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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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I hate to get too specific, but the poster suggested the hair-hater might want to check out this website.

bwah! that is hilarious to me as well.

4. Some people are suggesting that RCA is pushing negative rumors about Clay to destroy him - because he "fought Clive" and Clive did not like that. OK, not a lot of logic in there if you know anything about business. Now I am sounding paranoid.

I'm sorry but...what? Never mind. I don't want to know. One would think Clive would have better things to do that concentrate his effrorts on Clay. Frankly I think the man has too much power to have to destroy him over the period of a year when he can just pick up the phone and say...get rid of him.

POD PEOPLE listen up....this may be painful to realize...but...


heee...I love it when Ansa gets all loud and crazy..and she must be crazy to say something like that...of course the world revolves around freckle face.

Sometimes I feel like fans like these do more to harm Clay than Clive, the comics, the critics and the creeps.

yep...the haters know more about clay sites than I do..they are loving it these days and I'm sure picking up a lot of ideas as well.

bottlecap screeches in horror, clutches her pearls, screams "NONONONONONO", and keels over in a dead faint at the very idea of this being the case.

I'm with ya girl. I think she needs to take a nap or something.

Feh. The world doesn't revolve around Clay...it revolves around Clay's HAIR. What's wrong with you people?!??! Didn't you drink the kool-aid?

Clearly, the gold certification is part of RCA's dastardly plot. They've think Clay may be allergic to gold and that's why they paid for it!

Yay for Clay's gold certification. yeah I'd prefer for it to be a different color but I'll take it..and squeeze it and hold it close. I would think it can't be much fun to be Clay right now but I guess he's probably used to the fandom by now. But he looks so damn peaceful and joyous. If he's miserable give him an oscar.

2. CT...I know someone who's board name initials are CT, but I don't think that's what you guys are talking about.

And pppffffttt! to all the fair-weather Clay fans who must pontificate and bullshit when Clay isn't #1 in every freakin' poll, isn't the headliner guest on every freakin' talk show, isn't selling more CDs than any other freakin' musical artist or who doesn't go to THEIR hairstylist! :angry: I love Clay Aiken and all the joy and friendships he brings!

Chill town? Ooh I Want to be part of Chill town... hope Dr. Will didn't go back to the botox.

Hey I want ihm to be all those things but I'm not going to protect him to death if he isn't and definitely don't want to do anything to make it harder for him to deal.

I would just like him to know that somebody out here loves the damn album.

And word on the friendships. When are you coming home..sounds like you need a beer. heh.

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Y'all are crazy nuts, and I luv ya! :D

NO...be careful PEAnuts... no treenuts...


Why DO men have nipples anyway? blink.gif


Yeah why is that?...hey YSRN...nah we are insane too...just in a different way...so come and join in.

(((muski))) hope tomorrow is better for you...

I wanna try and answer the questionnaire too...but maybe later on...

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I have nothing to say.

Y'all have said everything. And more. And I love you for all your smart (and smart-ass) remarks.


...so I'll just wave "hi" to YSRN and give her a big ole peck on the cheek.

Off to watch the Megan clips again....and think about my answers to the questionaire....


ETA: OK, I've got something now. Daniel the bass player (my favorite guy in the band) and Clay have switched hair. Daniel got his cut, and Clay's keeps getting longer and longer. What's up with THAT?

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This is what a Clay/Bo fan told me. I have never seen that, but I don't hang out at Bo boards. When I went, I found he was back in the hospital. I think that takes precidence. I think Bo has always been gracious, Clay is always gracious, should I list it idol by idol. I think the idols for the most part are more gracious than their fans. (a few are excepted for nasty or dumb stuff)

A small subset of all other idol fan groups seem to be pick on Clay. Why they don't pick on each otehr more is a mystery. This shouldn't be surprising because several Clay fans have something nasty to say about each of the other idols - reciprocal. What I do believe is that some people who are leading the angst are maybe not be so much Clay fans anymore, while some believe in their own minds that they are the bestest fans and Clay can not be who he is being shown to be right now.

I likethe three pringed approach stuff, it seems like people are not asking about Clay's health or other things on these shows. I woder if they set up the shows by the discussion the hosts wanted to have and maybe Clay dd not want to keep beating the paxil/tabloid horse and Ellen did.

As to the secret stuff about producers, I think there will be great word of mouth for Clay audiences after these last two shows. Wouldn't be surprised if demand did not increase. I can't believe they taped the audience for other shows - how boring is the usual audience?

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And OMG, I'm freakishly in love with the HAIR. I mean, I know it's just hair, and usually I don't care...but GAH he looked good.

me too... and I never care about hair... it's just so... long.

