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#13 The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it.


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46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • He's my happy.
    • Doesn't want to leave RCA.
    • Lullabied...All.night.long Slooooowwwww
    • We do a lot of slow songs because that's what we're good at
    • Krispy Kreme, macaroni and cheese, and sloooooow songs.
    • God, I love his whole damn being!
    • The most adorable, lovable, huggable almost devilish creature that melts my heart .
    • It's never enough with Clay Aiken.
    • Doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.
    • Well, it's really no wonder that next thing he knew she was all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"

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I felt a lot worse last year when the bad note from "All Is Well" was posted on UTube, because Clay never intended to sing that bad note and he had sung his heart out on all the other songs. In this case, Clay intends for his performance of this song to appear OTT, it is his choice to perform it this way. Personally, I liked it a little less campy, but I can deal. It seems to me that once he let go of the OTT campiness in LAV, he transferred it to this song,

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I felt a lot worse last year when the bad note from "All Is Well" was posted on UTube, because Clay never intended to sing that bad note and he had sung his heart out on all the other songs. In this case, Clay intends for his performance of this song to appear OTT, it is his choice to perform it this way. Personally, I liked it a little less campy, but I can deal. It seems to me that once he let go of the OTT campiness in LAV, he transferred it to this song,

Me too! Because his voice was always bullet proof.

Oh thanks for clearing that up about tour book. In the past I always got you and JennaZ confused for some reason. Meeting folks will surely help me out with that!!

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I have to agree with muski on this. I HATE the way he does the SexyBack schtick now the same way as I HATED the Frisco "Like a Virgin".

I wish I could say I don't care what the NJU's think, but I do and one reason is for a prolonged career he has to win a lot of the NJUs over. Now, not EVERY NJU believes the tabloid crap, or even thinks he's gay, but a lot do.

On the other hand, in this particular instance, if someone were reading the blurb on the Insider page, they would know he was camping it up. But if someone just stumbled across that video, well, I shiver to think at what someone might think.

You shudder because they might think that he really is gay? Or just effeminate? Oh, the horror! :cryingwlaughter: Seriously, there's nothing wrong with being gay or effeminate. If someone doesn't like him because they perceive him as gay, I say it's no great loss. I know there are many people in this day and age who still have prejudice like that, but they aren't friends of mine.

I think Clay knows that many, many people assume he is gay, because they buy into stereotypes. I think he's quite comfortable being who he is, and has gotten to the point where he doesn't care what people think anymore, because there's nothing he can do about it anyways. So he camps it up to make fun of it.

Or, what FearOfH20 said so much more eloquently than I ever could.

Well, I didn't mean to imply there was anything wrong with being gay and if I did blame it on my wording. If Clay were gay - and frankly I have never eliminated that as being a possibility - the only thing that would change for me is I would have to say "Damn! Another hot man is gay!". But don't go and accuse me of being prejudice against anyone because of their sexual orientation - or for any other reason because I am not.

BUT - the reality is some DO have that prejudice and it can and does effect people's lives and careers. The reality is it IS often the stuff of ridicule. The fact is, it DOES effect what some think of others. It shouldn't, but this is the real world and it does.

That said, what I was primarily referring to was the tabloid crap - the trolling the internet for cheap one night stands kind of thing. That stuff IS a character assasination and would be if he were straight or gay. It is sleazy, desperate, stupid behavior - made all the worse because Clay has gone to great lengths to present himself as a family friendly type of entertainer. The fact that the tabloids framed that type of behavior with his being gay just makes it all the worse for many. I don't believe there is a shread of truth in that crap, but some do, or at least think its possible.

To me, the SexyBack schtick is so - forgive me - flaming, as was the Frsico LAV that it will only reinforce that opinion if one is leaning that way. As I said, should it matter? Hell no. Does it matter in the real world? Hell yes.

WE know Clay is more than one little bit he does in a concert, but most people in this world do not. If their preconceived notions of Clay closes their minds, it may also close off the chance for him to expand his fanbase. And this is something he needs to do to be around for a loooooong time, like I want him to be.

Sometimes, life isn't fair. Things aren't as they should be. But how they are is what you have to deal with - whether you like it or not.

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Muski I do understand where you are coming from cos aesthetically speaking...there are parts in the medley that I totally don;t think is visually flattering for Clay. If Clay is simply going for a musical career where he is always dependent on having the right image for MTV and radio...then I will truly be worried. BUT Clay is not going for the usual pop star image. He is building a rep as a comedian and a singer. As a comedian he cannot worry about his looks or his image when trying to be funny.

