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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


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31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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Long post warning as I get pretty giddy after a good appearance.

I do think Clay takes into account time and place. When you're on after midnight, he's talking to adults. Ass is pretty mild ...and funny.

I would think Clay could get a lot of preliminary work done on a new CD over the next month. But he also has a tour to plan. So with symphonies... how does this work. Are they so good that Clay sends them the music ahead of time and they rehearse for a day or so before he arrives? And maybe one rehearsal with him? I seem to recall they had rehearsals for the Xmas shows. What is the benefit of playing with local orchestras - using local artists is something he seems to enjoy but it must be a little like flying without a net every single night. And he started this back with JNT04. To me it's really courages. There are so many unknowns and the quality must ebb and flow.

Does this say anything about his musical direction or is this just a summer fling, something he came up with as a way to tour. Is it cheaper to use local orchestras rather than schlep around the band. I do think many of the ATDW lends itself to an orchestra but he also seems to have found a bit of a grove with them last Xmas. One of the things I enjoyed while watching clack is taking note of the orchestra and how they responded to what he was doing and saying. I mean, I wonder what they knew about Clay before the show and what they thought of him afterward.

I'm so curious about Clay's creative process. How will he choose his songs. I assume he will sing songs from MoaM, ATDW, a few he is thinking about for new album, other covers, perhaps even some old standards although I will crack up if he really sings Moon River.

Back to the band. Will he have one along with the orchestra. Will the backups be there. Or more to the pioint...will he have the band and backups we're used to or new band and backups and how will this work in conjunction with the orchestra. Felix is with Taylor. Angela is or isn't with Kelly depending on whom you believe. I'd love to see Quiana again. Did I hear Jesse will be along... so this might be more like JNT04 where he had a musical director to pull all that symphony stuff together and yet still have the backups helping shoulder some of the singing. I'm also preparing myself for a shorter concert. Don't know why, but I don't expect a 3 hour JBT like extravaganza. Hopefully it's not a Kelly Clarkson like hour show either but perhaps 2 good hours.

Back to the creative process- how does he comes up with the schtick. So much of it is on the fly - and grows out of the actual performance - that's why I like shows more toward the middle and end. I don't believe he started out doing word of the day for instance, or stump the band. But he does have his comedy bits planned somewhat or he knows "audience participation" goes here.

Loved the show last night. I like how Jimmy interviews him. I'm a big fan of the Climmell but can only take Jimmy in small doses otherwise. Loved the bit about how dangerous symphony shows have become. And of course mr newsman is up on all the latest events. Clay is just very quick with a comeback..so my other favorite moment was when he just flat out admitted he had no comeback for the Dr. Dre as producer question.

I hope Jaymes is EP only in that with her I feel it is a partnership and Clay is learning lots under her tutelege. He will discover his own voice with her. I guess it's time to look at my Clay CDs cuz I don't know, or normally care, who produced what. But I assume those that have worked with him before will be in the running to be the sole producer. Hmmmm sounds like a reality show to me.

I love ya'll. I really do and this summer is going to be so fun. First of all I'll get to meet Ansa who is really the creative energy behind FCA now and has been for awhile. I get to see old friends. Get to meet new ones. And I get to see Clay do what he does best - perform.

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then please please show me some Rhode Island!

Can someone direct keepingfaith to the lovely Rhode Island Solo Tour "You've Got a Friend" clip to which I refer? I'm at work and cannot do so. I thank you...as I'm sure she will. :hubbahubba:

Go to this link, and look for this file name: RI_YGAF_jojoct

Angela is playing around with Clay's arm to get a reaction, and the results are hilarious. Brings new meaning to the term woody. He can barely stand up.

Great post couchie!!

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I do think Clay takes into account time and place. When you're on after midnight, he's talking to adults. Ass is pretty mild ...and funny.

Totally agree. He knows his audience well, wherever he is.

Lots of great and valid questions, couchie. I think that this tour will closely resemble the JNaT. I don't know how Quiana is going to factor in, but at this point I'm starting to doubt that he's bringing anyone else but her and Jesse along with him. I could be wildly wrong, though.

