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#41: Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!

Couch Tomato

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  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • Life is short! Enjoy the Aiken!
    • We're still having fun, and you're still the one!
    • I hope he's just out there sinning right and left.
    • Yes, I will eat fish with blueberries or anything else he's touched.
    • Anarcho-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync omnivores for Clay Aiken
    • I am not going anywhere except to Spamalot.

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There's a nice DL at ClackUnlimited from TVGuide. Find it if you can; I don't think I'm supposed to bring it over. It's quite long and it talks about the fact that there were probably managers pulling Clay's strings and telling him not to come out in the past , that it would hurt his career. I believe that; you know they did.

It's here at CV-- the link.


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I should never read at other boards because if I see one more person whining about "i
t's not that he's gay, it's that he LIED
" I'm going to puke right on my keyboard. PUH-LEESE. Clay has assiduously avoided answering this question for years and when first asked, what was he supposed to do? Announce his gayness to his family on the 6 oclock news?? Get real. Clay can talk easily about this now, but I'm sure that facing having to tell his family and friends was so frightening. Many gay people find themselves completely ostracized by their families. Clay makes jokes about things--that's his way. People who want to see him open his emotional veins and bleed all over Dianne Sawyer are trying to meet their own need to punish gay people. Honestly, do any of us REALLY think we were ever going to get it on with Clay??? And if we weren't, what in the hell does his sexuality matter?

It's NOT about lying, it's about being gay. Dressing up prejudice doesn't make it any more attractive.

Official end to rant.

You know, I don't like being lied to. But it all depends on what someone is lying about. If a presidential nominee is asked a question and answers with a lie, then that's unacceptable. However, if I ask you a personal question that is none of my business except to satisfy my nosey-ness (is this a word?), then if you decide to say what you need to say to put an end to the discussion, then I wouldn't hang a 'liar' label on you. It's just not black and white. I lie all the time on the numerous forms I fill out online because I'm smart enough to be cautious. If people are going to make a judgement, they need to look at the big picture.

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I should never read at other boards because if I see one more person whining about "i
t's not that he's gay, it's that he LIED
" I'm going to puke right on my keyboard. PUH-LEESE. Clay has assiduously avoided answering this question for years and when first asked, what was he supposed to do? Announce his gayness to his family on the 6 oclock news?? Get real. Clay can talk easily about this now, but I'm sure that facing having to tell his family and friends was so frightening. Many gay people find themselves completely ostracized by their families. Clay makes jokes about things--that's his way. People who want to see him open his emotional veins and bleed all over Dianne Sawyer are trying to meet their own need to punish gay people. Honestly, do any of us REALLY think we were ever going to get it on with Clay??? And if we weren't, what in the hell does his sexuality matter?

It's NOT about lying, it's about being gay. Dressing up prejudice doesn't make it any more attractive.

Official end to rant.

You know, I don't like being lied to. But it all depends on what someone is lying about. If a presidential nominee is asked a question and answers with a lie, then that's unacceptable. However, if I ask you a personal question that is none of my business except to satisfy my nosey-ness (is this a word?), then if you decide to say what you need to say to put an end to the discussion, then I wouldn't hang a 'liar' label on you. It's just not black and white. I lie all the time on the numerous forms I fill out online because I'm smart enough to be cautious. If people are going to make a judgement, they need to look at the big picture.

Bingo-- That's really it. He didn't have a responsibility to share that, did he?

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I thought is was a very good interview, Clay looked relaxed and happy. Having had these last few years to come out to his family and friends has given him time to be comfortable telling the rest of the world. And it does take time.

I know that this is not about me, it's about Clay and what he had had to go through these past five years but...I have to admit that I feel a little foolish when comments are made all around me..Cowell, Kimmel, TV Guide, my son...that it's not like everyone didn't know already. When Kimmel has a People cover on which Ruben declares "I'm Black" he is saying that Clay being gay is just as obvious. I did believe him and I wanted to believe that just because a man has those kind caring and soft qualities does not automatically mean he is gay. Funny how now that the blinkers are off I see some of his behaviours in a very different light.

I wish I could just hop on a plane and see our wonderful man in Spamalot tonight.

