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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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Luckiest1 I'll tell you what I am doing to start, keep in mind this is my first attemp at doing this.

I've downloaded a version of MGUCL from the first 6 concerts so far, if there is another version at the same concert I dl it too. I'm starting by listening without watching the video. I'm listening for vocal quality, the orchestra, if I hear talking or other noises, and for any nuances that might be in the version. Then what I thought I would do, is pick what I think in the best of the first 5 or 6 concerts, then do the same for the next 5 or 6 until I have what I consider the 3 or 4 best versions. Then I'll try to pick from those 3 or 4 or I may ask for help from the group if 1 doesn't jump out as "the best" version.

Thanks for the tips. I guess the question is whether we are only rating the audio quality or the video as well? I can try to see if I still have any of my rating spreadsheets left over from my previous project (it was the JBT) if that would help.

ETA: Ah! Audio only. Thanks. :-)

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This is audio only, luckiest 1. I have a lot of admiration for those who rate video, but I could never do it myself!

I listen for things like, first and foremost, quality of the recording and performance, and also special nuances in a performance, or crowd interruptions at inopportune moments ("I love you Clay" during ICMYLM). I don't always go for the "cleanest version" though. For the IT I picked the version of WY in St. Paul where Jerome came out in a wig. There's a lot of laughter during the performance that could seem strange to someone not in the know, and some would rather have a different version, but I loved it because I liked to remember how funny that moment was. I also included the version with Kim Locke in Anaheim on my CD.

BTW, no way I'm going to rate every single performance of a song as recorded by every clack gatherer. That would just take too much time. There will be some inevitable weeding-out, and then I'll rate the rest.

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Oh. My. :blink:

I was going to copy and post a few incredible pictures from snix's Merriville album but there are too many...way too many. These are some of the most gorgeous, beautiful pictures I've seen. Period. He's so breathtaking....

gah. double gah. gah to infinity. :wub:

So get your 'right click and save' fingers ready...you'll need them.

Snix---Merriville JNaT '06

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Aw hell...I'm not gonna get any work done today with those pictures, am I? Unfortunately, I have to wait until I get home this evening to start saving...

And yes, I usually don't like pictures with the microphone near his face, but God, I love this one....


And this one makes me really smile....


Lord, I love that grin...


Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

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Oh. My. :blink:

I was going to copy and post a few incredible pictures from snix's Merriville album but there are too many...way too many. These are some of the most gorgeous, beautiful pictures I've seen. Period. He's so breathtaking....

gah. double gah. gah to infinity. :wub:

So get your 'right click and save' fingers ready...you'll need them.

Snix---Merriville JNaT '06

I can't breathe........ and I so want to do some heavy breathing after seeing those pictures!

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Aren't they amazing? There are so many I want to lick...er...look at over and over again. Really, really beautiful...special, captured moments, you know? I wish I knew this snix person so I could tell her how wonderful they are....

ETA: to continue with my fangirly gushing today....

Sitting here at work with ATDW playing while I do this and that. And when IYDKMBN started, I had to just stop what I was doing and listen. And these things came to mind:

1. Why the HELL wasn't THIS the single released to promote this CD? :angry:

2. He's going to simply kill us all in concert singing this. :blink:

That is all.

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I really don't think I can post one more time about how stories go from small to big when they get a lot of attention, the people who need to click each link will just go on doing it because their need to know trumps Clay getting less bad press and I will get trouted for being redundant, although these same people are redunant over and over and over and over (multiply by a million, I do have to get to bed.).

I just wanted to WORD this. I took a gander around a few sites today and was appalled that people are still feeling the need to engage the jackass who spread the Greensboro story around. In what world do they think it's helping Clay to egg the guy on? Oy.

Can't wait to get home and look at the pretties you guys are drooling over.

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Sorry I can't participate in the Clack evaluations. The sound isn't workin on my home computer, and I don't feel comfortable downloading and reviewing video on my computer at work. Have fun, though!

Lovely photos, ldyjocelyn!

