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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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I grew up loving George

OM Goodness that brings back some bad memories.

My Dad was from Liverpool and his relations all knew The Beatles! John's aunt lived across the sreet from my aunt and my cousin dated George for a while!

Your cousin dated George?? I am sooooooooooooo jealous!!! I was shattered when he married Patty Boyd. I mean, I was still in the single digits age-wise, but I was sooooo sure he would wait for me!! God I loved him - and still do!

And I have to pile on the George love here. Two of my prized possessions are the ticket stub from my George concert in the 70's with Ravi Shankar, Billy Preston, et al. and the DVD of the Concert for George at Royal Albert Hall with Eric, Paul, Ringo, Ravi, Dhani, Jeff Lynne, Tom Petty ... mmmm, I need to watch that again. Paul and Eric doing Something is beyond words.

I went to that George Harrison concert too. Unfortunately I have no clue where my ticket stub is. I went to see him in Philly but a friend of mine went to see him in DC and knew someone who got her back stage and she got an amazing picture of him from back there while he was on stage performing. I know I still have that! Hmmmm. I bet it is still with my junk at my parents house (Why yes, I do still have junk there. So what if I moved out over 25 years ago!). Maybe I better go find it!

I also have the DVD and CD of The Concert for George. In fact, I was actually in London at the same time that took place. Unfortunately, you could only buy tickets in person and I couldn't convince my cousin to take off from work and camp out all night for me! Wasn't that mean of him??? I did save the London papers with the write-ups about the concert. (And doesn't Dhani look like George???)

George was the only other singer I ever followed as closely as I follow Clay. But it was so different then. No internet. No message boards. No YouTube. And I was too young to go to any of the Beatles' concerts so I only saw him live once!

I miss him.

But my present boyfriend is on Kimmel tonight! Woo hoo!! Wonder if he's grown any of his beard back? I really would like to see him on Kimmel looking like he did at the gala! At the very least I would like to see him with good hair and some stubble.

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Back at the Bay. Very whooped. Plane late last night. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz

Yeay, Gibby! Don't be a stranger and remember, I have Pala tix for sale...heh. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

BTW, I'm nuts about the Beatles Love CD, and the acoustic version of While My Guitar Gently Weeps. {{{sigh}}}
And I gotta say that although I'm not a George lover like you and CG, I FLOVE this song on the Love CD.

Quickie comment on the Clay interview. I think the editing had something to do with how some might perceive or receive his words. I know what Clay means, or at least I'm comfortable reading the words because I can imagine what he wants to communicate; however, I CAN understand how some not so familiar with him---his background, his previous work in education, his own personal passion about it, etc.---might read that interview and think that the tone of his words seems a bit 'preachy' or 'arrogant'.

Inevitable, IMO. Anytime your spoken words are reported in written ones, so much is lost inevitably and so much more (in tone, inflection, body language, context, etc.) is potentially lost or misrepresented. Bottom line for me is that people who are open to Clay and the topic would come away with a favorable impression of him from reading this series of Q&A---that he is intelligent and thoughtful, focused and articulate. Others who have more casual knowledge of him---AI2 runner up, tabloid scandal guy, sound bites from AI cast, Ripa, etc---might point at this as just another example of whatever the "Shit on Clay" Flavor of the Day is in gossip land.

Ho Hum.

Now. Got some serious work to do today guys....had a long talk with the boss last night in the Denver airport while waiting for our delayed flight. Lots to do in the office!

Woo hoo! I love this place. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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And I have to pile on the George love here. Two of my prized possessions are the ticket stub from my George concert in the 70's with Ravi Shankar, Billy Preston, et al. and the DVD of the Concert for George at Royal Albert Hall with Eric, Paul, Ringo, Ravi, Dhani, Jeff Lynne, Tom Petty ... mmmm, I need to watch that again. Paul and Eric doing Something is beyond words.