Just wanted to kiss all you sane folks, goose muski, dance a little jig for the gold, and high-five playbiller. Just 'cuz.


yay YSRN...

Thanks for posting your Sacramento IT review in my crazy new thread....Hey Muski...did you post one at EAYOR? Bring it over!

and if minion hood comes with dental I may have to reconsider.

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Delurking to say hello.

I don't know if I'm a pod person or an ipod person. Hope I find out someday.

Some mysteries in my life:

When changing the litter box, how can I get it back into the house before the cats go on the rugs? Why am I always too late?

Why do I download Clack when I have it taped ?

Why is everyone feeling sorry for Clay when he looks happier than I am? And richer too.

Why did Bottlecap do away with the candy corn? It's everywhere and I am craving it. I went into my bank today and the service rep i met with had a big bowl of candy corn on her desk. I just weighed one ounce of it- that's 15 candy corns. Did you know that's 2 points on weight watchers? It was good. :unsure:

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My answers to Megan’s standard questionnaire:in blue

What's your name? : Clay Aiken

bottlecap. No really, it is. You thought it was just a screen name?

Ansamcw...yeah it really is my name...fer real

What's in your iPod (or CD player)? : Myself of course

I don't own an iPod, so I just wear the earpieces and hum.

Sniff ipod is in a coma...and here I have a connection with Clay on my Itune playlist not myself but CLAY

What is "your song" at karaoke? : Like I ever do that

99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. :trink3:

heh...Dancing Queen..

What's your favorite time of day? : Anytime I'm Sleeping

Whenever I see a New Clack alert posted.

At night ..After the kids are asleep

What book are you reading right now? : Sharon Osbornes new book (I think it's 365 pages)

Who has time to read a book? It's all I can do to keep up with muski's adventures online.

Dune messiah..audiobook

What's your favorite website? : www.wral.com (local news)

findingclayaiken.com. Insert brown-nosing icon here.

Findingclayaiken.com of course...(good answer bottle)

What's your favorite old movie (DVD)? : Whale Rider

Singing in the Rain

Sound of music

What's your favorite current movie? : Dixie Chicks documentary "Shut up & Sing"

Does Clack count as a current movie?

Pride and Prejudice

What is set on your television DVR? : Jericho, ER, The Office, 60 Min. and 20/20

The Office, so that's one for five. Does that mean I don't have enuff of a connecshun?

Jericho (connection), Heroes, Nine, GA, Lost, DH

If you weren't in show business, what other career would you consider? : Teacher

Unless "Regular Board Poster" counts as being in show business - N/A

hee we are in showbusiness by osmosis

What is the strangest job you've ever held? : This One

Minion to a certain World Dominatrix

minion of ms tomato...

What was the exact moment you became an adult? : Still waiting for that one


I don't ever want to be one...not completely

If you could trade places with one person for just ten minutes, who would it be? : My brother in Iraq, so he could have some time off

Oprah, so I could approve a week of shows featuring Clay Aiken


What was your last purchase? : My phone

Huh. Wonder if Clay got one of those Verizon "Chocolate" Phones? Clay likes chocolate, according to Tyra.

LAst purchase???for myself???ATDW...

What's in your carry-on bag? : My dog

Super sekret coded plans to destroy RCA. Oops, I mean "appropriate reading material."

pull up diapers...

What's under your bed? : Dust Balls

A pair of kick-ass boots and a Rolling Stone from 2003

luggages and Clay stuff

What's your guilty pleasure? : Keeping my favorite color a secret

Red wine :wein: Chocolate and nuts.


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Remember the "PPPRRRIIINNNGGG" gif from the Martha Show?


I'm calling this one either "STFU Already" or alternatively "Where'd My Lips Go?" :P HA!:


Made by gerwhisp from the Clayboard.

gerwhisp has several way cool GIFs on this page. The moving pictures embedded in a bunch of text always reminds me of the newspapers in the Harry Potter movies.

Edited by bottlecap
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I think the idols for the most part are more gracious than their fans.

So true. In fact, it's amazing the enmity between fans of Ruben, Kelly and Clay when one considers that the three actually seem to like each other.

Delurking to say hello.

Why is everyone feeling sorry for Clay when he looks happier than I am? And richer too.

Hello, FearofH2O! Now that is a terrific question. He does look happy, but I guess many fans can't imagine why he wouldn't be as angry and depressed as they are.

