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Shaping up - Diet and exercise

Couch Tomato

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Ain't that the way it goes annabear? HaHaHa

I work with a lady who has been going to weight watchers for the two years I have known her. I can't tell that she has lost a pound. Maybe because she cheats all the time. She's always talking about weigh in days. That day she starves herself. :cryingwlaughter: Dieting is so hard. I hate it.

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It is hard & I hate it too, Clayzorback!

I have a co-worker who does WW that way. The prgram does work when you make up your mind to eat right. It also helps when you have a good leader for the meetings, which I do. Some of them just commiserate with you and don't bother to make you think about what you're doing or learn anything along the way. In those cases, it's a waste of money.

Anyway, thought I'd list some of my favorite healthy snacks:

Yoplait light yogurt - lots of flavors, satisfies the sweet tooth, good source of calcium

Laughing Cow light cheese wedges - especially the French onion, good on crackers & raw veggies, as well as a baked potato or pasta

Wasa Sourdough Crisps - Low cal, good source of fiber, satisfies the crunchy craving

ETA: OK - in order to get myself back on track with healthier eating habits, I'm making the decision to not buy anything out for lunch or dinner and also to skip Starbucks this week. :fca:

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Hee, Starbuck's has quite a few no-sugar-added choices now for specialty coffees, and of course you can order anything with non-fat milk, or soy milk. I don't drink coffee, but I see these choices listed everytime I go in there. My standard order now is a grande non-fat no-water chai tea misto with one Splenda. All that is is a grande steamed non-fat milk with a chai tea bag in it, and Spenda for sweetening. I have one every morning - 160 calories, 16 g protein, no fat. Most days I just make it myself using a box of the Tazo Chai tea bags. Cheaper that way!

I am back on the wagon after probably 3 weeks of unhealthy eating over the holidays. The first couple of days were really hard but now I am back into the swing of things again. I've never joined WW or LA WeightLoss or any of those places that seem to work well for others. I just track my food and any exercise every day on http://www.thedailyplate.com and set my weight goals on the site, etc. It works for me.

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Clayzor, I think the key, for me, was to stop thinking of it as 'dieting' (i.e. doing things to the extreme) and to start thinking of it as healthy eating, something that I can do for the rest of my life. As long as I keep the unhealthy choices out of my house, like bags of chips, and all really sugary snacks, and make sure I have lots of whole grains, fruits & veggies on hand, I find that it's not that big of a deal to eat and snack healthy every day. I certainly never go hungry! I guess it's a good thing that I really do love most vegetables, but I'd go crazy too if I only ate salads, fruits & cereals every day!

Today I had a quick fruit shake for breaky (banana, non-fat yogurt, orange juice, frozen berries), my chai tea latte, then for lunch I have one of those Lean Cuisine type lunches with about 300 calories...and apple and another yogurt for a snack. Haven't thought about dinner, probably chicken and a veggie or something like that. The only thing I drink is water or occasionally a glass of diet Sprite. I have these cool no-sugar-added puddings for snacks made by Kozy Shack, that have lots of fibre in them. I find keeping my fibre up is really necessary for weight loss. I've read that between 20 & 35 grams of fibre per day is recommended.

Anyways, good luck to you! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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looks around guiltily...

I actually made one of those stupid delightful and sincere resolutions for New Year's - because the junk in my trunk has gotten freakin' ridiculous.

My main problem is I feel fine about myself, the guys I date are fine with me (and are so much more fit than I) and am terrible healthy other than the weight and the other root canal which I still know I need to do (which sort of annoys my doctor). I am not motivated in my heart - just my head. I hate exercise. Just absolutely hate it. Even when I was in the best shape of my life, exercising fairly regularly, I hated it. Still only like a very few veggies.

In essence, I need to lose 100 lbs. to get to around the top of a normal range for my height.

So, I start off weighing myself on Jan 1. Managed to drop 3.4 lbs so far by eating a small breakfast regularly (I usually skip breakfast altogether), increasing my water intake (I don't like drinking water either), and eating a small protein snack instead of a big bag of chips.

So, any suggestions on how to motivate myself?

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Hee, Starbuck's has quite a few no-sugar-added choices now for specialty coffees, and of course you can order anything with non-fat milk, or soy milk. I don't drink coffee, but I see these choices listed everytime I go in there. My standard order now is a grande non-fat no-water chai tea misto with one Splenda. All that is is a grande steamed non-fat milk with a chai tea bag in it, and Spenda for sweetening. I have one every morning - 160 calories, 16 g protein, no fat. Most days I just make it myself using a box of the Tazo Chai tea bags. Cheaper that way!

