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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


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27 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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bwah..I've been quoted 3 times..oh well.


don't mean to get folks riled up..was just confused. I'll stick with my interpretation... it makes sense as MOAM to ATDW had already taken three years...more changes and fixes would have added to that. That is absolutely nothing new and the important part of what Clay said is that taking that much time to put out the next product is what he didn't want. Whether you agree with the decision or not, it makes sense to me. Especially because in his absence from the public, the festering pit known as tabloid media had taking root. If nothing else, Clay was able to get his own voice ii the mix, give us this great tour...and IMO allow him to discover himself even more musically. Lover All Alone is a gift and who knows if we would have had it if not for ATDW. I think Clay grew and learned a lot through the process and has even more of an idea of what he wants. Not to criticize Clay... but if he is ambivalent over songs slated for his album, how could he really really have faith and fight for them. I don't think that will ever be the case again. Sometimes you learn more therough the tough times. Hope that makes sense.

Yep, totally loved annetherese's report..wonder what she takes to help with that memory thing. I can't find my keys from one day to the next.

In other words -- KEEP READING AND GET TO WHAT CLAYGASM SAID...thank GOD I have to leave before I stick my foot further in my mouth. Clay and I have a con nec tion. heee.

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But I loved anntherese54's m&g recap. It was very detailed and it seemed to me that she tried very hard to express what she remembered in great detail, all the while asking people to realize that it was coming through her own filters.

Oh God, it was adorable and so full of awesome detail! I loved it. I'm thrilled people are choosing to share and whatever they share is ai'ght by me. No grilling from this nosy fan. And I AM nosy... first to admit it.

'welcome, LMF!

I think Clay said Jaymes IS allowed to call him Clayton... He said "she's allowed to call me that..... no, not that!! Dirty, dirty, dirty". Not sure if someone said something or what "no not that" referred to... he was just bein' dirty.


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I just thought the "3 years" was a number pulled out of the air, sort of like the 3000 fans that follow him around (which was 5000 during the JBT so I guess he lost 2000 fans.....) - not an exact amount of time. It seemed to me that the choice was get an album out in 2006 - which was 3 years after MOAM - or start from scratch which could conceivably take another 3 years (even though it likely would have taken a much shorter amount of time). IMO I think Clay was already pretty nervous about it being so long between albums and out of the general public's eye for so long. I doubt he would have wanted to make it any longer.

I doubt RCA would have told him to do a cover album or else you can't put anything out for 3 years. Why 3 years? Why would they deny themselves making money from another album of Clay's if it were ready in, say, a year and a half? That justs makes no sense from a business point of view.

Nah. It just makes much more sense that they told him the only way he would get an album out in 2006 was to do a cover album. The alternative was to start over and take whatever amount of time he needed - which could be 3 years, more or less.

But, just like some fans latched onto the word "mandate" even though he only used it once, they see and hear what they want to see and hear.

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Last night in chat I did mention that Clay said something about "waiting 3 years" in reference to the making of the last CD. Today when I was writing my recap, I deliberately left that piece of information out because to be quite honest, I couldn't remember the exact context in which it was said and I did not want anything I might write to be misconstrued, misunderstood or misinterpreted. So, I left it out rather than include something that was unclear. However, since I mentioned it in chat last night, and it is being mentioned now on main, I will try to address it as best I can.

Please understand that I did not keep an audio recorder in my purse recording every word Clay said. So, I can't go back and listen to it again to know exactly what he said. I am relying on my memory in which there are bits and pieces of words and sentences that remain, but some that have already begun to fade.

My recollection is quite simply that Clay talked about having a choice on the last CD: to do the covers or wait...and here's where I think he said... something to the effect of ..."wait another 3 years". I don't think that number had any significance beyond that it meant they had to choose between doing the CD of covers or else wait and not put out a CD at that time. I think it was as Corabeth mentioned in her post...that they were stuck between a rock and a hard place. I think at that time, they didn't want to have to wait another "3 years" (or however long it would be) to put out the sophomore CD. (MY words...not his!). MOAM came out in 2003 and it was early 2006 when we got the blog to "open your minds for something different" and the "love songs Valentine blog". So there's 3 years right there. He may have just been implying that it already was almost 3 years since MOAM and they didn't want to have to wait another "3 years" to put out the next CD. A figure of speech sort of thing rather than a literal representation of time. He did not say or imply that the label told him "do this CD or else wait for 3 more years". It was Clay describing the decision they had to make back then of doing the CD of covers.

