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#13 The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • He's my happy.
    • Doesn't want to leave RCA.
    • Lullabied...All.night.long Slooooowwwww
    • We do a lot of slow songs because that's what we're good at
    • Krispy Kreme, macaroni and cheese, and sloooooow songs.
    • God, I love his whole damn being!
    • The most adorable, lovable, huggable almost devilish creature that melts my heart .
    • It's never enough with Clay Aiken.
    • Doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.
    • Well, it's really no wonder that next thing he knew she was all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"

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It gives JP waaaay too much power. If Clay walked the line it would show he was NOT intimidated by that scum. JP cannot hurt Clay physically - especially with Jerome around.

Why give him that kind of power???

I mean, I get it, but I personally think its the wrong decision. Clay and company are letting that asshole dictate what they do - and in Clay's hometown! No one should have that kind of power over Clay.

Especially not that scumbag!

First off, I think this is all speculation. Jerome walked the line and just said that Clay would not be coming out for security reasons. The police officers that walked the line said he was spending time with his family so would not be coming out. Who knows what the reasons were, and honestly, they are really no one's business. We don't know everything that goes on. I am just v.v. happy that Jerome is so great at communication with the fans, and apparently Mary also blogged it? That was cool, too. Hee, no one would move, though, until Jerome came out and made it official. :lol:

I know you probably haven't had the opportunity to read Mary's blog, but I think she was crystal clear as to why Clay didn't walk the line.

I woke up this morning thinking about this and I'm still wrestling with the practicality of the situation versus the need to stand up to that panty waste and not let him control any part of your life. It still feels to me as if JP won something hre. He apparently has the ability to control aspects of Clay's life, and that just seems so wrong.

I am sure TC did what they thought was in Clay's best interest - as they should always do. But it kind of pisses me off that they didn't feel they could stand up to that little weasal and look him down.

On the other hand, I suspect Clay rather enjoyed getting on that stage last night and giving one hell of a show and seeing his adoring fans, well, adoring him, all in front of an asshole who seemed bent on destroying his career. I'm glad most of the fans there didn't seem to know of his presence during the concert, or who knows what would have happened.

Clay triumphed on stage last night and the complete adoration and support shown by his fans I HOPE showed that scumbag that his lies didn't work.

Off topic, things are looking rather scary with my father. They are pretty sure there is some kind of obstruction in or near his stomach that is preventing food from passing through. They are transferring him tomorrow to a hospital in Philadelphia that has some kind of super dooper endoscope that can go where most endoscopes can't. My mother isn't sure if it has the ability to remove the obstruction (I guess that might depend on the size of the obstruction), but it can make a hole to allow food to pass and then they will probably put in a stent, and of course it can remove a sample for biopsy. They will do all this on Monday. I can tell my mother is thinking the worse, but she assures me his doctor has not indicated that is the only scenario. Although the doctor did say they might have to do follow-up treatment like radiation..... The main thing is, they are desperately trying to avoid surgery. It would be major surgery and at his age, if they can possibly avoid it, they will.

I am just trying to make myself believe that whatever it is it is treatable and everything will be ok in the end. He has seemed fine exceot for the indigestion that prompted all this - and that came on rather suddenly - although he has had battles with indigestion for years. Anyway, I am trying to remain optimistic (which is not my nature), but it is becoming increasingly difficult.

I hate this. My parents <knock on wood> have always been so healthy, it just never ocurred to me that anything bad could happen.

Maybe I need to watch a lot of clack......

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I'm cracking up watching the banter before the classics medley. I cracked up last inght when Angela said his being cool "wasn't going to happen overnight" but somehow missed after Clay saying he was going to have the help of Angela, Quiana and Jesse..one of the girls said "It takes a village." HILARIOUS.

I'm so proud of Angela and Quiana for joining in on the fun instead of just being the brunt of the jokes. They toss out some great nuggets now and then and have really added lots to this concert series.

I so agree! I know some fans think he gives them too much attention, but I love the interplay between the three of them. There always seems to be much more comedic possibility with them on stage.

One definitely gets the impression that this is not just an employer/employee relationship. These people are friends, and honestly, I suspect that he enjoys his concerts with them more than those without him.

Thanks for the recaps, Lickiest, Fear, jmh!

