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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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Oh, sure, jj, immediately some people criticize or maybe worry about Clay's words being construed as "rude"...In response to the latter, I posted:

I believe Clay showed self-respect by refusing to pander to such a line of questioning. Those who expect him to always be self-effacing and have never seen his strength of will might be impressed in spite of themselves that Clay Aiken dared to be "rude" to freaking Newsweek.

I laughed at his toilet comment, because I've been that sore before. No fun.

Also, I think it's hilarious that he says he "barely sings"...oh, so that big scene in the second act is "barely"? lol I guess compared to Arthur, he sings less. New parts written for him? Cool!

You know what I'm looking forward to? The curtain call. Cue the final fan freak-out. :)

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Yep. And from the quick look around I took, it's one or two people 'not liking' the interview (I'm willing to be there'll be at least one here before long) and a whole bunch more refuting them.

Even the interviewer called him chatty and witty, until he ventured into tabloid territory. I think Mr. Clay Aiken has earned the right to be just a tad pissy when confronted with tabloid questions (especially when blindsided with them, as he clearly felt was the case, being that he was speaking to Newsweek). If it were me, my answers would've been sponsored by the letters 'F' and 'O', so Clay's responses were classy, witty and well deserved.

And I bet coloured jusssst a little by the pain in his legs. Hee!!!! Wanna massage, Clay? *mouths* Call me!

00lsee, I'm thinkiing his 'barely sings' comment is more about the style of the songs than the number. They aren't exactly 'And I am Telling You', lolol. I am just dying to know what they've written for him though. EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

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I know I would have been FAR less diplomatic in my responses. I would have told him to kiss my ass.

It's about time people realize that Clay isn't a child and he isn't going to be steamrolled anymore. The jackass reporter thought he was playing a game....he was wrong...and he found out how wrong he was.

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I think fear is behind a lot of things...fear that Clay will disappear, still after all this time. So maybe people look at each thing as the last opportunity to impress somebody. But I'd rather have Clay as he is and not following some script written by people I have no interest in. Clay's unpredictable and fun to follow cuz you never know what he will say. I'm happy to see him grabbing control of that interview rather than kissing ass. Will the guy one day get back at him for it? Well he seemed impressed - still calling him witty. Probably enjoyed doing "battle." My boyfriend is up for that challenge.

Thanks Thankful... We've all been in this fandom long enough to know everything Clay does and says will have a variety of opinion. I actually like that..makes things interesting.

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I think we were just discussing this pretty recently, how what once were considered legitimate news organizations have started to "tabloid up" their publications.

Clay has just finished a Christmas Tour, A UNICEF trip which raised lots of money, a fund raiser for his foundation, is about to debut on broadway and the interviewer wants to rehash old gossip.

There was some good stuff in that interview, though.

You go, Clay!! :clap:

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I think fear is behind a lot of things

I think you're right Couchie...I think the negative remarks I've seen out there concerning this latest interview is simply because some are afraid Clay's remarks will in some way come back to hurt him.

I don't begrudge them their fear or their feelings...or even the right to voice that. They are allowed to be worried as much as I am to feel happiness I think.

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I think fear is behind a lot of things...fear that Clay will disappear, still after all this time. So maybe people look at each thing as the last opportunity to impress somebody. But I'd rather have Clay as he is and not following some script written by people I have no interest in. Clay's unpredictable and fun to follow cuz you never know what he will say. I'm happy to see him grabbing control of that interview rather than kissing ass. Will the guy one day get back at him for it? Well he seemed impressed - still calling him witty. Probably enjoyed doing "battle." My boyfriend is up for that challenge.

Yup... and why borrow trouble and worry about it... can we do anything about it? Nope. So I'll sit in my happy place and say "you go, boy!" and love the hell out of that interview and his strong stand! And I guess I'd rather have some people think he's rude when he stands up for himself than have him rollover and let the asses get away with it every.single.time....

Love hearing that there's some new stuff in the show even if I'm probably not going to get there... I listened to the soundtrack all day today on my iPod and had a really good day just singing and laughing along with it! Got a few funny looks at work, but I was having fun!

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I LOVE HIM! Clay knows how to use his voice and he isn't afraid to do it. I think he let them know he was done talking when his boundary got crossed. Good for him and for the world because we need people with a voice to put the media in their place, especially now.

