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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


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46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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OK, I notice that the blog hasn't been pasted here so I guess it is against the law to do that.

Here's my question: How do I get to read it ... I am not a member of OCA and I understand they are presently closed to new members.

I don't understand...What is OCA? The blogs are posted at www.clayonline.com , which is open to anyone willing to pay a fan club membership fee. Membership to the OFC (official fan club) forum is included in the fan club package. Hope that helps.


So, I watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail this weekend. I was surprised at how closely Spamalot actually follows that movie, but I enjoy the musical a whole lot more. I'm glad they left out the things they left out and added what they added. And at least the musical has a real "ending"! The Broadway costumer should be commended for practically recreating the movie clothing.

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Actually, the OFC doesn't seem to be open to new members right now (and hasn't been for several months). Quite a few people on other boards have commented on this and I have friends who haven't been able to renew--but they are still in somehow.

Have been trying to join, but after I give an email and password, can't get past the "Choose a Package" portion. Oh God--maybe they read my mind and knew what I was thinking when I read "Choose a Package" and they have decided that I am just to naughty to join!!

Anyway, I have not been able to read the blogs, but I can usually get the gist of them by reading the boards.

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And I never assume anyone is blowing smoke when they like something, why would they? Maybe they just LIKE him!

Thanks for saying this. Just because you won't find me posting about things I don't like doesn't mean I don't 'not like' anything (how's that for a double negative?) I post about things I like, and when I like them, I really LIKE them. :)

I agree with this, lucky. When there's something I really love about Clay, I post about it. If I don't like something he does, I don't really feel a need to rain on someone else's parade. There's somebody out there who likes it, so why spoil it for them? I know that some feel that they need to post their feelings about everything, and that's fine. I'm just not one of them, either here, or at other boards. That doesn't mean that I love everything he does, because I don't. I just don't have to post about all of my reactions.

Heeee, Clay certainly is an eligible bachelor. I'd love to have him, with any of his hairstyles. Hmmmm, there is that pesky detail about my wonderful hubby, though . . .

00lsee, the fanclub is closed to new memberships until there's a new renewal period for everyone. The current year of membership was up a long time ago, so those of us who are members now are getting good deal! They will ask current members to renew and allow new members at some point.

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CV is also scheduled to have pre and post-show cellcerts on Friday night. I don't know if they try for an intermission phone call or not.

Do you know if you have to resubscribe? TIA for any info.

No - CV still has the same ongoing set-up as the Christmas concerts and whatnot. I haven't seen anything lately about needing to renew or send in additional money. I would expect the current CV cellstream subscriptions to run until Clay announces a new tour, but I don't know for sure.

The ClackHouse, however, looks like it's doing a stream renewal process right now.

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I love me some Brett Favre...

Me too! I'm slowing getting into the football thing - my DH has filled me in on the GBP. They're the cheeseheads right :unsure: ?

I really like the guy who looks like "Predator" (bad sci-fi/horror movie fan here!) from the back. I don't remember his name or team, but he'll always be Predator to me!!

Can't believe Spamalot is almost here! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

I'm going closing night. Didn't think I would ever get there, but I've got a flight, hotel reservation and a ticket, so it's really going to happen!! :lilredani:

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Monday. Again? Why is it always Monday? :glare:


CV is also scheduled to have pre and post-show cellcerts on Friday night. I don't know if they try for an intermission phone call or not.

Do you know if you have to resubscribe? TIA for any info.

I don't believe you do. If I find out otherwise, I'll bring the info over.

Hee, ET online has Clay as one of their most eligible bachelors!



Birth Place: Raleigh, NC

Birth Date: November 30, 1978

Upcoming projects: Has signed on to join the Broadway cast of Monty Python's Spamalot on January 18, 2008.

I'll take it. Thanks.

That's exactly what I was going to say!

I loved his blog! :wub: This man has had me more schmoopie over the past few weeks. I'm with those who think he must be doing OK if they allowed him the weekend off, otherwise they'd be working him every possible minute. I certainly do hope & pray he gets his "click" moment this week. I'm so excited for him and for everyone who gets to see him Friday! :clap:

:welcome:claytonic! What fun to be discovering all things Clay!

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I certainly do hope & pray he gets his "click" moment this week

...as long as he doesn't have a "Clique" moment...because apparently they suck.


I can't believe the fan club doesn't allow people to join when they feel like it...what kind of fan club restricts new memberships to a certain time of year?

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CV is also scheduled to have pre and post-show cellcerts on Friday night. I don't know if they try for an intermission phone call or not.

Do you know if you have to resubscribe? TIA for any info.

I don't think they are taking subscriptions right now...they usually only take subscriptions right before a tour. If you are already signed up you should be okay.


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I certainly do hope & pray he gets his "click" moment this week

...as long as he doesn't have a "Clique" moment...because apparently they suck.


I can't believe the fan club doesn't allow people to join when they feel like it...what kind of fan club restricts new memberships to a certain time of year?