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(((((Claygasm and family))))) Oh hon...so sorry about this. I know how frustrating it can be to have no control over the situation and have to wait for word. All you can really do is send positive thoughts your dads way. we will all help send positive energy his way. If you need distraction last nights clack is excellent and you can always post and share your thoughts and feelings here. Wish I can give you a real hug!!!

so on to the distraction...

I refuse to even think the scumbag had any control last night. What he wants is to get attention. To get acknowledged. I see TC's move as not giving him the satisfaction of creating a scene. Last night it was Clay that had control....Just think...Clay came into the audience during TWYMMF even if the scumbag was right there. Clay didn't hesitate to do that...he went on to entertain his fans and give love with no worries about this guy. The best way to deal with him is to make him inconsequential...getting pissed about him is wasting too much energy on things that does not matter....

6000 vs 4 people...I say Clay and the fans win.

I was watching BYLM...love Clay holding Q's hands in the lies portion...yup Clay has so much love and support surrounding him.

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Glad to hear from the Cary-ites that the weather wasn't too awful, and that y'all had a good time.

toni7babe's MovinOnUp - I definitely see arm fur gleaming in the lights from the stage, so if it was ever really gone, it's back now. I also enjoy watching Clay fling his hair around.

Eh, security concerns might not just be for Clay's safety, but more for what members of volatile and energized crowd might do if they realized who exactly was in their midst. [I bet there are some parties that are highly disappointed that something didn't happen..] I noticed the CV certer commented during intermission that the venue was very dark. That, combined with the heat, I think, may have made it a better bet to just move the concert-goers along home, rather than to try to accomodate a long bus line. Obviously, I have no real clue, and am going to stop speculating now.

Asheville tonight!!! Hope it's cooler for ya, and ya don't end up sweating like Ruben [tm CHA].


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I refuse to even think the scumbag had any control last night. What he wants is to get attention. To get acknowledged. I see TC's move as not giving him the satisfaction of creating a scene. Last night it was Clay that had control....Just think...Clay came into the audience during TWYMMF even if the scumbag was right there. Clay didn't hesitate to do that...he went on to entertain his fans and give love with no worries about this guy. The best way to deal with him is to make him inconsequential...getting pissed about him is wasting too much energy on things that does not matter....

WORD, Ansa! The guy was just a drop of venom in a sea of Clay love. Personally, I think the less he's discussed, the more annoyed he'll be.


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WORD, Ansa! The guy was just a drop of venom in a sea of Clay love. Personally, I think the less he's discussed, the more annoyed he'll be.


Claygasm...I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. You are so lucky to have thus far had healthy parent. We'll send good vibes your way and truly hope for the best.

Thanks for the pretties bottle.

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Twinkle, twinkle, little rivet...



It's so difficult to experience an illness of a close family member, because you have no control. My dad has had Multiple Sclerosis for years, and now is pretty much like a quad. He will get pneumonia or some other complication one of these days, and won't make it. It's really tough to adjust a parent's illness. I'm sending positive vibes your way!

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Aww, my twin is suffering and I don't like that one bit! I'm sorry, CG! I'll send good wishes for your dad and you, and I'll try to be optimistic enough for us both.


Twinkle, twinkle, little rivet...


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I refuse to even think the scumbag had any control last night. What he wants is to get attention. To get acknowledged. I see TC's move as not giving him the satisfaction of creating a scene. Last night it was Clay that had control....

My feelings exactly. I think the fans are the ones that are giving over the control here. Just by making an issue of it. Clay's people didn't feel it was in his best interest to walk the line last night. 'Nuff for me. Onwards and onwards.

Again ... I think Jerome would never want Clay to do the line if he had final say. I think he lets it happen because Clay is so set on it and so far, we've behaved. But I've still always felt that we are all just one "incident" from having the whole shebang nixed for good.


Rats. I finally had to unpack and now I've got piles of laundry to do. Rats. Rats. Rats.


Hee. I'm listening to a CD I checked out from the library.

All time top 100 TV themes.

Veeery Kewl.

Of course ALL of Clay's selections are on there and many I wished he'd included.

Why yes... I am a dork.



Acccck. My mouse died in the middle of that post. Thank Gawd I remembered where my spare was!

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Run, don't walk, to farouche's LAA from last night.

That is all......

Thanks for the tip...that was special. Its funny...but this is the second version on last nights LAA that I watched...but this one was just a bit more powerful...great angle I think.

