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#29: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!

Couch Tomato

What should be the next thread title at FCA?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ah, nothing left but the finale - and Clay's incredible career.
    • I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.
    • Hold on...you're going on a great and long ride!
    • I'd go with Godzilla if it meant I could see Clay even one more time in Spamalot.
    • Yes I'm babbling. What can I say? He makes me happy.
    • Clay has the vitality of the Energizer bunny...
    • Just the Clay parts first. His parts are FINE as WINE and all move..... varra varra nicely!
    • He loves us as we love him--unconditionally.
    • Today's Clay is hawt, polished, multi-faceted...
    • Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!
    • The man is a magnet. A super magnet.
    • Clay will always be Clayton, too.
    • I want it all and I want it now!
    • He is going to kill us all.
    • Can I move to ClayAikenville?
    • Whenever, wherever, I'll be there.

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I can't stop listening!

I know I won't listen much tomorrow since I have to work, but for now, I can't stop.

I'll give it until 1:30 and then I must get to bed!

bwah.. so sprung. we all are.

Thanks Clayanne for the lyrics!

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took me a while to get it to play but...

It's beautiful. His voice is so...textured. He sings notes so very softly that SHOULD be difficult to sing that way, I think. His voice has just developed so amazingly. I'm stuck on that because just an hour or so before I listened, I was walking the dog and I decided to listen to MOAM instead of ATDW. I was struck by how...young...his voice sounded on those songs five years ago.

And then...I listened to OMWH.

It's hardly the same voice, but it's the same man. Given all that's tested him since then, it's not really the same man but it's a man who will never change who he is. God, I love him.

My favorite line? "Faith has conquered fear." and the way he sings the word 'fear' simply shatters me.

Definitely an earworm song...and I find myself not even giving a flying fuck whether or not it gets radio play. I agree with liney---Clay loves good music and thinks this cd will appeal to others who do. He's celebrating---everything---and using his beautiful voice to share it all with us--the pain and the triumph.

I'm so proud of him.

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took me a while to get it to play but...

It's beautiful. His voice is so...textured. He sings notes so very softly that SHOULD be difficult to sing that way, I think. His voice has just developed so amazingly. I'm stuck on that because just an hour or so before I listened, I was walking the dog and I decided to listen to MOAM instead of ATDW. I was struck by how...young...his voice sounded on those songs five years ago.

And then...I listened to OMWH.

It's hardly the same voice, but it's the same man. Given all that's tested him since then, it's not really the same man but it's a man who will never change who he is. God, I love him.

My favorite line? "Faith has conquered fear." and the way he sings the word 'fear' simply shatters me.

Definitely an earworm song...and I find myself not even giving a flying fuck whether or not it gets radio play. I agree with liney---Clay loves good music and thinks this cd will appeal to others who do. He's celebrating---everything---and using his beautiful voice to share it all with us--the pain and the triumph.

I'm so proud of him.

Muski, I am so glad you posted before I have to FORCE myself to turn this off and go to bed! I sooo wanted to hear what you thought!

I don't have a clue what gets played on the radio, but this is no sloooooooow drippy ballad. No glory-noting. Despite the strings it does have a modern sound.

And muski, what you said about his voice is so true. Amazing.

I liked this song the first time I heard it, but now I love it. Can you just imagine what this is going to be like live????

I cannot wait for this album!

One more listen and then I MUST get to bed.


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There is really a purity to his voice, isn't there?

Didn't Gladys Knight say that?

And there is both a vulnerability and a strength as he sings.....

Yes, I am listening again! So what if my alarm goes off in less than 5 hours......

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Desperate, denied ferriners (or flash player challenged computer owners) should PM me. But you may have to wait until I wake up for a reply because I'm going to bed in fifteen minutes.

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If they did switch the first "single" from Ashes to this I would bet money it was Clay's choice. This song is sooooo him and I think he loves it.

And with that, I really am going to bed.....

