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#26: "Irreverent, surprisingly fearless, a total delight and a surprise!"


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and can people recommend other shows ot see while in town

Since I suffer from terminal CRS, I forget when you're actually going so one suggestion may not be an option...

When I went to NYC last May, I saw The Color Purple, Jersey Boys and Hairspray.

The Color Purple - outstanding! I was really surprised just how much I enjoyed it. I had never read the book, never saw the movie, just had a vague idea what it was about. And yes, Fantasia was there the day I saw it. And I'll be the first to admit, I'm really not into her singing style so I was really hesitant to see her, but really wanted to see the show. It makes me realize how some people must feel about Clay if he isn't their thing... Anyways, she rocked in the role! I went with three other lady friends and we all came out raving about the show and her performance. The whole thing was great - so many wonderful performances - we laughed really hard and we cried really hard. So if you're going before it closes (or did it already? - see CRS!), I'd say go to this one if you can. With or without Fantasia, I think this is a really good show.

Jersey Boys - very, very good! Sadly, when we were there, the outside temps were hotter than Hades and the theater apparently forgot that they had, or how to use, air conditioning! Dimwits. We went to the evening show and it was really warm in the theater. Put a damper on my enjoyment. But, it is a really good show, dancing, singing, drama, a little bit of everything and great music.

Hairspray - was also very good. You leave feeling really upbeat after this one as it's just fun and silly.

I've seen Wicked in Chicago twice and absolutely love this one... I'd recommend it for sure. It's probably my favorite of the current ones out that I've seen. Great story, great music, fabulous costumes and special effects. If I lived in Chicago, I'd see this one every month, I love it so much! I'd expect the Broadway version to be as good or better.

Good luck making your choices!

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I really wish we Clay fans were not so hard on one another. I do. This is a cliché at this point but still worth remembering - we are all different - different ages, different faiths or no faith, different parts of the country, different personal histories, different sensibilities, different income levels, different family obligations, yada yada yada. It's no wonder that we pursue our love of Clay Aiken in such a wide variety of ways. I guess I just wish we didn’t feel the need to criticize those who behave differently than we personally would. It almost seems to me like the "right" way to behave has increasingly narrowed and has been more and more a topic on the message boards.

word xxx4clay! And to so many others of you who have posted what Iwas thinking. I just don't have the knack of multiple posts.

I have absolutely no jealousy of those who get front row seats. I always look for a bargain. Right playbiller, it's in the genes. Thanks to scarlett we had great seats in Philly this summer , well except for that clack watching guard who didn't take his eyes of of our row. And fourth row that I lucked out on ticketmaster for the Charlotte NAT. I'm just glad that someone is buying those seats. They work just as hard for their money as I did.

I'm pretty lucky that I was able to work and save for this day despite having pretty needy kids. My husband always maxed out his 401K and retirement contributions so it has made life a lot easier now. We keep separate accounts so I can say " see you in a week" and take off. Right now I'm pretty busy doing taxes for Seniors so another round of Spamalot is way off, but I might just swing it.

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eeeeeeeeeeeeeee for Lucky!

Thanks for all the recommendations for seating and for shows. I am a fan of Fantasia so wish I would have been able to go see her in TCP. I don't think it will be still going when I get there at the end of April but if it is I will definitely go see it.

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Looks like a brand-spanking new shirt.

:hello: Everyone!!

Quick check in between shows. OMG He was great and so gorgeous by the stage door. It's freezing and he had no coat, sweater or sweatshirt on HEE!

I got a few pics wasn't too close but grabbed a few when he was close.

Hope you enjoy them.

Have I said I love him yet today????? EEEEEEEE!! I do!!

Thanks to xxx for recapping our recaps. Love you babe!! We are trying to keep everyone up on all things Sir Robin related this weekend:)

Great to see kcudawg and it turned out she had the seat next to me. I was thrilled for her...her first show!!

Scarlett says hi to all!!

invisible926, canuck we miss y'all!! :kisser:




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I'm sooooooo excited! I've missed the last two AI Rewinds so I get to watch last week's in the repeat showing today...

Wait...so does that mean I'm watching American Idol Rewind's Rerun?