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And MOAM is nothing to sneeze at either. I may be projecting, but damn, that boy had some fight in him last night.


who has MOAM? *sigh* the man is killing me today.

ETA...Duh! Nevermind...found it....like I said...he's killing me <3

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Waves at lickiest!! My brain doesn't work this early, and I've got to go get ready. I was oblivious to the drama til I got home and read the boards--someone introduced the topic and I hit the ignore button and promptly forgot. The concert was amazing--major Aiken fog took over. Was feeling bad for lickiest that he didn't sing RHW--haha--and ran into her after the concert where she said DUH, he did, where were you? Heh. ATD was hawt--I'm glad he did it again. We had a lovely pre-concert gathering and lots of funny--I was even social enough to go around and talk to some folks. Yay me. Besides lickiest, NCDonna and mandmlady I also got to see Divayenta, playbiller, and FearofH2O from FCA, as well as some CHers. Gotta go get ready. Later!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I can't believe I forgot to mention jmh123 in my recap! And she ate dinner with us. Obviously I was still in the Aiken fog this morning. I love your attitude - it sure is weird to come to the boards after a wonderful concert and see people all talking about something that maybe took up one tenth of a second of your thoughts while you were there.

We are just getting ready to head on over to the Biltmore. It took us much longer to get to Asheville today than anticipated....we should have listened to sassafras and taken 64 rather than I-40, which was down to one lane. We ended up having to detour to get around the congestion. But the hotel is gorgeous, and I've had a nice, relaxing swim already. Looking forward to another fantastic night with Clay. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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This afternoon is one of those times when I'm very glad I live alone. That way I didn't have to explain to anyone why I was wandering around the house snickering to myself and muttering "Off da chain!" over and over again.

You crazy kids have fun at the Biltmore, but I don't want to hear that somebody toilet-papered the mansion or sumpin' tomorrow!!

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This afternoon is one of those times when I'm very glad I live alone. That way I didn't have to explain to anyone why I was wandering around the house snickering to myself and muttering "Off da chain!" over and over again.

You crazy kids have fun at the Biltmore, but I don't want to hear that somebody toilet-papered the mansion or sumpin' tomorrow!!


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Fast Hi and good night. Sheesh drama - I ignore. Everyone in room is asleep, must turn out light soon. Can you believe it, they go to sleep without the TV on!

Concert was fantabulous and I thought the glow sticks were evey where last night, to night they went all the back into the general admission area. i think it was not may not just us. Clay asked people to cheer from the part of North Carolina they came from, then asked people to cheer if they came from anywhere else - Whoa, the everywhere else won by landslide!!!

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Wheeee! Back from the Biltmore. We stayed for the busline and we are hungry and tired, but there is no food to be had. We tried lining up at the McDonald's drive through across from the Biltmore, but the line was not moving. We tried the bar & grille here but no food after midnght. We tried the vending machines but they don't want our money. So we are eating whatever we had left in the cooler from yesterday, and hitting the sack.

Oh! I just ran into institches in the bar! Sneaky little bum thought she could fly under the radar, heh. She is looking fantastic and is her usual fangirly self. I love it.

What can I say about the concert? Probably the most gorgeous setting I've ever seen Clay perform in. We are going back tomorrow to look around. He was on, on, on. His banter was hilarious, especially about the bats. There were so many funny moments. The handcuffs, BWAH. I loved singing to him....the Brady Bunch theme as well as the first verse of TOA. The glowsticks were even better than in Cary yesterday. Hee, I was sitting smack dab in the middle of the CH section with the evil Houston posse all around me so they are probably ready to kill me for that.

OK I really should get to bed since we have lots to do tomorrow. Real recaps are gonna have to wait until I get home, I think. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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AAIT, I thought pretty much the same thing about that 'subliminal' picture! :cryingwlaughter:

You know, I was thinking how addicted I am to listening to the cellcerts and how...odd that is. I mean, I've seen four concerts in person so far and will be seeing three more next weekend, yet I can't stand 'missing' any of them, via cellcert if that's the only way. Same songs...almost same banter....what's the deal?

It's because Clay is Clay. That totally predictable, unknown; beautiful, dorky; talented, goofy man who brings something new and exciting and memorable every single time he shares with us....yet never fails to bring the same heart and voice and love. Different every time and blessedly the same.

God, what he's brought to us.

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