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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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I stand corrected. I guess I misheard him. I think they are interviewing producers for the next CD and they only want one for the entire CD this time. But I still bet Jaymes is still his EP. Maybe both Jaymes and Clay, like on AIW.

I didn't think anyone had just one producer for an entire CD anymore!

I am laughing over the joy for the new CD - and the anticipation that its release will be imminent! There are so many that want ATDW to just be a bad memory....

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couchie, as another of my favorites Huey Lewis sang, "It's hip to be square."

New album -- out by fall 2008 is my prediction!

I'm liking Aida Turturro! Never seen an episode of "The Sopranos," however.

Hey I love that song too.... looking at him in that green vest...heeee oh god, he is so Mr. Rogers... or Professor Aiken. Defining his own pop star indeed...

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Oh, now this girl is TACTLESS! Sweetie, don't help explain your dad anymore. Just shhhhhhh.

Yeah, her dad is probably cringing!

Did you all see Clay riding out on the horse and waving good-bye??

Damn he's cute! Two segments is NOT enough! We need a show with all Clay and nothing but Clay!

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Heh, I enjoyed that - but something is wrong with my VCR - guess I will work on it this wekkend - for some reason when I tried to record - it would turn off and put me on Channel 3. I guess it it time to get a DVR.

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I am laughing over the joy for the new CD - and the anticipation that its release will be imminent! There are so many that want ATDW to just be a bad memory....

Well, you know that because Clay didn't mention ATDW tonight, it is more proof that it is just.a.dead.album. :rolleyes:

That was the cutest appearance. His voice was so funny with the laringitis. Not a big fan of the green vest but it seems to be a favourite colour of his. Loved the hair. I about died laughing at his facial expressions when Jimmy was talking about the horse's erection. BWAH!

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Totally loved that last shot...riding off to the sunset...

Hey maybe the horse is some message to the poddies???

I actually thought that the fact he is just meeting with producers now blows the poddies info out of the water. I would expect this means they haven't even started finding the music yet. Or they have the music butwill only start to record.

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I would stay up and watch it again off my west coast feed, but I don't think I could make it.

That was so much fun. I love the Climmel!!! A good time is guaranteed!

West coasters - enjoy! Its worth losing sleep for!

'Night all!

ETA: What is the bracelet he was wearing? I am sure by the time I get up in the morning there will be a website for it and thousands ordered!

Now I really am going to bed....

Edited by Claygasm
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I would stay up and watch it again off my west coast feed, but I don't think I could make it.

That was so much fun. I love the Climmel!!! A good time is guaranteed!

West coasters - enjoy! Its worth losing sleep for!

'Night all!

I was goign to try to do this too but alas...too tired...

will just watch clack tomorrow

I heart Climmel

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I'm sure it is worth staying awake for, but it ain't gonna happen at Casa Muski tonight. I'm too freakin' tired. I trust all the Clackgatherers.

I'll just go to sleep, perchance to dream of riding Clay off into the sunset.


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hee I may have to set my clock for midnight because I am getting sleepy.

I am thrilled to know it's a New album and not some songs he recorded last year. I mean, in the words of Hillary Duff, that's so yesterday. He's grown so much from ATDW, covers or not he gained a lot of experience working on it, including writing LAA, and also producing AIW. I can't wait to see where he ends up after all of that. I just hope his voice is once again the focal point.

Thank goodness for the tour though. weeeeeeeeee it's going to be so much fun. '

ETA: Thanks to everyone who brought pictures over. I'm sure we'll have all the details on the new bracelet by morning.

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I can't believe muski said 'huh'....

Clay said "ass". Heh. Heh heh heh!

He had to. That was 'Janice Soprano' he was talking to. He's just speaking her language. Probably his, too. Please don't tell me there are fans that object to Clay using the word "ass" and, if so, does that mean they don't ever get to look at his ass?

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I can't believe muski said 'huh'....

Clay said "ass". Heh. Heh heh heh!

He had to. That was 'Janice Soprano' he was talking to. He's just speaking her language. Probably his, too. Please don't tell me there are fans that object to Clay using the word "ass" and, if so, does that mean they don't ever get to look at his ass?

It means they probably wouldn't know where to look for it.

That was so much fun. I can't choose a favourite part. The album news gave me goosebumps and warm fuzzies all that the same time. But, OH.....he was so funny! Looking like Jesus in Afghanistan CMSU! Oh! And how the Claymates would have had Bin Laden in 20 minutes of looking. He is so silly! It would have been 15 minutes tops to find him.....20 minutes to get the video uploaded. HA! He thinks he knows us so well.

