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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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Speaking of German - I rec'd this amusing email yesterday and thought I'd share!

Scroll at will!

German Versus English

The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility.

As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5-year phase-in plan that would become known as "Euro-English."

In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c". Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy.

The hard "c" will be dropped in favour of "k". This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter.

There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced with "f". This will make words like fotograf 20% shorter.

In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.

Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling.

Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent "e" in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.

By the 4th yer people wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" with "z" and "w"with "v".

During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining "ou" and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a reil sensi bl riten styl.

Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi tu understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru.

Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas.

If zis mad you smil, pleas pas on to oza pepl.

Kary on!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

cha cha, I got this a few days ago and was :lmaosmiley-1: Being German, that makes perfect sense to me. I'd say, go for it! :wordpooper:

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and it looks like he would have good stroke control as well...

Oh yes...I've always thought that he has honed a fine technique through the years...


Muski... BWAH!!! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

I think Clay has said he really enjoyed being on AI. He has also said, "it hasn't been good in years."

I think he probably has a ball doing Rewind and Season 2 did make AI a hit. Season 1 started the ball, but Season 2 got 'er done, IMO! After that, no season has ever compared to Season 2 in chemistry, group sings, best top 10, etc.

ETA: my preview post does not work, by the way.

Edited by liney23
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Good God people!

This board is all over the universe today. And I love it. Today I have learned the following:

Clay does voiceovers for AI2 Rewind. Most think that’s good. Others may not. I think Clay on my teevee, for whatever reason, is always good.

Golf is good. We like some gofers golfers a bunch.

Clay fans write crazy ass blogs about Clayfans.

Clay fans are crazy. (Not really a newsflash there.)

The OFC mostly hates Roger. Not really sure why. But they must be right because it’s the OFC.

German accents are funny but one must document their origin. Most of which are in Hogan’s Heroes.

The JBT was sooper! Clay was hawt!

Clay is hawt!

Clay is hawt!

I have learned so much here.

But I’ll quote this one thing cause it’s something that I’ve thought for so long:

I think JP would have been long dead and buried if the fans had just ignored him.

Absolutely agree. A hundred times over.

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I hope he's excited and proud about being part of AI Rewind (I know I'm proud of him!!). And I hope he blogs soon to tell us about it!

I know a lot of people get the crazies when the AI connection is made, but I doubt it's going away any time soon, so why not embrace it and use it. It's going to get his name/face/voice back into the minds of people who might not have followed him post-AI.

cha cha, I pm'd you..

I made an October calendar if anybody is interested.


w/o the dates, since a few asked for it last month.


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OK - who broke the quote that was working fine for me this morning?

No! not a lot of people at the OFC hate Roger - a very vocal minority do. A lot of people won't post against the cadre because they know the pile on will ensue. Otherwise I would have no need of a PM box there which has those, you should post more or I like what you said but I am afraid to post it PMs.

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And I found out last night there are now two blogs out there exposing other fans. BWAH. Please lord, don't let me get this in my google alerts. What a bunch of loons. I'm trying to figure out where Clay fits in all this. Some of these people need to apply to be a CIA operative. Or get a life... one or the other.

Good points Play.

And Jenna...I hope you're right. I guess I'm like ldyj..keeping expectations relatively low although..heh, Clay being pervasive? I like it!

I think they need to have Clay's attorneys issue a cease and desist order. What they are doing is criminal in my opinion and I think the fans being targeted should press charges.

**sigh. BIG sigh** I'm still trying to catch up....could someone explain this to me?

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WAH HOOOOOOO!!! I caught up! I caught up!

Nevermind about answering the quesiton in my last post. I figured it out by reading along.

And after reading 10 pages, this is all I have to add:

JBT was my favorite tour.

JBT hair was my favorite hair.

Roger who?

Why don't people like Chexxxxys? I love them, especially the cinnamon ones.


I think he would have no trouble addressing the ball.
Indeed, laughn...and no doubt his driver would be able to perform well, too.

S'true...and it looks like he would have good stroke control as well...

I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.


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My two loves - oh - and you can throw James Spader into the mix too! :hubbahubba:

He's on my list, too, canuck.

I'm so looking forward to hearing Clay narrate on AI2 Rewind :yahoo: . I just love to listen to Clay talk. The only downside is that it means I'm going to watch every episode. Just not enough time for everything......

