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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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the City of Houston is going wireless citywide. Ya gotta love this place!
Bwah! Supposedly, all the coffee shops in San Francisco are going to offer free wireless, too! Unfortunately, there was an oil-truck accident on the Bay Bridge that resulted in a horrible explosion in the middle of the night (Amazingly, no one was killed. The driver escaped with second degree burns.) and there's no EASY way to get to San Fran now since some of the Bridge is melted, for crying out loud! (Ask me if I'm glad I no longer have the trans-Bay commute---go ahead, ask me!0

Ack! The Bay Bridge is melted! I'm so glad I don't have to commute to the city. I'll just happily live here until my house slides off into the Pacific ocean with the next great quake.

I think San Francisco is still arguing who is going to run the free Wi-Fi.

Clay looks very cute in those pictures. I'm glad he got to go see his mom compete in the dance competition. As for cousins getting married... my grandparents are first cousins and I'm okay... really... I am. Just ask Couchie!


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And I don't care if she's a blood cousin or not, if you grow up thinking of someone as your cousin, its would just be weird to think of them in a romantic way! Ewww! I am sure she is just there to support or Aunt Faye - or to do her hair!

Hee, yeah, I don't ship them at all. I can't imagine him introducing her as his cousin on stage (Word of the Day in Merrillville) if they are involved. Heck, I'm adopted, so no one in my family is blood related to me, but the thought of a romantic relationship with any of my "cousins" is just.......wrong. :P

I'm so happy that he's out and about and doing things, like the award the other night, and now this. As much as I like seeing the pics, sometimes I wish people would just let him fly under the radar, though.

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I just got in so I haven't checked around. Isn't the dark haired chick sitting on the other side of Clay Mary, or is it some other random lucky woman?

Wonder what Brett's Marine buddies think about him spending his Sunday afternoon at a Southern Womens' Show, watching ballroom dancing? Think they're waiting for Brack? :rolleyes:

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I just got in so I haven't checked around. Isn't the dark haired chick sitting on the other side of Clay Mary, or is it some other random lucky woman?

I thought so too. So....why doesn't SHE get shipped with Clay? I've always thought it would be funny if Clay and Mary were an item, just because she seems to be the one person in the "inner circle" who HASN'T been linked to Clay romantically.

Wonder what Brett's Marine buddies think about him spending his Sunday afternoon at a Southern Womens' Show, watching ballroom dancing? Think they're waiting for Brack? :rolleyes:
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Yeah, unless Mary's in Raleigh to work on tour planning or other career stuff, why would she be hanging out with Clay and his family on a Sunday afternoon? I would think she would actually live in LA or NYC unless all she does is Clay stuff now. Things that make you go Hmmm...

Oh wait. She's probably there to do Evil Clive's bidding... :5: Bwah ha ha ha!!!

ETA: Are we positive there is no longer any Mr. Jamie in the picture?

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I think Clay is such a sly dog that whoever he's seeing , he's hiding in plain sight. So Mary, Christy or Jamie. My gut tells me Jamie. I'm a hopeless shipper. She's gorgeous. They're cousins by marriage.

My gut tells me none of the above.

People, JAMIE IS HIS COUSIN!!!! Blood has nothing to do with it. They grew up as cousins!!

IF Clay has anyone, I bet its no one we know about. In fact, I HOPE its no one we know about. It would be nice to think he has one part of his private life that is truly private.

(And I don't think that's Mary.)

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My gut tells me none of the above.

People, JAMIE IS HIS COUSIN!!!! Blood has nothing to do with it. They grew up as cousins!!

IF Clay has anyone, I bet its no one we know about. In fact, I HOPE its no one we know about. It would be nice to think he has one part of his private life that is truly private.

On the cousin thing -- yeah, I agree with you. Cousin = family to me, by marriage or not. And I'd forgotten that she was married, which makes her even more off limits to me.

Yeah, I think it's probably none of the ladies mentioned too, and I would dearly love for him to have a relationship with a person that can be kept out of the fan's radar. At the same time, though -- I also think that "hiding in plain sight" is something that Clay could probably pull off. So, I'm really torn on this one. But then, I always just say -- as long has he's happy, I don't care.

(AndI don't think that's Mary.)

Compare this picture:


with this gif from the AI4 show (if it's working, let me know if it's not...):


I do think that's Mary.

And it scares me a bit that I can identify her. I know the people around Clay better than some of my own family!

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Now guys, tell me if y'all think this is funny:

some young Clay fans spoof an MTV spoof

Now I haven't seen the MTV show - but I found this hilarious. Especially their 1-800 number (1-800-CLAYISTHEGREATESTHUMANBEINGEVEREVEREVER) and the ring tone was invisible.

