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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


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27 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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Oh yes...another day another angst in Clayland. Or...As the Claynation Turns.



Hey Gibby ... I'll actually be working at the Public Library's Big Release Party. They are opening a branch so that the people that have holds on the 115 branch copies can pick them up at midnight and then the next 100 will get to check out the 100 popular reading copies. We will have games, face painting and such. It's being held at a great perfect-for-the-part looking older building with stone walls, high ceilings and beams. I suggested live owls but was shot down. *g*


eta ... oooooo and I'd like to WORD what you just posted down there .... BIG TIME!

Edited by jamar1700
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So someone from a meet and greet is posting that CLay will stay with RCA because all record companies are the same - what is that I hear - heads exploding?

I'm not gonna buy everything that everyone from the meet & greets say, hook-line-and-sinker. If several people corroborate this piece of news, and we hear it from a couple of meet & greets, then it's probably believable.

I am glad that Clay is sharing the CD process with fans a bit more this time. He knows that people share and post what he says, even if things get exaggerated or changed up a bit as they're shared. It at least will prepare people that the CD process will take awhile, and that Clay probably won't get everything he wants on the CD. Those things might be evident just by looking around at numerous other artists, who also say that the label dictates what is on their CDs, and that the process is lengthly and conflictual. However, many people hope that things will be different for Clay, and it appears, not surprisingly, that they are not.

ETA: Jamar, that sounds like great fun! Too bad you couldn't do the live owls. Will you be dressing up in some sort of costume?

Edited by Gibby
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Well, I will believe stuff when Clay tells me directly, but he does seem to be having issues right now, what exactly the issues are, I will take with a grain of salt, he is also having a ball performing.

I think the whole finding the way to the stage must have had some fun aftermath - one of the reasons that I don't think I could be friends with Clay isthat I think he takes no pity on anyone and is an unmerciful tease, but I don't know that as a fact.

Edited by playbiller
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Yay, looks like we're on for YSRN..yay. How far are you from Santa Cruz... we could do that or just hang at your place... bring food, watch clack...are both LOL. A little fresh air and chat would be fun.

Glad to be getting these tidbits from the meet and greets. I've learned an important lesson this week in that even if it comes from Clay's mouth - there's still a filter involved from the person taking it in - and how that info is then disseminated has a huge effect on how it's processed. I'll just add the info to the whole and realize it's all still speculation. I actually agree with the sentiment that it's proboably the same everywhere. And smaller companies are no guarantee. Look how K'Lo's label has completely screwed her over. Such a disappointment.

Play..totally agree about Clay and his torturous teasing. If he were my friend I'd proably have hurt him by now -- IMO asd all that.

Jamar, can't wait to meet my sports sister at the Cali concerts!!

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If ya'll wanna pass out sleep over at my house, that's fine by me.

I'm about 10 minutes from Santa Cruz... we can go be tourists, hang out at my house (I have a HUGE yard with lots of patios and places to hang out), or sit around watching Clay on teevee... or all of the above. We can BBQ (my definition - ha!) and go to the beach, and drink and eat and I won't even make you plant anything... Heh.

To me, the M&Gs are gifts for these fans. They're not reporters... they're in full fangirl mode (or at least I would be) so I expect them to share as much or little as makes them happy and I don't expect them to be paying attention to details in a "news reporting" kind of way. I just want them to have fun and not feel any burden from the rest of us to bring us news... I hope everyone can maintain that sense of lightheartedness for them...

I see some people with multiple screennames and their friends being a bit too hyper and running around prodding for details about and from the attendees and I hope they back off a little bit. JMO. < --- ack, why did I add that? Of course it's JMO... it came out of my mouth didn't it?

Oooo, I adore an unmerciful tease... sarcastic shits are some of my favorite people. LOL!

ETA.... LOL! I mean, like grilling meat and other items on a grill, as opposed to simmering meat in a pot (or however that's done) and putting it on bread or whatnot.