My answers to the questionnaire (sorry they're not as clever as bottlecap's):

What's your name? : JennaZ... (but don't Google my name... I'm not THAT JennaZ)

What's in your iPod (or CD player)? : When it comes to Clay, what isn't? Oh, but there is a little room left in there for artists such as Janis Joplin, Eminem, Erasure, Aerosmith, Outkast, Gwen Stefani, The Pet Shop Boys, K.D. Lang, Prince, Garth Brooks, ABBA, Melissa Etheridge, The Carpenters, The Black-Eyed Peas, Alannis Morisette, Weezer and others, just to name a few.

What is "your song" at karaoke? : I am shamefully bad at karoke. Trust me, you wouldn't want to hear me. But with enough alcohol, maybe...Delta Dawn!

What's your favorite time of day? : Between 7:00-9:00 am, before I leave for work.

What book are you reading right now? : Tender at the Bone: Growing Up at the Table by Ruth Reichl

Lovely memoir by a former NY Times food critic.

What's your favorite website? : Bottlecap, can I borrow your answer? Right now, findingclayaiken.com.

What's your favorite old movie (DVD)? : The Sound of Music

What's your favorite current movie? : Queen.

What is set on your television DVR? :?Amazing Race, Heroes, America's Top Model, Top Chef, The Office, Grey's Anatomy, and Lost.

If you weren't in show business, what other career would you consider? : Hmmm.... Tough one. Journalist, maybe.

What is the strangest job you've ever held? : I'd say, working as an assistant for some production accountants on an MTV made-for-TV movie. Husband and wife team... kinda hippie, kinda loud, kinda old (especially for MTV), but kinda nice if you ignored all the profanities.

What was the exact moment you became an adult? : Still waiting for that one

Ditto times two.

If you could trade places with one person for just ten minutes, who would it be? : Whoever's putting that grin on Clay Aiken's face, lately.

What was your last purchase? : Actual purchase? Chinese food for lunch. Non-food item? A witch's hat that I was going to wear on Halloween, but accidentally lost in some parking lot.

What's in your carry-on bag? : Books, iPod, chocolate.

What's under your bed? : Winter clothing, which I'm sad to say, I can't yet wear. It's supposed to be in the 80's tomorrow!

What's your guilty pleasure? : Clay Aiken message boards. Shh....

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What's under your bed? : Winter clothing, which I'm sad to say, I can't yet wear. It's supposed to be in the 80's tomorrow!

PPPPFFFFtthhhBBB! I drove home in snow flurries this evening and my furnace is cranked up. freezin.gif


Dissin' the other idols on Clay Boards? Guilty as charged, and I will probably continue to do so as the new releases come rolling out. :ph34r: WOOT!

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Don't worry, we check the Pod People Filter® once a week with a stick - you're safe. Here, drink this kool-aid - you'll feel better!

Yes, I know I'm a bad girl - but Clay is hot!


Feh. The world doesn't revolve around Clay...it revolves around Clay's HAIR. What's wrong with you people?!??! Didn't you drink the kool-aid?

Clearly, the gold certification is part of RCA's dastardly plot. They've think Clay may be allergic to gold and that's why they paid for it!

And more BWAH!!!!

Why DO men have nipples anyway? :blink:


Just wanted to kiss all you sane folks, goose muski, dance a little jig for the gold, and high-five playbiller. Just 'cuz.


*grabs YSRN and smooches her*

Once upon a time there was a movie, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"--Donald Sutherland was in it--where people were being taken over by aliens, the Pod people. The people who were taken over looked like they always did, but suddenly you'd realize they'd been taken over, and then they'd point at you and screech because they realized you weren't one of them, and then they'd come and take you over too.

I moved recently, and was off the boards for a couple of weeks, and when I got back the Pod People had taken over almost everyone I know. Even some of my best RL Clay friends. Screech!!!


Paranoia strikes deep, indeed. Takes satisfying swig of koolaid. Grape/cherry - my favorite.

The Pod people took over the mods at one big, big board a long, long time ago--I don't read there enough to know who this person with the new sn is, but whatever. I just hope folks will start coming to their senses, and in the meantime, *sighs* with relief to find a safe place not to be paranoid or full of hatred and anger.

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Boy, I must be a lot older than you. When I think of the pod people, I think of the original movie from the 50's where the acting wa better and the plot line was simple and straighforward.

I am not a big the 50's were better person, but a lot of remakes did not hit the spot for me.

In the movie, it started like any other day and the children noticed it first - they would claim their parents were not thier parents. They thought it was a mass delusion, but slowly others noticed. They opened thier eyes and saw what was happening around them, how thier little world was being destroyed/taken over by the pod people.

