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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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This has been a really odd week for me...still getting used to my new nephew...my cousin's son passed (he was only 13 but arrived with many birth defects - we kept him much longer than expected)...strange guy is contacting my entire family about leasing my grandfather's property and I got nominated to deal with him...and my company made the news in a horrible way.

Listening to old clack has made me feel better.

Keeping my fingers crossed for merrieeee...YAY for muski...Yoo Hoo for my girl Diva and her dancing butt

and seriously looking forward to hanging out with all of you people - because frankly I think I'm just about hitting all y'all's concerts...

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Soounds like you have your hands full, K'andre.

About the clack - guess I should have accepted the key to CV when it was offered - who knew they had better copies. Ah well, now we can all watch Clay's strange face while he watches Justin sing since they have the whole show loaded now. .

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Just checking, Muski, do you have both the time and the tix for LA or just time? If tix are needed, there are several Section A's available right now thru TM/AmexGoldSale.

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Play thanks for everything and being so diligent about helping folks get the clack they want.

I also had a very odd weekend..just feeling lethargic. Don't think I did a darn thing all weekend. And sitting in the hot sun today watching a bunch of 6 years run around pretending to play baseball didn't help.

Just came back from my park festival. I got to do my African dance/storytell about the wetlands and its denizens.

Any divack? heee.

Well wish me luck for Tuesday! I'm going to have my second cataract surgery and this time it's my "good" eye so the stakes are pretty high! The Doctor asked me what my expectations were and I told him all I wanted was to have correctable vision. What I really wanted to say was "I want to see Clay more clearly" but I don't think he would have understood!

Good luck Merrieeee!

.I talked about my angst re: that weekend and...long story short...I was mistaken about the softball schedule!

I hate to be selfish..but YAY. I'm glad you'll be able to be with us through the Cali4fer.

Couchie - the song that came immediately to mind was "I Love My Shirt" or "Happiness Runs" by Donovan. Or something from McCartney? Like maybe "Mothers Nature's Son" or "Let It Be"??

Hope this helps!!

Thanks for the song suggestions..we will download and listen to them all.

:garfieldodie-grouphug: Hugs to everyone that seems to be having just an askew weekend. May all of our various little bugs/annoyances/blahness end real soon. And Kandre I'm so very sorry for your loss.

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Wow. Life goes on, huh? KAndre, what a tragedy. I'm so sorry. And ansa, what a relief! And merrieee, good luck! And CG---SO happy to read about you popping your walking cherry! An play, I wanna see Clay's face, too! I'd heard all that stuff you said about the allergy and the meds and drowned rat and hyper and woody and all that...(seen the pix of the particula effect either the meds or the fact that he was on the big O's show had on him... :hubbahubba: Poor guy, kept tugging at his shirt and looking down, but Waldo was NOT cooperating! :hubbahubba:

Friends....today was a momentous day....on my mother's 86th birthday and three weeks before my younger daughter's 12th birthday..I was hit with just how life indeed does go on. My little girl, my softball pitching ace, my baby girl....started her period.

My older daughter, who will be 16 this summer still hasn't, but my 11 year old now has. Bless her heart. She was very calm. She called me upstairs this morning and sure enough....but she went on to her pitching clinic and then her team practice today. She did ask me to come to practice "just in case something happens"...so when we got home, I asked her what 'facts' she already knew about and was clear about; then I filled in some gaps. Not really sex talk---more about hormones and changing bodies and moods and the physiological mechanics of it all...

At the softball field I went to the bathroom with her to help and before we went back to the field she stood there looking at me with brown eyes and a kind of wistful expression. I hugged her and said something inane like, "My little girl...." and then I said, "You know, of course, that this means you could get pregnant."

She pulled back from me and gave me a patented Carrie smirk and said, "Oh, that's just great, Mom! Thanks for sharing."