I love all the healthier options at Starbucks. I hadn't heard of your chai tea concoction before, though - YUM! I ended up making myself a variation this morning with the Celestial Seasonings Gingerbread Spice tea I got for Christmas & it was really good. Thanks for the idea! :)

I guess I could have qualified that I'm also cutting out the buying lunch & dinner and trips to Starbucks to save money as well as calories - seeing Mr. Aiken in NYC in April don't come cheap!!!

I wouldn't be much help in the motivation to exercise area, KAndre. I hate it, too, and have got a good bit of weight I need to lose. I have found that riding my stationary bike is better now that I bought a TV & DVD player for my bedroom - I just pop Clay in there & ride away. Now I just need to get myself up earlier (groan) to get to work earlier so I can leave earlier so I can make it to Curves before they close in the evenings. That's next week's goal. Baby steps.

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Clayzor, I think the key, for me, was to stop thinking of it as 'dieting' (i.e. doing things to the extreme) and to start thinking of it as healthy eating, something that I can do for the rest of my life. As long as I keep the unhealthy choices out of my house, like bags of chips, and all really sugary snacks, and make sure I have lots of whole grains, fruits & veggies on hand, I find that it's not that big of a deal to eat and snack healthy every day. I certainly never go hungry! I guess it's a good thing that I really do love most vegetables, but I'd go crazy too if I only ate salads, fruits & cereals every day!

Today I had a quick fruit shake for breaky (banana, non-fat yogurt, orange juice, frozen berries), my chai tea latte, then for lunch I have one of those Lean Cuisine type lunches with about 300 calories...and apple and another yogurt for a snack. Haven't thought about dinner, probably chicken and a veggie or something like that. The only thing I drink is water or occasionally a glass of diet Sprite. I have these cool no-sugar-added puddings for snacks made by Kozy Shack, that have lots of fibre in them. I find keeping my fibre up is really necessary for weight loss. I've read that between 20 & 35 grams of fibre per day is recommended.

Anyways, good luck to you! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Good advice lucky. I have little patience. that is my biggest problem. Hee. I want to get the weight off fast, and then start eating more healthier. :cryingwlaughter: Of course now that my husband has decided he needs to eat better for his health, I'm sure I won't have much choice except to join him. Basically we already eat fairly healthy. We rarely eat out. I always prepare our meals and we usually don't eat "already processed, or made ahead dishes from the store." Meat, is usually boneless skinless chicken breasts, turkey, ham, lots of fish, tuna and salmon. We eat lots of oatmeal and good kinds of cereal. Don't eat much fried foods. Occassionally as a treat, I will fry chicken. Hubby loves my fried chicken and chicken gravy. Then I will fry liver for him on occassion. Most of the time I grill, bake, or broil our meats. Eat mainly all the green vegetables, along with carrots and yellow squash. We eat lots of sweet potatoes all year long. Baked. We have cut back a lot on red meats. Where we get into trouble is with ice cream, cakes, cookies, and pies. We just can't say no. UGH!.

KAndre, I loathe exercising too. Wish I could motivate you, but I'm having a hard time resisting temptation myself.

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I just pop Clay in there & ride away.

I thought smut wasn't allowed in this thread?


Bwah! :cryingwlaughter:

That was unintentional smut.... :blush:

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I see your point about diet and exercise. I am probably thirty pounds overweight. I have battled my weight all of my life. I can get down to were I want to be but within a year end back up again. I am very active. Right now, when the weather cooperates, ski several times a week. In the warmer weather I ride my bike several miles a week. Most of these days are around 40-70 miles and I go on 2-3 week long bike trips. My weight just stays there. I eat because I need the energy to ride yet I see the people around me eating far more and are thin. It is even harder when your siblings are thin. My mother always comments that I am her chubby child. Two of my sister wear a size 0 and 2. I suppose that compared to them my size 6-8 is huge. I commented before that I am proportioned wrong. Wear a 6-8 on my bottom and a extra large on top. This makes me look bigger than I am. I do not eat out alot, try to cook healthy, but realize my downfall is chocolate. The last time I got my weight down I stayed on a low card diet and no more than 1000 calories a day,plus I exercised a good 2 hours a day. I just can not get myself to do it again. I am just trying to cut back right now and hope it will slowly go down. I have a beautiful ski jacket and right now I cannot wear it. My goal is by next year to get into it. I do not think I can get far enough down for this year. We are going on two ski vacations and I will have to wear my old one.

