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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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After careful study of the screencaps, this is my verdict.

He is cute - but he looks 12. The bangs are waaaay too short. The color is good. The cut not as bowl-like as I feared.

But the bangs need to grow out - and I want the beard back!!!

I concur.

I just spent a stressful 25 minutes phishing for a decent ticket to that 12 year-old's Michigan concert. Nothing very close was coming up, but I did finally snag an aisle seat on one of the side sections. I hope it's decent. It was very hard to finally settle on a ticket and not just try "One more time" for something marginally better.


:hugs-1: to Clayzorback and Mr. CBack.

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CBack - I'll just reiterate what others have said. We're here, even if you just need some place to try forget about it for a minute.

Nice to wake up to unexpected clack. Way to go UNICEF - they have done a great job of getting out the Afghanistan message.

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Well he looked all fresh and clean this morning - I think that is why people are thinking 12. Hey, he is a young guy, I never forget it and that adds to the amazement that he is so adult and, although he can be human, he really gets when to be serious and kind.

I have a feeling he is in NY to do some UNICEF work. Despite the obsession some people have in being convinced he has a new publicist - I see Clay as doing UNICEF work and representing that organization - and he has been doing it for a long period of time now! He is not doing Clay promotion or album promotion or any of that crap - he is legitimately representing an international organization in an important statement about their work in a dangerous area. So he may look young, but he is being very grown up.

It is interesting that there is this representation while Mia Farrow is making the rounds to talk about Darfur - but there is so much to be done and the forces of evil seem to be unstoppable right now. I do believe that it is not money that is needed so much right now as outrage - there is not enough outrage and the inhumaity of it all.

Some fans think Clay should concentrate on his career more and his "charities" less. As a fan, I believe that he should do what makes life worth living for him. He deserves it. Heck, I deserve it. I am taking the new medication the doctor gave me and hope to leave the area of plumbing long enough to play with the puppies again today.

Edited by playbiller
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I have a feeling he is in NY to do some UNICEF work. Despite the obsession some people have in being convinced he has a new publicist - I see Clay as doing UNICEF work ad representing that organization - and he has been doing it for a long period of time! He is not doing Clay promotion or album promotion or any of that crap - he is legitimately representing an international organization in an important statement about their work in a dangerous area. So he may look young, but he is being very grown up.

Oh, I absolutely think Clay is in NYC for all UNICEF stuff. He really seems to be coming into his own as a passionate, articulate and high profile spokesman for the cause, which is the whole point of being a celebrity ambassador. UNICEF would be remiss if they didn't strike while the iron is hot, and this is definitely the time to have Clay talking to as many news and media outlets as possible. And if any of that promotion is eased along by the AI and IGB association, so be it.

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INteresting screencaps....it's the straight-across bangs, I think, that detract from the overall impression. He just needs a bit of messing up, you know? :hubbahubba: And now I must run off to nominate these wise words of playbiller for a thread title:

He may look young, but he is being very grown up.
:allgood: Edited by muskifest
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Clack Unlimited Today Show Clip (BTW, please remember to support them, if you can possibly afford to do so!)

That was a great little interview. While I totally agree with those that think he looks 12 -- he speaks, and he's so adult. He's an articulate and thoughtful man. I liked hearing about the older women coming to school and learning to read in Afghanistan.


playbiller, so much WORD to your entire post.

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That was too short, but good. He sounded so smart and well-versed and articulate, and yet he was funny and adorable too

He mentioned the beard. Does he have a clue how many are missing the beard? If I had a blog, I would blog about the deceased beard......

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Well, this is so typical of the machine that is the American Idol show---or at least what it has become: (This is from a board where they were talking about how the show treated Jordin last night, letting her think she was going to be eliminated and then telling her she was safe.

Aymie Today, 1:24 AM Post #59

Group: Members

Posts: 64

Gender: Female


(od'd on glitter @ Apr 25th 2007, 10:15 PM)

Ah! You're brilliant!!

But watch the knew word that translates to Jordin fake cried.

This is exactly how I see it as well.

Lemme make this CLEAR:


She was crying, I went to the taping, they cut all of her crying and just showed her better moments on TV, I watched it back when I got home....they waited like 3-5mins before telling her she was also safe and during that time she was so upset. In the show they acted like they only waited 30 seconds to tell her she was safe. Some real fancy editing went on.