I laughed and said, "Well, that's not exactly true...I mean, there are a number of steps necessary before the pregnant part happens----and (as I took hold of her shoulders and gave her a no-nonsense look) they are steps you won't be thinking about taking for a lonnnnnnng time."

She rolled her eyes and then shuddered, saying, "Gross, Mom."

That's my girl. ^_^

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Interesting -Muskie - I heard that kids were maturing faster because of hormones in meat. But then again, I got my period at 10 - before anyone bothered to tell me about it - so I just assumed I was dying and didn't tell anyone for months, just kept cleaning myself up with wads of toilet paper. heh. My Mom finally asked me about all the wet underwear in my room, I told her I was dying and I wrote my will. Two years later they taught us about it in school, thanks for nothing public school system.

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Aww Muski..what a good story. My 13 year old got it when she turned 13...she was funny cos she didn't want to go to the store and pick up her napkin. She still does not like doing that. My 11 year old keeps expecting to get it. she started having some of the changes associated with increase in hormones, specially the moodiness...but so far nothing. We've had THE talk several times and the school nurse gave them the talk too.

Kandre sorry for your loss.

So whats the new drama in Clayland??? It seems rather quiet. Is everybody getting ready for Kimmel? I am kinda looking forward to that...wondering what new angst it will bring...so who wants to bet on whether he mentions the tour or not? or ATDW? or hey maybe he has some important announcement ...it is still spring right...hee Whatever happens..I'm good...it will be great to see him on the telly again.

Pretty anxious to see the teeth, wonder if it is different..


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Hugs all around! Sounds like it wasn't the greatest weekend for some. I laid low, took my daughter's puppy for walks, and finally got around to doing all of our taxes. That's a load off!

So whats the new drama in Clayland??? It seems rather quiet. Is everybody getting ready for Kimmel?

Hee, I think the Cary ticket sales caused a lot of stress. The OFC was melting down all weekend. It's amazing some of the things you read over there......other boards have been doing more retrospectives, talking about past tours, etc. I've enjoyed that. It's a nice change.

I am kinda looking forward to that...wondering what new angst it will bring...so who wants to bet on whether he mentions the tour or not? or ATDW? or hey maybe he has some important announcement ...it is still spring right...hee Whatever happens..I'm good...it will be great to see him on the telly again.

Definitely looking forward to seeing Clay on TV again....but not so much the angst that it will bring. :lol:

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{{{{{{{{{{{KAndre}}}}}}}}}}}} Sorry to hear about your family's loss.

Am I gonna get shot when I say that my weekend was not too bad? Spent Saturday morning at my husband's college, watching the graduation ceremony in the outdoor arena. It was perfect weather for it actually -- overcast and cool. I knew a few of the kids graduating, after spending almost two weeks in Ireland with them. Then, I took my husband out for dinner and a movie, in order to celebrate his promotion. BTW, Spiderman 3 rawks. Loved it. Sunday was my final handbell choir performance at church and then chilling. The only bad thing was being TIRED -- I went to bed before 9:00 p.m. Sunday night!!!

muski, I love your family stories. And YAY for the concert and softball schedules working out!

I've got Kimmel on my calendar, but it hasn't quite permeated my brain yet that Clay will be on this week! That means Thursday will be an interesting day in Clayland, what with pre-show reports. I'm looking forward to seeing what he'll pull with Jimmy this time!

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Heh - a story from the Charlotte observer on Tiger woods

Tiger's picture appears on page 1A of the Observer today for the fifth day in a row, breaking the record he shared with Clay Aiken, Jim Black, John Edwards and Lynn Wheeler.

I have to admit spending some time at the OFC and being amazed at the ticket conspiracy theories and just plain stupid remarks - if you don't get a front row - well it is Clay's fault! He needs to fire somemone - because if it was done right we would all have front row seats! Truthfully, it got me thinking about how much was the tour about Clay and how much about impressing others with geat seats. Aparently, there should be enough close seats for everyone - which would mean that there are like 30 fans or something.

