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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


New thread title poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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OOOh...a newbie at FCA? Puddinsjoy, follow me...honest, I don't bite....but there are some x-rated items I'd like to show you...never too many citizens in Smutville (see under avie)

I MUST find a way to do these chat thingies. Maybe this Friday night I can, but I'll be away at a tournament Sat. night. By the way, my little pitcher daughter was on fi-ah! today! She pitched a one-run game and that run was unearned, so her ERA was...



It was great sitting in the sun with Ms Couchie watching our team whoop some butt. I got to introduce couchie to the two buddies who are going to fly down to LA for the concert, too. :Tour3:

Now...home but I have to actually do some work, as in office work---gotta review and judge some proposals for our upcoming conference in November---due tomorrow... :angry22:

Later, friends!

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What in the world is this? Is there a text behind the balloons? If there is I can't read it. It's cute, but I'm not sure what it means.


It's Russian. The resolution is so poor I'm having a little trouble reading it. Which wouldn't help anyway because, although I can still read Cyrillic, I don't know what it means. I've blown up the image and sent it off to a Russian speaking friend. We'll see what he has to say.

Edited by artquest
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What in the world is this? Is there a text behind the balloons? If there is I can't read it. It's cute, but I'm not sure what it means.


It's Russian. The resolution is so poor I'm having a little trouble reading it. Which wouldn't help anyway because, although I can still read Cyrillic, I don't know what it means. I've blown up the image and sent it off to a Russian speaking friend. We'll see what he has to say.

My husband is fluent in Russian, so I had him look at it (thanks for the tip artquest). He said something in Russian, and then said it translates to "Congratulations!"

Why we have that in Russian, I have no idea. Hey cindilu2, Ms. Smilie queen -- maybe something in English?

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I MUST find a way to do these chat thingies. Maybe this Friday night I can, but I'll be away at a tournament Sat. night.

It was great sitting in the sun with Ms Couchie watching our team whoop some butt. I got to introduce couchie to the two buddies who are going to fly down to LA for the concert, too. :Tour3:

Hey Muski ...yeah you forgot to tell them about the guy who came over and introduced himself... his eagle eye spotted that I was wearing a shirt that had something to do with one Mr. Clay Aiken. I guess he's kinda familiar with Clay as he had his hands all over Muski's hard drive trying to save her data. Anyway to demonstrate something or other he typed in the word CLAY and millions of files came up. I took his card, in case I need him in the future. :cryingwlaughter:

I proclaim this Newbie Day. Pick up your toasters at the entrancet!! :clap::clap::rainbowsmile:

Artquest..thanks for looking into the emoticon. I'm a leeeetle nervous. I'll just say content found on the emoticon in no way represent the views of the modship and adminship at FCA...until we know what it says of course. heee

ETA: Oh it says congratulations. Ok we'll claim that.

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What in the world is this? Is there a text behind the balloons? If there is I can't read it. It's cute, but I'm not sure what it means.


It's Russian. The resolution is so poor I'm having a little trouble reading it. Which wouldn't help anyway because, although I can still read Cyrillic, I don't know what it means. I've blown up the image and sent it off to a Russian speaking friend. We'll see what he has to say.

It sure helps to have a prof on board...hee.

Now I am very curious...it would be funny if it was really dirty... :cryingwlaughter:

(((puddinsjoy))) I can understand how you feel. Thank GOD for Clack!!!

or just fun friends to distract us with lovely pictures...and smut talk.

I am a bit sad..I just found out that my gilrs will be in camp just before I go to CA...then after I get home the girls will be visiting their uncle in Toronto..so I may not see them for almost a month...sniff. I'm Not used to that. But they are in the age that are just thrilled by the thought of all that autonomy...sigh.

