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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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Ahhhh...I love to hear crazy Clay stories because then I remember...I'm sane after all. heh. You blizzard drivers...don't know how you did it. I'm from California..you know where when it sprinkes people lose their minds on the roads.

Welcome Kiermar...waves to Atinal and YSRN!!

Scarlett, was it you that took the big boobie picture in New Hampshire? My hard drive crashed and I lost everything. I think you also sent me some pictures from Atlantic City? This may be an impossible mission but can I beg for those? Take a few years!!

Ah Muski...sniff

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Ah, good times, good times. So many, too.

I've spent a weekend with my younger daughter for the most part. We needed that too, since she and I have been butting heads a lot lately. (The blonde one you see in those pictures seems to be in a 'bonding' phase with Mom and I'm lovin' it, all at the same time knowing it won't last forever...) So it was Carrie who went with me to see Dreamgirls...On the way my cell phone rang---or more accurately, Clay sang "Everything I Do...", and she groaned and said, "Oh, MOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM, you've GOT to be KIDding me!"

Of course, I just started singing along quite loudly. heh.

My weekend has been strangely devoid of Clay except for my visits to the boards. The only time I've listened to him was while I was cleaning the downstairs.

Also, I've been skimming all the really long posts and wanderings down memory lane by some posters on other boards...realizing how long it's been since I've written a nonfiction piece about Clay and/or my membership in this fandom. Real life, fiction writing, and laziness are all responsible...well, that and my choosing to watch television or do nothing when those things aren't factors! :medium-smiley-070:

So...the anniversary of "Take" draws to a close and you know what I say? I say....pffft!

I swear this is the truth. Every single day is an anniversary for me when it comes to this man. He has changed my life and it just keeps being changed. So maybe I'll just pick some random day in the future and write a long, reflective tome about the specialness of that particular nothing day---and why I'm thankful for Clay Aiken...all that he is and all that he brings.

Goodnight, friends. :allgood: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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HEEEE - spoiler alert - I am watching Sunday Morning and they are discussing studies that prove that there is dirty desk discrimination, but that employees with messy dewsks are 35% more efficient and that the higher the salary, the messier the desk - now I know what my problem is!

They end with a quote - "if a cluttered desk is an example of a cluttered mind, what then is an empty desk a symbol of?"

AT LAST, I am justified!

Yay! There is hope for me yet. My desk and and the whole area around is... not neat. Definitely not neat.


Clay definitely had me at "Take". Sure, I also thought he was one of the bad ones when he walked in the room, but the second he started singing, I knew I had misjudged. I was totally fascinated and after he sang "Open Arms", I was on the internet searching for any information. I found a site where some guy was posting realplayer clips of the performances and I watched them over and over. I couldn't seem to get enough of him. And, apparently, I am still just as fascinated by him even four years later. Who knew?


Tomorrow at noon (Pacific time) on Rose Radio I will be playing the songs I am adding to the playlist. This week I'm adding Clay's "Everytime You Go Away". Some of the other tracks are by John Stevens, Carrie Underwood, Kellie Pickler and Taylor Hicks. Also tracks by Marty Casey (runner-up to Rockstar:INXS), Roisin Murphy and O-Zone. Definitely an eclectic mix!

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Luckiest1... what does your siggy mean...I've been meaning to ask for weeks!

Hee! I've been waiting for someone to figure it out.....it's my new license plate. I ordered it for my birthday. Who wants to guess? (ldyjocelyn, you are disqualified since I already told you! :P )


I figured it would be less painful than getting it tattooed on my body. ;)

So, it seems as though I've met many of y'all at one concert or another. I'm not the kind to dive into the middle of a conversation, so I guess I'm not very memorable. But Scarlett, I distinctly remember introducing myself to you at the restaurant in Interlochen. Heh, I almost typed "last year" but it's been longer than that, hasn't it?

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Luckiest1... what does your siggy mean...I've been meaning to ask for weeks!

Hee! I've been waiting for someone to figure it out.....it's my new license plate. I ordered it for my birthday. Who wants to guess? (ldyjocelyn, you are disqualified since I already told you! :P )


I figured it would be less painful than getting it tattooed on my body. ;)

Shoot. I was hoping I'd win a cookie or something autographed by Clay! Heh. Anyway, I love this license plate...and I'll let you all know that I got most of it without luckiest1 even telling me!

Man, y'all who've done the "driving in blizzards to see Clay" have my respect. As most of you know, I DIDN'T try this a few months ago, even though I could have tried it. For me, it was the fact that I would have been driving a minimum of 3 hours by myself, and as much as it killed me to miss that first Christmas show, I know it was for the best. Besides, I was rewarded the next night with the most awesome AIW...

But sitting in the rain? Yep, I'd do that one. I wouldn't have cared if I had gotten pneumonia the next week...

Man, it's Monday. The beginning of another work week. I'm not sure if I can face my messy desk today or not....

Welcome kiermar!

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Luckiest1... what does your siggy mean...I've been meaning to ask for weeks!

