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#13 The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • He's my happy.
    • Doesn't want to leave RCA.
    • Lullabied...All.night.long Slooooowwwww
    • We do a lot of slow songs because that's what we're good at
    • Krispy Kreme, macaroni and cheese, and sloooooow songs.
    • God, I love his whole damn being!
    • The most adorable, lovable, huggable almost devilish creature that melts my heart .
    • It's never enough with Clay Aiken.
    • Doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.
    • Well, it's really no wonder that next thing he knew she was all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"

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Hee, I love Bojangles biscuits. And that is about as much as I can say for them. :P

Well, I didn't mean to imply there was anything wrong with being gay and if I did blame it on my wording. If Clay were gay - and frankly I have never eliminated that as being a possibility - the only thing that would change for me is I would have to say "Damn! Another hot man is gay!". But don't go and accuse me of being prejudice against anyone because of their sexual orientation - or for any other reason because I am not.

Sorry, I was not trying to accuse you or anyone else on this board of being prejudiced, but I was acknowledging that it does exist, and there's not a damned thing I can do about it except live my life the way I see fit and hope others might follow by example. However, I think it's important to remember that in any large group of people, like this fandom, there are going to be all sorts. Including fans who are gay themselves, or fans who have a brother, sister, son, daughter, parent or close friend who is gay. I am definitely in that category, so I apologize if I jump on my soap box on occasion. We all have red button topics, and this is definitely one of mine.

That said, what I was primarily referring to was the tabloid crap - the trolling the internet for cheap one night stands kind of thing. That stuff IS a character assasination and would be if he were straight or gay. It is sleazy, desperate, stupid behavior - made all the worse because Clay has gone to great lengths to present himself as a family friendly type of entertainer. The fact that the tabloids framed that type of behavior with his being gay just makes it all the worse for many. I don't believe there is a shread of truth in that crap, but some do, or at least think its possible.

I totally agree with this paragraph. I always thought that Clay was quite clear in the early days about his sexuality, that he was straight, but then the mess happened and people started questioning it all over again. And he understandably got frustrated and stopped answering the question.

To me, the SexyBack schtick is so - forgive me - flaming, as was the Frsico LAV that it will only reinforce that opinion if one is leaning that way. As I said, should it matter? Hell no. Does it matter in the real world? Hell yes.

And I guess that's where our opinions differ. I say "you go, Clay!" when he camps it up because I think he has amazing courage and guts to be able to make fun of those perceptions that people have - a total F.U. to them, IMO. You wanna think I'm gay? Be my guest! :lol:

WE know Clay is more than one little bit he does in a concert, but most people in this world do not. If their preconceived notions of Clay closes their minds, it may also close off the chance for him to expand his fanbase. And this is something he needs to do to be around for a loooooong time, like I want him to be.

Like someone else stated, I think he will expand his fanbase with his comedic side. I totally think he is winning over new fans in every live show he does. I'd love to see it translated to TV or DVD so that those who don't or won't attend a live performance might see it and be hooked as well.

Yeah, it matters - just like being black was a "bad" thing back in the day - but you can't ask people not to be black - you work on changing things. Not saying it's easy or fun or not tiring and can't be frustrating and will really make people mad - but some battles you fight because you have no alternative. Clay is who he is and some of who Clay is is really inappropriate/annoying/stereotypical/human. Suppressing that in whatever way I think would, for me, be worse. I get the feeling Clay knows perfectly well how he coming across in 'SexyBack' - just like he knows how some really hate/hated the TV theme - and he does deal.

Absolutely. He does it anyways, and that just says so much to me about his strength of character.

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I've been to five concerts this tour--Asheville, Cary, and the NY 3fer. I think this might be my favorite tour so far, although the current or most recent is always my favorite.

Change that 5 to a 7, and you can speak for me too. I think my favourites were Canandaigua (loved the "Kyrie" entrance and my 3rd row seats), Sterling Heights (the outfit, the duet, just a magical night), and I can't choose between my NC/TN concerts, except I had the best seats in Knoxville, and like you say, it really makes a difference, especially when I can see his facial expression without binoculars, and also when I can see his feet. Hee, I think I have a foot fetish when it comes to the Aiken.