I also stopped worrying about people thinking he is gay the moment Clay refused to answer the question. That tells me he has accepted the fact that people think he is gay and he can live with that. He is effeminate...that is part of who he is and if that keeps some people from being fans...that is on them. I for one believe Clay is very aware of where he wants to take his career. He has seen the clack he knows what he looks like. If he chooses to continue looking goofy...thats his decision.

ITA with Couchie...Yes he can sing the shiznit out of these songs but he does not even like them...he is singing them as part of a comedy routine so I don't think he figures he will make people fans of his singing by these songs. It may make some people fans of his goofy and fun personality...thats cool.

Clayzor...I do think Clay can keep building his audience while keeping on his goofy personality. I think the main problem with Clay is that he has not established his sound. ATDW and this tour feels like a transitional time for him...its like TC is not totally giving their all in regards to PR because Clay really does not want to be known as a Cover artist. I am thinking that his next CD will establish the type of musical direction he wants and then I am hoping we see his music becoming front and center.

Love that article...

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That's all I got really, but I wanted to pop in. I can't catch up as fast as ya'll are posting and I have to go back to bed now. I've been a sick puppy and it ain't over yet, demmit!

Maybe tomorrow.

Those Knoxville pictures are awesome. I love how fans bring their relatives to take the pictures! :lol: Hee.

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That's all I got really, but I wanted to pop in. I can't catch up as fast as ya'll are posting and I have to go back to bed now. I've been a sick puppy and it ain't over yet, demmit!

hope you feel better soon...do you need someone else to come move in with you to take care of you? :cryingwlaughter:

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Yah...I don't likey those faces, either. But they're completely different (for me) from the SexyBack OTT stuff. I'd actually never have considered these two things as anything to compare!

What I'm trying to discriminate between---(but from what some of the posts since my last diatribe seem to say, has become confused)----is

1: the goofy CLay, doing his funny stuff and banter and silly bathroom jokes and laughing in the middle of songs and weird faces at somebody in the audience and...stuff and

2:the OTT affectations SPECIFIC to the SexyBack part.

The first? I LOVE it! That IS Clay! He's a hoot and a half and I love it! It's FUNNY!

I do not find his decision as to how to snark on SexyBack (#2)"funny"...Now I laughed in Houston when he did a pretend 'i'masexyman' during SexyBack---I GOT it...I understood what he was doing. He had me laughing and snarking with him that he ain't no Justin Timberlake and in fact, thinks the song is dumb. FOR ME, that approach to satire was much more enjoyable than the current one. And one of the reasons this interpretation is not enjoyable to me is related to the unfortunate crappola that has surrounded the man in the media.

That's all I was saying. I wasn't denigrating Clay's funny self or real self or choice to do slooooooowwww songs or power ballads or drown in cheese. I know that's him. I love him.

I just don't like the way he does SexyBack and I don't think it does him any favors.

I get ya chick - I personally just don't see the difference in goofy Clay and current SexyBack Clay - that's still just goofy Clay to me.

To me, the SexyBack schtick is so - forgive me - flaming, as was the Frsico LAV that it will only reinforce that opinion if one is leaning that way. As I said, should it matter? Hell no. Does it matter in the real world? Hell yes.

Yeah, it matters - just like being black was a "bad" thing back in the day - but you can't ask people not to be black - you work on changing things. Not saying it's easy or fun or not tiring and can't be frustrating and will really make people mad - but some battles you fight because you have no alternative. Clay is who he is and some of who Clay is is really inappropriate/annoying/stereotypical/human. Suppressing that in whatever way I think would, for me, be worse. I get the feeling Clay knows perfectly well how he coming across in 'SexyBack' - just like he knows how some really hate/hated the TV theme - and he does deal.

The review was OK - though it would be nice if she actually learned the NAMES of the songs as opposed to the first line - but I tend to be picky.

I gotta admit, I'm more horrified at the notion that he doesn't like Beat It or 1999 - because those really are pop classics - and say what you want, both Prince and Michael Jackson are freakishly (heh) talented. I'll let him dislike the rest - wait, I am firmly convinced he likes 'Yeah' too because I like the way he sings the frick out of it. Let him hate on "Achy Breaky Heart".