Oh well...I will have my California adventure...almost going to buy my plane tickets....


ok on preview I see our librarian found the answer to the Russian Emoticon...whew...thank god it was innocent...hee

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I think the emoticon says "I Wanna Do Clay in Russia" I'm definitely going with that

Thanks for all your welcomes and the lovely toaster - and thanks for the lusting visual materials Claygasm - the really big Clay pics and the really big Clay package pics. I have an enormous clack collection, but I had not seen the 2nd package pic - it's a little blurry - was the camera moving, was the pkg moving - which way? and why? and for how long? and how long? I need details people :)

I will post my BAF story (thank you to Clayzorback and jmh123) They are a wonderful bunch of folks - but since I've already smutted here, I hesitate to mix my hormones as it were - they are confused enough as it is. It will be up a bit later

Speaking of exploding ovaries . . . Muski, you needn't introduce me - I'm a minion of yours :worthy: and your talent from the very beginning. I can not get enough - I live at Eayor and the Bookshelves and the Woodshed. My clack collection contains a kajillion stories that I have copied page by page into Word. I should open a library - hardbound editions

Luckiest1 - great KLo recap - I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm not a big big fan but out of curiosity I did catch Celebrity Fit Club for the 1st time after hearing about all the nasty Dustin Diamond stuff last week (what a complete jerk). When she was crying on the phone in the dressing room it reminded me of the Elle article - remember when Clay had to interrupt an interview with Alison Glock because Kim came on to the tour bus and was upset/crying and said she needed him now?

Loved the Toronto recap too - thank you!

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Here's my BAF Story - since this went up yesterday I have some of the pics we took for TBAF of people with shirts and blankets, etc. It was startling to see their smiling faces, holding up their t-shirts, with total and I mean total destruction just behind them.

Here is the original post -

From KSChristian4Clay at CM via CV:


As everyone probably has heard, I live about 80 miles from Greensburg, KS, a town which is pretty much a pile of destruction right now due to an F-5 tornado leveling the town. Our club, KC Clay Fans, got an e-mail from Aron at the BAF asking if there was any way they could help us help our neighbors...the BAF sent us over 100 shirts and blankets ...The seniors graduated about 3 weeks ago and each graduating senior received a BAF blanket. Two car loads of shirts and blankets have been distributed to families there by PuddinsJoy from CH

and here's my additional post at CH -

Thanks for bringing this over MsMarmalade - I was going to post something later and you beat me to it :) Aron did email me about 2 weeks ago as I am our BA Chapter contact. As you can imagine I was overwhelmed when he said they wanted to donate over 100 blankets and over 200 t-shirts (slight correction to above - they were all in my garage *g*). I was able to distribute nearly everything as I know several families affected directly and was able to get them to those who needed them most. Most of the families were still living out of rubbermaid containers at this point (and still are) but the blankets were a big hit and everyone needed the t-shirts. They had a lot of questions about Clay and about the Foundation - which I gladly answered *g*. Because I have a child with developmental disabilities I was also able to connect with several families in that regard, which always brings me joy.

TBAF's offer was completely un-solicited and really blew me away. My mind-set has always been "what can I do for TBAF?" and here they turned the tables. It was also a win-win because it helped them get rid of some older inventory.

I have emailed Aron with several heart-tugging stories but there are so many more there to be told - stories of the out-pouring of support and love from all over the world, of the citizen's resolve to rebuild a town 90% destroyed - of those who are heartbroken and moving on from Greensburg - of the pride in these devastated Kansan's eyes. I will never forget it as long as I live and I will be grateful for just as long to TBAF for giving me the opportunity to represent them and help fill a few hearts back up in the process.

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luckiest1 said it all, and thank you very much. She's made of sterner stuff than I, cuz all I did was ride in the car and I was wiped out when I got home this afternoon! Any regret I might have about driving all that way and no Clay is erased by the knowledge of how hard I'd have cried had he been there and we didn't go. It's all good. David Foster has a wonderful, engaging smile and he really seems to enjoy both performing and watching his performers do well. I like him! If he's what Clay wants as his musical mentor, it's fine by me. Josh and Celine might not be everybody's cup of tea, but 100+million cds sold can't be wrong.

Welcome PuddinsJoy!! So glad you joined the party :trink4:

So what would you all like the bursting balloons fella to say? Hmmm???

playbiller wrote (quoting the cruise info)

Join Faye Parker and longtime friend, Frances and the SCRR Beta Alpha Bears onboard as we celebrate Faye’s birthday! Grab your clack and join the weekend getaway

I don't know why. If it's anything like the Raleigh CD release party, she won't let you play it anyway. Heh.

Awww, PuddinsJoy, you posted while I was writing mine I think. What a fantastic story, and thank you for telling us about it. Awesome!!