Hee! I've been waiting for someone to figure it out.....it's my new license plate. I ordered it for my birthday. Who wants to guess? (ldyjocelyn, you are disqualified since I already told you! :P )


I figured it would be less painful than getting it tattooed on my body. ;)

Shoot. I was hoping I'd win a cookie or something autographed by Clay! Heh. Anyway, I love this license plate...and I'll let you all know that I got most of it without luckiest1 even telling me!

I for some reason assumed it was a line from an eye charge. Now I have to figure out what it means? Oh no.

Man, y'all who've done the "driving in blizzards to see Clay" have my respect. As most of you know, I DIDN'T try this a few months ago, even though I could have tried it.

I would never have gone TO a concert in that kind of weather--it was coming back that the snow was so bad, and really, only until we were already on the road. It wasn't forecasted, at least as far as I know. Blizzard is relative as well--it wasn't anything like that storm y'all had.

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I so thoroughly enjoyed yesterday's conversation. It distracted me all day and I didn't pul my laundry out of the dryer until after 10PM.

So last night I figuratively took purple ink to the rules of FCA. When we made them up we used guidelines from other boards but after seeing how FCA has developed I laughed at a lot of them. So I went through last night and basically took out half of the junk. Did you know there was supposed to be 2 emoticons per post. heee. It's all about fun and respect, for Clay and for each other. One of these days that line will probably be the only rule.

Happy Monday!

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Did I mention that I drove through a freaking blizzard? Though the very dark Pocono Mountains? It did stop when I passed the mountains, but then there was rain. And fog. And more rain. And then sleet. I was so happy when I finally got home at 2:00 a.m.

Hee. I did that too. Shadylil and I were driving back together and she decided it was safer to take a back road because there was so much traffic and conditions were so bad on the highway. We couldn't see shit. There were no lights on the road at all, and whiteout conditions, and no shoulder to pull off on. My job was to sit right in front of the windshield and peer out and let her know when I thought we might be going off the road. We played Clay and sang along, and went about 20-30 MPH. Somehow we made it.

Hee! I did that too! IT was snowing so hard and the wind was blowing so hard, I swear the car was moving backwards! I couldn't see the sides of the road so even if I wanted to pull off I couldn't tell where I could do that. I couldn't believe I was driving in those conditions, very late at night. My friend who I was with and I had only met a couple of weeks before. I think that became a bonding experience for us!

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DOes driving from Northern Iowa to Chicago in December and standing outside for hours in the dark and freezing cold just to shake that hand for a couple seconds and get a book autographed, and going to a concert then driving back to Iowa right afterwards count as crazy???

I didnt think so!!!

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In celebration of COuchie lifting the emoticon limit (actually, I think it was there because of bandwidth and using on-site emoticons - not photobucket ones!)message51.gif

I take it there was no rule about taunting other posters chicken in any of the rules?

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Did you know there was supposed to be 2 emoticons per post

Hmmm....I'm already having serious emoticon withdrawal at the CH when I think about posting there. No wonder there's so much miscommunication and misinterpretation! Those little emoticons pack a wallop of information! :medium-smiley-070: (I have no idea what that smiley guy's message is, by the way.) I'm trying to think of the craziest travel or thing I've done for my Clay fix.

You mean besides scheduling business trips to 'coincide' with his concerts all over the freaking country? Or rationalizing a trip to Long Island to see him 'since I'll be in Miami on business anyway' and then having my teenager fly to JFK by herself to go with me before spending a few days in NYC spending money we have even less of now that my mom's new residence is costing thousands and then taking said daughter to her FIRST encounter---up close and personal---with a POSSE of my Clay friends, most whom I'd never met in person before?

Now that I read that over, I'm sure that wouldn't qualify as crazy, so never mind. :rolleyes:

At a coffee house waiting for a doctor's appt. later to check out my eye---just took Mom to the beauty shop to get a permanent. Woman at desk at the senior residence said she had a fit a couple of days ago---yelled at them and cried over money. We keep a 'trust' fund there, the residents just go to the desk and ask for some of their money when they need it (instead of having to deal with banks, etc.)...Mom gets pissed when they won't let her have a lot at the same time. She forgets that she just got some the day before, etc. This woman said that the mail carrier has brought fruit and yogurt that Mom evidently left in her mailbox, as well as her wallet. Mom doesn't remember doing that and gets really upset and ANGRY if I try to explain why the people at the desk won't just give her whatever amount of money she wants whenever she wants it. She tells me, "You don't know what you're talking about. You don't know what really goes on. That's their story. Now let me tell you mine." Then she goes on again...

I don't know how long she'll be able to stay there. This is only an assisted living place, not a place for real dementia care.

This is not fun.

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It's pretty long for an acronym.


Clay's My Elvis

Wheeeeee! You got it! And guess what? My shiny new plates were waiting for me on the counter when I got home from work tonight! They are soooooo pretty. :hubbahubba:

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Clay's UNICEF videos on Yahoo Answers.

Sniff. :wub:

That goes double for me. The montage video with him touring Uganda, and his simple "thank you" at the end of it....




Damn it...now I'm lusting over him instead of crying. I think I now have whiplash. How the heck/hell can he do that?

He's one amazing man.

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Damn it...now I'm lusting over him instead of crying. I think I now have whiplash. How the heck/hell can he do that?

He's one amazing man.


Thank goodness you said that because I was feeling guilty for lusting after him while others cried!

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