Ryan announced Jordin was leaving, she broke into tears and the group SURROUNDED her (On TV you just saw the surrounding of the group, not her face when the news sunk in after 10 seconds) THEN what happened was Ryan let consoling go on for about 3minutes and then Jordin turned to Ryan she looked like she was bravely ready to sing her song and smiled, Ryan then announced that she was safe.

What they did in the editing was is they cut a lot of the crying and then they focused on Ryan saying she was safe verses showing all the tears. Then you saw her smiling.

Some cutting and pasting and switching around of the film went on, in the skilled editing room. Just minutes before it aired in the east coast, I believe the taping started 5minutes before 7 EST so that the editing room could edit.



A Fan Site

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He mentioned the beard. Does he have a clue how many are missing the beard? If I had a blog, I would blog about the deceased beard......
Well you know we can start coming up with blog names for you too! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Clack galore waiting for me.

Walking day with Shadow and some other person

Addisex tonight on GA

Pretty good day heee.

Muski..you haven't mentioned it..you do know this is LA presale ticket day...in 1/2 hour right? Get your unique code and get ready.

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He mentioned the beard. Does he have a clue how many are missing the beard? If I had a blog, I would blog about the deceased beard......

Well you know we can start coming up with blog names for you too! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Clack galore waiting for me.

Walking day with Shadow and some other person

Addisex tonight on GA

Pretty good day heee.

Muski..you haven't mentioned it..you do know this is LA presale ticket day...in 1/2 hour right? Get your unique code and get ready.

Hee - Well if someone can come up with a good blog name from my screen name, then maybe I'll do it! :lol:

I am so proud of you and Shadow and that other person for walking!! You all will be slim, trim and beautiful by concert time. I plan to start as soon as I can find shoes that don't hurt my feet, but its so boring without someone to chat with or an iPod!

And, um, just what is Addisex????

ETA: Saw this at the CH:

Print interview from MSNBC site:

Q: When did you get back from Afghanistan, how long were you there and what were you doing?

Clay Aiken: I got back on Wednesday, and I was there for about two weeks. It was a really eye-opening experience and was interesting because a lot of stereotypes were broken down for me. The people there were wonderfully nice, and the country was really beautiful and peaceful. It was a little surprising because of all the news we hear from over there.

[Clay sees a video clip of President Bush dancing with a Senegalese dance troupe in the Rose Garden on Wednesday]

What in the world is he doing? Please, be joking.

[He regains his train of thought.]

I was observing programs run by UNICEF, observing schools where women are getting an education, often for the first time in their lives.

Q: Why were you particularly attracted to this trip?

CA: I used to be a teacher. I was a special-ed teacher in North Carolina, so there was some synergy there.

Q: You're familiar with our "Where in the World is Matt Lauer" series, which begins on Monday. What's the most interesting place you've been to, and where would you like to go that you haven't been to before?

CA: Well, definitely Afghanistan was the most interesting place. Not just because it was exotic and dangerous, to some degree, but also because it is so beautiful and peaceful. It's the third country I've been to with UNICEF -- I had previously been to Uganda and Indonesia. But I had never been to a place that beautiful and peaceful.

As for a place I'd like to go...I'd like to go to Zanzibar. I imagine it's beautiful, and it makes me sound smart to say I know where it is.

Q: Apparently there's a version of "American Idol" in Afghanistan -- did you see it?

CA: It's called "Afghan Star," and I didn't get to see it.

Q: Have you been able to follow the current season of "American Idol"?

CA: I haven't seen any of it.

Q: Have you heard anything about Sanjaya and his performances?

CA: We were actually in India when everything was happening with him, and people over there were talking about it.

Q: The big entertainment news today is that Rosie O'Donnell is leaving "The View" in June. Any reaction?

CA: Good for her. Do what you want to do. But she will be missed on that show. But I'm sure she'll do something just as big and fantastical -- if that's a word -- as she did when she was on "The View."

Q: What's next for you?

CA: I have a tour coming up this summer. It starts July 4 in Dallas, and tickets are on sale now.

Well, I guess that confirms Frisco is the first concert. Now, if they will only confirm that Orlando is the last concert!

