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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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I cannot believe my friend!

I email her and told her to stop being paranid, that it was ridiculous and why and this is part of what she wrote back:


Like I said, this is someone who never subscribed to any of the conspiracy theories before, but now, just because a Simon founded group who has WY on their upcoming album, sings it on a show Clay was RUMORED to be appearing on, it must be a conspiracy? Its too coincidental??

What am I missing????

Thank you, thank you, thank you, FCA, and all you lovely sane posters here! With my once sane Clay friends losing it, I am more grateful than ever for this place!!!


ETA: Glad you like the gif KAndre! It does seem to have my name written all over it, doesn't it. I think I will change my avatar. After all, change is good. :)

ETA2: Ok, I changed it, but I reserve the right to change it back. I kind of liked bouncy hair Clay too.

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Crappola! CG I swooped in and took the avie...

God forgive me, but I MUST have it. This conference is NOT having a good day...pissed off people who didn't wait long enough for hteir lunches...rooms too cold, too hot....people not able to go on the school visit they wanted to...


So please...please....if only for today....PLEASE let me have him like this...please let me have him like...please let me have....please let me.... :(

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Crappola! CG I swooped in and took the avie...

God forgive me, but I MUST have it. This conference is NOT having a good day...pissed off people who didn't wait long enough for hteir lunches...rooms too cold, too hot....people not able to go on the school visit they wanted to...


So please...please....if only for today....PLEASE let me have him like this...please let me have him like...please let me have....please let me.... :(

Ok. For you Muski.

Only for you.

It just shows great minds think alike!

I'll change mine back.

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1. RCA is a partner with 19, so that is one of the reasons that RCA is eeping Clay down - see only winners can do good. It doesn't matter taht the relationship between BMG and 19 is slated to end soon (court case 2 yearts ago when 19 tired to put Fantasia out for the highest bidding and the outcome is that Fantasia was signed to BMG, but the contract has an end date because BMG could not claim to have it in perpituity. .

Exactly. The similar notion that the success of the show depends on the winner outselling the loser really only exists in the minds of Clay Aiken message board fans. Clay's success has never been shown to affect the ratings of the show (ratings have only gone up). And in fact, one could argue that Clay has actually received far more favorable treatment on AI than Ruben. When Ruben first returned, it was on an early round without the bigger audience. Clay returned on a show with the finalists. Moreover, Clay actually had "couch time" on his second return, and even when he sits in the audience, he gets an on-air interview. When Ruben or even Fantasia stop by, they just get captions showing they were there. And then, more recently, he (not Ruben or Fantasia), appeared in the finale. But that's not what people see. They only remember Simon's stupid comments and conclude that American Idol hates Clay.

2. No matter how many CDs Clay sells, it will never be good enough - Clay is certified gold - Well a) he will never be certified platinum or B) he could have sold more and this is a sign his career is over and RCA is holding him down. Add in that MOAM is not ceritified 3X platinum yet and people think RCA is holding that back from Clay - like they don't accept that some CDs might have been returned from stores when the sales started to disappear.

So true. Clay could be ten times platinum and there would be many who would be convinced that with better promotion, he could have been twenty times. The fact that he's still outselling many more established artists is completely irrelevant.

3. No appearance will ever be good enough, no advertising will ever be good enough, unless it surpasses what Clay got after AI - like a Rolling Stone cover and a Time magazine article. AND No other idol should ever get an appearance unless it was first offered to Clay.

So true. The theory seems to be that as Clay is so obviously a superstar at the level of Justin Timberlake, Usher, or God, that anything less than the highest level of exposure can only be explained by a deliberate and malicious plan to destroy him. Uh, OK. And this idea that no other idol deserves what Clay got is just pathetic.

4. Some people are suggesting that RCA is pushing negative rumors about Clay to destroy him - because he "fought Clive" and Clive did not like that. OK, not a lot of logic in there if you know anything about business.

Now this one is really unfathomable. So, Clive is so irrational that he'll deliberately try to ruin an artist because he dared to disagree? As if no other artists had ever offered any resistance? (And it's a pure assumption that Clay even "fought Clive.") It's as if people think that because they act emotionally, a record label must, as well.

5. There was talk that the Tyra show would not be scheduled because Clay was too good on it. That he is always booked on low rated show - where it the Oprah. Now, we don't know what is scheduled for next year - say - before Valentines day.

Crazy, isn't it? Especially this idea that because WE don't know what he's doing, that therefore, he's doing NOTHING. Because, of course, we fans have a complete and thorough knowledge of his entire life.

Enough - there is too much to put in the conspiracy things. You just have to realize anything that does not fit the conspiracy is ignored.

