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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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On a brighter note, I thoroughly enjoyed Scarlett's video from the Classics last night! He was full of piss and vinegar, wasn't he? The way he struts and throws his hips forward really accentuates his......

tummy, doesn't it?

:medium-smiley-070: I rushed over to watch that. He sure got into Beat It didn't he.

And his party all nite :cryingwlaughter: I love him, pouchy tummy and all.

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Okay...it's obvious that Clay is reading my posts. I reported some pages back that I showed Carrie the Houston "Classics"....and that she cracked up, etc. but also that she said that Clay should do more Michael Jackson type moves during Beat It---like the hand flick!

And voila!

He did the hand flick last night! :lilredani:

I rest my case.

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Hmmmmm....this post brings my current post count ON THIS PAGE to five, which is more than half of the total on this page.....

and if I post again to say that it brings the count to six, what percentage of the total posts would that be? Are YOU smarter than a fifth grader?!?!?!?! :cryingwlaughter:

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bwah..but if you look back a few pages to last night where I may have only had 3 posts on the entire page but they were extremely long so the percentage of space taken up is actually more than your five posts -- wonder where our trains will meet up LOL.

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AH a math problem - IF couchie is going at the speed of 500 words per post and Muski is at 20 words per post but accelerating in the direction of NNE, win what city will they both meet? - Would that be LA or not? I forgot to add the baseball statistics to that problem.

Edited by playbiller
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I just love you guys!!!!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

And no I am not going to listen to the cellcert tonight! No I'm not...oh who I am kidding! I still have to pack and find a stunning outfit to see Orlando Bloom in but do I care no! Clay has a new song or an new new song or an old new song....oh whatever I will so be there.

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Okay...this CMSU, too! Even the headline makes me cackle!

Naked Photo Shoot to Draw Attention to Glacial Shrinkage!

Heh....bet if Clay decided to join this group, his 'shrinkage' would still leave him better off than most others.... :whistling-1:

Please tell me I am not the only one who enlarged the picture........... :eusa_whistle:

AH a math problem - IF coucie is going at the speed of 500 words per post and Muski is at 20 words per post bu accelerating in the direction of NNE, win what city will they both meet? - Would that be LA or not? I forgot to addthe baseball statistics to that problem.

Hated these problem solving math questions. They used to intimidate the heck out of me. Not so much now, but in school I got them wrong more times than not. Brainfreeze.

I just love you guys!!!!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

And no I am not going to listen to the cellcert tonight! No I'm not...oh who I am kidding! I still have to pack and find a stunning outfit to see Orlando Bloom in but do I care no! Clay has a new song or an new new song or an old new song....oh whatever I will so be there.

Orlando Bloom is just another one of those hot young hot men, like Clay, I would chase after if I was younger.

I hope he sings one of his new songs from the album. He does have 4 on ATDW, and I wish he would sing all of them to help promote some more sales.

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Back for More? As one who has been accused of schloppily loving everything Clay does ... I never liked BFM in any way, shape or form. Sorry to the lovers of this song, but the song had zero appeal for me. Tears Run Dry was for me the best new song from JBT. Of course, I never saw BFM performed live, but watched every piece of Clack that I was told would do it for me ... and nothing ever did. Not the GMA performance or at any time during JBT. To me, the song strained Clay's voice, and the music and lyrics were pedestrian. I, for one, never ever understood the appeal of this song, other than perhaps fans were just excited to pump their arms and play Clay's a Rock Star, when there's nothing remotely rock about BFM to me. Invisible is a thousand times superior to BFM, again my opinion.

As to ATDW, I've always believed that Without You was released as a single to showcase Clay's voice because I think only a handful of current artists would even dare attempt it, and certainly not to sing regularly or on tour.

keepingfaith, WORD.

BFM was formulaic, front loaded with "hooks". Clay I'm sure knew/felt this. I believe he didn't "feel it" with this song because it was common. I can't tell you how many songs I've heard since, both on radio and my daughters MY Space, that sound so much like BFM. meh

And yes ITA WY is a fantastic choice to showcase his vocals. It worked for me. It was what got me into the store to purchase the CD. Then ATD, which I also loved got me in to purchase a second one for my car. Then LAA and IYDKMBN........geez, I hope my DH never reads this! :RedGuy:


couchie, I think the reason Clay loves the TV theme songs medely so much is becasue it "means something" to him. Unlike many (not all) of the covers on ATDW. He has a personal history with those songs/shows apparantly and loves telling the story. He really is a story teller extraordinaire. Look at LAA. It's obviously a meaningful story for him. I think he is a complex person/talent and I hope to god he never changes.