It won't take long for that feeling of being foolish to pass just as it hasn't taken long for my initial reaction to the news to pass.

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Hello FCA! I'm sitting in the Jet Blue terminal and waiting on my flight home. I haven't had a chance to catch all the way up - page 26 I think, lol - but I wanted to post before my battery dies. *gives evil eye to beyotches who are hogging up the electrical outlets).

Even though there was no stage door, I am so happy that I was able to be here in NYC for these past two days. Unfortunately we didn't get to tell Clay to his face how much we love him (not just 'still' either - always and even more than yesterday). We did get to tell Jerome and asked him to pass it on, and we definitely showed him the love during curtain call. In our delusion, both my friend and I absolutely believe we got a straight on 1000% smile on Tuesday night, and I KNOW he waved at us last night. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. There were only a handful of 'us' in the audience both nights, so there was not the usual shrieking for the tunic flip, etc., but he got great laughs and appreciation for his funnies and for the big number. It was a joy to watch the three people in front of us last night - had pretty much no idea who Clay was, but enjoyed the heck out of the show. The men espcially - I thought the one guy was going to pee his pants at Clay's 'Brave Sir Robin' faces. All in all, two fabulous shows.

Tuesday night there were probably 10 scumbags paparazzi in the alley - last night, two or three. When they realized Jerome was taking Clay out another way, they ran after them - but were shit outta luck (at least to my knowledge - they left before we did). Things could have changed since then - I haven't caught up or looked elsewhere. I hope now that the magazine is out and Pt. 1 of GMA is behind him, maybe he'll resume stage door. Understand if not, but I hope he does.

I did get to see GMA this morning. I thought it was wonderfully done. I think there was more than a little 'nervous' laughter in him, but overall he seems not just reconciled, but happy. I hope that now (or at least after the initial shockwave is past) that he can finally just get on with the business of being himself. I wish him so much happiness - and I believe it will be his.

I remember thinking that blog when he said 'all I can say is Parker is doing well' (or words to that effect) makes more sense to me now. How scary it must have been for them - a baby sick enough to need surgery. ((((((((((((((((Parker & Jaymes and & Clay))))))))))))

As for Kim L - well my respect for her never really waned, but now it has grown ten-fold. to a person, his friends - whether they knew or not - were loyal to him. How special is that?

ETA: and now I'm reading backwards til my battery dies:

I don't know what theater the person who said Clay didn't get laughs was in. Absolutely, there was no shrieking for every word - but where the laughs were appropriate, there was mucho laughter. I personally felt marked difference between Tuesday and Wednesday's crowd - not for Clay but for the whole show. Tuesday was much more subdued. I think I'm pretty sensitive when it comes to Clay 'disses' etc., and I did not feel that whatsoever.

Awww - Jaymes article - hadn't see that. I think she's been readin' my siggie. I am so, so, SO grateful that she and Clay found each other. Two very special people who are bringing love into the world.

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Lotus, unless you are into stereotypes, nothing was obvious. Nothing to feel foolish about. And you know what? As much as I hope he gains new fans now, I appreciate those who have stuck around through all the ups and downs a whole lot more. :wub:

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Lying about one's sexuality, IMHO, is very different than lying about other things. In this country (and many others), gay people are often hated, ridiculed, and discriminated against. There's a lot of prejudice, a lot of homophobia. Many men are so threatened by homosexuality that they reject anything that might be considered "gay." I really cannot blame Clay for saying he was straight in that Rolling Stone article, especially as it was very early in his career when he was just getting started. Coming from North Carolina, he must have feared the kind of ugly, self-righteous rejection that he knew some people were capable of.

But after Rolling Stone, he has been more evasive. He could have continued to lie. Time after time, interviewers demanded an answer, and the easy thing would have been flat out say, "No, I'm straight." Fans have wondered why he never did that. Now we know. I don't think he ever meant to deceive people. I think he merely let fans believe what they wanted to believe. And I think that most of us, even those of us who are OK with his sexuality, really wanted to believe he was straight.

