

"hahahaha. I personally don't mind him, but he's really having an identity crisis with Radio right now. For some reason there is not much passion for his music and I can't put my finger on it. His label doesn't badger us much about his music either. FYI."

I know you don't believe RCA is evil or the problem so how do you take this? This is one of the things I wonder about. Sounds like RCA is NOT helping Clay get played on the radio. I'd love to hear your opinions.

I don't think RCA is evil - I think they're occasionally stupid. The thing is, I don't think any other label is any better. And it's not just Clay - I just think the way the music industry has set up payola for radio play is a blueprint for losing money. They seem to be throwing money at stuff that loses money anyway or stuff that doesn't need it. I think Clay is an oddly profitable blip in their bottom line. Radio still does reach a lot of people - but I think more people (no matter the demographic) don't listen. And I think the only place I know people listen to the radio regularly is the car. And most trips just aren't that long.

Hmmm. Your brother does sound...interesting....especially after Vegas, where every less than 5 foot 2 man in the world was there to hit on me...did I mention I was shallow too?

Couchie, a salad spinner spins the salad. I think to remove the water, or spread the dressing or make it dizzy or something.

I agree with Claygasm on the radio thingie. And all the stuff Clayzor said.

Man, I'm only up to page 50!

blows kisses to cha cha t for the sweet links!

The new FCA is pretty!

OK, I just watch Jimmy Kimmel and Gawker girl - Jimmy made me hot. Whew. I'm petty enough to wish all Gawker girl's personal shit would show up some where and see how the hell she likes it. I do have an expectation of privacy, bitch. Just because someone wants to know, doesn't give them the right to know. Ugh.

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And this is from a LONG time ago -- Claygasm, thank you for the picture of Max. Such an adorable dog. How's Waldo? Did you find cat food for him?

Aww, thanks for complimenting my Max. He was adorable and I miss him still.

I finally tried Blue Spa Select cat food. They use human grade ingredients, no wheat or corn products, no meat by-products, no artificial preservatives, antibiotics or hormones. They own their own plants and do not contract out and all their ingredients come from the U.S. Of course, being the person I am I am still checking out foods. Oddly enough, most of what I have read about Blue Spa is positive, but some hate it just because its sold at PetSmart!

But Waldo is finally eating it. I started out mixing the wet with the dry as I had with his old food and he wanted no part of it. After almost 3 days of not eating, I put down just the wet and he ate it! I think he was hungry. I decided to put down just the dry too - almost all Science Diet - it has no wheat gluten in it and I still have a lot left - with just a small handful of the Blue Spa dry. Much to my surprise, he hate that too! He has NEVER eaten plain dry food. He's been eating pretty well since. He eats more at night than in the morning, but he always has.

The pet food recalls are being expanded every day and its scary. Right now I wouldn't feed my cat (or dog if I had one) anything with wheat gluten as one of the ingredients. Personally I wouldn't feed them anything from a company who has had any of their produts recalled, but at the very least, nothing with wheat gluten in it. They are recalling treats as well as food so I urge anyone here with a pet to read ALL the ingredient labels before giving them to your pet. I suspect a lot more foods may be recalled before this is all over.

Aren't you glad you asked, Ldyj?? :lol:

Off to watch Jimmy Kimmel put the Gawker chick in her place. I was watching it at midnight last night but fell asleep!

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Yeah, Jimmy skewered her, and it mostly went whizzing over her stupid vacuous shallow banal birdbrain.

BUT, she did smirk, rightfully so, at the fact that even Jimmy READS it. And if someone did get hurt or worse by a stalker, she would show that too - and get millions of hits.

I don't think Clay needs to distance himself from AI, which seems to be an anthem in some parts. AI has gained some cred, people will see his new look on the cover of his mad rockin' CD and when he appears on forty-eleven TV shows, hawking said CD. And really, he got a planet-sized load of publicity when he appeared last time!

Anyway, all he can do is not talk about it, he can't keep folks from asking, and most of the opinions I read are that he shoulda won.

It is not like anyone can just stamp their little foot and make people stop asking. I really hope he does perform a new single (brokenwingsbrokenwingsbrokenwings) on AI.

