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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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FWIW, I never took offense at Clay's "rotting souls" comment, because I never took it seriously. However, I did take offense at fans who felt they needed to denounce LA and the entertainment industry as a whole, especially those with absolutely no experience in it.

Anyway, I think Clay was just saying one is the same as the other...and he's made his connections, knows who he is dealing with, probably has people on his side, and knows who is against him etc etc.

Me, too, couchie. I really don't believe he despises RCA as much as many seem to believe. He may not be thrilled with what happened with ATDW, but he probably realizes that other major labels probably wouldn't have handled things differently. I think he's learned some lessons and will approach his next album with more experience under his belt. Shifting to a new label (with new personnel, etc.) might mean he'd have to relearn a new system, with all it's own politics and personnel. With RCA, he already knows who's who and where he stands.

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Couchie...maybe he bores easily? Maybe after singing them a bajillion-diggity times he didn't like them as much? I remember hearing an interview with Tina Fey about her experience writing the movie Mean Girls(?) She said the hardest part was wanting to jump in and change everything all the time. It drove her crazy that the things she wrote 6 mos before were, in her opinion, just not funny anymore. She'd lived with them too long.

I've been meaning to comment on this all day cuz it reminded me of the BFM comment Clay made. It's a very good point... Ya know BFM was TWO YEARS AGO... it feels like yesterday, doesn't it? Maybe he liked it then and now he's all meh, does nothing for me partly because he's over it. It's not very uplifting, but I do like the song.

Anyway, yeah, that's all I got.

Off to read lickiest1's recap!

p.s. my dog (ahem, Lucky, aka Licky) is adorable. I don't know how I ever lived without this one. Hee. I'm totally in love.


Thanks, play! Is he not the cutest thing? I got him at the local shelter in September and I cannot get enough of him. He's smart and foxy and sweet and soft and cuddly and I lurve him like mad. :wub:

Edited by YSRN
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Oh I meant to comment on that too..and yes very good point Jamar!! I also like BFM. Nothing like TRD but it was aight heee. TRD just really struck a chord with me and love the song. Still listen to it all the darn time.

cute dog..do I need to bring dog biscuits...or Shadow? heee

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Thanks. :)

Meet & Greet stuff I found on CV:

more meet and greet stuff

They couldnt hug him tightly cause he was bruised and sore, they didnt say why..its nothing serious, but thats why people are told not to hug him tight(poor baby)

HE DOESNT LIKE TOUCH..its not the words or anything, he just doesnt like the song..he doesnt really like shine, but he doesnt like touch at all...he likes the rest on MOAM

Side of the bed he sleeps on is the left(right if you are looking at the bed)

he is NOT a harry potter fan, thinks its so boring he cant get through it.

does he know sign language? he knows enough to get through a conversation with someone that was deaf

He's mainly irish. scottish, dutch and icelandic.

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I love Harry Potter. And I love Clay Aiken. In my mind those two are NOT mutually exclusive! :TourExcite: bwah!

Sunday works out for me superdooper! Woot!

I put in $1 in the penny slot machine...won $3.02 and cashed out! Then I decided to live dangerously and move to the nickel slots (Never let it be said that Muski doesn't occasionally walk on the wild side.)...and promptly lost my $3.02. Then I had to leave because the SMOKE was killing me. I walked out to the pool, took off my sweatshirt and swung it around to TRY to get some of the stink out...God...

we can sleep in tomorrow! ooooh! First game's not til noon...oh, and re: the So. Cal Fourfer...the catchers' coach told me that the earliest our team would be eliminated would be after the Friday morning game...she thinks we'll make it to Saturday's morning game, though. After that one she said she has no idea.

So....The chance that I can make the Greek and Indio still lives.... :Tour3:

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no album questions tonight..which is ok, dont want him to feel bombarded hehe.

Does he like crunchy or smooth peanut butter: he likes both, but not if the peanuts in crunchy are rubbery(I suggested that question to my friend!!:) I knew that the masses would like to know that

he likes ketchup, mustard and mayo on his hotdogs

and then talked to some girls from NYC about living in the big city...

OK this was brought over to the concert thread...

so, tell me, what the heck is wrong with ketchup, mustrd, and mayo on a hotdog? he forgot the onions and relish :cryingwlaughter:

I guess mayo is the thing many people don't put on hot dogs. I always had mayo on my hotdog growing up. I don't use it much any more so no mayo but it is yummy... but I love the works.

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ketchup, mustard and mayo is overdoing it to me. OR would have been better than AND, but these seem to be condiments that do not go together well. It is like people who mix cocktail sauce and tartar sauce on crab cakes - make a choice, they don't all go together.

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heee whatchootalkingabout Play.