Is that clearer? Does that clarify some of the confusion? I don't think he was referring to the CD they are working on now. He stated that right now the process is going well. I think the 3 years was in reference to doing the covers CD in 2006 vs. having to wait an indefinite and uncertain amount of time with no CD to put out.

I hope this clarifies some of the confusion.

Annetherese of the CH did clarify. That says it all to me.......

Oh God, it was adorable and so full of awesome detail! I loved it. I'm thrilled people are choosing to share and whatever they share is ai'ght by me. No grilling from this nosy fan. And I AM nosy... first to admit it

heee..it was the best. My reaction was not to her recap but the reaction to her recap..I'm working on that little failing of mine. heee At least I'm self aware :cryingwlaughter:

But I guess the idea of Clive holding Raleigh and Durham captive appeals to some more... :cryingwlaughter:

LOL.. or worst, his local Krispy Kreme store manager.

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Some may wonder why would he have to wait at all if he had original material. Well, maybe he wasn't that excited with it. Maybe it was stuff like BFM which he really didn't like and maybe the label wasn't thrilled with it either. Maybe Clay actually wanted to start over but was nervous about waiting even more time for a new album so the label suggested covers, thinking it was a quick way for him to gain exposure - and I am sure the label thought it would sell well. So maybe Clay decided ok, let's do the covers and then I can take my time to put together a new album I am happy with.

But I guess the idea of Clive holding Raleigh and Durham captive appeals to some more... :cryingwlaughter:

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Some may wonder why would he have to wait at all if he had original material. Well, maybe he wasn't that excited with it. Maybe it was stuff like BFM which he really didn't like and maybe the label wasn't thrilled with it either. Maybe Clay actually wanted to start over but was nervous about waiting even more time for a new album so the label suggested covers, thinking it was a quick way for him to gain exposure - and I am sure the label thought it would sell well. So maybe Clay decided ok, let's do the covers and then I can take my time to put together a new album I am happy with.

But I guess the idea of Clive holding Raleigh and Durham captive appeals to some more... :cryingwlaughter:

Well I have no doubt he was pretty much told to do the covers... and they way they told him was by telling him he wasn't getting to put out whatever was already prepared, so in my mind it was... this ain't flyin' (for whatever reason), so it's covers or back to the drawing board... which do you want, and I suggest you pick covers. Heh.

And yeah, what anntherese said. :)

Anyway, that's all so yesterday. :lol:

Did anyone find any "puberty" clack yet?

That's what I reallllly wanna know.

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Sometimes you learn more therough the tough times. Hope that makes sense.

couchie, this makes total sense to me...and it's something I've been saying in this fandom for a LONG time. It took me a while to realize this, but it is amazing how much learning goes on during rough times, or when someone makes a mistake. I think Clay knows this and these past few years have been an incredibly learning experience for him -- good or bad. And I've been known to be rather frustrated at some in the fandom for wanting everything PERFECT for him, when in fact it would be better for him to have a few stumbling blocks from time to time IMO. Just one of my bugaboos...

As far as this latest "news" goes -- it sounds to me that most people here are saying approximately the same thing with minor variations. Clay had recorded material, something happened that it didn't pass muster, and then Clay had a choice. At this point for me, I'm at the point where I can't even think about speculating what happened IN THE PAST. I'm just incredibly happy that I have ATDW in my hands (still love listening to the entire album almost every day), and will look forward to whatever Clay comes up with next...however long it takes.

One other thing : ITA that we all are using our filters with what is being reported at the M&Gs. I tend to go along with lickiest1 in that I think at least some of the pod theories are being shot down....but at the same time, my filters are getting reshifted with what's being reported. Some of these stories (such as BFM being not a favorite) really threw me for a loop as well. You know what? That's OK. It may be discomforting a bit for me, but that's part of the learning curve.

