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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


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31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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I swear, I 'm gonna start demanding a cut of the concert profits from that Mr. Sexy Pants..

Know how I told you I'd convinced a friend here to leave her husband and four children to fly to LA for the concert with us?


Tonight at Carrie's softball game, I saw another 'mom' who I discovered was a Clay fan during the summer two years ago. Our daughters are on different teams during hte reg. season but play on the summer tournament teams. Anyway, saw her tonight...I told her how I'd gotten my other friend to go and her eyes lit up. I said, "YOu come, too! Then L____ would have a flying buddy. I could get y'all at the airport Sat. and then we could all thud together at the concert.

I think she's gonna do it.... :Tour3: :TourExcite: Hee! I need to check with the person who arranged the block of seats I got my tix in to see if I can squeeze another seat out of her....otherwise, this newest one that "bit the dust" would have to sit 'alone'....but still...

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :TourExcite: :TourExcite:

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I'm a bit behind on the conversation, but I did want to say that I am definitely a fan of more than just Clay the singer. If that was the case, I would just buy the album and be on my merry way. But I am also a fan of Clay the performer, Clay the comedian, Clay the spokesperson, Clay the humanitarian. Sort of a holistic fan. He is just plain fascinating to me in all kinds of ways.

As for hair. It could be worse. When my brother was in his 30's, he decided to let his hair grow... and grow... and grow. He grew it until it was down to his waist. Then he cut it into a bad mullet... still to his waist. Then he got tired of it and shaved it all off. Unfortunately, he does not have the right shape of skull to pull off bald. Yikes! I think many fans heads would explode if Clay did that!

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I have to admit, I always though Clay, Ruben and Kim are just those deep friends who are there for each other...it's so sweeeeeeeet!

Congrats to lrdjocelyn - tell him power is a wonderful thing - if he decapitates a few, the rest will fall in line...

muski...girl, you are GOOD....

I can't even pretend to keep up with all the conspiracy theories any more...

And yes, I have been putting Tours in the Tour thread...and yes they might be all the ones I'm going too...and yes, it might seem a bit excessive...but it's not. Really. It's not like it's double digits or anything...Karen Eh's still ahead of me!

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jmh123 wrote:

Yup--those are the ones. Don't forget the one about how DAUGHTRY!!11 didn't really sell all those albums. RCA actually bought them all themselves so that he could take Clay's place,

Poor Daughtry!!11...they had to do that because they couldn't count on each of his fans buying 7 copies each....oh wait, that was 8...or was it 10? I forget, how many were we supposed to buy?

roseviolet wrote:

I'm a bit behind on the conversation, but I did want to say that I am definitely a fan of more than just Clay the singer. If that was the case, I would just buy the album and be on my merry way. But I am also a fan of Clay the performer, Clay the comedian, Clay the spokesperson, Clay the humanitarian. Sort of a holistic fan. He is just plain fascinating to me in all kinds of ways.

Or maybe a Gestalt fan since the whole is greater than the sum of his parts.

Love the way he comes together.

:TourExcite: Frisco is official now....He's booked into Waggin' Tales Pet Ranch for the night of the 4th. All the fine details are now complete. WOOF!

Am I really ahead of KAndre? Whee! Scarlett's either slipping or busy this week with other things. I am terribly bummed that I can't go to craft day at merrieeee's because my Mom is coming for a visit that overlaps that weekend. I'm hoping that the eHP will spend most of that day at Michael's figuring out what we need and we'll have to have another party.....er....I mean work day later. I think I have a need to prove that I can glue gun sequins, rhinestones and feathers with the best of them. (Well, I really can't but a girl can learn can't she?)

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I'm back - and I am pretty good and ready to do the good battle with Cary tomorrow - although I am waiting to find out what seats were in the hole last year. Not that I expect to get anything but lawn. - but they have jumbotrons - so it's OK. I had a lot of fun last year waiting on line all afternoon talking to new people who were not all on the boards.