Agreed. People forget the good things. The glass is not just half empty, it's full of liquid nitrogen and we're all going to die. Oh, and Clay's hair looks atrocious.

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OMG!!!!, indeed. That's quite a picture, that is. I think it just needs to be rotated a bit to make it even more effective or whatnot.


3. No appearance will ever be good enough, no advertising will ever be good enough, unless it surpasses what Clay got after AI - like a Rolling Stone cover and a Time magazine article. AND No other idol should ever get an appearance unless it was first offered to Clay.

C'mon, this sounds perfectly reasonable to me. ;)


I saw a bit of Il Devoid of Talent's over-the-top "performance" of Without You on Dancing with the Stars last night, and it was not even in the same universe as Clay's nuanced version. Whatever, dudes.

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OMG...I love that scream cap...he's so cute. Edited to say screen cap..heh,

There are people who live their life to denigrate clay at every turn... do people actually think that they need RCA's help to do that. Where the fuck have they been since January. Clay can't even go to visit a school without some hater turning it into something negative. Hell all they have to do is go to any clay board to get some ideas on how to chop Clay to peices. Nobody better at doing that than Clay fans, all in the name of love of course.

OK i see the clack is up but i need all those little bits before he appears so i guess i'll set my tape before i go back to work.

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I loved the little bits on MM - the time where they show him getting his hair fixed - surprise someone was fussing over his hair back stage!-

well this is the end of my break - out to the raking. I was supposed to spend this time at the dog park, but they decided to change it and the fence is down. They decided to split the acre into half a little dog park (under 15 pounds) and half a big dog park - this will not be good. I ahve only seen one or two dogs under 15 pounds and the big dogs need room to run. Another take a good thing and ruin it because one person complained.


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POD PEOPLE listen up....this may be painful to realize...but...


I know it seems like it when you don;t take the time to look up from the computer monitor...but really Il Divo, DWTS do not make decisions with Clay in mind they have their own career/shw to look out for without thinking about what Clay will be doing. this is crazy talk people!!!!

See the probelme is ...this CT talk is just insidious...you think you are immune, but if it keeps drip drip dripping into your consciousness, it finds a weak spot and starts to infiltrate and eat up your brains...

we need something to ward off the creeping CT paranoia.. maybe if we grow out our hair like Clay long hair geek/hot Rock god hairstyle it will ward off all insane paranoid ideas...our own version of the tin foil hat...

hey my hair ain't too far from Clay's...I just need to layer it a bit...connection!!!!

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Several weeks ago I posted on CV about theory I had heard while I was in management at AT&T. There was a VP for our department who was doing presentations which put forth the notion that you have to hear something 8 times before you remember it. It was being suggested to support the idea of product branding. As I remembered this, I started to think, if this theory is true, it probably stands to reason that once people hear something 8 times or repeatedly, they start to believe it. I find myself wondering if that is what is happening in the fandom right now. Things that are posted as conjecture and rumor are repeated so often it starts being accepted as fact. Some posters so casually state information that has little or no basis in fact, but just a rehash of the same old conspiracies. After Clay's sales numbers were posted yesterday, there were posts from a few saying, they thought the sales were good, meaning that over 11,000 people had walked in and purchased Clay's CD last week just on his name recognition alone. Those posts were followed by someone implying that it could have just been Clay fans trying to boost his numbers by buying extra copies. So, here is a "fan" who in my view has become so jaded, she can't even believe Clay could sell over 11,000 copies of this CD without fans buying extra copies. I believe this person is still a fan, but what I wonder is if as a fan you are disappointed/dissatisfied with a product put out by an artist, why not just back away for a while. Maybe the next product will be something you like, but with quite a few Clay fans they can't back away and they just throw in their jabs. Jabs at Clive, jabs at Clay, jabs at other Clay fans. It just doesn't make sense to me. Sometimes I feel like fans like these do more to harm Clay than Clive, the comics, the critics and the creeps.

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bottlecap screeches in horror, clutches her pearls, screams "NONONONONONO", and keels over in a dead faint at the very idea of this being the case.

There now Bottle...it will be ok...just let go of the pearls before you choke...it will be fine... sigh. quick where are her meds... :D

Atinal...yup I saw that too...and now some fans are tearing down the GOLD certification :glare:

I'm not even done downloading this prime Clack and already people are angtsing...sigh. :blink:

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Excuse me? They are tearing down the Gold certification?? Wasn't it just a day or two ago they were bitching that it might never go Gold?

Do they not understand how many artists would LOVE to have an album certified Gold in just over a month???

