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# 8 My titanium balled, taking his life into his big hands,


Thread Title Poll  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • I really look forward to hearing Clay bring a sexy Moon River back
    • All this talk of Moon River has made pour a nice glass of red wine, curl up on my sofa with Waldo
    • It makes your girl parts vibrate
    • The board of easy women
    • It's just that Clay's world is so much more than us. So much more than fans and concert dates and venue choices and juvenile exchanges on his fan site. He's just so much more.
    • He's just so much more.
    • He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.
    • They have not fallen down on their knees and kissed his lily white ass!

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What you are missing Clagasm is the fun of watching the back tracking after someone has been taken to task and it is found out they are a member of the board under a different name - that is really quite amusing to see people take things back. Pretty much on every board - peoplethink they havethe best people - except in the OFC, heh, heh. I periodically take board breaks when some posts start getting to me - Hockey gate, Kathy Griffithgate and Covergate come to mind of times when I have run screaming from different boards. - Yup, pretty much every board thinks they are the bestsest one, or why would you belong? I am kind of like Groucho Marx when he was talking about segregated country clubs and he said he has no desire to join any club that would have him as a member, except not, hee.

OK, I admit it, I lambast people occaisionally, but I really try and reig=n it in now - I said things at the beginning ofthe fandom that I regret now, especially in the heat of the competition during AI2 - I like really owe an apology to Josh Gracin fans for laughing at the constipation jokes.

I like a middle ground where fans can do fan things, but not interfer in Clay's personal life or business dealings - am very impressed with the way fans have worked with BAF, but of course, some go overboard.

As to the Kimmel Virgin thing - I thought it was set up specifically because of Kimmel, just handled a little weirdly. People have held space before - mabe there should be a limit to how many spaces you can hold - but I think people in line need to work that out themselves. I think it was suppposed to be that you could attend both, but with the way the Kimmel oversells the shows, it is an issue. I say bring it up and fight it out at the OFC - of course some people believe rules and agreements do not apply to them looks around suspiciously, but if you feel taht way, bring it out in the open.

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Ncgurrl, don't zip up too fast. I think I speak for everyone when I say that your point of view is welcome here, as are friendly disagreements. My personal opinion is that the boards would benefit from letting some disagreements continue a bit more than they do, although the endless repeating of the same points gets nowhere, and the seemingly inevitable nastiness doesn't help, so who knows? At any rate, you made some good points, and I am glad to see that you posted and that we're having a good discussion about this.

I don't think the Lamb lady is all that, but I think the whole battle over PR is soooooo tedious. Frankly, there isn't an "expert" on the boards that I would hire if I needed someone to do PR for me. A couple of ventures the "experts" were involved in ended up pretty badly, IMO. Remember "CLAYMANIA: "Idol" Star's Tour Buoyed by Old Ladies"? A bevy of "experts" who thought they could control the message got completely blindsided with that one. Up until then, there was a lot of criticism of Clay himself and the way he handled interviews, but I think that experience made some realize just how hard it is to control the message the media puts out.

I find that the conversations about PR on certain boards tend to be pretty one-sided and kind of pretentious. No one who works for Clay is good enough, no other fan-based initiative is good enough, only certain board pundits are good enough--it gets pretty tiresome and, frankly, it does come off sometimes as petty jealousy. Some fans seem to think that no one could do the job better than they. In that environment, the Lamb lady can become an unlikely and possibly undesirable alternative. So, I'm not in love with the Lamb lady myself, but I can understand why she's being praised, because IMO people are just plain tired of the punditry and endless pontificating about how Clay's career should be run. As atinal pointed out, there was a lot of praise for that PEOPLE interview until the Lamb lady posted about her involvement.

I agree with atinal. I think fans should stay the hell out of Clay's business and let him run his own career. I understand that speculation can be fun and interesting, but a line was crossed with the whole issue of ATDW and I don't think we can ever go back to the way it used to be. It was implied that fans would be doing Clay's will if they denounced the idea of covers, and that in turn lead to wholesale denigration of the album itself. Some genuinely don't like it, and I have no problem with that, but some put it down because they feel that it is their duty as fans to do so, that it's best for Clay's career if they do so, and that bugs the shit out of me. If asked specifically about the album, they'll admit that they love it, but that seldom gets expressed in the furor over the "mandate". Personally, I'm of the opinion that this initiative has backfired and has actually harmed Clay's career more than most of those who are constantly posting their hate for RCA realize. And there are a lot of sheep-like folks on the boards who have formed their opinions solely on the basis of what certain fan experts say, because they don't think for themselves very well. The end result is, IMO, not good. Fan wank has been spread into the media, and has become "truth" in the same way that Frog wank did--that pisses me off.