Perhaps some people would be happier being a fan of a less popular person - which is odd because these same people seem to hold it against someone for CLay not being the biggest star ever.

It has always been my belief that as I got older and CLay continued to tour, I would have worse and worse seats as more people became fans. Didn't work out that way so far, but I am not ready to die just yet, there is time.

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Good Morning! I have put some new songs up on Rose Radio. Be sure to listen in today for the preview of the new songs I added. This week's selections will include tracks by The Cinematics, Chris Sligh, John Pedersen, Katharine McPhee, k.d. lang, Keane, Olivia Eden and Ricky Nelson. On Tuesday you can read more about this week's selections on the Rose Radio blog.


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I have to admit spending some time at the OFC and being amazed at the ticket conspiracy theories and just plain stupid remarks - if you don't get a front row - well it is Clay's fault! He needs to fire somemone - because if it was done right we would all have front row seats!

:cryingwlaughter: I know. I've spent some time over there arguing the logic of posts, too. Did you also know that because there are "only" 20 dates on this tour, that it proves that Clay doesn't like touring? Or that this isn't really a "tour" because it involves symphonies? Or that Clay should play 20,000 seat venues that have enough reserved seating for everyone (even if the lawn goes empty)? ::insert banging head emoticon, because I'm too lazy to turn images on to look for it::

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here you go


I only went there because my sister has been insisting that I post there more often to give it balance - ha! we disagree on a lot of stuff and she thinks I am too argumentative a poster, but that place gets to her as well. There are so many damn agendas going on - I don't want to bring mine - I like not having an agenda anymore. I just want people to have fun - that is why on different boards - so many you never see, I keep bringing back different little pieces that I think people have not seen before.

OK in the interest of old clack - fess up now - who is a member of the CV vault - I have a question for you! - I am looking for something!

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I am looking for Old Et's and Extras during season 2 - I know some people saved them, so Gonzo might be one of them. I have a few from an old site and they are not exactly in good shape and have a disclaimer that I should not post it anywhere by the owner of the site -long gone in the fandom.

Why? well I think it makes for interesting history - I did not record stuff during the show, so I am trying to see if what I remember of the coverage was correct.

Here is another emoticon - that I would like to use in a lot of places


Let me add - for those who are interested in the great Season 2 experiment - so far there have been 400 downloads combined ofthe AVI and WMV versions of Group 2 performance (where most people start downloading - they are continuing ) and 200 of the anomalie - so I am assuming over 200 people have completed downloading the series - that is in megaupload alone - there are about 100 that started downloading in mydatabus probably 45 completed, and a scattering that downloaded in various other stuff when I was mixing it up. I get a lot of thank you notes from people who never saw the complete show because they were in other countries and from some Kim Locke fans that wanted it.

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PLAY that is indeed good history. Let us know how your quest went...I may want to add some media coverage on our AI2 section on FCA. I am really interested in that one ET episode that prompted my only letter to ET...the one right after the top 3 episode. I remember the way ET edited it it would seem like all Clay did was mess up. I remember pointing out that their correspondent Paula forgot to point out that she gave him I think 2 standing O's and said his UM was the best performance in all the competition. Hee those were the days...
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I am looking for Old Et's and Extras during season 2 - I know some people saved them, so Gonzo might be one of them. I have a few from an old site and they are not exactly in good shape and have a disclaimer that I should not post it anywhere by the owner of the site -long gone in the fandom.

I will have a look through when I get home tonight and let you know what's there.

Here is another emoticon - that I would like to use in a lot of places


:cryingwlaughter: Those are perfect in some instances!

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KAndre, I am very sorry for your loss

I haven't done a lot of reading around the other boards, yesterday I only checked in here, but on Saturday I was reading at the CH, and was really pleased with a discussion going on over there. Playbiller got it started I believe. She asked a question, that related to people complaining about the seats they were getting. It was something like, if you couldn't get the seats you want to a Clay concert, would you prefer to skip it or take what you could get to be there. Play, I know that's not exactly what you question was so you can correct that if you want.

