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#20: Clay is just so frickin' cute! Cute, cute, cute!

Couch Tomato

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."
    • Bring it Aiken! And if it turns out to be a total cheese boat I'm ready to sail with ya'!
    • Circumstances and dynamics spun together into pure electricity
    • Buy Clay Aiken because it's a top of the line brand.

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I have never commented on Clay's hair. Not because I don't have an opinion cause I do. Sometimes very strong ones. But even if his hair isn't the greatest, something about him overwhelms his appearance for me. I've had pretty strong opinions about his outfits too. Some I've really liked...some I've really, really disliked. The horse appearance with Jimmy Kimmel? Let's just say that outfit and hair would be an example of eliciting a strong reaction from me. But even then...as soon as he opened his mouth, started to talk, smiled, made interesting expressions with his fascinating face...I'm just a goner.

Something about that man transcends all kinds of fashion mistakes.

During AI2, I never noticed the sexy in him. He just kept blowing me away with his voice and his angelic aura. Yeah...I said it...angelic. He really reminded me of someone who didn't quite belong here on earth. But I think my subconscious was beginning to acknowledge the sexy in him during Mack the Knife. I sat with my mouth hanging open and waited until hubby went to bed before playing that clip over and over again. I wore out that part of my tape within a few weeks. Now, I've got that clip bookmarked on YouTube and still watch it with awe. With Solitaire, I admitted to myself that he had taken a piece of my heart somehow. It was all rather strange for someone who's never really had a celebrity crush.

Yeah...I'm pretty hopeless. I just love him.

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Aaarrrgggrrr! I just knew it.....there I was having a really good time looking at YouTube Vids and reading the board and all of a sudden someone had to mention SNOWFLAKE HAIR and then someone else (who I used to think was a nice person) went and posted my all time favourite picture...eww! gag! yuck! phew eee! I have no clue why I hate it so much. I guess it is the same as trying to understand why I have this fascination with and love for Clay.

Oh and yes I do have all my Christmas stuff done. Prezzies are bought, cards are done and cookie doughs are in the freezer! I used to send presents home to England and one year I was late mailing stuff and it cost me $95 to send the package! Then and there I decided never again. After that it became a challenge to get everything done by Thankgiving. Now my DH, DD and I go out at 5:30 on the morning after Thanksgiving and have more fun laughing at the crazy wonderful, polite shoppers, knowing we don't have to buy anything!

Oh and besides I do have a three-fer date with my boyfriend and nothing will get in my way of that

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There are some hairstyles I like better on him than others. However, even when I'm not crazy about his appearance, I let it go because as has been said before, complaining about his hair is like complaining about the weather. If you don't like it, just wait a minute.

I love Quiana as a person, and I think she has an amazing voice. But is she a star? Quite honestly, I'm not so sure. I've seen others who sing as well as she does. As good as she is, she doesn't seem that unique. Of course, maybe, like Couchie said, she just needs the right opportunity, like Jennifer Hudson. Sometimes that's all anyone needs, the perfect song or role that showcases one's talent in the ideal way. I'm glad she got the Dreamgirl role. Perhaps that will open doors for her.

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Oooh, is it things I don't like about Clay night?

Hmm, lesse.... wait for it... I know you all are gonna be shocked, but I will step up and say....

I got nuttin'



LOL...you're funny but to me it's how I feel about Clay through the entire process starting with that fisrt Take. People jumped on in different places and loved different things about him. As I went down the road into fanaticsm this fandom my brain even colored my memories. Surely he had me at take and every step of the way. But when I was presented with what I had actually written as it was happening I was shocked to see that yep, I was a tremendous fan from Take...but it wasn't him and only him and he was the best and everybody else paled by comparison. I truly loved other people's performances. I loved Kim so much and wanted her in final 2 with Clay. But the shock of clay losing gave me a singular focus after idol was over.

eeeeeeeeeeeee thanks bottle. I'm usually so blase about the hair because is just doesn't matter to me and it's never one way for long. Even when I love the hair I know it won't be that way for long. JBT LOVED. Snowflake LOVE... My own hair is a mess half the time...so it's not something that interests me.

:mockery-046: that's for Merrieee heee.