Personally, I don't think it's a good idea for a fan to write press releases and send them out willy-nilly. This one was put out there, it's over. It doesn't look like any harm came from it, in fact maybe some good came of it. Actually, I think it's best to stay out of Clay's business, and let Clay's people do what Clay's people are being paid to do. Clay usually asks for our help when he wants it, like to help save his favorite TV show for instance. Ha

Extrapolation is part of this fandom and it can be fun, but only when it stays extrapolation and doesn't get presented as fact. I do not think anyone at any board has any more of a valid opinion than anyone else. Why? Because none of us, to the best of my knowledge, are in Clay's inner circle. None of as, as far as know, are a part of Clay's management team. None of us, I believe, even really know Clay! So no matter what board you come from, bottom line is you don't KNOW diddly!

Well said, both of you!!

So no, I'm not cheering the Lamb lady on, but I'm not cheering any other interfering fans on either.

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WOW so many great posts that I think anything else I will say will be rather redundant....WORD to all of you.

Ncgurrl...glad you posted. I always enjoy a spirited discussion...

I respect your right to question this woman's motivation. However...as I read through your list of what you consider to be her offenses ...I still don't see any reason why this woman's efforts shouldn't be acknowledged and I don't see a reason why I should personally care that she did all that. I just think all your complaints stem from a history with the woman and it has become personal between her and some fans. As far as I'm concerned... the sixdegrees project was good because the money all goes to TBAF...and it earns TBAF an extra 10K from Kevin Bacon. If you can show me how this person can perpetuate a fraud with this money...then I think there is legitimate worry. But wether her motivation is to get Clay's attention or get BAF a big chunk of money...the result is still very good for Clay and the BAF.

I also think that since this is her project....it just makes sense that SHE writes the press release. I also don't think she did this willynilly...she sent this press release to TBAF and it was approved by Aron...in essence that means that they thought about it and saw nothing that can hurt BAF or Clay ...so why should I worry about that.

With regards to the quality of the press release...I can't really say cos as long as it presented facts and got the message across then thats ok with me. Couchie mentioned the press release for the last CD release party...I totally agree with her. I wouldn't be too proud of that press release cos I thought it was actually more damaging to Clay. That first sentence claiming the fans aim to propel CLay to number one...made me cringe and frankly very embarrassed because it seem to comfirm what haters say that Clay's fans buy his way to the charts. I thought the emphasis was supposed to be on his music and his voice...but that line made it seem like the fans just have soemthing to prove. So to me...I would rather have the six degrees press release...than that CD release party press release that was not only damaging but dry, boring and very business like...when it should be about fun.

I have to give special :F_05BL17blowkiss: to CG....I have to admit that I have been feeling the same way even if I am a part of one of the so called "elite boards"...Its sad that we can't really just celebrate Clay and each other. There just has to be people that feel they have to control the mindset and the image of the fandom and Clay as well. It seems like they can't be satisfied with who we really are and who Clay really is. I don't know...maybe they just want to be cool and we all are not cool enough or something. I personally think being cool is totally overrated.

now off to read the final chapter...

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Let's see if I can get this done in the ten minutes I have left of my lunch. Claygasm, wow what a post. And this is the kind of thing I've always been interested in. Now I come on the other side of the equation so my feelings are probably very different. First of all, I was one of those people that belonged to lots of boards. Started off on TWoP, read all the major boards in the beginning, as well as some rather small and rather large Yahoo groups. I kinda floated until The Clackhouse was born and after that slowly gave up participating in all the other boards because I felt most at home at CH and it had everything that I needed.

I have seen CH members say that folks from other boards look at them in a "your're from that board" funny kind of way. I have never in my life had that experience. I have always loved meeting folks from other boards so always talked and chatted at concerts with Clay fans I didn't really know. Also, being from the Bay Area we have so many interboardal gatherings that I just feel at one with Clay Nation.

I guess I was in a fog for a long time because I didn't know there was a waiting list for the CH for about 1 1/2 years after it started? I truly didn't. And I didn't really know that it was considered closed off and elitest by some because of that until someone explained to me what they went through being on the waiting list for almost 3 years..