Yep, totally loved annetherese's report..wonder what she takes to help with that memory thing. I can't find my keys from one day to the next.

It was a great report. She did a fantastic job. If you're lurking anntherese -- thanks!

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Hey folks, just wanted to say hi and offer up my review of the threefer.

Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it. The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it and I am one lucky fan.

Lover All Alone in the rain at Canandaigua is the single best moment thus far in my fandom. I doubt it will ever be recreated, and it was a privilege to be there.

That is all.

eta: I forgot to mention, my buddy Karen gave a DCAT pin to Mary with the request to pass it on to Quiana. I wonder if she'll figure out what it means? :lilredani:

Edited by cindilu2
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Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it. The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it.


eta: I forgot to mention, my buddy Karen gave a DCAT pin to Mary with the request to pass it on to Quiana. I wonder if she'll figure out what it means? :lilredani:

BWAH! Hi Quiana! Love you and see you tomorrow!! :allgood:

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Things I was supposed to do today:

Fold Mt. Everest of Laundry

Buy batteries for camera

Update iPod

Buy presentable jammies and new summer shirt for concert


Pay Bills

Do Client Invoices

Write a Process Summary for a Client

Find suitcase - it's been 2 years after all!

Print out Itinerary

Write Housesitting instructions

Welcome new neighbor

What I did today:

Sat on my ass in front of the computer

uh... ate popsicles

uh... fed dogs

uh... talked on the phone?

uh... watered the lawn (which consists of turning one knob!)


Nice job on the pin delivery! :lol:

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One other thing : ITA that we all are using our filters with what is being reported at the M&Gs. I tend to go along with lickiest1 in that I think at least some of the pod theories are being shot down....but at the same time, my filters are getting reshifted with what's being reported. Some of these stories (such as BFM being not a favorite) really threw me for a loop as well. You know what? That's OK. It may be discomforting a bit for me, but that's part of the learning curve.

Yep, we are learning new things about Clay, how he thinks and how he (apparently) feels, and even if they don't match up with what we might have previously believed he felt, it's all cool. He's a complex man. I find him fascinating and he never, ever bores me. :wub:

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Yay for all the details from the meet and greeets- may people actually understand them and not try to bend them to fit their conspiracy theory!

I do get pissed off pretty easily, but so far not banned from TWOP going on week 2. This is a record since my first id lasted 2 years. and each subsequent one less than a week. May be the new mods.

Edited by playbiller
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Guest huskerfalcon
I just thought the "3 years" was a number pulled out of the air, sort of like the 3000 fans that follow him around (which was 5000 during the JBT so I guess he lost 2000 fans.....) - not an exact amount of time. It seemed to me that the choice was get an album out in 2006 - which was 3 years after MOAM - or start from scratch which could conceivably take another 3 years (even though it likely would have taken a much shorter amount of time). IMO I think Clay was already pretty nervous about it being so long between albums and out of the general public's eye for so long. I doubt he would have wanted to make it any longer.

I doubt RCA would have told him to do a cover album or else you can't put anything out for 3 years. Why 3 years? Why would they deny themselves making money from another album of Clay's if it were ready in, say, a year and a half? That justs makes no sense from a business point of view.

Nah. It just makes much more sense that they told him the only way he would get an album out in 2006 was to do a cover album. The alternative was to start over and take whatever amount of time he needed - which could be 3 years, more or less.

But, just like some fans latched onto the word "mandate" even though he only used it once, they see and hear what they want to see and hear.

Ain't that the truth! I'm not picking on you, Claygasm... its just that your post kind of sums up what I'm reading here, and is making my eyes fall out of my head in amazement. I know most of y'all who post here are intelligent people, but when Clay says 'I had to do this or wait an extended period of time to put out an album'... that sounds like blackmail to me. Especially since he and Jaymes had already put together an album (nearly 2 years of work) which Clive dismissed out of hand. (and I'm quite sure LAA was on this CD)

The main point in all of this is that Clay didn't WANT to do a cover album!!! How is it you don't get that? With everything he's said here and there, how is it possible that he's still being deliberately misunderstood? When he calls ATDW a 'coaster', isn't it obvious that he doesn't have warm, fuzzy feelings about it?

