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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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I guess I'm firmly on the fence on this one - I don't think he just chose songs at random. I also think he would connect to both of these songs, lyrically, just given the things he's said publicly (about life in LA) and knowing how he's struggled to have his voice heard (in many ways). So no, I don't think they are neccessarily anthems, but I believe he would feel a connection to both songs. And he knew they'd blow the roof off with them.

ITA. I don't think that there is any sooper sekrit message to the lyrics, but I also don't believe Clay picks songs based only on how well they fit the girls' vocal ranges, etc. I definitely thinks he gives some thought to the lyrics of the songs as well. So, to me, I would think he must have at least liked the lyrics, if not identified with them in some way as well.

I think I am starting to appreciate Angela & Quiana's involvement more and more each tour. I really wonder, looking back, how strange it must have felt to Clay to tour without them last Christmas. I am so glad they are along for the ride this year. I can't wait to see what they all have in store for us! :xmas07a:

ETA: Wheeeeeee! Top of the page! While I'm here, I might as well say that I have uploaded more media to the FCA Media site....some more of the newest DCAT recommendations as well as a bunch of 2006 & 2007 TV Audio files.

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ITA CG...I love Q and Clay's duet because I loved how two great singers were able to improvise and sing that very difficult duet. BUT they were just trying to get through...no real attempt to convey the meaning of the lyrics IMO ...and thats ok...it was not their song, they just had to do it one night...

You know how Clay got up from sitting on that stool when he was behind Q in Ft Myers and he danced that little dance with her...? That's how I always pictured Clay and Quiana's version of Listen. Like they were dancing. They spent the first half of that song trying to find each other's rhythm and trying not to step on each other's toes. The little hand gestures, the nods back and forth, I agree, I don't think they were thinking of lyrics or meanings.

When Clay finally figured out which way he wanted to go he just caught fire, as did Quiana. By the time they got off their stools and walked towards one another I was holding my breath. It was mesmerizing. One of my favorite concert moments ever.

*kisses luckiest because she got the top spot and I didn't* :lipstick:

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Oh, spikesmom, I wish you'd said something in that elevator in Tampa!! Right now I'm associating you with the cherry jello thingy from last weekend and being so impressed that you whipped it up at 10 o'clock at night, and that I enjoy reading your posts! I still haven't bought the ingredients for the cherry jello thingy (and thank you, Bookwhore, for the recipe that started all this)!!! You are on my list of people I hope to meet!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And, yes, xxx is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's even been called 'sweet', and I agree.

I was actually surprised I even made it that late... as my son has gotten older and isn't around so much for dinner anymore, I cook less and less... I make gooooooood reservations though... :eusa_whistle: but that recipe just hit me right and I got that I-gotta-make-that urge... it's very good too! It's a definite keeper!

spikesmom, I'll see you in Waukegan and Merrillville, so you'd better come up to me if you can find me and tell me who you are!!!

It's a deal! I'll do my best to hunt you down! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Just boppin' in to say howdy! I've been having a tough time with my cystitis lately!

Great topic. All I wanted to add was that I saw the Idols show last week. LaKisha, who is pretty good as a singer sang, "I Will Always Love You" and the crowd went crazy like it was the greatest thing they ever heard. Now she did pretty well, but compared to our Qiana? Like, NO COMPARISON! Q has one of the most gorgeous voices I have ever heard. Range, modulation, control, power and purity of tone. Lakisha couldn't do that cool octave jump thingy at the end that Q does. I think Q sounds even better than Whitney ln this one.

Off topic: Blake Lewis stole the show and was the total bomb. Multi-talented and charismatic as all get out. He's got a great future, IMO.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to all!

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Cindilu thanks for posting the lyrics to WTLGD. I looked them up after I downloaded a video of that song, but I never thought to keep them.

One of my favorite videos from this tour, so far anyway, is the video from LA of WTLGD it is by Thankful4Clay and it focuses on Clay and Angela. Clay and Angela mouth many of the words while Quiana is singing. It's funny, I think I feel Quiana more on this song by just listening to her and not watching her in this instance.

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<snip>I love Q but I had never heard the words until Clay sang it on (I think) GMA! GAH!!! I was toast!<snip>

Cues "there were bells on the hills, but I never heard them ringing, no I never heard them at all, till there was you."

I think Clay rings canuck's bell. That is my profound statement for today.

Seriously, I never noticed the lyrics when Quiana sang them. Didn't hear any storytelling at all. I think Mr. "Bored So Easily I Couldn't Do a Broadway Show" would have to at least relate to the song for him to hear it every night. I do also agree that he is showcasing their voices.

So Clay gets to play A&R guy (to use record industry lingo) for Quiana and Angela. I would like to see the results when he plays A&R guy for himself. Maybe the AIW EP was the first example of that. I consider AIW Clay's masterpiece to date, a perfect melding of artist and song.

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Cindilu thanks for posting the lyrics to WTLGD. I looked them up after I downloaded a video of that song, but I never thought to keep them.