Well as far as I know, row 2 is definitely in the "hole". What it boiled down to was that the security people did not stop anyone from walking up to the gap in between the front row and the barricades, to take pictures or just stand there and block everyone else's view. That gap is elevated. So there I was in the 2nd row, dodging heads, trying to see through them because I sure as hell couldn't see over them. Everyone in the front row of course stood up and also stood on the elevated area, because otherwise they wouldn't have been able to see, either.

Maybe things will be different this year and they won't allow it. I don't know, but I'm not counting on it.

Thanks for the KLo/Ruben clip! I love them both, but especially KLo, and am going to see her on June 1st in Dayton. My daughter brought home her new CD the other day so I am anxious to get it ripped to my iPod and have a listen.

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I bring you news !!! First here!!!!

Actually, I was reading a Ruben site - yes, I like to follow him and wish him well - so there is good news about Ruben, but then they interview Kim Loke and she goes on about the 3 buddies.


eta - I forgot = you have to click on the video or you would not know Clay was in it. heh.

EEEEEEEEEE! I missed this the first time, glad the rest of you quoted it so I'd find it! The friendship between the three of them seems so sweet and just so REAL, y'know? Thanks play for bringing that. I'm planning on getting KLo's album soon (probably in a huge Amazon order to get free shipping *g*).

BTW, thanks CG for bringing over the Clelly mention too. That made my heart swell a bit as well.

I think for me, I like the way he seems to inspire loyalty in his friends. He meets people and either they don't quite "figure him out," or else they get him immediately and become friends for life. And -- to me, anyway -- it seems that way in both his business and personal life (of course, not knowing how either of those really are, I'm again probably talking out of my butt). The business side is probably less likely, I know....but we've seen Mary by him almost from the beginning of his touring life. Also, all those tech people that he keeps thanking during his shows. Good for Clay -- and good for those around him too.

The Clocke, the Clangela, the Clyra--I'm not really into shipping, but when it enters my psyche there's a definite theme.

jmh, you are me. Heh.

ETA: AirTran Airways Inflight Magazine

Home Turf


After finding fame, this American pop singer has had the opportunity to travel the world, only to realize the city he truly loves is his hometown of Raleigh, North Carolina.

When does being named a “first runner-up” translate into becoming No. 1? Well, for Raleigh, North Carolina, native and pop musician Clay Aiken, it was when he took second place during season two of the reality TV show “American Idol.”

While Aiken, now 28, may have seen fellow Southerner Ruben Studdard win the contest by a narrow margin of votes, Aiken’s record sales have since shot to first place. His first solo album, Measure of a Man, debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 in 2003, then went double platinum and became the highest-selling debut album for a solo artist in a decade. Not fully satisfied with his success, Aiken’s Merry Christmas With Love album sold more than a million copies in six weeks and became the best-selling holiday album of 2004. Not only that, his book Learning to Sing; Hearing the Music in Your Life debuted at No. 2 on the New York Times Bestseller List in 2005. His latest album, A Thousand Different Ways, covers some of pop and rock ‘n’ roll’s greatest love songs.

Aiken may have become a global superstar in a scant three years, but he continues to call North Carolina, and the Raleigh area in particular, home. “I still live in the town where I grew up,” he says. “I like surrounding myself with people I know and love.” Aiken was winding up a successful US tour and happily heading home to Raleigh—nicknamed “The City of Oaks” because of its parks and public gardens—when we caught up with him.

In the last couple of years, you’ve had the opportunity to travel all over the world; how does Raleigh stack up?

Raleigh has all of the things one would find in a much larger city—great shopping, good nightlife, fantastic cultural arts. But at the same time it has a quaint, small-town feel. People aren’t in a hurry; they are focused on friendliness and quality of life. No other city I can think of does that.