The other thing is that NONE of this makes sense from a business point of view. RCA/Clive doesn't give a rat's ass about making money! They want to control the stars and control the music. If you don't believe that, try looking up Gino Vanelli, Rod Stewart, George Michael, Prince, Michael Jackson, Courtney Love, and the latest in the line of controlled artists, Miss Kelly Clarkson. That's not pod thinking or conspiracy theory, its based on actual things that actually happened.

Whether you like it or not, Clay was manipulated into doing a cover album he didn't want to do. He has been trying to tell his fans this over and over. But as Claygasm so duly noted, some will "see and hear what they want to see and hear."

Edited by huskerfalcon
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Well, I'm assuming you didn't just call us all stupid. :lol:

Sorry, dear, but no amount of yelling and exclamation points tossed around is going to make me run screaming BLACKMAIL!!?!11

It's idiotic.

And since you don't work in the business, forgive me if I don't take your word that it doesn't make business sense.

I can believe he wasn't MANIPULATED as long as I want to. And I do.

Pod thinking has nothing to do with WHAT you believe... it's the refusing to accept that other options exist...and running around manipulating, yelling, and talking smack around backchannels about fellow fans for not falling into line. Not that I'm accusing YOU per se...

Why do you care so much what "we" think anyway?

The main point in all of this is that Clay didn't WANT to do a cover album!!! How is it you don't get that? With everything he's said here and there, how is it possible that he's still being deliberately misunderstood? When he calls ATDW a 'coaster', isn't it obvious that he doesn't have warm, fuzzy feelings about it?

Never said he did. I get that. Deliberately? Please. It's obvious he knows the public doesn't have warm, fuzzy feelings about it.

(and I'm quite sure LAA was on this CD)

And I'm QUITE (read: 100%) sure you're mistaken.

I'm sorry, but be part of a community before you come storming in flailing around in your righteousness, please.

It's really unbecoming.

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Guest huskerfalcon

Smack? Not even sure what that means.

It's idiotic.

And since you don't work in the business, forgive me if I don't take your word that it doesn't make business sense.

I can believe he wasn't MANIPULATED as long as I want to. And I do.

Pod thinking has nothing to do with WHAT you believe... it's the refusing to accept that other options exist...and running around manipulating, yelling, and talking smack around backchannels about fellow fans for not falling into line. Not that I'm accusing YOU per se...

No, I don't work in the business, but I have several friends that do. I don't pull my ideas and opinions and facts out of thin air, though YOU may think I do.

As far as caring about what anyone thinks? As a teacher, its my natural tendency to correct mistakes, and to help people understand information. It seems to me that Clay's been trying to do the same thing.

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YSRN Beautiful dog by the way, and a great photo.

I have to agree with you on LAA. Based on the timeline that Clay discussed about LAA. I don't think the music was even given to him in the same time frame as songs for the phantom album were being recorded.

I think it has been said on this board many times that what some of us have come to object to is this very thing huskerfalcon, because you have come to believe so strongly in what you think went down in the recording process for ATDW, you only latch onto the things that Clay says that support that point of view.

Others of us latch onto the things that Clay has said that support our point of view. The facts probably fall somewhere in between.

I guess too, and I'll just speak for myself, what is gained if we only look back and point fingers, whether those fingers are pointed at Clive Davis or other Clay fans? I love the CD and I won't apologize for it. I think Clay was actually proud of his product, but once he'd read a lot of the "fan" reaction and complaining, I'm not surprised he refered to it as a coaster.

Yes, it was his sophomore CD, and covers aren't usually what one would expect. Maybe Clive's idea backfired, but was it really such a stupid idea? After all, Rod did it, it sold well, Barry did it, it sold well and these guys can't even sing anymore. Michael Buble is doing it. What would happen if someone with a voice like Clay Aiken did it, after all, his fans fell in love with him singing covers?......I can see that thought process and I don't have to see malice in it. I actually have seen a lot more malice coming from fans. That's my point of view, I think some others share it, some don't.