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Desperate, denied ferriners (or flash player challenged computer owners) should PM me. But you may have to wait until I wake up for a reply because I'm going to bed in fifteen minutes.

'nite-nite!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Guess I don't have to ask what you plan to dream of...

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Maybe we crashed popeater. I played OMWH about 20 times and then it won't let me play!

Did I mention how much I LOVE this song!!!!!

ETA: It's playing again!!! Clay is moving up on the "most comments" list!

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Clay changed some of the words:

Here are the lyrics according to my old ears:

On My Way Here – Ryan Tedder

I took my first step

On the black and white kitchen floor

I sometimes wonder if that house

Is even there, anymore

I had my first glimpse of love

When I was five

I watched two people split apart

But still the three of us survived

I’ve seen the best

I’ve seen the worst

I wouldn’t change what I’ve been through

I’ve touched the sky

I hit the wall

But I did what I had to



On my way here

Where I am now

I’ve learned to fly

I have to want to leave the ground

I’ve fallen hard

But I’ve been loved

And in the end it all works out

Faith has conquered fear

On my way here.

My address has changed

Almost every year

I've found that standing still

Can quickly make a lifetime disappear

I'd rather try and fail

A thousand times denied

At least, whenever you feel pain

It lets you know that you’re alive

I’ve been a fool

I’ve been afraid

I’ve been loved

I've been lied to

I've been wrong

I've been right

I stood up when I had to

On my way here

Where I am now

I’ve learned to fly

I have to want to leave the ground

I’ve fallen hard

But I’ve been loved

And in the end it all works out

Faith has conquered fear

On my way here.

No guarantees

I believed that I would find

An open door or a light

To lead me to the other side

I guess that is why

On my way here

Where I am now

I’ve learned to fly

I have to want to leave the ground

I’ve fallen hard

But I‘ve been loved

And in the end it all works out

Where I am now

I’ve learned to fly

I have to want to leave the ground

I’ve fallen hard

But I‘ve been loved

And in the end it all works out

Faith has conquered fear

On my way here.

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I noticed the change in the lyrics, too, Paulette. Thanks for posting the changes!

The only thing I'd change about the lyrics you posted is to take out the 'Ooooohhhh ' at the end of the first verse. Technically, he riffs on the word 'to' at the end of that verse, rather than finishing 'to' and then singing 'Ooooohhhh.' Yeah, it's a picky detail, but if I'm gonna read the lyrics along to a song, I like for them to be right!


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I've got it! Thanks for all the help! I LOVE IT!!! and my kid likes it, too. She said "It's a good song."

It is a good song.

I can't wait for that CD and I might just have to go to the Virgin Mega Store in Time Square to get one....just because.

Was Spam final weekend an inevitability for me? I think so and should have bought tickets a long time ago.

I had a great time in New York this past week...just got home yesterday. When it isn't almost 4:00 am, I'll try to compose something of a recap. In the meantime......more aural sex, then bed.....not necessarily in that order. :D

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I have a Mac, and I had to try quite a few things to make it play. Finally I went to the AOL home page (using the Safari browser) and did a search. I clicked OMWH under "songs" listing and it loaded the AOL player and Clay started singing!

Beautiful. A song worthy of that amazing voice.


ETA: My 100th post!

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My name is Cori, and I've been a lurker here for about a month. You'll are chatty, but I'm finally up to date on this thread. Just had to post about the new song.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :clap: THANK YOU CLAY!

I've probably listen to this song 20-30 times now and it is amazing! There is no one who sings like Clay Aiken. He simply can't be copied.


(has been know to post random thoughts and opinions under her name)

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OMG - I had company all day and just came online about 30 mins ago. I've been listening to OMWH non-stop since I got the webpage.


This is great - I love it!!

But now I have to go to bed..... IF I can stop listening!

And then tomorrow I might have to go buy a new monitor. It keeps cutting to black every15-20 seconds. Does that sound like it might need replacing?

