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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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You know what, it wasn't so long ago that the naysayers were whining that there wasn't even going to be an album. Well, I liked the interview and I'm excited. Just knowing there is one coming down the pike. Why else was I put on this earth if it wasn't to angst about the release of Clay Aiken's NEW MUSIC? EEEEEEEEEEE for now. Has anyone thought anything about the one producer comment? I'm not much of an expert on these things so I just wondered if there was anything to read from that. I'm sorry if this has been mentioned. I didn't see it.

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48 hours from, the eHP (kf, chick, you simply are going have to learn to embrace insanity like the rest of us!) will be converging on NYC...because our glorious obsession will be working his ass off to entertain us! We got an CDsometime this year (maybe even May). He likes it. I expect to love most of it. I also get the feeling that come hell or high water, he'll be showing up on this year's AI - at this point planning on pushing the CD - and AI wants him 'cause they want to bring some of that old magic to the show.

Man, I need to pack!

Well, I may be entering eHP territory because my DIL, after watching DVD clack with me for a couple of hours on Sunday, and with me pushing for more, asked me .... Sandy, have you lost your fucking mind??? And I replied, And that would be a problem because .....????

I think I'm almost there, KAndre.

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ok which one of us is up and chatting on the phone and fixing her own breakfast and getting ready for her regularly scheduled doctor's appointment and which one of us had to call in to work to say they'd be late because they were so exhausted.

Whoo hoooo Claaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay -- just because

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Upon reading a different board last night, I've realized why I was a bit uncomfortable with the "new album in May" comment. IMO, it wasn't a direct quote from Clay, but instead, written by the blogger. If she had put that in quotes (like I did), I would be doing the happy dance too. Instead, my mind has automatically said "ooops, there's a filter there" -- because I sometimes just can't trust the media and reporters anymore.

I noticed that for the most part, the whole article was written in this paraphrasing style, rather than direct quotes. I prefer direct quotes too, but I was still thrilled with the whole vibe of the article!

Heh heh. Yeah. Cuz they always get his direct quotes right.

*picks eyeballs up off desk*

CD in 2008 works for me - I care not what date it comes out. Just pleasssssssse let him not have to compete with the Next. Big. Thing. this time around. I heard last week Shania Twain was going to have a new CD in '08. What do you want to bet? Hee! How many other weeks were there in the post-ATDW months that his numbers would have been #1? Waaaaaaay too many!

There is so much other good stuff in that interview/article/blog/whatever it is. He's happy and fulfilled (boy does that make me grin) about Spam. They mentioned his charitable endeavours. Alllllll good. I'm still wrapping my mind around that being on the AI site. Who'da thunk it????

And tomorrow morning, my butt will be on the train on my way to NYC and my boyfriend. Hopefully the eHP will wave at me up there in the balcony. *g* I'll be the one with the rose-coloured binoculars.

All is Well. All is most definitely well!!!

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I have to say I'm not surprised Clay is on the AI site. I've never thought they hated him. He's gotten a fairly good return every year for being on that show. And most of the time when there was some big to do about Clay and Idol - like not being invited to Idol Gives Back - I think we really have no idea whether he was invited to participate or not. In fact I Can think of many reasons why he wouldn't participate and didn't it turn out he was someplace receiving an award. If nothing else, every year like clockwork as the show starts he gets some really good press.

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Ah, {{{Couchie}}}. :thbighug-1:

Then, there's some like me -- who aren't so interested in knowing his musical direction beforehand, but will totally celebrate whatever it might be when the album arrives. Another thing is that we all have different wants and needs for Clay as far as musical stylings. (Yeah, I used the Royal "we"...) I think a few fans get fixated on a particular musical type, and just can't imagine any other way. Me? I'm pretty much open to anything. (I'm still waiting for the Mongolian Polka CD....)


Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.

:word: Thread title?

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I have to say I'm not surprised Clay is on the AI site. I've never thought they hated him. He's gotten a fairly good return every year for being on that show.

I've never said (and don't think) they hate him.

They don't generally go out of their way to praise/support him either though. Thus, my (pleasant) surprise.

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I have to say I'm not surprised Clay is on the AI site. I've never thought they hated him. He's gotten a fairly good return every year for being on that show.

I've never said (and don't think) they hate him.

They don't generally go out of their way to praise/support him either though. Thus, my (pleasant) surprise.

your post inspired my post but wasn't speaking directly to yours just the general feeling that comes up oh every time the new season begins. I think Clay gets treated by Idol like they treat everybody and frankly better than most because they tend to highlight the successes.

I have to say I agree with wandacleo below. Whatever he wants is fine by me.

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I don't give a shit about Clay's musical direction--I just want him to sing.

I think having one producer ensures more consistency--a good thing if he has a good producer, and I'm betting that he does.

NOTHING is going to rain on my parade this year----I'm full of anticipatory joy.

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I think, given the lack of huge success with the last couple of idols, they are touting the most successful contestants from ANY year. Before, I thought AI didn't want anyone stealing the current year's thunder. Also, before, when the winner was advertised as the very bestest of all, perhaps a second-place finisher doing so well wasn't exactly what they desired to show. Anyway, what with Daughtry and Jennifer H. doing so well, maybe they decided it is time to just brag about all the successes of all the contestants.