Wow, I am sooooo jealous. Unfortunately I never got to see either John or George live in concert (but I've seen Ringo and Paul multiple times). My closest brush with George came when my daughter and I attended one of those BeatleRama gala things about 12 years ago, and Louise Harrison (George's sister) was present. We were able to sit and chat with her at length, and she shared a personal photo album with us (and the others present). She also autographed a picture of George for me. It was really cool - Cynthia Lennon was there (she gave a speech and did autographs) and so was a relative of Stuart Sutcliffe's. They had his collection of artwork on display. Oh, and last but not least, we got to meet Pete Best. *g*

I also have the DVD and CD of The Concert for George. In fact, I was actually in London at the same time that took place. Unfortunately, you could only buy tickets in person and I couldn't convince my cousin to take off from work and camp out all night for me! Wasn't that mean of him??? I did save the London papers with the write-ups about the concert. (And doesn't Dhani look like George???)

I absolutely adore the Concert for George DVD. I can't get over the resemblance between George and Dhani. I also adore the entire Brainwashed CD, but especially the song Brainwashed with the chanting at the end by George and Dhani. Gives me chills every time.

But my present boyfriend is on Kimmel tonight! Woo hoo!! Wonder if he's grown any of his beard back? I really would like to see him on Kimmel looking like he did at the gala! At the very least I would like to see him with good hair and some stubble.

Hee, I don't care how he wears his hair or whether he has stubble, I will just be thrilled to see him again!

Edited by luckiest1
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Did you ever notice how much bitching goes on in this fandom??

Just saying....

Yep. Who now?

No one in particular. I was reading around on some of the boards and it seems no matter where I was someone was bitching about something - the tickets they got for a concert, Kelly, AI, RCA, Ticketmaster, etc. If I were a stranger reading a lot of the boards I would think this fandom attracts a lot of very negative people.

Its ironic, actually, because Clay seems like such a positive guy.

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I think that ad is very classy looking. It clearly identifies the name of the tour (An Evening With Clay Aiken) and what it's about. I wonder if the same ad is running in different cities? Has anyone seen an ad outside of the Raleigh area?

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Bitching and rumor-mongering-R-Us. Bleah.

I'm remiss in congratulating ldyjocelyn's husband for his promotion, merrieeee for her eyesight (how amazing is that -- just wait til your next concert!!), and Clayzorback's husband's successful surgery (How scary! Once he gets past the milkshakes, I recommend scrambled eggs, cheese & grits all mixed up together, and lots of mashed potatoes and gravy. Applesauce is good too). And welcome Gibby!

I lurves me some BYLM. Lurve.

About Clay being outspoken--I love that. I'm not offended in the slightest. It doesn't hurt that I agree with him, but still. I thought the IGB Africa footage was terrible, with just a few exceptions (Carrie's video, the playful scenes with Ryan). You'd never get a dime out of me that way. I'm someone who wants to know stuff, wants to be educated. I don't think learning is dull at all, and it's perfectly possible to present footage that educates and moves at the same time--Clay & UNICEF do it well.

I was watching Jane Fonda on Larry King last night--she handled Larry's stupid questions with such class, and she didn't hold anything back. She answered some really personal questions--wow--I think age, experience, and self-confidence allows a person to do that, to be intimate without being confessional, but rather, an educator. And instinct, which Clay has. Talk about being over-the-top with that energy as a young person--Jane took the cake. But as for being outspoken, which she is--I like people who speak their minds and embrace causes. I love that Clay not only embraces causes, but acts, and thinks in practical terms. What has always impressed me about the BAF is that their programs are simple and not too difficult to implement, but they really make a difference. The Able-to-Serve Awards--how great an idea! How effective! I love to hear the man talk about things that matter to him. I'll take one Clay Aiken over a couple of dozen useless celebrities any old day. Ruffling feathers? Piffle!!


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I saw Jane Fonda on Colbert last night and she handled her self with a lot of sexuality - she climbed on his lap and startedto make out with him - filling her remarks with sexual references. He, of course, was the stolwart conservative - hee - good time. Love those shows. Who knew th3e comedy channel would be the best news network in the "ausght"s.

It is all about context - much like Clay's remarks.

OK, I rought gossip here - I didn't say where I got it from, I just thought it was so funny - so unbelieveably funny, I could not keep it to myself.

Oops - dog wants a walk - later, Ouch for the scratch marks on my arms!

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Television ad for the Cary concert (YouSendIt File)

Harumph. He's doing songs from ATDW. I'm not happy. [/extreme sarcasm]

You mean they aren't all going to be songs off his new rockin' album that he's recording during the 10 day break between Tulsa and Philly which he will tour to promote this fall???

