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#32: Man with titanium balls and the voice to back them up!


What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Where he thinks he belongs, and it's not in any lane, it's all over the damned highway.
    • "Clay Aiken: #1 Bad Ass"
    • Large and in Charge...
    • Let's all chant "I think it can! I think it can! I think it can!"
    • He is too good, too magical...
    • I have seen the light and the light is named Clay!

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Yeah, so I'm re-gifting my post from the CH...I'm too tired to write TWO posts right now. I promise a brand-new exclusively FCA post tomorrow. Love this board, y'all :)

Wow, thanks for the link to the Yahoo video! It led me to watch a Yahoo exclusive interview I can't believe I missed back during ATDW promotion. Might be of interest to some who may also have missed it. Poor man was so hoarse.

I like the video, but then again, I'm pleased to have something new, instead of the video I have already seen (total green sweater one).

To me, mixing in some of the older photos of Clay is an excellent way to help people reconnect with the Clay Aiken they might remember. Same goes for mixing in clips from previous album videos. The audio is simply beautiful and Clay looks great while singing. Shots of Clay interacting with his producer and the studio musicians puts Clay in such a grown-up position...gives him a real 'working artist' vibe. The photo-shoot clips, to me, just show a star being treated as a star, with photographers and helpers buzzing around the subject of their attention.

There's no doubt 'someone' could have done a 'better' job with this video, particularly with such a photogenic subject...but since this is apparently the 'official video', I signed in to Yahoo music, gave it a high rating, added it to my playlist...and reloaded it a couple of times for good measure. Then I clicked on all the related Clay videos. If this video seems to make any kind of impact, perhaps it will seem 'worth it' to invest in a better video somewhere down the road.

Yahoo has not been kind to Clay this week, what with Lyndsey Parker and her tacky blog ending up on Yahoo's front "entertainment page". So, to me...like it, hate it...this video represents an opportunity for fans to respond positively (on Yahoo) to Clay and to the album he is promoting.

Here's another thing.

I know some others have been making positive comments to reviewers, DJs, etc. who are "fair" (even if they don't simply loooove Clay or the album). I just want to say that I have heard back from EVERY person I have emailed...each person thanking me for noticing and commenting on their work. Some have added more positive comments about Clay in their replies to me. People seem to appreciate when they get positive attention, y'all.

Bill Lamb just got a brief, appreciative note from me for giving his well-thought-out opinion.

Respectful media behavior ought to be rewarded, yo.

I can't do a lot. But I can do that.

Those are my deep thoughts for the night. Oh, and woo-hoo for making top three. That will get some media attention, no doubt.

Oh, and my first listen of "Forget I Ever Knew You" had me scratching my head, going 'huh'? It's such an unusual song, I didn't 'get it'. But...the second time I listened to it, my whole body got slammed back into my seat. Clay's long, elegant fingers grasped both armrests and yanked as he loomed closer to pour out his heart's resolute valor in my ears. Gah. What an amazingly complex, difficult arrangement...unusual rhythms, unexpected chords and structure. He's disappointed, angry, determined, hopeful...and...prevailing? And that last exhalation where his throat clings to the note even as he releases it? *dead* LOVE. Masterful.

I like your recycled post, 00lsee! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And what you said about FIEKY? :Thud: Ummm, yeah that!

Think I'll put the album on shuffle on my way into work today so I won't know which of the wonderful songs I will hear!

This is how I've been listening to it, too, and it's fun not to know what's coming next! Does anyone else have the problem of having to sit in the car until the song finishes.....I get some strange looks in the underground parking garage. LOL.

Yes! I love putting OMWH on shuffle. I keep finding myself wanting to hit repeat on songs, but then not because I want to hear the next song, too. And yes, I also find myself sitting in the car until a song ends.... hee!

This morning I woke up singing EIDN! I don't think I've ever had an album like this before, where it's practically impossible to pick a favorite. Different songs hit me at different times for different reasons. I love it! And him! Oh, and I want Clay to say he loves me like he did Hannah in Spot's latest recap - GAH.

Well that just SUCKS about your Ferguson tickets, KAndre. I saw posts start popping up last night about that. Me thinks they're about to find out the meaning of Hell hath no fury.....

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some Clay fans have earned, all on their own and for all the other Clay fans, a reputation as a nosy busy-bodied intrusive bossy bitchy whiny group of people - Claymates actually sounds too benign.

Or what lajeterfan said:

My rant for the day after visiting other, less friendly climes....

