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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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Happy belated birthday to Clayzorback and anyone else I have missed in the last little while. Also, long overdue {{{hugs}}} to merrieeee - so glad to hear your eye surgery went well.

Excuuuuuuuse me, the lack of LAA love is heresy, not blasephemy, thankyuuverrrymuch. IYDKMBY is my song. Along with Broken Wings. And Everything I have. I'll stop now.

*puts on bling covered boxing gloves* Fight! I thought those were MY songs. Ah...maybe I should take off the gloves...as long as no one attempts to take HYCA from me, I'm cool.

And everyone can just STEP AWAY from Right Here Waiting becoss it's mine all mine! :wub:

Wow, trying to choose my favourite song from AI2 is like asking me to choose between my children. I love them all. I'm probably in the minority who would love it if he sang some of them on tour. My sentimental favourite has to be Solitaire, because that was the performance that really knocked my socks off and opened my eyes to what a great talent he had....but I also have a soft spot for TITN and the way he performed it the first time....complete with what I call the "wild" eyes afterwards. He was just over the moon that night. I was so happy for him, having a song to call his own.

I would love it if we got some more info on the tour tomorrow, when he appears on Kimmel. I've read some conflicting reports around different boards about Quiana, Angela & Felix, and whether or not they have bookings that conflict with Clay's tour schedule. However, I'm cool with whatever he wants to talk about. I can't wait to find out what he and Jimmy have in store for us this time.

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I give up. Five million mods on this board and nobody tells us about Clayzorback's birthday yesterday. Honestly, is it too much to ask to just do.your.jobs.????? :angry22: :whistling-1:

Happy Belated, C'Back! :bday2:

Well, my last day in Denver today. Boss got in late last night and today we scour the hotel and take notes and pictures and figure out the logistics for our conference in November. It's another beautiful day and it was great to see my Denver Dames last night. I might have talked all three into coming to Cali. for at least ONE of the FourPlay! :TourExcite:

So I listened to last night's AI offerings. Gawd. Blake needs to go home.

Ooops! Wrong thread....

Heard about severe flooding in the middle of the country and then the fire in So. Cal. Made me think of all the natural disasters happening all the time all over the world that we never even become aware of. Nobody's exempt from chance, huh?

Profundity in the early morning is not my forte. I bow to others more erudite. :sickyet:

Later, peeps! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ETA: Oh, and luckiest? You'll get no fight with me over RHW...nope--please take it! And KAndre, you can have EIH and not worry about making me cry. Just you all make sure that you step.away.from.my.LNM and nobody will get hurt. I FLOVE that song! :wub:

Edited by muskifest
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I give up. Five million mods on this board and nobody tells us about Clayzorback's birthday yesterday. Honestly, is it too much to ask to just do.your.jobs.????? :angry22:

You know, when you get back we're going to have to have a little chat. We've been seeing mad angry emoticon a little too much lately. heee.

Happy Birthday Clayzorback. Unfortunately we can't bestow our mods with psychic powers so people, fill out the little birthday information or I'll have Muski to deal with..

Oh Clayzorback -- glad your husband is feeling good enough to "ring the bell." heee. And don't feel guilty when on the fiftieth ring you want to ring something of his. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Fire still raging in Griffiths Park...they said 40% contained..looks like the acreage that has burned doubled while I was sleeping and they have a long day of fighting that fire in not the best of conditions to come. I just pray they get it under control... our firestorm here was seemingly under control at one point as well, then a perfect storm of weather conditions ... don't even want to think about that!

Profundity in the early morning is not my forte. I bow to others more erudite. :sickyet:

No not quite yet!! Have a safe flight home.

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carefully hides the kidnapped Right Here Waiting under her bed...and walks away whistling...just to drag LNM behind her, pull out a spork and threaten Muski with it....MINE, I tell ya! MINE!

I would be bouncing with joy to hear everything from AI2 - except Somewhere Out There (not even Clay can make me like it) or Here, There, Everythere (not even Clay can make me like it). I would put a contract out on people to hear full versions of TLS, BMUB, EL and ICNAFM.

remembers she's a mod

Happy Birthday to everyone for the next 365 days!

OK, that should cover it!

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carefully hides the kidnapped Right Here Waiting under her bed...and walks away whistling...just to drag LNM behind her, pull out a spork and threaten Muski with it....MINE, I tell ya! MINE!

I would be bouncing with joy to hear everything from AI2 - except Somewhere Out There (not even Clay can make me like it) or Here, There, Everythere (not even Clay can make me like it). I would put a contract out on people to hear full versions of TLS, BMUB, EL and ICNAFM.

remembers she's a mod

Happy Birthday to everyone for the next 365 days!

OK, that should cover it!

BWAH...and for that you can have EL and ICNAFM. Clay and I don't have the same taste. But unlike KAndre he makes me like it anyway. Moreso on tour when I listen to it a dozen times. Mandy anyone? Anyway. don't mess with the Here, THere and Everywhere. IT'S MINE ALL MINE.

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...but I also have a soft spot for TITN and the way he performed it the first time....complete with what I call the "wild" eyes afterwards. He was just over the moon that night. I was so happy for him, having a song to call his own.

Ooooo, forgot about that one. I too have a soft spot for TITN, cheesy lyrics and all. I'll never forget that night, when he did that last "Lift me up," in that soft voice -- the change from power to soft, and then back to power, gave me goosebumps.

Just thought of sumptin' -- I'm hoping he does TITN on the tour. I think I'd really love to hear that song with an orchestra backing him. If the arrangement works, that is....I think that will be the key for doing some of his older, MOAM songs with the orchestra. Any ideas on what songs will work best with the strings backing him? MOAM is an obvious choice. I'm still chuckling at the thought of Invisible like this...but I wouldn't put it past him either.