Anyhow............ LOVE LOVE LOVE this song!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I’ve been a fool

I’ve been afraid

Yeah, I’ve been loved

I've been lied to

I've been wrong

And I've been right

I stood up when I had to

My favorite section, I think. Sigh. :wub: I love the breathy, almost melancholy sound of Clay's voice on "afraid" and "loved."

This song, to me, is very, very Clay.


I'm going to spend the whole day muttering "Faith has conquered fear", aren't I?

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Couldn't get my old computer to give it up for me, so I will have to go un-spoiled...whether I want to or not! :glare:

I will have to take it from others have said that it has an earworm to it, and that is all that I wished for. :clap:

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Couldn't get my old computer to give it up for me, so I will have to go un-spoiled...whether I want to or not! :glare:

I will have to take it from others have said that it has an earworm to it, and that is all that I wished for. :clap:

I can't get it going either, but then I've spent the last 9 days back in the dark ages of dial-up. The process of upgrading to a higher dsl level involved first being thrown back into dial-up for up to 2 weeks. I've been slowly slowly pulling out my hair but now that the countdown is at 'light at the end of the tunnel' stage, I am getting excited about downloading the current Idol episodes since I've not watched a single one of them and it is frustrating not knowing what you guys are talking about!

It is just amazing how much we take for granted, I honestly can't believe I lived with dialup for the first few years.

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I started out on dial-up also claytonic....and actually, I have come quite a ways since then. I know a friend will share a sendspace or something, so I an pretty Zen at the moment...plus, I know that in just a few short weeks I'll be able to walk into a store and slap my money down and walk out with this one and 11 others to fall in love with. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I will head to work with a smile on my face just because of that.

ETA...from roseviolet at the CH...

There is another way to hear the song. Go to the AOL main page (aol.com), do a web search for "Clay Aiken". At the top of the results next to the picture of Clay is a link to Songs: On My Way Here. Click on that link and a popup video window will come up and play the song.

It's beautiful and it has my head movin'.....perfect... :clap:

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I'm in love.

Amazing performance, amazing vocals, cool instrumentation, and yes, I got the lyrics -- fantastic!

"Faith has conquered fear -- on my way here."


What she said. And what is this salty stuff running down my face? Someone make it stop. This is the perfect song for Clay, and he sings it wonderfully. Thanks, everyone, for the links and the advice on how to make it work. Now I just need to hope it works from work! Because I`ll probably feel the need to leave at lunch if it doesn`t. LOL. Except I`m deadly serious.

Definitely an earworm song...and I find myself not even giving a flying fuck whether or not it gets radio play. I agree with liney---Clay loves good music and thinks this cd will appeal to others who do. He's celebrating---everything---and using his beautiful voice to share it all with us--the pain and the triumph.

I'm so proud of him.

Absolutely. So proud. And while I would love for this song to get radio play (and in my opinion, it would fit in PERFECTLY on AC or even Hot AC) I don't expect it to, just for the fact that it is him. I'm not going to stress about it, but it will definitely be THEIR loss.

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I don't usually spoiler myself...but I couldn't help it this time. :wub:

couchie I had to use IE too, which I hate. But I'm getting used to having to use it because this season MLB.tv absolutely refuses to play on Mozilla.

About getting rid of stuff - I made a resolution at the beginning of the year to either donate or throw away something every weekend.

I try to do the same thing. I had several friends move last year, including my neighbor who'd been in her house for almost 35 years. It wasn't pretty. So that is my new mantra..."If I were moving today....would I take this with me?" If the answer is no, out it goes. Chances are I'm still lying to myself half the time but it does help.

Off to work. Only half day today and then tomorrow and then I'm off until I get back from NYC!

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"Bring out your dead" oh wait there is no-one left alive!!!!

Love it Love it Love it...............................................Gahhhhhhhh!!!

I keep singing the refrain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



PS. I love Solo!!!!!!!!

Psst! I really really like it

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