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#28: The man's a joy magnet!


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44 members have voted

  1. 1. WEEEEEEEEEE How many mods does it take to put up a new thread title...and which one do you want?

    • Winning people over all the time
    • More kool-aid for me, please.
    • WHERE'S THE SMUT???!!!!!
    • ....having a verra verra good time!
    • Things are progressing!
    • Hannah is My Hero
    • Be warned. He's quite lethally cute!
    • My pocket book is groaning but I'm happy. Sigh.
    • songs chosen by Clay
    • EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!
    • he's teasing us, ya'll!
    • Put the kiddies to bed; this is gonna get good.
    • Holy mother of GUH!!!!!!!
    • I don't give a s**t what Clay chooses to sing on his CD. It's his choice. I'm happy with that.
    • Did you know GUH was not an acceptable scrabble word?
    • He sings, he dances?he drinks tap water?
    • in my mind I will cheerfully add "all the way to the bank".
    • I'm just happy happy. What else can I say? shrug.gif Thanks fer the koolaid?

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I believe the full size version of the pics at clayaikenpix reveals even a bit of LOTL's nipple!!!

Hrmpft! This confirms my suspicions, Cotton! Nobody reads my posts---even the smutty ones! :cryingwlaughter:

Hee....glad to see that I'm not the only one who saw this bit of darker hued skin overlowing the LOTL's bodice.... :whistling-1:

Clay's probably having a very HARD time keeping Waldo down his hands off those bodacious bosomy boobages! :lmaosmiley-1:

Oh...and it looks as though Amazon now lists the CD with "On My Way Here" as the title, too.

But - but - but - didn't you say aureola and not nipple??

So I was actually confirming and - er - expanding - on your post, no?


I love watching the stagedoor videos. The women all have the same sappy look on their faces. Can you imagine how Clay feels when he sees this kind of mass lusting by all ages? LOL!!!!

xxx had a good point about this talking to the CV cellstream Saturday night.

She suggested - and I think she could well be right - that the star struck Sir Robin is reacting to the audience applause with the same facial expressions of joy and amazement that he sees from 'us' when we are looking at him! That "we" are his model!

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Spamalot Marks its 3rd Anniversary with 3-D!

Eric Idle's hilarious Broadway musical Monty Python's Spamalot celebrated its third anniversary on March 18 at the Shubert Theatre. So how do King Arthur, Sir Robin, the Lady of the Lake and their court of madcap medieval knights celebrate such an occasion? Well, by going 3-D! The sold-out audience were given special glasses for the event, along with a special edition, collectible certificate of achievement. What did the glasses do? Nothing, which was the Python-esque point of the joke. Click on to see Spamalot leading players Jonathan Hadary, Clay Aiken and Hannah Waddingham sporting their stylish specs in celebration of their show's big day!

Photos by Jenny Anderson/Broadway.com

There's also a new picture of the trio:


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Ummm, those pics of Clay & Hannah? I'm thinking he's not allergic to her particular kind of shell fish, much like he's not allergic to Tyra's particular kind of chocolate.... :whistling-1:

Oh, and, Claytonic - not all of us are Faye's age! ;)

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That picture makes me giggle. Just three co-workers hanging around the water cooler, complaining about the boss and griping about the doofus who always burns the popcorn in the microwave and whatnot...

Hee, and it's probably just coincidence that both men's hands are, errrmmm, wandering in a certain direction.


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Well it's been going on for five year so I'm sure Faye is really used to it by now. I actually think she does a great job handling all this with grace considering how she is never left alone at any public event I've been at with her. Brett too. And I know it's up to the individual but I just made a point never to bother her. I don't know what I would say anyway..you son is one fine speciman. LOL. I think she enjoys his success. But who wouldn't. I have a sports celebrity in my family and believe me the benefits of that celebrity reaches down and touches a lot of people.

Yay glad the album has a name..unofficially officially that is.

Also, it's really nice to see Spamalot pay off by having repeated publicity lobs - so it wasn't just opening night/closing night type thing. And I really hope that Clay gets to piggy back right off this into his album as he wishes to do.

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OK, I admit it when the family showed up on the sidewalk behind me at "Clay;s debut" on Broadway , I smiled and nodded at them. I think that is as much as I want to enter a stranger's life.

ETa - not much happened at the stage door that I could see so my comments would be boring..

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I wonder how many people would lose their minds if he ever decided to do an artsy-type cover, where he doesn't appear at all?

NOooooooooooooo! :cry4:

I believe the full size version of the pics at clayaikenpix reveals even a bit of LOTL's nipple!!!

Hrmpft! This confirms my suspicions, Cotton! Nobody reads my posts---even the smutty ones! :cryingwlaughter:

Hee....glad to see that I'm not the only one who saw this bit of darker hued skin overlowing the LOTL's bodice.... :whistling-1:

And even more :cry4::cry4::cry4:

See, I knew nobody reads my posts! I posted just after you did, muski, about this and and....oh hell, why even bother ...... *mumblemumblemumble....sulkingsorryasssthatIam....mumblemumble....sorryformyself


And I agree with couchie on the Faye thingy. I'm bettin' she got use to this waaay back in the day. I remember her saying and chuckling at the same time just after AI2 "It's funny to think my son is a sex symbol". So yea, there is probably very little that phases her anymore. She is most likely more disturbed by the "crap" than anything else. IMO

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And even more :cry4::cry4::cry4:

See, I knew nobody reads my posts! I posted just after you did, muski, about this and and....oh hell, why even bother ...... *mumblemumblemumble....sulkingsorryasssthatIam....mumblemumble....sorryformyself


Okay, treenuts.... don't you go with the 'poor me' crappola! :naughtywag: I just happen to have popped in here as a way of procrastinating at work and saw Cotton's post so decided to procrastinate more by posting. Trust me when I say that if I ever say "nobody ever reads my posts', I'm snarking big time. I don't expect responses to my posts since much of what I write is smut and other inconsequential nonsense. :cryingwlaughter:

I need an assistant! :fca:

Not with the smut....at my job! :lmaosmiley-1:

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The last few months, I have spent pretty much any spare (and not so spare) time filling my head with Clay stuff. And one thing often comes to mind.... I keep wondering how Fay Parker is taking all this. I mean, imagine if you came to this forum and the topic of discussion, day-in-day-out, was your first baby boy, and all these women YOUR AGE are swooning over your kid.