Edited by YSRN
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If anyone is at the ofice and wants the HYCA lost video loaded to 4shared so they can see it, just let me know. I will be in and out all day. Just mowed the front lawn and should not have worn open toed shoes - ouchy! from a sharp pebble when weed whacking, Must shop for an hour now.

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sarcastic shits are some of my favorite people. LOL!

Which is why you and I are in sync, WORD! :whistling-1::cryingwlaughter:

1.So...not gonna angst over Clay's record label, only his pants label. Want it to read "Ultra Tight"

2.Not gonna angst over Clay's song choices, only his pants choices. Want them to ride ultra low.

3.Not gonna angst over Clay's arm hair status, only his zipper status. Want it to be bursting open.

4.Not gonna angst over Clay's pokey chest hair disappearance (much), only Waldo's appearance. Want one.

5.Not gonna angst over how long it takes for the next CD, only how long it takes for #4.

AM gonna angst over how well Carrie's softball team does at the Nationals! :scream:



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Hey, Jamar!

I'll be doing the HP party thang tonight, too. But I already went to the bookstore this morning, got my number, and will be in the first 55 to get the book at our local Barnes & Noble. So I'm not gonna stand in line forever tonight, nor do I need to show up at 5:00 PM to get a good place in line. They're organized! I love it. DD #1 will be going with me, and she CAN'T WAIT to read the book. Good thing I'm buying two copies, cuz I'm gonna read it right away, too!

Wait! This is a Clay board, not a HP board? Oooooops.


OMG I am so excited too. But because I am in the boondocks...no parties for me...or waiting in bookstores. But will be checking torrents for the book. Last time...I got it online before my book from amazon arrived.

we do have HP threads and would love to discuss the book there. We just have to be careful to label the post with what chapter is being discussed...so we can avoid spoiler...and please don;t announce what happens to Harry....put it in spoiler tags...

So someone from a meet and greet is posting that CLay will stay with RCA because all record companies are the same - what is that I hear - heads exploding?


Hmmm...very interesting. I can understand this sentiment. Better the devil you know as they say.

Oh yes...another day another angst in Clayland. Or...As the Claynation Turns.



Hey Gibby ... I'll actually be working at the Public Library's Big Release Party. They are opening a branch so that the people that have holds on the 115 branch copies can pick them up at midnight and then the next 100 will get to check out the 100 popular reading copies. We will have games, face painting and such. It's being held at a great perfect-for-the-part looking older building with stone walls, high ceilings and beams. I suggested live owls but was shot down. *g*


eta ... oooooo and I'd like to WORD what you just posted down there .... BIG TIME!

wow...I am so jealous....have fun!!!

So someone from a meet and greet is posting that CLay will stay with RCA because all record companies are the same - what is that I hear - heads exploding?

I'm not gonna buy everything that everyone from the meet & greets say, hook-line-and-sinker. If several people corroborate this piece of news, and we hear it from a couple of meet & greets, then it's probably believable.

I am glad that Clay is sharing the CD process with fans a bit more this time. He knows that people share and post what he says, even if things get exaggerated or changed up a bit as they're shared. It at least will prepare people that the CD process will take awhile, and that Clay probably won't get everything he wants on the CD. Those things might be evident just by looking around at numerous other artists, who also say that the label dictates what is on their CDs, and that the process is lengthly and conflictual. However, many people hope that things will be different for Clay, and it appears, not surprisingly, that they are not.

ETA: Jamar, that sounds like great fun! Too bad you couldn't do the live owls. Will you be dressing up in some sort of costume?

Yeah I am glad that Clay is sharing some stuff too. Its much better than getting inside info from cloaked figures that cannot be revealed...GAH....

Yay, looks like we're on for YSRN..yay. How far are you from Santa Cruz... we could do that or just hang at your place... bring food, watch clack...are both LOL. A little fresh air and chat would be fun.