Almost forgot this too -- couchie, your theory of him singing LAA as a "challenge" is very interesting. I think the song may be too personal for him...but if he could conceivably try to sing it as a way to open his soul a bit more, I would be so very proud of him. We'll just have to see.

I would love it if we got some more info on the tour tomorrow, when he appears on Kimmel. I've read some conflicting reports around different boards about Quiana, Angela & Felix, and whether or not they have bookings that conflict with Clay's tour schedule. However, I'm cool with whatever he wants to talk about. I can't wait to find out what he and Jimmy have in store for us this time.
Me neither! I'm looking forward to it! I will be in front of the big screen, laptop at the ready!

I give up. Five million mods on this board and nobody tells us about Clayzorback's birthday yesterday. Honestly, is it too much to ask to just do.your.jobs.????? :angry22: :whistling-1:

Hey couchie! Don't we need a "birthday" mod? I think muski just volunteered!

Is it so mean of me to push season 2 on the unsuspecting kids of IDF? They really believe no one can sing the Beegees.

Mean? Hell no! I think it should be enlightening to them. I loved BeeGees night during AI2 -- thought it was a great night for all 4 contestants, and I still pull out the final four medley from the results night.

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Just caught up after having been absent for a few days due to 19 year old son being home briefly for a visit at the same time that I've been plagued with some migraines. Have checked in a bit here and there, but haven't posted.

I was most interested in the discussion about the interview on Monday Clay did about Afghanistan and IGB. I was surprised that no one here expressed the feelings and concern I had immediately upon reading it, which was "Oh dear, Here he goes again....expressing himself in such a way that he's going to be seen as arrogant and full of himself instead of articulating his opinion in a way that might not piss off a bunch of people."

I was reminded of other interviews, like the "rotting souls in LA" interview.

I agreed with much of what Clay said, but wish he had said it in a different way - one that didn't dismiss as

"totally remiss" or "doing no service" the efforts of IGB which raised $70 million which will clearly help save lives, feed children, give vaccinations, and who knows what else. I didn't love IGB's approach either and completely understand what Clay is saying, but to be honest I think Clay's motives are not pure, and I may get jumped on here, but Clay has been making negative statements about AI all season long - statements that make no sense at all. It seems he has an ax to grind. He is hurting his own image here by looking petty and critical. When you criticize people who are trying to do good, it only makes you look bad, no matter how much sense you are making.

AN IDOL GIVES BACK...HIS OPINION: Another star who acheived fame on TV is reportedly not as enthusiastic about the show that gave him his big break. YAHOO MUSIC interviews ex-"Idol" runner-up Clay Aiken, who says that the "Idol Gives Back" benefit special did not do a satisfactory job of aiding Africa, despite the millions of dollars raised. "You take a look at something like 'Idol Gives Back,' and you realize that the main piece of information we got is that people are hungry in Africa, but we didn't find out why they are hungry in Africa and we didn't find out where in Africa they are hungry, nor did we find out the major causes," he is quoted as saying. "Without the education about what's going on in the country, we're doing no service except for perpetuating that same stereotype that Africa, or any other country in the world, is lesser than the U.S., and we're in the role that we have to give to them."

And hey, Clay, Africa's a continent... Not a country.

Let's just hope this doesn't get a lot of press.

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What a gorgeous day here! Too bad I can only watch it from the window....

I have read lots of debates on whether Angela was with Kelly on Letterman last night. I went to YouTube and watched the performance and toward the end they do a close-up where you can see the singer in question pretty clearly and I don't think its Angela. What do you all think?

By the way, I may be alone in the Clay Nation, but I really like the song! She's really into it live. She said in the interview on the Today show (also on YouTube - what did we do before YouTube??) that she wrote it two years ago. I bet it was cathatic for her. I bet it will do really well.

I have never understood all the Kelly hate that exists in this fandom. I know some of her fans were mean and nasty concerning Clay but some of Clay's fans are the same toward Kelly! Kelly can't control her fans anymore than Clay can! Why hate her - and they do hate HER, not just her music - because of what a few of her fans do? We complain all the time about people forming opinions of Clay because of the perception of some of his fans. If its not fair to him, then its not fair to her. Not everyone will like her music - and that's ok. Just like its ok for people to not like Clay's music. But the venom I see spewed at her about her as a person - the judgements they pass on her - are just so mean spirited and unfair. I just can't understand their attitude especially considering Kelly has stood up for Clay in more than one interview, publically declared him her favorite Idol and they are obviously good friends. If she is such a bad person, why would Clay be good friends with her?

I think jealousy has A LOT to do with their attitude. Kelly is a bonafide super star who has sold many, many more albums than Clay, who has had tons more radio play and who has won awards and has been accepted in the music industry. But jealousy is never pretty. I know more than a few of Clay's fans are hoping this album bombs big time. Many keep saying she didn't really write all those songs - maybe just a line or two. How do they know this?? How much of LNM did Clay write? Probably very little but yet no one rips him for that! I have seen fans call her a slut and that she has no morals. If Clay read some of the things his fans say about his friend, I bet he would be none too pleased! Of course, I have even read some who think that Kelly isn't really a true friend of Clay's!

Why can't people just accept that there can be more than just Clay in the music world? Why even compare Clay and Kelly? They have vastly different styles. They are not in competition with each other! Why condemn her for what a few of her fans say about Clay? If you don't like her music that's one thing. That I can understand - even though I actually like a lot of it. But to rip into her as a person? That I don't get.