Raleigh’s been ranked in almost every publication as one of the best places to live in the country. Here’s a little known fact: The Triangle (the three-city area of Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill, home to a large number of research science companies) has one of the highest number of PhDs per-capita of anywhere in the world. These are folks who work hard all week long and then head to the lake for the weekend and turn their Blackberries and cell phones off.

Any myths about Raleigh you’d like to set straight?

Well, first of all, Raleigh is the state capital… not Charlotte! I’ve had so many people introduce me as a “country guy” from a “small town,” and that always makes me laugh. The Raleigh area is home to over a million people, and it isn’t a “podunk” town; it is actually very progressive.

Are there any activities that you always do with out-of-town visitors?

The Governor’s Mansion (also known as the Executive Mansion) is the largest governor’s mansion in the country, and it has a lot of history. Prisoners actually built it back in the 1800s, and, as you walk the sidewalks around the block, you can see where many of them carved their names in the bricks.

And Krispy Kreme is a place I always take my guests. You can’t beat a hot glazed. So many people around the country are now hooked on Krispy Kreme since they have expanded nationwide, but we North Carolinians have enjoyed them for decades.

The South has a major reputation for its barbecues; what should visitors know about finding good barbecue in Raleigh?

Listen, we know how to eat in the South! First of all, in North Carolina, “barbecue” is a noun, not a verb. And, there are several types of barbecue. In western North Carolina, barbecue is pulled pork that is smothered in a tomato-based sauce. South Carolinians use a mustard-based sauce on their pork, but in Raleigh and eastward you’ll find pulled pork smothered in a vinegar and red pepper sauce. It cannot be beat. Pick any of the local barbecue joints— the older and more run down the restaurant, the better! —Betsy Model


More high res pictures from mee2u2 (set one) First post on page

More high res pictures from mee2u2 (set 2) Again, first post on page.

Don't post them at OFC, please!

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Y'all are mistaken. Don't you know that despite the newspaper articles, the website articles, and the TV and radio spots that have come up prior to this, all mentioning ATDW, we have NO idea what Clay's going to sing on this tour. NONE. Do not delude yourselves. These people are just extrapolating, they have no real information. The tour will be made up of nothing but songs from the new album, the one that Clay's going to announce on Kimmel next week. The orchestras are just going to be there on tour as set decoration. They aren't actually going to play. Clay will be performing rock songs with his rocking band. There will be No Covers. I know The Truth. I have Insider Connections. (I read all the hater blogs.) It's Spring. Clay said so. Trust me. onFire.gif

Veeeeery in-ter-est-ing .... and are these the same sources that believe the new album will consist of songs from the original album that Clay wasn't allowed to release because it was too good ... with a tracklist full of sure-fire big time radio hits that weren't allowed to see the light of day, or be heard on radio, because all the songs would have been mega-hit successful? The resurrected phantom album that Clay needs to get released before RCA gives the songs away to other artists they like better? What must these "insiders" think now that RCA is promoting ATDW on radio, both the album and tour? That RCA now wants Clay to keep on doing love song covers because they are scared he may threaten the popularity of Foo Fighters with a new edgy, rocking sound? I just can't keep all the theories straight anymore -- they have morphed, revised, and disappeared and reappeared too many times. But mostly these theories seem to be conveniently forgotten just as soon as disproven. I still don't get the point. And I can't believe they're still at it.

Yup--those are the ones. Don't forget the one about how DAUGHTRY!!11 didn't really sell all those albums. RCA actually bought them all themselves so that he could take Clay's place, that AIW was solely for the purpose of luring Clay's fans to the stores to buy DAUGHTRY's album, that Clay was forced to do covers so that he couldn't compete with DAUGHTRY!!11. I just read a post today that said we have No Idea what Clay will be singing on tour.

"Conveniently forgotten just as soon as disproven" is right--well said.

