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#21: "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."


Thread Title Poll  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Clay really is a smorgasbord of yummy goodness. Can I have the drumstick, please?
    • He loved his seconddom, and his seconddom loved him back.
    • I want to be Clay Aiken when I grow up.
    • In this concert's solemn setting, he IS joy.
    • Clay's voice is his niche.
    • Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should.
    • And two weeks ago, I didn't know who Clay Aiken was
    • Ahhhh.....like the first little snowflakes of the season, the first little lip bites of the holiday concerts are just as beautiful...
    • He is who he is and that is what the world gets.. the real Clay.
    • My fangirly is in full blush, yo!
    • He has thrown down a gauntlet, and dared us to pick it up.
    • Sigh, guh, thud, swoon, wonderstruck, overwhelmed, floored, astounded!

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From Idol Chatter at USA Today:

Another major beneficiary of the holiday season was Clay, at least for Merry Christmas With Love, which jumped from 3,000 to 5,000 this week and has sold 1.3 million. Otherwise, A Thousand Different Ways sold 300, up from 200, to total 520,000, and Measure of a Man sold 100 and is just a bit below 2.8 million total.

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Somebody (I'm sorry I can't recall who) in the last day or two asked for a screencap of the last frame of Gibby's Jingle Bells Medley vid... I don't think it's been done yet so here you go!


Me me me me me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankyoueversomuch. Swoon!!!! :flirtysmile3:

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I know some emotions may be high right now but I am glad we haven't needed to bring out any colorful ink to edit.

so post your thoughts...then move on...

apparantly you missed my very important admin note earlier today

oh but did you edit someone???? This I gotta see!!!

eta...you made me look for an admin note for apples???BWAH!!!!

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It seems the subject won't be put to rest. I'm sorry about that. I'll not argue or defend anymore. I think that's undignified. I hope you will all see me as the individual I am and know that I have a brain just like you guys and I like to think I'm a good judge of character. Chexxxy is my friend and I don't question anyone here and try to tell them what to do in their personal life. That's just wrong. I hope you trust that I have judgment and am an adult.

Couch, I didn't mean inclusive the way you seem to have taken it. I guess I was thinking more about Clazor trying to bully people from your board.

I care about all of you. I'm sorry this seems rather ugly.

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KAndre...bwah and bwah again! :cryingwlaughter: That CMSU! :clap: This was my favorite part:

"Try not to ponder it too much."

"Good idea."

In addition, I think that particular quote is a great segue into my next wish:


...the topic being that hawt, sexy, Jesus-worshipping, praise-singing man in black. :hubbahubba::Thud::lipstick: :thsign27:

I'm happy that people can post their feelings here. I'm happy that for the majority of the time our thread does NOT become consumed with the expression of feelings about expressing feelings here. I've stopped checking in on my last board because it seemed that most of the times I did, that poor horse was getting turned into pulp and it stank up the place! "Conversation" and 'posts" had become arguments/presentations of 'sides' or points of views/occasional passive-aggressive swipes/occasional calling out of behaviors, etc.

Nasty stuff, that.

I'm with the crew that says...say what you want to say and then, if there's interchange with one or a couple of other posters on that subject that seem more personal than universal---take it to PM. I'm no admin so I ain't commanding anybody. Just my preference.

Now... :backtotopic:

Oh, yeah....this guy...


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Some more caps from Gibby's beautimous videos. Yes, I caved. I totally, unabashedly caved. I might DIE before Friday and never see his beautiful performance and then I will be so pissed!!! So, ummm yeah...

From IBHFC Medley








ETA: Yes, it is totally a coincidence that he seems to grow before your eyes in those clickables. Totally. Really.

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jmh... thanks for the focused picture... it is now my desktop! The man looks soooo good back at his slender self. Did you see the endorsement he did for his chef? Bless the chef!!!

I missed this. What about a chef??

ETA: nevermind - I saw it on the CB.

OK...I meant to ask about this...please elaborate...

Muski...you may not be a mod...but you sure seem to be right for the part...she was right...

OMG...Thanks for the caps cindi!!!


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jmh... thanks for the focused picture... it is now my desktop! The man looks soooo good back at his slender self. Did you see the endorsement he did for his chef? Bless the chef!!!

I missed this. What about a chef??

ETA: nevermind - I saw it on the CB.

OK...I meant to ask about this...please elaborate...

Muski...you may not be a mod...but you sure seem to be right for the part...she was right...

OMG...Thanks for the caps cindi!!!


You're welcome for the caps, and I saw this thread on the CB, via CV? Apparently Clay uses a personal cooking service in Raleigh? I love the part of about his compulsions :cryingwlaughter: He is so unafraid to be himself. I wub him.


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(BTW - Clay's "inclusion" - to me, Clay's idea of inclusion is about Life - access to classes, playtimes, jobs, etc. It would only apply to a concert if concerts were required attendance, and there was only the one kind available. One can't just opt out of Life, but for concerts, just wait until one you like comes along and go to that one. It is all voluntary.)

I loved this! I think 'inclusion' is probably second only to 'mandate' as the most over-used word in the Clay fandom. :cryingwlaughter:


I'm banning the word Crisp. It makes me want to run out and buy a $2 apple

carry on.