ETA: I'm sooooooooooo deflated. I was wrong. I saw a promo for AI Rewind for tomorrow---must be the next one--final 11; which means we don't get the rewinds on Sats. but I thought we DID!? :cry4: :cry4: :cry4:

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According to Tyra's website, these are the top five qualities in a man:

#5. Communicates when he's happy AND when he's sad.

#4. Respects his mama.

#3. Likes to be goofy and have fun.

#2. Responsible (with his money and free time.)

And (drum roll please........)

#1. High self esteem.

I rest my case. :whistling-1:

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bottlecap...a woman who knows what she likes :P hee.

I thought I'd leave this link here. PhillyluvsClay, who is a poster at GCA, was the gal who Clay told to 'give him somethin'' :cryingwlaughter:

She dropped off several screen caps, a short recap and a silent video here...at getclayaiken's Spamalot recap thread

There are several posts on two pages. Also an excellent recap from bigappleforclay from last night as well.

muski, I do think they enjoy each other's company and I think they like each other. Not a bad place for a relationship to begin, but who knows if either one is looking for a relationship at the moment. (fun to imagine though, eh?)

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I have so appreciated reading all the opinions here today. Very interesting and made me think. Which can be dangerous. :P While it is still my strong wish that Clay fans would be kinder to one another, I certainly don't believe that should be an actual rule. I am so not a fan of censorship. So maybe my thinking here is inconsistent. Nothing new there. :lol:

As for jealousy, I dunno. I don't feel that too much in Clay land. Maybe that's because I feel like I'm one of the lucky ones. As others here have said, I'm at a point in my life where my children are grown, I have no husband to concern myself with, and I have some extra money to spend as I choose. I choose to spend it traveling to see Clay among other things. But, also like others here, it's certainly not always been like this for me. I've worked hard and had some very difficult years before I reached this point. Nonetheless, I have never met Clay, I have never had a meet and greet, I've never attended a gala, I've never attended a TV taping, and, while sometimes I've had really good seats, sometimes I have not. I still know I've been very lucky compared to others. I don't begrudge those who have had the meet and greets and all that even if in multiples. That's life. Doesn't impact on my pleasure.

As for up close and personal seats at Spamalot - this is my experience. I think most people got these seats right after Clay's appearance in Spamalot was announced. I know that at that time seats in the first few rows were readily available at Telecharge for almost all the shows during his run. I know this because I got some! The great seats for opening and closing weekend dried up quickly and, as time has gone on, so have the others. In other words, she who hesitated was lost! :) I believe that a few really good seats are released shortly before the shows if they cannot sell them as premium seats. I don't think there is any super secret to how the good seats were obtained.

End of rambling... Thanks to everyone here for this interesting discussion. Now I shall return to what I do best - lapsing back into my fantasy world where I pretend that I'm in the audience of Spamalot and watching a Clay performance that kicks butt!

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I need to clear up a bit of a misconception here. I never said one word about going to multiple concerts being wrong As a matter of fact, I said I didn't begrudge anyone who can do that. I said I would do it if I could. I never said I begrudge anyone front row seats. What I did say was I didn't understand the whole being at the front of the stage door every night.

When I said that, the response I got was this

i think it's possible to think the best of people instead of assuming that people are just selfish.
directed at me.

That was when I decided there wasn't room for my opinion.

It was offensive then and it still is now.

I don't know anyone here. No one knows me (except skybar). No one knows who I am or what I stand for. I can assure you, petty, selfish and nasty are not words that my friends use to describe me. If that's the way people here view me, that's your loss.

Check this...the latest donor for my kidney was denied. I spent the day consoling her. Yeah, I am a nasty one aren't I.

Thanks for allowing me to clear that up.

Good night.

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I was away last night spending a night at a ski resort with my girls and their friends so it took me awhile to catch up but I have to say that the discussion has been very interesting...thank you so much to those that gave their thoughtful and respectful posts and to those that shared a lot of their personal experiences and explained how they can do what they do...