BTW: Looks like Megan didn't make it. (Link below) Good thing Clay's performances were already aired. As they will be showing re-runs, perhaps we'll have one more chance to see him there.

NBCU Pulls Plug on Megan Mullally

The low-rated talk show’s staff was told Wednesday that production would cease immediately.

It will air through the end of January with a mix of originals and reruns, as had been scheduled.

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Well, my Wake Forest Demon Deacons didn't win yesterday, but it was a great game. And know who was part of the half time show?

Taylor Hicks...

and Gladys Knight.

Ok...so Taylor comes out and starts singing...can hardly hear the vocals through the whole song...his harmonica, using the same mic, seemed loud enough, but the vocals not so much....he did his usual gyrations and wild 'dancing' as he was moved by his music, I guess....then Gladys came out and sang with her usual class...still sounds great after all these years.

Odd...wonder if he got so.upset. with the sound man like Clay did after the Chicago AI concert oh-so-long ago..... :lol:

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Never mind old news all over the place already.

To distract you from me wasting this sapce, I was in the dog park and, be still my heart, saw a minature Holly. I t was my dog only much smaller. Turns out it was a just adopted puppy from a rescue group where the litter was abandoned, except this dog was friendly, liked dogs and loved to play. I could hardly believe it had the exact same markings as my dog, and I thought they were random markings. Too bad Holly chased after it barking it away from me.

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Poor Holly. Doesn't stand a chance in this world. She just needs to be loved Play. :):) She really sounds sweet, but hyper, but really sweet. I know I could love her. I love dogs more than cats (psss don't tell my cat Suzy that) but we can't have any dogs right now. They need to much attention and all that goes on my father. But believe me, Suzy (the cat) is spoiled rotten, but she is also self sufficient. Still does not like to be left alone though, strange.

The pictures, TO DIE FOR. I would not let Clay be Lover All Alone for anything (did those words slip out, whoops did it again (tm Britney)!!!! Got my inner voice must be coming out through my fingers. Oh well, it is out there, so be it. I would willing...... feel free to fill in the blanks ladies......


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this has nothing to do with nothing...but have any of you ever done the "Curves" thing--- a workout place for women? I ask because there's one close to my workplace and I'd be able to go during the day. Also two in my little town! Just wondered....

I used to go to Jazzercise and loved it....then I got a full time job and couldn't easily fit the limited class times into my work/life schedule...Curves doesn't have a set schedule--come/go anytime...no excuses... B) You know in 2003-2004 I lost 56 lbs! when I was really physically active and being smart about eating...in two years of a slippage back to a sedentary lifestyle and laziness about my food, I've regained 40 of those pounds. I'm tired of seeing who I see when I accidentally catch a glimpse ina mirror or when I'm getting dressed or putting on makeup or whatever.

I want to feel the way I did two years ago...I STILL had a lot to lose then but damned if I didn't feel good and much more confident about myself. Hey, CG Didn't we first meet in April or May or so of 2004? That would have been about the time I was reaching that 56 lb mark. sigh.

What does this have to do wtih Clay Aiken, you ask? Just about everything. I started my journey about the time that Clay sang to me on American Idol on my teevee....and once there was MOAM and downloads of his demo tapes and AI performances? Hell, I had those puppies on my iPod almost 24 hours a day---riding my bike, taking power walks...his voice and my falling in love with the man had me all revved up and motivated! :lol:

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Ok, I used to really like this show Friday Night Lights.

Used to.

Ok, maybe I still do but I am mad as hell at it now. :angry:

There is this one guy, a football quarterback who was paralyzed in a game. He's home now, still in a wheelchair.

He goes to a record store to buy a Nirvana CD he really likes. He had one but can't find it. He wheels his chair there 4 miles. While there he sees his girlfriend (who cheated on him with his best friend while he was in the hospital...) looking through CDs. He goes over to her and says "You can find Clay Aiken under A...". She laughs and then says "Well, I know he's your boyfriend." :angry: Then they continue a pithy jokefest about the quarterback marrying Clay and Ryan Seacrist officiating or something like that. :glare:

Funny, funny, funny. Only not.