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I gotta admit, I'm more horrified at the notion that he doesn't like Beat It or 1999 - because those really are pop classics - and say what you want, both Prince and Michael Jackson are freakishly (heh) talented. I'll let him dislike the rest - wait, I am firmly convinced he likes 'Yeah' too because I like the way he sings the frick out of it. Let him hate on "Achy Breaky Heart".

I don't think Clay hates all the songs or thinks they are all trash. If he does I'd really start to doubt his taste in music. LOL. You're right..there are some classic songs in that medley--- and downright FUN songs. Some of them just aren't HIS style. I actually think he could do a great version of some of them and would have no trouble singing them straight. Others, NO.

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CG ... I do know that there are people out there that won;t be a fan of Clay because they think he is gay. But for me those people are lost cause...won't even bother with them. But I really don't think that sub group of the population is that huge that it will keep Clay from being a success. I do believe that for the majority of people out there that think Clay is gay...it won't keep them from enjoying him if they do like his music or if they find him funny. They may not get the sexy...but there is the voice and the funny to love.

I really think the big problem of Clay is the kind of music he does. I have to admit that these songs are not the usual things I listen to. His voice and his personality simply makes me love them. If the music in his next CD will connect with the mainstream audience...I do believe he will expand his audience and I don't think it would matter with a lot of people if he is gay or not.

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CG ... I do know that there are people out there that won;t be a fan of Clay because they think he is gay. But for me those people are lost cause...won't even bother with them. But I really don't think that sub group of the population is that huge that it will keep Clay from being a success. I do believe that for the majority of people out there that think Clay is gay...it won't keep them from enjoying him if they do like his music or if they find him funny. They may not get the sexy...but there is the voice and the funny to love.

I really think the big problem of Clay is the kind of music he does. I have to admit that these songs are not the usual things I listen to. His voice and his personality simply makes me love them. If the music in his next CD will connect with the mainstream audience...I do believe he will expand his audience and I don't think it would matter with a lot of people if he is gay or not.

The trouble is, Clay is often portrayed as a joke, usually a gay joke. People who otherwise might like him won't because of that. I think there are more of them than any of us would like to admit.

Th reason Clay is having trouble expanding his fan base is much bigger and more complicated than the tabloid crap or even his song choices. But neither of those things help.

I wish I had the power to change people's prejudices but I don't because I don't have a clue how. In the end, none of this matters anyway. Clay is Clay - quirks and all. Love him, hate him, ridicule him, laugh at him or with him, one thing I have always loved and admired about him is he seems determined to stay true to himself.

And I hope he always does - even when I don't approve of something he does.

And on that note I am heading to bed. Its been a tough day.

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just suddnely missing Karen Eh! Is she still traveling?

And on that note I am heading to bed. Its been a tough day.


I'm enjoying the conversation. It's a tough one to have IMO.

OK one of my west coatsers is sick..which means I'll be alone soon doesn't it. hmmm still need those hawaiins.

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Oh, I betcha Mr. Aiken likes Beat It and Yeah! He sings them too damned well not to! (wait...that doesn't go along with couchie's theory about him singing the ADTW songs that he doesn't like so well that he makes people like them... :scream: )

I FLOVE how he does Yeah! I love that song, actually. ANd who can hear Beat It and NOT wanna dance? If he wanted to do a country song, the tractor thing is a hoot...it would've been funny, too, if he'd done one of those country songs with a title like, "Still Crying Over You 'Cause You Took the Dog When You Stole My Chevy" or something... :cryingwlaughter:

I FLOVE "Opposites Attract"--especially the beginning. BOth he and Angie sound great! And of course, the Party All Night IS classic! That one line and his acting out of it is the best 'snark' of all, to me, considering who he really is.

OPP? I'd never heard of this song before this concert! Can you tell I'm not cool, either? :whistling-1:

Feel better, YSRN! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I gotta admit, I'm more horrified at the notion that he doesn't like Beat It or 1999 - because those really are pop classics - and say what you want, both Prince and Michael Jackson are freakishly (heh) talented. I'll let him dislike the rest - wait, I am firmly convinced he likes 'Yeah' too because I like the way he sings the frick out of it. Let him hate on "Achy Breaky Heart".

I don't think Clay hates all the songs or thinks they are all trash. If he does I'd really start to doubt his taste in music. LOL. You're right..there are some classic songs in that medley--- and downright FUN songs. Some of them just aren't HIS style. I actually think he could do a great version of some of them and would have no trouble singing them straight. Others, NO.