I really like/love that guy!!


Can't remember who I'm quoting here so please forgive me (make note to self to get to bed much earlier from now on)


"Finally, we don't even know how much Clive Davis is involved in albums, except to maybe sit somewhere and have to OK something. The man is the head of BMG North America, with albums coming out every week and business to deal with, I find it hard to believe the involvement that both Clay and Kelly have alluded to him having. Most likely, he is just reflecting the advice from his A&R and other staff people, so why does not one ever curse them?"

I have a very distantly related professional opinion on this one statement/question. At one time in my other life I was a peon in the music industry and from what I knew about, observed, witnessed or heard of back then I would sumize that Clive most definitely is hands on in your face involved to the bitter end of the process. Except for the marketing and such....post release portion of it anyway. Guys like him do not get to where they are in the industry by standing by and allowing others to take over the process at a certain point. Nor do they rely on feedback or suggestions from others who are paid to provide exactly that. N.O.!

My best guess is that he (Clive) is a major control freak with the ego of another planet entirely. I have never met, worked with or dated anyone in the industry who was anything less. With maybe one or two minor exceptions like the salesmen/reps. He had to be the first, second, third and final word throughout. I'm willing to bet he even subliminally or otherwise made possible future promises (also known as subtle career death threats with a smile and "I love you like a son" attached) in the quise of a career counselor at one time. They are cutthroat and would throw their own mother under the bus if needed! Do not doubt it. And Clay has had to make some serious adjustments I am sure in order to just live with the "rotting souls" for which he so aptly named them.

Hehe, can you tell I have issues with this business? ;)

He has, in my opinion, done very well given the so called politics he must work through in order to just survive. He has done exceptionally well to maintain his integrity throughout. Believe me, it is incredibly difficult if not next to impossible to do. I really admire his titanium balls. :clap:

ETA it was play I was quoting above.

Edited by treenuts
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Looks up and sees self on top of her. Yikes, I hope someone else posts between now and the time I finalize and post this one. Otherwise it makes me look really pathetic.

So, who gives a rats ass anyway.....onward...

I actually thought the man had nothing bad to say about the show, he just seemed to try reallly hard to be dismissive, yet couldn't quite manage it. I would not call this a rave review, yet he said nothing bad about the show and lots of sort of kind of good things.

I thought the broadway comment was pretty much reaching, like "maybe this will sound kind of bad". I imagine the guy laughed his head off, enjoyed the music and found it so hard to admit he was not cool when he had to write this darn review! It sucks to be a reviewer and have a good time at a not cool place to be.

Yep. I was quite pleased with this review. Unfortunately (sadly) because there are so few folks who aren't afraid to write up a deservingly decent or great review of Clay. This reads like a guy who is trying hard to remain distant yet respectful. I'm not sure, but he may just "really" have liked the show. All of which is just my o.p.i.n.i.o.n of course. ;)

Bringing this over from the CH, via anntherese54, who had a M&G last night:

Clay said that there would be a NEW SONG tonight in Canandaigua. I don't know if that means a NEW NEW song....or a NEW OLD song...or another TV theme song. He did not offer any more info than that.


And that little shit! Changing the show when he KNOWS I can't attend another one. Harumph. *g*


Yeah for scarlett and her intrepid spirit. I loved the clack but honestly Clay, would it kill ya to eat a salad now and then? Huh?! I'm worried about your cholesteral baby :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Okie dokie throw your tomatoes peeps!! (ducking)

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treenuts, I think your description of record label peeps fits every type A multi millionaire business owner I know LOL. :cryingwlaughter: In fact, I think I hear one calling me right now.....scoooots....

With perhaps one exception...although I can't be sure about all wealthy business owners....

Music Industry Execs consume more recreational drugs, alcohol and sexual partners than in any other industry. But the perks are beyond belief and difficult to give up or learn to live without (I'm ashamed to say)

Oooooooo I can't wait to hear what he's adding this evening!!

Please let it be IYDKMBN


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Hell, they don't even have to be multi-millionaires!

Yeay! So I qualify!!!! :laola0:

Wait....I'm confused...do I WANT to be in this club? :blink:

Hee....I'm here trying to get stuff done so that my computer can get packed away and my two daughters are giggling and bugging each other while they pack all my office junk... :clap:

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treenut, you haven't been hanging around enough other businesses...I'll put politics and the financial industry right up there - including the "perks"...