I saw Lisa & Co. lots, also Divayenta, playbiller and Fear, sassafras, cha cha trusty, and many more.

Hee, am I "Lisa & Co."? Yep, it's never just me, I always have my posse. :cryingwlaughter:

First half we were on row M, off to the right side. Not bad seats, we could see Clay. I had binoculars. During the intermission, when I came back from smoking, Barbara came and dragged me off to these seats on the fourth row that were behind her OFC friend and had been unoccupied for the first half, so we got to see the second half really well. Those were right next to Quiana's family. A CVer behind me told me that when the concert began Chamberlain reached out his arms to Clay. If true, awwwwwww. Quiana did mention that night that he responded more to Clay's voice than hers. I wonder if Clay sings to him a lot. I was good and didn't stare, and I gave them their space, but we all smiled and agreed that he hangs the moon. He has such a joy about him, and was so obviously loved and protected by the people he was with. He's really still a baby--what, a year old now?--still small and mostly cradled in someone's arms all the time. He was getting a lot of attention at the intermission and handling it well, but wasn't that into it. He never cried or got unhappy once during the concert that I was aware of, although most of the time my attention was on Clay. He fell asleep by the end, was out like a log when I saw him at the end of the concert. He and Quiana's family were like this sweet, sweet presence that, as I look back at the concerts, stands out for me. Her friends were just a few rows back, and they were all smiley too. Lots and lots and lots of LOVE all around.

Awwww, I loved this paragraph. How awesome for you to experience that!

Wonderful recap. I hope you write them more often.

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They are now asking me if I went to go pee.

No, because Scarlett took my frozen Strawberry Lemonade. And am pretty sure she ate it. All. I'm sure it was quite tasty. Quite.

Yes, I took your frozen Strawberry Lemonade. Why?

1. Because there are some things you just have to put up with when you take Clack

2. Because licking some gooey, sticky melting stuff off of your fingers while sitting on the front row of a Clay Aiken concert is just wrong

3. Because I love Strawberry Ice (check the Cedar Point pic) And BTW, it was mmmmm-good! *smacks lips*

Speaking of things that people put up with when taking Clack... After the Asheville show certain members of the eHP excitedly told me that one of them had a picture with lots of skin! Of course I wanted to go see so we went to huddle in a corner of the Biltmore courtyard to check it out. She opened the viewfinder and held it where I could see but not close enough to grab. The first thing I noticed that was wrong with the picture was the underwear -- "no, that couldn't possibly be Clay's" -- and my next thought was "but he wasn't wearing a peach shirt tonight", and then finally it dawned on me that the skin I was looking at didn't belong to Clay. Big echoing SHRIEK!!! So now, aside from holding a camera, keeping it steady, dodging the clack police we also have to dodge the camera-toting ehP?!! Unfortunately gravity works exactly the same way on stage as it does in the audience and when you hold a camera over your head for as long as the Classics Medley, it's inevitable that something'll slip. Can anyone bring suspenders to the Florida shows? And to you people (you know who you are) I hope all the downloaders who barf from shaky video'll take Angela's whip and hunt you down!!!

luckiest, I loved Lick's and I hope they expand southward. Ditto Tim Horton's. However, it would have been good to try Bojangles too. Someday I hope to ride with people who'll actually take me to one.

playbiller, thanks for the link!

Ha! We took you to a Stuckey's (I think it was a stuckey's) and got you a some sort of berry Icee! We take you lots of places!

Hey! It was excellent skin! Smooth and pretty with just a hint of underwear...just like you like! Just because we like hearing shrieking doesn't mean we aren't trying to make you happy too!

KAndre looks at Scarlett's little list...

1. OK, though I thought the sacrifice part was having that asshole security dipshit in front of me.

2. Now this is just wrong. It is not fair that you try to be the only one to lick things in front of Clay. I wanna lick things in front of Clay too!

3. <sigh>. I bet it was perfect too. Dammit.



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I guess I met quite a few FCAers this tour. It was such a pleasure. I especially wanted to thank luckiest, who shared a CH experience with me and it made me feel a whole lot better.