Heh, and Clay stuff gets lots of hits, too - I hope everyone goes right to the idol site to give it hits.

May CD? Who Knows? Of course, if it doesn't happen, or if the songs are not rockin' rock star songs, it will be blamed on evil Clive and evil RCA.

I just hope someone hits him with a large dead fish if he ever utters the word "mandate" again.

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Ms. Couchie....if you are not otherwise required at home with your mom Friday evening, I'd LOVE to have you over to Casa Muski so that we can peruse the boards together for tidbits of juicy stuff about Mr. Titanium! Maybe get a call from this one or that one during intermission and after the show?

I'll be home early Friday 'coss I gotta take a daughter for a doc's appt in town at 3:30.

You game? :lilredani:

Nice morning here at work---FOUR people called in to be late coming in....sorta mellow around these parts. :yess:

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I think, given the lack of huge success with the last couple of idols, they are touting the most successful contestants from ANY year. Before, I thought AI didn't want anyone stealing the current year's thunder. Also, before, when the winner was advertised as the very bestest of all, perhaps a second-place finisher doing so well wasn't exactly what they desired to show. Anyway, what with Daughtry and Jennifer H. doing so well, maybe they decided it is time to just brag about all the successes of all the contestants.

Heh, and Clay stuff gets lots of hits, too - I hope everyone goes right to the idol site to give it hits.

May CD? Who Knows? Of course, if it doesn't happen, or if the songs are not rockin' rock star songs, it will be blamed on evil Clive and evil RCA.

I just hope someone hits him with a large dead fish if he ever utters the word "mandate" again.

except DJS that Clay was highlighted in the advertisement before AI3 and came back multiple times while they treated Ruben like leftovers so I never got the sense they were afraid of Clay stealing thunder from anyone. I also don't think it's suprising that the current show, which is the one that matters to them, gets the hype. I think giving just the winner props is something that went away after season 2. Anyway, they may be doing a lot more where are they now type things this year. Think I heard that somewhere as the concentrate more on their own rather than all of these other pop singers who frankly are using idol for free publicity. Idol does way more for them than they do for the show.

I'm happy for the May release date and I really hope that most people know it's not engraved in stone and delays is just the nature of the beast. I do expect a new album next year though..and really looking forward to it.

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Idol does way more for them than they do for the show.

I really agree with this. Seems that in some cases the 'famous' people who appeared on Idol actually found ways to diss the show and its concept. (Source? I have no idea... :cryingwlaughter: )...

I hope Clay is on (and wearing his Sir Robin tights without the tunic :hubbahubba: ) and blows the roof off with his new single! heeeeeee! :yahoo:

BTW...This emoticon is my favorite of all time. :yahoo:

ETA: Lookie what I found on the Telecharge website for Broadway shows!


Mike Nichols will return to Broadway next year to direct Morgan Freeman, Frances McDormand and Peter Gallagher in Clifford Odets’s acclaimed 1950 play. Scheduled to open in April 2008.

So cool. Our purdy singin' man is hanging in some good company these days, huh?

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I just hope someone hits him with a large dead fish if he ever utters the word "mandate" again.
Hits who? Clay or Clive? I just want to make sure I know which one is in a fish-slap zone. :)

Karma(4Clay), go ahead. Tell everybody where you're going?! LOL *turns over some more potted plants...sighs*

Okay, so....I used to know how to burn a DVD so that it can play in a regular DVD player...but that was way back during the prriiiinng tour, when I made one of that tour for my friend. Now, I want to make a Spamalot DVD from the movie I made and I don't know hoooowwww!!! Can someone clue me in? I'm sure I have a DVD burner built in to my computer, but I can't find that I have software already to do this with. I assumed Windows Movie Maker would help me more than it has...but when I selected "save to DVD", it went through some kind of process and then did nothing, didn't ask me to insert a DVD or anything. So I don't know what I did wrong. Anyway, if one of you has time, help would be appreciated.

Also, has anyone seen the movie "27 Dresses"? Is it any good? My friend wants to take her daughter to see this and have us join them, but I don't want to throw good money away on a dud. :)

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I don't give a shit about Clay's musical direction--I just want him to sing.

I think having one producer ensures more consistency--a good thing if he has a good producer, and I'm betting that he does.

NOTHING is going to rain on my parade this year----I'm full of anticipatory joy.

Well, you know me. I love everything Clay does, but put me down for a couple of songs that you can dance to. A couple of upbeat songs. Please Clay. I promise I won't lick my monitor, anymore, and I'll even cut way back on my EEEEES. I've been really good.


I just hope someone hits him with a large dead fish if he ever utters the word "mandate" again.


I have to ask; do you think he was lying about the mandate?

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I have to say I'm not surprised Clay is on the AI site. I've never thought they hated him. He's gotten a fairly good return every year for being on that show.

I've never said (and don't think) they hate him.

They don't generally go out of their way to praise/support him either though. Thus, my (pleasant) surprise.