Yep, we all process information differently, What I saw happening during the release of ATDW made me want to spend a lot less time on the boards. I wanted to be celebrating just having a new CD and that became very hard to do while reading some of the larger boards. I came here, I don't think we have our heads in the sand, we just know how to enjoy our fandom.

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Hey folks, just wanted to say hi and offer up my review of the threefer.

Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it. The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it and I am one lucky fan.

Lover All Alone in the rain at Canandaigua is the single best moment thus far in my fandom. I doubt it will ever be recreated, and it was a privilege to be there.

That is all.

eta: I forgot to mention, my buddy Karen gave a DCAT pin to Mary with the request to pass it on to Quiana. I wonder if she'll figure out what it means? :lilredani:

Hi Cindilu,

Welcome home hon. Second that thread title. Also I need to watch that clack from LAA in Canadaigua...for anyone who has seen it, does it translate? Clay is always so great IMO that is' a miracle when you get for yourself one of those moments where you can say - THIS was by far the best. And that's probably why I like to go to so many shows... that possibility does exist every single night.

LOL about the DCAT pin. And BTW, you did a great job on that pin it is SO wonderful and classy looking and is my favorite along with the original FCA pin that Ansa did.

Play, you are hilarious. When I think about what I wanted to do this weekend vs what I did..all I can do is shake my head. And a week and a half left until I have FCA visitors.

Can somebody pm me and tell me who won the next food network star contest. I forgot about it and missed the finale.

Yep, we are learning new things about Clay, how he thinks and how he (apparently) feels, and even if they don't match up with what we might have previously believed he felt, it's all cool. He's a complex man. I find him fascinating and he never, ever bores me. :wub:

That's for sure.

I do get pissed off pretty easily, but so far not banned from TWOP going on week 2. This is a record since my first id lasted 2 years. and each subsequent one less than a week. May be the new mods.

Bwah. Yeah I got banned...I made it all the way to fanatic. Two weeks playing again on Clay thread and I'm banned. And I have to laugh cuz I was outsmarted by an old "friend." But that's cool..just made myself a new id and after two days already have a warning for posting something nice about Julia from Hell's Kitchen in the wrong thread. Oops.

Husker - I really don't know that you are saying anything different from what I believe. It's how I take in the news and then how I communicate about it. I don't use loaded words like loaded gun to his head so maybe you don't think I'm passionate about the situation. This is the world he is in and he wasn't treated special or different. See Kelly Clarkson. See Rod Stewart. See everybody on the RCA roster.

If you want to think he was then fine. Clay has made his position very clear and I know exactly what it is. I know that making a covers album wasn't his choice. I'm just tired of people yelling FIRE in a crowded theater like we are still back in September 2006. It's truly understandable that you are on a different wavelength. A lot of people here, NOT everyone, were tired of the anger and bitterness that accompanied ATDW so we perhaps understand each other a bit more. I care about Clay and that he get to do what he wants. Every finger, toe and everything else is crossed that it will happen this time. At the same time I can take a step back and not have to live the rest of my fandom through the fact that he put out a covers album - to make that the most important thing in the world about my fandom. Sorry, just won't happen

And I will never say I'm 100% right about anything., I have no clue unlike some theorists. All I know is that he said it took 7 months to write the words to the song and if his original album had been pressed much earlier then I don't see how that song will have made it. I don't care if I'm wrong. Perhaps you can ask him if you geet a meet and greet. Bubble busting is quite fun anyway. I'm definitely not married to the idea and NEVER say anything equivocably - well except what I just said.

Bottom line, Clay had to do a covers album. That was not his choice. He made the best of it and seems though, depending on your interpretation, there was a choice to be made. I love the album. I'm not going to spend the rest of my life angry for him and miss out on the joy of the moment. The joy I get in listening to the album. The joy I get in going to the concerts. The joy I get in every bubble bursting new report from Clay by trying to make it fit what I suppose happened.. Whatever happened, he has dealt with it far better than his fans have IMO.

Yes, it was his sophomore CD, and covers aren't usually what one would expect. Maybe Clive's idea backfired, but was it really such a stupid idea? After all, Rod did it, it sold well, Barry did it, it sold well and these guys can't even sing anymore. Michael Buble is doing it. What would happen if someone with a voice like Clay Aiken did it, after all, his fans fell in love with him singing covers?......I can see that thought process and I don't have to see malice in it. I actually have seen a lot more malice coming from fans. That's my point of view, I think some others share it, some don't.