Edited by Claygasm
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Shoot, I got a phone call in the middle of Ambassador Aiken speaking! Isn't that ALWAYS the way? But what I did hear was fantastic -- he does such a good job in relaying his PASSION for what he saw, and did. I wish I had a quarter of his skills in this regard.

AI -- I'm not surprised. I figured that everyone was safe early yesterday, but totally forgot about the manipulation aspect, and it hurts me that it was Jordin who got the brunt of it ('cause I really like her). But even if had been one of the other contestants, it still sucks. And yet, I'm just not surprised either. The AI machine has the corner on manipulation.

I'm missing most of my workouts this week, due to scheduling. And I can say that I miss them -- I always feel better after sweating for a while, for some reason.

Addisex -- I think it has to do with Grey's Anatomy. Don't watch, but I know couchie does! Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to ER!

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Despite the obsession some people have in being convinced he has a new publicist - I see Clay as doing UNICEF work and representing that organization - and he has been doing it for a long period of time now! He is not doing Clay promotion or album promotion or any of that crap - he is legitimately representing an international organization in an important statement about their work in a dangerous area. So he may look young, but he is being very grown up.

Very well said, and I believe, quite true. I loved the NPR interview (listened to it live on streaming) and I'm excited to watch the cap of the Today show when I get home tonight. I had ok ticket karma this morning - 10th row centre for Knoxville, 12th & 13th row on the side for Sterling Heights. I can't BELIEVE the whining and snivelling that's going on at the OFC in the Tour forums, though. It's almost as though people are attending completely different pre-sales than I am! I've done 3 now, and have come up with decent seats each time. Of course, I guess everyone's definition of "decent" is different, but I just see red when people are crying that they got "SQUAT" when there are clearly tickets in rows 16 - 20 still available. Sure, we all want front row, but logically, can we all get it? How is Clay supposed to sell venues out when no one wants to sit even 16 rows from the stage? Some people just need to grow the fuck up. :angry22: Disclaimer: Purely my own opinion and not directed at anyone here, just at some whiny OFCers.

I'm missing most of my workouts this week, due to scheduling. And I can say that I miss them -- I always feel better after sweating for a while, for some reason.

Hee, I know what you mean. I have been walking 30 minutes, every lunch hour. Today it was overcast but not raining, so I grabbed the umbrella as a safety measure and set out. I got across the train tracks and did a lap around the block, and sure enough, didn't the skies open up and a big old freight train come rolling down the tracks? Got stuck walking around on the other side. Needless to say, everything except my head is drenched. But I feel good. ;)

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heee.I'm not even buying tickets for myself but someone else and the LA pre-sale had nothing much. The only seat I passed up which I thought hmmm maybe I should have taken it was a North Terrace Row E...which is about Row 28, on the right side. That was the best I got. I'll just try the regular sale and then haunt the ticket exchange areas. I wasn't even expecting anything in Section A because of the subscriptions and packages. But you're right Lucky, not everybody can sit in the first 5 rows. Darnit.

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Yeah, I've read some of the tour threads at the OFC and I have even heard people complain about being in Row 10! Of course we all want to be up close and personal, but that just isn't going to happen. I just want to see him and hear him and experience the drug that is Live!Clay!!!!

Speaking of the Greek (well, sort of....) did you guys see this cool virtual tour? You can get a really good idea of the view from a few places in the venue and most look pretty darn good!

The Greek Virtual Tour

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Oh Claygasm, thank you for that yummy picture. He is gorgeous isn't he? And now I can't decide which boyfriend I want to spend Friday night with....

This one.


Or this one.


The lipbite is alive and well! Praise Jesus! Well, I can take one to the movies and the other one home, I suppose. *g*

I had pretty good luck this morning, too, despite that crazy Tickets Unlimited site for Knoxville. When it did decide to give me a ticket, I was bestowed with one in the middle of Row F on the side. I needed two but will go try again tomorrow for the other. I'm pretty pleased with where I am for this one. In a dicey photos allowed situation, deeply imbedded in the middle is good.

***waiting for muski or totally to grab deeply imbedded and run.***

I was very proud of Clay in that interview this morning on NPR. His commitment and enthusiasm for his role as UNICEF Ambassador was so apparent. I am so glad that he had this opportunity to talk exclusively about his trip. And the Today Show appearance was the icing on the cake. I think we can fixed those bangs pretty easily. Just a little blowing would move them into the right place on his forehead. A good blowing would not only move them to the side a little but give them that dampened look he wears so well.

