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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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OOps I meant when megan said he was a natural at acting...Clay said he was naturally foolish. Heh

oh my god there is so much stuff with the audience...I will have to do a better recap on 11 am show cos I am jsut enjoying this...

they talked about his acting on scrubs and the DOOL....

OH NO...its over.

What a fun interveiw. They are so comfortable with each other. Megan seem like she really listened to the CD cos she mentioned that she loves listening to the sad songs and how much she loves Without You and loves his version.

He seem really excited and playing around with the audience...

there was one point he said somethign that was supposed to be funny and no one reacted and he goes ..Oh no no one laughed ...and eveyone was laughing of course and he goes... oh no can we edit that out.

He was so cute. The segment was pretty long considering it was a song and a really fun interview.

during the 11 am show....

Awwww Clay really acted so well in that skit...soo cute...love how he read Simon's note...and how he had a little laugh when he read Paula's note

ok I can relax just a bit...maybe others are watching now too...hey they announced him as the one and only Clay Aiken...COOL.

heh she chooses someone in the audience to take notes on the show and will have a quiz after...she is obviously a claymate who flew from Arizona to watch the show but of course she didn;t mention that she came for Clay...

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:nanaonacid::nanaonacid::nanaonacid: :nanaonacid: :nanaonacid:

I love show days - it's just so much freakin' fun around the Clay Nation. And the Gold Certification is just gilding on the chocolate cake. [Hey, Tyra says Clay like chocolate, and he didn't seem like he was going to argue with her... :wub: ]

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Thanks for the updates, Ansa. I still have 2 hours and 45 minutes before it comes on here! I have a TV in my office, but something annoyingly work related always seems to happen whenever Clay comes on. :angry:

Sounds like Clay and company had a grand time at the show. I love the impact he and his fans have on shows like MM, Tyra, and Kimmel. I really hope people in the industry are watching.

His answers on that questionnaire are fascinating. Interesting that Whale Rider is his favorite "old" movie. And that "Shut Up and Sing" is his favorite current flick. Ever wonder whether he's had a chance to talk with the Chicks, or at least, to talk with Renshaw about the whole situation? Now, of course, I find myself thinking about hunting down that documentary.

And YAY for the gold certification!

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Ansa, thank you SOOOOOOOO much for the recaps. This sounds like it will just another fun interview of Clay Aiken. God, the man gives good...quote. *g*

I'm not sure when I'll get to see it...but I'm guessing the clack will be up before I leave work. (If someone can bring over links for the clack, I'd be mucho appreciative...)

And that "Shut Up and Sing" is his favorite current flick. Ever wonder whether he's had a chance to talk with the Chicks, or at least, to talk with Renshaw about the whole situation? Now, of course, I find myself thinking about hunting down that documentary.

I had the same thought Jenna -- that surely he has an interesting take on their situation, with sharing the same manager. I'd love to talk to him about that. (Of course, I'd love to talk to him about anything...hee).

For those interested in that doc, BTW -- Shut Up And Sing! This has a trailer for the movie. Jenna, it might be in your area now. For me, it's gonna take a few weeks. OK, so it says "November 10," but around here, it still might be a while. And then it'll only be here a week.

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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE he is on here again....

I love her intro..one of the most popular artist in music today...no AI mention whatsoever.

I think I know what bothers me with the mixing...the instrumentation does not sound as full...oh and the girls are muted...and you can tell when Clay;s voice gets more warmed up his voice sounds so much fuller.

He loves fooling around with the melody lines...Gah...Angela looks sooo good. Quiana too...but Angela looks like she lost more weight.

I don;t know why people are saying his hair is not styled...it is styled, just differently than how he has been wearing it. It looks carefully styled to look really casual.

aww nice hug from Megan...Clay that was beautiful..hug...awww. They are so nice together...

Awww I love seeing that SNL clip...

hee megan says..they are not my followers they will not do my bidding..hee...

talk about their history...oh she says she may do it again...(the shirt ripping)...so be prepared.

She talks about the fact they weere worried about grandmas reaction and she was fine with it and they talked about the MArtha show

then they talked about the christmas show and that they didn;t get to sig together but now they are

Megan says...he looks like a hot rock god...CLay calls lt long hair geek

talked about the other AI alums that he is still in touch with and Megan talked about how great kelly was there. He says that its like a fraternity they are on cos only a few of them went through that experience.

she says he is a natural actor...and he said naturally foolish and she says naturally adorable...then he said its great to be acting like a fool and get revered for it.

talked about DOOL and scrubs...