Oh, to be young and have YouTube at your disposal! When I think of the fun we could have had....That was funny. I wonder if they will grow up to do 5 hours lunches. Really, they are us....we have the ring tones and we aren't lacking in charm or enthusiasm.

Hee! I just remembered that my imaginary friend Lynda and I met two young girls in the restroom of the United Center during the IT in Chicago. The were Jaime and Brie and they were over the top, bouncing off the wall sugar high Claymates, all of 12 years old. We sooo cracked up at them. The conversation went as follows as per our BEVR of 4/4/04.....um...it's a Broad thing...

Lynda: In the Ladies restroom at the United Center, during Kelly's set... Karen and I are just about to leave when we make the acquaintance of Jaime & Brie. They're about 12 years old, adorable, they're on some kind of an ultra-sugar high and they're outfitted from head to toe with the latest in Clayfashion. They assault Karen & me...

Are you Claymates?

Well, um.......sort of......... I guess we are...... (Come on now people they were twelve, okay?)

We share a group hug at their insistence and it feels kind of okay to be included in the fold.

Either Jaime or Brie (because we never did find out who was who) says...

"OK, this is gross.......but do you ever look at his butt?"

Both Karen & I are surprised and trying so hard not to burst out laughing, but we nod our heads in unison, and think... "What's gross about it?!"

Jaime or Brie then continued......"Do you ever look for Waldo?"

It's a good thing we were in a bathroom, and not holding a beverage!! That was a spew-worthy question, coming from a 12 year old. But we showed incredible maturity and restraint. At this point, a mom approaches the girls, and Karen & I figure it's probably best not to introduce ourselves as Lecherous Broads. We may need the bail money later so we take our leave of Jaime and Brie. Time for another beer and as we sit by the concourse we see our young friends prowling the arena on a mission to hug every Claymate they find.

I wonder if they're still fans?

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Ok, its Mary. I didn't recognize her with her hair pulled back. But to be honest, I haven't memorized the faces of everyone in Clay's entourage. I only got to know Jamie's face from the Christmas clack.

I know. Bad, bad Clay fan. I hang my head in shame....

Now guys, tell me if y'all think this is funny:

some young Clay fans spoof an MTV spoof

Now I haven't seen the MTV show - but I found this hilarious. Especially their 1-800 number (1-800-CLAYISTHEGREATESTHUMANBEINGEVEREVEREVER) and the ring tone was invisible.

I thought that was hysterical! Hysterical and a little scary. All I could think of was they were probably spoofing their mothers!!

Is there really a show on MTV called The Claymate Show???

(My ring tone is "Touch"....)

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Are there any sales or presales I should be aware of for tomorrow? I think I need to check the credit card balances and see what I've been doing this month.....but I'm skeered. I wonder if next summer I'll be scoping out campgrounds instead of hotels in the area of a venue. The year after that I fear it will be park benches.....except I'm worried that the park benches will have to do even when there is no tour going on....totally doable because the City of Houston is going wireless citywide. Ya gotta love this place!

Newark has a presale Monday. I've already told Scarlett no but I said the same thing about Syracuse. I'm looking into selling a kidney just in case. I'm sure she's coming after you and KAndre next if she hasn't already.

Now I haven't seen the MTV show - but I found this hilarious. Especially their 1-800 number (1-800-CLAYISTHEGREATESTHUMANBEINGEVEREVEREVER) and the ring tone was invisible.

The number is part of the original skit which I didn't find to be particularly funny but the spoof is hysterical.

Ok, its Mary. I didn't recognize her with her hair pulled back. But to be honest, I haven't memorized the faces of everyone in Clay's entourage. I only got to know Jamie's face from the Christmas clack.

I know. Bad, bad Clay fan. I hang my head in shame....

Not as bad as me. I've spoken to her and I would still have problems picking her out of a police lineup.

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Yes, Claymates have enough of a reputation that MTV had created some sort of skit - I'm looking for it now - I'll bet the girls' version was funnier though.


Man, the research section of the eHP is incredible.

And the girls' spoof was much, much funnier.

Clay surgical attached to her head? $400,000 Clay tickets? Fifth row? A steal? Clay could breath and spit on you! makin' Clay babies!


I am the worst Clay fan. I'm afraid Clay's bucket hat disguise actually works on me.

