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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


New thread title poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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Something interesting on his tour? Don't ask me why, but the first thing that popped into my mind was that David Foster was joining the tour to accompany him on the piano. Somebody pinch me and wake me up. Hee Now I have always hoped Clay would take up piano again. Maybe David is teaching him, and he is going to surprise us by playing again. Be still my heart....

I think news of David Foster playing the piano on Clay's tour would help sell even more tickets to the symphony types and whatnot, so I personally don't think they would keep it a secret. Also, I can't see David going on the road with Clay, although the idea of Foster playing for one of the LA area gigs is intriguing... Hmmm... Seriously, though, I would expect Jesse to be filling the musical director / pianist role again on this tour, although I don't think we know anything for sure.

Your husband sounds like my mom, who doesn't want to bother her doctor with her medical problems when she goes in for an appointment. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense doesn't it? :rolleyes:

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Apropos of nothing really, did you know there are 52 frames in this teeny little smiley? Had to erase the sign part from each one individually. I am still squinting! LOL.

I hatesss commenting on any gossip page shstuff, but I'm totally intrigued as to why he would be going to Paris (if true). I can *totally* hear him saying, 'get the PM on the phone' (hell, I'm just glad he knows we have a PM and not a President, lolol). If the gossip mongers around him can't recognize a joke when they hear one - screw 'em! Vive l'Aiken!

ETA: Claygasm, I think it's hilarious too - and any fan who knows Clay would. The Canadian press however almost always like to portray him as a diva, so I don't doubt that their intentions were not meant in good humour.

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Apropos of nothing really, did you know there are 52 frames in this teeny little smiley? Had to erase the sign part from each one individually. I am still squinting! LOL.

I hatesss commenting on any gossip page shstuff, but I'm totally intrigued as to why he would be going to Paris (if true). I can *totally* hear him saying, 'get the PM on the phone' (hell, I'm just glad he knows we have a PM and not a President, lolol). If the gossip mongers around him can't recognize a joke when they hear one - screw 'em! Vive l'Aiken!

ETA: Claygasm, I think it's hilarious too - and any fan who knows Clay would. The Canadian press however almost always like to portray him as a diva, so I don't doubt that their intentions were not meant in good humour.

But see, I think they did see the joke in it - hence the funny bit!

Didn't anyone else think it was funny???

I'm not saying Page Six is wonderful nor do I like what they have said about him in the past, but I thought this article was hysterical!

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bwah..it's funny to me too. I don't need all of my Clay mentions to be fangirly and free of f snark - just don't be freakin evil and mean spirited. Clay needs his stuff pinned inside his coat like my mom used to do me when I was in elementary school.

Cindilu -- I did realize that about Canada press..what crawled up their butt about Clay. But he had a good week! Yay. And that was pretty mild and he escaped without any harm I think.

ETA: to change a curse word to something more acceptable so as not to fighten away the newbies. :cryingwlaughter:

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Took a sick day today. Hubby has his follow up appointment. If I don't accompany him he downplays things, and hides prescriptions, because he doesn't like to take meds. Also neglects to tell Dr. everything going on with him. Typical male.

Your husband and bottlecap's mom remind me of my mom as well, so I don't think it's a "male" thing. My belief is twofold: 1) they don't want to "bother" them, think it's rude that they keep bringing up each and every little thing. Of course, you tell parent/husband/wife that it's the doctor's JOB to care about these things, but it doesn't sink in. 2) I think money is also an issue. My mom is extremely frugal, and by telling the doctor about other things, that just adds more to the bill!

BTW -- {{{{{{{Clayzorback}}}}} on the money thing. I hear ya!

Does it make me a bad fan that I thought that Page Six mention was hysterical!!


I think they found out he lost his passport and made a joke out of it. The way it was written I can't imagine anything negative coming from it - or intended with it. I think they were just snarking on him losing his passport.

Made me laugh anyway!

I hatesss commenting on any gossip page shstuff, but I'm totally intrigued as to why he would be going to Paris (if true). I can *totally* hear him saying, 'get the PM on the phone' (hell, I'm just glad he knows we have a PM and not a President, lolol). If the gossip mongers around him can't recognize a joke when they hear one - screw 'em! Vive l'Aiken!