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I love Quiana as a person, and I think she has an amazing voice. But is she a star? Quite honestly, I'm not so sure. I've seen others who sing as well as she does. As good as she is, she doesn't seem that unique. Of course, maybe, like Couchie said, she just needs the right opportunity, like Jennifer Hudson. Sometimes that's all anyone needs, the perfect song or role that showcases one's talent in the ideal way. I'm glad she got the Dreamgirl role. Perhaps that will open doors for her.

How many opportunities is she going to get from a local production of Dreamgirls? If she were doing this as a Cast Member in a traveling Broadway Production I could see it having a bigger effect. JMO

There have been lots of "Suits" who have heard her perform, when she has been with Clay...and as far as I can see no one is signing her. Hell Clay is good friends with David Foster who loves Singers with big voices....and for that matter Jaymes could open some doors for her. I think it takes more than just being a great singer to grab people's attention in Show Biz. Although I don't get the Aslee Simpson, Paris Hilton....ect types. I guess "image" is what sells them...and Studio Magic.

I'm not really obsessive about the hair either...as others have said it will change. The only style I absolutely hated was a Faux-Hawk that he wore for some photos and merchandise during the second JNT. Loved JBT hair too!

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I liked him from the beginning but began to feel like a bit of a pedophile when he gave his wildcard performance. Don't know why exactly but he was just so sexy looking. I was pissed when he didn't win and will always believe it was not because of the voters but because the producers wanted Ruben to win. I've never dwelled on it like some people but it should have been a slam dunk. If you weren't blown away by that voice, you weren't listening!

jj, I liked the JBT hair too because that was very natural. He looked so fine. :hubbahubba:

Don't think Quiana wants a big career right now or she would have one. She's so talented, beautiful, great sense of humor and has many contacts. I think it's her call!

Straying off the subject for a minute. Kayne West's mom died during or after plastic surgery of some type. She was a college professor and his dad was a black panther who left right after Kayne was born. What a combo! I'm no Kayne fan but did hear him say once that he was raised by his mom and had a lot of feminine mannerisms as a result, said it was impossible to avoid. Reminds me of Clay.

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so thick and silky and touchable

bottle! You smutter, you! B)

I'm HOME! Yeay! :clap: I spent a cool day with Carrie---we saw "The Bee Movie" and laughed at the silliness...then we cruised Best Buy and Lowe's together. At BB I checked out the Clay Aiken spot in the CDs--one MOAM, one ATDW and one String Quartet bullshit :what_d_fuck:

Then we went to LOWE'S to do some wishbook shopping---new refrigerator, stove and over, microwave, dishwasher, floor....BWAH! We topped it off with a Jamba Juice and bumper to bumper traffic on the way home!

I'm SOOOOOO glad to be home....goofed off today, but tomorrow I'll get some stuff done,--not office work, but household crap. Seems our kitchen sink/dishwasher is all stopped up and we can't use either (call a plumber); need to wash the dog and get rabies shots, get the oil changed, tires rotated on the car, etc., etc.

Ah, life---sometimes the annoyances of daily living really piss me off.

However, the alternative sucks. heh.

Oh, and I have a confession to make. I honestly cannot remember the very first time I saw/noticed Clay on AI. I do know that when he sang SOT, I thought he had incredibly beautiful facial features, and I do remember thinking his voice was a killer on DLTSGDOM...but I'm pretty sure I only heard Always and Forever LATER, on a 'remember this?" kind of thing. I remember :hubbahubba: over his leather jacket and blue tee shirt when he sang the Diane Warren song...and thinking the brown pants and ridiculous shiny shirt looked like shit on Disco night...thought the "Grease" outfit was cool and fun, though. I always assumed he was being snarky on that, so enjoyed the hell out of it, although I was so embarrassed for him when he did those absurd hip shakes. :blush::unsure::blink:

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Being a friend of Clay is not really saying she has an opportunity to be a star. I guess all I'm saying is had Quiana had an opportunity to be in the top 32 or 12 who knows what would have happened. I think if America had had a chance to hear her every week maybe she would have won them over. She's certainly better than most of the top 12 IMO. To say she doesn't have drive doesn't really work for me cuz it's pretty clear she is a working artist and she continues to pursue it. She is determined to have a career in singing and she has one. And she is making her living at it. Even without Clay she would be making a living at it. She has a passion for music. Clay does have drive and a competitve spirit but if not for Idol he'd be in a classroom. And I seriously wonder if he would have pursued a career if he wasn't called back for wildcard and that Always and Forever was the highlight of his Idol experience. I don't think we heard one note come out of Quiana's mouth on Idol. And I bet there were a lot of other talented people there that we didn't see either. She didn't fit the cast for whatever reason. I won't say it's because she didn't have the "it" factor cuz I don't think all of the top 32 or top 12 for that matter had the it factor. That's why I chalk a lot of things up to luck or having a specific opportunity to showcase yourself. Like Jenna said, there are a ton of talented folks walking around who will never be stars or even in the business.