The pod people had a hive mind, although I don't think they used that phrase then. Not an independent thought among them. The sad thing was when the hero escaped no one believed him because it sounded so absurd. Until a truck over turned on a highway carrying a huge load of pods. That ending was added later because people complained about the end of hte movie. The 50's liked happy endings. So do I.

Which brings to mind something Fear left out of her post - she said Clay ws richer, but she forgot to say younger, hee.

Now if only he would stop running around outside in his bare feet, he might be able to get better.

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Once upon a time there was a movie, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"--Donald Sutherland was in it--where people were being taken over by aliens, the Pod people. The people who were taken over looked like they always did, but suddenly you'd realize they'd been taken over, and then they'd point at you and screech because they realized you weren't one of them, and then they'd come and take you over too.

Oh man -- I remember that movie (actually both versions playbiller, even if I wasn't born when the first one was out). But you describing that reminds me of one of my former fandoms, Star Trek: The Next Generation. There was an episode called "The Game." It was this thing that was strapped on people's heads, and they controlled the game with your visual senses. Everytime a person "won," it gave them a, shall we say, good feeling. (Kinda like watching Clay...*g*) The only person who figured it out quickly was wonderboy Wesley Crusher, and he fought it until finally Data came to rescue the day.

That does seem like what's going on, in a way. The thing is, I'm not sure exactly where the "pleasure" part comes in. Does it really make people happy to be, as you said....

...be paranoid or full of hatred and anger.

The hatred and anger is what really confuses me. As far as I know, no one DIED because Clay made this album. If someone had died, and it truly was because of the recording of an album, I might have reason to be angry. But just because RCA hasn't promoted Clay to what the fans see as the "best advantage" (my opinion: they could have done better, but they also could have done a hell of a lot worse), there's this resentment that they just can't let go. Do these people really ENJOY feeling this way?

I'm a member of my staff at my church (director of bell choir, really shouldn't get paid for it because I enjoy it so much), and so I get a monthly magazine about spiritual issues. There was an article about dealing with disappointment; now, I'm not disappointed with anything at all regarding Clay, but I can see that this is how some are feeling. One of the major suggestions was to just LET IT GO. There's really no reason to hold on to things like that, IMO. It just causes more pain, and the circle continues.

And, they'd never agree to this, but I see this as putting Clay on a major pedestal -- that he must be handed everything on a silver platter, because he sold so many albums for them in the past. I'm no expert, but I really don't think the recording business happens that way.

JMO, and I need sleep. 'night all!

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The hatred and anger is what really confuses me....But just because RCA hasn't promoted Clay to what the fans see as the "best advantage" (my opinion: they could have done better, but they also could have done a hell of a lot worse), there's this resentment that they just can't let go. Do these people really ENJOY feeling this way?

There's really no reason to hold on to things like that, IMO. It just causes more pain, and the circle continues.

I know what you mean. Sometimes, it's almost as if people WANT to be angry, and that they need other people to be angry, too. In fact, if you're NOT angry, you can get treated as if you're supporting RCA and are therefore, the enemy.

Personally, I can't live an angry life. Things may not always go as I'd wish, but hatred is too exhausting and unpleasant. It amazes me that many, however, seem to need to keep the flame burning brightly.

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Why do I download Clack when I have it taped ?

Why is everyone feeling sorry for Clay when he looks happier than I am? And richer too.

Hey Fear,

I stopped taping clay stuff about a year ago..it took me that long to realize, clack would always be available. It's not always as fast as it used to be but it always appears.

I think we're feeling sorry for ourselves, not clay. I mean we were so proud for backing a "winner" and winner seems only to mean record sales. I'm so proud of clay for his artistic improvements and to me that is just as important as sales. I mean, he wrote a freakin' song. I'm celebrating that. And his voice did some unexpecting things. It's the journey that I'm here for. It's not always going to be a rocketship to the stars.

Personally, I can't live an angry life. Things may not always go as I'd wish, but hatred is too exhausting and unpleasant. It amazes me that many, however, seem to need to keep the flame burning brightly.

I often wonder if I wasn't so preoccupied with my mom's illness when clay's album was released if I would have more accepting of the conspiracy theories. But frankly, none of this seems all that important to me. It isn't life or death. it's a pretty pop star that still has a fine future. so what if there are a few bumps. i've never seen any one, especially in the entertainment field, have just an upward trajectory. Sometimes people have shitty projects. Sometimes they have shitty projects that make a lot of money. Sometimes they have great projects that nobody knows about. I hope Clay is proud of ATDW even it is not triple platinum. I know I am. And even if you don't like this album, there is always the next one, or the next tv appearance or the next suprise.