And its odd, because I have always found her cute and adorable and funny and charming in interviews. I have always loved the friendship she and Clay seem to have. If I ever had any doubts about Kelly (which I never had), I trust Clay's judgement of people and if he cares about her then that speaks volumes to me.

Now that that rant is over, THE GREEK BETTER NOT BURN DOWN!!!!! Between the fires and the droughts and the tornados and the fact that we already have our first named storm of the season, isn't it about time to pay attention to Al Gore and the others about global warming??? Did anyone see "An Inconvenient Truth"? If not run, don't walk, to your nearest video rental store and rent it. Its extremely well done and very eye-opening.

Boy, I'm on a rant roll today, aren't I?



Just caught up after having been absent for a few days due to 19 year old son being home briefly for a visit I agreed with much of what Clay said, but wish he had said it in a different way - one that didn't dismiss as

"totally remiss" or "doing no service" the efforts of IGB which raised $70 million which will clearly help save lives, feed children, give vaccinations, and who knows what else. I didn't love IGB's approach either and completely understand what Clay is saying, but to be honest I think Clay's motives are not pure, and I may get jumped on here, but Clay has been making negative statements about AI all season long - statements that make no sense at all. It seems he has an ax to grind. He is hurting his own image here by looking petty and critical. When you criticize people who are trying to do good, it only makes you look bad, no matter how much sense you are making.

I agree with this except the axe to grind part because other than the remark that he wasn't watching it this year because he didn't want to get sucked in (which was kind of a compliment in that it implied how addictive that show is), when has he made any statements about AI, much less negative ones? I miss a lot sometimes, but I only remember him ever referring to AI twice - the time he said he wasn't watching and when he was asked about Sanjaya.

I honestly think Clay, because of his experiences, is approaching the whole IGB concept from sort of a snobby point of view. He sees things differently and forgets that most of the public hasn't had his experiences. I think that had a part in what he said.

The other thing I would bet money on is that interview was edited and he may have said other things that wouldn't have made it sound like he was belittling the IGB effort. He may have said something that he thinks its wonderful that they, along with all their corporate sponsers, were able to raise such an incredible amount of money that will help so many who need it BUT just raising the money isn't enough and then proceeded into his lecture. If it is not edited and all he is doing in passing judgement on IGB I have to say I want to tell him to get off his high horse and start seeing things like the common person does. I think he may have lost sight of that.

Edited by Claygasm
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I was most interested in the discussion about the interview on Monday Clay did about Afghanistan and IGB. I was surprised that no one here expressed the feelings and concern I had immediately upon reading it, which was "Oh dear, Here he goes again....expressing himself in such a way that he's going to be seen as arrogant and full of himself instead of articulating his opinion in a way that might not piss off a bunch of people."

I was reminded of other interviews, like the "rotting souls in LA" interview.

I agreed with much of what Clay said, but wish he had said it in a different way - one that didn't dismiss as

"totally remiss" or "doing no service" the efforts of IGB which raised $70 million which will clearly help save lives, feed children, give vaccinations, and who knows what else. I didn't love IGB's approach either and completely understand what Clay is saying, but to be honest I think Clay's motives are not pure, and I may get jumped on here, but Clay has been making negative statements about AI all season long - statements that make no sense at all. It seems he has an ax to grind. He is hurting his own image here by looking petty and critical. When you criticize people who are trying to do good, it only makes you look bad, no matter how much sense you are making.

I would have to disagree with you. I think Clay expressed himself very well about his issues with IGB. He is not the first to express similar sentiments and I'm not sure why he can't express his opinion in the manner he did. He was a lot more respectful towards them then what Simon's comment was about Clay's use of Paxil or Ryan's mocking of Clay's trip to Afghanistan. I would also have to disagree with others who feel that Clay was being naive about education vs. awareness. Both are needed, but education leads to awareness. It addresses the deeper issues that lead more to the cure rather than just treating the symptoms. If anything, his comments strike me as being the opposite of naive.

But then again, I totally agreed with him about the "rotting insides" (not "rotting souls") comment too. I just don't think it is necessary for him to always couch his statements to be totally non-controversial. One, it would be impossible and also, it would make him very boring!

On another note, for anyone who has been following my Rose Radio Blog and were expecting to read yesterday about the new adds to the playlist for the week, I apologize for being a day late. However, the new blog is now up if you were anticipating reading it!

That is, of course, assuming that anyone is actually reading the thing. :eusa_whistle:

And as far as I'm concerned, LAA is one of the best songs ever... and not just because it is Clay's song. It strikes me right in the heart and relates to some of my deepest feelings. I love it.

Like I just love this emoticon, Couchie!


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Totally, sorry to hear about your migraines....I know what that can be like. Yuck.

Here's my take on your theories, though: I actually just laugh and admire him all the more when he says stuff like that. Why? Because it shows to be that he's simply not afraid to piss people off, just by stating his opinion. I was emailing with someone yesterday about this, and we both agreed that Clay has every right to state his feelings on certain topics, whether we concur with him or not. As a matter of fact, to me it shows me that he has a really hawt brain, you know?

Also, I've heard of at least one instance where a person (not a Clay fan) offered to eat their words about things they had said about Clay, because of this interview. They really liked his chutzpah. "Balls of titanium," for sure.

Image? I think Clay's image is the LAST thing on his mind, especially when he talks about UNICEF. Again, that's another thing I really, really love about him -- he really just doesn't care what others think of him.