Word to this entire paragraph Atinal. And BTW, I've thought Clive was a ghoul ever since I saw him present Clay with his double platinum award and will continue to think of him as this vulture circling around jumping on the latest bandwagon to get credit for wholever is doing well. I think he cares only about making money and that's why I go more to Atinal's theory. And it's a perfectly good theory. Not believing a different theory doesn' t mean I have my head buried in the sand. I just like this theory better.

And since I'm the only one up I can continue to write. Just heard from a friend just back from her Clay trip. She is on cloud nine over Clay's performances and the beauty of what she witnessed, yet outside of the hall everybody some just wants to congregate and talk about PH, Clive, etc etc. Well no fucking way will my summer and life be spent on such nonsense. If that means I don't get Clay and don't have his best interests at heart than so be it.

Aiken's strongest moment was his performance of Lover All Alone, for which he wrote the lyrics. In spite of jarring intonation problems from his guitarist, he loosened his grip on the polished, practiced stage manner and truly connected with his own soul.

And for those few minutes, the squealing fans, the strong-willed women, the devoted husbands and the rest of the audience fell absolutely silent in appreciation.

The Columbus Dispatch review was revised. Well isn't that nice. Love it.

I see you down there Muski...read your PM.

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YSRN Beautiful dog by the way, and a great photo.

Thank you. He's a keeper for sure!

couchie... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I had a whole bunch to say, but I decided to bag it. It boils down to choice. Not stupidity; not ignorance; not naivety... choice.

Remember, husker, over a year ago on the OFC in the album thread I posted something about a little boy not getting the lead in a play and instead of the parents being happy for their son and celebrating his acting debut, they spent the entire time complaining about him not getting the lead. Ruined the school play for the kid AND the parents. You wanted to hug me for that. Remember? Your mindset seems to have changed? Is that what the anger does? Or "the truth"? Well, no thanks. I'll continue to revel in the delicious ambiguity of Clay's life - as he "seems" to be trying to help us understand ala Gilda Radner. See? We can all learn different things from him. Same lesson... different meanings. As a teacher, you get that I'm sure.

It's ok if we're all different. Really, it is.

You see tough times; I see exciting, exhilirating times... just the way it is.

'night all. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Tomorrow I get to pack! Wee. :TourExcite:

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What time is it?

I'm in a fog...Kenny made it home from Lake Tahoe in about 3 hours, breaking a number of speed limit laws in the process...but we're finally here and in one piece.

(What follows is a self-indulgent recounting of an amazing tournament win by a group of 12 year olds that I have become a total sap for. :lilredani: ...please scroll at will...)

Except I left my heart with my little pitcher who stayed one more night with the coach and his daughter in Tahoe. Our team WON the tournament! Their first FIRST PLACE finish in any tournament ever! They've been second and third a number of times, but always have falled short of the "the prize". This weekend we started Friday evening and played seven games until the very end Sunday evening at 8:30 pm!

And we won every single game (7 in all). Unreal. Carrie was unbeatable. They just couldn't hit her. I don't know the final stats to the number but it's something insane, like she struck out thirty people in something like 17 innings pitched or something. She hit like a fool, too--doubles and RBIs, caught a fly ball for the last out in an inning when she played left field for another pitcher and had about three put outs herself while on the mound.

This morning, after having won three games pretty danged conclusively already, the other team proceeded to score NINE runs in their first at bat! Another pitcher was on the mound for us (Carrie had already pitched the first three games.)...we were stunned...long story short. We came back! And we won after two overtime innings broke the tie that we reached at the end of regulation time. We came back from a 9-0 deficit to win 12-11!

I see that you guys were talking about the most memorable sports moments for you...well, that was one.