How will he choose his songs. I assume he will sing songs from MoaM, ATDW, a few he is thinking about for new album, other covers, perhaps even some old standards although I will crack up if he really sings Moon River.

Hee, me too. I'll enjoy watching heads explode. I do think we're going to get a retrospective of his career....some old, some current (ATDW) and maybe some new. But it cracks me up reading post after post about how people are soooo hoping he'll preview stuff from the "new" album as though it already exists. I think he made it pretty clear last night that it is only in the development stages right now. And, for those who are hoping for a more rocking sound next time around, do you really think it's going to be a good fit with the orchestra? No, I'm not saying that orchestras can't rock, but is that what you necessarily have in mind? If so, cool! I'm one of those easy fans who will love whatever Clay decides to do.

I don't believe he started out doing word of the day for instance, or stump the band. But he does have his comedy bits planned somewhat or he knows "audience participation" goes here.

I believe the first Word of the Day segment came in show #2 on the JNaT (Merrillville). I can't wait to see what he comes up with this time around.

I get to see old friends. Get to meet new ones. And I get to see Clay do what he does best - perform.

Absolutely. I am not making any plans for group parties this tour - I am going to try and just meet up with a few friends at a time, whether old or new. So if anyone is going to Syracuse, Canandaigua, Chatauqua, Sterling Heights, Cary, Asheville, or Knoxville, and wants to meet up for dinner or whatever, let me know!

:TourExcite: :TourExcite: :TourExcite:

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As I look at that Clay riding off into the sunset picture, I can't help but think, if by nothing but the sheer NUMBER of fantasies I've had, that that horse's name is Muskifest.

You are soooooo delusional! :lol: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Couchie - great post! I read somewhere that someone had a theory that maybe he found a sound he liked when touring with the orchestras this past Christmas and that is what prompted him to have another orchestra tour and maybe that will be a sound he wants to incorporate into his next CD. Funny, after hearing his comments about BW and then reading he wanted to do something "creative" on his next CD, I immediately thought he might go for a more "new age" sound and I think orchestras could fit into something like that if used right. Guess only time will tell.

As to why local orchestras - I would imagine the costs would be prohibitive if he traveled with his own. This will be the third time he has done this, so they must have it down to a science. Looks like they'll be doing it at Christmas again too. When we heard originally that Felix would be with him, I was hoping for something like more like JNT04 when he had orchestras plus members of his band and the back-ups. But now Felix seems to be staying with Taylor, so maybe something changed from the original plans. I read somewhere that Kelly some place identified her back-ups and Angela was not one of them. Maybe tonight if you watch Kimmel we can get a better idea. (Has anyone checked Angela;s schedule?) Then I read reports that Quiana was only going to be with him at some concerts. I would imagine if he's having back-ups she would be there for all the concerts.

I think he needs back-ups if he's singing ATDW songs and some MOAM songs. I hope they are Angela and Quiana and a male back-up, but maybe not. I think he needs more than one back-up. And I think he's better with a male back-up as well as a female. Who knows what he will do, but I guess we'll find out in less than 2 months!!


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artquest, did Clay ride the horse off the stage after the first segment or did he jump off onto Jimmy's desk or something? I assume it must have taken some time to re-set the stage with the couch and chairs between segments.

Was Clay wearing cowboy boots? I couldn't tell for sure.

Also, it looked like there were quite a few more guys than have normally been in the typical Clay audience. What did you think? Did Clay have any interaction with the audience during the breaks?

After the segment was over, Clay dismounted (heh) in the usual fashion. He looked like he knew what he was doing - nothing clumsy in the maneuver. (Why does this keep sounding like smut?) Then they led the horse off and put back the chair and a little table next to it for Clay's water glass. After the second segment, they added the sofa. There was one guy with a bottle of water whose job, it seemed, was to keep Clay's glass full. He was a very busy man.

They looked like boots but not cowboy boots.

In the break between Aida's segment, she and Clay talked, talked, talked, first as she was sitting on the chair, and in a later break, when they were sitting on the sofa. I think she might have put her hands on the man just a tiny bit more than was necessary, but who am I to judge, right?