Page after page of bitch, bitch, whine, whine, more bitching, more whining........ becomes really tiresome, really fast


And I know YSRN is somewhere right now going, "I don't mind the pages and pages and pages of bitchy whining, it's the bitchy whining about the bitchy whining that bugs me." To each her own. :cryingwlaughter:

{{KAndre}} So sorry about your tickets. I read a lot of posts from people in the same boat yesterday. Without a doubt, you are the most artful and interesting ranter in the fandom. If only more people could rant with panache like you do. :cryingwlaughter:

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Now, THAT'S how to effectively and creatively rant! About something important!!!! Bravo, KAndre! and sorry about your tickets. Weird about "VIPS", I wonder what is going on. Maybe Clay or Craig are being vetted for something, although I would think just watching tape would suffice.

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I kind of liked the Yahoo video. It was an interesting trip down memory lane.

However, it reminded me of the Blair Witch movie. I had to pause a few times because I found myself feeling seasick!! :cryingwlaughter: I'm probably the only one, though, so that's good!!

I guess this shows how terrific the fan montages are! Kudos to all!!!!

KAndre - sorry your ticket was cancelled. It appears there are quite a few others in the same boat. I wonder what's going on with all of the so-called VIP's?

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From dudley at CV:

According to Billboard Chart Alert, On My Way Here debuted at #4 but with a slightly higher tally than HDD estimated (HDD also underestimated Madonna's 2nd-week sales, it seems):


• With the Mother's Day holiday falling on Sunday, May 11 -- the final day of the SoundScan tracking week -- the top 10 of the Billboard 200 is full of debuts from acts that likely appeal to the female demographic. Toby Keith's "35 Biggest Hits" starts at No. 2 with 103,000 while Clay Aiken's "On My Way Here" lands at No. 4 with 94,000.

Poot on dropping a notch, but I'm pleased that his numbers went up a bit sales wise.

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Well now (heh), who moved up to #3 then?
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I actually think the video will appeal to non fans more than fans. Not that it will become the most viewed thing on you tube..just don't think they'd care about certain things that we care about. And I do like it so much better than the ATDW stuff.

And I know YSRN is somewhere right now going, "I don't mind the pages and pages and pages of bitchy whining, it's the bitchy whining about the bitchy whining that bugs me." To each her own. :cryingwlaughter:

BWAH ok that cracked my shit up. I resemble that remark. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: :F_05BL17blowkiss: to you and YSRN which reminds me I need to chat with her about when I plan to invade her space. I invited myself and she had the manners not to say WTF you talkin' about. LOL.

Eeek...Sorry KAndre. I actually had tickets too..didn't intend on going but you know ... it's sort of a habit to just click on Clay shit. I'd give them to you and send you my id to use..*of course you'd have to debling* but mine got cancelled as well....

Hi Alspazz...it was nice meeting you in NYC!! If I haven't said it yet...nice to see you here at FCA.

So can someone post a list of radio stations playing Clay?

Have a good day everyone...

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However, it reminded me of the Blair Witch movie. I had to pause a few times because I found myself feeling seasick!!

That's IT! :yess: THAT'S what it reminded me of! That kind of movie making....BWAH! :cryingwlaughter:

That definitely sucks giant donkey balls re: the Ferguson tix. Hopefully, there's no 'profiling' being done as far as WHOSE tix are being canceled. But then, wait...there's no way that COULD happen, is there? :unsure:

HDD numbers...WTF? <_<

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I like the way they keep mentioning that Clay's segment is coming up, on Good Day LA. And the one anchor said she listened to the CD, and liked it. Just now, they played a bit of Falling and the other anchor said "is that Clay, singing?" (bwah, kind of sounded like one of those "that's Clay Aiken??!??!?" moments people are always on about). The one who I assume has already listened to it said yes, and the other one said "oooh, I like it". Heh, I don't know these people's names, I am just listening, not watching. Does this program have a large viewership?

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Oh, KAndre, I'm so sorry you got bumped. That stinks.

Ansamcw, I'll play with your "song of the day". It took me a few listens to really warm up to "As Long As We're Here" but now it's a favorite with me.

Listening and pausing to make notes (which is cheating, I realize, but hey, I can’t type and think and listen all at the same time):

I love the mix of strings, piano, and electronic effects at the beginning...and then Clay's voice enters so pensively. (With the HQ audio and through headphones, you can hear his breathing, y’all)…I love that first, lilting “m-y hands”...and then the song begins to build. A roll of drums...infinitesimal pause..."let's stop now". Oh. Okay, Clay, I’ll stop. I will! Good thing he paused for that second so I could take a breath, because the chorus sweeps me into a song that won't let me go again until the very end.

He sings these words so convincingly. I believe he’s gonna love me for all that it’s worth…Next verse, the song takes on a new urgency with a more driving beat. I like how this song could be interpreted in more than one way, as a personal relationship or a more universal one. These metaphors could apply to many aspects of life.

