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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


New thread title poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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The FIGJAM (An English term meaning “F**K I’m Good, Just Ask Me)

Also known by many as Trolls, comments from this particular blog reader are self-serving and patronizing. If you’re a FIGJAM, you’re probably already typing a nasty, self-promotional comment to this post right now. Although I’d actually be surprised if you had read this far down, as most FIGJAMs merely skim the surface of an article, think they know the score, and write a hefty response. FIGJAMs build themselves up by putting people down. They’re the bullies of the blog commentary world, and as a result will usually not leave their names or contact details (scaredy cats). FIGJAMs also have a tendency to be hypocrites, often pointing out spelling errors and grammar while making the very same mistakes in the comment box. All in all, a FIGJAM only serves to bring the whole blog down. If you’re a FIGJAM, I have a few pieces of advice for you. First, get in touch with your inner bastard and kick him/her to one side. Second, stop reading blogs. If the articles constantly annoy you, why keep reading them? You’ll be happier if you just go off somewhere and read a good book, and I’m 100% sure we’ll all be much happier without you. I thank you.

The FIGJAM really CMSU!!!!
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I can definitely put some names to the FIGJAM description. :cryingwlaughter: Unfortunately, most people probably see me as a DO-GOODER. Although my son tells me I need to learn to be more of a BITCH (he really did say that!) so I'm trying.

I just took a walk in the sunshine with my iPod, and the last song to come up on the random mix as I was entering the building again was WDC. I bet Clay didn't know if this one would work when it was in the planning stages either....and that makes me all sorts of excited for the summer tour. :Tour3:

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Sniff, the OFC is still not opened, and I can see that I have a PM. Noone ever PM's me, sniff, and I can't read it.

Disclaimer - no one ever PM's me anywhere else but here - where the box fills up in an instance, please do not Pm me here!

bwah... Play, I feel ya. I have been trying to figure out how to give everybody space for 5000 PMs in the inbox since this popscicle stand opened. I'm always at freaking 92% and I'm always deleting PMs. I may have to put in a call ticket for this one. Uh can one of the other admins take a look at that first?

Yeah I'm pretty convinced that nothing will change since people would rather state their same opinion ad naseum than move on to solutions. I heard you the first time - 3 days ago. And I KNOW people are feeling the same thing about me. I didn't realize how much I was posthoing until I did a search to make sure I didn't say what I thought I didn't say. :cryingwlaughter: I think unfortunately things start to get muddied the more you state your opinion over and over. People start to take things personally and you start to appear dogmatic. For instance, there is no way in hell that I think the mods don't hold some responsibility in this. I just also happen to think that even if you think they are the worst mods on the face of the earth, you don't get to talk to them that way. I hope to be proven wrong. I really like the idea of some sort of flood control, or limit on number of posts per day. But I have a feeling everyone would cry foul - and perhaps understandably.

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If you’re a FIGJAM, I have a few pieces of advice for you. First, get in touch with your inner bastard and kick him/her to one side. Second, stop reading blogs. If the articles constantly annoy you, why keep reading them? You’ll be happier if you just go off somewhere and read a good book, and I’m 100% sure we’ll all be much happier without you. I thank you.


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The FIGJAM (An English term meaning “F**K I’m Good, Just Ask Me)

Dayum, now that's funnee. BWAH HA HA!!!

*looks around furtively*

We need to add that to the teeshirts?

OMG, Sally - I knew I loved you for a reason. :cryingwlaughter:

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Some PMs have addresses in them, some have otherstuff I don't want to lose (rteminders and stuff) and I would download it if I could, but all I get when I try and do that is gibberish - same for CV's PM box.

I guess I will have to cut and paste to save.

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a nude Aiken, all god like and all, with some grape leaves and such

mere GRAPE leaves, you say? <_<

I think not.

No, I propose that elephant palm fronds would be the order of the day here.... :hubbahubba: :medium-smiley-070:

See, I was just thinking of using those grape leaves for the laurel wreath/crooked halo all wrapped around nicely in that lovely long hair of his. :whistling-1:

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Hey! We need a new emoticon

No FIGJAMs allowed!