It is so true. Some Clay fans are never satisfied.

As for the world not revolving around Clay...... Better watch such blasphemy or the Pod People will get you!! {cue Twilight Zone music...}

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Feh. The world doesn't revolve around Clay...it revolves around Clay's HAIR. What's wrong with you people?!??! Didn't you drink the kool-aid?

Clearly, the gold certification is part of RCA's dastardly plot. They've think Clay may be allergic to gold and that's why they paid for it!

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Excuse me... :unsure: Maybe I'm just brain dead because of the snafus with which this particular conference day has been full of :( , but what, pray tell are the following:

1. PodPeople---my soggy gray matter envisions a black and white B-horror movie, ala "The Blob", or "Godzilla eats Peoria" or some such

2. CT...I know someone who's board name initials are CT, but I don't think that's what you guys are talking about.

And pppffffttt! to all the fair-weather Clay fans who must pontificate and bullshit when Clay isn't #1 in every freakin' poll, isn't the headliner guest on every freakin' talk show, isn't selling more CDs than any other freakin' musical artist or who doesn't go to THEIR hairstylist! :angry:

Damn. This has been such a day, I really wish I could talk to these people face to face right now. :glare:

On a brighter note... :P

I finally am in my room taking a break---first and only for today. I woke up this morning at 3:33...receiving wave after wave of warmth, courtesy of hot flashes...and not the really good kind, either. I whipped off my Clay Aiken tee shirt and lay there in the bed with nothing but my panties on until my body temperature fell back into double digits. :blink:

Had to get up at 5 am anyway so never went back to sleep. My eyes feel like steel wool "spinning balls"..

I love Clay Aiken and all the joy and friendships he brings!

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Awww, poor Muski! Sounds like you have had quite the day!

"Pod People" was what some brilliant poster here (sorry, but I can't remember who it was...) dubbed all the crazy Clay fans who have been consumed by conspiracy theories and paranoia.

CT = Conspiracy Theorists (I think - at least that's what I thought it meant!)

And I would pay money to watch you giving them a piece of your mind face to face! :lol:

Hope the day gets better for you!

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This should be a day of celebration.

Receiving word that ATDW has gone gold is reason enough for me. This is a major accomplishment, and as Claygasm noted earlier, many artists would sacrifice their spleens for this.

Add to this the appearance on Megan. He was a good actor during the opening segment (I'd lay bets that he loved reading the Simon comments aloud -- I mean, he's had practice with that and Kimbermee :P ), smokin' hawt during ATD (OMG, that was unbelievable, and did you see the eyef**ks?), and thoroughly charming in his interview.

I certainly feel like celebrating.

:Pogo0: :nana:

But I'm also a bit sad, for the CT's (Conspiracy Theorists) and Pod People (those following and believing the CT's) can't seem to find it in them to celebrate. Instead, they seem to insist on finding the bad.

I will never understand that.

Maybe I'll celebrate some more.

:Pogo0: :nana:

And OMG, I'm freakishly in love with the HAIR. I mean, I know it's just hair, and usually I don't care...but GAH he looked good.

And I would pay money to watch you giving them a piece of your mind face to face!

Me too. And I'd bring booze and popcorn too.

Oh, and KAndre, can I have some more Kool-Aid? I'm running low.

The World Doesn't Revolve Around Clay Aiken, eh? *cancels order for reprints of LTS with the words "Our Bible" on them*

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From Mandler at getclayaiken.com, your random Clay Aiken mention for the day:

I'm reading the book, Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex: More Questions You'd Only Ask a Doctor After Your Third Whisky Sour, the follow-up book to Why Do Men Have Nipples. Great book, btw, but there's a random Clay mention in it. The book is written by two guys, one a doctor and one an English geek (among other things). The chapter introductions are full of IM conversations between the two as they have stream-of-consciousness discussions on things relating to and completely irrelevant to the book. On page 50:


Gberg: I need to get a Valentine's gift for Jessica. I hate that Hallmark holiday.

Leyner: Get her Led Zep's How the West Was Won.

Leyner: Jimmy Page is my idol.


Gberg: Do you watch American Idol?

Leyner: That would be a sweet gift . . .fer sure.

Gberg: Imagine Jimmy Page on American Idol.

Gberg: Singing a duet with Clay Aiken.

I love these books, and saw this one the other night at the bookstore, but didn't pick it up. Damn, now I'm going to have to go get it.

And as Mandler pointed out -- out of all the AI alumni to pick, they picked Clay. I personally don't think there's a slam there at all.

