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July 21, Columbus, OH

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scarlett got busted...and was warned that if she did it again they were going to

kicked them out. Toni7 was sent out..they didn't take the camera or card.

she got upt to the classics...wow pretty strict.

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there were some guys who were competing for who gets it first for TV show medley...then they would high five each other.

so different from the normal clay concert/

the people are just loving it...so curious to see what other NJU thought

when he sad the Kelly joke...it spretty clear he didn;t mean to make it sound bad...he said I love Kelly. he tlaked about footgate and handgate

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Wonder why they kicked out toni7babe was kicked out and Scarlett was allowed to stay.

I guess its because Scarlett looks so sweet and innocent!

Bus line is now about 6 or 7 blocks long! Clay will be exhausted by the time he's done!

And of course he loves Kelly! He is drinking vitamin water after all!

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CG I think Scarlett just ended up doing audio she didn;t try to take anymore after being warned...maybe toni7 continued to.

Quiana said for AI audition she didn't have a plan and just asked jesus and he said star spangled banner.

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BWAH! - I decided it was not the vitamin water that Kelly gets paid for (so many cents per bottle sold, - not it is the grape formulat 50 vitamin water - hee.

If anyone thinks Clay needs to cut the calories - that is where I would cut them. Empty calories. krispie Kremes have some milk in them.

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There are easily 600 people on line - or so said a security guard!

He must think these women are NUTS!

The security guard said there were about 8000 people tonight but the Ohio State Marching Band is usually their biggest show and that draw about 8-9000.

You know, everyone from "us" to the "not.just.us" types seems to so much prefer the second half. I think Clay needs to do something to liven up the first half.

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I don't have a clue how to liven it up. Maybe he needs some kind of faster song in the first half or something.

Hey! I have an idea! He could sing TOUCH!! That would liven things up! Who cares if he doesn't like the song!

They were joking on the CH stream they should take a picture of the line and send it to Clive. I thought wouldn't that be great. Then Clive would see how much we love going to see Clay sing covers!

The line is so long the CV-certer said she can't see either end and she thinks they will have a car at the far end to take him back to the bus when he's done.

Here he comes!

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They were joking on the CH stream they should take a picture of the line and send it to Clive. I thought wouldn't that be great. Then Clive would see how much we love going to see Clay sing covers!


BWAH!!!!! I always thought it was the success of covers like WDC that convinced Clive that Clay would be great as a cover artist.

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They were joking on the CH stream they should take a picture of the line and send it to Clive. I thought wouldn't that be great. Then Clive would see how much we love going to see Clay sing covers!


BWAH!!!!! I always thought it was the success of covers like WDC that convinced Clive that Clay would be great as a cover artist.

Clay is some serious mad talent...he can cover....he can cover...a great, great vocal stylist...

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Wow, as far as I can remember, that banter reporting was dead on from last night! No, the Kelly thing wasn't said in a mean way, and I believe Clay made an aside that Kelly had finally called him back today.

I have to process the experience more, and when I write my recap, I think it will focus more on my random thoughts about the venue and the crowd and whatnot. I'm afraid my song by song recap would just be one "Fantastic", "Wow", "Sounds great" after another. Clay's voice really was in top form last night, which I was a little worried about, since this was his fifth concert in a row. Angela and Quiana both sounded fantastic also. Love them all!

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I'm afraid my song by song recap would just be one "Fantastic", "Wow", "Sounds great" after another.

But see....I could understand that .... :cryingwlaughter: Cuz, well that's what I always say too.


Friend heard from toni7babe...sounds like she was warned...and then caught by the same guard again. Seems the difference between the two was heading the warning. She still got to watch from the lawn, where she was conxidered too far away to take pictures or video.

Edited by jamar1700
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I know my lovely concert buddy bottlecap is writing her recap at this moment also. I don't know who will post first, but I have no doubt her's will be better. I tend to ramble (just ask her...she had to sit next to me for the 2 1/2 hour drive)

First of all, bottlecap...I love you woman! Can't wait till we get to do it again on Monday...whoo-hoo!!!

I started my recap last night, but never got past a few sentences...I was so tired...so I decided to post the whole thing now. It still only covers about two minutes of the concert, but it's a start.

We did not do the bus line. Chances are, if we had, from the sounds of the size of it we'd still be there

From last night....Hey Mom, I'm home!!!

Just coming down from a fantasti-Clay-freaking-fun-high!

I will recap the whole thing in the morning...but let me just say, it was great!

So many favorite parts...I loved when Clay was getting his shirt from Ethel. He said something about needing security, because someone might hit him again or something...and where was his security...? Talking! (looks at Jerome who is off to the side where he is talking to another security guard) Jerome looks at Clay, smiles and waves at him. bwahhh!

I am half asleep...so I think I will go now and have some sweet dreams of a singing man.

ETG (edit to gush)

I think I will have to do a series of mini recaps. Columbus was a force of nature, and like being hit by a tornado, the memories are coming back to me in bits and pieces.

I haven't been in a Clay crowd that size in a good long time. hee. Fun!...insanely crowded, but fun!