YUP....I have to agree with this too. I don't mean he hates all the songs in the medley...but he really is not into rap or urban. I really think his best bet on upbeat songs are the classic pop styles of MJ. My one frustration is that he has made TWYMMF into a sing along schtick cos I love his voice on this song. His voice is really fantastic with beat it too...so I do hope he can bring back that classic pop sound.

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I'm filling out a survey for Cary!

Our goal is for Booth Amphitheatre to be the very best it can be. Please help by telling us what we could do to improve the experience:

The heat at the beginning was unreal. Some sort of misters would be nice. Air conditioning would be better. Indoors would be best of all. And I really hated the security person squatting on the stage right in front of me.

They are asking me about the Big Screen Video. If I recall correctly and I think I do, there was NO fucking big screen video you idiots.

They are now asking me if I went to go pee.

No, because Scarlett took my frozen Strawberry Lemonade. And am pretty sure she ate it. All. I'm sure it was quite tasty. Quite.

Hah! They asked me how many concerts I attend in a year! Not how many Clay concerts! Silly people. Even though I don't actually live in Cary, I am telling them to get more oldies for those who do live there. I like oldies.

I am a naughty, naughty person.

And yes, I typed in those answers if they had typing space.

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Oh, I betcha Mr. Aiken likes Beat It and Yeah! He sings them too damned well not to! (wait...that doesn't go along with couchie's theory about him singing the ADTW songs that he doesn't like so well that he makes people like them... :scream:

I have theories? Who knew? LOL. Oh I think Clay likes some of those songs just fine..especially Beat it an and 1999. Those are great songs and not about big butts. :cryingwlaughter:

OPP? I'd never heard of this song before this concert! Can you tell I'm not cool, either? :whistling-1:

Geesh Muski..even I knew this one heee. And it's also a classic and catchy and fun.

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That reminds me of somethingthat cracked me up at Asheville (which I don't expect anyone else to find amusing). After the Classics when he said that to be cool you have to sing about butts or... dance with animated cartoon characters! I don't think he said hat before or after.

The above struck me as crazy funny (sort of a Paula joke) while we are discussing his Keith imitation. (to me a Keith imitation). I think what we see here is the great divide between people who see Clay as sexy and those who see him as entertaining. I am never a person to see Clay as my pretend boyfriend, so his playfulness is appealing in a friend kind of way to me. I can see where he is attractive and would be a nice partner, but not for me, no fantasies here. I don't look for him to be sexy, therefore, I am amused when he is being silly. I think this is the different kinds of attractions he has to people and probably why he has a diverse fan group.

I also want him to have a diverse career. I thought Clay's Kenny sorting trays was his best acting to date, it was very touching on the prelude to his firing.

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Y'all watch 30 Rock? And how it was said that Tina Fey based the intern character on Clay? And I assume he worked with them a bit the week he was there. I watch it sporadically and frankly she seems to have captured a real essence of Clay with the character - he's not cool, he's doesn't really care how he perceived by anyone - you just can't squish him. Most don't try cause he's so frickin' cute, but for those who do try, they find him unsquishable.

The wiki article on the character (yeah, I know wiki sucks, but it's horribly convenient):

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I have missed about 10 pages from being gone since Thursday... I am not sure when I'll have time to catch up. Hubby was happy to see me but he just asked me if I could work on his new website - confederatecoin.net (I don't want to but...) if anyone in your family collects Confederate Commemorative coins, please check it out, he has an exclusive one available. [/end shameless promotion.]

CRAZY BEAR-TRACKERS UPDATE - please pray for good weather between Ecuador and Miami tomorrow as my girls are supposed to be traveling home. I have missed them so much!! I can't wait to hear their stories.

I met at least one FCA'er in Asheville at the Biltmore, it was really the only time I wore my DCAT shirt. It was too hot! Waves to lickiest!! We ran thru the Biltmore Mansion with earphones on and if she was anything like me, booked it to Knoxville right after!!

I had the best birthday ever in Knoxville! And a free key lime pie at the restaurant!

I am not great at recaps... it takes me way too long, but I have some Clack to upload sometime in the near future!

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Edited by cha cha trusty
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I never recap, well rarely, so I always try to sneak back in like I never left. I'm going to try to recap a bit, but maybe not linear-like.

I've been to five concerts this tour--Asheville, Cary, and the NY 3fer. I think this might be my favorite tour so far, although the current or most recent is always my favorite.