Damn. I need to sell some tickets! <snark>

Haven't you heard the latest rumor - Clay still has to do another cover album laughter22.gif

Please, tell me you're kidding!

Outspoken Clay - I am glad he is but as I have learned, if you speak freely expect to be criticized. Not everyone will agree with you. He, like me and every person on earth, doesn't know all. But he should always feel free to speak his mind. Always.

Did you guys see what the producers of AI have up their sleeves now? They're going to start a search for the greatest undiscovered band in America! I guess they want a real band instead of the fake one they have with DAUGHTRY!!!!!!11....

Time to print out fresh copies of your BFN.

Not content merely with finding the next great pop star, the producers of "American Idol" are looking for the country's great undiscovered band.

A lengthy promo for 19 Entertainment and FremantleMedia North America's newest reality show aired during Wednesday (May 9) night's "Idol."

"The Search for the Next Great American Band" (the sure-to-be-changed working title) is seeking musical ensembles of all stripes and genres, apparently without age limits or other restrictions (bands must include at least two people and can't be a capella). The currently unannounced judges will narrow the field down to 10 semi-finalists before treating those groups to the full "Idol" treatment -- live audiences, wacky theme weeks and voting by the American people.

Simon Fuller created the format and will produce along with "Idol" vets Nigel Lythgoe, Ken Warwick and Cecile Frot-Coutaz.

FOX doesn't have a timetable yet for the "American Band" show, though that vast "Idol"-free wasteland known as the fall seems like a possibility.


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It's nice to see the promo for the tour during early ticket buying. That's nice. So we've seen newspaper ads, and television ads. I think someone also mentioned a radio ad. Groovy. Is this Cary ad the same one someone saw on the Home and Garden channel. Guess they really do go where the women are.

As for one of the AI alumns, Daughtery...his song has become a curse for my Warriors. Time for something new. LOL.

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: Thank you jmh. I have the big jar of applesauce and plenty of eggs and potatoes, just waiting. No grits though.

With all the George love going on, does this mean I can keep Paul McCartney for me self? Talk about eye candy, in the days. Wow. Did he ever trip my trigger. I remember the Beatles on The Ed Sullivan show. My one aunt, who is my age, and I were on the floor rolling around and screaming like a banshee. :cryingwlaughter: God I loved the Beatles, but Paul was my favorite. Never saw them in concert though. Never had a connection. I'm jealous.

playbiller that emoticon caused me to laugh out loud. You do come up with some funny ones. Another rumor? No surprise to me. They can get outlandish at times, too.

I loved that ad for the concert ldyjocelyn. Gee!!! He is going to sing songs from ATDW? Who, I say who would of thunk it? *g*

I am hoping I can stay awake for Kimmel tonight. Crossing fingers Clay gets lots of air time. The beard would be nice, along with the bangs, but I'm a desperate junkie needing a Clay fix. I won't look a gift horse in the mouth, so bring it on, stud muffin.

I ran across this cute cartoon. An earlier discussion, a few pages back, made me want to post it.


This is off topic so sorry. keepingfaith are you familiar with this church? :cryingwlaughter: I thought their sign was pretty funny.......


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Clayzor, you can have Paul. Never liked him. Never thought he was cute. Never liked his voice. Always thought he was full of himself. He redeemed himself a little when I saw his reaction to George's death and read about some of the things he did. But he was always my least favorite Beatle.

I just saw this report of Kelly on TRL (today) on CV.

Watching Kel ly C. on TRL. She is doing a total product placement for her Vitamin Water. In the clip from the green room, she is taking a swig and so, of course, Damien asks her about it when she gets onstage. They are doing a "Would you do it again or never again" segment:

A Moment Like This video ........ would do it again

From Justin to Kelly .......... she laughs ...... she never wanted to do it, but had to do it. she is no actress, she says

Short Hair ...... she has a weave in

Water usage during live performances ... VMAs .. she loved it

Tour mates with Clay ......... yes, yes, yes ... he's one of my friends ... Damien says: yes, he's a nice guy

It's funny ... I just knew they would ask her that ! She did good.....she grinned & laughed & was just great !

So.... Does the bolded mean she's now a real friend of Clay's - again??? :medium-smiley-070:

By the way, I have always wondered, on some boards like CV they always put spaces in Kelly's name. Why?

