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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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Dahlias, Cala Lillies, Orchids, Roses and Tulips.

Candy corn - the healthiest candy of a bad bunch?

I have discovered a plot - yes it is by Sony/BMG to destroy one of their artists - I have proof, too. Lots of it!

I have been checking stock in the stores and this person is frequently out of stock! I asked in one store and they said it was hard to get the stock replaced, I did not pursue it (because I didn't care). Then I looked and saw his concert video was still not on the Jimmy Kimmel site - Well, isn't that proof enough? Why, yes, I am talking about Justin Timberlake.

Silly me, I was checking on someone besides Clay, I don't know what is wrong with me.

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Okay, one last candycorn post for Halloween:


GIF by Claystruck, via Carolina on My Mind blog.

That is both freaky and cute...yay for the candy corns...oh yeah and Clay...

yay, clay likes chocolate. heee

she's a cutie..i have to say..i never gave Tyra the time of day..now she's like my best girlfriend.

oh for sure...was never interested in ANTM but checked it out after I heard Clay was goign to be interveiwed by her...Now I love her, even before the interviews...

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muski has forever ruined thepoor underrated candykorn for me.

Sniff. Saying a sad farewell to my hyper little sugary, waxy friends for another year.


Bye Candy Corn Condoms! :lol:

YAY for the video being up at Kimmel, but being the spoiled little Clay fan I am........

Why can't someone make it BIG?? Especially "Invisible" since we already have ATD.

And where oh where is are the rest of the songs? He was so cute screwing up Sorry!

And can I count on someone in the Clay Nation ripping that video for posterity???

I can't believe its November already (well it will be in an hour or so....). November promises to be a very stressful month for me in RL. I hope there is plenty of clack to help me through!

Clack is the cure for whatever ails you! :)

I'm tired and heading to bed, but I wanted to drop off a pretty or two first.



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guess I'm just a spoilsport of sorts...some who've read "Just Buddies" say they can't look at a Slurpee anymore without thinking of....a certain chapter...

Then there are those who choose to remember the "Just Buddies" chapter set in Brazil and swear they can't go into a McDonald's without blushing....


my work here is done. B)

Oh...and everybody repeat after me....



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oh my..I just looked at all the banners and they are beautiful. I've narrowed my choices down to 5. If you haven't voted yet, get started because it's not a fast decision. I think I will look in the morning with fresh eyes at my remaining five choices. They are all so gorgeous.

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OMG. Those flowers are perfect. Perfect! I love bright colors and jewel tones in flower arrangements and am always talking florists out of carnations and baby's breath.

That's the bouquet I've always wanted to get. That one right up there. Down to the vase and the water rock. (So zen.)

Clay sends perfect flowers. Darn him.

This is the cherry on top of my fandom. *Sigh* I guess I'm in the cult for the long haul.

So, like, when are we moving to Idaho and setting up the commune? We could raise goats. Zoe1, Zoe2, Zoe3 ... We'd sell goat cheese, till the earth, and on Wednesday nights we'd have a combo sing-a-long and burning Clive in effigy party.

Anybody have the lyrics to the Peanut song? Tomorrow is Wednesday, after all. I wanna practice.


Hope you all had a Happy Halloween!

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Guess what.

No, really, you'll never guess.

C'mon, try. Not that you'll ever get it.

No one want to hazard a guess then at my big news?

I heard Clay on the radio last night! No, really, I did! I couldn't believe it either. I have my clock radio set to my extremely snoozeworthy AC station, and I flipped it on last night right before I turned off my lights to go to sleep shortly after 11:00pm. As soon as my head hit the pillow, what do I hear but the opening piano chords of "Without You." The song sounded terrific, even on my crappy little clock radio. I couldn't work up the energy to EEEEEE! very much, but geez it was good to hear "Without You" on the radio radio radio at least once before the threatened switchover to Christmas music. BTW, it was on the John Tesh Show (yes, that John Tesh), which is nationally syndicated.


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Oooh! Clay flashed me! :P

Or at least his picture flashed by me quite quickly....

How very, very cool that our man is among all those men...

Hope some people watch that and their eyes are lasered in that millisecond by those green eyes and they have to pause the danged video to see...

"Who IS that man?!?!??!" :blink: Hee!

Ok...first real day of the conference...first a pre-conf. meeting with all the hotel people to go over the whole shebang...then the first meeting---for our Center Directors. Then a board/staff gathering this evening.