One of my favorite videos from this tour, so far anyway, is the video from LA of WTLGD it is by Thankful4Clay and it focuses on Clay and Angela. Clay and Angela mouth many of the words while Quiana is singing. It's funny, I think I feel Quiana more on this song by just listening to her and not watching her in this instance.

Thank you!!

Work and real life are kicking my big old ass, so I'm lucky if I can keep up just lurking here. I enjoy reading what y'all have to say.

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It's criminal that neither of these ladies have a major label contract.

But the best part of all was the obvious comfort level of the three of them on stage. It reflected in every thing they did, and brought bit of magic to the stage, IMO.

Totally agree on all this!!! Completely.

I do have a bit of selfishness around A&Q getting their major label contracts -- I do want that for them if they want it, but if it ever happens I will so hate it if it kept they and Clay from making their magic. Selfishly, I like things the way they are!!

I also can't wait until the Christmas tour, just have little clue yet of which shows I'll get to attend! Sadly, this time, it won't be many. :xmas07a:

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So Clay gets to play A&R guy (to use record industry lingo) for Quiana and Angela. I would like to see the results when he plays A&R guy for himself. Maybe the AIW EP was the first example of that. I consider AIW Clay's masterpiece to date, a perfect melding of artist and song.

Hadn't thought of it that way. Great observation!

Yes, AIW IS "Clay's masterpiece to date, a perfect melding of artist and song", as jazzgirl said.

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I've been trying to catch up, hitting quote and nodding my head. Hope I remember why I was quoting now. Damn! small town festivals.....it was hot and dusty and I was knee deep in pre-teen girls...

I mentioned this in the post, but o.m.g. this is one depressing set of lyrics. (Right up my alley, of course ;-) :imgtongue: I've seen people say how sad they are that Clay was able to write the lyrics to LAA (feeling that he must have experienced them to write them). But man oh man, I'd rather see him write about losing love and wanting to feel it (again?) than the sentiments of this song. I need a drink now! :cryingwlaughter:

This is the guy who frequently talks about strong melodies and lyrics and these are lyrics he likes. Maybe he just likes the lyrics or the melody or maybe it is just something he could identify with himself?

But to me, the sentiment changes in each verse. I think many people in many different situations can identify with these lyrics. Someone battling the demons of addiction, a superstar entertainer who's lost sight of what's important in life, a lover regretting their decision to not say what they should have said. I think the lyrics urge anyone to take a look at themselves. 'When the lights go down and there's nothing else to be' - you're alone with who you are, are you happy with what you see? I didn't find the lyrics depressing at all. More reflective. I think it's a beautiful song.

It's just so damn hard when people have board names and real names! :cryingwlaughter:

They DO????? You mean, after all these years....are you telling me you're name's not JaMar?

Who knew??

The bolded is interesting to me because I had the exact opposite reaction. I thought Quiana sang beautifully but didn't connect emotionally at all. I though Angela KILLED on "Listen" and felt every lyric right down to her bones. I thought when Clay and Quiana sang "Listen" in Sterling Heights while they sounded great it lacked the emotional intensity of Angela's version. IMO, Angela owned that song. She sang it to perfection and she to me connected very strongly to the lyrics. To me, it was me it was one of the top highlights of this tour. She completely moved me.
Angela singing 'Listen" gave me chills everytime. I enjoyed WTLGD every time, but not with the same intensity. Ordinarily I'm not a big fan of Angela's voice and prefer Quiana, but in this instance I'll give it to Angela.

Who originally sang WTLGD? Is it from a musical...prob should know that *shrug* might as well ask the same about Listen.

I know this has been answered at least six times since I hit quote. I like Faith's version a lot better than Quiana's. I have it on my iPod. Funny though...I'd never heard the song before hearing Quiana sing it on tour, but I liked it so much I dl'd Faith's version.

Just boppin' in to say howdy! I've been having a tough time with my cystitis lately!

Great topic. All I wanted to add was that I saw the Idols show last week. LaKisha, who is pretty good as a singer sang, "I Will Always Love You" and the crowd went crazy like it was the greatest thing they ever heard. Now she did pretty well, but compared to our Qiana? Like, NO COMPARISON! Q has one of the most gorgeous voices I have ever heard. Range, modulation, control, power and purity of tone. Lakisha couldn't do that cool octave jump thingy at the end that Q does. I think Q sounds even better than Whitney ln this one.

I prefer Quiana singing IWALY, too. When she sang it in Atlanta it was another chill-inducing moment for me.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm caught up!

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Interesting discussion to which I have very little to add.

I love both Angela and Quiana and enjoy their solos so much. I don't know if I could choose between Listen and WTLGD because they were both just wonderful.

I agree that AIW, artistically, is wonderful.

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I was toni7babe's guest at the CH preparty in Houston and she introduced us, you were so gracious and it was wonderful to meet you, but you were sorta busy at the time! Great party!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I saw you a few times after that, but it was always in a group.

Aha! That's how you managed to infiltrate the CH party! Heh. I'm glad I met you that night.... I remember congratulating you on your M&G.