I didn't care for A Clay Aiken Christmas... and I didn't need to post that 3 times a page for six months. This might be my 3rd post about it period. I still bought it though and it's sitting on my shelf unopened. I'll always support Clay's projects. And if he sings a song I don't like, or write a play that I don't like, I'll just wait for the next thing. Hell even denzel had his Viruosity. But there is always such anger at his choices. We want him to grow but a lot of the risks he has taken has only been stomped on.

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it's just so... long.


DUH...couchie! :rolleyes: Ha!

It's 1:20 in the morning after the first full day of the conference that had me doing my best impersonation of somebody who knows what she's doing in order to make the attendees be totally ignorant of the contrary..

My boss and two co-workers just left my loverly suite after about 2 hours of talking and drinking wine and just having a helluva good time.

Have I told you how much I LOVE my new boss? Cool beans.

So I have 4 and a half hours before we need to get the ball rolling again---our first full day of workshops and receptions--7:00 am---9 :00 pm nonstop....all righty, then!

But now I'm feeling better about what may come.

Yo!...Fear! good to see you here. (hee! I made a rhyme)

My little group here tonight were discussing the difference between erotica and pornography.. Quite interesting...any of you care to offer opinions? :unsure:

zzzzzzzz...gonna go to sleep now...whew!

Hey, ldyjocelyn! Have I said recently how much I'm looking forward to Sunday? ^_^

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And OMG, I'm freakishly in love with the HAIR. I mean, I know it's just hair, and usually I don't care...but GAH he looked good.

I know! Me too! Most times I am just sooo easy, but I can't stop watching it! So free and loose and shiny.

He's beyootiful.

And Golden, baby. Oh yeah.

*Grabs YSRN and staples her to the board.* Don't even try to get away!

Ooh -- questions. I want to play too.

What's your name? : strummer6, but the 6 is only there because EZ board said strummer was taken. I had another name at RHT, before I realized that Todd was batshit crazy (big IMO here), which was holeinmypocket or pocket. So if I ever met you at RHT before I jumped that ship in 2005 -- hi.

What's in your iPod (or CD player)?: Looks at iTunes Um -- 5,843 songs. I'll list them later. Top Ten played: Lover All Alone - Clay, Warmer Climate - Snow Patrol, Numb - Linkin Park, Down Like Disco - Dandy Warhols, Holiday - Green Day, Plan B - Mute Math, Store Bought Bones - Raconteurs, Desecration Smile - Red Hot Chili Peppers, Strain - Carbon Leaf, Fishing- Widespread Panic.

What is "your song" at karaoke? : I've never tried it. But I know I'd be bad. However, I am willing to lip synch.

What's your favorite time of day? : 2am.

What book are you reading right now? : Moo by Jane Smiley

What's your favorite website? : YouTube

What's your favorite old movie (DVD)? : Notorious or most Hitchcock flicks.

What's your favorite current movie? : I haven't been to the movies in a while. I fall behind and catch up with DVDs. Most recent ones seen that I liked - Transamerica, Good Night and Good Luck, Love Song for Bobby Long. (Recent to me is anything from the last few years.)

What is set on your television DVR: If I had a DVR-- Studio60, Boston Legal, Lost, Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy and Trading Spaces (Don't say it. I love the craziness that is Hildy.)

If you weren't in show business, what other career would you consider? : Bohemian salon hostess and writer of strange short stories.

What is the strangest job you've ever held? : Investigator for the Public Defender's Office.

What was the exact moment you became an adult? : December 16th, 1992.

If you could trade places with one person for just ten minutes, who would it be? : My Mom. I so wanna know what's in that woman's head.

What was your last purchase? : Down vest and yet another pair of black pants.

What's in your carry-on bag? : Everything. It's bottomless.

What's under your bed? : Old shoes and dog hair.

What's your guilty pleasure? : General Hospital. (Laura's back! Eeeeeeeee!)

I love questionnaires and surveys. I've been waiting for Gallup to call, but they never do.

Today's ATD performance -- I think it's my favorite I'm all about the bridge on that song and on MM it kicked ass! And when he leaned back and took the mic stand with him I may have done a real swoon. If the mix was off, I didn't notice. I've watched it about five times. Maybe I need to check it out again.

That Sutherland picture scared me.

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Are you sure you want me to de-pod?

Here goes: I've watched the Megan ATD once, and it sounded very rough through my computer speakers. I'll try listening to it through headphones, but my initial reaction was Eeeeps. And for good measure, I thought Clay's face looked a bit puffy or double-chinny or something. Not my favorite talk show appearance by any means, although the audience control bit was very funny.