I'm zen-ing...ohmmmmmmmmmmmm....... -_-


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How I love that picture...that is soooo GAH...cos he wasn;t looking all coy or even all flattered or surprised...he was looking like...

Yeah...I like chocolate...I ain't denying it...and I know what to do with it too...


then to be followed by that gorgeous bouquet...and his acknowledgement that it was the best interveiw to date...


oh gosh, I'm afraid I had too much candy corn last night... :blink:

eta: Knock em dead Muski...not literally of course...Good luck!!!

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See, it's stuff like this that makes me think that someone is promoting Clay for the long run - it may be low key, but he's every-frickin' where. and the smooth vs. scruffy??

Clay is a significant part of the pop culture landscape. The fifteen minute rule never applied to him in hardly anyone's eyes...they don't even joke about Hung or Guarini anymore, I'm sorry for Bice fans and I know he's sick but it's like he disappeared off the face of the publicity earth; for all the allegedly giant push for Taylor, I haven't seen him anywhere besides that Ford commercial. Feh to publicity!

Do I get to run the commune?

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Another poll to vote in at People.com: Smooth vs. Scruffy. And I see KAndre posted this while I was typing, but I'm leaving it anyway.

I'll have to wait watch the 100 vid until I get home - the player on my work computer is weird.

EEEEEEEEEEE! for Megan Mullally taping updates later today! Can't wait!

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See, it's stuff like this that makes me think that someone is promoting Clay for the long run - it may be low key, but he's every-frickin' where. and the smooth vs. scruffy??

Clay is a significant part of the pop culture landscape. The fifteen minute rule never applied to him in hardly anyone's eyes...they don't even joke about Hung or Guarini anymore, I'm sorry for Bice fans and I know he's sick but it's like he disappeared off the face of the publicity earth; for all the allegedly giant push for Taylor, I haven't seen him anywhere besides that Ford commercial. Feh to publicity!

Do I get to run the commune?

WOW...did you all see who was in that poll...the only other singer in there was Justin Timberlake, yeah and Nick Lachey...but they have been around forever!!!!

That is a mighty fine company Clay is keeping...


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:00000442: KAndre tries desperately to get the refrain "GAH...clyra...clyra...clyra" out of her head...

I gotta admit they make an exceptionally cute couple...but I refuse to ship!

I shall dance for the radio play! :00000442:

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I wish the video would have paused a bit more on Clay.

Oh well, I'll pause it........


That's better! :)

Cool, though, that he is included with all those other acknowledged hot men. Maybe now people will get it. What? Its possible!

And I agree with KAndre. I do feel as if he is being promoted for the long run. I have for a long time. And that's ok with me, cause I kind of want to have him around for the long run.

Can't wait to hear about MM. My same friend who was at Tyra and Kimmel and Leno etc will be there.

Lucky bitch. :glare:

ETA - I read on another board that Daughtry and Taylor Hicks were also in that People thing. I didn't see them at all! Did anyone else notice them??

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Yay, to starting the day with all that pretty. Clay can hold his own with any guy on that list. I liked the end of it, when they asked, how did you do?, and then You're welcome.

I'm off to painting class, I'll check in when I get home.

I agree, KAndre, I really don't think the promotion for this CD has been all that shabby. It's pretty hard to repeat the kind of promo that just coming off of AI gets you. I don't follow other artists that closely, but for the most part, (if you take out radio play), I think Clay has gotten as much or more as most artists ever get.

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OMG. Those flowers are perfect. Perfect! I love bright colors and jewel tones in flower arrangements and am always talking florists out of carnations and baby's breath.

That's the bouquet I've always wanted to get. That one right up there. Down to the vase and the water rock. (So zen.)

Clay sends perfect flowers. Darn him.

And is the perfect gentleman besides....I'm still on the floor with the "foot in the shoe" thing. Good Lord, that's one of the hottest things I've read in a LONG time.

*ponders muski putting that in her next fanfic*

I guess I'm in the cult for the long haul.

So, like, when are we moving to Idaho and setting up the commune? We could raise goats. Zoe1, Zoe2, Zoe3 ... We'd sell goat cheese, till the earth, and on Wednesday nights we'd have a combo sing-a-long and burning Clive in effigy party.

I'm in. However, I'll allow a few burnings, but only for a few weeks. Then, I'll be the one with the fire hose. :P

I think I'll be the bread baker. Anyone want to help with that? It'd be another money maker. Hey -- we could call it "Clay's Wonder Bread!"