A lot of this has to do with relative power...entertainment, especially in this culture, has a lot of power - but the politicians and the money men? Chaaaaaaa....

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treenuts, I think your description of record label peeps fits every type A multi millionaire business owner I know LOL. :cryingwlaughter: In fact, I think I hear one calling me right now.....scoooots....

Exactly. BFD. That's how the corporate world works. Clay will maneuver his way along just like the rest of us poor working saps. Oh, wait, I work for me. Oh yeah, I'm a bitch too. :lol:

Personally, I do admire Clay... but not for sticking it to anyone, or having titanium balls, or whatever... more for just taking care of himself; understanding that the world is a shithole and still coming out with a smile on his face and his heart in the right place.

There are politics in every profession. Shitty ones too. Clay would have been fighting them even if he were a teacher, or a principal. He doesn't have to like them to play and come out a winner.

He's a smart one, that guy. Smart enough to know when and where. That's why I admire him. No bitter death threats to his "enemies", no being mired in hatred for him. The best revenge is success and all that. He deals, he refocuses the attention, he laughs, he moves on. That's why I admire him.

treenuts, I disagree with your "statistic". There are just as many deceitful, fucked up people up in high tech corporate america as in any other industry. Try sports. Try Religion. Meh, people are people. Power is power. Money is money.

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Hi, I have Clay's copy of the set list from the show in Philly Tuesday night. It does have Sorry Seems to Be The Hardest Word crossed off in black mar It was 3rd song on the listing for the 2nd half of the show. Another fan got one of the other copies and hers has it crossed off too. It was probably Angie's or Quaina's copy.

So maybe that one is back in starting tonight or he's doing a different song totally in the set list starting tonight.

Saw this on CV. I'd love to hear him sing this live. :clap:

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Hell, they don't even have to be multi-millionaires!

exactly...this is a description of a lot of cut throat business men out there. This is also not a surprise to most of us I'm sure. I think what would surprise me is if someone told me the label is really looking for artistic success. The thing is...Clive is one of the most successful man in the business. He is well respected and his time is money. He won't waste his time on filler artists. I think that is why artist love to tell Clive stories because it means that the big guy knows you exist and is giving you his personal attention. Its frustrating when his vision of monetary success don;t jive with an artist artistic vision and that is when he is vilified. I am sure he earned his reputation...but the guy has had a lot of successes under his belt...one cannot just dismiss that.

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Exactly. BFD. That's how the corporate world works. Clay will maneuver his way along just like the rest of us poor working saps.

Personally, I do admire Clay... but not for sticking it to anyone, or having titanium balls, or whatever... more for just taking care of himself; understanding that the world is a shithole and still coming out with a smile on his face and his heart in the right place.

There are politics in every profession. Shitty ones too. Clay would have been fighting them even if he were a teacher, or a principal. He doesn't have to like them to play and come out a winner.

He's a smart one, that guy. Smart enough to know when and where. That's why I admire him. No bitter death threats to his "enemies", no being mired in hatred for him. The best revenge is success and all that. He deals, he refocuses the attention, he laughs, he moves on. That's why I admire him.


There's a reason they call it "show business." I'm pretty sure Clay knows that.

As far as politics in every profession -- AMEN! I have to deal with that every day, and I think all of us who work for someone does too. Didn't Clay mention in LTS that he knew that he'd have a few battles if he became a principal? He may not have realized RIGHT AWAY that the battles in the music business would be on a grander scale (that's not right exactly, but I can't figure out how to phrase it better), but he's learned. Oh, has he learned.

He also seems to know quite well when to make lemons out of lemonade -- and when to NOT do that. He makes his choices, and I think he knows how to live with them one he's made them.

Oh, wait, I work for me. Oh yeah, I'm a bitch too. :lol:


Hi, I have Clay's copy of the set list from the show in Philly Tuesday night. It does have Sorry Seems to Be The Hardest Word crossed off in black mar It was 3rd song on the listing for the 2nd half of the show. Another fan got one of the other copies and hers has it crossed off too. It was probably Angie's or Quaina's copy.

So maybe that one is back in starting tonight or he's doing a different song totally in the set list starting tonight.

Saw this on CV. I'd love to hear him sing this live. :clap:

While I'm still crossing my fingers for IYDKMBN, this would be a great choice too. And then he can promptly forget the words to the song. Hee.

Time for a concert soon! Early one tonight -- it starts at 7:30 EDT!

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