...and laughn...yeah...leaves in that luscious hair (on his head :whistling-1: ) that I could leisurely pull out with my fingers...and perhaps bits of leaves in other hair that I could lasciviously ease out with my... :medium-smiley-070:

Oh, and WDC? Yah...I was thinking about this. Maybe one of Clay's schemes is to incorporate this song into a full symphony orchestral arrangement. That would fit the 'down memory lane' theme. Like violins slowly weeping out the beginning instead of choir robes...then.

Saxophones, baybee, with the Full Monty!! :hubbahubba:

Edited by muskifest
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Here you go! ;)



Sally, I loved that blog you posted. The entire thing is so worthy, and it's interesting to try to place yourself in the list; and then try to place other people you know there as well. Thank you for it, it certainly made my day!

bwah... Play, I feel ya. I have been trying to figure out how to give everybody space for 5000 PMs in the inbox since this popscicle stand opened. I'm always at freaking 92% and I'm always deleting PMs. I may have to put in a call ticket for this one. Uh can one of the other admins take a look at that first?

couchie, I tried looking around for this yesterday myself, and couldn't find a place anywhere to increase the size of the PM boxes. I did try, honestly!

Some PMs have addresses in them, some have otherstuff I don't want to lose (rteminders and stuff) and I would download it if I could, but all I get when I try and do that is gibberish - same for CV's PM box.

I guess I will have to cut and paste to save.

play when you try to archive your PM box, are you trying to save as an HTML file? Because that's the way it works well for me. The Excel file just gives me gibberish too. What browser are you using? What OS are you using? What type of mail are you using to receive the attachments (a free mail like gmail or hotmail, or is it a "real" account)? It might help to email an admin here (or better yet, all three of us), and maybe couchie can take it as a trouble ticket as well.

I think unfortunately things start to get muddied the more you state your opinion over and over. People start to take things personally and you start to appear dogmatic. For instance, there is no way in hell that I think the mods don't hold some responsibility in this. I just also happen to think that even if you think they are the worst mods on the face of the earth, you don't get to talk to them that way.

Bolding mine. I know the situation isn't really the same, but I liken it to the "boss from hell." They may make your life totally miserable with the way they do things, unfair or not. But, IMO, there's no way I'd tell the boss from hell to go f*** himself. I just can't do it, no matter how mean they are to me. If they were truly that bad -- I'd probably be looking for a new place to work, and in the meantime, I'd be plugging along, working respectfully. I might try to go a step above the boss, but sometimes that gets you into even more trouble. As I said, the whole situation doesn't quite shake out that way, but my overriding feelings are almost always RESPECT, even if it is someone I cannot stand.

Grape leaves? Palm leaves? The mind boggles.

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I ventured forth and saw this gif posted and it CMSU!


I mean...look at him! He's a kid getting the last word---so proud of himself.


(PS...any chance we could get that LMAO emoticon added to ourn FCA "ASSets"? heh.

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I got my PM, it was a thank you from another poster and they quoted my post,

New emoticons? I kind of like this one laughter3.gif and this one laughter5.gif

I tried saving the files as HTML and as Excel, I have XP and used 5 different mail software to try and read this exported data (netscape, Yahoo, Netmail, something else and finally outlook)

Edited by playbiller
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I saw this and immediately thought there would be times in the future it might come han....er, come in handy...


And this one is disturbingly similar to my avie:


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I can edit KAndre...but muski made it too fun to take out...

sally...thanks for that blog link...so real.

I am loving our newbies...so many funny people...

well the oldies are funny as well... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Have we seen either of these two pictures before? I was cruising the net the other day, and found these on Kevin Hees's website. I figured out today how to capture these pictures. I don't remember seeing either one of these before...but then I'm old and my memory is faulty. ( :F_05BL17blowkiss: to Ansa)



Talk about oldies but goodies...and talk about a major eyef**k.

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