Glad to be getting these tidbits from the meet and greets. I've learned an important lesson this week in that even if it comes from Clay's mouth - there's still a filter involved from the person taking it in - and how that info is then disseminated has a huge effect on how it's processed. I'll just add the info to the whole and realize it's all still speculation. I actually agree with the sentiment that it's proboably the same everywhere. And smaller companies are no guarantee. Look how K'Lo's label has completely screwed her over. Such a disappointment.

Play..totally agree about Clay and his torturous teasing. If he were my friend I'd proably have hurt him by now -- IMO asd all that.

Jamar, can't wait to meet my sports sister at the Cali concerts!!

YUP...I have seen that so often in this fandom....with a group of people all witness to the same things...you will get all kinds of reports..not because they are lying but because people filter information through so much of their own experiences and expectations.

If ya'll wanna pass out sleep over at my house, that's fine by me.

I'm about 10 minutes from Santa Cruz... we can go be tourists, hang out at my house (I have a HUGE yard with lots of patios and places to hang out), or sit around watching Clay on teevee... or all of the above. We can BBQ (my definition - ha!) and go to the beach, and drink and eat and I won't even make you plant anything... Heh.

OMG...I am so excited...

I get to SF on the 28th Saturday at around 5 p...so I don;t think this is a good time to go to YSRN for me...but sunday...29th will be perfect. I think I will use the BART and meet with Couchie...then Muski and go to YSRN. I am open to anything...EEEEEEEEEEEEE

To me, the M&Gs are gifts for these fans. They're not reporters... they're in full fangirl mode (or at least I would be) so I expect them to share as much or little as makes them happy and I don't expect them to be paying attention to details in a "news reporting" kind of way. I just want them to have fun and not feel any burden from the rest of us to bring us news... I hope everyone can maintain that sense of lightheartedness for them...

WORD...that is why even if I am happy to get all this tidbits..I don't want to put too much weight on them. We have to remember clay's life is not static...its constantly changing...so I will not expect that everything the M&G reports say will be accurate. I'm just happy that these fans are sharing with all of us. Although if someone gets and M&G and can;t think of a question..can y'all aske about TRD???

I see some people with multiple screennames and their friends being a bit too hyper and running around prodding for details about and from the attendees and I hope they back off a little bit. JMO. < --- ack, why did I add that? Of course it's JMO... it came out of my mouth didn't it?

oh dear lord...

Oooo, I adore an unmerciful tease... sarcastic shits are some of my favorite people. LOL!

me too!!! I think I would adore clay as a friend cos I don't mind playing straight man. My hubby is also a number one prankster so I am pretty used to it.

Play...whats the HYCA lost video???

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M&G report from CH with small TRD news...

DancesOfSpirit wrote:

About the song: It was very difficult to hear clearly. When he said, "Everyone gather around." Well, let's just say he did not have to say that twice and he was lucky he was able to extricate everything but his hand and iPhone out of the way before we all descended upon him. It's sort of hard to hear amongst all those bodies piled upon one another. He was not able to get the volume as high as he wanted. My subjective hearing says it was a ballad-type, but with some grit, not sugary sweet - I got a possible sense that green-eyed soul could come from it. He stressed that at this stage it may not end up on the cd, it's just too soon to know for sure, until everything comes together. I am not a good one to describe it, and I do regret that I am not a better reporter. If the sounds/vibrations he emotes and allows to flow through him from the elusive, ever-evolving, quicksilver core of his being reach me on a visceral level and engages my soul in a dance, I am duly skewered and gulp down the koolaid willingly and follow the necessary rituals so that I may recreate the ceremony of mergence again and again. I remain duly skewered.

He tried to prepare us for the fact that the new cd could take some time, possibly a lot more time than we've ever previously had to wait.

He was not that fond of "A Thousand Days" (so much for that endless talk of "spinning balls" - here again perhaps he was attempting to conjure up some powerful lemonade or sweet tea), or BFM as previously noted. He expressed a more positive inclination toward TRD.