I get so tired of "jokes" like that being on mainstream TV. This show is a critics darling. It is very well done, very well written. Its not trashy or crude. And still, they make gay jokes at Clay's expense.

I wonder if Clay was watching if he thought it was funny.....

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Ok, I used to really like this show Friday Night Lights.

(Sigh) And I used to like it, too, although I haven't watched it in a while.

Ah well, at least very few people are watching the show at all.

I hate these kinds of references, but it's water off a duck's back to me. These things happen, as they do to many celebrities. Not worth more than a moment of anger.

Though I probably won't be watching FNL again.

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I dunno..looking at the transcript from the CH via CV:

The football player who was injured and is in a wheel chair just ran in to his girlfriend in the record store. He was looking for his missing Nirvana cd.

FP: You can find Clay Aiken under A.

GF: Like he's not your BF.

FP: Hey! What Clay and I have is special, ok? America loves him and so do I. You just need to start respecting that.

GF: Well why don't you send me an invitation to the wedding?

FP: Well, I would but it's just going to be the two of us and - - - uh - a harpist - chuckle - and Ryan Seacrest is gonna perform the ceremony.

GF: Nice.

Looks like high school kids riffing...and avoids the "foaming homophobic Texas football player" stereotype too. No biggie.

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I dunno..looking at the transcript from the CH via CV:

The football player who was injured and is in a wheel chair just ran in to his girlfriend in the record store. He was looking for his missing Nirvana cd.

FP: You can find Clay Aiken under A.

GF: Like he's not your BF.

FP: Hey! What Clay and I have is special, ok? America loves him and so do I. You just need to start respecting that.

GF: Well why don't you send me an invitation to the wedding?

FP: Well, I would but it's just going to be the two of us and - - - uh - a harpist - chuckle - and Ryan Seacrest is gonna perform the ceremony.

GF: Nice.

Looks like high school kids riffing...and avoids the "foaming homophobic Texas football player" stereotype too. No biggie.

It wasn't that bad - this show is tasteful - but the clear indication IMO was that no guy would ever like Clay unless he were gay and the bit about the wedding made it seem it was assumed Clay was gay too.

I guess its that implied assumption and the snickering that annoyed me.

Maybe I am just too sensitive.

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muski, I did Curves for just over a year. I had never had an exercise program before, so it was a good way to get me started, and it got me in the habit of going to workout. Now, my husband and I are going to the gym connected with my workplace, and we motivate each other. Anyway, Curves uses machines that uses resistence, rather than weights. You work on a machine for 30 seconds, and then onto a mat to run in place for 30 seconds. Next machine, 30 seconds...and so on. I think there's 15 machines to a circuit, and each machine works a different part of the body. As I said, I liked it, but since my husband couldn't go with me....

As for FNL...*sigh*. My take on it is pretty much Jenna's:

I hate these kinds of references, but it's water off a duck's back to me. These things happen, as they do to many celebrities. Not worth more than a moment of anger.

I wish as a society we could get past the snickering about homosexuality, and also the implications that people should really CARE about other's sexuality. But, unfortunately, that's a long time coming. Doesn't mean I have to accept it though...I'll just not watch the show. (Like I did anyway....heh.)

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I have accepted that Clay is seen as gay by a lot of people. I also have accepted that he is a pop culture icon so he will be mentioned in a lot of shows like this.

I know it stings but we just gotta laugh about it and be amazed that he is being mentioned casually like this.

so on to organizing clack...sorry I wasn;t able to post about this earlier

I have some suggestions...

There aren't too many audio choices...so if we evaluate the videos and give both audio and video scores...we can probably find the best source of audio that we can rip.

I was thinking we give each piece of clack an audio and video ratings and performance description. For audio we are looking for clear audio with as little crowd noise at possible. With video ...we are looking at the steadiness and the perspective and lack of obstacles. In the performance. I think maybe we can just give short description...if there is some interesting flourish...or if he cracked or if it was nuanced...its really up to each rater. So Audio and video quality will be a ration from 1 to 5 and a short performance description.

then in the end we can say our favorite clip for each concert...and in the end we recommend top 3 among all the performance through the tour.