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Woot! Alex's indoor soccer team won the league championship! First game (semi-finals) she had to play goalie 'coss the regular goalie had a track meet. Alex used to play goalie a few years ago, but hasn't played since then. She was nervous but did a super job! (Coach said he was surprised and happy to find out he had another goalie on the team!) Tight game but they won, 6-4, I think. Then a couple hours later, they played for the championship---very evenly matched teams. She played mid-fielder first half and forward the second half. At end of the regulation time, it was tied. Then sudden death! And Alex got a great pass from a teammate and kicked that ball into the corner of the goal for the win!

FUN! FUN! FUN! :medium-smiley-070:

Great weekend full of daughters' sports, and surprise casual-Clay Clack! Even planted some of the flowers today, too!

Night, all----hope you all had good weekends, too! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

(Above post brought to you by Exclamation Points 'R Us!!!!!!!!)

ETA: This is too bizarre. So know what I get to do first thing tomorrow? I get to drop by Mom's place just to get her teeth.

Yup. You read that right. I'm taking JUST HER TEETH to the dentist's office. On my way to work.

Life's weird, huh?

Edited by muskifest
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It's a new week with new songs for Rose Radio. They include tracks by America, Carmen Rasmusen, Chris Botti, Coldplay, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Harry Nilsson, Jay Soto, Jon McLaughlin, John Stevens, k.d. lang, Kelly Clarkson, Kurt Nilsen, Michael Buble, Simply Red, William Joseph and Yurko. Come listen and remember to flag your favorites as you listen. On Tuesday you can read more about this week's selections on the Rose Radio blog.


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OMG I just found this on the CH:

New York Daily News

Banks' deposit pays off

So we're back on good terms with Tyra Banks after a girlfriend complained on "The View" Thursday about our "dine and dash" item last week.

Banks later repaid the Brooklyn Diner, where she and Russell Simmons had inadvertently walked out on a $100 tab. The diner offered to make a donation this week to the charity of her choice.

"The Tyra Banks Show" host tells us she is going to direct the money to TZone, her foundation to empower teen girls, which runs an annual summer camp.

Coincidentally, after a busy Thursday that also included a Conan O'Brien interview, we're told Tyra stopped by Jean Georges for a fancy dinner with Clay Aiken.

And yes, they paid


at least this tells me they are friends!!!! Go Clay!!!

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OK, my head is :goaround: from all the permutations of shipping. I can totally get into the Clyra, though -- even without muski's help.

And, intrusive though it could be, I hope someone was able to do this: :foto:

I thought the OTT Claymate skit was fun-nee....because to me it seemed so TRUE, if that makes any sense.

muski, I love hearing about your daughter's successes on the sports field. Woohoo!


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I gotta disagree........I sure hope no one was there trying to take pictures. I really dislike the intrusive picture taking in private settings. I mean, it's one thing at a public event like yesterday's Women's Show in Raleigh, but another entirely, IMO, at the airport security counter or a restaurant where Clay is having dinner with friends, no matter if those friends are celebrities or unknowns.

Thing is, I get the impression that some fans want these things to be made public to prove that Clay is out with women (and by that, I do not mean anyone here!) Most others just think it would be cute, and I am sure it would be (and I'm not hypocritical enough to say I wouldn't right-click-and-save because I would), but if Clay wants to get pictures out to the tabloids that show him with women, he has ways and means to do that. I wish fans could just draw a line between being enthusiastic and being intrusive.

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Sorry for the post-whorring....

I gotta disagree........I sure hope no one was there trying to take pictures. I really dislike the intrusive picture taking in private settings. I mean, it's one thing at a public event like yesterday's Women's Show in Raleigh, but another entirely, IMO, at the airport security counter or a restaurant where Clay is having dinner with friends, no matter if those friends are celebrities or unknowns.

I know you're right, and I really do want him to have a private life, without the intrusion of the media or fans. And yet, I can't help feeling curious. I know, I know...curiosity killed the cat. *sigh* Life can be so hard sometimes.

Thing is, I get the impression that some fans want these things to be made public to prove that Clay is out with women (and by that, I do not mean anyone here!) Most others just think it would be cute, and I am sure it would be (and I'm not hypocritical enough to say I wouldn't right-click-and-save because I would), but if Clay wants to get pictures out to the tabloids that show him with women, he has ways and means to do that. I wish fans could just draw a line between being enthusiastic and being intrusive.
This, I'll totally agree with. I'm not wishing for picture because I need to see him with a woman -- as I said earlier, I'm just curious. I'm hoping that I DO know where that enthusiastic/intrusive line is; if I don't, I have plenty of friends (including y'all here) that will tell me, I'm sure.
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