As far as his talking about AI goes -- I don't think he has an ax to grind. For what? I think it may just be more of him finally being a bit tired of getting asked about AI, when he'd rather talk about UNICEF, or the BAF, or whatever project he's promoting at the moment. And I really don't think he was criticizing their ENTIRE effort, it was just that they could have done MORE.

CG, I hear ya on Kelly too. I personally think that she lives up to her nickname of Yelly once in a while, and I also think that she comes off during interviews as an airhead. But I've never really doubted that Clay likes her, and she him.

"An Inconvenient Truth" rocks!


The other thing I would bet money on is that interview was edited and he may have said other things that wouldn't have made it sound like he was belittling the IGB effort. He may have said something that he thinks its wonderful that they, along with all their corporate sponsers, were able to raise such an incredible amount of money that will help so many who need it BUT just raising the money isn't enough and then proceeded into his lecture. If it is not edited and all he is doing in passing judgement on IGB I have to say I want to tell him to get off his high horse and start seeing things like the common person does. I think he may have lost sight of that.

CG, I'll agree with you on the first part of this. We really don't know everything that was said in this interview. It's a problem that happens all the time when he's talking about RCA, right? *g* But the second part, we're gonna have to agree to disagree. I think, if anything, by stating what he did, he CHALLENGED at least a few of "the common people" to think about it a bit more, rather than take things at face value. It's something I have to struggle with all the time as a person who works with community college students -- do we teach to the "lowest common denominator," or do we try to challenge them and hope that a few rise up? I personally believe in the latter, and I get a feeling that Clay does too. Sure, it may lose a bunch of people along the way, but those that "get it" -- boy, the appreciate it later. JMO.

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I thought Clay was very intelligent in his remarks on IGB - but I understand where most of the public is not used to reading things in context, but only want easy sound bites (see one of my political rants about the news sometimes!) and needs to have pap comments - well, my fandom is fed by my needs and if someone wants to read something into what Clay said - that is their problem, not mine

Kelly - I do have an old grudge against Kelly, I assure you I will never go to a concert by that girl - during the IT the bass setting was so high, my chest actually hurt during her concert, it felt like my chest was being compressed by the noise - of course I sat in the first 10 rows each time - so....I could have given up my good seats - I really should have left the auditorium, I braved it out - but have come to the conclusion that there are some people I am never meant to watch live.

Also, not so fond of her music, especially the new single or her attire - it is my right to have this opinion and it has nothing to do with Clay - you should see the list of people I don't enjoy! And then there is a list of people I do enjoy that you probably would not like. That is taste for you.

AI - well, I am done with it again - I watched it last night because I enjoyed BeeGees night on AI2, but last night sucked as much as the other nights I watched and I don't have time for it - they really needed Sanjaya on it, at least he had the joy of performing that seems to be missing this year. Not to mention that the judges think thwt if you sing half a song on Key you have done really well. Bah! shows sucks and I am out of there - I think Clay's no comment (probably because it was a UNICEF interview) is more polite than anything I could say. I do think it is funny that no one is saying this is the best year ever - hee!

Edited by playbiller
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I'm not in Clay's world but that rotting insides comment I really understood it. A lot of fans took that personally but I bet everybody playing the game in Hollywood understood exactly what he meant. And so many celebrities have said the same thing. I thought he was quite diplomatic with regards to IGB. He's a big boy - he's been handling fallout for the past 4 years, even the he's ungrateful mantra.

As for Kelly, her singing is not my style. Sometimes she grates. But she can sing. I think she is one of the best young singers out there. Do I think she can stop the venom that spreads out of her main message board, where the mods are the biggest bashers and at one point her best friend's husband was leading the campaign against Clay? Yes, I think one word from her would have made a difference. But I don't go around yelling it from the rooftops nor do I think about her 24/7. Kelly Clarkson simply doesn't exist to me. It's funny, but unless I'm in my sister's car that she tunes to the godawful radio Disney, I don't hear Kelly. I don't read her threads on Clay boards etc. But I wish NO idol failure. I see the Daughtery hate though and I've experienced the Fantasia hate. And even KLO hasn't been immune. Don't really get it.

And Play, yep you don't have to like every idol because you're a Clay fan. I mean I wouldn't spend a penny on most of them - however, much of it is directly related to Clay and what they have and why not him etc. With Fantasia, being Clive's "it girl" for a hot minute was realy irksome to so many.

Although I will admit I wish that when people aren't really fans of Clay anymore I wish they would go away from his fan boards and stop popping out only when their feelings are hurt cuz somebody thinks their new love sucks. See I'm not perfect heee.

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Eh, Kelly. I feel about her the same way I feel about Nelly Furtado - just don't care and she doesn't cross my mind.

On Clay and his comments on IGB: if I struggle, I can sort of see how people could take what Clay said as arrogant and full of himself...but it really is a struggle because I probably come across as twenty times as arrogant as Clay does - and possibly with less reason. It probably doesn't help that I agree with a lot of what he says. I took the "rotting insides" remark to refer to the entertainment industry and was surprised that some people took it personally - it's not exactly a unique perspective about "Hollyweird". As for AI this year? I recall 3 throwaway comments, none of which really shook my notion that Clay deep down really likes AI (and this year just really sucks).

Hell, couchie, you're not perfect??!?!? You should have told me!

I wish people who fall out of Clay love would just take themselves away from the clay boards...hell, you really can talk to your friends in other ways...