So the format could be...

TCS Waukegan...

spotlightlover..Audio...4; video5; performance...beuatiful and nuanced but a littel weak...


favorite Waukegan TCS...scarlett


top 3 TCS...




so this is just a suggestion...would this be too much work? any other suggestions?

So far we do not have volunteers for MCWL and SR...

I will set up the thread tomorrow where people can post their evaluations.

thanks again for joining this project.

oh I found a transcript of the FNL mention...I really don't think its too bad. The quarterback says america loves him and so do I...yeah a bit of gay referrence but its not a put down as far as I can see...they just took his gaynes for granted and I don't have a problem with that. Its just usual teasing among teens.


You can find Clay Aiken is under "A", laughs

Girlfriend replies: Like he’s not your boyfriend.

Boyfriend: Hey, what me and Clay and I have is special, OK. America loves him and so do I. Your just need to start respecting that. *laughing*

Girlfriend: Why don’t you send me an invitation to the wedding? *smiles*

Boyfriend: I would be it’s just going to be the two of us and a harpiest, *laugh* and Ryan Seacrest is going to perform the ceremony.

Girlfriend: Nice.

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Well I'm not going to watch the show to catch the context. It's a good show but on the verge of cancellation. At least they didn't say...his album sucks. LOL.

Now that would have pissed me off!

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So often when there is a serious discussion going on, I'm always a day late and a dollar short, this is no exception:

When it comes to Clay and conspiracy theories and not getting the promotion he should and RCA/Clive hates him, I've never thought I had enough information or knowledge of the business to put any validity to them. For example, I don't see where Ruben, Taylor or Fantasia got any more promotion than Clay did, so I'll just leave that there.

However, I do feel that the "media" has been harder on him than any other idol. They seem to be willing to pick up any story about him and report on it, as if it is fact. Now, sometimes this is good, I guess, it keeps his name out there, but a lot of times it is not. It is becoming a commonly held belief that he is a "diva" when some of the reports of diva like behavior have been by people with their own agenda and other reports of him being angry or upset came after incidents when, as a professional performer he had reason to be upset. Even fans making comments about the coke machine incident during the Chicago AI concert. His knocking on the coke machine, saying "hello" seemed pretty mild to me.

Then there's the DJ guy who reported that Clay was a "diva", because he didn't want to be photographed at rehersal in his PJs and hair not done. Those at the concert said this guy gave Clay several standing Os but I never heard about any retraction of the "diva" statement or any other positive report given by this guy.

The media seems to focus on any negative story about Clay, stories that would be non stories if they were someone else. It's like, because he had this nice guy image, they really want to report anything that tarnishes the "nice guy" and it doesn't matter if it is true or not. We can even look at the Ripa incident, there are many out there who saw some of the follow up reporting and know that Ripa did the same thing and others had put their hands over her mouth and she didn't object, but unfortunately many more probably saw several of the other reports, where Clay was called a "jerk" and was described as rude. Not one of the follow up reports really delved into Kelly's behavior much at all (the very unprofessional rant that started the whole thing.)

I guess I would have to put music critics in the "media" category. If there is/was any conspiracy afloat in this album cycle maybe that's it. How could so many critics hate this CD. It was like they took out there dictionaries and looked for as many hateful decriptives as possible to put down this CD. Why??? Sure it's a covers album, but they didn't stop there. It was almost like each was trying to out do the other.

So while I agree with much that has been said about Clay, how he handles adversity with a determination to come back better than ever, the sad thing is, most of the adversity he shouldn't have had to handle at all.

I hope I am not coming off too negative with my post, I will tell you, I don't go looking for negative articles, I don't do google alerts, most articles I've read, have been posted right on main boards, I just can't give the media a pass. Being a Clay Aiken fan has caused me to question the validity of just about everything I read and watch that is reported as news.