The air in Los Angeles has been very dry. During the Griffith Park fire, the humidity dropped down to single digits, which is unusual for us. The entire basin was kinda smoky yesterday, and closer to the park smelled of smoke. I was surprised that Clay was wearing his contacts, but it must not have bothered him too much. We who were outside in line all afternoon weren't too bothered by the smoke either. Just the heat.

Once they let you inside the Kimmel building, you usually have to wait, in line, crunched in together, for up to an hour before they let you inside the studio. There's a HUGE screen on the wall that plays Kimmel video to keep us amused. For the last three visits, it's been the same video. This time we got new stuff, including a lot from the Jimmy Kimmel salutes Jimmy Kimmel primetime show. There were some nice clips of Clay slamming Jimmy against the wall and Clay and Jimmy singing together. This got endless cheers from the crowd.

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Thanks so much for the details, artquest. I love hearing about all the off-camera stuff. :F_05BL17blowkiss:


In the break between Aida's segment, she and Clay talked, talked, talked, first as she was sitting on the chair, and in a later break, when they were sitting on the sofa. I think she might have put her hands on the man just a tiny bit more than was necessary, but who am I to judge, right?

Hee. And maybe Raleigh and Durham are now invited to Buddie's doggy birthday party...

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I actually thought Clay would try and wrangle a invitation for Raleigh and Durham when she was t alking about the birthday party! Hee!

Lookie! Hi-res shot from mee2u2 at CV!

Click and scroll..... http://www.clayversity.org/forums/index.ph...811&st=2565

Doesn't he look nice in THIS one???

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Mary and the Claymates (I.e. someone we knew would not let Mary go up in the elevator without an autograph) - have you forgotten what happened at the elevators at AC? If it had kept up much longer I would have felt the need to interceed. Let's just say, I am fairly oblivious to a lot of things, but even I noticed what was going on there.

Care to refresh my memory?

Yes, mine too. *g* Start by telling me who the heck Mary is and what does she do besides stalk Clay? LOL I keep forgetting her function on the team.

If I'm being honest here, last night I kept waiting and wondering why the horse hadn't taken a dump on the stage. Now we know. It was too busy getting an erection. :cryingwlaughter: You know horses and goats etc always go potty on the stage. It is inevitable. Not with Clay though.........That whole thing was priceless. TV history. Clay's comeback was spontaneous and funny. You couldn't make this shit up.

ldyj, thanks for that link. I really liked that the kids sang Clay's song, IWCY. Perfect selection for the occasion. I love it when he is moving in the upper crust circles and rubbing elbows with high society. Congrats to him for being honored.

Thanks for the recap artquest..........I can only imagine how much fun it must be to be in a live studio audience watching Clay.

I stayed up to watch Kimmel but had to get up at 5:30am so I am tired and sleepy. I want to go seek out the clack and watch it again. He really turned me on when he said ass and screwed. I love it when he throws that halo down and gets his OTT fans all in a tither. :cryingwlaughter: Image change, I'm telling you. He is trying to inject his own mild "edge" into his public image. Don't know if his entrance on a horse is symbolic to anything or just some spontaneous thing he came up with. However it did remind me of this song by Big & Rich. "Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy." I'm game if you are Clay. Hee Sorry, but that whole show was filled with good smut stuff. *g*

I am not a member of CV so I can never see the pictures when you all post links.

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You know, Clay has used the phrase "I'm not gonna lie" frequently in his recent interviews. I wonder if he picked that up from someone he hangs around with a lot now, because I don't remember him saying that before - kind of how I never used "whatnot" before in my life, and now bust it out in normal conversation all the freakin' time.

I can relate. I actually say crap on a regular basis now. Hmmm wonder where that came from. Also, I seemed to have picked up "babe" from somebody. ahem.

Angela is playing around with Clay's arm to get a reaction, and the results are hilarious. Brings new meaning to the term woody. He can barely stand up.

What's so funny about this clip was that it wasn't until weeks after the concert that it was discovered.

