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#48: He is...therefore I fan.

Couch Tomato

New Thread Title Poll  

56 members have voted

  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • I don't ever have a day so gloomy that Clay's smile doesn't make me happy
    • At the end of the day, who cares? Clay is hot. He?d be hotter naked. ?nuff said
    • Ladies and gentleman, the 49th president of the United States and American Idol runner-up, Clay Aiken!
    • FrstlgrglooMmflsgoolce! :heart: scruffy Clay!
    • The Clay Aiken fandom....it's just fun!
    • I am a fan of the man...pure and simple!

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OMG...this has nuthin' to do with nuthin', but I'm reading a book in which the main character is a wise-ass--a real joker who always has a smart-assed remark ready. Anyhoo....he asks a female detective who's working a murder case with him, "What's the difference between a computer and a woman?"


Are you ready?

The computer will accept a 3 and a half inch floppy.




muski... O.M.G....




Every once in a while the RCA has dropped Clay stuff surfaces. I'll believe it when Clay or AP announces it and not from any "blogs". I don't think it would hurt his singing career cause they bombed so badly on handling OMWH it isn't even funny. I could've done better!... Could of, too!!! :cryingwlaughter:

He can still tour and since he makes more money touring than selling records, that's a win-win for him and us... at least the us within driving distance of where ever he tours... LOL

Clay is smart and talented and resourceful with great friends, so.... he'll be fine and as long as he is, I am.

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<snip>! Gah! FrstlgrglooMmflsgoolce! :heart: scruffy Clay! Remember his description of himself in the 'Clarity in Cabo' blog? I think my response to that post was, 'can we pay him to not shower and shave'?

First, what language is "FrstlgrglooMmflsgoolce"? All I can make out of it is possible shorthand for "gurgles" and "goo" *g*

Second, "yes, you can" (*brazenly steals popular political phrase*). I'm sure a price can be negotiated at the next Gala for Clay to not shower and shave, just notify TBAF that you are ready to bid mucho dollaro for this.

Third, you can start a new board "Openly Scruffy Clay".

This can be your cyber-mascot, just change "butt" to "scruffiness". :Iluvclaysbutt: Or maybe "FrstlgrglooMmflsgoolce" is what it means anyway. *g*

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I do miss some of the people on that messge board they are really sweet & now impossible to find. what picture are you talking about? The one where Clay went to see Diana in hairspray? or a different one?

That's the one Tribeca.


had that picture of my avatar once. Now I don't have it anymore :(

There was one picture of Clay I thought was with Diana but it is Hilary Duff

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Dude! Clay looks like he could be on his way to Woodstock ... or that he DOES know the way to Monterey. I love that Clay can camouflage himself so completely. We could be passing him on the street and not know it. Regarding the Diana DeGarmo picture, I can't find the folder I have that in, but I remember that he took Faye and Granny to Hairspray at the time of the Martha "Hot Pineapple Salad" appearance.

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merrieeee, you're NOT the first person I've seen say that comment. Hee.

Wait? Do we have a new picture to torture merrieeee with? Maybe we should start posting this one on every page!

I think he looks freakin' adorable.

FrstlgrglooMmflsgoolce! :heart: scruffy Clay!

Thread title?

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okay as a person who watched news radio all the time

I do not at all see a resemblance to Andy Dick

their body frame

and his face structure are totally different from each other

but then I never see who people think Clay looks like. I never thought he looked like KD Lang either

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What do you think about all those people who insisted on making a couple out of Clay and John D?

Do you think there was a possibility of it being true?

ITA couchie, he seemed like a nice guy and a good friend to Clay. There was some fun, light-hearted shipping going on with John D way back when, just as there have been many fun, light-hearted ships in this fandom. However, some of the “fans” who were convinced he was gay because of his association with John D were trying to use it to shove him out of the closet before he was ready. Just because it turns out he is gay doesn’t make their behaviour any less deplorable to me now.

Word. And just because Clay is gay doesn’t mean he’s having sex with every gay man in his path. I prefer the Reed variety. Like someone else said – Classy, talented, etc. Not saying that John *isn’t*, just that Reed is……….Reed. :::sigh:::


OMG. LOVE this picture. Love.

Andy Dick WISHES he looked this good. Not even freakin’ close, IMO.

Have to agree ldyj...it really is a non-issue. Either Clay is with RCA or he is not and eventually we will find out which it is...but I really don't think it is that big of deal.


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was John the hair stylist?

If so I always liked the rumor because it just seemed so romantic. Falling in love over flat irons. While getting famous right before the person makes their money. Quitting your job to follow the person on tour.

Did any of things happen? I don't know but I liked my version :) & think I will keep it.

Muskiest could probably write it better

funny thing I have absolutely no idea what John even looks like


Thanks ldyjocelyn

my story is now complete

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Word HeidiHo. I don't believe promiscuousness is any more rampant among gay people than it is among straight people. Besides it's not really anyone's business with whom Clay may or may not have had a relationship. JMO. Maybe I'm old fashioned. :shrug:

keepingfaith, wasn't the picture with Diane Degarmo around the same time as the Martha show? I thought he was taking his family members to various shows that week.

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