I'm not saying she would have gone all the way because as much as I like Quiana I don't think her voice is distinctive. I think Angie's voice is more distinctive. I think KLO and Trenyce's voices are more distinctive. And as good as she is, maybe that's why she wasn't picked. IMO there were limited slots for her type. Maybe Trenyce had more intersting back story..surely they knew that a certain arrest record might come to the forefront. Anyway,

I'm glad my boyfriend came back for more heee because well..I don't need to tell ya'll why. LOL.

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From demelza3000 at the CH:

Hi guys, I haven't posted on this board in well, years. But I was at the conference that Clay appeared at today.

I must say, seeing Clay Aiken was not on my agenda. It was a shock to us all that Clay came to talk about the Bubel Aiken Foundation. But the audience of I guess a thousand or two special educators was quite appreciative. Clay spoke about the mission of the foundation and then showed a videotape on inclusion that had us in tears. The whole thing, speech and video was about 30 minutes long.

As far as the glasses/hair/clothes report: There were no glasses that I could tell. The hair was not particularly styled, a little flat. He had on jeans, a jacket and either a shirt with tie or a colorful shirt. It was a very large room and having not known the attendees, I sat woefully in the back. That's all I remember, that and my cell phone was dead so I couldn't take a picture.

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Being a friend of Clay is not really saying she has an opportunity to be a star. I guess all I'm saying is had Quiana had an opportunity to be in the top 32 or 12 who knows what would have happened. I think if America had had a chance to hear her every week maybe she would have won them over. She's certainly better than most of the top 12 IMO. To say she doesn't have drive doesn't really work for me cuz it's pretty clear she is a working artist and she continues to pursue it. She is determined to have a career in singing and she has one. And she is making her living at it. Even without Clay she would be making a living at it. She has a passion for music. Clay does have drive and a competitve spirit but if not for Idol he'd be in a classroom. And I seriously wonder if he would have pursued a career if he wasn't called back for wildcard and that Always and Forever was the highlight of his Idol experience. I don't think we heard one note come out of Quiana's mouth on Idol. And I bet there were a lot of other talented people there that we didn't see either. She didn't fit the cast for whatever reason. I won't say it's because she didn't have the "it" factor cuz I don't think all of the top 32 or top 12 for that matter had the it factor. That's why I chalk a lot of things up to luck or having a specific opportunity to showcase yourself.
I agree. I think they had a quota and Quiana was cut. Instead they should have cut either Carmen or Kim Caldwell but I bet they thought they would make better TV. I completely disagree with that assessment and why I think Carmen and Kim were kept over someone like Quiana. Can you imagine what Quiana would have brought the the competition. I think it would have been even more exciting. I'm not saying that she would have won but I think she could have gone pretty far in the competition.
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I give up trying to catch up. Sometimes I just scroll through real fast, but I've so been enjoying everyone's perspectives on AI2 Clay...this has been a fun read. I always thought Clay had a fantastic voice and I was always rooting for him, but I didn't really start considering the sexy until one night I was on the boards and someone posted a lipbite picture with the comment "Don't bite your lips Clay! Let me do it for you!". That was the first time I thought, "Um...yeah...I would like to nibble those lips". Funny I never noticed it for myself until someone else pointed it out. Then, along came Solitaire and I was toast. That was a life-altering night. Seriously. I haven't been fully sane since. :hubbahubba:

On the subject of Ruben, I thought his personality was part of his appeal. I mean, could anyone look at him and not grin? He was just such a sweet guy, my DD thought he was totally adorable. I still grin every time I see him anywhere.

But we were home for the results, and my son tells me it was the first time I ever said the F word in front of him. :cryingwlaughter:

CMSU! I can so totally relate!

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suspiciously eyes the heathens that didn't declare their complete and total love for Everlasting Love...

