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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


New thread title poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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We interrupt this lively banter for a pity party:


The spikes are back. Arrggghhh!!! Not that he isn't cute as all heck or anything, but that long hair made me say things like "phllllfgghhyuiuiujbbnmm"

I'm missing the tour. I'm about 800 miles from the nearest show, on foreign soil yet. "Hard Rock in a Soft Place" too!! Shitbags.

My basement has flooded - again. Shit, (literally)

And, AND the friggin gophers have eaten all my petunias.

Now I know help is available, all I need is for one of you to own up to a degree in Classical Archaeology, and send me anything you have on the development of the agora betwen the sixth and fourth cenuries BC - so I can stea - er.. I mean get some ideas. The paper I'm writing right now is ripping my brain to shreds.

Thank you.

We will now resume with the program already in progress.....

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Good Lord oldnaiken! Here...shower, rinse and repeat with this.


...and I truly know shit about the development of the agora between the sixth and fourth centuries BC, but I can send you all the ingredients to make your own Roman fresco (Herculaneum recipe)...You could maybe slap one up of a nude Aiken, all god like and all, with some grape leaves and such...that might get your mind off things for awhile.

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Good Lord oldnaiken! Here...shower, rinse and repeat with this.


...and I truly know shit about the development of the agora between the sixth and fourth centuries BC, but I can send you all the ingredients to make your own Roman fresco (Herculaneum recipe)...You could maybe slap one up of a nude Aiken, all god like and all, with some grape leaves and such...that might get your mind off things for awhile.

BWAH...I love it when Clay fans help each other...so very generous

((((oldnaiken)))) spikes??? what spikes??? I will believe the spikes when I see them. during the concerts.

nope not in denial...nope not me!!! :RedGuy:

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Good Lord oldnaiken! Here...shower, rinse and repeat with this.


...and I truly know shit about the development of the agora between the sixth and fourth centuries BC, but I can send you all the ingredients to make your own Roman fresco (Herculaneum recipe)...You could maybe slap one up of a nude Aiken, all god like and all, with some grape leaves and such...that might get your mind off things for awhile.

The what in the where now? I seem to have lost my train of thought.....

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guess I don't have to go to ESPN and find out who won.

Nobody ever has to go to ESPN *g* ... try mlb.com instead. All the teams have their own pages. You can get your video highlights and everything.

Oakland A's at MLB.COM

jes' for you. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I live at mlb.com. Last season I just followed the games with gametracker but this year I broke down and got mlb.tv. I love it. I can stream most games live (since I'm waaaaaay out of market) and/or listen to the radio broadcast. If I miss a game I can watch the entire game when it's archived (usually within minutes of completion) or the condensed game which is just the results of each at bat.

So it's $15.00 a month, I'm worth it! :RedGuy:


muski ... been there. Done all that. My DD played fastpitch tournament softball for 10 years. There are just gonna be games like that. Then they'll turn around and play like a house on fire. No explaining it. I saw it on every team she played on at all levels. There were teams we had no business beating that we beat all the time and teams we had no business losing to that we couldn't beat. Sounds like Carrie has the right attitude.

So how's the bleacher butt?


Alright. I know I'm a newbie but can ya spare a few thoughts for me today?

We are going live with a new computer system at work and I'm in charge. My boss took a suspiciously timed vacation. I'm skeered.


I too really loved the long hair on Clay. But I always get used to the new looks.

With Clay & Me :allgood:


If you haven't guessed already I can't spell. Sometimes I fix things, sometimes I don't.

Edited by jamar1700
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We are going live with a new computer system at work and I'm in charge. My boss took a suspiciously timed vacation. I'm skeered.

My word, you work for my boss too!

Thanks for the kind words for the ballerina - it's fun being the good auntie!

And laughn, that picture is so hot on some many levels it should come with a warning label...

Three weeks - I can make three weeks -

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I read the google this morning and it just makes me want to thank the OTT fans who posted on over and over that thread and thought they would "win" something. Well, I guess someone did win, it just wasn't Clay.

At least the news hit a while before I hit Frisco, I hope that some people STFU and don't go back and start the battle over again.

I hope the OTT fans do not feel the need to write the tabloids - or the wrath of Play will strike - OK, OK, it is nothing like the wrath of K'Andre, but it's all I got.

End of this morning in pissed.

On the positive side Paris is still in jail and making news and will remain the top story

On the wait and see front, the message board is still down. I think it is because it is west coaest and the people are not in the office yet to get the e-mail from Clay.

TMI alert:

Yay!!! after months of waiting, I finally have my Doctor's appointment in this stupid HMO. I may actually be able to stay out of the port-o-johns at Frisco! Hmm maybe that is why some people describe me as pissy? I am finished with this topic.

And a good morning to all!


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KarenEh?, I see you, are you just dying to post, but can't because of the loud sound of the keys bothering your BIL? Just wondering.