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Thank for posting your perspective, lightmyfire. I work in the entertainment industry in Los Angeles, which in the eyes of some, automatically makes me a "rotting soul." While I won't deny that there are asses in the industry, I have to say that my experiences with people are far more positive than negative.

And I, too, feel uncomfortable with fan dissections of Clay's friends and family. Clay signed up to be a celebrity, but his mom? Not so much. I find it extremely presumptuous for fans to scrutinize her relationship with him. I'd be willing to bet that he'd be far angrier if he read criticism of her than of him.

I do think the major labels are basically the same. Personally I have never seen any credible evidence that he was leaving RCA so I tend to think the report is true.

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It took me a while to figure it out Ansa, but I think play means the HYCA from last night....where he kept finding dead ends, and so he was a bit "lost." Am I right? And yeah, I'd love to see that....

What the heck does a "positive inclination" mean? I mean, I know what it means, but....to me it's those filters again. What I find fascinating about this whole thing is that I know I have my OWN filters, and it's interesting to me when I apply them vs. when I do not.

I think I'd be more like couchie if Clay and I were friends -- I love his snark when it's directed toward someone else. If it were directed to me personally, I'd probably not be happy.

Y'all have been so smart today again, and here I am stuck at the reference desk. *sigh* Too much to quote, not enough time....


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Hee...Gibby. I coulda dressed up if I had more time ... and energy ... and less Clay and less baseball going on in my life right now. But...yeah. So I'll just be going as a Squib. Not just any old Muggle costume for me. *g*

It is going to be fun but I'll be there from around 6p until well after midnight.

I have a feelin' someone's ass will be dragging tomorrow at work. :RedGuy:


I'm just glad that Clay is sharing. And that the sharee's are sharing. I agree that everyone present will filter and then disseminate the "news" w/said filter firmly attached. And then it will be heard in a thousand different ways. Clay is letting us in, even if, in just a small way. IIRC there was mucho griping about his lack of communication last time around. He can't control it if some still don't want to hear what he has to say.

On a related note...I see the call to cancel the Christmas shows and put his nose to the grindstone has gone out in a place or two. *g*

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Oh I love his snark directed at me as a fan. Remember teh whole outsiders coming in to take the Raleigh tickets that pushed so many buttons? LOVED it. Yep, I raised my hand and giggled that I was at the afternoon show and the evening show and I'd beat up any Raleigh fan that wanted my seat. So I love the snarky side of him. But I think as a FRIEND, I wouldn't like to be the butt of that wit. Right now it's not personal..I'm just a face in the crowd. And I love snarky people but really have no one in my life that aims it at me on a consistent basis.

LOL that the new song is uptemp and a gritty ballad. So, there you go. No wonder the poilce prefers forensics to witnesses. Anyway, just proves my point from earlier. But happy to get any and all tidbits!!

So, LOL still at the ATD and BFM... I mean these are the songs he spent time finding and sharing with us and they were just ok? Such a mystery. Can't wait for that next book.

Bwah. oh please - if this album will take awhile the last thing he needs to do is cancel tours so we won't see him at all. We would definitely eat our young if that were to happen. More tours is the freakin answer IMO. heee. Where do I make my personal plea for that. :cryingwlaughter:

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Thank for posting your perspective, lightmyfire. I work in the entertainment industry in Los Angeles, which in the eyes of some, automatically makes me a "rotting soul." While I won't deny that there are asses in the industry, I have to say that my experiences with people are far more positive than negative.

And I, too, feel uncomfortable with fan dissections of Clay's friends and family. Clay signed up to be a celebrity, but his mom? Not so much. I find it extremely presumptuous for fans to scrutinize her relationship with him. I'd be willing to bet that he'd be far angrier if he read criticism of her than of him.