The other? The championship game tonight. We'd started playing at 11:40 am and four games (and almost nine hours) later we were in the next to last inning, tied for the win. Carrie had already pitched over 170 pitches for the day, so Kenny took her out! (He's the pitching coach.) Our second pitcher is injured so couldn't be brought in. Our third pitcher is too valuable in the infield so we went with our fourth pitcher. Everyone groaned and moaned...but Kenny was adamant that he was NOT going to repeat last year's tourney when all the other pitchers flaked out and Carrie was dragging herself to finish, until she hurt her shoulder and was so tired she could hardly function.....so while Kelly (a little tiny pitcher we have who's sweet as can be and about half the size of Nicole Richie) struggled, we parents just sat and watched these kids find stamina from SOMEWHERE... They were all amazing.

We got another at bat and Carrie was brought back in the lineup so that she could come back next inning to close as the pitcher. Our girls hit and hit! And we pulled ahead by two runs! Now...it was the last inning (seventh)...and Carrie was back on the mound! If we could hold them...not let them score at least 2, we'd win (we were 'home' team)....

Carrie pitched only 10 pitches to strike out the batters, one-two-three!

I burst into tears...idiot that I am...My vision was so blurred I can't even remember what happened next. All I know is that here we (Kenny and I) are....back home late, late...and we both have to go to work tomorrow today and we're exhausted and we don't care. I wouldn't trade what I experienced this weekend for anything. Nothing.

So maybe Carrie's team will go all the way at Nationals. It's a helluva long shot but I swear, after what I saw this weekend? Anything's possible. If they do, I'll miss the Cal FourPlay and I'll miss Clay and all you for sure. BUT....I'll be in the midst of something unique and so very, very special. If the team can't quite best the sure-to-be-more elite competition, then most likely I'll get to one or more of the concerts---and that will be special, too.

(yawn)...okay...those of you who've scrolled, you can come back now... :whistling-1:

I'm gonna hit hte sack....if I can make it upstairs without falling asleep on the way. Couchie---I read the pm...yes to everything. :F_05BL17blowkiss: All the rest of you wonderful women, I want to respond to some of the great stuff you've posted but I can't tonight...let me have some sweet dreams first---of softballs and balls of other sorts....heh...

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I'm not picking on you, Claygasm... its just that your post kind of sums up what I'm reading here, and is making my eyes fall out of my head in amazement.

Hee, that's how I feel when I read elsewhere! I guess that's why there are different boards...different strokes for different folks.

The main point in all of this is that Clay didn't WANT to do a cover album!!! How is it you don't get that? With everything he's said here and there, how is it possible that he's still being deliberately misunderstood? When he calls ATDW a 'coaster', isn't it obvious that he doesn't have warm, fuzzy feelings about it?

He called MOAM a coaster, too. It's his way of making light of the situation, IMO. He knows fans buy multiples. I don't get any sense of how he personally feels about the album from that comment. I gauge how he feels about the songs on the album from the excited way he talks about them in interviews, and from the joy he seems to have while singing them on this tour. Which is his decision, IMO. Why sing 'em if you don't like 'em? Why promote ATDW if you don't like it? So that is the way I choose to look at it. Maybe if I disliked the CD I'd find a different way to look at it, but I don't. I love it. Regardless of how it came to be.

Just heard from a friend just back from her Clay trip. She is on cloud nine over Clay's performances and the beauty of what she witnessed, yet outside of the hall everybody some just wants to congregate and talk about PH, Clive, etc etc. Well no fucking way will my summer and life be spent on such nonsense. If that means I don't get Clay and don't have his best interests at heart than so be it.

WORD, couchie. I encountered some of this on my NY 3fer too. I don't see the point of wallowing in the negative when there is so much fun and joy and beauty to be celebrated. So that's the way I choose to live my fandom. Ignore the crap and celebrate the rest! Clay's a big boy and is obviously taking care of business in the best way he can. He doesn't need me to help him. I actually loved it when someone reported that they asked him what the fans can do to help with his problems with the label, and he said "buy the CD". Yep, that's what fans are for. Buy the CDs. Attend the concerts. Support our man. The rest will follow.

I had a whole bunch to say, but I decided to bag it. It boils down to choice. Not stupidity; not ignorance; not naivety... choice.


You see tough times; I see exciting, exhilirating times... just the way it is.