You know, if I did my job like Clique seems to do theirs, I'd be up shit creek. (Heh, I do a damned GOOD job and I'm STILL up shit creek at the moment.) I just don't get it. Wonder how many potential new members they're losing by being 'closed', for crying out loud?


Most eligible bachelor...wull, duuuuuh! :hubbahubba: I did notice that of those names on the E! page, only Clay's info doesn't list anybody's name as 'currently dating' or 'exes'. Heh. Thing is, if Clay IS dating somebody, bet not too many people would know about it and those who do wouldn't say a freakin' word!

I love that. :clap:

Monday, Monday....(melodious harmonies of the Mamas & the Papas drift by)...can't trust that day.... :00000462:

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Lots of news outlets are picking up the Spamalot Newsweek story. Some are reporting the actual newsworthy stuff - that Clay is going to be in Spamalot, and that he's sore from working so hard at rehearsals. Others are picking up the 'cat fight' or that he was a 'diva' (their words, of course). Some of them link to the Newsweek article, so at least people can read the whole interview, which puts it in a better light.

Unfortunately, celebs get the most press by doing something that's perceived as 'wrong.' I don't think that standing up for yourself in an interview is wrong, but that's how it's being spun in a few articles. The positive part of this is that Clay is getting more publicity for Spamalot than he would have otherwise! At least now a lot of people will know that he's in Spamalot. Clay himself said at one point that being in the news helps sell tickets, and he mentioned his publicity due to Ripa and the airplane incident.

I'm so excited for Spamalot starting this week! YAY!! It will seem like a long time until March, when I'll be going.

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This is "SPAMALOT" week !!! :manynanas:

I am so excited for Clay. I could sense his nervousness in his blog, I want to hug him and tell him it will be OK, more than OK!! I think he is going to shine in that role ! I can't wait to see him dance, and act, and sing ! What a treat. ( not until the end of March for me ! ). What a huge step for his career. There was a story about his role in SPAMALOT in my local paper this morning with a great picture from the ATDW promotion cycle. I read it out loud to Hubby ( it was basically the AP piece ) and the title was "Aiken ready to take on killer rabbits". We both thought it was great promotion and Hubby is now excited to see it too. I think he knows the movie script practically word for word !

The bachelor thing is cool too ! :nanalove::nanas:

I have a great feeling for 2008. I think it is going to be a banner year for Clay ! I love that man. His voice just moves me like no other and he is such a special guy. I have stopped trying to figure out what it is that keeps me glued to everything that is Clay Aiken. He just has me hook, line and sinker. :wub:

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It's so cool, a friend of mine who knows I like Clay just emailed me to tell me that he had a nice mention in the Toronto Star today. And she also wanted to tell me there was an article about him in USA Today. Great to see him getting so much publicity for Spamalot!

About the OFC.....not that I have $40 to throw around right now, but I wish they'd get their butt in gear and do the renewals, just so that new people could join. It seems so wrong to have everyone hanging in limbo right now, especially with all the good stuff going on.

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Don't think I want to listen to any cell-cert stuff in real time on Friday, either. Been there, had my high squashed fucking flat by totally predictably historically pissy remarks.

I have it on the best authority that there will be no "pissy" remarks on Friday night from the CH cellcerter*g*

Trust Me :whistling-1:

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OK, I notice that the blog hasn't been pasted here so I guess it is against the law to do that.

Here's my question: How do I get to read it ... I am not a member of OCA and I understand they are presently closed to new members.

Do you think Clay would mind if someone PM'd the blog to me if I swore to not divulge the contents even to my dog? I am really good at keeping secrets because I know that people who can't keep secrets don't get told anything. (People who can't keep secrets are useful though, if you wanted something broadcast to the world, you just tell that person and tell them it is highly confidential!! Bingo, free advertising...)

I think the fan club is closed to renewals but new members can join. Has anyone tried? I fear this may be like a snowball in mythology that keeps growing as it runs down hill. Renwal is not open because existing member ship is not ended.

Don't think I want to listen to any cell-cert stuff in real time on Friday, either. Been there, had my high squashed fucking flat by totally predictably historically pissy remarks.

I think there are a lot of people from here going. Perhaps we can set up private cellcerts. I know someone who wants one ^^^^, hee. I have your number.

Hey, I scroll past stuff that might be dumb, too! I just don't think we all have the same definition of dumb, is all. I don't think an opinion of anything Clay does is "dumb", but I have a constellation of other adjectives I can apply! And I never assume anyone is blowing smoke when they like something, why would they? Maybe they just LIKE him!

I guess I don't scroll past things taht are "dumb" quite as much as I scroll past posts that I consider 'trolling'. There are some posts that just exist to stir the turd. Of course, there was one person tha a lot of us know, that I skipped because the hysteria in her posts made me sick to my stomache. It was just agonizing to read and there wasw a giant vaccuum of reason.

As far as ,my post about Rickey. I didn't mean nop one should go vote for him, it was just funny that in a seeding where the winners are obvious, Rickey is the only one who is not losing as expected and that changed from losing badly to winning handily in an hour from my post - the power of the Clorilla! Speaking of Rickey, does anyone want to see the video of him singing in the restaurant? Someone ws having a birthday party there and he was her waiter. She asked him to sing for her birthday and he obliged her.