I do think the major labels are basically the same. Personally I have never seen any credible evidence that he was leaving RCA so I tend to think the report is true.

I think I just watched that Clack that included the "rotting souls" comment one time, but as I recall it he wasn't necessarily talking about the record industry, but talking about the Hollywood gossip mill and the whole celebrity manufacturing process. At least that's what I took from it.

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I don't know that Clay ever used the term rotting souls. I think it was "insides rotting" and was from the pre JBT TV guide interview. I could be wrong. Often am.


Couchie...maybe he bores easily? Maybe after singing them a bajillion-diggity times he didn't like them as much? I remember hearing an interview with Tina Fey about her experience writing the movie Mean Girls(?) She said the hardest part was wanting to jump in and change everything all the time. It drove her crazy that the things she wrote 6 mos before were, in her opinion, just not funny anymore. She'd lived with them too long.

Edited by jamar1700
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I don't know that Clay ever used the term rotting souls. I think it was "insides rotting" and was from the pre JBT TV guide interview. I could be wrong. Often am.


What I remember was from an interview at KTLA or maybe another LA TV station about the reasons for his move back to Raleigh. I remember him saying that he liked LA but .... and then the comment regarding those souls were rotting, or maybe it was insides rotting. I'll have to look for that one! Edited by keepingfaith
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*dips toe in the FCA waters...*

People are so concerned with their outsides, and everybody else's outsides, that their insides rot.

Can I tell you how much I loved him for saying that?

A) it's true.

Secondly) it meant that he was still the Clay I fell in love with, and still spoke his mind, and still stuck his foot in his mouth now and then.

P.S. Y'all have NO idea how jellus I am that you are having a sleepover at YSRN's house. *pouts*

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I'll have to look for that one!

Look away. I'd like to see it. But in the meantime here's the orginal quote from the TV Guide article...(July 24, 2005 pg 24)

People are so concerned with their outsides, and everybody else's outsides, that their insides rot.

Thanks for that! I never saw that TV Guide article, but someone did sent me a link last year to a Clay appearance on a news or entertainment program that was in LA in 2005, and he was asked about why he was going back to NC. Whether Clay or someone else brought out the comments about "insides rotting" I don't recall, but do remember that Clay said he loved LA, and loved working in LA, but not some of the people and as I recall he was referring not the music industry, per se, but to the celebrity machine.

But then again I could be completely up my ass about this. So .... nevermind.

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Hey Stitchie! I so agree. I'm actually interested in knowing more about Clay and what he thinks, feels, believes rather than have what he thinks, feels, believes match up with me. If that makes any sense. I find him suprising. Even when I shake my head and think..uh oh, that's gonna hit hard...I still enjoy it and hope he never stops.

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OK, someone at Clayversity just posted about the meet and greet and how someone asked Clay about how long would he be with RCA and he said something to the effect, as long as they'll have me and then went into how the labels are all alike and the devil you know - but she does not remember exact quotes (darn that old Aiken fog).

I find that the "arts" can be less pleasant in a specific way not available to othere - I mean my company out sourced almost all their work outside of the US, so you could say the were pretty rotten to the American worker (this even though I could and did prove that it was counter productive - they did not want to know - someone said it was a good idea and they followed like good little pods and the men of the board only liked yes men, not No women). I do have a friend in the music business and another in publishing and I worked in publishing for a short while myself - those royalties are tempting for the companies to try and take a bite out of - for what they spend in lawyers with law suitsm they could have saved more by not trying to squeeze every cent out of their artists. Royalties is probably a bigger issue than the "art" product.

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So someone from a meet and greet is posting that CLay will stay with RCA because all record companies are the same - what is that I hear - heads exploding?