See? This is just what I mean! I was there too. It's where I first met Scarlett. But not you. Boo hoo. Oh god, I spent too much time on those Seussisms.

spikesmom - This is why I think everyone should use the exact same name everywhere. I do believe your name is slighlty different elsewhere. Hell, it took me weeks to finally figure out "who" jmh "is." It was driving me ka-razy! A dangerous thing...

John Prine? I am not a fan but I have a friend who is and I went to the concert with her. I have mixed feelings about it. I enjoyed the acoustic like folky stuff. Though, since he sometimes sorta mumble/sings, it's hard to understand the words if you don't know them. Songs I remember and enjoyed - Sam Stone, Paradise, Broken Home, and one song I already knew and connect with probably because of the kind of work I do - Hello In There. But he did this long set full of electric guitars but no drum, no beat, and I couldn't understand a word he sang and it just sounded like noise to me. I was bored.

I think he is a very talented songwriter. Not much of an entertainer though. Between songs he went to a table at the back of the stage, drank water, and picked out a different guitar. In silence. Then he sometimes gave a brief intro to the next song. Fans shouted out song requests throughout much of the show. Imagine that?

My friend, who as I said is a fan of his, and saw Clay once this summer said to me afterward - "I hate to admit this but I enjoyed Clay's show much more." hee.

But back to Clay - I always enjoy Angela and Quiana's contributions to Clay's show. More than that, I enjoy seeing their friendship with him and his love for them. I think they make him a better entertainer.

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You know, its funny about MGUCL. I loved Q's version - until I heard Clay's. I don't think I ever truly grasped the meaning of the beautiful lyrics until I heard him sing it. To me, his version was poignant and bittersweet and powerful - all in its subtlety. In fact it so haunted me it inspired my one and only montage. I remember staying up until 4am or later working on it because I just had to put images to those lyrics. The song just kept playing over and over in my head.

It is rare that a singer can make you truly feel the lyrics. Clay did that with MGUCL.

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spikesmom - This is why I think everyone should use the exact same name everywhere. I do believe your name is slighlty different elsewhere. Hell, it took me weeks to finally figure out "who" jmh "is." It was driving me ka-razy! A dangerous thing...

Hangs head... busted... yes, it is slightly different elsewhere... chalk it up to my silly paranoid self and an unfortunate similarity to an coughinfamousauthorcough....

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Good convo today. My computer had beent taken over by a five year old. And funny enought she was quiet as a mouse for 3 hours. Takes after auntie.

Ansa, you made a good point about WTLGD..honestly I never knew what the lyrics were. Thanks for posting them Cindy. I'm all for Clay sharing and giving with Angela and Quiana because I think their participation adds to the show overall. I was still a little suprised that he let her close the first half. Was that just to give his voice more of a rest? Lover All Alone would have been great in that spot..but on the other hand..I'm glad it was where it was because it forced him to stand there and take his much deserved applause.

Angela absolutely killed on Listen. For me it's the best thing she's ever done with Clay.

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spikesmom - This is why I think everyone should use the exact same name everywhere. I do believe your name is slighlty different elsewhere. Hell, it took me weeks to finally figure out "who" jmh "is." It was driving me ka-razy! A dangerous thing...

Hangs head... busted... yes, it is slightly different elsewhere... chalk it up to my silly paranoid self and an unfortunate similarity to an coughinfamousauthorcough....

Okay...you're killing me here. Who is jmh? Other than jmh? And who is spikesmom? Is anyone who we think they are? :ph34r:stop lookin' at me like that!

well crap wahhooooooo! Top of page! That's what I for postho'ing.

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No idea who jmh is... hard enough for me to keep track of myself.... :lol:

But when I post on another board, which isn't that often, I post as mikesmom... and when in Florida, I introduced myself as mikesmom when I met people... when I started posting here, I decided since I joined eons ago as spikesmom, I'd just own that name and my silly paranoia and the coughinfamousauthorcough be damned... what can I say, I'm workin' on my self-esteem... :wacko:

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I was just watching scruffy's WPB banter where Quiana mentions that she called Clay that day to say that she misses him and Clay says that he misses her too. I mean, here they are on the road together - sharing a bus - for over a month and she doesn't see him for a few hours and she misses him. That was a real AWWW moment for me. I love seeing Quianna and Angela on stage with Clay because he loves having them with him.

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Is anyone who we think they are?


Seriously...BW calls me jamar all. the. time. I've gotten letters from her, sent through the mail, w/my board name and my last name. Her DH thinks my name is jamar. I've called her and said ... Hey, it's *insertrealnamehere*... and she's like ... WHO!?!?!?!?


I loved Listen. I think it's Angela's best to date. Beyonce who?

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Is anyone who we think they are?


Seriously...BW calls me jamar all. the. time. I've gotten letters from her, sent through the mail, w/my board name and my last name. Her DH thinks my name is jamar. I've called her and said ... Hey, it's *insertrealnamehere*... and she's like ... WHO!?!?!?!?


I loved Listen. I think it's Angela's best to date. Beyonce who?

Heh. I almost booked your plane ticket as 'JaMar' once. Until they asked me how to spell it. :wacko:

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