Clay is a significant part of the pop culture landscape. The fifteen minute rule never applied to him in hardly anyone's eyes...they don't even joke about Hung or Guarini anymore, I'm sorry for Bice fans and I know he's sick but it's like he disappeared off the face of the publicity earth; for all the allegedly giant push for Taylor, I haven't seen him anywhere besides that Ford commercial. Feh to publicity!

Yep. And considering that he's pretty much just called "Clay" now (no Aiken needed), I think that's pretty significant.

This album may not have sold (so far) what many of the fans were expecting. Hell, it wasn't what I wasn't quite expecting either. But, at the same time, he's mentioned in so many things anymore, that I just can't believe there ISN'T interest in him. I mean, the DOOL press release garnered him a bunch of publicity.

I still contend that as much as he's a wonderful recording artist, and love all his albums dearly, it's TV appearances where he shines. His charm and wit, as well as his convictions, come through the screen, and I think he sells himself quite well. Then, when he sings...it's just icing on the cake.

I'm seriously hoping that the two inclusions of him on the People website means that he's part of the actual People sexiest men issue. Seriously hoping. And I'm thrilled that he was included in both these polls. And of course, they used the best picture EVAH in the movie. I still stare at that picture before I go to sleep at night.

And I agree with KAndre. I do feel as if he is being promoted for the long run. I have for a long time. And that's ok with me, cause I kind of want to have him around for the long run.

Maybe we should have shirts made -- "In for the Long Run with Clay Aiken."

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Can't wait to hear about MM. My same friend who was at Tyra and Kimmel and Leno etc will be there.

Lucky bitch. :glare:

ETA - I read on another board that Daughtry and Taylor Hicks were also in that People thing. I didn't see them at all! Did anyone else notice them??

Yup they were there...also very quick shots and taylor was in the middle and Christ was towards the end.

but they were not in the smooth or scruffy poll...heh

eta: oh I was going to mention that I hope you get another report and you share with the group. I think he gets to sing twice today...one from the album and another duet with Megan...I am soooo looking forward to that!!!!!

As cute and naturally sexy Clay is...he still hasn't mastered the art of sexy poses. I don't think he quite gets it yet. Its getting there...but I find him sexier when he is in performance mode...when he does not think about being sexy...he just exudes it.

About the promo...I think the difference with Ruben and Clay...with Clay they have three months to spread the appearances. I think its because they also want to spread his sales to Christmas when he has both MCWL and ATDW to push. So since these shows won't have one guest come twice in the span of 3 months...they had to spread out the promo. I think they felt that october was a dead month so they let that go. The shows probably wanted him in November for their sweeps month and also its closer to Christmas. I bet he will still have appearances on morning shows this December. He can sing songs from his EP...I do hope he gets to add the new songs in his Christmas repertoire...I am so eager to hear All is well...

yup ...all is well folks...its a message :D

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And you know what? I think that the constant and amazingly pervasive nature is much more effective in the long run. Because very few people say Clay Aiken who. And if he only sells on his name only, I think that's great again in the long run.

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Kandre and ldyjocelyn...WORD

Yup...maybe we should make a pin...In the long run with Clay...anyone want to design it??? :)

hee ...the commune is cool. My eldest girl is pretty good at making dinner rolls I can get her to help you ldyjocelyn.. we will just have to use brainwashing techinique to get her to like Clay...she does not dislike him...just haven't been able to put Clay on her playlist....maybe the next CD... <_<

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Yup they were there...also very quick shots and taylor was in the middle and Christ was towards the end.

Heh. I guess I was just blinded by the pretty so much I didn't notice. And what was Jesus doing in there? (Great typo, Ansa!)

As cute and naturally sexy Clay is...he still hasn't mastered the art of sexy poses. I don't think he quite gets it yet.

And I'm one of the weird ones that hope he NEVER "quite gets it." I find that's part of his charm. He's made a lot of progress in this regard, to be sure...but I find his self-deprication just HIM. I hope he never quite loses that part of himself.

Its getting there...but I find him sexier when he is in performance mode...when he does not think about being sexy...he just exudes it.

This, I agree. When he turns the brain off and just sings, he does things that make me feel kinda funny in certain parts. :blink: He's sooooo good at that. And then, we scream (almost typed "cream" there *g*), and he realizes what's happened. He usually laughs at that point. Gah, I love that too.

Gah, I think I just love him period.

Yup...maybe we should make a pin...In the long run with Clay...anyone want to design it??? :)

Well, I'm not a pin designer (making any kinds of drawing scares me), but I think it should have a picture of his Chuck Taylors with striped socks. Running, you know? Hee.

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