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Just saw it and I have an opinon on the hair - I think he looks more mature with it brushed back. I guess it is really a secret signal to all fans that hair is not important so the hair critics should just give up.

I thought he sounded a bit tense in the voice, but maybe it is just that kind of song. Since I don't have great ears and one of my favorite albums is a bunch of guys singing off key, I may not be taken too seriously.

I wonder if Megan is rethinking part of her show, I don't find her particularly interesting and I don't find her all that interested in her guests. There is something that seems a bit off in that show, but it can't be that easy to have the sword over the show's head. She was pretty funny about haveing Clay pop up from in back of the couch from time to time.

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Okay, I wasn't too sure about the hair, but gerwhisp's first screencap on this page at the Clayboard might possibly have made my jaw drop so my tongue could hang out. Maybe. Not saying for sure. :P

Thanks for the recaps, Ansa!!

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Okay, I wasn't too sure about the hair, but gerwhisp's first screencap on this page at the Clayboard might possibly have made my jaw drop so my tongue could hang out. Maybe. Not saying for sure. :P

Thanks for the recaps, Ansa!!

Um, yeah. What she said.

Do we have a drooling emotion????????

Ansa, thanks for the recap. It comes on here at 4pm but I won't see it because work is interfering with my Clay life. I don't even bother to tape them anymore. I just wait for the clack! And that way I don't have to watch any of the annoying unwanted guests! I just get Clay - all Clay! :)

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She was pretty funny about haveing Clay pop up from in back of the couch from time to time.

Oh yeah this was fun cos she said she was a bit nervous about what happens if Clay is no longer in the show can she control his fans...so Clay said he will be backstage making signals...and Megan said if he could just stay behind the couch and pop up from time to time to control the audience it will be fine.

Yeah I don't get what it is either...She does try to ask questions that are more personal or outside the promo prattle...but it just seem like she is doing it for the show and not for her own interest. Maybe it is her tiny voice that kinda makes her interview seem rushed.

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I feel like I'm sitting in the back seat of the family car whining: "Is there Clack yet? Is there Clack yet? Is there Clack yet?" and elbowing my sisters. Hope I don't get tossed out at the next rest stop for being annoying....


GBB on the CH says she is capping now...so she promises clack in and hour or so...

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OMG!!! I have no idea who Dishwater at TWoP is in "real life", but I think I love him / her right now for an extremely funny comment directed at a notorious hair-hater.

And you aren't going to share? Or at least provide a link?????

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OMG!!! I have no idea who Dishwater at TWoP is in "real life", but I think I love him / her right now for an extremely funny comment directed at a notorious hair-hater.

quote please!!!

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You know, one of my all time old time groups is Buffalo Springfield. Their one big hit song was "For What Its Worth". There was a line in it that said "Paranoia strikes deep. Into your life it will creep. Its starts when you're always afraid. Step out of line the men come and take you away..."

I think some of those men need to to come and grab more than a few Clay fans. It seems that paranoia is permeating even some I thought were sane!

I have a Clay friend (who I know does not read this board) who watches DWTS. Remember the RUMOR that Clay might be on it?

Well, apparently Il Divo was on it last night. They have a new album coming out 11/21. Anyway, one of the songs on the album is "Without You" - sung in Italian (I think...) and that is what they sang on DWTS. Do you know this heretofor sane Clay fan actually was having a fit! She thought it was a deliberate snub of Clay! She was convinced that since Il Divo was formed by Simon Cowell, he must have had them sing that song on a show Clay was supposed to be on (even though it was never confirmed) to show Clay up!

I said "Huh"???

She went on and on about how it couldn't be a coincidence, that it must have been deliberate! And others I thought were sane were agreeing with her!!

It didn't bother them that Julio Inglesis was on a few weeks ago singing RHW and something else that is on Clay's album. But then again, Simon isn't behind him.

Now you have to understand, this is a woman who was never a conspiracy theorist - not about AI2, not about RCA/Clive - nothing. She was one of us - sane (well, sort of....) and just enjoying the fandom. She even remarked lately how some on some boards are insane!