I especially loved Asheville, Canandaigua, and Chautauqua, but all were wonderful. Having a good seat was a major factor in my preferences. I loved all of them in terms of singing and banter, really--each one had special funny/poignant/amazing moments. I loved his shirts in Canandaigua and Cary best. The hair seemed fine, still kind of Beatlesque. Maybe not my favorite, but not that bad.

I'll start with Asheville and go backwards. I went with a new Clay friend, Barbara, whom I met initially on the OFC and then in a WalMart looking for AIW when I had recently moved from PA. We chatted, and I found out she didn't even have a single copy, so I gave her the one in my pocketbook, since the store had none. It wasn't til later that I realized she was someone I had PMed with at the OFC before, hoping to meet her when I moved. That's the Clay fandom for ya. The OFC is her only board. She's been a Clay fan for a long time, but is newer to the message boards and intense board fandom than most of us. Among her friends and family, though, she's always been thought of as intense. When I went to the Christmas concert with her and the friends she usually goes with, I think they thought I was pretty scary. To them Clay's the guy they go to see in concert when he's in town or nearby, and whose albums they buy. Catch him on TV whenever they can. Been doing it since the beginning. Were P-I-S-S-E-D when they couldn't get tickets to Dort-narena at all.

She and I have been getting together at my place or hers to watch clack and moan (you know how it is) since that time, and have had dinners together, but hadn't been on a real concert adventure together before. We got along really well on this trip, got to know each other better as people (you know how that is too), had a wonderful time. I saw Lisa & Co. lots, also Divayenta, playbiller and Fear, sassafras, cha cha trusty, and many more. Almost forgot institches, whom I've never met, but recognized immediately. Kewl!! The package was really a nice deal, and the whole event made a pleasant vacation weekend. Those Biltmore people were not fools. I do think they're learning that it can be intense having hoards of fans appear, especially us, but they and the town made some good money that weekend. The people at the Crowne Plaza were very welcoming, if somewhat exhausted.

Getting around in Asheville and in and out of the Biltmore House was interesting to say the least, and not the highlight of the trip, but we did it. It wasn't what I expected at all, in that the town surrounding the house is kind of industrial and strip mall-y--the House is really downtown, not out in some remote area. We got to the concert after it was supposed to have started, but it hadn't. There was a long line of us. That road out after the buslines seemed even more interminable. In the daytime, the land is gorgeous. The House was hot inside, but interesting, and there was some stuff there I really wanted to see more closely, some Chinese and Japanese art, especially the figures on the mantel in the 2nd floor Oak sitting room, and the celedon vases there too. But I digress.

First half we were on row M, off to the right side. Not bad seats, we could see Clay. I had binoculars. During the intermission, when I came back from smoking, Barbara came and dragged me off to these seats on the fourth row that were behind her OFC friend and had been unoccupied for the first half, so we got to see the second half really well. Those were right next to Quiana's family. A CVer behind me told me that when the concert began Chamberlain reached out his arms to Clay. If true, awwwwwww. Quiana did mention that night that he responded more to Clay's voice than hers. I wonder if Clay sings to him a lot. I was good and didn't stare, and I gave them their space, but we all smiled and agreed that he hangs the moon. He has such a joy about him, and was so obviously loved and protected by the people he was with. He's really still a baby--what, a year old now?--still small and mostly cradled in someone's arms all the time. He was getting a lot of attention at the intermission and handling it well, but wasn't that into it. He never cried or got unhappy once during the concert that I was aware of, although most of the time my attention was on Clay. He fell asleep by the end, was out like a log when I saw him at the end of the concert. He and Quiana's family were like this sweet, sweet presence that, as I look back at the concerts, stands out for me. Her friends were just a few rows back, and they were all smiley too. Lots and lots and lots of LOVE all around.

To me, Asheville was the best of the concerts. It's become surrounded by that Aiken fog for the moment, so I can't tell you why exactly. It was a combination of things. The venue was gorgeous, and had a sort of a spell to it. Very gothic and romantic. He was in top form, really on his game. Clay can make me laugh so hard tears are streaming, and he did so that night.

I don't think that kind of talent can easily be contained. The irrepressibility is at the heart of it. It can be honed, and I think he's been honing and directing it for some time now. I love that way he makes me laugh, and that devilish spirit of his.

Meanwhile, y'all are having a great discussion, and it's longer than the preview. Damn. Off to catch up.