I don't think one board is better than any other. They all offerent things but from the inside I can't say what my home projects. I have no problem listening though. Even this board, when some consider us mean. I don't feel that way at all. I just feel free to say what's in my head because the rules are different here. I'm pretty sure my view of other boards would really differ from those that belong though.

I've always said there is a home out there for everybody. I do worry about the youngsters we want so much in this fandom. THere are few places for them. And even boards that tried to be G rated for the chillren was kind made fun of and criticized back in the day. I'm not going to lie, I ate my popcorn and watched the night TTC imploded. I'm glad to know it's still moving on and doing fine out of the glare of being one of the biggest boards.

From experience I've had, every party I've attended I've just always felt good vibes from good people that love Clay. It will be interesting to see how things go on this next touring leg. But that's my perspective from the inside of one of the major boards.

I enjoy Clayversity also but it's so big and overwhelming. I could never keep up. So I go there for specific things. Same with the Clayboard.

In a way I think I do understand because you know how the CH was originally the PROC on TWoP. Even though I was there from the beginning I never felt the PROC welcoming. I may be the only one at the CH who has been there from the very beginning that actually separates CH from the PROC. I thought PROC was elitiest and every time I hear back in the good old days (see I said I hated that yesterday) -- even though I was there in the good old days, it gets my back up. Weird, I know. I'm strange that way. It's the hallowed history but to me CH was born on the days the CH opened its doors. TWoP and the EZ board - that's my history too but it's not precious history to me..

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Interesting perspectives ....

I personally find the state of the fandom sad.

At the end of every single day for the past year..it has been all about THEM, not Clay.

And THEY KNOW who THEY are..

An interesting news week in respect to Clay's career. :allgood:

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OH, I have had someone come up to me and then give me a look and back away when I said I was from the Clackhouse - I followed her and talked to her and she said she was suerprised that I talked nicely about Clay - I told her a few posts and a few people do not make a board - that you have to realize the just because some people post more often does not mean they represent the board more or that everyone agrees with them. We ended the night as friends and she said that she would not feel so strongly about members of certain boards anymore - so that was probably a good thing. She was a Clayboard member who felt that her baord was made fun of - I told her I was a member there and then started to list off other people who are members there as well and she recognized a lot of names and realized she liked a lot of people.

But, yes, there is a scary reputation among some people.

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:ilovemypc::bravo:Claygasm :bravo:atinal :bravo:jmh123 :bravo: To all the wonderful articulate spot on posts. OMG. :andthetruth::nothingtoadd: Because I never thought I would see the day that my thoughts and feelings would be expressed and so eloquently. :clap::da_best:

Perfect. Thank you. After finally finishing my story, I'm not quite in the mood to try to present an articulate discussion of this subject, but now I don't have to. You guys have said it all. And I'll add my 'amen' to this from Ansa's great commentary on the CD release press release:

I thought the emphasis was supposed to be on his music and his voice...but that line made it seem like the fans just have soemthing to prove
I remember that at the time I was appreciative of the work and time that went into all the organizing and even the writing, etc. But I have to admit I was never really a fan of the end product.

And to add to Couchie's treatment of CG's point on elitist attitudes/perceptions of boards, I'd say that I've always thought that message board communities remind me of my high school days. When I graduated from high school and saw huge groups going to the same colleges, people would say, "No one else is going to the college you are! You won't know anybody!" as if that were just the most horrendous scenario evah! *g*...I, on the other hand, couldn't wait to get away from the cruel and exclusionary environment of the cliques and in crowds and bullies. I WANTED to be where those people weren't.

I'd never even known about message boards before Clay. I've migrated from one to a second to a third and now, after two and half years on a wait list...a fourth. And you know what? Except for THIS board, I've sensed and felt that exclusionary, elitist and not-quite-good-enough energy at them all. Three out of four. Now that could mean that the problem lies with ME and not the board (like my favorite Yogi Berra saying: Wherever you go, there you are. heh). Or it could mean that there's some unfortunate reality to my perception.

In the end, though, no one forces me to participate in any board, so I maintain that I control my happiness with my fandom involvement. :allgood:

Edited by muskifest
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Excellent , tell it like it posts and assessments, folks. And Muski, I really here ya on the "sorority" atmosphere that can sometimes prevail.