I hate how baseless board fan-wanking gets rolled around in a thick coating of hater dust by certain dung beatles and posted to gossip columns. I then hate how the nonsense comes back to the boards and some posters want to think it's somehow true.

Despite that, I'm kinda hoping JennaZ does some skulking around in Santa Monica this weekend and reports back on her findings, 'cause the traffic ticket story, while probably completely bogus, was so much fun to think about.

I liked "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley very much at the beginning of the summer, and thought it was cool how it got played on radio stations all the way from AC to Alternative Rock. The I heard it about ten thousand times, and frankly, I'm done with it.

Enough of the whining! On to Regis & Kelly on Nov. 17th (co-hosting or not) and then to the goldmine of Tyra on Nov. 22nd. And I've still got my fingers crossed for some Christmas appearances on the morning news shows that we hear about closer to time.

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I think we're feeling sorry for ourselves, not clay. I mean we were so proud for backing a "winner" and winner seems only to mean record sales. I'm so proud of clay for his artistic improvements and to me that is just as important as sales. I mean, he wrote a freakin' song. I'm celebrating that. And his voice did some unexpecting things. It's the journey that I'm here for. It's not always going to be a rocketship to the stars.

I think that's really it. Many in the fandom got so focused on getting him to number one, or on platinum record sales, that they've forgotten to look at the "smaller" picture in this instance -- the album we have in front of us. Yes, it's covers, and yes, it's covers that many people didn't like the first time and wouldn't like again -- but he took some chances with this album. Was he successful? In my eyes he was. He took a song I got tired of back in the day, EID, and made me love it. He took an incredible risk with BW by making it a New Age song, IMO, and it's gorgeous. And if anyone wants to argue about his voice, I point to HYCA. Hell, I'll rave about poor neglected WY -- I still think he sings the shiznit out of the song, even if the arrangement was the most traditional of the bunch. (BTW, I love that Megan picked that out on her show...) And this doesn't even talk about the originals!

Just simply for trying something new with "something old," I'm incredibly proud of him.

I often wonder if I wasn't so preoccupied with my mom's illness when clay's album was released if I would have more accepting of the conspiracy theories.

I think you have too many friends couchie who would be talking you off the ledge if you started with that.

But frankly, none of this seems all that important to me. It isn't life or death. it's a pretty pop star that still has a fine future. so what if there are a few bumps. i've never seen any one, especially in the entertainment field, have just an upward trajectory. Sometimes people have shitty projects. Sometimes they have shitty projects that make a lot of money. Sometimes they have great projects that nobody knows about. I hope Clay is proud of ATDW even it is not triple platinum. I know I am. And even if you don't like this album, there is always the next one, or the next tv appearance or the next suprise.

Clay's playing with the big boys now, and I think he realizes that the career he had three years ago was an anomaly. I would venture a guess that his expectations for sales of this album, no matter what he'd have released, would be less. I'm also venturing a guess that he's perfectly fine with the promotion he's gotten -- so far. See, that's the thing -- I'm still expect promotion, even into the new year. But, as I said earlier, it seems some wanted everything for him RIGHT NOW and no later. As if he was going away if he didn't.

Hey, ldyjocelyn! Have I said recently how much I'm looking forward to Sunday? ^_^

Got it! So am I! Clack, wine, food....life is good. (BTW, do I need to make a copy of the MM show on DVD for you to see, or did you get to download it?)

BTW, I love these questionaires -- it's incredibly fun to know more about the people with whom I'm conversing on a regular basis. My answers aren't snarky either. I enjoy the snark, just can't pull it off very often...

What's your name? : ldyjocelyn, short for “Lady Jocelyn” – from one of my former hobbies as a medieval recreationist. Jocelyn is actually my middle name.

What's in your iPod (or CD player)? : ATDW hasn’t left it since September 19, 2006. I was thinking about playing some Dixie Chicks this weekend though….

What is "your song" at karaoke? : Never done karaoke before in my life. But hey, with enough alcohol in me, I’d probably try “Invisible,” shirt tugs and all.

What's your favorite time of day? : Early morning hours, between 6:30 and 7:30 – cup of coffee and Clay Aiken message boards!

What book are you reading right now? : “I Really Shouldn’t Be Doing This” by Bob Newhart. Love him.

What's your favorite website? : findingclayaiken.com, stuffonmycat.com, and cuteoverload.com

What's your favorite old movie (DVD)? : Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

What's your favorite current movie? : Lord of the Rings Trilogy

What is set on your television DVR? : Amazing Race, Lost, ER, Good Eats, and (for my husband) The New Yankee Workshop

If you weren't in show business, what other career would you consider? : A chef, or someone in the food industry

What is the strangest job you've ever held? : Walking beans in my dad’s field when I was 12

What was the exact moment you became an adult? : Adulthood? Nope. Not gonna do it. I hear it's overrated.