Hard to believe they are still at it. Even harder to believe that some fans still believe their bullshit and continue to help spread the manure. Doesn't say much for their IQ quotient does it? :cryingwlaughter:

With health issues happening in my real life, I was afraid I may have to cancel my concert plans and miss out on the tour this year. It appears things are looking up and heading in a positive direction. It is now looking like I might get to go after all. I'm sooooo ready to party down in Tulsa.

Thank all of you for all your words of encouragement and for keeping my husband & I in your thoughts and prayers.

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Oh my heavens - I frickin' LOVE that Air Tran article! I used to HATE how people would imply "oooh, now he can except the naivity that is the county and get some sophication and eduation and be exposed to some real civilization".

Though he's delusional about the barbecue. That's where he goes wrong - in Texas, barbeque is a NOUN and a VERB and a way of LIFE. If you have to discuss "sauce" with your barbeque...KAndre just tsk tsks. Sauce should be nothing but an enhancement - the meat is ALL.

Clay, you know I love you - but I gotta stand with Kelly on this.


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Though he's delusional about the barbecue. That's where he goes wrong - in Texas, barbeque is a NOUN and a VERB and a way of LIFE. If you have to discuss "sauce" with your barbeque...KAndre just tsk tsks. Sauce should be nothing but an enhancement - the meat is ALL.

Clay, you know I love you - but I gotta stand with Kelly on this.


Bwah! Yeah I'm with you too! Silly boy. heee

Clayzorback, I'm glad things are "looking up."

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Heh...I grew up in western North Carolina and barbecue but I'll be damned if I know what kind, if any sauce it was made with. I just know it was freakin' delicious. I lived for those times we'd just forget about my grandmother cooking something and we'd get barbecue sandwiches from Tommy's Drive In. Lawd Jesus! (fans self, thinking of tasting Tommy's barbecue...then takes a moment and fans self again as stream of consciousness leads muski to thinking about Clay eating barbecue then a Clay sandwich with Clay sauce and then.... :hubbahubba: )

Clazorback, good to see you again and I hope things are looking up for you and your hubby!

Friends, I'm a freakin' bitch at home. I can't stop harping on my kids; they probably wonder what kind of demon has possessed their mother. Irritable, angry, resentful---I'm just chomping at the bit to whoop some ass all the time these days. I'm not fun to be around.

Whew. Thank you, Dr. Phil, for letting me vent.

Soooooo....how's it hangin', y'all? :blush:

Edited by muskifest
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Muski, I know perfectly well that many would consider me the mother from hell - because I could be irritable, angry and resentful a LOT of the time - because I'm, whatdya call it, human? It happens. My kid still likes me. Most of the time. Hell, I still like him. Most of the time. My only real problem is when the irritability, anger and resentfulness is one sided (only children are allowed or only parents are allowed). And I'll lay even odds that in your case it's not.

Oooh, Claygasm - sweet corn off the grill is just this side of heaven! Though you have now engendered in me a strong desire to hand one of my uncles a container of tofu and say "go for it". I can duck really quick!

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I bet barbeque tofu would be good! You could make tofu kabobs! Of course, you have to be sure the sauce has no dead animal ingredients in it....

And the corn sounds great. I adore corn on the cob.

Just saw this picture at the CH. Its from when he was at WNYC for the Leonard Lopate show. Look at those teeth glow!


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I swear, that man is getting downright obscene--what with not wearing tee shirts under a light-colored shirt. I might have to spank him for that.

Oh wouldn't you just love to have the chance! :D

Now, if only he would leave at least one more button undone (and grow back his beard.....)!

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God, he's so beautiful. I've been remiss for a few days. Got a show coming up at the annual park celebration.. I've been working on an interactive piece about wetlands and all the critters for kids to get into with me. African drums and African dance/based movement is so perfect for this stuff. Wish y'all could come and dance with me.

Cary sucked. I'll wait for tomorrow. But I will be there! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Boy, he better do ATDW, I'm dying to hear those songs live with full orchestra. The only song I don't like is IWKWLI- the original is much better.