The CH party was nice in Asheville, calliek gives great parties and is so sweet. I met so many people there that I hadn't met before. The concert was one of my favorites. My local friend , queenp, moved up next to playbiller and I at the venue. She is so funny. We didn't have great seats but could see just fine. I thought the sound was great. I guess the years of having bands practice in my garage have made me immune to loud sounds. After years of hearing Mickey Mouse noises at concerts, I am quite happy to hear Clay's sonorous tones, loud and clear.

My husband, the party pooper, refused to stand up at the concert, thought it was too loud, especially A & Q, thought the comedy was over the top but thought Clay's voice was great. So I think he missed most of the physical comedy that we laughed at. He actually prefers mellow jazz voices of which there were quite a few male singers. R&B just not his thing.

We have been to the Biltmore house many times, but this was the first time we tried the headphones. Other than playbiller breaking two sets (j/k), we thought they were very helpful. Sore feet all around discouraged us from doing any of the other tours.

OT: someone posted an analysis of Clay's handwriting on the OFC. It was in a thread called "pics of Clay's autograph" See VickieED's post Clay's HW analysis Really interesting and, hopefully, prophetic.

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I wanna lick things in front of Clay too!

Oh, dear....so many possibilities.....

Okay, I've decided. I'll go with this one for a thousand, Alex!

I wanna lick the front things of Clay, too!

Thank you. My work here is done.

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From Notacanuck at CH, a PR about the 5th grader show.

Multi-platinum Recording Artist Clay Aiken Slated for Celebrity Edition of Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Multi-platinum recording artist Clay Aiken will be testing his mental mettle against a group of brainy fifth graders. Mr. Aiken, co-founder of The Bubel/Aiken Foundation (TBAF), is slated to appear on the upcoming celebrity version of Fox's hit game show, Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?

Aiken will be playing to raise money for TBAF which will receive a minimum $25,000 for Clay's appearance. But Aiken plans on earning much more for his foundation. The Foundation earns money for each question Clay answers correctly. Should he correctly answer all 11 questions, the Foundation will earn one million dollars.

"We're excited about Clay's appearance on the show to fundraise for the Foundation. Fox has given us a great opportunity to move closer to our goal of 100 Let's ALL Play camps in 2008. Clay's appearance will also gain exposure for our goals of full inclusion. Of course we're hoping to win the million, but Clay's being part of their hit show will be great for the Foundation either way," said Jerry Aiken, executive director, TBAF.

The Bubel/Aiken Foundation's Let's ALL Play initiative brings an inclusive recreational and learning experience to all children by giving children with developmental disabilities the same summer camp experience.

Children of all abilities come together to participate in recreational activities including swimming, baseball, archery, arts and crafts, physical fitness, and community service. Let's ALL Play encourages children's organizations nationwide to move toward full inclusion by offering as a resource a tested, successful, comprehensive model supported through specialized training.

Let's ALL Play has become a viable option for YMCAs and other children's organizations nationwide which seek the ideal of becoming fully inclusive. The goal is to implement inclusive recreational programs nationwide to reach thousands of children with 100 camps by 2008.

Hosted by comedian Jeff Foxworthy, Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? airs on Fox's Thursday night lineup. Aiken will be taping his appearance August 28th with the Celebrity Edition airing to be announced later. The season's premiere is slated for September 6, 8pm Eastern and 9pm Central.

About The Bubel/Aiken Foundation: The Bubel/Aiken Foundation serves to bridge the gap that exists between young people with special needs and the world around them. The Foundation supports communities with inclusive programs and works to create awareness about the possibilities that inclusion can bring. For more information visit the Foundation on line at http://www.bubelaiken.org.

So, do we have any FCAers attending tonight's concert? :Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3:

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Go out to dinner for one night and you miss all the great conversation!

I think what we see here is the great divide between people who see Clay as sexy and those who see him as entertaining. I am never a person to see Clay as my pretend boyfriend, so his playfulness is appealing in a friend kind of way to me.