Hee, me too. I'll enjoy watching heads explode. I do think we're going to get a retrospective of his career....some old, some current (ATDW) and maybe some new. But it cracks me up reading post after post about how people are soooo hoping he'll preview stuff from the "new" album as though it already exists. I think he made it pretty clear last night that it is only in the development stages right now. And, for those who are hoping for a more rocking sound next time around, do you really think it's going to be a good fit with the orchestra? No, I'm not saying that orchestras can't rock, but is that what you necessarily have in mind? If so, cool! I'm one of those easy fans who will love whatever Clay decides to do.

Absolutely. I am not making any plans for group parties this tour - I am going to try and just meet up with a few friends at a time, whether old or new. So if anyone is going to Syracuse, Canandaigua, Chatauqua, Sterling Heights, Cary, Asheville, or Knoxville, and wants to meet up for dinner or whatever, let me know!

Responding to some of Lucky's responses.... I do think we'll get something "new" that they are kicking around. But if the album isn't coming out until 2008 sometimes (hopefully summerish which is probably a long shot) then along with not even being ready by July (although he and Jaymes actually may have some things picked out already as they go in search of who will best help them realize their vision) with the advent of youtube and whatnot (heh) I don't see giving away all the product a year before it's ready. So perhaps like last time, 2 or 3 possibles...that may or may not make the album.

Interesting thoughts about just Quiana. Last year I would have said he needs his band to play off of but he did a great job of using the orchestra and audience over Xmas. But actually, I think he does need what one reviewerer called "that wall of sound." The four of them were really special. I have to say I miss Jacob's voice in the mix.

Yeah this summer I'm going to 4 concerts but just one pre-party although I don't think Indio even has a pre party. If you're going to Pala though the plan is to meet up before the concert at a local winery and have lunch. More details in a month or so. Looking forward to some of the impromptu after parties and seeing folks at the concerts and around the venue. And it's always a fun suprise as to who you end up sitting next to. heee. In my case it's more about money - my priority was concert tickets, airfare and hotels, then of course paying my rent and eating. heee Just wasn't going to sweat any parties so far in advance and if I missed out, so be it.

I think he needs back-ups if he's singing ATDW songs and some MOAM songs. I hope they are Angela and Quiana and a male back-up, but maybe not. I think he needs more than one back-up. And I think he's better with a male back-up as well as a female. Who knows what he will do, but I guess we'll find out in less than 2 months!!

yep but agree about hoping there will be some great voices mixing in with his this summer.

Artquest..thanks for the report from the scene.

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Go to this link, and look for this file name: RI_YGAF_jojoct

Angela is playing around with Clay's arm to get a reaction, and the results are hilarious. Brings new meaning to the term woody. He can barely stand up.

Thank you, jmh :F_05BL17blowkiss: -- I've probably watched it 25 times already this afternoon. Not that I'm a junkie for this stuff or anything, and just because I'm going back to watch it again tonight does not constitute addiction. :eusa_whistle:

How is it that I've been around this fandom for a few weeks shy of a year now and this is the first I've heard of or seen this special piece of Clack (package of Clack?). Not that this is a formal reprimand or anything, but I've heard some of your talk and if you really consider yourselves first class smutters, then you have to spread this stuff around. So if you beautiful Clack fiends can think of any other blasts from the past I may be missing out on, just drop me a link any old time as it will always be most warmly appreciated. :hubbahubba: I don't know, but I'm beginning to think that addiction becomes me somehow.


And the Climmel hi res pics are superb. What a looker. I've reached the conclusion that Clay's new teeth give him a more masculine look. And those shoulders. I think I missed a lot of the JKL show until watching the second or third time because those broad shoulders captured my attention. The man has so many sexy body parts that multiple viewing to isolate and focus are necessary. And the complete sensual organism that is Clay Aiken is so much more than the sum of all those sexy parts. He loves to touch things, and I love to watch him touch things. OMG I'm even sounding pervy to myself. But I think my intentions are pure. Pure what, I'm not saying. I think I need more Clack now. 'Bye.

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Hi gang. I went to a fundraiser gala with DH for Sempercomm., a conglomerate of groups who give money so that the soldiers at the most barren, primitive outposts get the basic comforts, CARE packages, internet access, TV and so forth. They really have it rough and so do their families.

The headlining entertainers were country singer , Chely WRight who does countless USO shows and JAG star and actress Carri Turner , who does the same thing. Two fantastic women. We were special guests because DH met them in Iraq.