Edited by jmh123
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The above struck me as crazy funny (sort of a Paula joke) while we are discussing his Keith imitation. (to me a Keith imitation). I think what we see here is the great divide between people who see Clay as sexy and those who see him as entertaining. I am never a person to see Clay as my pretend boyfriend, so his playfulness is appealing in a friend kind of way to me. I can see where he is attractive and would be a nice partner, but not for me, no fantasies here. I don't look for him to be sexy, therefore, I am amused when he is being silly. I think this is the different kinds of attractions he has to people and probably why he has a diverse fan group.

I also want him to have a diverse career. I thought Clay's Kenny sorting trays was his best acting to date, it was very touching on the prelude to his firing.

You make a good point Play I have similar feelings as you. Althought I ahve seen the sexy in Clay and there are times that a picture of his would leave me breathless...I really don't want to do him...hee. I;m the type that given a night with clay I wold spend it talking...watching TV with him and just hanging. I guess thats why I am not a smutter. I do appreciate the smutting others do...I find it amusing and fun...but its not

that important to me so I can enjoy his totally goofy and femme side.

KAndre...I have watched a few 30rock and I love that character. Yup he is not cool...he defies stereotypes and thats ok with him.

JMH great recap.

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My thoughts: Clay is who he is. He has effeminate qualities IMO. Some people never see them and that's fine. A lot of people take those qualities and say well then he must be gay. Well that's really on them and how the world turns and there's nothing we can do about it. Clay knows how he is perceived by some. And what I love about him is that he hasn't stopped giggling, stopped being silly, stopped being him. I actually don't see flaming, I see silly. I know people think he should just sing the songs straight -- well I think it would be a long time, if ever, before Clay Aiken stood there and did a straight rendition of a song called sexyback. Of course he has the voice. But hip hop and rock n roll is more than a voice - it is an attitude... and he may be able to mimic Usher/Justin T but he is not them. It's why while I enjoy the classic medleys, I prefer the ATDW songs. Out of his own mouth he is not even enamored with that type of music. So he has fun with it. And he has seen clack and these are choices he makes. <snip>

Maybe they'll laugh with him. Maybe they will laugh at him. Maybe they will go in seach of more. But it will never be the only thing they see about Clay Aiken.

Word! Whether you call it flaming or not, he does it now and then, people have been saying it for four years. But he also can be--whew--quite hawt and very masculine. People like us who watch him a lot have been saying that for four years now too. I've lost the quote about men appreciating the goofy stuff, but I agree. He's mocking his own lack of coolness, and fearlessly.

I'm totally with couchie and jamar on this. The first time I saw the classics medley in Houston (my first real experience with it), I said to myself "the man has no fear." He seems to be a person who is not afraid of who he is -- and what people think of him is of no real consequence to him either.

And it's hawt to me that he does that. It's like walking on the precipice all the time--the Fool, the Joker (Tarot), the edginess, the going on stage without a net is part of what makes him appealing. Sometimes he goes over a little too far for some, but, like Couchie said, he obviously knows and doesn't care.

What makes Usher cool? What made Jackson cool? And can any of it rub off on Clay? Ask Barry Manilow.

Really, Aiken could care less. And that's the point. He knows who he is, who his fans are, and most importantly, he can have a little laugh and not take himself too seriously.

And that's pretty cool, don't you think?

Really, this is the Cary paper asking/answering the same question we're discussing. And the same thing the Insider said. He's not afraid to laugh at himself, or of people laughing at him. Some find that admirable.


That's all I got really, but I wanted to pop in. I can't catch up as fast as ya'll are posting and I have to go back to bed now. I've been a sick puppy and it ain't over yet, demmit!

:F_05BL17blowkiss: Feel better.

I think what we see here is the great divide between people who see Clay as sexy and those who see him as entertaining. I am never a person to see Clay as my pretend boyfriend, so his playfulness is appealing in a friend kind of way to me. I can see where he is attractive and would be a nice partner, but not for me, no fantasies here. I don't look for him to be sexy, therefore, I am amused when he is being silly. I think this is the different kinds of attractions he has to people and probably why he has a diverse fan group.

good insight!

I also want him to have a diverse career. I thought Clay's Kenny sorting trays was his best acting to date, it was very touching on the prelude to his firing.

I so agree. He was really good in that scene, and also the final scene. He's often demonstrated some very good acting moments on stage (as well as a whole lot of ham and cheese). He's a natural mimic.