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I watched an interview with Bob Geldof on local PBS over the weekend and he said more or less the same thing that Clay said ... but in many more words -- that the point is not to just send money to feed the hungry and stop there. As Clay would say ... "pat me on the back and give me a cookie." The point is to determine why there is no food, or why the people can't get to where it is, and strike at the root causes of the hunger and deprivation. The old adage about "don't give a man a fish, give him a fishing pole and teach him to fish" doesn't hold up if there's an army surrounding the pond shooting at anyone trying to fish. I understand what Clay is saying ... he's saying don't just treat the symptoms, diagnose the problem and treat the systemic causes. And he's exactly right, of course. I've read a lot of comments about wishing Clay would hook up with this person or that, but after listening to an hour of Geldof, I sure hope Clay meets up with him one day. I found Geldof to be incredibly high on honesty, low on ego, and extremely inspiring.

If Clay loses a fan or two because he takes a stand for something he believes in deeply, it will balance out with picking up fans who admire his strength and determination. Clay may have been a nerd in his past life, but he's wasn't a milquetoast and I don't expect he ever will be. I think I've been saying this for as long as I've been on the boards, but I am convinced that record sales is NOT the most important thing in Clay Aiken's life -- maybe not even second or third. The man just loves to educate!

And as far as Clay being political goes .... in my opinion, EVERYTHING is political. One can play or sit on the bench, but if you get in the game, it's political.

I saw Kelly on Letterman last night and enjoyed the live performance much better than the video. I didn't care for the song when I first heard it, but I thought she sold it last night. Thing is, I don't think this is a song that will be that listenable after a jillion plays -- I think it will age quickly once the novelty of the line "bet it sucks to see my face everywhere" wears off. But I reallly like it that she's pushing her own material, whether it's great or whether it's crap, she deserves the opportunity to put it out there and give it a shot.

{{{{Clayzorback}}}} ... yesterday was your birthday ... and I didn't know it?? I would have baked a cake! Okay, well I won't miss it again, M'Dear. :00003653: :balloons::partytime: :00000441: :09:

Hope you had a great day. But I ithink you should have a Birthday Week ... that's my style!

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WOW you have all been such post HO's the last few days!!! I can't believe I am having a hard time keeping up...so forgive this long catch up post...

first of all...



So glad your Hubby is feeling better.

Merrieee glad your eye surgery went well


Claygasm...I do agree that as a whole the IGB was a great way to raise awareness and that the 70 M will go a long way to help a lot of organizations that actually have a lot of experience giving the help like the organization couchie mentioned that received 6M. I also enjoyed about 80% of that show that night. BUT I do agree with what Clay is saying because I think AI wasted a golden opportunity to educate people by going the sensationalistic route with their Africa clip. Now IGB is not the only charity that relies on this tactic...but after seeing the way UNICEF does their clips I can see how such clips can be done in an educational way and being careful to preserve the dignity of the people they are trying to help and not exploiting their plight for good TV or more sympathy.

I am certainly very proud of Clay and agree 100% on the importance of not just education for the people in these countries...but also education for the people in the US and Canada with regards to World issues. I am happy that not only is he very very smart...but is very bold in speaking his mind and using his voice to make a difference. I suspect his words will probably be used to create some controversy...and I'm sure he knows that but he still will say what he thinks.

the solitaire hissy fit???BWAH!!! thanks for sharing that story.

Hee Play...good job on IDF...that BeeGees AI2 episode was certainly memorable. I thought Klo was not that strong that night but Clay was just fantastic...and Ruben too was great. Josh TLS was so different than Clay's and stands on its own IMO. Clay's was more memorable...but Josh did a great and heartfelt country version.

Keepingfaith...I am one of those people that totally love everything about LAA...but agree that it may not do well on radio. BUT I think it could do very well as part of a soundtrack of a movie or a primetime TV show. I think its one of those songs that can push his Cds sales if properly showcased because it can become so emotional for people...I don;t listen to it too often now because it is one of those songs I cannot just have in the background...I have to stop and listen to it and I can still end up teary eyed or bawling depending on my mood. BUT I do understand that not everyone will be crazy for it...but once you connect to it...it can hit pretty hard.

Oh favorite AI Clay song...will always be the underrated HTAE...I loved the sentimental way he sang it. I always loved the song but that night Clay showed me that he does not have to rely on his power to sell the song.

Luckiest...I agree that LAA is not a sure thing on concert and I won't expect it and will totally be bawling my eyes out if he does sing it.. Its really amazing to me that he hasn't been talking it up so its possible he is not totally comfortable about showing so much of himself in that one song.

.Clay can moon me on the river anyday.........
Hey did anyone suggest this for a thread title yet...hee loved that.

Hee CG...that picture from your front window is very similar to my own backyard....

SO Whats the latest on the LA fire???

HEE ...as far as I;m concerned luckiest you can have RHW...hee its just in my OK list from ATDW...favorite from ATDW...LNM, EIH aside from LAA and IYDKMBN.

Uh oh...do I have to wrestle Muski for LNM!!!!...WHAT! Kandre too!!!

oh at least my HTAE is safe from her.. :medium-smiley-070:

Oh no!!! I thought I can have HTAE all to myself...not couchie too!!! I love it MORE!!!

Totally...I really have no problem with the way Clay said it. Its his opinion and because of his own experience, it is a well informed one. I don't worry about the fact that it seem to be pretty strong language...I knew it will get him some criticism, but since I also felt pretty strongly about what I saw in the African clips...I am just glad someone had the guts and high profile to actually say this. There has really been a lot of criticism of IGB so he is not alone there. People who want to find fault with him will and those who disagree will also be critical of him but I don't think he should ever be afraid to express his own opinion.