And yeah, it was HAWT!!!

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I guess I am just sick of how every little thing he does or says has to measure up to what the great unknown will think of it. Like how they might think that he sounds rude or how if he doesn't hit every single note perfectly in DSIAFCD on the skating special.......seriously, I don't live my life worrying about what the neighbours think of me or my kids, and I won't waste my precious fandom worrying about what anyone else might think. I love that he has the guts to speak his mind and call interviewers on their stupidity. You go, Clay!!!!!!!!

I just can't wait for Friday. That interview CMSU about the toilet and his sore legs.....every answer had me rolling with laughter. I was reading it out loud to my daughter and her friend, and they were laughing too. He's already in the Spamalot mindset, me thinks. If this interview offends some people, maybe Spamalot ain't gonna be their thing, either.

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I think fear is behind a lot of things

I think you're right Couchie...I think the negative remarks I've seen out there concerning this latest interview is simply because some are afraid Clay's remarks will in some way come back to hurt him.

I don't begrudge them their fear or their feelings...or even the right to voice that. They are allowed to be worried as much as I am to feel happiness I think.

But hurt him how? They'll write nasty shit about him? Hahaha! He said he was taking his life back, and he has. If he's not worried about it, neither am I. As always though, people have the right to spread their fears and angst far and wide.

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Clay has just finished a Christmas Tour, A UNICEF trip which raised lots of money, a fund raiser for his foundation, is about to debut on broadway and the interviewer wants to rehash old gossip.

Sorry for posthoing but I feel so deprived hee

Anyway..yep.. did the guy even bother to google to see what's up with Clay in the last few weeks? Doesn't seem so. The ink is still wet on the UNICEF stuff but who cares, he touched Kelly Ripa a year go. And I think this has rubbed off on society and the media is just going where the people seem to want to go. My mailman, who is an idol fan, said Clay needs to do something to get back in the public eye because to him it's either or. He's not successful if he can't see him I explained that Clay was just finishing up his 8th tour, will be on television on Christmas day, will be joining a broadway play in January and is in Mexico for Xmas in his role as Unicef Ambassador. Not good enough. Very weird. And I'm not going to buy into that mindset. It's ridiculous. I'm sure some more high profile people than Clay would prefer to actually you know, be doing something creative.

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Wow. That man is h-a-w-t. Seriously. I went from laughing my fool face off to saying "you go Clay" in no time flat. I loved the entire thing.

I still think the man came off incredibly good. He stood up for himself, and that's such good self-respect. (MUAH 00lsee)

You know, it's just like the conversation earlier about RCA/Clive talk and all...and why some people can't let it go. I don't think it's because they don't have a life...I think that IS their life...hanging on to shit.

I would bet you any amount, they are the same people who in real life carry a grudge against the neighbor because they blew leaves into their yard two falls ago. They are the same people who when the family gets together recount how Uncle Bill failed to repay the $10 he borrowed five years ago. If they want to go there, I don't care. I just never intend to follow.

I think you've hit the proverbial nail on the head here. People who hold grudges (of any kind) make me a tad upset. OK, a lot upset. I'd just as soon people forget -- maybe never forgive, but at least forget.

I think fear is behind a lot of things...fear that Clay will disappear, still after all this time. So maybe people look at each thing as the last opportunity to impress somebody. But I'd rather have Clay as he is and not following some script written by people I have no interest in. Clay's unpredictable and fun to follow cuz you never know what he will say. I'm happy to see him grabbing control of that interview rather than kissing ass. Will the guy one day get back at him for it? Well he seemed impressed - still calling him witty. Probably enjoyed doing "battle." My boyfriend is up for that challenge.

Can I be couchie when I grow up?

I think you're right Couchie...I think the negative remarks I've seen out there concerning this latest interview is simply because some are afraid Clay's remarks will in some way come back to hurt him.

I don't begrudge them their fear or their feelings...or even the right to voice that. They are allowed to be worried as much as I am to feel happiness I think.

So true laughn. But I choose to be happy about this. It IS a choice.

Clay is my choice for happiness.