I tend to think like you and Ansa do. I find him attractive, but the sexiness is not really what I look for in him. I have noticed that different fans are attracted to different aspects of him, and to some extent, it affects what we want from him and how we want others to view him. Personally, aside from his voice, his sense of humor--his ability to make people laugh--is what I enjoy most. I think that's why I like the idea of him in a variety show, and why the SexyBack performance doesn't bother me that much. I thought it was funny. However, I realize that other fans have different preferences. There are fans who want his charitable work to be more prominent, because they see him as a role model and champion of important causes. There are fans who see him as an artist first, and want the public to see him as a respected musician more than as an entertainer. Some prefer "sexy Clay" and wish the media would capture that side of him more often. I don't think that's wrong. I just think it's a reflection of our own tastes.

Clay is who he is and some of who Clay is is really inappropriate/annoying/stereotypical/human. Suppressing that in whatever way I think would, for me, be worse. I get the feeling Clay knows perfectly well how he coming across in 'SexyBack' - just like he knows how some really hate/hated the TV theme - and he does deal.

Ain't that the truth! I don't love everything he does. I hate that he travels on airplanes in pajamas (the papparazzi are watching!) I'm not a fan of stubble. And I do wish he'd respond to more of these tabloid stories the way he did with the foot incident--with a humorous public statement that shows how ridiculous it all is. But I realize those are really my issues, because they're based on my own expectations of what he should or shouldn't do.

What makes Usher cool? What made Jackson cool? And can any of it rub off on Clay? Ask Barry Manilow.

Really, Aiken could care less. And that's the point. He knows who he is, who his fans are, and most importantly, he can have a little laugh and not take himself too seriously.

I think this is the crux of the situation, and I think it's been what he's been telling us in every concert. He's not cool. He sings slooooow songs. He's cheesy enough to love TV show theme songs. For those who want him to be Justin Timberlake, he's going to show how absurd that notion is (which why I think he camps it up). I can see why we may long for the kind of broad, mainstream acceptance that Justin has, why we'd want Clay to win Grammys, and be played on the radio with the frequency of Kelly or Carrie. Yeah, it would be cool, if Clay were actually, well...cool.

But I think this matters more to us than to him. And quite frankly, he may never be "cool" in the sense that Jimmy Hendrix, Nirvana or even Kanye West are "cool." But you know what? I think Clay can be very, very popular. He's talented. He's funny. He's sexy, smart, big-hearted, and extraordinarily and unusually complex. But I believe that if superstardom happens, it will be on his terms, in his own unique style, for better or worse.

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But I think this matters more to us than to him. And quite frankly, he may never be "cool" in the sense that Jimmy Hendrix, Nirvana or even Kanye West are "cool." But you know what? I think Clay can be very, very popular. He's talented. He's funny. He's sexy, smart, big-hearted, and extraordinarily and unusually complex. But I believe that if superstardom happens, it will be on his terms, in his own unique style, for better or worse.

I have decided that I'm going to just follow Jenna and then put :bravo: Your entire post was fantastic, but especially this paragraph resonated with me.

The different ways that people see Clay is a fascinating subject. I find that man hawt...but it's more from his attitude and snark than his physical being. As jmh suggested, his ability to stand up and do his own thing, in his own way, is a major turn on for me. And, as I think most of you know around here, the silly side of him makes me laugh so much...and yet, it's also something that makes me hawt too. Yes, there are days when I find his hair fall-on-the-floor gorgeous, or can't stand something he wears. But, in my case, it's easily forgiveable because I see so much more to him.

jmh, thank you for your recap! I can't wait to read more. I also thank you for your insight about the Cary article almost cannily reflecting the conversation here last night.

YSRN, I hope you feel better soon!

cha cha trusty -- hope the world travelers come home safe and sound very soon. AND -- happy belated birthday! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

That PR for the "Fifth Grader" show sounds EXCELLENT! I certainly hope he does well, and it is great exposure for the BAF as well.

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I think this is the crux of the situation, and I think it's been what he's been telling us in every concert. He's not cool. He sings slooooow songs. He's cheesy enough to love TV show theme songs. For those who want him to be Justin Timberlake, he's going to show how absurd that notion is (which why I think he camps it up). I can see why we may long for the kind of broad, mainstream acceptance that Justin has, why we'd want Clay to win Grammys, and be played on the radio with the frequency of Kelly or Carrie. Yeah, it would be cool, if Clay were actually, well...cool.

