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# 68: The Absurdly Charming Clay Aiken


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Clay definitely did his research. I thought the moderator looked to him for many of the answers. The women on the panel seemed to be more progun and anti immigrant while Clay defended the other side or his stance. He looks so confident and his voice is so self assured. I can see him being a regular on a political show.

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I agree. He seems so much in his "element" when he does these types of shows, and I think he also enjoys the heck out of it. As much as I miss entertainer Clay...well, I'm really enthralled by this guy too. He can still be funny, but he also shows his smarts, and I think that combination, with a little charm thrown in, gains him a ton of respect.

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Eeee. Clay gave me permission.

Hope y'all got to watch AJAM.

They are a possibility for me. Nothing specific, but a general possibility... and honestly would be a dream come true. I love them.

It might not be a bad idea if they got lots of positive feedback on their Third Rail Twitter and Facebook pages ... and via email (mailto:america@aljazeera.net) about how much folks enjoyed me and would love to see more of me.


Trying hard.

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I was out last night at a work event, which was really cool. My workplace has "One Book, One College" which encourages everyone to read the same book and then participate in discussions and events. Our book this year is "March, Book 1" by Congressman John Lewis. (Some of you may remember that Clay met Representative Lewis last year during his campaign.) Anyway, Congressman Lewis was an hour away from my college last night, and so we took a bus trip to see him. It was INSPIRING.

Anyway, missed all the hoopla on the boards, although I was notified via text that it was all happening. I'll do my part with to help cam later today and tonight.

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Since Clay recently mentioned Spring Lake again recently, I thought I'd post this from an email I received today reminding me that early voting in NC starts tomorrow:


Chris Rey is the Mayor of Spring Lake, and is now running for the US Senate. I did not know that. Good for him!!


He has made a video to launch his campaign like someone else we know, and I don't doubt he will have Clay's support. I met him several times at campaign events, and sat next to his wife and that cute baby once while he was the moderator for a panel of candidates including Clay. It was sponsored by Wake County/Raleigh/Cary political insiders, and I could see why they wanted to give him that exposure. I was so impressed! Looking at his credentials, I'm also impressed that he went back to Spring Lake to live. It sure wasn't to get rich! You have to know he cares about people and making people's lives better.

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Another political thing--I read a good insight about Biden's running on The Daily Beast. Late one night there was a link to a Washington Post article on my news feed and the blurb below the link said Biden was about to announce that he was running, but when I clicked on it, a short line in the middle of the blank page said the article was "published inadvertently." Never saw that before!! Then there was a flurry of articles from the 24 hour news sites, whoever had an alert editor at that hour, about the Post goofing, and "why Biden was wise to wait a few more days." So, I'm guessing a lot went on that we'll not hear about, and it may have to do with that congressional committee that's been after Hilary and further blows to their credibility in the last few days...........but, anyway, this article was written during that period when, due to the Post's "leak," people were sure Biden was going to run. The article suggests that Biden can be the "go to guy" if he is needed just as easily as if he were officially running. And I think since he tends to make "gaffs" a lot, the less "running" the better in case he is needed. I don't agree the author about Sanders not being a viable candidate, but do I agree that the Dems think he couldn't win. We know Clay thinks he can't, but I think he should take heart from this.

Itโ€™s hard to imagine why [he would start running now]. Yeah, yeah, because Clinton might implode in scandal, and then heโ€™s positioned to be The One the Party Turns To. But isnโ€™t he already that? Yes. I mean, Bernieโ€”you know as well as I do the party is not going to turn to him in such an event. The immediate response of the party bigwigs in the event of a Clinton collapse would be โ€œDear God, we have to find someone who can beat Sanders,โ€ and that person would be Biden. Some folks would want Elizabeth Warren (there remains no indication she has the remotest interest in being president). Youโ€™d hear a few John Kerrys. Maybe from Oakland would emanate a Draft Jerry Brown movement. But basically Biden is the guyโ€”now, today. Thereโ€™s that old concept in royal familydom of โ€œthe heir and the spare.โ€ Biden is the spare. Already acknowledged. Doesnโ€™t need to get in.


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I was at that forum too jmh and was very impressed by Chris Reyes too. I've been getting requests for donations from him but its too early for me. We have nothing on our ballot in the city so Im sitting this one out.

I had a cataract removed this afternoon which grew from the steroid I used to stop the inflammation in my eye caused by uveitus. Now I have to use the same steroid after the cataract surgery. I don't understand medicine. After a nice 4 hour nap Im feeling pretty good.

Glad to hear that Biden dropped out, not sure what he would have added to the party. Sorry Clay.

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*staples jmh to the board*

Fear, hope you are doing well with your surgery!

I think I remember Chris as well, and being rather impressed by him.

Biden: I think he would have sharpened Hillary up. I'm glad Bernie is there doing that same thing for her...

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Episode #99: What a Tangled Webb He Weaves


Clay Aiken, the American Idol runner-up who made a dab into politics last year by running for Congress in North Carolina, talks about the confluence of politics and celebrity.

Clay's part starts at the 30:00 mark http://krpoliticaljunkie.com/episode-99/

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