ETA: Apparently Kelly actually said this too:

"I'd totally tour with him again, I love him"
Edited by Claygasm
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This is off topic so sorry. keepingfaith are you familiar with this church? :cryingwlaughter: I thought their sign was pretty funny.......


St. Cyril's has lots of signs ... check it out .. (Especially this one: If you want to make God laugh just tell him your plans .... sound familiar?)


Briefly back to the Beatles. I always loved George for his heart and soul, ... but I screamed for Paul. I think we've discussed this before, Clayze. In fact, I had a teenage marriage to a Paul McCartney look-alike, and no it didn't last. I've seen Paul twice -- once with Linda and once with Heather. And that Hussy Heather better not get close to me. I didn't see The Beatles when they played Houston (tickets were $5) because my mother didn't approve of them. But as soon as I was old enough to buy my own tickets I saw a few others for $5, including Hendrix and the Stones, if that gives you any idea what I was doing in the late 60's. Mama would have been much happier with the Beatles, instead of the Stones, the Doors, Zeppelin and Zappa. Some of it is still coming back to me.

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Paul and Ringo were always my two favorite Beatles (so I guess I need to fight Clayzor for Paul...). Of course, though....my first experience of them was through the cartoon show from the 60's. I could get by watching that. Sadly, I was too you to experience the Ed Sullivan/Beatles phenomenon. That's one of those cultural milestones I wish I could say I experienced, but I can't.

So....where are the "in line at Kimmel" reports?!?!?

luckiest1, I'll have to tape that special on CNN this evening; ER is on at the same time! *g*

So....where are the "in line at Kimmel" reports?!?!?

Wish I had watched that Colbert last night. But play, I agree that "The Daily Show" seems to be the best place to get news anymore. Required watching in our household.

So....where are the "in line at Kimmel" reports?!?!?

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So....where are the "in line at Kimmel" reports?!?!?

Yeah! Where are they?

Actually, I didn't know Cameron Diaz was also going to be on tonight. From CV:

This is what it shows on his site:

guests: Cameron Diaz, Clay Aiken, Aida Turturro << GET TIX >>

music: ALEXA RAY JOEL Indoor Mini-concert

If this is true, Clay sure won't get much time! Its bad enough when he has to share time with one guest plus a musical guest, but two???

I'm greedy. I want more Clay!

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Claygasm, that's what's listed on the 1iota site for tickets. The abc.com site for Jimmy doesn't mention Cameron Diaz at all. I also double-checked the promo for tonight's show that Jimmy read two nights ago...no mention of Cameron. Maybe she's a walk-on? Maybe it should say "Tyra Banks" instead? *g*
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Wish I had watched that Colbert last night. But play, I agree that "The Daily Show" seems to be the best place to get news anymore. Required watching in our household.

If you're a big fan of The Daily Show, you may have seen the Bill Moyers interview with Jon Stewart on PBS last week (the reinstated Bill Moyers' Journal on Friday nights). If not, it shouldn't be missed -- and YouTube has it. Now somebody tell me, how did we ever exist without YouTube. It's only been around since about March/April of 2006. How did we live?

PART 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abOF8VtqdJI

PART 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCntjg2M6QQ

PART 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRq2blRumc8

Colbert last night was one for the ages. I usually watch both shows and most nights it's a toss-up as to which I enjoy more. I think The Word segment on Colbert is the most consistently thought-provoking three minutes on television. And it makes me laugh out loud. Both Stewart and Colbert have huge cajones, don't they? But Sweet Jane did her thing last night and poor Stephen was completely meeked out for the first time ever.

If you missed it, I found it here:


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Ack..........I'm starting to have ticket stress. Saturday is the day for Tulsa. They use a generic code, for that sale, and not the secret one we were given at the OFC. Will they post the code on the OFC or will it just be on the Brady Theatre site? I'm trying to get my seating chart and credit card etc. all lined up for Saturday. I have received no Newsletter, yet, from their website. I guess the fans don't get a presale for this venue, do we? Saturday for the general public and fans both.........This should be fun except not..Help>>>>> Where will I get the password?

How did the fans of olden days stay connected to their idols without a computer? Can't even imagine.

I'll share Paul with ldy & keepingfaith........LOL

Kids are coming to visit and I can't stay and chit chat. *sigh* Thanks for any help about the presale code...Later

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