Anyway, the overwhelming majority of people said that while they prefer having good seats, they would never pass up a chance to go to a Clay concert even if the seats were not what they would consider good. I think she also asked "what do you consider good seats?" It was a refreshing change to see so many positive replys and reading the reasons people gave for enjoying seats that would be considered not so good.

Play, I wanted to thank you for starting that conversation, it looked like it brought back many good memories for people. People were talking about upgrading and giving tickets to people way in tha back. I remember reading about that during some of the early tours. Some of the posts actually left me with a lump in my throat.

Well, I'm off to paint, have a great day.

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Yup atinal that was an interesting discussion.

I guess I always thought that all I really need is to be in the venue to have fun....but then I started thinking things through and realized that maybe that is not an easy answer at all. For example...for Cary there were only 1000 reserved seats...the rest is lawn seating...now I think this would entail a long wait to be seated, in the heat, to get a good seat. Now personally...if this is not my only concert..I may let that go specially if I have to travel a long way to go to that one concert. If its the only concert I would go since I generally don't mind the heat...but I can see if people have special circumstances like health problems...the long wait in the heat may not be worth it for them.

Now in the CA4fer...I will be traveling coast to coast so I would like to go to as many concerts as I can and I won;t care where I sit because a large part of the attraction for me is the whole adventure of a road trip and experiencing what its like to be a concert ho for once in my life...and the biggest plus is getting to finally meet the good friends I've made on the net.

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My brain is fried.

I blame it all on :Tour4: !!!!!

I had to make a chart so I could figure out where all the tickets are

and how much money I am going to have to shell out! You may not

know, but a little over 3 years ago, my hubby suggested I get a job

to pay for all my Clay "accessories." So now I am working a part-time

job and I see from my chart that I'll have to put in a few extra hours to

foot the bill for this year's "ROAD TRIP!!" (do we have a road trip smiley??)


Play - I have a few hard drives full of clack and might have what you

are looking for... if you give me specifics, I'll check. I have the entire 2nd season

on DVD, tho, so I won't be needing to d/l that!! PM me if you have questions. ;)



Re: the all wanting front row seats thing.......

I got a vision of Clay on a revolving stage with a huge ring of seats around him.

Do you realize just how large that circle of seats would have to be???



Is it July yet??

BTW - who all got Cary tickets??

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Good afternoon everyone!

First {{{{KAndre}}}}}.

Secondly, I too have been following the discussion at the CH on seats and I was shocked to hear how many people there claimed to be satisfied to just be in the house! I had always had the impression that most everyone there was always in the first 5 rows! *g*

I have been lucky with seats on the whole, but have had some truly awful ones too. The worst for me without question were at the York State Fair during the NAT. We had 4th row seats. Only problem was the stage was very long and we were at one end. He didn't use the whole stage - only a part in the center. They used the side sections as a place to pile up the equipment cases and other junk. So that's all we could see. We only knew Clay came out on stage because of the roar of the crowd! We could only see him if he was either at the very edge of the stage or on the highest of the platforms. If that had been my only concert I would have had a fit! The only good thing was we witnessed a Clay hissy fit after he messed up Solitaire and no one could have see it if they weren't seated where we were!

They never should have sold those seats.

I was lucky enough on a fluke to end up with front row seats at my very first concert ever - the Philly IT. And they were on the Kyrie side and when he sat on the stage he was right in front of us. But I think my best seats ever were for the San Jose IT concert. My friend and I - after seeing him in Philly and Wilkes-Barre (*sniff*) decided we HAD to go see him again. We thought we were nuts seeing 3 concerts in one tour! My how things have changed..... Anyway, I found relatively inexpensive tickets from a broker and then found a cheap airfare so off we went - flying to California for 24 hours to see Clay sing for 1 hour. We had no clue where our seats were except we knew they were in the 7th row. When we got to the venue, we found our seats and they were DIRECTLY at the end of the catwalk. He seemed to spend a lot of time on the catwalk for that concert and he sang ISY right at the end, during which I received my first and only eye-fuck! Felt it right down to my toes!