They had an auction, like BAF, except the prizes were amazing- like 4 tix to the Superbowl , box seats, 3 nights lodging, were sold for 7,000 dollars- half their worth.

They only raised 22, 000 for the soldiers with all these incredible prizes like a private pre-show concert with Tim McGraw and Faith Hill.

First off, my hub and I are outraged that the DOD is not providing these amenities and then some to our guys and gals in uniform with all the money they have. We learned some really angering stuff. DH is going to kick ass at the Pentagon come Monday.

Secondly, I thought, boy , they could really raise the dough if they had Clay doing the auction. He wouldn't have the high recognition factor with the military crowd, but his fans would show them how much he can raise. Not enough of him to spread around!

Most moving , sad and inspiring all at once- we sat next to a fantastic couple who lost their highly decorated policeman and fireman sons on 9/11. They go and visit those in service who are wounded all over the place. I was humbled and in awe.

Well, I know this isn't a very "Clayworthy" post, yet I think it's very much in the spirit of our beloved humanitarian/singer/ horseman.

Hugs to all!

eta: merrieee, your Beatles connections blow me away! My seventh grade Beatlemaniac friends and I used to write Beatles fanfic ( quite innocent) and we were all dating them of course!

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Go to this link, and look for this file name: RI_YGAF_jojoct

Angela is playing around with Clay's arm to get a reaction, and the results are hilarious. Brings new meaning to the term woody. He can barely stand up.

Thank you, jmh :F_05BL17blowkiss: -- I've probably watched it 25 times already this afternoon. Not that I'm a junkie for this stuff or anything, and just because I'm going back to watch it again tonight does not constitute addiction. :eusa_whistle:

How is it that I've been around this fandom for a few weeks shy of a year now and this is the first I've heard of or seen this special piece of Clack (package of Clack?). Not that this is a formal reprimand or anything, but I've heard some of your talk and if you really consider yourselves first class smutters, then you have to spread this stuff around. So if you beautiful Clack fiends can think of any other blasts from the past I may be missing out on, just drop me a link any old time as it will always be most warmly appreciated. :hubbahubba: I don't know, but I'm beginning to think that addiction becomes me somehow.


And the Climmel hi res pics are superb. What a looker. I've reached the conclusion that Clay's new teeth give him a more masculine look. And those shoulders. I think I missed a lot of the JKL show until watching the second or third time because those broad shoulders captured my attention. The man has so many sexy body parts that multiple viewing to isolate and focus are necessary. And the complete sensual organism that is Clay Aiken is so much more than the sum of all those sexy parts. He loves to touch things, and I love to watch him touch things. OMG I'm even sounding pervy to myself. But I think my intentions are pure. Pure what, I'm not saying. I think I need more Clack now. 'Bye.

Ah yes, watching him touch things--the fabric of his clothing, the microphone, other people. GAH.

So sorry to have been remiss in introducing you to this. It's the creme de la creme of the Waldo clack, IMO. Not that there isn't more, but "You've Got a Friend" is my favorite. Heh. I do have 250 photos in a special album. Man loves to entertain....

I don't know, but I'm beginning to think that addiction becomes me somehow.

Heh heh heh heh heh......

I'm sure if we'd known sooner that you'd hadn't been introduced to the finer things, we'd have filled you in. Who can find the Access Hollywood interview with Ruben?? Is this it? Access Hollywood

Who made this siggy? I found this in my files: I came for the voice and stayed for the....

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Awww thanks for sharing Diva...its sad that they didn;t raise too much...It sounds like a good cause but you are right...its maddening that this is not provided by the military.

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So over at EAYOR there's talk that this whole horse thing (no, not THAT thing) was a 'payback' in a sense. Supposedly, Ryan really dissed Clay after his Yahoo interview and his comments about IGB, saying that Clay needed to "get off his high horse".

IF this is true---and I posted over there asking if anyone could direct me to a source that confirms that info but haven't seen a response yet---then Clay Aiken is a freakin' riot and CMSU beyond measure...of the man. Holy shit. And the thing is...(no, not THAT thing, either)...I could SOOOOOOOO believe that he would do something like this as a way of responding but not responding to the alleged diss.