But other than ickiliwikili, the arrangements and his singing are sophisticated and subtle.

:TourExcite: Huggin' y'all- can I get one back please? :Tour3:

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Huggin' y'all- can I get one back please?

Anytime, you cute little hat-wearing, star-gazing, Tarot-reading, African dance-dancing, lovely lady! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :elephanthugs::hugs-1: :big hug: :garfieldodie-grouphug: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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:hugs-1: to all that need them -- and isn't that really all of us? But I know there are days when special ones are needed too....right Diva? Clayzorback?

I love that picture of Clay at the radio station. In a way, he looks like he's a 12 year old trying to pull of a "grownup" look ("hey, I'm a big boy." Yes, muski, that's for you...it's a freebie). But at the same time, I love his smile -- he simply glows and radiates joy, and it's infectious. Love him.

EEEEEEEEEEEEE for rcknrllmom! :TourExcite: :TourExcite: I'll be seeing you there! All I have to do is get tickets to Tulsa and then make changes to my original flights (grumble grumble), and I'm ready to go!

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Huggin' y'all- can I get one back please?

Anytime, you cute little hat-wearing, star-gazing, Tarot-reading, African dance-dancing, lovely lady! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :elephanthugs::hugs-1: :big hug: :garfieldodie-grouphug: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I know.. Diva you are one interesting woman...I would love to meet you one day....I would love to meet y'all cos we are so diverse...certainly no hive mind here.

Muski...ITA with Kandre...I know I can be pretty grouchy and tough mom too...but in the end we have a lot of two way communication. I let them complain about me and we get to clear the air.

loved that article...I love his answers...very articulate, raleigh is so lucky to have his support.

That picture is too cute.

the poddies...hee too predictable...

((((Clayzorback and family))))) keep us posted and I;m so glad you will be able to go to Tulsa...lots of FCAers there...you guys ought to meet up somewhere.

(((ticket buyers)))

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I love you guys- I needed that hug today. So who's gonna be at Philly, Knoxville, Cary(^&*((&!!!!) or Asheville? Cause I need to squish each and every one of you!

Clay's teefs are all adjusted to his face now. Those first ones must've been temps or something. He looks gorgeous. :rainbowsmile:

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Clay's teefs are all adjusted to his face now. Those first ones must've been temps or something. He looks gorgeous.

I was thinking the same thing, Diva! These aren't so beautiful and humongous....just beautiful. heh.

And Claygasm is going to be at Philly! You two MUST arrange a meeting! :Tour3:

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Pretty dude up there in that photo....do we know him from somewhere? Hee! What ever incarnation these teeth are they sure suit him well now. They look delightfully lickable. But dayum! That's a cute smile all over.

Unlike my expression after the Cary presale this morning, that was a bad one. Nothing...nada...zilcho mundo....oh well....I'll take one of those hugs and move on. :Tour4:

God, he's so beautiful. I've been remiss for a few days. Got a show coming up at the annual park celebration.. I've been working on an interactive piece about wetlands and all the critters for kids to get into with me. African drums and African dance/based movement is so perfect for this stuff. Wish y'all could come and dance with me.

Divayenta, I saw you dance one night in the stands. I believe it was in St. Paul. Lynda and I were on the other side of the arena on the floor about 4 rows back from the stage, and there you were in the stands with Lorelei. Shakin' your bootays and having such a blast. I didn't know where to look.....Clay's on the stage a few feet in front of me but I'm turning around to look at you most of the time! I know it's not the same kind of dancing and all that, but it was no less celebratory that's for certain.....and, well, there was probably something woodsie and plenty of wetlands in the area that night anyway.

Did I miss some discussion somewhere about what Clay will be singing on tour? Or did I just blank out again? *Sigh* I think he will sing songs on his tour.....a nice touch would be the phone books local to the area of each concert but then we'd just polarize over the yellow pages verses the white. And those Southern Californians would get the longest concerts! Yikes! NO FAIR!

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