JJ...I know its tough to have an unpopular opinion but I do believe that when people take the chance and share them we end up having meaningful and thought provoking discussions so I hope people won't stop expressing them. I really don't expect 100 percent agreement in a board of intelligent, independent thinkers. I think the trick is to be respectful in how we state our opinions and not taking the disagreement personally...

xxx4clay...loved your post and I pretty much agree with it. I do however understand why some people do post about behaviors or situations that bug them. The boards is one venue where we can share our opinions and vent our frustrations and express our concerns. I guess I can understand why some fans can bug us. We all have our different hot buttons.

For myself a lot of fan behaviors do not bother me cos they do not affect me. But what does affect me are posts that I read. I may not get bothered by the screaming fans...but posters that post about how fans should act does bug me. Now fans that go to mutiples shows and are on the front row a lot don;t bother me. But when those fans then comes to the boards and have nothing but complaints and back handed compliments and even directives on how clay should run his career...then it bugs me because their posts can affect the mood of the boards...so it affects me. BUT I also recognize their rights to posts their opinions..just because it bugs me does not mean I think they are bad fans or should be shunned...I just choose to scroll past them now.

I can;t say I have ever felt jealous of any fan...but I have been envious of a lot fan's opportunities to get together and have fun...I envy their energy and enthusiasm and determination to live life to the fullest...I am so thankful that they are able to share thier experience with us cos I can live vicariously.

Front row seat? If I can get it great...but I don;t have the need to have it. I know my best ever seat in LA happened because of the generosity of friends that got better seats...MWAH.

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I was not able to watch AI Rewind tonight, but so far I've downloaded and watched his SOT performance and interview, and all I can say is AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW and ISN'T HE CUTE??????????????? Loved his reaction in the interview to Gladys Knight's comment. :)

I've spent all afternoon & evening trying to get this new laptop set up. Vista is a mystery to me but I'm trying to figure it out as I go along. I tried to burn a dvd but it doesn't seem to like the avi xvids I was trying to use. Seems to only want wmvs for some reason. What good is that?

I had to get my muffler replaced today in order to pass an emissions test to get my annual license sticker for the car. While I was paying, the mechanic came over to the cash and said "Ok, I can't figure it out, please tell me what your license plate means." Hee, I asked him to guess, and he said only got the "Elvis" part. I told him "Clay's My Elvis" and he smiled and nodded and said "Ah, Clay Aiken, I get it now!" I was v.v. impressed, thinking that he was a pretty swift fellow to get it that quickly. And then he handed me back my keys and I realized that I had a mess of Clay keychains on there. BWAH. Not to mention the bumper stickers.

ETA: from CH:

Intermission report from toni and scarlett

Toni just called. They're giving xxx a break tonight.

The theatre is jammed and even SRO is completely sold out!

Lots of men and young people. Lots of NJU and also many fans too... a mixed crowd.

Sean is there and there is a different conductor.

The first half was very energetic and Clay's dancing is superb! Clay was very animated and shimmying with the girls during Knights of the Round Table. (we need a dancing knight emoticon!)

Clay was very animated during the guard scene and his dirt was adorable!

During the LOTL's part of Knights of the Round Table, she sang something different. The fog was taking over and toni and scarlett couldn't remember what it was, just that it was different.

Lots of tongue action during the slo-mo scene!

They heard one "come to daddy" and Clay was shimmying with the dancers when he was holding the big dice.

toni also said Clay was playing with and twirling the strap on his hat during the migrating coconut scene with his long milky white fingers.

She and scarlett think that they see Brett there with some friends but they aren't 100 % sure. It looks like him from where they are though.

She'll call me back after the show with more.

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JJ...I know its tough to have an unpopular opinion but I do believe that when people take the chance and share them we end up having meaningful and thought provoking discussions so I hope people won't stop expressing them. I really don't expect 100 percent agreement in a board of intelligent, independent thinkers. I think the trick is to be respectful in how we state our opinions and not taking the disagreement personally...

Pretty tough not to take it personally when it's directed at a person, specifically.

Heck, claygasm used the word stalker fans in her initial post and no one even responded to that.

One would think that would be more offensive than saying a person doesn't understand the whole stage door thing, no?

It's not going to change anything for me to continue talking about this. It isn't worth it for me.

I came back here because I wanted to clear up the misconception that I somehow cared about first row seats or multiple shows...that's all.

