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#13 The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • He's my happy.
    • Doesn't want to leave RCA.
    • Lullabied...All.night.long Slooooowwwww
    • We do a lot of slow songs because that's what we're good at
    • Krispy Kreme, macaroni and cheese, and sloooooow songs.
    • God, I love his whole damn being!
    • The most adorable, lovable, huggable almost devilish creature that melts my heart .
    • It's never enough with Clay Aiken.
    • Doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.
    • Well, it's really no wonder that next thing he knew she was all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"

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Bottle - that picture......

I would love to lick those little beads of sweat off his face.......

I have so much to do tonight before my ridiculously early flight for which I WILL ARRIVE AT THE AIRPORT IN PLENTY OF TIME!!!!!!!

I need to find a last minute cat sitter, do laundry, pack...........

Why do I have to still be at work????

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Just talked to the eHP girls in Florida--- and KAndre's plane has arrived. All is well.

And I'm upgrading. Of course I'm upgrading. I talked to Scarlett, for heaven's sake!!! If anyone is still looking for a Tampa ticket, I've got a Row K, Seat 8 now available.

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I have so much to do tonight before my ridiculously early flight for which I WILL ARRIVE AT THE AIRPORT IN PLENTY OF TIME!!!!!!!

bwah! and how ridiculously early would that be?

Would you believe 7:30am?????? I put off booking my flight for so long waiting for the fares to go down, by the time they did go down that was the only flight available at the cheap fare! And - I live AT LEAST 45 minutes from the airport!!

But I will be there NO LATER than 6:00am and I am NOT checking luggage!

Just talked to the eHP girls in Florida--- and KAndre's plane has arrived. All is well.

And I'm upgrading. Of course I'm upgrading. I talked to Scarlett, for heaven's sake!!! If anyone is still looking for a Tampa ticket, I've got a Row K, Seat 8 now available.

How does everyone keep upgrading? I was on their site a couple of hours ago and the best they had available was row W! Does Scarlett have the magic touch or something?

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Bottle - that picture......

I would love to lick those little beads of sweat off his face.......

CG -- knock yourself out. Personally, I see a guy, even a really hawt LOOKING guy (heh), with sweat all over....and I'm like "yuck!"

I think my reaction is more like "Hey Clay....I'll help you get that sweat off your body. Wanna shower together?"

Good luck on catching your flight tomorrow. I can always call you....if I'm up. :imgtongue:

Just talked to the eHP girls in Florida--- and KAndre's plane has arrived. All is well.

YAY!!! Whew. Now all we have to do is get YOU there safely.

merrieee, are you part of the traveling eHP this weekend or not? If you're not....we'll drink together this weekend.

Just talked to the eHP girls in Florida--- and KAndre's plane has arrived. All is well.

And I'm upgrading. Of course I'm upgrading. I talked to Scarlett, for heaven's sake!!! If anyone is still looking for a Tampa ticket, I've got a Row K, Seat 8 now available.

How does everyone keep upgrading? I was on their site a couple of hours ago and the best they had available was row W! Does Scarlett have the magic touch or something?

Yes, I think Scarlett just simply KNOWS how and when to tackle the computer for better seats. Needless to say, I'm going to be talking to her in December for better Merrillville seats....

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What the heck airline is ATA and are they reliable and why do they have a RT ticket to Chicago on Dec 20 red eye for only 200 and will that price be available next week. This CHA business is stressful!

CG... I'm LMAO right now. What time do you have to get up, 4 am?

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<_< HAH! CG thinks HER flight is early at 7:30 am?

My plane is supposed to leave at 6:50 am tomorrow! So couchie, considering the mess that Oakland Airport is these days, should I get there by 4:00 or something? :scream:

What we do for this man!

Oh well, I don't mind getting up for him. I'm sure he'd do the same for me....


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Oooh, can we talk about airlines and which are safe to book? Does anyone here use cheapoair.com tickets? are they safe to book thru?

Which airlines are on the brink of bankruptcy so I can avoid them. So far it looks like I can get a round trip on American Air or Continental to Las Vegas. The AA has a stop over. If you upgrade, does that hold for a single leg or the entire flight?

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I have so much to do tonight before my ridiculously early flight for which I WILL ARRIVE AT THE AIRPORT IN PLENTY OF TIME!!!!!!!

I need to find a last minute cat sitter, do laundry, pack...........

that's my girl. :lol:

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wow CG we sure learned our lesson...hee.

but 7:30??? wow...will you even sleep tonight???

Muski...hope oakland is not as crazy that early in the morning...won;t underestimate that airport again!!!

I am so happy for Kandre...whew...last weekend...sniff...

WAAAAHHHHH...its good I haven;t been watching clack too much. I can spend the next week catching up on clack.

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Ok...meeting over....can breathe again...now just have to hang around here later than I want to...

But I don't CARE! Because I get to see my boyfriend again tomorrow night! :TourExcite: :Tour3: :allgood:






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I'm feeling all 45 of my years today and that emoticon doesn't help.

Anyway, my sister ran into one of my high school running buddies today. Haven't seen her in years - and I mean 20 or so at the very least. So I guess she'll be callin'. Hmmmm it will be nice to see her actually. I had good times in high school - part of the sports clique. heee. I think I'll shock her by telling her I'm a claymate. Should be fun.