Edited by cindilu2
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Puddins, thanks for posting that BAF story...*sniff* What a great way to give back to the community in a totally different way than the normal BAF mission. I was raised in a town about the size of Greensburg, so I totally understand how that tornado would wipe out the town and basically make everything a nightmare for them. Good for you and the BAF.

And now I'm crying because I'm watching "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" which always gets me emotional.

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: WELCOME NEWBIES! We don't bite, although we have been know to lick from time to time. :medium-smiley-070: :hubbahubba: :medium-smiley-048: :tongue70:


And we know what is truly important. For example....



Claygasm, I don't want to imply that you are obsessed, er, very enthusiatic about that particular picture, but isn't that about the 4th or 5th time it's been posted in tha past week? He has a left profile too, you know... :eusa_whistle:


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Puddinsjoy...thanks for sharing that story.

Would you like to write a little blog for FCA about it? It could be just a short article to put up on our BAF section. No pressure of course.

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*takes deep breath and jumps in with first post*

I loved your story luckiest1, about seeing Kim L. at the club and your trip to Toronto (I love a good road trip!)

I think there's still a possiblity that he might have been at the event, but there were piles of VIP bleachers set up behind us and it would have been difficult to spot him up there. I wonder if we'll ever know......
...thought this might be an answer...posted by Jennifer at LBFCA...

We went to T.O. to catch a glimpse of a couple of other artists that we like and were quite satisfied with the view. It was a "first come first serve" type of show and you ended up where you were squished in.

There were mostly 'adults' in the crowd as this was the opening of, what I would call an artistic museum, that has such things as an African display and History from around the world. The building itself is absolutely incredible.

Anyway we were treated with several glimpses of the man himself standing in the wings. Laughing and joking with Mr. Foster and several other "important" musical types. Casually yet very classy looking in a black dress shirt (open at the neck) *sigh* and black slacks. YUM!

Oh, and for those of you that are wondering .. the hair was flat and nicely styled. He ran his fingers through it several times.

I guess I was supposed to be watching and listening to who was on the stage in front of me but Im not sure I could even tell you who was there during the times Mr. Beautiful was visible.

Anywho .. he was relaxed and happy and obviously in a good mood. He had those around him laughing at all times.

Hope this helps! *wink*

P.S. In answer to your question hun ... We were not down IN the crowd. I was lucky enough to be where the view was wonderful.

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Oh, and for those of you that are wondering .. the hair was flat and nicely styled. He ran his fingers through it several times.

**Sigh** Just like in my favorite picture! And bottle, its not that I am obsessed with it, its just I wanted to make sure our newbies had a chance to enjoy it..... ;)

I'm generous that way. :D

Welcome laughn!

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Oh, and for those of you that are wondering .. the hair was flat and nicely styled. He ran his fingers through it several times.

**Sigh** Just like in my favorite picture! And bottle, its not that I am obsessed with it, its just I wanted to make sure our newbies had a chance to enjoy it..... ;)

I'm generous that way. :D

Welcome laughn!

Oh how very sweet and thoughtful of you. In that case, this will be my picture of the week...


Waves wildly at laughn...

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Dang! Yet another newbie? Welcome, laughn!

Black open-necked shirt and black pants. ZORRO! :hubbahubba: Oh I'm SO glad to read that...that visual, along with the fingers running through the hair part, really goes a long way in diluting my


over the previous pics...

Ahem...I just took a look in my "Muse" folder on my laptop. That's where I file away any writing that happens. To give you an idea of my state of AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH! in that area of my life, I currently have six first chapters of stories.

Not six chapters of a story, mind you. Six FIRST chapters of six DIFFERENT potential stories.

Can one get a job writing just first chapters of things? :huh:

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I was loading AI1 our or people, then I wondered why no one ws downloading and I see that I didn't load the last few - oops. Anyway, if you want, I could put it in a separate thread called AI media so people can actually find it - I have allthe idol extras, I stopped loading them at the CH because no one much seemed interested, I guess I just have stuff. Let me know.

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Bottle I absolutely adore oranged shirted JBT Clay..which is why I can't change the front page of FCAM even though his style has changed so much.

Feel free to start a thread for the AI stuff PLAY.

Puddins - thanks for bringing over your TBAF story. That is just wonderful.

Welcome laughn.