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Lucky...so happy your computer troubles are over...about avi videos and Vista...there is a codec for vista that fixes that up...just google Vista codec. I remember it was easy for me to finf it and the download and install was pretty quick too. I know Vista gets a lot of bad rap but I didn;t have that much problems with it...main problem were programs that are not yet ready for it and having to get new drivers for some of my devices.

AAWWWW yup AI rewind was totally cute...but I wasn;t ready for him to come out first so I was a bit suprised by that. What a cool reaction from glady's.

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AAWWWW yup AI rewind was totally cute...but I wasn;t ready for him to come out first so I was a bit suprised by that. What a cool reaction from glady's.

I got so tickled at the end when he was talking about Charles Grigsby singing "I Can't Win", and then being voted off and having to come back and sing that song again in front of 40 million people. He cracked up while he was talking about it.

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Wow, interesting conversation the last couple of days.

I don't begrudge anyone who has the means to go to multiple concerts, shows, etc. I sure do wish I was them, though! I decided a long time ago that I just wasn't in the right 'group' for getting multiple front row seats, so decided to be happy with whatever I could get. Wasn't it Abraham Lincoln who said "We're only as happy as we make up our minds to be" or something like that? That's where I am. I could let myself wallow in sorrow over what I don't have, but in doing so I miss out on the joy of what I do have.

This Spamalot run is the first time I've ever NOT been able to go to a show. At first I was a sniveling, green-eyed jellus cry baby. But you know what? I've discovered that my world isn't going to end just because I can't go this time. I'm really enjoying reading most of the recaps and am genuinely happy for my friends that will get to go. As far as toni and scarlet, they've brought us so much wonderful Clack over the years, I just can't begrudge them their opportunities. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

And I hate the fugly green sweater. Didn't like it in Chicago, and it hasn't aged well. :) This new-to-us green check shirt is purdy. I see a couple of curly chest hairs peeking out at his throat. :DoClay:

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I am sitting on my hands trying not to post on another board. Help

Why must everything be evil vs Clay? I will go back and clean out my closet, no one needs my opinion......I need one of those little compostion books and need to write this a 100 times.

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I saw it! It came on at 5 instead of 4! I saw the Motown night on AI Rewind! :clap: God, he was skinny and skinny, wasn't he? :blink: Cute as a button, too. Those ears and that skinny neck...heeeee! What a difference 5 years make! :hubbahubba:

I'll shut up now about AI Rewind.

Instead, I'll talk about how I just organized all my March NYC stuff to my calendar---flights for me and hubby and tickets and hotel reservations---all the confirmation numbers and whatnot. Fun stuff. Exciting stuff. :lilredani:

Haven't heard any reports of Clay Jr. being wild and free in the last reports...think he's been reined in or have sightings become so commonplace that they're unremarkable? :8: I'm kinda hoping that Mr. Friendly isn't noticeable on the night I'm there with hubby.

For any number of reasons, actually. :whistling-1:

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JJ, I'm so sorry that the potential kidney donor didn't work out. I hope that another option will open up for you soon.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I am online on my very own, spanking new, laptop! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! It's so pretty! And shiny, and roomy, and widescreen, and did I mention EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?

YAY!!! I love new electronics. You must be having fun! Just think, all of that space to fill up with Clay stuff! :)

Instead, I'll talk about how I just organized all my March NYC stuff to my calendar---flights for me and hubby and tickets and hotel reservations---all the confirmation numbers and whatnot. Fun stuff. Exciting stuff. :lilredani:

Haven't heard any reports of Clay Jr. being wild and free in the last reports...think he's been reined in or have sightings become so commonplace that they're unremarkable? :8: I'm kinda hoping that Mr. Friendly isn't noticeable on the night I'm there with hubby.

For any number of reasons, actually. :whistling-1:

It's cool that you got all of your NY stuff organized! My hubby and I have finsihed all of our flight and hotel reservations, and are starting to plan out what we want to do during the daytime. We're going to have fun poking around New York!

And I agree about Clay Jr., since I'll be sitting next to hubby in the second row the first night I'm at Spamalot. I don't know how many other times I'll attend - it will depend on when I can get cheap tickets!

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