Actually, since I'm the one that mentioned the thing in the first place -- I agree with both you ladies (except for the "bad fan" bit, hee). I did laugh a bit, but didn't like their phrasing on a few of the things. My problem. And yes, he probably was snarking to the airport people, which of course doesn't translate in the game of telephone tag very well. And Paris? Why is he going to Paris? Or was that more of the piece's attempted snark? Maybe we'll find out soon....

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Thank goodness I wasn't the only one to find it funny!

I have an idea what he was doing in Paris!! He was getting a new tour wardrobe! Maybe he's given up Paul Smith for the latest on the Paris runway!!!

That could be frightening!

(This post brought to you by Exclamation!Points!Are!Us!!!)

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I have an idea what he was doing in Paris!! He was getting a new tour wardrobe! Maybe he's given up Paul Smith for the latest on the Paris runway!!!

That could be frightening!

(This post brought to you by Exclamation!Points!Are!Us!!!)

bwah! Yes it very well could.

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Ha! Maybe I didn't type loud enough? I said I think it's hilarious. :cryingwlaughter: (<<<does this guy help?)

I saw what you said! I really did! I was including you when I said I was glad I wasn't the only one who found it funny! Really!

But I do kind of like this guy.... :cryingwlaughter:

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Yep, when I read it, I could totally hear Clay snarking "get the PM on the phone!" to DF. :cryingwlaughter:

I just read through the first 10 pages of the chat thread. Very interesting stuff! Sorry I missed it, because I kept wanting to comment and then realized each time that it was over. LOL. When's the next one?

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OMG - I've been away for 5 days and I am hopelessly behind! TWELVE PAGES???? :scream:

So far I've heard he blogged twice and been in Vancouver singing for the Gov'nator again....

So, I hope to be able to catch up today, I tried last night but Dau#2 (back from school in SF) is here and wants to do a Harry Potter Movie Marathon! We started last night - late!

I like the new smileys!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


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OMG - I've been away for 5 days and I am hopelessly behind! TWELVE PAGES???? :scream:

and don't forget the 17 pages in the the chat thread

this post brought to you by :cryingwlaughter:

seems to be the theme of the morning.

In the FYI category... last year on this date, we had 3 posts all day. heee You could have caught up your 5 days in about 5 minutes Cha Cha

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Oh yeah, that "Get the PM on the phone!" CMSU! :cryingwlaughter: And I was already :cryingwlaughter: thinking about last night's "Creature Comforts" show! Lawd Jesus, my hubby and daughter and I were wiping tears for 30 minutes. We had to keep telling hubby to SHUT UP because he'd be laughing and we couldn't hear the next hilarious comment coming out of some claymation creature's mouth. Now THAT'S some funny shit. :clap::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Clay in Paris? oooh la la! Something about that Eiffel Tower has always reminded me of him, anyway.

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I guess I just don't have the same sense of humor as the rest of you - I personally want Canoe to go bankrupt. I won't click their links because - if they can't say something nice about Clay, they will print it. I think Clay can say some funny things and this was probably a joke - yet they have to quote out of context, where as, if it was in context - OH MY GOD - this stupid paper/blog might actaully have a funny article and it might, just might, make people understand that Clay actually has a sense of humor. Instead they use the screech, a word that I find particuarlly annoying because I am watching Celberity fit club right now.

FYI - am not too concerned with my knickers right now - I don't really care enough, just wanted to present my viewpoint as counterpoint. (whew - this could have been like a blog posted by Chris S. from AI - edited, edited, edited and still full of crap especially the not care enough staement, my personal snark - thankfully there is no edit counter or people saving the different versions!)

Ah well, at least I caught Barbara Walters inadvertently insulting KG on the view - now that was funny and totally off topic! I loved watching Barbara try to explain why she really wasn't insulting her, but not sounding sincere, heh. See, I can be mean.

Now on to Clay - Paris? Is he going to visit Cherie? He has not been shipped with her for a long time. Or perhaps a producer - is any famous producer living in Paris? Perhaps it is to set up his international tour, heh, - well maybe not. Maybe it is a stop on his way to visit Sweden?