Just for laughs, where I went to school, UCSC, there were no fraternities or sororities so just for shits and grins we made up some silly ones like:

Delta Ki (my personal favorite)

Phelta Thi

Pigma Sty

Our intramural dorm ball teams had silly names like "The Cunning Linguists" ( hence my descriptive at CH) and my favorite "The Nads". The best part was the cheer, of course. "Go, Nads, go!"

And yes, the fandom should be fun, fun, fun!

"Life is a banquet and most poor sons of bitches are starving to death!"-

the late, great Mame Dennis. :allgood:

I wonder what Tony Bennett would've thougt of BF singing Mack the Knife or anything.

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I wonder what Tony Bennett would've thougt of BF singing Mack the Knife or anything.

Oh, yes, Diva darling! I ached to hear Clay sing the songs this year's group of...er....singers tackled. And while Michael Buble was reeling all over the stage, his voice sounding the weakest I've ever heard it, I could only groan at the thought of seeing Clay up there with his tux---white shirt unbuttoned and little bowtie untied and hanging down and....


and those hands stroking the mic stand and fingers grabbing the head of it to bring it close to those luscious lips so that we could hear that absolutely orgasmic (or it would've been had it been Clay singing it) last, LOW note.


Add to that the inevitable eyefuck and wide-legged stance?


Edited by muskifest
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I wonder what Tony Bennett would've thougt of BF singing Mack the Knife or anything.

Oh, yes, Diva darling! I ached to hear Clay sing the songs this year's group of...er....singers tackled. And while Michael Buble was reeling all over the stage, his voice sounding the weakest I've ever heard it, I could only groan at the thought of seeing Clay up there with his tux---white shirt unbuttoned and little bowtie untied and hanging down and....


and those hands stroking the mic stand and fingers grabbing the head of it to bring it close to those luscious lips so that we could hear that absolutely orgasmic (or it would've been had it been Clay singing it) last, LOW note.


Add to that the inevitable eyefuck and wide-legged stance?


oh yea...I really want to hear Clay tackle big band...we saw him do Mack the Knife, I really want some cole porter.

I really thought Micheal Buble seemed drunk last night. I am very familiar with that song and I thought he was mixing up the lyrics all over the place. I read somewhere that he often tries to mimick the ratpack behavior...but that looked like such a mess...and his voice is nowhere near as good ans Harry Connick Jr.

I want to hear a tony bennett Clay duet...

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Interesting perspectives ....

I personally find the state of the fandom sad.

At the end of every single day for the past year..it has been all about THEM, not Clay.

And THEY KNOW who THEY are..

An interesting news week in respect to Clay's career. :allgood:

Isn't that the truth lightmyfire? It's all about attention whores, fame whores, who has the best info and an inside source. People with huge egos and agendas. People here just to get noticed and create their own little fanclub for themselves. They aren't here FOR Clay. They USE Clay, to get themselves noticed because it is all about them at the end of the day. And as someone stated above the boards are full of easily manipulated fans, who either can't or won't think for themselves, that hang on to every word some of these so called Experts, and know it alls, say. Blind little sheep minions who follow them around and high five them. The damage that has been done to Clay's ATDW, and his own board, in particular, just makes my blood boil. :angry22:

When they are proved wrong we get the usual comments of "Things change all the time in this business." "It's all just part of being a fan and that's what fans do, speculate." Bullshit. There is speculating and there is crossing that line as someone above mentioned, and boy has this fandom done it's share of crossing the line. I think it is about time fans get back to being fans and leaving the rest to team Clay. You know what is even more sad, to me? Watching these same people, who have created all this damage for Clay, his board, his career, this last year, now act as if they never did anything wrong. Like nothing happened. After brow beating the fandom with their conspiracy crap for the last year and playing taps to Clay's ATDW and hurting his career, they want to change their tune. After it is now obvious that Clay is still with RCA and isn't going to be that rocker dude, they would like for everyone to forget what they did. Forget the people they have run off and the damage they have done to the morale of the fan base. They think their sins can be erased by now just making positive posts. Back peddle and jump on the raise money for BA/F wagon. Anything to make themselves look good in Clay's eyes and to be all innocent. Sorry but they are not innocent and Clay knows it. They fool no one.

Clay is privy to lots of boards. He knows what his fans are really up to and what they do. End of rant..........

muskifest, where are your stories?

Those pics of Clay are just divine. Diva I wanted to Bwahaa your Claymydia comment. That was soooo clever and funny. :cryingwlaughter:

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4 things:

1) KAndre -- us bad? Are you kidding? We're so bad we're good! Good luck in Vegas -- play some nickel slots for me, OK?