Of course, someone could just brush them a little.....a la Barbra Streisand did to Robert Redford in 'The Way We Were'......except that might have ended better had she blown them, or at least removed her gloves.

Oh, Oh...I've drifted into babble.....a side effect of listening to him talk while imagining Today's bangs yet to come. I think he looks cute and Lord knows, if Jamie hadn't straddled his lap when she cut them, she might have gotten them straighter. And seriously, since there are something like 37 different Clays, it makes sense to want to see 11 of them this summer, right? I'll catch up with the other 26 on TV or at Christmas.

Reading that account of what AI did to Jordin last night appalls me. But doesn't surprise me, unfortunately.I wasn't paying that much attention to the show this season but it makes me want to go throw her some votes. Poor kid! Bastards!

Thanks, CG for the tour of the Greek. I was having a hard time picturing what it looked like from the seating chart and even reports from people who had been there. I kind of reminds me of a bigger flatter Clio. If any those Marquis Club seats I bought end up being anywhere in Section A, I think I'll be more than glad I fronted the money.

Clayzorback , I'll miss you and your hawg's head avatar 'round here. Please keep in touch with someone so we know how you're doing.

One more for the road...


I wanna hold his hand....

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Ryan announced Jordin was leaving, she broke into tears and the group SURROUNDED her (On TV you just saw the surrounding of the group, not her face when the news sunk in after 10 seconds) THEN what happened was Ryan let consoling go on for about 3minutes and then Jordin turned to Ryan she looked like she was bravely ready to sing her song and smiled, Ryan then announced that she was safe.

What they did in the editing was is they cut a lot of the crying and then they focused on Ryan saying she was safe verses showing all the tears. Then you saw her smiling. Some cutting and pasting and switching around of the film went on, in the skilled editing room. Just minutes before it aired in the east coast, I believe the taping started 5minutes before 7 EST so that the editing room could edit.

I was in Disney Hall watching the live show there and the live feeds from the Idol stage. The show started exactly on time for the East Coast feed and ran right through till the end. There just wasn't time to do any editing. What there was time for was for the director to switch cameras from one view to another as the live show progressed, based on that person's judgement in the moment. That is likely to have presented a different image to the TV viewers than what people were focusing on in the auditorium. Time to cut and paste? Nope.

Sorry I can't seem to get the quotes in the right place. Guess I can't cut and paste either!

Edited by artquest
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Since it was a live show, it certainly seems to work the way you said Artquest. Since I did not watch it, though, I have no idea what they swiched cameras to focus on. Wouldn't this have happened when he pronounced Chris safe - so how much time could there have been between that. I guess I need to see it on you tube or something.

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How did you enjoy being there Artquest!!

We had a really good time. I had been looking for an excuse to see a concert there, so this worked out well for me. The place is set up in a circular format, with seats all around, some even behind the stage. We were well up on the side, stage right, behind the front of the stage. Which meant we saw a lot of bootie as well as all the glowsticks in the audience. In preparation for the Il Divo performance, they handed out the sticks and made us practice waving them in sync. We did well in practice, not too well live. Sort of haphazard but enthusiastic!

There was a huge ovation for Ellen. Alas, they didn't give her much to do. Too bad because she's super at this kind of thing. Il Divo? Not so much. There were some cheers for the sound check but only nice applause after the performance. Contrast this to very enthusiastic responses to Kelly and Josh and Annie and wild standing ovations for them all. For what it's worth, during the break, the off camera host asked one of the ladies sitting in the front row if she liked Josh. "Oh, yes," she said. "I've been to NINE concerts!" "Pfffffhhhht," said my concert buddy in my ear. "Amateurs!" Hee.

There was a huge jumbotron hanging from the back of the stage. We watched the live feeds from the Idol stage there. During our own concerts, the backdrop was part of the set, so I had to wait till I got home to see how everything looked on the TV. I have to say that Groban and Clarkson and Lennox sounded absolutely fabulous live. However, the broadcast version didn't sound so good. Apparently the Disney Hall acoustics are very kind to live performances but the balance may not be so good for broadcast. Who knows. Anyway, Lennox brought the house down.

Mostly a great show. I'm glad we went.

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