While my seats were excellent, (6 table rows back, apx. the same as being in row 10 in a normal venue I'm guessing by distance) I didn't get any pictures. I'm sorry. I probably could have gotten some good pics. as we were dead center...but security was really tight! Maybe because it was a private chemical corporation...?

When my concert buddy, bottlecap and I arrived there were already two lines of people stretching back a ways waiting to get in. We took our spot and while bottlecap was running back to our car to retrieve some of my meds, security walked our line and checked out purses for cameras and marked our tickets and told us once we went through the gate we would not be allowed back to our cars...no exceptions. Yeah, my camera was in the car as well. I was hoping to go back to the car later and get it. When bottlecap returned she offered to go get the camera then, but I said, I hoped someone with more experience would get some shots, because I figured after what I saw happening with security at the moment it would be difficult to take Clack. Sadly, I was right and people had the police/security on them all night.

Here is a big warm loving thank you to all those who did get Clack. *big clapping hands emoticon here*

Clay noticed the size of the crowd right away. (I've read estimates between 8 to 10 thousand, and we were in there like sardines.) When it came time to greet the crowd Clay's eyes just spanned the horizon and he started making jokes about someone giving away free tickets or something. You could tell he was duly impressed.

It was the most unique venue I have ever attended. Clay commented on the food and the drink everywhere, but you had to be there to really get a sense of it...on the sides and the back were people on the lawns with coolers and such, throwing frisbees and having FUN. The center (tables) was different fun...candlelight and flowers and wine glasses and food everywhere! I was sitting in the middle of some symphony people and it was tres' cool. The age make-up of the crowd was all over the place...from a little girl who stood up on her seat at the end of SSTBTHW holding a little candle and shouting, 'I love you Clay' in her little 10 yr old voice, to the 30-something guys who were goofing around at the beginning and totally into the show by second half. 30 yr. old executive looking guy to my left was dancing along to the Classics with Clay and smiling and clapping. Our table represented the concert demographics I think...One 'not old enough to drink, but almost' girl...three 20-somethings, two 30 somethings, one 40-something, one 50-something, and two 'older than me I think, but I hate to guess', husband and wife. I saw more than one entire table of all guys. Some were a bit rowdy at the start and then all of a sudden they're into it. I read from another poster that the table guys near her were betting on who can name the TV tune the fastest. Freakin' wild.

At intermission I ran as fast as a gimp leg and big butt would allow to the line of porta potties...and believe me, there was a line!! But it moved fast. (those toilet guys know how to move a crowd, I'm telling ya!) Anyhow, while standing in line this complete stranger dude...late 20s-30 yr old- in front of me turns and says, 'Man, this is a great show isn't it?' I smile and say, 'yep.' He says, 'That guy is an entertainer! I always thought he had the best voice. My wife made me go to the American Idol show when it was here, but I haven't seen him since. This guy is great!!' He was just so excited and animated and he wanted to talk about the show. Hee. The man was Clay gushing right in front of me.

That's all the fell out of my head at the moment... but I'm sure I'll post more later. lol...Oh, the thing with Ethel...that shirt she gave him was three miles wide. lol...it would have been way too big on me. Funny stuff.

Oh, and besides Jerome little wave, like 'I'm not coming to help you, you're on your own', to Clay from over near the sound stage when Clay asked 'where's my security?' lol, my other favorite visual was Clay making the drinking hand sign when speaking about the people in the front rows...you know...the head back, little finger, thumb up pretending you're drinking from a bottle thing? yeah...full on hot, sexy, funny Clay last night.

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Bottlecap, looking forward to your "random thoughts"! I'm sure they will be awesome ... fabulous ... wow!!!

Laughn, your recap is amazing. I sent the CV link for it to Sally. I love all the crowd demographics you brought into the report. Thank you for the interesting and thorough write-up. I think Clay added to his fan club last night, for sure. :clap:

Anybody see Aspiegirl? She was with the Central Ohio Clay fan group. She was really excited and took her sister to her first Clay concert. :)


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I loved when Clay was getting his shirt from Ethel. He said something about needing security, because someone might hit him again or something...and where was his security...? Talking! (looks at Jerome who is off to the side where he is talking to another security guard) Jerome looks at Clay, smiles and waves at him. bwahhh!

laughn, this really cracked me up. I love the way Clay and Jerome can pick on each other in such a familiar way.

Thank you for the great recap, especially about the crowd. I would have loved to have seen all the drunked guys being won over actually -- that's my kind of crowd! Hee.

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They were joking on the CH stream they should take a picture of the line and send it to Clive. I thought wouldn't that be great. Then Clive would see how much we love going to see Clay sing covers!


:cryingwlaughter: How funny.

Thanks to everyone for giving the certs every night for each venue. I can't be here at night when they are actually going on, but I do read them the next day.

Thanks to laughn and bottlecaps for their recaps.

Have I said how much I am loving this new meet & greet set up, and the way Clay is dispelling so much of the angst of the past year? Well, I think it is just one of the smartest things he has done in a long time. I hope it continues and I would just die for a 30 minute m&g like this.

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