Claygasm...I also like Kelly very much...I saw the you Tube of her Today appearance and thought that she was very good in the song. I am not really loving the song as much as the Breakaway songs cos the melody is just so derivative and boring...but she performs it well. To me Kelly is just another singer that has a kick ass voice. I loved the fact that she and Clay are still friends...I think she is a huge talent and she and clay are the best things that came from AI...but I don't always love everything she does or all her looks. I still think she is a bit more ditzy than Carrie and I am not that impressed with her song writing abilities. I loved BOY but I suspect she had a lot of help there. So far most of the songs she wrote that I heard are very similar and have rather inane lyrics. I do hope she finds success with her next album...but I am rather sceptical about it just because her song writing hasn't blown me away so I think RCA has reason to fight her on it. BUT if she comes out with great songs...good for her. I know its very important to her to be recognized as a writer and I think its really important to her to express her feelings through songs so if she has developed into a great writer then more power to her.

CG...I do disagree with the statement that he better get off his high horse and see things the way other people does. I do believe he is right that some awareness in most people is important. I don't think he is saying that because he thinks he is better than most...just that things need to start changing in the way people from the US and Canada deal with people from other cultures. I am from a third world nation... so I am an outsider looking in and I can see that there are a lot of Americans and Canadians that are very insulated from whats happening in the world. Its not enough to just open wallets because a lot of times that is not whats needed in the first place. A lot of times change needs to happen in a political sense in the way foreign affairs is handled in this country. Whats needed is to change peoples attitude from being isolationist and recognize that we are all connected...the problem in one continent affects all of us in the long run and its not enough to throw money at the problem IMO.

hee...if you all reach the end congratulations, you have more patience than I do...hee

I will try to keep up in real time...these catch up posts are hard.

eta: to WORD keepingfaith up there...you said what I was trying to say much more eloquently...hope you and totally keep posting. I like these meaty discussions... :allgood:

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I know I got some hater's panties in a wad because there was a concert she did with a bunch of little kids in the audience (photos showedthem close by the stage) and her asscrack was showing - I stated I felt the dress was inappropriate for such and audience and then get mentioned on several boards for such a crude remark - so, it is not only Clay that is a target for some of the haters - and I don't even think what I said was out of line - acutally I used the word slutty, I believe. It is a word I would use if one of my relatives or friends (not likely) dressed like that - ass cracks belong hidden unless you are a plumber.

I think it is natural to be a bit anoyed when you find yourself targeted by idiots.

I am someone else who does not wish any idol ill, even Corey. - the judges might be another issue, but the idols are all fighting to have careers in a cutthroat business. I just wrote a long comment on why we should not call idols a has been just yet - you never know what is right around the corner - i.e. Jennifer Hudson. Careers are such turbulent things. Speaking of that, I saw Brenna Gathers (or whatever) on TV this morning - she is going out on tour with her band.

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CG...I do disagree with the statement that he better get off his high horse and see things the way other people does. I do believe he is right that some awareness in most people is important. I don't think he is saying that because he thinks he is better than most...just that things need to start changing in the way people from the US and Canada deal with people from other cultures. I am from a third world nation... so I am an outsider looking in and I can see that there are a lot of Americans and Canadians that are very insulated from whats happening in the world. Its not enough to just open wallets because a lot of times that is not whats needed in the first place. A lot of times change needs to happen in a political sense in the way foreign affairs is handled in this country. Whats needed is to change peoples attitude from being isolationist and recognize that we are all connected...the problem in one continent affects all of us in the long run and its not enough to throw money at the problem IMO.

I think I may have not expressed myself well. I just think if Clay thinks IGB was a waste because they didn't educate in their presentations he may not be looking at things realistically. I KNOW education is key. I KNOW that just throwing money at these organizations won't solve the problems. But to me its sort of like a which comes first the chicken or the egg scenario. You NEED the money to keep the people alive as well as to run any kind of educational campaign. So, where does that money come from? IGB was an entertainment show which was geared toward raising money. If they had started to lecture I think they would have lost a lot of people. But since they did raise a lot of money, and with it awareness, now these organizations have money which perhaps they can use in part to educate the public.

I also have to say I disagree that education leads to awareness. In my mind you have to be aware of something first in order to become educated on it. Frankly, the two have to go hand in hand. I guess its just a matter of opinion as to which must come first. I thought Clay came off a bit dismissive of the impact of IGB and I still think he sounded a bit snooty about it. He has learned a lot in his work with UNICEF - more than any of us have - and I think that perhaps because of that he forgets where most people are coming from.

I still think what IGB did was amazing and should be applauded.

As to Kelly - see what everyone said here is fine. You may or may not like her music. She may or may not be on your radar. I have to disagree that Kelly can control her fans. Message boards, even "official" ones, are ultimately controled by what the majority of the fans want. Even if she said to stop it, that doesn't mean it going to happen. She has gone to bat for Clay often when he comes up in an interview. Does she bring him up in every interview and say he's the greatest person and singer ever and by the way he's not gay? NO. And why should she? She has her own career to promote!

But its remarks like this that make me angry. I saw this posted on CV regarding Kelly on R&K.

Regis just asked Kelly who was the most successful person off Idol (besides her.) and she did NOT mention Clay when she had the opportunity. So much for best friends................

And she agreed with Regis when he suggested that Carrie was the next best success!

Can you imagine? She didn't mention Clay as the next most successful Idol? She agreed it was Carrie? How dare she! Obviously she is no friend of Clay's!

Except, Carrie IS the next most successful person off of Idol after Kelly - and she's gaining ground on Kelly! So she would say Clay why???

Oh right. To be his friend she should have said "Well, Carrie may have sold tons more CDs than Clay and won tons more awards and had tons more radio play but Clay is the best person and singer ever and by the way, he's not gay!"