What a goofy, hawt, titanium-balled, YGAF Rhode Island- :hubbahubba: horny, beautiful, infinitely surprising and stimulating man.

dayum. and bwah.

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So over at EAYOR there's talk that this whole horse thing (no, not THAT thing) was a 'payback' in a sense. Supposedly, Ryan really dissed Clay after his Yahoo interview and his comments about IGB, saying that Clay needed to "get off his high horse".

IF this is true---and I posted over there asking if anyone could direct me to a source that confirms that info but haven't seen a response yet---then Clay Aiken is a freakin' riot and CMSU beyond measure...of the man. Holy shit. And the thing is...(no, not THAT thing, either)...I could SOOOOOOOO believe that he would do something like this as a way of responding but not responding to the alleged diss.

What a goofy, hawt, titanium-balled, YGAF Rhode Island- :hubbahubba: horny, beautiful, infinitely surprising and stimulating man.

dayum. and bwah.

If Ryan said that, then I bow to Clay's titaniums. And if he didn't, I bow to Clay's titaniums.

jmh, that blend threw me out of the chair. And how appropriate at this time .... Clay Aiken ... So hung, horses weep with envy. Maybe that's what happened with Taco last night, a little old-fashioned competition. You know how guys are. And now to the Access Hollywood picture ... good God he could seriously hurt somebody with that thing!

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If Ryan said that, then I bow to Clay's titaniums. And if he didn't, I bow to Clay's titaniums.

jmh, that blend threw me out of the chair. And how appropriate at this time .... Clay Aiken ... So hung, horses weep with envy. Maybe that's what happened with Taco last night, a little old-fashioned competition. You know how guys are. And now to the Access Hollywood picture ... good God he could seriously hurt somebody with that thing!

Yeah, the horse thing was what made me link to that one. :hubbahubba: And bwah about the competition.

Hee, hee, you keep causing me to dig into that Waldo folder of mine. Don't know who made this one either. Waldowatching-eyepokedout.gif

Be sure to note that the second Access Hollywood link is to a video. The picture is a screen cap....

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So I am the big sports fan in the family. I'm the one with NBA League pass and watching every single Warriors game all season long. Yet it's my bandwagon jumping sister that's calling me from the game at halftime going..this is awesome, this is awesome. :angry22: Sigh, it pays to have ridiuclously rich relatives. But it was fun from my living room sofa. Go warriors. Oh and I saw my cutie pie nephew in the crowd on TV. Now I hope ESPN repeats this game tonight so I can capture that 3 seconds for posterity.

So, Ryan went off on a tear... when was this? Had anybody heard about this before Clay appeared on a horse. Surely all the hatahs would have been talking about that. It's a great story though. Let me know if it's confirmed. But I do believe in the titanium. heee.

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I had not heard that - sounds like a reverse memory to explain the horse - some times a horse is a horse , of course, of course.

yep... I'll believe it when I'm listening to the download for myself because I just don't believe that Ryan would have gone off about Clay and the Yahoo article to complete silence from the claymates or the hatahs.

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I had not heard that - sounds like a reverse memory to explain the horse - some times a horse is a horse , of course, of course.

yep... I'll believe it when I'm listening to the download for myself because I just don't believe that Ryan would have gone off about Clay and the Yahoo article to complete silence from the claymates or the hatahs.

Couchie, I think I agree with you and Play on this one. Every other "diss" to Clay pretty much makes it to the boards within a few minutes of being heard/read/or seen and this didn't show up until after the horse entrance on Kimmel. So, yeah, I'm a little skeptical on this one.

Clay....it's always a delight to see what he'll do next.

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Still waiting for PROOF that Ryan dissed Ambassador Aiken...hope it's true. Because I'm petty that way...

Oh Lord. I'm in a funky mood. I need to see concert Clay. I need to hear that VOX. I need to feel that con.nek.shun that he never fails to create in person.

I need to lose 60 pounds.

I need to win the lottery.

I need to botox the lines around my mouth.

I need to find the leak that makes my floor warp whenever I wash clothes.

I need to....

yeah. that, too.

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