The best hot dog consists of 2 pieces of white bread...2 hot dogs cut in half to make 4 long strips. Put mayo on one piece of bread..lay down hot dogs, add mustard, ketchup, relish and onions. Throw on top slice of bread and cut in half. heee. hot dog buns were a luxury item. :cryingwlaughter:

but agree about the tartar sauce and cocktail sauce on a crabcake. Actually I don't like anything on my crabcakes...but I haven't come across many places that know how to make them right anyway.

Clay elicits such deep discussion.

So what's this about not really liking Shine much either. I love that song. Laughing about Touch...just didn't like it. I throw still more theories and pre conceived notions in the trash can. heee....

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Up and at 'em..........Canandaigua recap in the Canandaigua thread. Oh, and did you know that the locals do not pronounce the second "n" in Canandaigua? So it's Can-a-dai-gua. Just some local trivia for y'all this morning.

Off to hit the free continental breakfast before we hit the road. We are bringing cindilu2's friend Karen home to Canada with us, and plan to drive through Niagara Falls on the way. Wish us luck getting across the border without any incidents! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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:F_05BL17blowkiss: to lickiest1 for her wonderful recaps. I'm so glad you had a fantastic time!

EEEEEEEEEEEe for bottlecap and laughn today! :Tour3:

YSRN, what an adorable dog. Funny you mention foxy, because s/he looks like its got some fox in it.

OK, back to bed.....

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Icelandic? ICELANDIC? OK!

Clay and I clearly have the same literary tastes - though my son has is bouncing in anticipation of when he gets his...

Mayo, mustard and ketchup go together on hamburgers, people...not HOT DOGS! The only thing that goes on hot dogs is chili and cheese...and I don't put onion or relish on anything.

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Mayo, mustard and ketchup go together on hamburgers, people...not HOT DOGS! The only thing that goes on hot dogs is chili and cheese...and I don't put onion or relish on anything.

And you wonder why I am on the edge over this minion thing...first you eat the soft vs my favorite and ONLY crunchy cheetohs and now you forsake mayo on the hotdog? Ok I do like that combo on hamburgers too... but NO ONIONS on the chili dog? For shame. :cryingwlaughter:

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Couchie, Couchie, Couchie - you must now cancel the Clay tour and come with me on the great crabcake tour! OR maybe we can just meet in St Michaels on the east shore of Maryland. There are a few places on LBI that are unbelieveable - not to mention one restaurant that makes a to die for French Fried Lobster bits - sounds repulsive - but mmm-mmm-mmm.

So why are there so few Clay tour reviews? Other people are geting reviewed.

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All this condiment talk when I am not even completely awake is making me nauseous!

YSRN - Your doggie is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love my Waldo, but I do miss having a dog.

HE DOESNT LIKE TOUCH..its not the words or anything, he just doesnt like the song..he doesnt really like shine, but he doesnt like touch at all...he likes the rest on MOAM

He doesn't like TOUCH? Really? I am so shocked! But I am glad at least the conspiracy theorists will have to shut their mouths on this one! **Still contemplates if when the worlds collide and I win a M&G having my phone ring during. It plays TOUCH...** I don't like "Shine" much either, nor NMSS. TOUCH however from first listen was my favorite and still is! And I would pay money to see him sing it with Angela around....

Ok, when I win the lottery I am telling him I will give 1 million dollars to both the BAF and UNICEF if he will give a private concert for some of my closest friends and that he can sing anything he wants (well, except YWT....) as long as he sings TOUCH!

Want to come? :RedGuy:

Couchie, Couchie, Couchie - you must now cancel the Clay tour and come with me on the great crabcake tour! OR maybe we can just meet in St Michaels on the east shore of Maryland. There are a few places on LBI that are unbelieveable - not to mention one restaurant that makes a to die for French Fried Lobster bits - sounds repulsive - but mmm-mmm-mmm.

I went to college on the eastern shore of Maryland. I went in not liking crabs. You couldn't graduate until you learned to love them. The college used to throw crabfests with tables covered in newspaper and tons of crabs thrown on the tables and us armed with wooded mallets (and beer - they provided beer! You KNOW it was a long time ago if the school provided kegs of beer to the students!). It was a lot of work, but fun.

I have to say I early on decided crabcakes were better. First, they don't look like the animal, their less barbaric, less messy, less smelly and they taste better - IF they are done right. There was a great place near Rock Hall, which was not far, right on the water.... YUM!!

Crabs are vegetables right????

Ok, let's figure out why Clay was all sore and bruised? They were told in Philly not to hug him either.....

Rough sex maybe???

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I'm almost ready to walk out the door...going to play with Clay (and bottlecap) tonight!!!! hee.

He was sore and bruised, so no hugs at the M&G? Someone needs to ask him why...lol...and if he doesn't want to tell what really happened he should make up a good story...like he was hang-gliding or the mechanical bull threw him, or something.

I love normal guy Clay pictures. I love that they all look like they're just going to pop into the nearest Target and do some shopping or something. Thanks YSRN.

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