What is with these people?????????

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My point is not that Clay doesn't have valid or important points to make, nor that he shouldn't make them, but that it would be nice if he developed a bit more tact in how he communicates them because he is hurting himself. A lot of people who read or hear what he said are only going to hear that he criticized AI's very successful efforts to raise money for starving and dying children in Africa and are going wonder what the hell his problem is. The media will only pick up on that too - "Clay Aiken criticizes Idol Gives Back" They won't listen to his message. Whether he has an ax to grind or not, it will look to others like he does. And Idol did a very smart thing in bringing Ellen onto the show. She is so well liked right now that it made their effort look more legit and more warm and fuzzy.

The reason I think he is angry with AI is that in previous years, no matter how he has felt about any of the people associated with AI, he seems to have been careful about what he has said publicly about AI - you know, not burning any bridges. He now seems to given up on that. First he says he has stopped watching it, not because he is too busy, but because he doesn't want that chain around his neck. Then when Sanjaya is voted off, he says he is really disappointed, that he would have liked Sanjaya to win (WTF?) and he can't figure out a reason to watch it anymore (as if there is no talent left on the show without Sanjaya). I thought that was a weird thing to say - first of all, he's said he's not watching it, and why would anyone have thought Sanjaya had the talent to win (especially Clay who knows vocal talent) and why would he put down the other contestants like that on national TV? It just seems like he's angry and running at the mouth to be negative about AI. But that's just my opinion.

As for "rotting insides".....I don't know of anyone who thought it was a good idea for him to insinuate in TV Guide that he felt that the population of LA were shallow and so much less than the people of Raleigh. I assume he meant the people he'd encountered in the entertainment industry and not everyone living in the LA area. At least I hope that's what he meant. It was an example of Clay not articulating himself well and offending a lot of people.

We can think he's great for speaking his mind and not caring what anybody thinks. His intelligence and values are two of the qualities that make him very sexy to me. All I'm saying is that I wish he would learn to speak his mind with a bit more tact, and more thought about the affect his words might have not only on other people's feelings, but also on his reputation. I care about his reputation alot. I care about whether he is liked within the industry and among the public.

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I don't expect Kelly, KLo or anyone to promote Clay while promoting themselves but Kelly had one major message board - and I think a word to the mods there would have gone a long way for keeping this under control. Do I hate her for not doing that? No. But I do believe it would have helped. At the very least, you don't let friends with semi official capacity egg on the Clay hate. Tototally agree that Carrie is the next most successful idol, and probably soon to be MOST succcesful idol. Anyone that thinks otherwise is on crack.

Totally, I understand what you are saying but offending people isn't the worst thing in the world. No one is perfect at not offending people and I'd rather he offend people than not say what's on his mind. In an interview situation, you don't have the time to sit there and think of the perfect answer. I never for a second thought he was thinking of people who lived in Los Angeles rather than the entertainment industry. And really, other than fans, what was the fallout from that statement...I truly can't remember any.

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The reason I think he is angry with AI is that in previous years, no matter how he has felt about any of the people associated with AI, he seems to have been careful about what he has said publicly about AI - you know, not burning any bridges. He now seems to given up on that. First he says he has stopped watching it, not because he is too busy, but because he doesn't want that chain around his neck. Then when Sanjaya is voted off, he says he is really disappointed, that he would have liked Sanjaya to win (WTF?) and he can't figure out a reason to watch it anymore (as if there is no talent left on the show without Sanjaya). I thought that was a weird thing to say - first of all, he's said he's not watching it, and why would anyone have thought Sanjaya had the talent to win (especially Clay who knows vocal talent) and why would he put down the other contestants like that on national TV? It just seems like he's angry and running at the mouth to be negative about AI. But that's just my opinion.

I really don't think it was that big of a deal. Paris Bennett really trashed AI in an interview and they are featuring her new album on their website. Somehow, I doubt AI is all that thin-skinned. Heh. AI. The masters of non-PC disses.

As for "rotting insides".....I don't know of anyone who thought it was a good idea for him to insinuate in TV Guide that he felt that the population of LA were shallow and so much less than the people of Raleigh. I assume he meant the people he'd encountered in the entertainment industry and not everyone living in the LA area. At least I hope that's what he meant. It was an example of Clay not articulating himself well and offending a lot of people.

I believe Clay made that clear subsequently on TV. Personally, I suspect he was having some real issues with some people in the industry which prompted the statement and his suddenly selling his house and moving back to NC.

We can think he's great for speaking his mind and not caring what anybody thinks. His intelligence and values are two of the qualities that make him very sexy to me. All I'm saying is that I wish he would learn to speak his mind with a bit more tact, and more thought about the affect his words might have not only on other people's feelings, but also on his reputation. I care about his reputation alot. I care about whether he is liked within the industry and among the public.

I understand the concern, but really, relative to what many other public figures say publicly, Clay is the soul of discretion. Sometimes he makes a strong statement to make a point. I can't think of the word, but sometimes one will make a generalization to make a point, not meant to be taken literally. It is possible to take even the most innocuous of statements and find something to object to if one looks hard enough. I would hate for Clay to have to try to second-guess himself to that degree.

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Well, I think that after her best friend's husband posted a picture of her next to a bong on myspace, she sort of disassociated her self from them, in that I have not been or heard of them hanging out anymore - Nick seems to have taken someone's place on her vacation. I understand her brother now opens her fan mail. I do not know who takes care of her house. It seems like the same guy was forbidden to post on boards about her after word got to her that he was flirting with underage girls on her fan board while complaining about Clay and posting how he was sitting in his undewear.