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Instead they use the screech, a word that I find particuarlly annoying because I am watching Celberity fit club right now.

You know, that was the word that set me off with this article too...and I also watch "Celebrity Fit Club." The connection must be there!

The rest of it I really did find mostly funny...but I'm sorry, IMO Clay does NOT screech. Yell, maybe. Express displeasure, you betcha. But screech? Maybe while he's in bed with someone special....

I didn't just say that, did I?

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Ah well, at least I caught Barbara Walters inadvertently insulting KG on the view - now that was funny and totally off topic! I loved watching Barbara try to explain why she really wasn't insulting her, but not sounding sincere, heh. See, I can be mean.

I can understand your point of view. I didn't know where the article came from and yes they are tabloidy trash and do remember some of their "ahem" journalism. That's why I do like that stuff is posted so I can read without giving hits. I did laugh though.

But..explain yourself. The view dirt please!!

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Instead they use the screech, a word that I find particuarlly annoying because I am watching Celberity fit club right now.

You know, that was the word that set me off with this article too...and I also watch "Celebrity Fit Club." The connection must be there!

The rest of it I really did find mostly funny...but I'm sorry, IMO Clay does NOT screech. Yell, maybe. Express displeasure, you betcha. But screech? Maybe while he's in bed with someone special....

I didn't just say that, did I?

But Clay DOES screech sometimes. Listen to some of the clack! He definitely has a tendency to use a high pitched screech from time to time! I have heard it many times, especially when he gets excited telling a story....

Or as couchie said, maybe when he's in bed with one of his harem....

No offense to anyone, and maybe its understandable, but sometimes I think some in this fandom are too sensitive and have lost their sense of humor in regards to Clay. I have to think that the vast majority of people reading this were laughing and thought it funny. And then they moved on to the next bit and never gave it another thought.

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If, and I stress IF, I were going to ship Clay with somebody a la Paris ... it would be Tyra. Paris is definitely her stomping grounds ... and if Clay is wardrobe shopping for the tour, Tyra could help him out with that. I could see that late dinner in New York last month turning into a Paris trip ... YEAH! This is definitely imaginable.

ETA: I said, IF, remember.

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And then they moved on to the next bit and never gave it another thought.

Yep, that's how I see it. And I have to agree that our boyfriend does give good screech sometimes....heh.

And then....his voice can absolutely resonate deep deep deep.... :hubbahubba:

On another note---the expensive tournament softball season has begun! These traveling tourneys require overnights at hotels...I volunteered to organize the group block at South Lake Tahoe for a late July tourney there. Uh....summer weekends at Lake Tahoe? Deals hard to find, y'all. :scream: What does this have to do with Clay, you ask?

Well, if Carrie's team is really good, they could make the nationals.

The national tourney is in Las Cruces, NM, the first week of August.

THE FIRST WEEK OF AUGUST, people. :scream:

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I admit losing part of my sense of humor - Don't ever try and tell me a Polish joke or a blonde joke if you value your health - My Brother-in-law started telling Wachovian jokes, since they all died out o to not believing in sex, he figured a dead ethnic group was a better choice with such a sensitive family. Right now, one brother is married into a family that loves to tell Polish and blonde jokes and they thought it was so funny that I would get annoyed with them - well, I told some Italian jokes back to them and now I am no longer invited to large family parties - gee, I guess not everyone has a sense of humor about everything! Perspective. I just spent too many years with people using parts of my heritage/biology to feel it is funny anymore. Someone can only beat me with a stick so many times and tell me it is funny before I get the idea that it is only funny to them!

It is perspective that defines your sense of humor. I did not say anyone was evil for finding the article funny, I just said that I did not - hence I am not criticizing people who found it funny, it is my right to disagree and I presented my position.

I have no problem when something I really think is funny is written/told. I did not think this was, although there was indeed a smidge of believable information that is actually funny in the article.

ETA - why did I read the end of Muski's post to say the first week of ANGST? - Just how good is your daughter's team?