Can you give me a referencce to where I can go read that, purdy please? This is an incredible coincidence. I just posted to someone today, that I would take her bet. She bet that Clay is stuck with RCA for this next album, but she bet if he could get out of his contract tomorrow he would. If SAM was smart they would be working to make that happen right now. I guess SAM forget to ask her advice. Bwahaaa. Plus yesterday I was visiting about this topic with my good friend SDU and I stated the exact same thing. That no matter what label Clay was with he would face the same struggles he is facing now. But rest assured, the poddies will find something to angst about and ways to spin it. Yadda Yadda Yadda.........*g*

Thank for posting your perspective, lightmyfire. I work in the entertainment industry in Los Angeles, which in the eyes of some, automatically makes me a "rotting soul." While I won't deny that there are asses in the industry, I have to say that my experiences with people are far more positive than negative.

And I, too, feel uncomfortable with fan dissections of Clay's friends and family. Clay signed up to be a celebrity, but his mom? Not so much. I find it extremely presumptuous for fans to scrutinize her relationship with him. I'd be willing to bet that he'd be far angrier if he read criticism of her than of him.

I do think the major labels are basically the same. Personally I have never seen any credible evidence that he was leaving RCA so I tend to think the report is true.

Some of us have been saying this for some time. I've never heard Clay say anything to give the impression he is or would leave and I have not seen anything in the media to indicate he would. lightmyfire, LovesClaysVoice, keepingfaith, and I have had many discussions about this at OFC. Of course common sense ( which is the only credential I have) always got shut down, because we have some people who know secrets, and if you are real good they will let you in on them. Bwahaaaaa. I'ts nice to know that you are in the entertainment business as well. I love to hear people's perspectives that actually have credentials in the related topic of discussion. I don't like people who take their chosen field of employment and try to apply that logic to the music industry, or any other business.

I believe Clay probably did touch on this in the meet and greet. Even if he didn't, I still stand by my post. At first I was not very happy that Clay would tell things to fans. I just felt he was continuing, and encouraging, his OTT fans. More or less giving them a platform to continue spouting their speculation. How could he do that after he has plainly seen how it has driven people away from his OFC? However, I am having a change of heart, somewhat. At least if it comes from his lips I can attach more credence to it, and interpret it better, than I can from back channels and the rumor mill from a bunch of wannabe famewhores. I think he may be answering my prayers and trying to squelch rumors and speculation. Lord knows I have pleaded for him to do just that in some of my posts. :cryingwlaughter: So I guess I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

I'll have to look for that one!

Look away. I'd like to see it. But in the meantime here's the orginal quote from the TV Guide article...(July 24, 2005 pg 24)

People are so concerned with their outsides, and everybody else's outsides, that their insides rot.

Thanks for that! I never saw that TV Guide article, but someone did sent me a link last year to a Clay appearance on a news or entertainment program that was in LA in 2005, and he was asked about why he was going back to NC. Whether Clay or someone else brought out the comments about "insides rotting" I don't recall, but do remember that Clay said he loved LA, and loved working in LA, but not some of the people and as I recall he was referring not the music industry, per se, but to the celebrity machine.

But then again I could be completely up my ass about this. So .... nevermind.

keepingfaith I remember that there were several references to this comment. I suffer from CRS so I'm not going to go look for them. But he did address it a couple of times in a couple of different venues. So you are not losing your mind, yet...Hee

I took Jenna's comment to be snarking about Clay and not as taking offense. Of course I don't mean to speak for her.

ETA: Oops. I see Play posted while I was writing my novel and answered my question. Thanks.....

Bottlecap you should see it as her siggy at the OFC. WooHoo

artquest, you are a poddie? I didn't know that. I don't think there is a fan alive who doesn't want a new cd with original music, some written by Clay, ASAP. According to him, though, that doesn't seem likely to happen anytime soon.

Edited by Clayzorback
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here is a link at Clayversity. I don't like to take people's posts without their permission, but I will PM it to you if you do not have access.

heh, heh, this emoticon is for Clay


I personally think he does bet and there is a cash reward if his fans do what he says. Hey Clay, gambling is a sin - not that you would let that stop you.

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