That was the song that forced me to declare my Clay in real life...never got the "disco pants" love because those were not disco pants...and I always felt EL was a disco song since I danced to it in discos...and I afraid I thought orange was his natural color....I am so not a freckle loving person. And the combination of To Love Somebody and that freakishly gorgeous suit was my ideal Clay look until the pants of perfection and JNT2 hair. And Snowflake hair

AI2 was a lovely opportunity to do battle with my family - I just always thought he was incredibly talented and occasionally made horrible song choices (the mouse song stays on my sh*t list - Solitaire didn't rock my world until I heard it live - and let's not even mention Open Arms). But the voice wins for me. Always. I still have to give props to his competitors who had justifiable high points as well (except for Carmen - Goat Girl Redux!) and I agree that they pushed Clay to stretch. Man, that was a great season.

I do tend to like Angela a little better than Quiana because she does have a more unique quality to her voice...I've heard too many Quiana's...I find her good but not great, ya know?

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Gibby, I am finding myself strangely hypnotized by your avi. Can't imagine why.

Me too! :hubbahubba:

I'm so glad you're enjoying it! It was thinking about changing my avi after Vegas because there are so many fantastic pics of Clay from that show. Since ya'll like it, though, I'll leave it alone for awhile!


Of course if you REALLY want a new one, I'll be happy to take care of this one for you. :whistling-1:

EEEEEEEEE I love AI Clay!! I remember thinking he looked like such a goofball at his audition but then when he walked out on the stage when AI2 began, I was floored. I thought, this guy deserves to win. Besides the voice, look at what he has done to his appearance. He really wants to win. Silly me, I thought it was Clay's doing as opposed to AI.

Do you all remember way back at the beginning when everyone was wondering what was wrong with them, talking about their Clay shrines, things they had done that they were embarrassed about doing? A lot of us felt like perverts. I remember printing off a thread and taking it the psychologist who worked in the office next to ours. I asked him to read it and let me know what was wrong with us. I even emailed Dr. Phil! Dr. Phil didn't get back with me but the psychologist next door did. He came to my office a week later saying there was nothing wrong with us. He explained that the brain does not know age. I like that and repeat it often. :naughty2: That was so much fun. I just laughed and laughed.

As for his hair, I don't dwell on it much either. Some styles I like better than others. I'm a fan of spikes. I don't particularly like the current style but I absolutely loved AI5 hair. Loved JBT hair and thought that style would be easy for him when he had to fix it himself. Other styles look really bad when he has to fix it himself...know what I mean? I hated last years JNT hair. I don't know what it was...too long and flat...something. That said, I sure did like it when he would flip his hair back. :Thud:

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Actually, if we can span a few seasons, I think they may have gotten a Quiana type with Melinda Doolittle this past season.

A professional singer, with a strong background singer resume. IMHO, by far the best voice in the competition.

When she did a pre-planned interview, she came off well. Of course, I'm sure there was a lot of tape that never made it to air and they culled the best moments.

However, when she stood there in front of the judges......she really didn't have much to say. She expressed stunned disbelief at the judge's praise, but was not one with a quick comeback.

Quiana is getting better at bantering back and forth with Clay, but I don't think she would have been confident enough to be sassy on the show at that time.

I lurved me some Melinda. Her voice and her interpretations just blew me away.....but as the weeks wore on I became more convinced she wasn't going to make it. People knew she had a killer voice. After several months, they were just looking for something more.

I'm going to build up my post count in no time if I keep writing posts around a picture.

I'm a big fan of making artsy pics of Clay, as you can see by my avi. I am WAY overdue.

So......TA DA!!!


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I have to admit that AI2 was all about Clay for me. I liked several of the others and pulled for them to do well, but none of them compared to Clay in my mind, and as happy as I was for each contestant who had a good performance, I couldn't generate the level of caring for any of them that I experieced when Clay sang. My attraction to his voice and personality happened simultaneously, rght away.

Clay's hair - a total source of amusement. Sometimes great, sometimes pretty bad, but always interesting.

AI outfits - I don't even remember them, as many times as I've seen his performances. All I remember is that red leather jacket from Grease - hee.