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Ahem..........Did someone mention "Seduces Me?" Now I must admit I have never heard Celine Dion's version, but I have heard the original by Alfie Anido. I never let a chance pass me by to mention rcknrllmom's montage, with this song.............It makes me melt and if Celine sings it better than this guy, then it should be labeled as lethal to your health:



Thank you. He is good, but sings a little too breathy for me. I think I like Celine's version better.

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Instead they use the screech, a word that I find particuarlly annoying because I am watching Celberity fit club right now.

You know, that was the word that set me off with this article too...and I also watch "Celebrity Fit Club." The connection must be there!

For one who has never watched the show, would you mind giving a little more detail on the connection? Just curious I guess...and after the schedule bf has me on watching all sorts of new shows, I know I'll never get to this one.

I think the man has a laugh that could set off car alarms...and I love him for it. :P

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But Clay DOES screech sometimes. Listen to some of the clack! He definitely has a tendency to use a high pitched screech from time to time! I have heard it many times, especially when he gets excited telling a story....

Maybe I don't hear it as much because I do the same thing myself -- when I'm extremely excited about something, my voice definitely gets louder and higher. My husband yells at me all the time about that! (And it's a trait I inherited from my mother -- Me: "Why are you yelling at me?" Mom: "I'm not yelling at you." Me: "Sure sounds like it...")

Or as couchie said, maybe when he's in bed with one of his harem....

*sniff* That was me who said that. *sniff*


No offense to anyone, and maybe its understandable, but sometimes I think some in this fandom are too sensitive and have lost their sense of humor in regards to Clay. I have to think that the vast majority of people reading this were laughing and thought it funny. And then they moved on to the next bit and never gave it another thought.

I actually do agree with you on this. For me, it just really depends on my particular mood on a given day. 98% of the time, I'm fine with almost everything written about Clay, even the stuff that can be taken as a diss by others. But then there's the other 2%... I just wish I could predict when it happens for me. I think there are more than a few in the fandom that are like me too. Unfortunately, there are also a few in the fandom whose percentages run at least 50-50. Those are frustrating to me too.

Well, if Carrie's team is really good, they could make the nationals.

The national tourney is in Las Cruces, NM, the first week of August.

THE FIRST WEEK OF AUGUST, people. :scream:

Oh no!!! I thought you had that all worked out! Crap for you! And yet, I'm not going to hope that Carrie's team loses, because I want her to be a winner! Tough, tough situation.

ETA - why did I read the end of Muski's post to say the first week of ANGST?


ETA: laughn, "Celebrity Fit Club" is a show on VH1 where a group bring together a bunch of C-list celebrities who've "let themselves go" and try to whip them back into shape with a diet and exercise plan. There are group activities and then every two weeks they "weigh in." The reason play and I are having a hard time with the word "screech" is because one of the "celebrities" this season is Dustin Diamond, who used to play "Screech" on "Saved by the Bell." He's showing himself to be a first class asshole -- snide, sexual, rude comments to all his other cast members (including Kim Locke), and he's simply not trying to lose weight. He's eating all the stuff he shouldn't be. He's a jerk, and no one on the show likes him. The rest of the cast is cool, but he's an idiot.

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Play...Carrie's team is good, but we'll see. Thing is that we found out that the top 3 teams in the regional tourney that takes place June 30 and July 1 will qualify for hte nationals. They have a good chance of making the top 3, I think.

I don't know exactly what the schedule is for the nationals....I do know that it would be unlikely our team made it too far into the week, so most likely the Greek and Indio concerts are safe.....The San Diego one is the one I'm worried about.....

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Hee, I just found out my oldest son's local playoff tourney is on the same weekend I will be traversing NC and TN. Thank God he is independent and has his own car! (He plays centre field on a competitive hardball team, ages 18 - 20). I'm hopeful that at least one of his other tournaments will fall on a weekend when I'm actually here! Right now, I'm trying to decide whether or not I want to freeze my butt off tonight to go and watch him play under the lights.....I hear there is a risk of frost, that's how cold it is! And to think we needed the A/C last weekend. Strange weather.

Does Clay screech? I'd say yes. I think it's totally adorable when he does that high pitched thingy, when he's excited.

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