BWAH. Funny story - took my son to a dietician at the hospital today. She was explaining Canada's food guide to him - you know, how many servings of meat, grains, milk products, and fruit and vegetables he should have in a day. She got him to agree to eat a piece of fruit a day. But when she asked him what fruit he liked, he said he would only eat apples if they were HoneyCrisp. No matter what either of us said, he would not budge. I guess I brainwashed him......

jmh... thanks for the focused picture... it is now my desktop! The man looks soooo good back at his slender self. Did you see the endorsement he did for his chef? Bless the chef!!!

I missed this. What about a chef??

ETA: nevermind - I saw it on the CB.

Can someone please explain so I don't have to go out and search it out elsewhere? TIA.

I meant to do this a while ago, but is there any interest in a separate thread in which anyone could post clack alerts? Just a kind of "hey, 123ClayFan just uploaded her Wichita clack to the vault!" and maybe a link to CU. Or even links to MegaUploads or any of those types of sites. Sometimes I find it hard to keep up with when new clack has arrived. Of course, I'm also getting really lazy and hate having to leave FCA for any reason. ;)

EEEEEEEEEEEEE! It's concert night again tonight! So cool to have one to look forward to so often. And only about 36 hours until I hit the road to Kalamazoo! :xmas07a:

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I know a private board, I'm sure I don't have to name the board, that has set up a thread titled "Time To Take Out The Trash." The sole purpose of this thread is for their members to bring "negative" posts from other boards over there and post them into that thread. To alert the fan police. That way their members can go to whichever board the "BAD" post is on and beat up on the poster. I mean after all, there is more of them than there is negative people. That is their belief. Take out anybody that dares to state they don't like something and have the unmitigated gall to say so. How dare them. They think that the more they post positively, behind the negative posters, that Clay will think all the whole fandom loves him except for this one bad apple, who had the audacity to honestly post their feelings about something.

Well I am a member of Chexxxy's [not really active there anymore] but I just went and read the thread you are talking about. As with most things said about ChP, it is more fantasy than fact. Yes there is a thread over there called "Time To Take Out The Trash". But you know what? There are the only 2 things discussed in that thread....a porn video on U-Tube that was using Clay's name and people were flagging it. The second thing was about a blog and posts that the fan who is stalking Clay was writing. Truely bizarre posts. There are no posts brought over from any Board for a "planned attack".

Frankly a lot about the ChP is a myth...some of the stories are true, but really most of the time people give them more credit for stuff then they deserve. That's not to say I always agree with Chexxxy, cause I don't. But there are 900 people that are members over there...members that span all the Boards, including this one.

And no I'm not going to out anyone.


Aww Jeez..the pics! Damn he is a fine looking man. *dies*

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I'm with the crew that says...say what you want to say and then, if there's interchange with one or a couple of other posters on that subject that seem more personal than universal---take it to PM. I'm no admin so I ain't commanding anybody. Just my preference.

not in the rule book (bwah, where is that rule book) but a good one to follow. HOWEVER, while we haven't come close to inking, let alone banning - PM boxes need to be treated like the whole board is watching. I've heard horror stories.

merryclay, just take your clues from admin posts. Nobody is bullying anyone into doing anything around here. The subject will die a natural death as all things do around here.

WOW :hubbahubba: Interrupt anytime.. any old time at all.

Oh please, I'm not worried about outing around here because we aren't going to go on a witch hunt nor do I expect people to line up and confess. That's ridiculous.. I could give two shits about Chexxxy. I only care what goes on here. I've made up my mind on certain things she's done but I don't follow her or read her blogs or care what she's up to. If I stumble on it and I have an opinion I will give it cuz I do find some of it whacked. Like I said earlier...if you really want to be part of this community you will be welcome here. If you feel like you are being treated differently, PM me.

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I love the pictures. That's certainly something we can all agree on. Jus beautiful. Thanks for posting JMH.

Desertflower- I agree- 938 members and a lot of good people and some of everybody's friends.

I appreciate this board. It is fun and respectful of Clay and most everyone has a keen sense of humor. No one seems to take themselves too seriously. It is a relaxing board. That comes in handy when you're a Clay fan. LOL!!!

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Chef Matt

Chef Matt never ceases to surprise me. Where he comes up with all of his creative dishes, I will never know. In addition to everything being tasty, it is also good for you. If it weren't for Matt, I would probably be eating McDonald's every day. Now I find myself happily passing by the fast food joints that I love in order to get home to one of Chef Matt's home-cooked meals. On top of being wonderfully accomodating with his delicious menu options, Chef Matt is also courteous and impeccably clean while he is a guest in your kitchen. Even my obsessive compulsions are no setback for him. He works in, provides for and leaves my kitchen exactly the way I like it; and I am very picky!!

Clay Aiken - Raleigh/Durham

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OK in the time it took me to compose my last post you people have gone another page, complete with drop dead gorgeous pictures! And cindilu2 has fallen. I am shocked....SHOCKED I tell you. How am I supposed to stay strong now??????????

BTW thanks for explaining the Chef Matt thing. That is cool. :)

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Yes ansa, couchie did purple people today with her very crisp declaration about the crisp found on certain apples. Now I've spoken my mind about her actions and I'm movin on...purpleing people, indeed!


Muski, isn't that the girl imposter? I saw that discussed somewhere.

KAndre loved your story but how did Chase get in there? Was he there too? :hahaha: Don't you think that's a little selfish girly?

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I can understand posters needing to defend themselves and their membership...but I don't want this discussion to become a discussion of chexxy's

lets just say different people have different personal experiences and history with that board and because of that there will always be disagreements about it and this will not be resolved or hashed out here. So just agree to disagree about Chexxy's and MOVE ON.

Please dont; make me have to call in the stilettos...

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