2) Just gotta say that the discussion today has been right-f**kin'-on. That is all.

3) Sorry to hear about Buble being so bad last night. I do like him, and don't mind his "schtick" at all -- but everyone I've heard from today says he was just BAAAAAD. Therefore, I'll just imagine Clay singing a standard or two to me, and I'll be in my happy place.

4) Just gotta quote bottlecap here, just 'cause....*g*

Sorta, kinda like this?


Plus, some nu skool hawtness.


Best Hair EVER!


Oh crappity crap crap -- I didn't want to read that news about Nokia. Crappity crap crap.

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The thing is...I am not one of those fans that think Clay is better than anybody. But this week I deliberately stayed up late or watch something in order to see Josh Groban and Micheal Buble...I tried to be objective. But I was disappointed by both of them.

I don't know if Michael was just off...or this is his usual performance style...but I truly didn't see anything special about his voice. With Josh...yikes...his voice is just so boring...I found it nasally and he really does not look good singing...he does not look into the camera...he looks far into the distance so very little connection with the audience.

I can;t help but think that Clay would've been better. Its too bad...cos I woudl love to see him on DWTS and AI.

oh my word...just love this


I think what makes this look work for me is that it highlights Clay;s best features...his eyes, his nose, his cheekbones, his lips...sigh. His air looks so lush and touchable...

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Have a good evening ladies. I need to go out and cover my Peony bushes. It is going to get down in the 20's. We always get one late cold snap. Usually, though, we get it by the end of March and not in April. My peony bushes are loaded with buds and I don't want to lose them. Carry on.....How about some good smut conversation. Calling muskifest :cryingwlaughter:

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Hey, I don't purchase air fare until a month before the show - really, why buy it now? You can cancel a hotel - but this whole airfare thing - nope, not yet.

We were working on getting a van though to travel in. But 8 hours is a lot!

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I think it is about time fans get back to being fans and leaving the rest to team Clay. You know what is even more sad, to me? Watching these same people, who have created all this damage for Clay, his board, his career, this last year, now act as if they never did anything wrong. Like nothing happened. After brow beating the fandom with their conspiracy crap for the last year and playing taps to Clay's ATDW and hurting his career, they want to change their tune.

Just WORD. To your whole post, but especially this.

I really hope they sort out the Dallas/Tulsa problems soon. I can understand how nerve wracking it must be if you've already made travel plans. Right now my group is planning to drive to all our concerts. So I did a quick count this morning, and it looks like we now know about 18 of them. Only 2 more to be announced? Dare I still hope for Toronto?

Hee, I remembered a couple of cool things that happened in NC outside of the gala. The first day we were there (Friday) we went to a Chik-Fil-A straight from arriving at the Raleigh-Durham airport. I was wearing my BAF/Krispy Kreme t-shirt. The girl who served me took one look at my shirt and gushed "I love your shirt. I love anything to do with Clay Aiken and his foundation!" So I ate my lunch, and then remember I had a homemade DVD out in the van, in my suitcase, so I ran out and got it and took it to her at the counter. She screamed, and ran around the counter to give me a big squishy hug. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Then, when we were waiting in the Raleigh-Durham airport to come home on Tuesday, they must have paged "Jimmy Kimmel" six times. :cryingwlaughter: We were wondering if maybe Clay was using it as an alias.......

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:ilovemypc::bravo:Claygasm :bravo:atinal :bravo:jmh123 To all the wonderful articulate spot on posts. OMG. :andthetruth::nothingtoadd: Because I never thought I would see the day that my thoughts and feelings would be expressed and so eloquently. :clap:

Perfect. Thank you. After finally finishing my story, I'm not quite in the mood to try to present an articulate discussion of this subject, but now I don't have to. You guys have said it all. And I'll add my 'amen' to this from Ansa's great commentary on the CD release press release:

I thought the emphasis was supposed to be on his music and his voice...but that line made it seem like the fans just have soemthing to prove
I remember that at the time I was appreciative of the work and time that went into all the organizing and even the writing, etc. But I have to admit I was never really a fan of the end product.

And to add to Couchie's treatment of CG's point on elitist attitudes/perceptions of boards, I'd say that I've always thought that message board communities remind me of my high school days. When I graduated from high school and saw huge groups going to the same colleges, people would say, "No one else is going to the college you are! You won't know anybody!" as if that were just the most horrendous scenario evah! *g*...I, on the other hand, couldn't wait to get away from the cruel and exclusionary environment of the cliques and in crowds and bullies. I WANTED to be where those people weren't.