Hee! I actually wrote this last night:

I have internet!! For the next week I'm at my sister's. I got her son's wireless network up and running again and I've got a dandy desk here in our room and I'm all set. Whew! It feels so good to have a connection. I'm no longer seeing the bugs on the walls and I'm sure the tremor in my hands will be gone by tonight.

Then I got waylaid.

I really haven't got much to add other than a chorus of EEEEEEEEEEEE's over the latest blog. I am so proud of that man! The tour news has me very excited and intrigued and I'm not even going to bother trying to figure out what he meant by "memory lane" and such. The intrigue is like the sweetest anticipation. Clay gives the best foreplay, hands down or anywhere else he wants to put them.

No more time. Lunch with Mom. Have a great one everybody!

Edited by Karen Eh?
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I found out yesterday that my son's new team has a tournament in Montreal on the weekend before I go to my NY 3fer. So I now have July 12 - 16 and 18 - 20 booked off work. Plus half of the 23rd so I can get to Sterling Heights on time. Thank God for extra vacation time and understanding bosses! :rainbowsmile:

I am afraid to see August's baseball schedule......

Karen Eh, I used to live with someone who couldn't stand the sound of my typing. Drove me crazy!

Edited by luckiest1
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So how's the bleacher butt?

Humongous but not beautiful, damn it.

oldnaiken...after I finally pronounced your board name correctly and BWAHed out loud, I then BWAHed some more over your whole post. BWAH!

And play...you and those emoticons you find hither and thither alternately send me BWAHing, also, or thinking about them with a WTF? long after I log off! CMSU!

laughn---that pic you posted to soothe oldnaiken---Gawd, that man's tongue does things to me (please, Baby Jesus! :cry4: PLEASE!)

Back to the office after a weekend of softball...somehow whether or not we get enough attendees at our summer conference to put our budget past 'break even' doesn't seem so important as whether the girls on Carrie's team feel good about themselves and are ready to try to kick butt again Friday night! And THAT, my friends, feels right to me. :allgood:

This place rocks. Honestly, I just checked in before getting to work and I feel better because I did. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Oh, and :DoClay::hubbahubba:

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Good Lord oldnaiken! Here...shower, rinse and repeat with this.


...and I truly know shit about the development of the agora between the sixth and fourth centuries BC, but I can send you all the ingredients to make your own Roman fresco (Herculaneum recipe)...You could maybe slap one up of a nude Aiken, all god like and all, with some grape leaves and such...that might get your mind off things for awhile.

Ooooh, yeah. OK.

Wanders off smiling

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a nude Aiken, all god like and all, with some grape leaves and such

mere GRAPE leaves, you say? <_<

I think not.

No, I propose that elephant palm fronds would be the order of the day here.... :hubbahubba: :medium-smiley-070:

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a nude Aiken, all god like and all, with some grape leaves and such

mere GRAPE leaves, you say? <_<

I think not.

No, I propose that elephant palm fronds would be the order of the day here.... :hubbahubba: :medium-smiley-070:

Yeah, but they're difficult to find in these northern climes. I suggest....er...... nothing.

Just a suggestion s'all!!!

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Morning all........

LCV thanks for that smile video. It was a great way to start the day.

muski, you can't score a home run every time. That's one of my mantras. Like jamar said, sometimes you play a bad game and other times you play like you are on fire. I missed your smut. Hee

Good to see you back and posting and good to see karen found her a computer. Another favorite saying of mine is "Where there is a will, there is a way." LOL

play I hope you get your doctor and medicine problems all squared away today. No OFC yet? Don't look for anything to get better. It sure seems some did not understand, or get a damn thing out of Clay's blog, at all. As expected, the 1% didn't recognize themselves. The OTT fans seems to have a new plot in place. They still plan to keep an eye out on John Pauluss, the 411 site (whatever the hell that is) and KCE site as well as the OC'ers. The new plan is take over any thread that has any little perceived negative feedback or diss in it and derail it with changing the topic to recipes, and assorted off topic convo...:cryingwlaughter: Seriously. A Pile on thread jacking.......I kid you not....Oh and they screen capped the blog at OFC that had the mods conversing in it, and sent it to Clay. WTF? Any link to any magazine or blog that has anything that doesn't meet their criteria will result in a letter campaign to Clique and followed by phone calls. So much for IGNORE huh? So much for Clay's desire for a free speech board. Did he really think it would change? That 1% of OTT fans will never leave the board or other fans alone.

lucky you will be one tired fan by the time you are done.

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Sniff, the OFC is still not opened, and I can see that I have a PM. Noone ever PM's me, sniff, and I can't read it.

Disclaimer - no one ever PM's me anywhere else but here - where the box fills up in an instance, please do not Pm me here!

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How can you see that, playbiller? I only get the "we'll be back soon" screen.

Clayzorback, I forgot to add that not only will I be tired and satisfied, I'll also be flat broke (and in debt up to my eyeballs). :cryingwlaughter:

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Good morning FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I know I’m late to the OFC message board discussion, but wanted to share a blog I came across this morning.