As to Clay and tact - you have to look at the qquestion - it was not do you approve of IGB but "Could you relate to what you saw your fellow idols doing in Africa and other places? " - what were they doing in Africa except showing suffering - did they go to schools did they talk to officials - did they help anyone except take a dying person to a hospital? They were inactive observers - they were not participants - they never mentioned war or droughts. Clay is human - he has a right to think that people he knows should know better.

I guess it is easy since I agree with him and complained about that myself - and so many posters did as well - long before he was quoted. Anything CLay says will be twisted by people with agendas - at least he says what he means - I would hate to see him so PC that what he says means nothing.

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Totally I definitely can't say that your wrong...cos who knows what would've happened if Clay used different words. Personally I am just the type of person that would rather have plain speaking and honest words rather than hearing PC answers or when people talk like politicians. At this point in Clay's life...no one is there voting for him to stay in the industry based on what he says or does not say so I don't think there is a danger of losing him if he says the wrong thing. I don't think Clay should keep censoring himself because he wants people to like him or worried how the media will take it. I do admire him for not worrying about that...

CG...I do think its possible to raise awareness and educate at the same time. It does not even have to be lecturing. I also think there is a way of raising awareness without having to reinforce the stereotypes that Africa is so pathetic or needs our help all the time. For example...the clip of Madonna...it wasn't educational but it showed her laughing and playing with happy kids...it didn't follow the usual script of showing helpless children and dirty living conditions. It showed bright and strong kids ready to face the future. I thought that was well done. I also thought the clip on malaria and the need for mosquito nets gave a lot of information. But the more sensational clips focusing on the little boys tears or dying women...that shock and awe tactic...only reinforces stereotypes and does not help in making people understand the problem. For me...the UNICEF clips with Clay are great example how people can be made aware and educate people at the same time without lecturing or making use of stereotypical shots. I do think because Clay has the experience he has it gives him the credibility to say what he did. He wasn't just talking out his butt or from pettiness.

ITA on that Kelly quote ...yup that was totally eye rolling. No, Clay is not the next most successful...actually, some can argue that maybe carrie is relatively the most successful when you consider she got all her success out of her first CD. Yup ITA couchie...I do not expect anyone else to promote Clay.

eta: hee that was long and boring enough...you guys didn;t need to read it twice...

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Totally I definitely can't say that your wrong...cos who knows what would've happened if Clay used different words. Personally I am just the type of person that would rather have plain speaking and honest words rather than hearing PC answers or when people talk like politicians. At this point in Clay's life...no one is there voting for him to stay in the industry based on what he says or does not say so I don't think there is a danger of losing him if he says the wrong thing. I don't think Clay should keep censoring himself because he wants people to like him or worried how the media will take it. I do admire him for not worrying about that...

CG...I do think its possible to raise awareness and educate at the same time. It does not even have to be lecturing. I also think there is a way of raising awareness without having to reinforce the stereotypes that Africa is so pathetic or needs our help all the time. For example...the clip of Madonna...it wasn't educational but it showed her laughing and playing with happy kids...it didn't follow the usual script of showing helpless children and dirty living conditions. It showed bright and strong kids ready to face the future. I thought that was well done. I also thought the clip on malaria and the need for mosquito nets gave a lot of information. But the more sensational clips focusing on the little boys tears or dying women...that shock and awe tactic...only reinforces stereotypes and does not help in making people understand the problem. For me...the UNICEF clips with Clay are great example how people can be made aware and educate people at the same time without lecturing or making use of stereotypical shots. I do think because Clay has the experience he has it gives him the credibility to say what he did. He wasn't just talking out his butt or from pettiness.

ITA on that Kelly quote ...yup that was totally eye rolling. No, Clay is not the next most successful...actually, some can argue that maybe carrie is relatively the most successful when you consider she got all her success out of her first CD. Yup ITA couchie...I do not expect anyone else to promote Clay.

Totally I definitely can't say that your wrong...cos who knows what would've happened if Clay used different words. Personally I am just the type of person that would rather have plain speaking and honest words rather than hearing PC answers or when people talk like politicians. At this point in Clay's life...no one is there voting for him to stay in the industry based on what he says or does not say so I don't think there is a danger of losing him if he says the wrong thing. I don't think Clay should keep censoring himself because he wants people to like him or worried how the media will take it. I do admire him for not worrying about that...

CG...I do think its possible to raise awareness and educate at the same time. It does not even have to be lecturing. I also think there is a way of raising awareness without having to reinforce the stereotypes that Africa is so pathetic or needs our help all the time. For example...the clip of Madonna...it wasn't educational but it showed her laughing and playing with happy kids...it didn't follow the usual script of showing helpless children and dirty living conditions. It showed bright and strong kids ready to face the future. I thought that was well done. I also thought the clip on malaria and the need for mosquito nets gave a lot of information. But the more sensational clips focusing on the little boys tears or dying women...that shock and awe tactic...only reinforces stereotypes and does not help in making people understand the problem. For me...the UNICEF clips with Clay are great example how people can be made aware and educate people at the same time without lecturing or making use of stereotypical shots. I do think because Clay has the experience he has it gives him the credibility to say what he did. He wasn't just talking out his butt or from pettiness.

ITA on that Kelly quote ...yup that was totally eye rolling. No, Clay is not the next most successful...actually, some can argue that maybe carrie is relatively the most successful when you consider she got all her success out of her first CD. Yup ITA couchie...I do not expect anyone else to promote Clay.

Am I seeing double????? :whistling-1:

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