Right now, I'm obsessed with TV and print coverage of the National League East Pennant Race! (Where's the nail biting smilie?)

As for the Roger drama - I'm ignoring it. What will be, will be.

Edited by duckyvee
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Add me as one who loved the JBT. I wanted to see a live show with the backdrops but it was not to be. My one show did not have the backdrops. I also loved the Christmas tour with the play. On DVD it looks great and would have made a wonderful Christmas show on TV. As much as I've enjoyed every concert, I'm ready for Clay to tour with a band again but we get what we get.

I agree about the swamp guy. Never went there, never will and wish others would stay away.

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I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.


Now that's just funny! Make a good thread title tho.

My quote thingy works but someone posted a thread title as my IP address was taking a deep breath. Their post landed under my name and no on has claimed it. I talked about it in the New Thread thread. :drink: :00000467: so if it's yours come stake your claim.

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Another JNT05 lover checking in.

I was at the opening night in Vancouver (black suit - long coat of gah) and thought it was so magical that I went home, bought tickets to Seattle and got to see it in "white" :) I was so enchanted and so proud of him for writing the story and putting himself "out there". He should have no trouble trying his hand at song writing when he had the guts to create the JNT and now LAA. The man has a magic touch.

I do love him in the sappiest way.

Blog me Baby!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Blog me Baby!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

thread title?

My favorite JNT05 was Nashville...frozen feet and all. I saw 3 of them. On my first one I was distracted and not able to come down after helpign host the pre party... and my last one was Atlanta where the little star was out. That was a great show to be at...but my perfect one was Nashville...I loved every little thing about it...and I really dragged my eyes off Clay to take in the entire experience. Looking forward to this Xmas.

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I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
Bookwhore, didn't this (or some variation) get said in an exchange on an old Johnny Carson show? Seems I remember a story about Arnold Palmer's wife (Jack Nicklaus' wife?) being a guest.

Johnny: So do you do anything special for Arnie before he plays a tournament?

Arnie's wife: Yes, I do. I kiss his balls.

...laughter and Johnny's famous deadpan face while employing his impeccable comic timing to finally say:

"I bet that makes his putter stand up"...or something to that effect. :cryingwlaughter:

xxx, you get an "A" for the day---your synopsis of our thread's content was muy bien...

Fan 'wars'? From the little I actually know of them, I don't see much difference between what one side accuses the other of doing and the things they are doing themselves. The worm went online to trash someone's name and reputation, supposedly revealing personal inflammatory things about him. Somebody has a blog (and a cult-like following, evidently) in which they trash other people's names and reveal personal information---even pictures, addresses, etc---about them.

In both cases the motive for doing these less-than-noble things was to 'tell the truth', wasn't it? The worm swears he's on the side of righteousness and truth, as do those who seem bent on "outing" all those whom they deem 'bad' fans or harmful to Clay or who are having bad hair days, whatever.

No difference to me. In neither case did Clay ask anyone to be involved. He didn't ask for the shit that the worm slimed online, and he didn't ask for the 'help' of overreactionary supporters. IN fact, at least in the case of the latter, he's actually said he doesn't WANT people to 'defend' him. Instead, he asks us to do what he does---ignore.

I just don't understand why that simple request is so hard to understand, interpret, accept, employ for some. Just don't.

Whatever. One of my favorite sayings is "Wherever you go, there you are." You keep finding crap and yucky stuff everywhere you go, you might want to look for the common denominator in all the situations---it's usually "YOU"...heh. :imgtongue:

(muski takes off heavy robes of sage-like teacher/preacher and puts smut hat back on) Whew! Man, that hat is much more comfy! :whistling-1:

I'm tickled to death about Clay and Rewind. Coolio. He's gonna talk here and there, now and then, over the course of six months on MY teevee to MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I betcha he'll crack a few jokes and drop a few innuendos and snark a few sharp jabs and he'll be SOOOOOOO cute :hubbahubba: and funny and sharp and then....then....

We get to hear him SING, too! :clap::hubbahubba:

Oh, we are blessed, indeed. :DoClay::lilredani:

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I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
Bookwhore, didn't this (or some variation) get said in an exchange on an old Johnny Carson show? Seems I remember a story about Arnold Palmer's wife (Jack Nicklaus' wife?) being a guest.