But I think this matters more to us than to him. And quite frankly, he may never be "cool" in the sense that Jimmy Hendrix, Nirvana or even Kanye West are "cool." But you know what? I think Clay can be very, very popular. He's talented. He's funny. He's sexy, smart, big-hearted, and extraordinarily and unusually complex. But I believe that if superstardom happens, it will be on his terms, in his own unique style, for better or worse.

Wow, thank you Jenna. Now I can just go to work knowing what I wanted to say has already been said. What's amazing to me, and I added this question to our chat thread, how there is such diverse opinion in the fandom on who Clay is or wants (speculatively speaking) and how everyone thinks they are right. heee.

Anyway I agree with your sentiment but the most popular interpretation I've read is that CLay is saying all these songs are trash and he can sing them all better than the original but he has been boxed in by his label..This is what I read in NOT FAN sites by fans spreading the word. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they are wrong. But whatever Clay is trying to say it surely is getting interpreted a thousand different ways. :cryingwlaughter:

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Anyway I agree with your sentiment but the most popular interpretation I've read is that CLay is saying all these songs are trash and he can sing them all better than the original but he has been boxed in by his label..This is what I read in NOT FAN sites by fans spreading the word. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they are wrong. But whatever Clay is trying to say it surely is getting interpreted a thousand different ways. :cryingwlaughter:

BWAH, that some interesting interpretation. I wonder if Clay is getting a chuckle out of all of the different interpretations....I hope so.

Nice post, JennaZ, especially this.

I think it's been what he's been telling us in every concert. He's not cool. He sings slooooow songs. He's cheesy enough to love TV show theme songs. For those who want him to be Justin Timberlake, he's going to show how absurd that notion is

Just saw this posted on CH. EEEEEE! It's in NYC. We need clack.

From Striped Shirts at CV:

Check this out:


A concert of Neil's songs performed

by Neil and many friends.

Friday, October 26

at Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center


Natalie Cole

Clay Aiken

Captain & Tennille

David Foster

w/ Renne Olstead

The Bad Plus

Raul Mideon

...plus more to be announced

Produced by Michael Dorf

100% of the net proceeds will benefit

VIP tickets all include access to the special Artist Reception after the concert plus the best orchestra and box tickets available. Limited to the first 200 people. All but $175.00 of the ticket is a tax deductible.

Platinum Circle Tickets $2,500

Gold Circle Tickets $1,000

Silver Circle Tickets $500

VIP Tickets $250

Regular tickets range from $140 to $40 at Lincoln Center Box Office

To reserve VIP seats

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Heh, that is because I am working so hard today. ;)

Oh, and the rest of that one sentence that is missing is "100% of the net proceeds will benefit Elton John Aids Foundation ".

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I always thought that one day there would be a Neil Sedaka tribute, and that Clay would participate.

I can't go to this, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will be televised.

And I'm sure there will be clack as Clay fans will grab up those VIP seats if there are any left. Thank god for a rich fandom heee. At the very least we'll get reports. YAY Play. Go for it.

hmmmmm wonder which song Clay will be singing :cryingwlaughter:

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To me, Timberlake's public persona has had a slimy sexual-predator sheen to it ever since the Janet Jackson thing, and his current musical and video choices haven't done much to dispel that feeling. If Clay wants to set himself up as the polar opposite of that, it's alright by me.

So, is anybody going to Atlanta tonight?

:Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3:

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That whole thing with Janet Jackson left me with a Timberlake is a f****ng coward taste as he tried to pretend he had nothing planned and it was either her fault or an accident. No gentleman there.

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:wub: I have fallen in love.