I am loving all the pictures, thankewverymuch!

(O/T - I am madly in love with The Wedding Bells!)

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eeeeeeeeeeeeee KAndre...wow.. stunning post which I'll respond to in a bit..just had to say that much. And a draft..are you kidding me. I take such pride and joy in only being tempted by minionhood but having the strength to resist..and now you want to impose a draft? heee

You know..I'm kinda meh on Jimmy..well I was until today. Yeah I know he and Clay have that great "business" relationship/partnership but keep waiting for the day a hammer would drop on it. OK, so now I like him for him. Loved it. And that beyotch was totally cluess..it was like nobody was home. That shocked me. I never expected that they would have no sense that what they were doing wasn't right. Yikes.

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For some reason, I felt inspired by You Were There.

I, on the other hand, am extremely shallow and am inspired by sugary treats.


And I, of course, couldn't let the day go by without celebrating -- Peeps!

Peep Research

And the librarian in me has to show off this one too....

Gosh, those Peeps are SMART!

Glad you're back KAndre. PENNY SLOTS?!?!?!

Claygasm, when cats are involved, I'm always interested in knowing how they are doing. It still makes me sad that Clay thinks cats are evil and/or are haunting him. I would really love to help him get over that phobia.

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Waldo is finally eating it.

Finally! Thank God. :hubbahubba: I lose sleep thinking that Waldo might not be workin' it.

(bu dum PUM!)

You crack me up, muski! :hahaha:

Claygasm, when cats are involved, I'm always interested in knowing how they are doing. It still makes me sad that Clay thinks cats are evil and/or are haunting him. I would really love to help him get over that phobia.

Maybe we can double team him!

KAndre - LOVED your post. By the way, how do you feel about the possibility Dallas may be traded for Tulsa?? ;)

Just watched Jimmy draw and quarter that flaky dame from the Gawker. YOU GO JIMMY!!!! I hope Clay saw that! And anyone who knows anything about body language knows that bitch was lying. Her eyes were all over the place!

Either that or she was high. Or both.

Anyway, I am so proud of Jimmy Kimmel! He really is a man of many talents (and I too couldn't stand him on the Man Show and groaned when we first heard Clay was going to be on Kimmel...).

Now I must get myself moving and get to the grocery store. Anything to avoid cleaning!

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eeeeeeeeeeeeee KAndre...wow.. stunning post which I'll respond to in a bit..just had to say that much. And a draft..are you kidding me. I take such pride and joy in only being tempted by minionhood but having the strength to resist..and now you want to impose a draft? heee

You know..I'm kinda meh on Jimmy..well I was until today. Yeah I know he and Clay have that great "business" relationship/partnership but keep waiting for the day a hammer would drop on it. OK, so now I like him for him. Loved it. And that beyotch was totally cluess..it was like nobody was home. That shocked me. I never expected that they would have no sense that what they were doing wasn't right. Yikes.

pissyclay.gif Clueless is right couchie. argh.gif


Welcome back kandre........

muski, I'm also glad Waldo is working it. :cryingwlaughter:.........

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OMG...the peep research...it's so inspiring..it almost makes graduate school look good again!

Penny slots are clearly the work of heaven - how else can you get 135 credit and the machine gives you $1.35 for about 2 hours work!?!?!? And they still give you free drinks!

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Ok - this is not about Clay, but one of his friends - who also had a gala for the children with music and a live auction - "Rack" of Ruben and Kim Locke at the gala for Ruben's foundation

He had an underwriter for the gala - something I hope for future BAF galas.

How cute is it that someone won dinner with him, just like someone one dinner with Clay?

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Thanks for the nice comments about my blog! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Claygasm, see, you had it right about avoiding anything with wheat gluten in it. Seems that's what's now happening to all the pet food manufacturers as they recall most everything associated. I'm glad your kitty is ok and eating! Gotta keep Waldo healthy and strong, after all.

Kimmel's LKL show was awesome. The dumbass chick knew she was stepping into the frying pan with her first defensive remark. What a little twit! She's probably convinced that her little meek bullshit and an appearance on LKL is going to get her more hits. Which, of course, is how she makes a buck. And of course, it will. Oy. I love how Jimmy ended it:

GOULD: It's not OK to say false things about anyone.