Two segments? Horse? Clay? Erection? Ass?

Must not forget 'screwed'...

I kept picturing a star on is chest. The Sheriff of Chartreuse. If his six gun didn't run all the bad guys out of town, that vest surely would. And eventhough I said that.....I like it.

I'm off to bed because I am the wise and worldly saloon keeper with the big......er....heart that has a particular soft spot for the young lawman......who happens to need a bath. Horses can be really smelly....yes, really really smelly.

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Karen Eh?: Oh! And how the Claymates would have had Bin Laden in 20 minutes of looking. He is so silly! It would have been 15 minutes tops to find him.....20 minutes to get the video uploaded.
BWAH! Edited by artquest
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My thoughts after seeing the show and reading here:

Had everybody on the show last night been, you know, :juul: ? Our green-vested, purple-tied, horse-riding, raisin and rice eating boyfriend seemed just a lettle bit wired. Aida was hyper but charming, and Alexa Ray was just odd - sorry chickie, I won't be buying your EP or your LP, and I don't ever want to see your squatting / singing again.

Was I the only one who really wanted to see Clay dismount? [From the horse. people!] Also, I really wanted to stick my hand down the back of Clay's pants. [To tuck his shirt tail in, I swear!]

Spin, poddies, spin your little brains out! :goaround:

Off to catch up, and see what kind of coverage this little rodeo is going to get in the media today...

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As expected....

AOL's Top 5 Moments on TV for May 10, 2007

Whoa, Nelly! Clay Aiken rides in on his pokey pony and Kimmel notices the horse's excitement.

Man, I'm paying for staying up too late this morning...terrible sleep. Between the headache and just being damn tired, I'm not getting anything done today!

Between this:

I kept picturing a star on is chest. The Sheriff of Chartreuse.


And how the Claymates would have had Bin Laden in 20 minutes of looking. He is so silly! It would have been 15 minutes tops to find him.....20 minutes to get the video uploaded. HA! He thinks he knows us so well.

Karen Eh?, I love you. Totally BWAH worthy!

On description only, I just knew I was going to hate the purple/green combo. Upon seeing it...that was the most adorable color combination evah! (Gee, think maybe the guy wearing it had something to do with my feelings?)

Hey artquest -- you were at the show last night, right? Thoughts? Comments?

Check out my new avatar!

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Clay..........Erection..........Ass..........It just doesn't get any better than that!!!!!

That horse has nothing on Clay.... :whistling-1:

When I said I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, little did I realize. HaHaHa! How uncanny was that? Oh, and thanks for the bangs Clay.

Great jockey colors he picked. I think he should of picked a number to put on his vest, though. I recommend a perfect 10.

ldyj love your new avatar.

Hey maybe the horse is some message to the poddies???

Spin, poddies, spin your little brains out!
(I nominate this for thread title)

Bwah Just Bwah..................:cryingwlaughter:

What a fabulous show. I loved it. Sorry he has laryngitis. I am guessing this is why he didn't sing, and Alexa (puke) did.

Clay willing to kill Bin Laden? Wow!! Guess we don't know him like we think we do. LOL

Yep, I agree with those saying that Clay is just now in the beginning process of starting his next cd. The first thing that crossed my mine when he said they were in LA to meet with some producers was that Jaymes was not going to do this one. Of course she still could be EP while they find producers for just the song. I don't know much about how that all works. That was just my 1st thought. I do think they will always go for the voice, though. New songs and not those from some mythical cd that got shelved.

There is a poll to the right on that link you can vote for Clay as the best of AOL's top TV moments. Thanks for posting it. ldyjocelyn

Edited by Clayzorback
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I want him to ride out on the field in Frisco so bad I can taste it!

And bottle, I am so with you...the show was so surreal...I know on the CH, newland was struck by the dichotomy of the Western tack and the English dude leading him (that wasn't a Beefeater costume - I'm not sure what the hell it was - it looked more ambassadorial to me) - it sort of stood out for me as well, but he sat that horse like half of my relatives would - you know, no formal training at all, just practical - not hanging on to the pommel but using it occasionally for balance. I've been riding for 30 years - mostly on a small farm in East Texas and for necessity, and I wouldn't feel comfortable of my control of a strange horse in a studio situation. Even if the horse was named Taco.

Man, I love him on the horse. And he was so just enjoying himself.

Clay comes across as such a real person. He doesn't calculate every word out of his mouth, and given half a chance, will be a TOTAL clown.

I FLOVE ldyj's new avatar!

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