Johnny: So do you do anything special for Arnie before he plays a tournament?

Arnie's wife: Yes, I do. I kiss his balls.

...laughter and Johnny's famous deadpan face while employing his impeccable comic timing to finally say:

"I bet that makes his putter stand up"...or something to that effect. :cryingwlaughter:

muski, it IS classic Carson. I expected some of our golf fans would have picked up on it before now. Apparently Mrs. Palmer was so enraged she stormed off the set. The episode never aired, but it's become somewhat of a legend.

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Regarding Roger, "the publicist", the truth is usually somewhere closer to the middle.

I wasn't going to watch AI rewind because I don't like cheaters and I don't like AI. LOL-- anyway, now I'm excited and can't wait. I guess I figured out this doesn't have much to do with AI. since it seems it's being handled by another co. Anytime I can hear Clay's voice, I guess I want to be there. I think he'll shine at this narrating thing.

I don't think its fair to call AI cheaters. The whole idea that they "cheat" is absurd, IMO. They are too closely watched and for that matter, why would they want someone who isn't a fan favorite to win? All those involved with AI care about are the ratings while the show is on. After the winner is announced, they could care less. Therefore, there is no motivation to cheat.

And you know, I don't need Clay's publicist to be a Clay fan. I need them to do be damn good at their job. Like my cousin said, I don't have to like this shit, I just have to sell it. A clay fan? messy, emotional, not objective, and a crap load of baggage. No thank you.

So true, Couch Tomato. Fans tend to see the world through Clay-colored glasses--everything is about Clay, every minor slight is a catastrophe. He needs someone with perspective, an awareness of the political realities in this world, and yes, meaningful contacts within the entertainment industry. Yes, it is ideal that a publicist would actually like and appreciate Clay as a person and as an artist. But for that person to be a fan, with the emotional investment and message board influence attached? Not a good idea.

As for Rewind, I don't think they would ask Clay to narrate if they didn't feel he brought anything specific to the program. If all they wanted was generic descriptions or introductions, it would be far cheaper and easier to hire some nameless voice-over specialist. I tend to believe that what they want is his perspective and personality. I'm guessing that it could be like those commentaries you get on DVD's, where you have the director and/or actors discuss the film as it plays. If so, even if we don't see Clay as he talks (and we'll still see him as a performer on the show), what we could get could be interesting and potentially far more pervasive.

I like the way you think!

Keldanker...I don't go around in search of the crap either which is why I'm always so completely in shock when I get a new bunch of :hitsfanrs5: all at the same time. I couldn't read more than 3 minutes worth of Chexxxy's blog cuz I felt dirty. I mean, people out there actually believe they are talking to Clay and have been talking to Clay online? Huh? People are that damn gullible? But then again, why should I believe anything she has to say. Frankly, if it's true, people need an intervention not an expose. And to dig yourself deep in the muck for god knows how long to I assume help Clay? Or to be right? How is any of this helping Clay. I thought I was reading a script for The Unit. I think people are addicted to drama. I really do. I think JP would have been long dead and buried if the fans had just ignored him. Now there are many factions out there to expose other factions ..and it amounts to a 100 noodys feeling like they are suddenly somebodys. After I shower I will crawl back to my hole and stay here. Two weeks after the crap first hit in 2006 I bowed out. Didn't read the blogs. Didn't follow the crap. I managed to be a Clay fan without making myself a part of the story. So did 90% of the rest of the fans. I wished the other 10% had followed suit.

hmmmm I need to look into that Amazon sponsered link heh.

Everything about Chexxxy's IS dirty. If I were Clay, I would be ashamed they called themselves his fans. They are mean, borderline criminal, they spread lies and gossip, they expose those fans they decide aren't good enough to be Clay fans and more.

They belong, IMO, in the same category of slime as JP and PH. They are just as slimey.

That said, I also believe they should be handled the same way as JP and PH. Ignore, ignore, ignore. ALL gnats should be ignored.

Re: AI Rewind clack:

We will be getting "clean" broadcast quality clips of AI Rewind from a secret source.

Some tidbits that have been passed on/confirmed for your info:

It's true that Clay is the narrator, that he gets onscreen credit as "Narrated By".