KIMMEL: Well, you should check your website then.


I don't think Clay needs to distance himself from AI, which seems to be an anthem in some parts.
Nope, me neither. And I don't think a comment about not watching it is some brilliant PR move to distance himself either. It simply means he ain't watching it.

And, damn if I hate bowing to anyone, but KAndre just puts the goods right on the gorgeously decorated table, does she not? *throws flowers* Wait... screw flowers... *throws jewelery*

Thanks for the Rack, playbiller! I love seeing those guys and it's cool Rube is doing some nice stuff and KLo is part of it. She looks GOOD too! I lurve her.

Mmmm, peeps! Gotta get me some!

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Well, whaddya know? I'm sitting here in my soccer mom van parked right next to the field where Alex is playing...it's cold and windy so I'm wussin' it out by not even getting out of the van to watch the game! Great view, actually. So it's half time and I pull out my laptop to see if any new smut comes out of my fingers when



I get asked if I want to join the internet connection via YO!, somebody's network around here that's free..hee..so here I is!

Love the penny slot story, K'Andre....I'm a slut for slots....the cheaper the better. I'd say that $1.35 for two hours including free drinks is a helluva deal...

Beautiful blog, YSRN...sigh. Hubby and I planted some purdy flowers in our modest patio two weeks ago, but they aint nuthin' like those!

Second half is starting...gotta go... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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No, no - I put five whole dollars in! And got $1.35 back out! So the entertainment was $3.65 for the two hours...but that's way cheaper than the arcade games I used to play. And they put some serious alcohol in the drinks!

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I have been informed that the BAF gala was under written mostly by the club, but everything had a donor - excellent - so it was all going to the chrity - that is fantastic.

Note: that information is on the gala book, which no one has scanned in yet.

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And anyone who knows anything about body language knows that bitch was lying. Her eyes were all over the place!

Yes, lying - and I saw a bit of confusion because methinks she is used to getting treated waaaaaay better because of her "cuteness".

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Aw come on DJS - it is more than being treated well for being cute - she was not all that cute.

I think what she needs to grow up is her own stalker. It would give her perspective d1b1bf5b.gif

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RRRUUUUUUUUUUU-BENNN! Had to do that for old times sake. Ruben and Kimberley looked great in that video.

muski, you stop illegally accessing that wireless network right now and get back to writing smu..., er, I mean watching your daughter's game. B)

Gawker Chick was totally clueless and extremely shifty-looking. Since she was on the satellite feed, I doubt she could see Jimmy's expression when he was talking to her, and I very much doubt she got what he was telling her. Karma, baby. Look into it.


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And anyone who knows anything about body language knows that bitch was lying. Her eyes were all over the place!

Yes, lying - and I saw a bit of confusion because methinks she is used to getting treated waaaaaay better because of her "cuteness".

Yeah, I think it's called "reckless eyeballs" when they're lying like that.

I'm listening to roseviolet's wonderful station today. Does Bo have a new album out? It's way better than "The Real Thing" and I get to see him here in May! I loves me some Bo Bice.

Here's the man looking gorgeous and singing "Blades of Glory" from the movie. The blue tux is hilarious.

I forgot how to do the hot link thing- would someone PM me with the formula? Here's Bo on YOuTube:

. The stuff with Will Ferrell and the other guy as a skating pair is funny, too.

Hi sweet K'andre. Did you say we're indistinguishable? Well, I'm complimented and that is all. Mother did have one hell of a long wait for you to make your entrance after me. Like 10 years. Let it be said no one tells you when to get up and move! To me you are a cross between Maya Angelou and May West- not bad! Hub says howdy. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Kimmel: I've always found him to be attractive.

All this cat talk is making me want to get up and adopt soon.

Clay and cats: I almost dumped BF in the beginning for that remark. Now I feel for the guy. There are specialists who can eliminate phobias by guiding your eyeball movement. It's like unlocking a short circuit in the brain. He was traumatized by the dead kitty incident and who knows what Big Daddy Ray did to him after that.

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