Well said. And I get to be exhilirated again tonight, in Sterling Heights!

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Tour3: :TourExcite: :DoClay:

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what a wonderful memory you are building with your Carrie...I am so proud of her and of you and Kenny. she may be a talented kid...but she also has super supportive parents that made it possible...

standing O for your family...and although we will really miss you in the CA4fer...I will be cheering for your daughter in spirit.

So many things to say...so many things to read...but I can;t give it my full attention from now...I am at chapter 25 of Harry...and I won;t be able to concentrate on all your conversation...but from skimming this morning this is how I see all this and MY interpretation of Clay's words

Since Clive already rejected the CD they created...he knew that the only way they can get another CD out is by doing covers...cos it takes a long process to look for new songs and it might take another 3 years. So the best thing to do is just go with the concept Clive wanted and to quickly choose songs and bring out a CD quickly...then he will have time to work on a CD of originals...

I am not interested in arguing fine points with people who have their minds all made up and insist on seeing the situation just one way....

ATDW coasters???? well he called MOAM tiles before...and coasters...that is nothing unusual at all.

LAA..the story of its creation came from Clay;s own lips and there has only been one story. If people will insist on imposing their own fan fiction over what Clay has said...give people the courtesy of trying to support your statements with facts and not insist you are right just because it fits your views.

hope to finish HP today and then I can go and really catch up.

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One more time bottlecap...only this time our butts are headed north.

I had a whole bunch to say, but I decided to bag it. It boils down to choice. Not stupidity; not ignorance; not naivety... choice.


You see tough times; I see exciting, exhilirating times... just the way it is.

Yeah that YSRN. :RedGuy:

Well before it started I read people lamenting the fact and arguing whether Clay would sing to promote ATDW on tour. I thought, 'why not? He sings the shit out of it.' Just because you don't always get what you want doesn't mean you can't enjoy what you have at the moment. That's like saying if I can't have the shiny new bike I want, then I'm not going to enjoy riding...and while I'm at it, I think I'll sit in the corner and pout over my bad luck and not ride at all. Thank God, Clay's too mature for that. I think he'll get his shiny new bike someday and I believe he knows that too...and I hope when he does he'll let me ride the handlebars.

The man makes me smile. It's Pavlovian. He walks on stage and that's all I can do. He walks off and it stops. I'm going to get my smile fix tonight!! Whoo-hoo!!!

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to one and all...

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This ALWAYS needs to be repeated....hope you and laughn have another wonderful concert this evening!

I had a whole bunch to say, but I decided to bag it. It boils down to choice. Not stupidity; not ignorance; not naivety... choice.


You see tough times; I see exciting, exhilirating times... just the way it is.

Yeah that YSRN. :RedGuy:

I'm in for this too. Living in the here and now is much more fun for me than living in the past.

Well before it started I read people lamenting the fact and arguing whether Clay would sing to promote ATDW on tour. I thought, 'why not? He sings the shit out of it.' Just because you don't always get what you want doesn't mean you can't enjoy what you have at the moment. That's like saying if I can't have the shiny new bike I want, then I'm not going to enjoy riding...and while I'm at it, I think I'll sit in the corner and pout over my bad luck and not ride at all. Thank God, Clay's too mature for that. I think he'll get his shiny new bike someday and I believe he knows that too...and I hope when he does he'll let me ride the handlebars.

This is masterful, and a wonderful analogy!

I think what I need to keep reminding myself is that while I truly believe he'll get his new bike, it may not STILL be on the timeframe for Clay's (or my) liking. It's always felt to me that people want him to get everything in his career RIGHT NOW, and I just can't buy that. His next bike may have more new parts, but it still may have a banana seat instead of a comfy new seat. If he gets the shiny new bike on his next go-around, I'll be thrilled along with Clay. If he gets that one with mostly new parts -- I'll still be thrilled for him. That's pretty much the nature of my fandom -- to be thrilled by Clay. I know I'm easy like that....and I honestly don't see that as a problem.

The man makes me smile. It's Pavlovian. He walks on stage and that's all I can do. He walks off and it stops. I'm going to get my smile fix tonight!! Whoo-hoo!!!

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to one and all...


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