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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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Alright you guys,I'm feeling sort of left out here...Am I totally alone in my distaste for the Soundcheck pictures?

Ok, then.

Nope. Not alone. Too "pretty" for my taste. Doesn't look like Clay to me.

I love last year's JNT long hair look. Loved the SRHP look.

CD RCA hair-in-eyes too much eye makeup or dyed lashes - overdone look . . . not so much.

But that's just me!

Nighty Night, All!

Now see, I love those "pretty" pictures of Clay. When his feminine features are prominent, it makes him look sexy as hell to me. Especially his cheekbones and bedroom eyes. :Thud::DoClay: Most all my favorite sexy pictures of Clay are the ones that make him look "pretty." When he looks "pretty" he looks young and vulnerable, and that makes me want him. :naughty2:

I haven't thought much about my Clay memorabilia. I guess if I ever wanted to "move on" I would try to sell my stuff. After all that is why I collect things of potential value in the 1st place. I used to deal in antiques and collectibles. I really enjoyed that. I don't have a kids college fund to support, but it might help support me in my old age. :eusa_whistle: Or I might consider giving it to BA/F to auction off for charity. I have no friends or family who would appreciate it, like I do.

Ansamcw I think you are doing a fine job on the board, and the colors look good to me. In fact, if you kept it blue or too yellowy? or changed it to black and grey and burgundy, I bet it would look exceptionally great as well. I'm easy.

laughn I also like the banner and can't wait until next week to see your other one.

My roof on the garage is torn off, waiting for roofers this week, and it poured down rain yesterday and appears to look like rain today. Why is God punishing me like this? Must be because of all my lustful thoughts of Clay. I just can't catch a break this year.

Thanks couchie and ldyj for the hugs and kisses. :da_best:

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Thanks very much, luckiest1! Didn't know you did all that!!!! Smooches!

FromClaygary, Yay for Williamsport! I might see you and Karen Eh? over there. (And I can buy&bring stuff from the Quilt show if you want anything) *cyber-holds both your hands and jumps up and down*

Clack -- the original tapes will go to the TBAF, maybe in my lifetime of they want it and have a place for it; the full backups go to Solo.

Ansa, are we quite sure of the results of those tests? Maybe you can test a few more times just to be sure. Hee! Thanks to you and couchie for taking to a whole new level!!!

ETA: Make that "and if they know what to do with it". Last thing I'd want isr some custodian who'd scratch his head and toss out a box labeled "Clack". I said "in my lifetime" because my dad passed on at 95 and my maternal grandfather at 97, but who knows.. with the way people drive on concert roadtrips (*giggles* Not that I'm complaining, just stating fact)... *shrugs*

Shady, I fell asleep at the computer too! Been doing a lot of that lately -- I'll need to do some yoga exercises pretty soon... Good luck and stay safe at your campout!

Edited by Scarlett
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Fell asleep last night hunched over my computer and tonight I won't be around because I'm going camping......

In the concrete jungle. Yes, We're camping out overnight because the tickets go on sale tomorrow for the State Theater and since it's my hometown, or used to be, there is no way I'm sitting in row freaking 18 like I had to last year. Thank heaven it's going to be warm tonight.



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All this talk about "leaving your clack" to someone got me thinking. First of all, I have a feeling that most of it will probably be destroyed in my case. Yes, sad but true.

BUT...what's got me embarrassed...is that besides all those print outs of the smutty stories (including some from an author around here :whistling-1: ), I've got a bunch of smutty Star Trek stories too. Oh yeah -- I was really into Data (from Star Trek: the Next Generation) being fully functional, if you know what I mean. So there will be TWO things that will be probably embarrass my family as they go through my stuff after I'm gone. Heh.

Is this allergy season just a tough one? My head feels like it's ready to explode, and I honestly can't tell if it's allergies or a head cold.

Y'all read canuck's post about Clay's look earlier, right? Well, just put my name to it and you've got my feelings as well. I find him fascinating BECAUSE of the way he can change his look. I can't pull that kind of thing off, so I admire him for that. I also admire his WILLINGNESS to be that chameleon too. Some men want to stay the same in their looks; Clay doesn't seem like that kind of guy to me.

I just think he's dweemy. Period.

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Is anyone else having problems with the board logging them out? I was posting in another topic, and every time I tried to edit, it logged me out and said I didn't have permission. Also, the window where you compose a post just keeps stretching wider and wider as I type, instead of automatically going to a new line when I reach the side of the page. Weird.

Thanks, ansa! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Is this allergy season just a tough one? My head feels like it's ready to explode, and I honestly can't tell if it's allergies or a head cold.

I'm the same way. Yesterday was bad. I've never had much trouble until this year and it has hit me like a ton of bricks.

I'm with those that pretty much love all the different looks Clay has had. I generally like whatever look he's sporting NOW the best. :wub: I'm easy that way I guess.

keepingfaith...I thought your post about seeing him live for the first time was really an interesting perspective on it. How cool.

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I am also a lover of "pretty" Clay - I love a man that is cleaned up and nice - it usually means he has optimistically made plans!


Ahh His version of shaving your legs....right?

Yep - I like the Boy Scout mentality...

Once most of the DCAT/SRHP recommendations are done - I'll post a summation over here in Main. I like reading the comments the reviewers are making, like about the surprising consistency, or the amazing progression, or the horrific shrieking or the fact that Clay's just so darn cute doing a, b or c....

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Clay's look, he's like a chameleon in a kaleidescope, a different look at every turn. He's so facinating.

Luckiest, you rock!!!, they say if you want something done, give it to a busy person. I'll keep plugging away at mine.

off to paint for the day.

Yeah, KAndre, I'm curious as to what the punishment for a late assignment is as well.

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Great job on the FCA media pages, luckiest1. I know I'm a *little* biased, but I think FCA is not only the most informative Clay website out there (that timeline? fantastic!!!) it's also one of the most attractive to look at. So elegant! I flove the black/teal combination and the colours on the media pages, too.

keepingfaith, it made me smile big to read about your first experience with Live!Clay!!! I have truly never experience another person who can look so completely different, not just from day to day, or even month to month, but sometimes moment to moment. And the camera simply loves him.

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Whew! We're back....don't skeer me like that! :naughtywag:

I was just noticing that middle picture in the banner. His shirt is wrinkled in such a way that he actually looks like he has a BICEP muscle! :hubbahubba::Thud:

Alas...I have to say that in this case, it IS a fold.


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I was just noticing that middle picture in the banner. His shirt is wrinkled in such a way that he actually looks like he has a BICEP muscle! :hubbahubba::Thud:

Alas...I have to say that in this case, it IS a fold.


I vote not a fold - the man does some heavy lifting in his life, He carried Kelly around in one interview! Then he picked up a woman in a wheelchair and danced with her while singing at one concert - I do believe he has some muscle, jsut not the body over the brain noe water drinking steroid taking type of muscle. Wirey guys can be pretty strong!

:roundel: What's this?

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What are we looking for? I see some cute pics and one really bad sNOwflake picture!!!! :cryingwlaughter:


under my controls...on the left panel.... under gallery.... you'll notice you can create your own album...if anyone has time..just see if it works and see if you can upload a photo.

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I do believe he has some muscle
Oh, honey! I NEVER doubted that....I just don't think the most noticeable one is in his arms... :whistling-1:

ETA: of course, truth be told, we all know that's not REALLY a muscle per se, don't we? :cryingwlaughter: Hmmm...Alex is taking Physiology this year at school...perhaps I should run this by her? :lilredani:

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