This is about the 10 types of blog commenters. The list isn’t totally inclusive, but I think it aptly describes many forum posters as well:

The DO-GOODER (Nice people, never a bad word to say)

I would put my mum in this one. When I was a kid, I tested her a lot. “What do you think of this sketch mum, is it good” even though I had done it badly on purpose. “Oh, that’s wonderful son, you’re so talented.” Do-Gooders are just nice folks in general, and want everyone to feel as nice inside as they are on the outside. They probably won’t help you build a better article or start a great debate, but they will make you feel warm and cozy. Do I like Do-Gooders? Sure, it’s great to feel loved! But when they say great things about everything, well, the comments never feel as special or as helpful as they could, know what I mean?

The DEBATER (looking for a fight?)

Some people have a natural gift for arguing. As a result, they will leave inflammatory comments or just pain outrageous remarks in the hope that a blogger or reader will bite. I have bitten that hook a few times, to my shame. Debaters never want to drop the subject either. If you see the comments area filling up quickly, you can bet there’s a debater with some poor sap on the end of the line, squirming and wriggling. Debaters are good at what they do, well versed, educated (most of the time) and will often leave you feeling week and feeble. And for what? Sometimes, it’s over important issues, and that’s a good thing. That’s healthy debate. But when it’s over the petty, off-topic subjects, it’s best just to let these people go. Avoid the bait bloggers. Stay away from their shiny lures. No doubt a debater is rubbing his or her hands with glee over this article, just waiting to pounce on me and start something. But I will be strong.

The NAYSAYER (also known as the “impossible to please”)

If you’re a Naysayer, you’re already compiling a list of every single thing that you disagree with in this article. It will be a long list. You’ll dislike my tone, the subject matter, the categories will be all wrong, I’ll have left out the most important point, etc, etc, etc. Naysayers would complain if they won the lottery. Naysayers would have told Jesus he was doing it all wrong. Naysayers are a negative force on this world that suck the life out of you and drain your energy. Sure, their comments will be on topic, and often civil. But they’re so pessimistic that it’s hard to get through them all without chewing your own arm off. Think carefully if all you do is leave comments that disagree with everything the blogger says. If you have a genuine concern or problem, then that’s no problem. But if you spend your life bringing people down and naysaying everyone and everything, what kind of life are you living anyway? Something tells me you’re not too happy.

The FIGJAM (An English term meaning “F**K I’m Good, Just Ask Me)

Also known by many as Trolls, comments from this particular blog reader are self-serving and patronizing. If you’re a FIGJAM, you’re probably already typing a nasty, self-promotional comment to this post right now. Although I’d actually be surprised if you had read this far down, as most FIGJAMs merely skim the surface of an article, think they know the score, and write a hefty response. FIGJAMs build themselves up by putting people down. They’re the bullies of the blog commentary world, and as a result will usually not leave their names or contact details (scaredy cats). FIGJAMs also have a tendency to be hypocrites, often pointing out spelling errors and grammar while making the very same mistakes in the comment box. All in all, a FIGJAM only serves to bring the whole blog down. If you’re a FIGJAM, I have a few pieces of advice for you. First, get in touch with your inner bastard and kick him/her to one side. Second, stop reading blogs. If the articles constantly annoy you, why keep reading them? You’ll be happier if you just go off somewhere and read a good book, and I’m 100% sure we’ll all be much happier without you. I thank you.

You can read the entire blog here:



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The FIGJAM (An English term meaning “F**K I’m Good, Just Ask Me)

Also known by many as Trolls, comments from this particular blog reader are self-serving and patronizing. If you’re a FIGJAM, you’re probably already typing a nasty, self-promotional comment to this post right now. Although I’d actually be surprised if you had read this far down, as most FIGJAMs merely skim the surface of an article, think they know the score, and write a hefty response. FIGJAMs build themselves up by putting people down. They’re the bullies of the blog commentary world, and as a result will usually not leave their names or contact details (scaredy cats). FIGJAMs also have a tendency to be hypocrites, often pointing out spelling errors and grammar while making the very same mistakes in the comment box. All in all, a FIGJAM only serves to bring the whole blog down. If you’re a FIGJAM, I have a few pieces of advice for you. First, get in touch with your inner bastard and kick him/her to one side. Second, stop reading blogs. If the articles constantly annoy you, why keep reading them? You’ll be happier if you just go off somewhere and read a good book, and I’m 100% sure we’ll all be much happier without you. I thank you.

BWAH! and double BWAH! :cryingwlaughter::clap:

And sooooooo true. Thanks for bringing that over, Sally!

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After reading Sally's post I am split between doing a Gary Coleman imitation "what you talking about, Sally" or an Al Pacino one "You talking to me, YOU TALKING TO ME!"

DOn't have time I will read your blog when I get back and see where I am describe (loony, but loveable, judgemental bitch)

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