After 5 tours of getting mostly good seats, I was beginning to think if you weren't in the first 10 rows why bother. Maybe you get by in the first 15 rows, but no further back than that. Then I went to the Williamsport JNaT at the last minute. I was in Row T on the aisle and had a wonderful time. I really enjoyed the concert. I didn't even use my binoculars as much as I thought I would. I kind of enjoyed watching the show as a whole instead of just Clay. I actually liked my seats there better than the 6th row seats I had for Red Bank. Those were on the side and I just thought I saw more - albeit from a distance - in Williamsport.

Consequently I am much more zen about seats for this tour. Most of the ones I have are what I would have in the past considered sub-par seats, but I think they'll be great. I do a have spattering of good seats, though. The only reason I would like at least a few really good seats is for pictures. I have a feeling it may be a tough clack tour this time anyway.

Bottom line for me is if I am going to several shows I am ok with not great seats for all of them. I would always like good seats for at least one show for pictures, but I would rather go to more shows that to pay big bucks to get great seats and only go to one. Now if I could only go to one, then I think I would definitely want a really good seat.

Of course, I am not one to turn down a good seat if I am lucky enough to stumble upon one so if any of you have any front row center seats you need to get rid of, PM me! :lol:

Kimmel - I keep forgetting about it! Bad fan! Oh, this will give you all a chuckle. I read on another board that someone is convinced Clay will be announcing his engagement to Kristy on Kimmel! I bet Tyra, Jamie, Jaymes, Mary, Kelly, Angela, Bikini Girl, AMA girl, Tongue Girl etc, etc, etc, will be mad! :medium-smiley-070:

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Kimmel - I keep forgetting about it! Bad fan! Oh, this will give you all a chuckle. I read on another board that someone is convinced Clay will be announcing his engagement to Kristy on Kimmel! I bet Tyra, Jamie, Jaymes, Mary, Kelly, Angela, Bikini Girl, AMA girl, Tongue Girl etc, etc, etc, will be mad! :medium-smiley-070:

Heh, not to mention Kristie's boyfriend. heh.

I thought he would be announcing his tour - but I guess that would be silly.

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My best seats were second row at an LA Christmas concert. I had to organize a membership to get them, and while it was lovely to be close, it was a lot of stress to get it together. (If people didn't pay because they didn't like the seats, I would have been liable for twelve tickets.) Luckily, that didn't happen, but I'm not sure I want to go through that again.

Most fun tickets were 11th row at the LA Independent Tour. These were the best I ever got for a pop tour. I was pretty close at the Kimmel mini-concert, though, which was a similar experience.

While it is wonderful to be close, for me, it's not an absolute imperative. I can't do a lot of concert travelling, so if there's a concert near me, I'm going to go, wherever the seats are. I may look wistfully at the front rows, but I'm not willing to go to extreme lengths to get them (brokers, memberships, multiple buys, etc.)

I'm just grateful that there are tours. Justin Guarini's not touring. Diana DeGarmo isn't touring. Bo Bice toured, but not to the extent Clay has been able to in the two years since he left Idol. I think we're actually very lucky, as far as fans go. Things could be so much worse.

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BTW - who all got Cary tickets??

Hee. *sheepishly raises hand*

Well, between me and the rest of my group, we got 8 reserved seats (which is exactly how many we needed). I lucked into a few in section 2, but the rest are in the two outside sections (and read "possible obstructed view"). None of them are near the front. I think, as much as some people are complaining about it, that many people dumped these type of seats back and tried for better. I was very patient on both sale days and grabbed what I could find.

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