While I was writing this,

I don't think that kind of talent can easily be contained. The irrepressibility is at the heart of it.

KAndre was writing this:

To me, the SexyBack schtick is so - forgive me - flaming, as was the Frsico LAV that it will only reinforce that opinion if one is leaning that way. As I said, should it matter? Hell no. Does it matter in the real world? Hell yes.

Yeah, it matters - just like being black was a "bad" thing back in the day - but you can't ask people not to be black - you work on changing things. Not saying it's easy or fun or not tiring and can't be frustrating and will really make people mad - but some battles you fight because you have no alternative. Clay is who he is and some of who Clay is is really inappropriate/annoying/stereotypical/human. Suppressing that in whatever way I think would, for me, be worse. I get the feeling Clay knows perfectly well how he coming across in 'SexyBack' - just like he knows how some really hate/hated the TV theme - and he does deal.

and this:

Y'all watch 30 Rock? And how it was said that Tina Fey based the intern character on Clay? And I assume he worked with them a bit the week he was there. I watch it sporadically and frankly she seems to have captured a real essence of Clay with the character - he's not cool, he's doesn't really care how he perceived by anyone - you just can't squish him. Most don't try cause he's so frickin' cute, but for those who do try, they find him unsquishable.

Deletes all reference to the demonpedia. I've always thought the same about that character--he's very Clay. When she said she'd based that character on him, and it turned out to be a guy like this, I was really pleased. She gets Clay, I thought. It's a gift Clay has, this unsquishable-ness, this irrepressibility.

ETA: fixed misattribution--those multiple quotes within quotes can get confusing.

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jmh, I don't have a problem with anything you said in your post, but I just wanted to let you know that the quote you attributed to me was actually made by Claygasm...No biggie since I happen to agree with that particular quote in principle... :medium-smiley-070:

And the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round....this discussion makes me think of something that seemed to 'stimulate' the fandom in its early existence---the expression of "Let Clay be Clay"..just four simple words to cause such discourse and unfortunately, discord as well.

Not that I see this discussion as being like that---contentious and dividing, but it's interesting how almost five years later we are still confounded by, interested in and opinionated about that idea of letting Clay be Clay---what that means and doesn't mean, etc., when what he does is just 'being' Clay and when it's Clay being Clay-like! (huh?)

Bet Clayton never thought he'd be the subject of so many women's thoughts and passions, huh? :allgood:

'night, all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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just a quick drop off of some not refined video from VHI best reality moments where Clay took number 1 spot - (hee, this is for all the people who fell for him in AI5)


Play or download. Hope we geta better version soon.

Crecdit what we have to ClayAikenFan on CB.

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They are now asking me if I went to go pee.

No, because Scarlett took my frozen Strawberry Lemonade. And am pretty sure she ate it. All. I'm sure it was quite tasty. Quite.

Yes, I took your frozen Strawberry Lemonade. Why?

1. Because there are some things you just have to put up with when you take Clack

2. Because licking some gooey, sticky melting stuff off of your fingers while sitting on the front row of a Clay Aiken concert is just wrong

3. Because I love Strawberry Ice (check the Cedar Point pic) And BTW, it was mmmmm-good! *smacks lips*

Speaking of things that people put up with when taking Clack... After the Asheville show certain members of the eHP excitedly told me that one of them had a picture with lots of skin! Of course I wanted to go see so we went to huddle in a corner of the Biltmore courtyard to check it out. She opened the viewfinder and held it where I could see but not close enough to grab. The first thing I noticed that was wrong with the picture was the underwear -- "no, that couldn't possibly be Clay's" -- and my next thought was "but he wasn't wearing a peach shirt tonight", and then finally it dawned on me that the skin I was looking at didn't belong to Clay. Big echoing SHRIEK!!! So now, aside from holding a camera, keeping it steady, dodging the clack police we also have to dodge the camera-toting ehP?!! Unfortunately gravity works exactly the same way on stage as it does in the audience and when you hold a camera over your head for as long as the Classics Medley, it's inevitable that something'll slip. Can anyone bring suspenders to the Florida shows? And to you people (you know who you are) I hope all the downloaders who barf from shaky video'll take Angela's whip and hunt you down!!!

luckiest, I loved Lick's and I hope they expand southward. Ditto Tim Horton's. However, it would have been good to try Bojangles too. Someday I hope to ride with people who'll actually take me to one.

playbiller, thanks for the link!

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