If you could trade places with one person for just ten minutes, who would it be? : Kristy. She’s living with Clay. Might be a good chance to catch him with his pants down. *g*

What was your last purchase? : Big, major purchase – DVD recorder. Small purchase – dinner this evening.

What's in your carry-on bag? : A bunch of papers for my work, a copy of ATDW, and the People magazine with Clay in it..

What's under your bed? : Our two cats and a bunch of dust bunn….balls.

What's your guilty pleasure? : I agree with Jenna, Clay Aiken message boards! Such drama!


*big hugs to FearofH2O and asks her to make herself comfortable here*

*waves to holeinmypocket -- she knows why*

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I have to admit, I occasionally look at the "OMG! Why isn't he getting the freakin' SUPERSTAR treatment that he deserves?" and say, clearly I am not looking at the same career as others. In 2003, MOAM wasn't even one of the top 10 CDs that year - they were Get Rich or Die Tryin' (6.5 mil), Come Away with Me (5.1 mil), Meteora (3.4 mil), Fallen (3.3 mil), Speakerboxx (3 mil), Dangerously in Love (2.5 mil), Chocolate Factory (2.4 mil), Metamorphosis (2.4 mil), Shock N Y'All (2.3 mil), and Rush of Blood to the Head (2.1 mil). Clay was probably #11 - clearing just 2.1 million. The Duffster, what is her promotion like? And didn't she have like two more platinum CDs that I don't actually listen to either? Linkin Park, who's EP after Meteora also went platinum - I also managed to miss them. Norah Jones' "Feels Like Home" did 3.8 mil in 2004, I don't haven't seen that much promotion for her either. I personally think Clay has done pretty darn good for where he is in his career. But there are a fair number of artists out there that have done a quite a bit better. And businesses like RCA look at that stuff. I really think they do. And most of those other artists, music is really all they do. Clay to me clearly wants to do to pull a Cher or Streisand, you know - singer/something. Of course, Andre 3000 is trying that too - and look where Outkast's latest release ended up. I look at it this way, if Clay has a favorite hotel in New York - and for some reason I doubt it's a Motel 6 in Brooklyn, I figure he's ok.

I did tell y'all I was shallow, right? If not, oops.

What's your name?

KAndre - because I'm not that complicated.

What's in your iPod (or CD player)?

Pooh to Apple! My perfectly lovely, less than $100 a year ago, 4GB SanDisk Sansa has 1,036 songs, of which a significant portion of which are by one Mr. Clay Aiken. The rest are just about any popular music from the last 40 years.

What is "your song" at karaoke?

Anything I know more that 60% of the words. With alcohol, 15% of the words. With audience encouragement, I'll fake anything.

What's your favorite time of day?

Anytime I'm doing what I want. Whatever that may be at the time.

What book are you reading right now?

“Undead and Unreturnable” by Mary Jane Davidson. I like the funny and sexy. Look, I'm on a Clay Aiken fan board!

What's your favorite website?

findingclayaiken.com, straightdope.com, google.com

What's your favorite old movie (DVD)?

Comedy - Blazing Saddles/Arsenic and Old Lace. Drama - Saving Private Ryan/To Kill A Mockingbird. Romance - High Society

What's your favorite current movie?

That's hard - if you count current movies less than 3 years old - Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Hotel Rwanda, and Mad Hot Ballroom

What is set on your television DVR?

The Tyra Banks Show, Meerkat Manor, Everybody Hates Chris

If you weren't in show business, what other career would you consider?

World Domination - hey, consistency is my middle name!

What is the strangest job you've ever held?

Minion training

What was the exact moment you became an adult?

When I listened to some really stupid plans some friends of mine were making, said out loud, "that's really stupid" and went home and read a book.

If you could trade places with one person for just ten minutes, who would it be?

Bill Gates and I would be transferring a large quantity of cash to some woman I don't know but seems really charming.

What was your last purchase?

I bought "Metheny / Mehldau" last night - a jazz CD for an excellent male minion of mine.

What's in your carry-on bag?

The Sansa, "Undead and Unreturnable", cat hair

What's under your bed? :

Bed? You're supposed to look under the bed? Are you crazy? If it's dirty, that's would count as one more place I don't actually clean! Since I don't look, it doesn't count.

What's your guilty pleasure?

Guilt? What an interesting concept. Explain this to me.