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You know, after thinking about it, I think this is just another example of RCA/Clive's evil plan. I mean, we all know they were behind the whole gay thing anyway. But see this - this was just flaunting the lack of promotion in his face.

Why you might ask??? Well because RCA/Clive missed an ideal opportunity to promote ATDW when they didn't have either character hold up a copy of the CD for all to see and/or for not having ATD or one of the songs playing prominently in the background.

So evil RCA/Clive got a two-fer here - perpetuationg the gay joke AND blatently not promoting the CD!

My god they are evil! :ph34r:

<The above post was once again brought to you by Snark Are Us.>

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Oh I'm with you Atinal...the media sucks. But I just think we see everything..we are inundated with stories about Clay while meanwhile most folks won't see more than a mention here or there mixed up with all their other celebrity news. And really, his diva stories are mild. And you're not negative at all. I still go by the mama test. If she's heard about it, it's more or less hit mainstream. But rarely does she hear the same story about Clay more than once. She never heard about sewell or the cockroach stuff earlier this year. She doesn't read tabloids but watches tabloidy tv. She didn't hear about the All is Well melt down. My brother in law of all people brought up the fact that he's friends with Pee Wee. Even though I don't know if it's the case, I just said...all lies. Heee. I don't even know why it ticked me off..but he got defensive and said it wasn't negative.

Oh and Play you didn't take down your post about Clay falling out of the top 200. 5 out of 6 days this is the only place I read. Not going online during the day makes a lot of difference in the amount of time I have for message board reading.

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BWAH claygasm

atinal...I truly understand where you are coming from. I do not give the media a pass...they are lazy and irrelevant and sensationalistic. What I am saying is that they do not treat Clay any meaner than other celebrities. I was just watching much music(canadian version of MTV) and they had this feature ...overrated in 2006...and they had these different people talking about these artists. Everyone was lambasted...the things that these peopel were saying were just downright mean. no one was spared really...Justin timberlake, Christina, Kelly, Nelly furtado...I realize that this is just the way media is today. Celebrities are always fair game for ridicule and the bigger they are the more dirt the media likes to throw at them, and the more dirt they look for as well.

I also think that the reason we get all the negative stories about Clay is because fans search them out and report them even when they are truly obscure. The mention by the detroit guy...thats on a local affiliate and I bet we wouldn't be aware of it if it was not reported on the boards. So I don't think he gets more negative mention than other celebrities we are just more attuned to him.

I do think he gets more mentions in general over all the other idols. Kelly and Carrie may have a lot of radio play and selling records...but the media are not making a big deal of their every move. I think this is basically because of Clay has the strongest personality and the most interesting of the idols, therefore he also gets more media attention both good and bad.

When it comes to reviews...I think Clay gets all the bad reviews because a lot of people in the industry feel he got his adualtion not for his music but for his personality or what they think he stands for, for his fans. I also think a lot fo people in the industry are aware that he is talented so they tend to be harder on him cos of higher expectations. I remember someone gave Paris Hilton's cd a good review because it didn't stink as much as they thought it would so its all relative. I think the industry is really watching to see what Clay will do...and so far they don't think his projects have lived up to the potential. That is what I am seeing as the theme in most ATDW reveiws...that he went safe ... and nothing really new.

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Hey - hope I'm not being a PITA, ansa, but I didn't sign on to rate video. I've already posted my feelings about that today. I admire those who evaluate video, but I cringe at the thought of doing it myself. I really don't want to rate every single audio clip either. I've already created mp3s from the videos of my two songs to use for evaluation purposes (in addition to the audio clack)--there are a total of 64 for AIW and 56 for CW and there's still clack coming in. My preference would be to pick the top audio clips for each song and rate those, including my "top of the top" pick/s.

I know there have been board projects, and even individual projects in the past (like spotlightlover's) that were very, very thorough, but the vast majority of people just want a CD of what someone says are the best versions, and a place to go to download it. That's what I had in mind, not a comprehensive evaluation of every piece of clack. Am I bad?? :(

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