I keep thinking KRip should get down on her nasty, boney little knees and thank her lucky stars that Clay has been a class act in public about her and didn't throw her to the wolves like she deserved.

OK.... what brings this unexpected comment from the usually calm and funny BC?

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No real Clay content in either of these articles (found on CH), but I found them both really interesting, since I don't know much about Broadway and how these things work. The actresses who play the Lady of the Lake role in Spamalot are switching this week, so they are also getting lots of press. These are interviews with Marin Mazzie, who is leaving Broadway and heading to London's West End, and Hannah Waddingham, who is leaving London and heading to Broadway. It's also interesting to note that, for the London production, they are auditioning the role to the winner of a reality contest in Sweden, who will take over after Marin Mazzie is done in a month.

Centre Stage: Hannah Waddingham & Marin Mazzie

20 Questions With ... Marin Mazzie

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I think this Monday is the longest Monday in recent history. I hate being at work and not having, you know, actual WORK to do. Of course next week when our project supposedly re-starts (I'll believe it when I see it....) I'll probably end up with 20 assignments due at once. :glare: For now, I will just be happy to just surf around Clayland....

Love his blog! So casual and friendly and comfy...complete with spelling and syntax errors 'coss he just wrote it and didn't worry about all that stuff. Love it. Love him.

It's a good thing that we all do hear music subjectively, isn't it? Otherwise, there'd only BE one kind of music to enjoy. It's like appreciating colors. I've always wondered if the shade of red I see is exactly the same shade of red that you see when we look at the same thing. And then I realize that I'll never know. How the hell would we ever know that? I think music is the same way. We're hearing the same note from that person, but how will we ever know that our ears hear the exact same thing?

I think all the people named in the last pages are very, very talented singers. I'm not a FAN of the kind of singing some of them do, but I acknowledge the skill and talent needed to sing it! I have preferences, just as we all do. I'm not a fan of the kind of singing Fantasia does. I think J. Hudson is amazing, but sometimes her vibrato annoys me. Billie Holiday's voice is unique and I wonder if I hadn't known her life story when I heard it, if I would have warmed to it as much as I did.

As for Q&A, it's the tone of Q's voice that---to my tastes---makes me favor her voice over Angela's. I hear harsh, screechy tones from A more than I do Q and the richer, fuller tones are more pleasing to my ears. I don't think that screechy means emotive or 'feelin' it'...I think screechy means screechy! :cryingwlaughter: Quiana is a very emotive singer and seems to be able to do more with her voice than Angela. That being said, I really loved Angela's "Listen" during DCAT. It was great hearing her singing with a more subtle approach. The end was amazing, of course, but I liked the softer, beginning part of the song better!

Yippee! So happy Clay was in Raleigh and could enjoy himself. And I hope that whoever got a picture of him without being noticed didn't use a flash and gets it uploaded really fast! :whistling-1:

Yeah that ^^^ Muski!

I certainly do hope & pray he gets his "click" moment this week

...as long as he doesn't have a "Clique" moment...because apparently they suck.


Oh lordy, no! I would only wish a "Clique" moment on a few select induhviduals...... :evillaugh:

(Yes, I do know how to spell. *g*)

Surprisingly, it didn't bother me to watch AI2 Rewind last night, but I did think the whole pulling out of the top 3 only to ship one home was cruel - especially since Clay was the one shipped home! I did wanna give him a big hug & tell him it would all be OK. :flirtysmile3:

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Just went and tried to join OFC again. Same thing--can't get past "Choose a Package."

They did assign me a strange password last time (in December). I am in their system and the password got me as far as the "Package" page, but that's it.

Wonder how someone managed to sneak in on Jan. 6. I tried many times in December with no luck.

Not going to stress over it. The only thing I feel I'm really missing out on is the blogs. I'm hoping that he'll blog again at the Spamalot site. That was a great blog and fun to read.

Loving all of the "buzz." Some folks didn't like the toilet comment--not me--thought it was hilarious--Clay tells it like it is and I love him for that.

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I will PM one of the mods on the OFC and ask them. I will let you know the reply,. I do know that try as I might,I could not renew at the OFC on either of my computers and had to do it thpough my sisters older computer. One of mine is 5 years old (sigh, I got it for Clayeeeee the summer of 2003 - the better to see Clack) and the lap top is 2. next year it will time for a new one.

Here is an interesting Youtube of CNN - Clay mention is in passing, if they don't know, they don't know. Anyway, it is interesting to hear what Bo has to say about not being "dropped". Dude! You were dropped from the roster - I know what it means. Anyway, he does talk about deep pockets which is usually my point in these arguments.

Cnn from Idolstalker

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Loving all of the "buzz." Some folks didn't like the toilet comment--not me--thought it was hilarious--Clay tells it like it is and I love him for that.

Hee! Didn't bother me either, just made me :lmaosmiley-1: I'm betting that's where he called Quiana from to apologize for thinking she was crazy for being so exhausted from her rehearsals!

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