His voice is heard throughout the bulk of the episode.

Weee! Thanks secret source!

And that is a revelation why??? Didn't we know this yesterday? And I would expect he would get a credit for narrating. Seems like this "secret source" is a day late and a dollar short! Unless of course there is other secret info she can't share until it is common knowledge and then how would we ever know if she truly had the secret info to begin with?? (Although I hope her clack prediction is true).

Yes, Ms. Cynical Bitch attacks again!

But a big woo hoo!! With 3 games left in the regular season, my once given-up-for-dead Phillies are tied for 1st place in their division!!!! :00000442:

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(muski takes off heavy robes of sage-like teacher/preacher and puts smut hat back on) Whew! Man, that hat is much more comfy! :whistling-1:

Muski I love your sage-like teacher/preacher hat. You are a wise woman.

But a big woo hoo!! With 3 games left in the regular season, my once given-up-for-dead Phillies are tied for 1st place in their division!!!! :00000442:

what a race!! Good luck everybody with a team still in the race.

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Re: AI Rewind clack:

We will be getting "clean" broadcast quality clips of AI Rewind from a secret source.

Some tidbits that have been passed on/confirmed for your info:

It's true that Clay is the narrator, that he gets onscreen credit as "Narrated By".

His voice is heard throughout the bulk of the episode.

Weee! Thanks secret source!

And that is a revelation why??? Didn't we know this yesterday? And I would expect he would get a credit for narrating. Seems like this "secret source" is a day late and a dollar short! Unless of course there is other secret info she can't share until it is common knowledge and then how would we ever know if she truly had the secret info to begin with?? (Although I hope her clack prediction is true).

Yes, Ms. Cynical Bitch attacks again!

But a big woo hoo!! With 3 games left in the regular season, my once given-up-for-dead Phillies are tied for 1st place in their division!!!! :00000442:

waves arms wildly in the air

Like with Careless whisper, There is no great agenda, she has no reason to say anything at all. And theyy both been known for a long time and does not get involved in any controversy, hardly ever post. To make anything up is pointless for either of them.

A lot of us know Eva, she does not post unless there is Clack

A lot of us are familiar with her dog snoring. he sleeps next to her computer and the snoring is passed along on the cellcerts.

Basically, if there is no great prize to be won for telling us something, there is no reason for a person to lie. Eva is greatly beloved for all the work she does to keep the clack flowing, she does not need more love.

There was a lot of debate at the CH today about whether the narrator will be a short or long task, this verifyies that it is as I believed a long task. Maybe not the greatest bestest ever information, but certainly not something that someone would say to bring on an insider reputation.

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Sometimes it is really good to be out of the loop and clueless...reading the last few pages was a real eye-opener. I joined Chexxxy's place thinking it was going to be a different place and it was different; just not what I was looking for...I couldn't hightail it out of there fast enough.

I don't know about calling AI cheaters, but I do think there is a lot of manipulation going on there; its all about casting contestants who fit in with what kind of singer they are looking for during any given year. I would bet this year they are going to stack the decks to have an African-American male win since we haven't had one since Ruben. Not to mention having ringers and professionals as contestants. It really is a game show and not a talent show...it has been pretty obvious since Season 2 how much it has changed and how little the audience voting really matters. They are going to promote who they want whether that person was the audience's choice or not. Look at Daughtry and Taylor Hicks. The premise was that the winner would get a recording contract and now everyone and their brother gets one, so why vote?

Not a fan of the show and while I am thankful to it for giving us Clay; I think it peaked at Season 2 and has been going downhill ever since.


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A bit OT from the discussion at hand...actually, quite a bit... :imgtongue: ....but this is driving me crazy...Does anyone else watch Tyra's America's Next Top Model? Last night was the second show of the season where they showed the contestants moving in to their new living quarters. I swear, they are staying in that house from Clay's ATDW photo shoot. You know, Library Boy? Yeah, that one. I kept wanting the women to shut up and get out of the way so I could get a better look.

aikim wrote:

I don't know about calling AI cheaters, but I do think there is a lot of manipulation going on there; its all about casting contestants who fit in with what kind of singer they are looking for during any given year.

I don't call it cheating either, but editing for television makes a world of difference as well. It can't change talent, but it can influence how the voters perceive the contestants.

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