So Clay was in the house at the concert? Hey Lucky and Cindy, didn't you "feel" him in your vicinity? Bad fan girl. :cryingwlaughter:

Muski, pick a chapter 1, any chapter 1 and get to writin'. I can always peruse them next time I'm over and offer advise if you need it I'll sacrifice anything for the cause. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Hi! It's a new week for Rose Radio. Be sure to listen in Monday for the preview of this week's selections which will include tracks by INXS, Van Morrison, The Eagles, India.Arie, Genesis, Lifehouse, Tina Turner, divineMAGgees, and Clay Aiken. On Tuesday you can read more about this week's selections on the Rose Radio blog.


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You know what's been true since the beginning? It doesn't matter what's going on in real life--what kind of emotional roller coaster that daily living hosts---since 2003 it has never failed that listening to or watching or thinking about Clay Aiken has not make things just more...


What a wonderful legacy to own---that even a thought of you uplifts or enriches another's life. I honestly cannot fathom how different---and so very less wonderful---without a song from or a glimpse of the man.

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So Clay was in the house at the concert? Hey Lucky and Cindy, didn't you "feel" him in your vicinity? Bad fan girl. :cryingwlaughter:

Quoting myself from yesterday......

I think there's still a possiblity that he might have been at the event, but there were piles of VIP bleachers set up behind us and it would have been difficult to spot him up there. I wonder if we'll ever know......

:medium-smiley-070: :cryingwlaughter:

It'll be interesting to see if a second person posts to verify the backstage story.....there was one guy there who in the beginning we were sure was David Foster.....until he wasn't. ;)

ETA: Apparently he was there for the rehearsals. From Notacanuck at CH.

National Post

Among the more out-there sightings in all of this, however? Or at least the most unexpected? Well, besides the repeated sightings of Eric Benet, Halle Berry's ex, who was hanging out backstage on Saturday night with Prince's ex, the Toronto-raised Manuela Testolini Nelson? The two are now a couple, and even though that was a bit strange, what was stranger still was the appearance of the most spiritual and fabulous of American Idols, Clay Aiken.

If you blinked, you woulda missed him, but he was, indeed, there for a few split-secs!

Aiken, my spies report, flew in to Toronto on Saturday morning with uberproducer David Foster, after having conquered Vancouver during a singsong coinciding there with the West Coast's visit of The Governator, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The Idol checked out the staging, watched the rehearsals with Foster and at the same time fit in a meeting with Mark Shekter, who was exec-producing the concert at the ROM on Saturday night.

"He also talked to Jann Arden," my source reports, adding that he ran for the airport just as soon as he could that afternoon.

And so?

So, partly this is possibly the only opportunity for me to mention the serieux architect Daniel Libeskind and the hair-challenged choirboy Aiken in the same sentence. And partly, maybe, to make the case that there could not be a more appropriate pop star to stand in as metaphor for the new museum wing.

The not-ordinary Michael Lee-Chin addition -- which has been called "daring" but also, in recent days, been compared to Dante's Inferno -- is like, Clay, an acquired taste. Quite clearly. Like Clay, it's also been likened to kitsch, but like him, too, it's at least got people talking.

But what I do know? Human architecture has struck me as way more interesting than any other kind of architecture.

Sounds like he was long gone by the time they opened the gates to the pubic (around 8:30 pm or so).

Edited by luckiest1
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Welcome PuddinsJoy!! I also neglected to welcome 00lsee and Caro, and I hope we'll be hearing from y'all again soon.

Thnx, jmh123, and ditto to the greetings to 00lsee and PuddinsJoy! :00000441:

Luckiest1 -- great to read your report from this weekend's adventure! The Finale photos I saw were amazing. Now if we just had one of the good-looking dude standing in the wings dressed in black! :foto:

I couldn't make it to CHAT, but I would be interested in reading the transcript, in case this is available. :P

Y'all have an awesome day! :00000462:

LOL, I just discovered all the extra emoticons. :eusa_whistle:


Edited by Carolina Clay
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Sounds like he was long gone by the time they opened the gates to the pubic (around 8:30 pm or so).

Well, gee, I wonder who the "wing" man in black was? Wishful thinking! :cryingwlaughter:


Hi Caro!! Great to see you hear!!

and other newbies!!

I still feel like one although my join date might say otherwise!!!!!

I missed chat myself...I was out walking all night long......

(Relay held Friday night....didnt want you all to think I was a night walker....hehe)

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