And with that....I'm off to pick up my husband from the airport (after 4 pretty lonely days, except for hanging out with ya'll), and then spending the weekend celebrating my husband's birthday. I might get a chance to check in. I hope.

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My mailman, who is an idol fan, said Clay needs to do something to get back in the public eye because to him it's either or

But see you are only a "star" if you go around being followed by paparazzi all the time, being photographed without underwear..........................................oh where was I..............Oh yeah being seen drunk, going to rehab, no, no, no, on the front page of the rag mags all the time, are anorexic, are too fat, had plastic surgery, shave your head in public, get divorced or not get divorced etc. etc. etc..

Wow Clay Aiken according to these standards is not and is never going to be a "star" Thank goodness.

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I'm learning to respond to many things with a silent "So?!" As in "So what?!"


Oops, my attitude might offend someone...


See...it's already working for me. *snerk* :)

OOlsee, I'm thinkiing his 'barely sings' comment is more about the style of the songs than the number. They aren't exactly 'And I am Telling You', lolol. I am just dying to know what they've written for him though. EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Unless it's

"And I am telling you...I'm not fighting

I'm the best knight you'll ever know.

But there's no way I will ever go,

No, no, no, no way,

No, no, no, no way I'm gonna be fighting.

I'll just be running away, now.

Maybe I'll be brave in Act Three.

I'm Robin,

Sir Robin,

And you, and you, you're gonna love me.

Ooh, you're gonna love me."

Speaking of Quiana in Dreamgirls, I think it's very generous and brave of Clay to recommend her for such a plum part...knowing that the more people who hear her sing, the greater the chance he may lose her to her own stardom. I have no idea if she can act, however. heh

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As always though, people have the right to spread their fears and angst far and wide.

If I'm not buying, they can't sell me anything. I think the people who fret over shit are just as much a part of this fandom as the people who don't worry. There are people who don't mind if their kid climbs to the top of the jungle gym and there are others who can't stand to see the child climb past the second rung...afraid of what might happen. Meh. Probably both good parents, just in different ways.

Anyhow...I loved the interview! I want to know what new things they've added to give him more to sing. I mean how freakin' cool is that? Has Spamalot ever been edited for any other performer like that? I really don't know...any Broadway types here that would know?

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As always though, people have the right to spread their fears and angst far and wide.

If I'm not buying, they can't sell me anything. I think the people who fret over shit are just as much a part of this fandom as the people who don't worry. There are people who don't mind if their kid climbs to the top of the jungle gym and there are others who can't stand to see the child climb past the second rung...afraid of what might happen. Meh. Probably both good parents, just in different ways.

It's when they publicly call that child stupid and foolish for doing so that I would question their parenting. *g*

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My first, knee jerk reaction to the interview was that Clay must be exhausted. He sounded just like I do when I've had a rough day and don't feel like putting up with anyone's shit.

I think it's ridiculous that with all Clay has going on in his life right now, that this jerkwad wanted to bring up Ripa and the airplane incident. Which just goes to say what kind of 'news' Newsweek thinks its' readers are interested in nowadays.

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ETA this Newsweek interview:

Achin’ Aiken

Clay Aiken is sore from rehearsing for 'Spamalot,' and now he's sore at us.

By Ramin Setoodeh | Newsweek Online Exclusive

LOVED this! Thanks for bringing it over, Jenna! Rock ON, Mr. A!!

(do you all wonder who he called to help him up off the toilet?)

Yes~because, sadly......it wasn't me! Abraham Lincoln's cousin!! :lilredani:

this cracked me up too

Do you think the Claymates will come see you?

They'll be there in full force. I hope they behave.

Are they rowdy?

Sometimes. They scare me every once in a while.


He sounds just like my Dad did sometimes. :cryingwlaughter:

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BW, to me Clay was having fun until the questions started about the "Trashy" stuff. Clay may have thought..oh cool, Newsweek, I'll do that one and yet he's stuck answering questions that Star and Equirer would ask. It also makes me wonder how much press does Clay turn down, if any, since he seems really sick of talking about certain things. There's a whole level of media that deals with nothing but that sorta thing.

As a person forced to watch PBS Kids, then Nickledian and now Disney - Hannah Montanna is someone I can actually watch without cringing. I think she's cute and spirted. The Ravens, and Naked Brothers et al you can keep.

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