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Wow, Clayzor, sounds like you guys eat a LOT healthier than I do! I mean, if I cook a real meal once a week, that's something. The rest of the time is something quick......but usually I am only cooking for my son and I, so if I make him a frozen burger patty, I'll make myself a veggie patty. Some nights I just make him frozen chicken nuggets and a salad, and then I eat the salad and find something healthy to go along with it. Hee, my daughter and I went out to lunch at a Japanese place yesterday, and she said I ate the weirdest food she'd ever seen. LOL! I guess she just considers anything that is seafood or fish "weird".

gbmifan, I know what you mean about getting down to a certain point and then the rest of the weight just refuses to come off. Except you are a size 6-8 and I am a size 14 so there's a bit of a difference there! But most of my weight came off my boobs, I swear. I still need to lose 20 - 30 pounds to feel as though I'm at a healthy weight. I am not sure I'm ever going to do that, but I'm determined not to put the weight back on that I've already lost!

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When I get down to my goal weight my boobs actually go to a DDD bra. Right now I am a H or I. I get teased at work that I must have back aches or indentations in my shoulders to carry them around. I have neither, so I can not justify a reduction. Just need to lose weight so they will be smaller. I remember years ago before children I thought when I wore a D cup that it was huge. Never did I imagine years later I would be dealing with this size.

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It's cool to see some new people in this thread! I'm hoping to lose about 5 to 7 pounds of fat, and gain some muscle, so overall I may only lose a few pounds on the scale. But I'll look and feel better! I slacked off during the holidays, and have started to get back into the workout routine. :treadmill: I've found that it's difficult to get into a workout routine, but once I'm accustomed to it, I miss it if I don't go. It truly makes me feel better!

I'm also keeping track of what I eat on a program on my treo (PDA). It really helps to keep track of what I eat, because it makes me more aware of how many calories I'm eating.

Anyway, it's great to see so many people frequenting this thread!

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Yeehaw!!! :7:

My first week back to sensible eating and working exercise back in paid off big-time! I managed to not only lose the 4+ lbs I put back on over the Holidays, but also an additional 4+ lbs! :yess:

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Hey, 3-4 pounds is GREAT, Clayzor! :clap: The norm is 1-2. I certainly don't expect every week to turn out like this one. Wouldn't that be nice!

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Hey, 3-4 pounds is GREAT, Clayzor! :clap: The norm is 1-2. I certainly don't expect every week to turn out like this one. Wouldn't that be nice!

Well, I'm pretty hungry about now. I think it is just water weight I am losing at this point. :cryingwlaughter: I may back away from salads and cereal next week and go to soups. It sticks to your ribs more.

Congrats to Gibby and Lucky for their loss. You are doing it the right way. Slow and steady wins the race.

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Way to go, Gibby & luckiest! :clap:


Slow and steady wins the race.


It's not as easy to lose when you get close to your goal

Both very true statements.

There was a lady at my WW meeting Sat. who's been there since Oct. and just hit her goal of losing 8 pounds and became a lifetime member. She got up to say a few words to the group and started out saying that she realized most people were probably thinking, "Your goal was to lose only 8 freaking pounds???" She then went on to tell us that for most of her life she weighed over 300 pounds - you NEVER would have guessed it to look at her. She looked great! Proves both of those statments I quoted and also that you really can't judge a book by its cover.

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I have tried this last week to pick up my exercising and eating less. I have lost 3 lbs. My goal is 30 so that is a start. I think also skiing in the very cold weather this last week may have contributed to burning more calories. I know this is going to take awhile. My son gets married in Sept. so I hope to lose enough by then.

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I went for a physical yesterday, and it was great not to have the doctor lecturing me about weight & exercise. Hee, I cut her off at the pass, told her that I was eating healthy and exercising, she was v.v. impressed. LOL. And it was good to see that my old home scale was fairly accurate, it jived with the weight she gave me. This cold weather is killing me, though. I can't even walk as far as the corner without breaking out in hives! I need to get my ass to the gym more often than once a week.......

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