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I give up trying to catch up. Sometimes I just scroll through real fast, but I've so been enjoying everyone's perspectives on AI2 Clay...this has been a fun read. I always thought Clay had a fantastic voice and I was always rooting for him, but I didn't really start considering the sexy until one night I was on the boards and someone posted a lipbite picture with the comment "Don't bite your lips Clay! Let me do it for you!". That was the first time I thought, "Um...yeah...I would like to nibble those lips". Funny I never noticed it for myself until someone else pointed it out. Then, along came Solitaire and I was toast. That was a life-altering night. Seriously. I haven't been fully sane since. :hubbahubba:

OMG! How could I forget about that? The lip bites, the winks, the eye f***s, deep knee bends, the shirt tugs..... :flirtysmile3: I miss the deep knee bends.

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KAndre, while the clothes on disco night really did nothing for me (I still think he needed to unbutton the shirt to his navel and add some chains *g*), the song got me but good. That song is one that personifies disco to me....and I think I fell off my couch that night when he hit that note and held it and held it and held it and held it and held it. So, I'm eyeing suspiciously some of these people too. :imgtongue:

I think I'm at the point in my fandom where I honestly can't pinpoint when certain feelings toward Clay hit. I think I always saw the cute (remember, I'm one who loved the personality way before I fell for the voice), but when did I find the hawt? I really don't know anymore. Was it BMUB? Was it the RS cover? Was it the first Invisible? I don't know...

And I've never honestly cared about the makeup. I guess I always thought it was my bad (at the time) TV. *g*

WORD to Perma above about Quiana; and :hubbahubba: at the new picture....*sigh*

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SNOWFLAKE HAIR :hubbahubba:

You rang?


Sorry, merrieeee, I had to post it. :imgtongue:

I'm not usually a fan of long hair on men, but last year's Christmas hair just looked so thick and silky and touchable.... :hubbahubba:


And this.....


:hubbahubba: :hubbahubba:

I am shallow. Hear me drool - and bitch and moan - and then drool again!

AI2 Clay.... I remember him at "Take". When he walked in the room I laughed and expected this to be one of the bad auditions. I was shocked at the voice and pretty much agreed with Simon and Randy - doesn't look like a pop star but has a great voice. Totally forgot about him until the top 32. I thought American got his group right. Kim and Ruben were the best that night. Then came the wildcard. DLTSGDOM wowed me! For the first time I sat up and took notice. I KNEW he was a lock to be America's choice and always thought the passing of the result card was the way they let the judges know who America chose. I am convinced Clay was getting in one way or the other. I think the judges all made choices other than Clay and then one of them (my guess was Simon) would abandon his choice for Clay if for some absurd reason America didn't choose Clay.

Anyway, after that I just enjoyed the season. My favorites were always Ruben and Clay. I grew to really like Kim and thought she improved so much each week. Hated Corey. Really did not like Kim C. or Josh Gracin. I thought the only reason he got in and stayed in was his Marine schtick and the world situation at the time. I think there was only one time he sang on key! During the top 3 I wasn't sure Clay would stay in. I thought Kim was the best that week, with Ruben and Clay close together behind her. During the finale, I had Ruben and Clay in a dead heat until the final song. I LOVED Ruben's Flying Without Wings. Loved it! I remember thinking, "What could Clay possibly do to beat him!"

Then they said he was singing BOTW. I saw the choir still on stage and started groaning. Then he strode out there and opened his mouth.

I gave him a standing ovation in my living room.

Because of that one performance I wanted Clay to win, but knew I wouldn't be too upset if Ruben won. I KNEW it would be close. When Ruben won I was not upset. I really liked Ruben. I was happy for him. Besides, I knew Clay was getting a recording contract too, so I was pretty sure that wasn't the last we would see of him.

HATED the Ruben hate that followed and HATED the conspiracy theories. Hated them then. Hate them now.

Oh, and I never found him sexy on AI2. Not at all.

I wasn't on any boards then. I don't even know what TTC was. I think I started looking for Clay info around the middle of the summer after AI2. I found a couple of boards and read them for info on his album and appearances. I have told the story of being burned at the stake at the first one I posted on so I won't tell it again (don't know for sure which board it was, but I have my suspicions). When I found the board that was to become my first board, I seriously didn't think I would be around long.

HA HA! (tm CHA)

But what has kept me around? I just find him, his voice, his personality and often his looks, infinitely fascinating. The more I learned about him, the more I saw him, the more I heard him, the more I wanted more.

It was a gradual process with me. No one song, one note, one look got me. The whole package just kind of grew on me. (Not so subtle smutty references intended....)

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