And this is just ONE board. What about all those other sites, the constant media bits and pieces.... how DOES Fay Parker feel about all this?

claytonic... Clay said that Faye wanted this for him more than he did, so I imagine she feels just fine about it. Probably not the problems it causes, but the success... just fine.

I love watching the stagedoor videos. The women all have the same sappy look on their faces. Can you imagine how Clay feels when he sees this kind of mass lusting by all ages? LOL!!!!

merryclay... I imagine he feels we have all lost our minds... :cryingwlaughter: JMHO, but I do think Clay has very gradually begun to believe that he is sexy to women, at least when he is on stage. Not sure he believes it yet when off stage. Only he and, hopefully, some lucky gal knows for sure, tho... :hubbahubba:

treenuts... I read your earlier post... I just didn't say anything! HUG!

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Okay, treenuts.... don't you go with the 'poor me' crappola!

Hey, I resemble that remark!!

I thrive on self-pity. I reside in the manor of self-mock and deprecation. Hell, I drew up the original floor plans for the place. And while I may not need to remove or remodel any of the crappola just yet, I am thinking of finding someone to lay some new piping for me. Think Sir Robin could give me hand with that? If he's not too busy plowing some other tracts of land at the moment that is. :whistling-1:

Thanks, liney :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Clay said that Faye wanted this for him more than he did, so I imagine she feels just fine about it.

Wouldn't that make Faye an enabler?

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I recall Faye talking abut watching the top 12 with her friends and when Clay came out and did the thing with the arm in I Can't Help Myself, her freinds swooned at the sexiness and she said she had to tell her friends, "excuse me that is my son!"

I think she had to get used to it pretty darn quick.

I remember that Clay said his mother felt he had a gift he shouldn't waste, and she and Ray pushed him to keep singing and not give up on it, I think that might be what he meant by her wanting it for him. Supposely Ray kicked hiim out of bed to try out for Hometown Connection, he really didn't want to, but what a great training ground it turned out for Emcee Clay!

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Ya know, to some degree I totally get why Clay is so thankful and appreciative of his mom. He has said himself how lazy he was/is and and if it hadn't been for her pushing or urging him on even through high school I don't think he would be where he is today. And yea, even Ray, for all the less attractive things he did to Clay as a kid, he did take some interest and I'm sure Clay always realised it was far more than his birth father ever did.

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I know I'm alone in this one, and that's okay. But I have never felt comfortable discussing Clay's mother (or any of his family) on the boards. Yes, I know he wrote a book about it, but that was him. It's just something that's always made me squirm.

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I know I'm alone in this one, and that's okay. But I have never felt comfortable discussing Clay's mother (or any of his family) on the boards. Yes, I know he wrote a book about it, but that was him. It's just something that's always made me squirm.

Nope; you're not alone.


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Not to interrupt any scintillating conversation but EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :cheerleader: :nature-smiley-014: Once again I'm emoticon challenged so I picked ones I thought were cute. One of these days I will get those things right or not....


Packing for Spam with FromClaygary. Just wanted to celebrate.

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BWAH! goldarngirl! That dancing daisy makes me think of Brooke last night singing "Here Comes the Sun" on AI 7! :cryingwlaughter: Have a blast in NYC and don't manhandle the man too much...I want to see him, too, next week!


NEXT WEEK?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!

:woohoo: :medium-smiley-070: :nature-smiley-014: :bananaflip::yess:


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Strange random mention

NYT sports story

My first CBS N.C.A.A. tournament seminar wrapped up with a family-style dinner at New York ’s Sambucca Restaurant. Munching calamari in a room with Dick Enberg, Jim Nantz, Billy Packer, Bill Raftery, Verne Lundquist, et al., I felt a bit like Clay Aiken at Woodstock. A misfit newcomer surrounded by legends. A decade ago I was calling Tivy High School basketball games on a cellphone. This week, I will call my first N.C.A.A. tournament games on CBS. I’m not strong on the technology, but I understand network HDTV is better than cellphone quality.

Have a nice trip. Will you be falling into the Spam-trap and needing to return for another show?

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Have a nice trip. Will you be falling into the Spam-trap and needing to return for another show?

Thank you, everyone. Nope this is it for me, we are seeing 5 shows though SO I will have my fill. Just no time to be able to return, even if I wanted to. I am just pleased to be able to do this trek.

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BWAH! goldarngirl! That dancing daisy makes me think of Brooke last night singing "Here Comes the Sun" on AI 7! :cryingwlaughter: Have a blast in NYC and don't manhandle the man too much...I want to see him, too, next week!


NEXT WEEK?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!

:woohoo: :medium-smiley-070: :nature-smiley-014: :bananaflip::yess:


Hmmm manhandle??? If I were that close and he would welcome being manhandled for an indiscriminate period of time it would be Curtains for you guys :cryingwlaughter:

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