Enter the celtic-flavor fiddle. Love unexpected elements like that. Love how all the instruments almost hush to allow that lovely, high “whyyyyy” to float out there.

I adore the bridge: "…when you're with me...I breathe easy...you are my need..." Gah. These three lines start out so dreamily, then Clay’s voice strengthens on the fourth into an emphatic "...right now, love me". Yes, sir. I will love you right now, sir. heh

Then, the combined voices, with Clay's voice soaring over all up to that lovely “heeeerrrre”. When the other voices join together at 3:24, I get goosebumps every time. That harmony structure reminds me a little of my childhood favorite, The Carpenters. His voice is so earnest and passionate on this final chorus. I often back that part up to listen to again before I let the song finish. It takes my breath away.

I like the way the song builds and builds, sweeping toward a soaring finish, then tapering into a softer, still insistent, but gentle, persuasion…”let’s make the most of our time. I’ll make the most of our time…as long as we’re here”…the piano let’s me think about what Clay has said for a measure or two, then…one last softly uttered ”as long as we’re here” followed by near-silence for a heartbeat...then an unexpected piano coda swirling with a misty, fading electronic chord.

This is an elegantly crafted song, y’all. Yeah, I like it. A lot.

Okay, I'm finally getting up the nerve to post my New York City photos. Comments welcome. Notice that you can view them in 'original' size. For some, this is worth doing.

Sorry to post just a link instead of thumbnails or something. SmugMug is beautiful, visually, but they make you code clickable thumbnails manually and provide the code for posting photos one by one (instead having a pageview of links for multiple photos). Yes, I sent them an email with requests for some new features! lol


Just now, they played a bit of Falling and the other anchor said "is that Clay, singing?"

That's interesting. I noticed in the WJZ TV video aikim posted about this morning, the interview concluded with "Falling" in the background.

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Did Clay's numbers change?

Anyway, Spam keeps floating through my head. I keep hearing Lancelot saying "particular" over and over.

Hugs ATDW. It's destined to be dissed through all eternity. Maybe Karma works in reverse.

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I think you're right luckiest about the commercials.

They just showed a brief picture of Clay in their "green room." Jeans (I think), white shirt with small stripes, dark jacket. IMO he looked a bit tired, like he'd just gotten up. Hee.

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Damn, my stream quit and I had to restart it. I missed the green room part.

New RCA press release! :clap:


RCA Music Group Dominates the Billboard Top 10 Album Chart

Clay Aiken's On My Way Here Debuts at #4

Leona Lewis at #6 with SPIRIT

Gavin DeGraw's Self Titled Sophomore Album Debuts at #7

NEW YORK, May 14 /PRNewswire/ - RCA Music Group artists dominate the Billboard album chart this week with three of the country's Top Ten best-selling albums. Additionally, RCA Label Group tops the Digital Album Chart with GAVIN DEGRAW at #1, Clay Aiken's ON MY WAY HERE at #3, and Leona Lewis's SPIRIT at #4.

Clay Aiken's RCA Records/19 Recordings, ON MY WAY HERE debuts this week at #4 with 94,071 units sold this week, making this Aiken's fourth Top 5 debut. Released on May 6th, ON MY WAY HERE is Aiken's fourth album and his first album of original songs since his 2003 chart topping, double platinum debut Measure of a Man. The title track and first single from the album "On My Way Here" debuted at #1 on the AOL streaming chart week of release, rocketed to #1 on the Amazon chart the week it was made available as a pre-release, and debuted at #1 on the Amazon download chart the day it was released. Aiken appeared on Good Morning America, The View, The Today Show, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, AOL Sessions, Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, Insider, Extra!, E!, CNN, ABC Nightline, Fox News, and CBS News Path, all the week of release....

crap - did I miss it????

Nope, not on yet, I don't think. Unless I missed it all?

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Okay, I'm finally getting up the nerve to post my New York City photos. Comments welcome. Notice that you can view them in 'original' size. For some, this is worth doing.

These are great! You did a much better job than I did - I kept finding myself caught up in the moment and forgetting to actually, you know, take pictures with that thing called a camera that I was holding! :P

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Of all the sacrifices I've made for Clay and all the money I've spent and all the time I've invested, THIS is the WORST--sitting through this frigging stupid LA show and listening to these inane reporters. Jesus Christ.

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EEEEEE they showed him again, asked him if he brought any baby pictures with him. He replied "nothing as impressive as yours" and waved. He looked like maybe he was having a bit of a nap until they disturbed him. ;)

ETA: BWAH, wandacleo, tell us how you really feel!

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There he is in the green room!!!!

I tried to take a screencap but it didn't work.......

Did everyone's stream go blank??

oh - just no sound......... is it a commercial?

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