Now she's one of them!

The Pod People are infiltrating the ranks of the sane!


Is there a Pod People filter we can install here??? I'm getting skeered!! :unsure:

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Don't worry, we check the Pod People Filter® once a week with a stick - you're safe. Here, drink this kool-aid - you'll feel better!

Yes, I know I'm a bad girl - but Clay is hot!

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Will anyone mind if I post that drool-worthy screencap?

I mean, it deserves to be seen!


Dayum! He looks hot there!!




Was I just complaining about the hair before???? ;)

As Clay's said...it'll get you, if you give it half a chance. :D

I hate to get too specific, but the poster suggested the hair-hater might want to check out this website.

Sorry, it's probably just funny to me, after reading multiple hair rants elsewhere that got really old, really fast.

That's too, too funny. Love it.

The Pod People are infiltrating the ranks of the sane!


Is there a Pod People filter we can install here??? I'm getting skeered!! :unsure:

I'd read that same theory overnight as well. *sigh*

Maybe I'll say more regarding this whole thing, but right now I'm still having trouble putting words together that make sense. Must be the picture....

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Well, apparently Il Divo was on it last night. They have a new album coming out 11/21. Anyway, one of the songs on the album is "Without You" - sung in Italian (I think...) and that is what they sang on DWTS. Do you know this heretofor sane Clay fan actually was having a fit! She thought it was a deliberate snub of Clay! She was convinced that since Il Divo was formed by Simon Cowell, he must have had them sing that song on a show Clay was supposed to be on (even though it was never confirmed) to show Clay up!

Yeah, I saw discussions on that on CV. Several people eventually opined that it was merely a coincidence and not part of some elaborate conspiracy against Clay. However, some still remain convinced (on CV and elsewhere) that there's something evil going on.

The paranoia is getting ridiculous, quite frankly. And it is sad, too, to see how many formerly reasonable people are getting seduced into this cycle of anger and suspicion.

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I think most pod people are not interested n posting here, but they might be reading and taking notes, heck I read pod people to laugh, I just thinkit is a shame that all Clay fans get colored with the Carzy stamp because of the few that post a lot.

Now, you have to understand how engrained in old news the pod people are.

RCA is a partner with 19, so that is one of the reasons that RCA is eeping Clay down - see only winners can do good. It doesn't matter taht the relationship between BMG and 19 is slated to end soon (court case 2 yearts ago when 19 tired to put Fantasia out for the highest bidding and the outcome is that Fantasia was signed to BMG, but the contract has an end date because BMG could not claim to have it in perpituity.

2. No matter how many CDs Clay sells, it will never be good enough - Clay is certified gold - Well a) he will never be certified platinum or B) he could have sold more and this is a sign his career is over and RCA is holding him down. Add in that MOAM is not ceritified 3X platinum yet and people think RCA is holding that back from Clay - like they don't accept that some CDs might have been returned from stores when the sales started to disappear.

3. No appearance will ever be good enough, no advertising will ever be good enough, unless it surpasses what Clay got after AI - like a Rolling Stone cover and a Time magazine article. AND No other idol should ever get an appearance unless it was first offered to Clay.

4. Some people are suggesting that RCA is pushing negative rumors about Clay to destroy him - because he "fought Clive" and Clive did not like that. OK, not a lot of logic in there if you know anything about business.

Enough - there is too much to put in the conspiracy things. You just have to realize anything that does not fit the conspiracy is ignored.

I think it did not bother me too much, until I realized there are people behind this whole thing stirring things up and I don't know why. But ecverytime things are going fine, they must inject negative stuff, and not like the usual depressed people who inject negative stuff, but more purposefully. Look around while people are happy and see if you can't identify the ringleaders. There is even a fan with name recognition who has created an alternate id on a major board with the help of the mods, also in to the conspiracy thoery. This way, they can trash RCA, Clive and Roger under one id and still be nice to them publically to preserve any connection.

Now I am sounding paranoid.

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Maybe I'll say more regarding this whole thing, but right now I'm still having trouble putting words together that make sense. Must be the picture....

Hee. That picture is pretty seductive.

But what about this? I was thinking of changing my avie when I saw this posted at the CH.......


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