I'd never even known about message boards before Clay. I've migrated from one to a second to a third and now, after two and half years on a wait list...a fourth. And you know what? Except for THIS board, I've sensed and felt that exclusionary, elitist and not-quite-good-enough energy at them all. Three out of four. Now that could mean that the problem lies with ME and not the board (like my favorite Yogi Berra saying: Wherever you go, there you are. heh). Or it could mean that there's some unfortunate reality to my perception.

In the end, though, no one forces me to participate in any board, so I maintain that I control my happiness with my fandom involvement. :allgood:

High school! That's exactly what its like. I hated it then and I hate it now. Except for the lastest board on muski's resume, I have followed her around like a little puppy. Well, that's not exactly right. We started at the same board. (And the rest is history!) But the 3 boards I have been on, I agree with her on her assessment. They didn't all start that way, but they ended up that way.

By the way, my feelings on one of those "elite" boards has been that way for a long time. So much so that I might be one of the few who has never even put my name on a waitlist to be admitted to the hallowed ground.

I do want to make one thing clear. I KNOW that many on these boards are not like this. There are wonderful people everywhere and those boards are no exception. And many of the wonderful people from one of those boards are now here.

I do love this place. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Just checking in from Vegas...having a real good time!

I will catch on my reading tomorrow...y'all have been good, right?

Good? Um, yeah. We've been good. We follow your example, KAndre. We're as good as you are!

Ok...someone posted elsewhere that the Nokia (Dallas/Grand Prairie) Clay concert is not longer on Ticketmaster!

I checked. Its no longer there. That makes me very, very nervous......

If any of this post is not coherent, blame one too many glasses of Yellow Tail Shiraz... :voll:

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WOW what a great discussion you guys are having. And I agree with most of what you are saying; other things I still wonder about occasionally like what I am going to tell you about here.

First let me say I have had a dialogue going with a few DJ's in town for the past 3-4 years. It is all good natured. I beg for them to play Clay, they say when he hits the top 20 they will, and I say okay. That's it. Anyway, since The Brady Theater said Clay was definitely going to be there, a friend of mine came up with this really fun idea...a dunk tank where we could dunk the DJ's who wouldn't play Clay. haha Anyway, I emailed one of the stations and told them Clay was going to be here in July and that we wanted to sell tickets to fans and let them try to dunk a DJ and asked if any of them would volunteer. I even suggested it should be the PD and named him. I got this response from the PD:

He said he knew Clay was coming to Tulsa because they had asked KBEZ to sponsor it but they had a prior commitment. He said it will be interesting to see how it sells. (They have no clue do they?)

I emailed him back and told him he didn't answer my question...would he let us dunk him?

He replied "Why do you want to dunk me? I'm your only hope of hearing Clay on the radio. You should be wining and dining me."

I told him "I tried that...it didn't work."

He replied again, and this is what I find interesting:

"hahahaha. I personally don't mind him, but he's really having an identity crisis with Radio right now. For some reason there is not much passion for his music and I can't put my finger on it. His label doesn't badger us much about his music either. FYI."

I know you don't believe RCA is evil or the problem so how do you take this? This is one of the things I wonder about. Sounds like RCA is NOT helping Clay get played on the radio. I'd love to hear your opinions.


BTW The Brady Theater now has ticket prices up and date they go on sale. While I'm so excited Clay will be in my town, I'm really sad if that means he won't be in Dallas. I really really wanted to go to both. :(

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I know you don't believe RCA is evil or the problem so how do you take this? This is one of the things I wonder about. Sounds like RCA is NOT helping Clay get played on the radio. I'd love to hear your opinions.

Thanks for joining in on the conversation pkmiller. Here's my take on the whole radio thing: what does Clay want? Does anyone know that? Clay does. Maybe, just maybe, Clay has said to RCA that at this point in time he's not interested in radio play. This doesn't mean that he didn't want it in the past, or that he might not want it in the future. Anyway, I think what Clay wants is really the unknown variable -- and one that more than a few fans have decided THEY know. How, I'm not sure, other than they've heard from the second cousin twice removed of the maid for the chauffeur of one of the songwriters. I just can't assume anything any more regarding Clay and his career.

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