Regarding Idol, I don't think it's a monolith. Nigel Lythgoe is about the TV show and the TV show only. All he cares about are ratings as he gets nada from record deals and management contracts. The Simons are another kettle of fish, so there are varied and potentially cross purposes among the producers and judges. So far four Idols have hit it big in the record business: Kelly, Clay, Carrie and Chris. If I were going on Idol, I'd change my name to Cate.

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I don't give a shit about Clay's musical direction--I just want him to sing.

I think having one producer ensures more consistency--a good thing if he has a good producer, and I'm betting that he does.

NOTHING is going to rain on my parade this year----I'm full of anticipatory joy.

I am, too, Wanda. One thing I'm excited about is that Clay said in an interview once that he likes songs that require the artist to be able to sing. Well that's fine with me becoss I like listening to singers sing, too.

As far as the release date for the album, if an article says May or July or October I just like to be able to SQUEEEE and celebrate and get excited, but I know it's not carved in stone and don't get disappointed when it doesn't happen. It does disappoint me when someone says "It'll never happen by then because...". Sometimes I like being naieve and silly and fangirly and uninformed and clueless.

I'm so excited about Friday night. :onhishead: I don't know anyone going and I'm not getting a cellcert or anything, I'm just excited for him that his big day has finally arrived. I know he'll do great, because he's a professional and I'll bet he's worked his ass off to give them his best.

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I have to ask; do you think he was lying about the mandate?

I don't claim to speak for DJS but I'm pretty darn sure she feels that word became the excuse to throw away ATDW by some in the fandom and concentrate totally on evil Clive and RCA. Nothing more than that. Everything else Clay said about the album got put aside because well, it wasn't his idea to begin with. I think many of us here feel that way about the word - has nothing to do with Clay lying.

Well I guess I'll go to work now that I'm awake.

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I don't give a shit about Clay's musical direction--I just want him to sing.

I think having one producer ensures more consistency--a good thing if he has a good producer, and I'm betting that he does.

NOTHING is going to rain on my parade this year----I'm full of anticipatory joy.

Well, you know me. I love everything Clay does, but put me down for a couple of songs that you can dance to. A couple of upbeat songs. Please Clay. I promise I won't lick my monitor, anymore, and I'll even cut way back on my EEEEES. I've been really good.


I just hope someone hits him with a large dead fish if he ever utters the word "mandate" again.


I have to ask; do you think he was lying about the mandate?

Yeah, right, you're not gonna lick your monitor anymore...Where are the DNA kits?!??!?!?

Hell, I want anyone who ever says "mandate" again to be treated with a small dose of electroshock therapy ("small" depending on how much I like them). Some people would be up shit creek.

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QUOTE(merryclay @ Jan 16 2008, 10:32 AM)

I have to ask; do you think he was lying about the mandate?

Couchie said:

I don't claim to speak for DJS but I'm pretty darn sure she feels that word became the excuse to throw away ATDW by the fandom. Nothing more than that. Everything else Clay said about the album got put aside because well, it wasn't his idea to begin with. I think many of us here feel that way about the word - has nothing to do with Clay lying.

Ms. Couch, you can speak for me any time you want! That is exactly what I meant! Well, add a little squidge of thinking some folks thought "mandate" was an awfully big word for a guy from The South, so he had to have speshully looked it up and practiced saying it correctly, in order to send a coded message. I wish he would have just TEXTED it, ya know?

Of course, I also always thought his sparkly eyes just meant he was happy - but I think that piece of history has been rewritten. But it still makes me laugh.

Also, yeah, about AI, I forgot how many times Clay has been on, and now that I think about it, how many times Ruben has not.

Next CD - here's hoping no fans write press releases, bug RCA, or bug the distributors. They may as well wear blinking Claymate deeley-bobbers, IMO. In fact, I will be quite happy if none of it was leaked until right before the release.

That seems smutty.

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eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Spamalot is only 2 days away. That just hit me again LOL

Merry, yep maybe you had to be here but you know it's the past... maybe I'm crazy but I'm going to hope and pray for something different and better this time around. I'm going to believe people will be happy for Clay getting to do what he wants even if it doesn't match their vision. That's what's important and I'm going to trust that people will get behind that until I see different. I do think we'll have a variety of tempos so I thik there will be something there for us all.

I think, cuz it's really hard to pick just one -- my favorite Clay song is Tears Run Dry. To me it had a nice melody, it allowed Clay to wail, which I love, and I think it was the best of the songs he previewed a couple years ago. It's the only one I'd love a studio version of. I have no idea if it's radio friendly and could care less. I can't wait to see if Clay's style and vision will showcase similar songs or something totally different. Quite the adventure isn't it.

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eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Spamalot is only 2 days away. That just hit me again LOL

I wonder if Clay is thinking the exact same thing? I wonder if, when he thinks about it, he gets that buttefflies, thrill of anticipation that some of us get? :wub:

Yes, djs, using the phrase "leaked right before release" in a paragraph about Clay is smutty. :hubbahubba: Now with that visual in my head, I have to go try to work.

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