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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.

I guess I don't understand, but it's not necessary that I do. LOL!!!!

I should be running out the door on my way to an appointment, but muskifest, I wanted to say that I agree with annabear about "Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it." being a great thread title. I loved the rest of your post as well.

As far as the rest of the politics I'm with merryclay.

I'm laughing in Manitoba anyway...... :imgtongue:

Have a great day everyone!!!!!

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Clay in Spamalit from Page 6 (ick)

Posted by Notacanuck at the Ch.

What a cute! - Wait, are we allowed to post taht he is cute on this board?

Awww thats sooo cute!!!

I love his hair...and his facial expression i sjust perfect...Is this for one of the big numbers???


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I just hope someone hits him with a large dead fish if he ever utters the word "mandate" again.
Hits who? Clay or Clive? I just want to make sure I know which one is in a fish-slap zone. :)

Karma(4Clay), go ahead. Tell everybody where you're going?! LOL *turns over some more potted plants...sighs*

Okay, so....I used to know how to burn a DVD so that it can play in a regular DVD player...but that was way back during the prriiiinng tour, when I made one of that tour for my friend. Now, I want to make a Spamalot DVD from the movie I made and I don't know hoooowwww!!! Can someone clue me in? I'm sure I have a DVD burner built in to my computer, but I can't find that I have software already to do this with. I assumed Windows Movie Maker would help me more than it has...but when I selected "save to DVD", it went through some kind of process and then did nothing, didn't ask me to insert a DVD or anything. So I don't know what I did wrong. Anyway, if one of you has time, help would be appreciated.

As far a DVD burning is concerned...... all I can say is that Vista has a built-in DVD burner, but XP doesn't. You can get one online for less than $100 from Nero. There are a few others out there, not sure if they are downloadable or not. I hope you get your DVD burned!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


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Holy shit! Is that real????????????? *dies*

That outfit is from the big finale scene.

ETA: Might as well shut down the computer for the day. That picture has rendered me completely useless. Oh wait.......*click*set as desktop background*. There, I'm done now.

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Thanks for the good wishes. They kicked her loose. It was her gastroparesis kicking into overdrive, which she has because of her long term diabetes. I think anxxiety kicked in this evening after she couldn't eat all day and then she went into kind of a panic mode. They gave her something for the nausea and also for her anxiety. Unfortunately this is something we have to learn to manage because it is not going away.

Couchie, massive hugs for you and your Mom.

:thbighug-1: :thbighug-1:

DH just got the diabetes diagnosis yesterday. I have to learn to cook all over again. I've been kind of trying to cook more healthy meals, as I have elevated cholesterol and triglycerides. This just makes it even more difficult. The man LOVES him some pasta, so he's a tad - er - miffed.

He's pretty good at dealing, though. So he won't make if my responsibility. I just hate it for him, cuz he loves to eat!

Wishing you and your Mom the best.

Back to the MAN . . .

I'm so excited for Clay! I know he's going to be GRRREAT!

I have had type 1 Diabetes since I was 13, over 43 years, so if anyone wants to PM about this nasty disease which needs to be controlled, feel free. I'm not a medical expert but as my doctor says, I know more about the disease than most medical people do. I'd be happy to share what I can with anyone even if all you need is some encouragemnt.

Couchie, I am sorry to hear that your mom has gastroparesis. Hopefully you can find a way to deal with the symptoms effectively. I know it is difficult.

As I said before, I don't like everything Clay has put on his CDs but most of it I enjoy and some of it I love. I am excited that he is working with this Grammy winning producer, at least he said that months ago, and I am happy for him that he is doing what he wants this time around. I don't think he ever got to do the CD he wants to do and as he has gained more experience, I am confident that he knows what suits him. He learns so fast. I'm excited to find out what that is. I doubt he will do only ballads because he really did make fun of it all in the summer tour. My guess is that he will mix it up. As for his musical direction, I have no clue what that is all about. I either like a song or I don't and I don't think much about musical direction when I listen. I also hope people leave RCA/distributors and such alone and let Clay and his team deal with his CD. IMO, it is our job to support him by buying his music and if we want to celebrate with CD release parties, well, okay but leave the rest alone.

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Yes. The big finale of Spamalot includes Sir Robin in tails.

Interesting that this incarnation of Sir Robin is a red head. I think the Sir Robins are usually blond.

Someone at CH said that the original Sir Robin was a redhead! This is sooooooo cool! And the SIDEBURNS remain!


I loved the ET thing that said they spoke to Clay Aiken on the set of "his Broadway show".

God, he must be going to the bathroom every few minutes! ---remember in AI2 when he said during Wildcard Results that he kept having to pee because of being so nervous? :cryingwlaughter: He CMSU! :lmaosmiley-1:

And affects me in other ways, as well..... :hubbahubba:

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Cotton, sorry to hear about the diabetes diagnosis for your DH....hope everything turns out OK.

OMG. That picture is GREAT! He looks to me as if he's totally in character, and that's so very cool to see. And I love that look on his face.

It's real, isn't it? Clay's gonna be on BROADWAY!!!!

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I'm either over the moon in love with Clay or I'm getting sick....that picture of Spamalot Clay made me all misty.

*sniff*...I can't wait until it's my turn to see him in this show!!!!

It makes me over the moon, too, JJ. I hope it's so wonderful for you. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Thanks....I know it will be. It would never have happened, though, if it weren't for Winter Break....sometimes it's great being a teacher! :clap:

Fold....baggy pants fold. Dammit.

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By giving this to page 6, do you think they are trying to make nice with them? It's been one of the nastiest sites to him. Plus they're taking payola from some of their clientel was a little gross. . Just wondering. Although I don't particularly like dealing with those kind of folk (CHA) I guess it's a way to do business nowadays.

WOW, he looks so handsome! Especially the chicken shot.

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