With JennaZ. :wub: Your whole post is perfection. Thank you. What tickled me as I read it was that I could imagine every single person reading it nodding and smiling and mouthing, "Word!", etc.---regardless of which "side" of the issue they're on....which is, I do believe, what most of us have been saying but not in such a well-phrased way. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Yep, beauty (sexiness, humor, snark, etc) truly IS in the eye of the beholder. Which is a damned good thing or my wonderful hubby might never have married me! :cryingwlaughter:

Neil Sedaka night, eh? Well, I hope the Clay fans who have the money and time to attend will leave some seats for the non-fervent followers so that the night can be about Neil more than Clay. And please---no glowsticks. post-98-1158235369.gif

heh. Hope Atlanta has a good crowd tonight. There doesn't seem to be as much of a hubbub about this concert as some of the others....By this time tomorrow I'll have my "A" boarding pass in my grubby little hands for my EARLY Friday morning flight to Florida! :Tour3: :TourExcite:

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But I think this matters more to us than to him. And quite frankly, he may never be "cool" in the sense that Jimmy Hendrix, Nirvana or even Kanye West are "cool." But you know what? I think Clay can be very, very popular. He's talented. He's funny. He's sexy, smart, big-hearted, and extraordinarily and unusually complex. But I believe that if superstardom happens, it will be on his terms, in his own unique style, for better or worse.

Can I get a HELL YEAH!????


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Regarding Justin T, I'm neutral about him and not a fan although I thought he was hilarious on SNL, probably the best guest host last season. Mostly he's just aw'ite for me, but I did think he acquitted himself poorly in the Janet Jackson matter. No balls at all as he backed out the door.

Now reading up on the hot topic of last night, all I have to say is this .....

In the late 70's when Elton John came out and confirmed that he was a gay man, my husband said, "Okay, that's it. I can't support that and there will be no more Elton John albums in my house." So I moved and got a divorce. And I always been grateful to Elton for precipitating one of the best decisions I ever made in my life.

I have no opinion about Clay's sexuality, and no opinion about anybody else's either. People who would discount a human being according to such things need to "come out" of the ignorance box. And that's all I have to say about that.

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I think this is the crux of the situation, and I think it's been what he's been telling us in every concert. He's not cool. He sings slooooow songs. He's cheesy enough to love TV show theme songs. For those who want him to be Justin Timberlake, he's going to show how absurd that notion is (which why I think he camps it up). I can see why we may long for the kind of broad, mainstream acceptance that Justin has, why we'd want Clay to win Grammys, and be played on the radio with the frequency of Kelly or Carrie. Yeah, it would be cool, if Clay were actually, well...cool.

But I think this matters more to us than to him. And quite frankly, he may never be "cool" in the sense that Jimmy Hendrix, Nirvana or even Kanye West are "cool." But you know what? I think Clay can be very, very popular. He's talented. He's funny. He's sexy, smart, big-hearted, and extraordinarily and unusually complex. But I believe that if superstardom happens, it will be on his terms, in his own unique style, for better or worse.

Wow, thank you Jenna. Now I can just go to work knowing what I wanted to say has already been said. What's amazing to me, and I added this question to our chat thread, how there is such diverse opinion in the fandom on who Clay is or wants (speculatively speaking) and how everyone thinks they are right. heee.

Anyway I agree with your sentiment but the most popular interpretation I've read is that CLay is saying all these songs are trash and he can sing them all better than the original but he has been boxed in by his label..This is what I read in NOT FAN sites by fans spreading the word. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they are wrong. But whatever Clay is trying to say it surely is getting interpreted a thousand different ways. :cryingwlaughter:

Just want to see that wonderful JennaZ quote again, and to laugh with Couchie about the most popular interpretation. Mine is pretty close to Jenna's--that he's saying, 'don't ever expect me to be cool like this'. I bolded one more line that I think is important.

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the most popular interpretation I've read is that CLay is saying all these songs are trash and he can sing them all better than the original but he has been boxed in by his label

BWAH! :cryingwlaughter:

Thinking about this is going to bring on a chuckle throughout my harried day today....thanks! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


In the late 70's when Elton John came out and confirmed that he was a gay man, my husband said, "Okay, that's it. I can't support that and there will be no more Elton John albums in my house." So I moved and got a divorce. And I always been grateful to Elton for precipitating one of the best decisions I ever made in my life.

Today I removed my Google Alert for Clay. Like keepingfaith...this last 'news item' that has been jumped on and gleefully held up as the newest reason to slam him has effected my 'divorce' from this particular source of misery. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I'm sure I'll be better off for it...

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