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nuthin here...just wanted to see the avie of hawt rocker with long hair Clay Aiken on this page...I'm gonna go sneak in a soak in this big-assed tub (appropriate for its soon-to-be contents...HAH!)...and try to regenerate a bit before I have to do the last stint of the night---The Opening Session and then the reception afterwards.

I swear, if I hear somebody bitchin' abou the food, the amount or kind of...

I'm going Clay Aiken fan on their asses. <_<B)

(or...maybe I'll just have another drink...yeah..that's the ticket! I'll call my hotel contact and have her double the number of drink tickets for our staff and not TELL the staff! Yeah! Yeah! and I'll keep them all!

ALL, I tell you.....ALL!!

Mwhahhaaahhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa! :ph34r:

Hmmm....let's see....what music should I play while I'm in the tub....?

Decisions, decisions..... :blink:

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I swear, they'll let ANYbody in here these days... <_<

a 1000 smooches to you! So glad to see you here...

Now..I'm all clean and lookin' bitchin' again...done got my makeup on and my scoop necked tee on with a dangling necklace that drops into my cleavage...heh...got my hair all groomed and put some lipstick on..

And I'll be DAMNED if I look a day over mumblemumblecoughmumblecough...

Oh! Look at that! Where DOES the time go!

Must run, dahlinks...

ta-ta! ^_^

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I am back, caught up on the thread and with completely raked front yard only - who was the brilliant person whio decided leaves should be in paper bags? My 1/2 hour raking job is now 2-3 hours. At least I refuse to get rid of my leaf mulch pile in the back yard - as much as my new artsy fartsy, pave the back yard and cut down 400 years trees neighbors complain about almost seeing the 6' X 30' pile of leaves

On topic - I just deleted a long boring post - lucky you!

A Clay/Bo fan told me about something the other day - we know there are people throwing gas on the fire and others just following. But this one person said there is a lot of Clay trash talk on a Bo board, most of them have gone private. And some of that talk is by people posting a lot about the conspiracy now and how Clay is a victim on the Clay boards - so we have hate on one idol board translated to concern/angst on Clayboards.

I find it amusing that I am considered deluded and blind. I see stuff, I wonder about stuff, but I know I do not have the big picture, so I can not come to any conclusions. I believe Mr Spock would approve.

waves to YSRN

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My answers to Megan's questionnaire in italics.

answers to Megan’s standard questionnaire:

What's your name? : Clay Aiken

bottlecap. No really, it is. You thought it was just a screen name?

What's in your iPod (or CD player)? : Myself of course

I don't own an iPod, so I just wear the earpieces and hum.

What is "your song" at karaoke? : Like I ever do that

99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. :trink3:

What's your favorite time of day? : Anytime I'm Sleeping

Whenever I see a New Clack alert posted.

What book are you reading right now? : Sharon Osbornes new book (I think it's 365 pages)

Who has time to read a book? It's all I can do to keep up with muski's adventures online.

What's your favorite website? : www.wral.com (local news)

findingclayaiken.com. Insert brown-nosing icon here.

What's your favorite old movie (DVD)? : Whale Rider

Singing in the Rain

What's your favorite current movie? : Dixie Chicks documentary "Shut up & Sing"

Does Clack count as a current movie?

What is set on your television DVR? : Jericho, ER, The Office, 60 Min. and 20/20

The Office, so that's one for five. Does that mean I don't have enuff of a connecshun?

If you weren't in show business, what other career would you consider? : Teacher

Unless "Regular Board Poster" counts as being in show business - N/A

What is the strangest job you've ever held? : This One

Minion to a certain World Dominatrix

What was the exact moment you became an adult? : Still waiting for that one


If you could trade places with one person for just ten minutes, who would it be? : My brother in Iraq, so he could have some time off

Oprah, so I could approve a week of shows featuring Clay Aiken

What was your last purchase? : My phone

Huh. Wonder if Clay got one of those Verizon "Chocolate" Phones? Clay likes chocolate, according to Tyra.

What's in your carry-on bag? : My dog

Super sekret coded plans to destroy RCA. Oops, I mean "appropriate reading material."

What's under your bed? : Dust Balls

A pair of kick-ass boots and a Rolling Stone from 2003

What's your guilty pleasure? : Keeping my favorite color a secret

Red wine :wein: Chocolate and nuts.

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And some of that talk is by people posting a lot about the conspiracy now and how Clay is a victim on the Clay boards - so we have hate on one idol board translated to concern/angst on Clayboards.

I'm a little confused... So Bo fans are spreading the angst on the Clay boards?

musikfest, congratulations on getting through the day! I hope tomorrow goes better.

Loved your responses ot the questionnaire, bottleneck!

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