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Oooo! Another shallow one! No wonder I am your minion, KAndre! :D

Clay is fine. I have been saying for a long time Clay isn't as big as some think he is (I meant in terms of being a big pop star or course... B) ) and that list of higher selling CDs in 2003 is just one example of that. MOAM WAS an anomoly. Its sales were fueled by the AI machine and the NEED for some fans to "prove" he was the real winner (because you know they fixed the results.... :blink: ). Even with an album of all originals and the best publicity ever, it would have been hard for him to duplicate the first week sales of MOAM.

I don't know, I think going gold in a little over a month is pretty damn good. I suspect Ruben will be THRILLED if that happens to him. And that's not meant as a slight to Ruben. I love me some Ruben! :). (But of course, if RCA weren't out to destroy Clay, he would be at least quadruple platinum by now!)

Clay seems VERY happy (but of course, he's faking that. Its all part of the spin, don't you know.). He seems very pleased with the album and has said repeatedly it reflects him (but again, that's all spin....). He was the lyricist of an original song - and a BRILLIANT original song (which RCA deliberately kept off the regular album because they knew how good it was and you know, they want to destroy him and having a really good song that Clay wrote would hurt that evil plot...). He conceived an arrangement of a classic song and made it his own, very artistic and daring (and you know why it was placed as the last song on the album? Well, its because RCA hoped it would be so buried under all the sappy covers no one would pay any attention to it and therefore Clay would get no credit for his brilliant idea, because, after all, that wouldn't help their evil plot to destroy him either!).

You know what?? Clay's doing good y'all! If you can get past the conspiracy theories, there is a lot to be not only happy about, but THRILLED about!

Now, on to the questionnaire.....

What's your name?

Claygasm because when I first went over to EAYOR to read one of Muski's stories that's what I felt like I was having!

What's in your iPod (or CD player)?

Whaaa!!! I don't have an iPod!! And I want one!!! **throws a tantrum**

On my CD player right now I have this little album by this recording artist. I can't think of the name right now, or the singer's name because the publicity on the album was sooooooooooooooooo bad I have forgotten it. I don't even remember how I got the album because his record label made sure all the stores hid his CD under the counters along with the dirty magazines.

What is "your song" at karaoke?

Never done karaoke and trust me, no one would want me to try it!!

What's your favorite time of day?

I'm sleeping, er, right with Clay here.... Any time I'm sleeping! I do love to sleep, perchance to dream about this hot, studly singer whose name I can't remember. :)

What book are you reading right now?

Bill Clinton's autobiography. Its VERY long, but well written and fascinating - and quite frank and candid.

What's your favorite website?

I'm following everyone else here - findingclayaiken.com!! :D

What's your favorite old movie (DVD)?

Unlike Clay, I don't consider a 4 year old movie old! Although I did love Whale Rider! My all time favorite would be Gone With The Wind, closely followed by Two For the Road with Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney, and Breakfast at Tiffanys and a sweet movie called A Little Romance with a very young Diane Lane and a very old Laurence Olivier.

What's your favorite current movie?

That's hard because I haven't been to the movies in ages, but the last one I saw that I loved was Good Night and Good Luck.

What is set on your television DVR?

Whaaaa!! I don't have a DVR and I want one!!! **throws another tantrum**

Confession: I am a TV addict. So IF I had a DVR it would definitely be set to..... Prison Break, "24", when it comes back on, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip; Standoff (which I am sure will be cancelled soon because I don't knw anyone who watches it!), House, Friday Night Lights; Bones, Lost, The 9; The O.C. (my guilty TV pleasure...), ER (I have a connection with Clay!!!!). And I usually watch Desperate Housewives, but I wouldn't set my VCR if I weren't going to be home.

If you weren't in show business, what other career would you consider?

Well, I always thought I would be in show biz, but alas I'm not. *sigh* But if this just means if I could have any career other than what I am doing, well, I just think I would like to not have a career - just be independently wealthy!

What is the strangest job you've ever held?

I was a telemarketer for Time-Life books one summer in college. I lasted 4 days!

What was the exact moment you became an adult?

I am stealing Clay's answer to this one - I haven't yet. At least not completely, and I hope I never will!

If you could trade places with one person for just ten minutes, who would it be?

Person? Does it have to be a person? Because I would like to trade places with with Raleigh or Durham so I could lick Clay all over!! B)

What was your last purchase?

A waffle iron.

What's in your carry-on bag?

My portable CD player and CDs (did I mention I don't have an iPod and really, really want one?), a bottle of water and a book (but not Bill's biography - its too heavy!)

What's under your bed? :

Boxes of old prints I still have to frame and my cat.

What's your guilty pleasure?


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