But I think that deep in our hearts, a lot of us kind of knew he was probably gay. That may be why the fan reaction, for the most part, is surprisingly supportive. However, I do think there are fans who, for whatever reason, were very invested in the idea of him being straight. Maybe it's because they defended him as straight to other people. Maybe it's because they do have deep-seated feelings about homosexuality that are difficult to dislodge. Maybe it's because they did harbor romantic fantasies that have suddenly become impossible. Perhaps there are reasons which are difficult to articulate or process.

Whatever the reason, I do feel for those who are struggling. However, I hope that it isn't the lie that ultimately kills their fandom. Because I don't think that lie was a malicious one. I think it was a defensive one. And now he's told the truth.

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clayandr posted at the ofc


OKAY found it. So, since she said "well-stated" to someone's statement that Clay probably wasn't free to say anything until after the magazine comes out and the interviews, I'm assuming that's the reason and that we will hear from Clay soon.

Makes sense to me.

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She posted in response to someone else's post and all she said was "well stated". I haven't been reading over there today but it seems as though some are questioning Clay's answers to some of the GMA questions, or questioning why he didn't tell the fans first, or some such crap. Sorry, but I just don't have the stomach for it once it turns ugly over there. Here is the link:


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Is the video on the ABC site the ENTIRE inteview or do I need to rewind my DVR.

I went over to OFC but I really just don't like the place so I left. I'm curious but just don't need assurances from her or Clay but am perfectly ok with her wanting to offer them. It's very clear to me that Clay has long come to terms with himself and the only last little thing remaining was to tell the world. People close to him have known for awhile and I say good on him. I'm glad he was able to be around people where he was free to be himself. And now, he will be able to live his life freely and without looking over his shoulder.

I could tell he was nervous a bit but am very happy he didn't bleed over national tv. It was matter of fact and straightforward and I totally applaud that.

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Heh - I'm actually enjoying Jaymes' responses at the OFC - especially where she says, "someone please explain things to this woman" in response to a whiny post. She knows what depths the OFC is capable of descending to, and is clearly is not afraid of anyone there. Clay picked a nicely strong woman for the mother of his child! I like that.

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This is an example of her interaction:


Bronze Join Date: Sep 2006

Posts: 15

Originally Posted by canear

If this is 'bingo' then why not trust us enough to come here personally and discuss it openly with us? I think it's an honest question.

Even I don't feel that entitled.

I wonder if Jaymes and Clay interested in a ménage à trois? I bet Jaymes has been biting her tongue for YEARS!

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I should never read at other boards because if I see one more person whining about "it's not that he's gay, it's that he LIED" I'm going to puke right on my keyboard. PUH-LEESE. Clay has assiduously avoided answering this question for years and when first asked, what was he supposed to do? Announce his gayness to his family on the 6 oclock news?? Get real. Clay can talk easily about this now, but I'm sure that facing having to tell his family and friends was so frightening. Many gay people find themselves completely ostracized by their families. Clay makes jokes about things--that's his way. People who want to see him open his emotional veins and bleed all over Dianne Sawyer are trying to meet their own need to punish gay people. Honestly, do any of us REALLY think we were ever going to get it on with Clay??? And if we weren't, what in the hell does his sexuality matter?

It's NOT about lying, it's about being gay. Dressing up prejudice doesn't make it any more attractive.

Official end to rant.

I can understand that specific sentiment. I find it totally acceptable for some to embrace his sexual orientation, but have issues with Clay's dishonesty with the fandom for five plus years.

Clay LIED.

I am stating that he lied and doing so without prejudice. Do we really have the desire to go down the homophobic route without justification? I hope not. I hope this fandom finds the road to peace while embracing a calm approach to the struggles of some.

There was a moment in time in which this fandom was a great, positive force in respect to Clay's professional life. Perhaps, this is the moment of a fresh start ....

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why, oh why did I have to pick this weekend to have a garage sale?? They are so much work, but hopefully I'll get some of this crap out of my house.

I agree with those who say the question should never have been asked to begin with. It's a flagrant violation of privacy, do we really have a right or even a need to know these things? Deep down I think I wanted to beleive he was straight, not so much becuse it mattered to me or that I had a need to know. I think I just wanted the asshats to be wrong, now even that seems silly to me, no proof would have ever been good enough anyway.

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