I graduated from high school in 1980 and it was during a very difficult time in the "hood"...ok I didn't live in the ghetto or anything but it was more lower middle class neighborhood. But what they were doing during the 60s or so as I was growing up was trying to move people out of the projects and put them in more stable neighborhoods. I would love to read a report on how they think that ultimately played out. Anyway, the difficulty of the 80-85 years of course was crack epidemic and I kinda pulled away from most of my buds that got caught up in the drug culture. My daddy was a psycho but am happy he put the fear of god into me because I don't think I've ever so much as taken a puff of a cigarette let alone picked up a crack pipe. (course nothing he could do about :drinking34: ) The last time I saw this girl she was rifling through my couch for loose change and I for some stupid reason was walking with her from house to house with her as she looked for her fix. I wasn't stupid for long cuz that's the last time I did anything like that...actually the last time I saw her. My sister said she looked great...so am happy about that.

Anyway, for some reason I love the word CLACK. It sorta erases for me a whole bunch of stuff which I won't bore you with. Yep, I feel it's addictive power quite a bit but damn if I'm gonna get killed over it. LOL.

I return you to you happy happy place...concert has started.

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This is cute...


"Hey babe, wha'cha doin'?"


M&G report from xstgrammy at CV:

Meet and Greet in Knoxville

August 12, 2007

I've never done this before so please bear with me. Please pretend you don't see the grammatical errors and remember that much is paraphrasing.

We had the usual pre-M&G confusion....no passes at the stated 3:00 time...no open box office at 5:00 ...but at 6:00 Jerome came and rescued us. He took us into the mercifully cool theatre and we had to leave our poor friends and family melting in the furnace that was Knoxville. Because of some walking difficulties, I was in a wheelchair which Jerome immediately took over. As he was wheeling me through the theatre he kept telling me what a bad driver he was and how dangerous he was at the wheel. I told him I trusted him with my life. He told me it was funny but he had a skinny white redheaded kid that kept telling him the same thing. Said he just couldn't understand it. I said I guessed I was in good company.

He took us to the "Clay Aiken hospitality room" which in reality was the Green Room, all set up with snacks, bottled water, etc for the gang. Then he left. There were only six of us so we sat and chatted and got acquainted. Clay fans are such nice people. We had a couch, love seat and several chairs in a semi-circle. I wonder if he takes them from venue to venue as he seems to have the same arrangement at each M&G.

Jerome came bouncing into the room in about 15 minutes saying "We have a problem". Immediateley behind him came Clay saying "We have a problem." You know, I never did figure out what the problem was. His presence obliterated all rational thinking. He was wearing a nice pair of tan cargo pants and a light colored 5230 shirt and sandals and that million dollar smile. He shook hands and asked our names. I think he did that then but I really am not sure. That's when the infamous Aiken FOG rolled in and all memory of details vanished.

He told us he had an ear infection and wasn't sure how well he would sing. Like that has ever been a problem. LOL. He said he put something in his right ear and it came out his left ear with a little bit of brain with it. Eeeww...but that's what he said. He then told us about an incident when he was 4 or 5 when his mother had to take him to the doctor because he stuck a bean up his nose, ".. a hard raw bean."

The rest of this is random as I don't remember the sequence....think Aiken FOG again.

He was asked something about Chamberlain. He said he had made it a policy to never discuss Chamberlain as he was Quiana's child and he felt that only she should talk about him as she saw fit. He said Chamberlain never asked to be a celebrity and deserved his privacy. Yeah Clay !!! The person who asked the question was perfectly fine with that and asked if he would tell Quiana that he was a beautiful child and Clay said thank you and I will tell her.

At the request of Morgan Rowan, one of the four fans who gifted him with that beautiful ring he has been wearing , I asked if he had translated the inner inscription yet. He was not wearing the ring but had been wearing it in Asheville. He immediately asked Jamie, who was sitting quietly on the other side of the room, if she had the ring. She said she had it and he seemed relieved. He said he had never taken it off until the previous night (Asheville) and forgot there was an inner inscription. He implied that someone would eventually translate it for him if he couldn't. (I hear he was wearing it again last night in Atlanta)

It was sort of funny because I had prefaced the question with "I have a question from someone else". He laughed and said that's what they all say. They always say it is someone else's question so if it bombs they dont have to take responsibility for it. But mine really was. Honest!!

Apparently, at some time in the past in his blog, Clay made reference to a strange event happening at a McDonalds. He was asked to explain that. He said his tour bus pulled into a McD's and was too high to fit at the drive-through window. He and Jamie took the orders and walked to the window to get the food. The window clerk absolutely refused to serve them because they were on foot. Clay said "He was just MEAN!" It ended with them getting into a strangers car and were taken back to the window to get their food.

He checked with everyone as to the distance they traveled to get to the concert. The gal from St. Louis won with an 8 hour drive although there were several 7 hour trips there.

He was asked about the music for the ice show and who would pick the music he would perform. He said they sent a copy of MCWL to them and the ice show people selected the songs they wanted.....the music is all Clay's, Hoooorah!!!

He was asked if he had seen any of the Climmel skits from the Clackhouse. He was confused about what they were, thinking they were video skits. After getting him straightened out about the Climmel, he said he couldn't get into the CH but he had Quiana's password to view the videos which he did sometimes but he couldn't read the board. Who knows what he was talking about. Someone told him he could read the CH without a password but not sure that it sunk in.

That was about the end of the questions as I remember them. I apologize to all the CV people who sent me wonderful questions to ask but it just wasn't possible to fit much into the short time we had, especially as the Aiken fog just kept getting thicker and thicker.

He then started to sign items. I had one of the beautiful Linda Huber drawings to be signed. For those familiar with them, it was the one from the People centerfold in the light brown sweater. He spent quite a long time examining it as he hadn't seen that one before, although mentioned he had seen others. He was totally amazed by the drawing. "Look, she even has the tiny lights in my eyes in the right places." He said if she wasn't doing that professionally then she should be. I told him she was. LOL

He then stood and we walked over to him to have our individual pictures taken by Jamie and....it was over.

During the M&G, he had been fretting about the lady who broke her wrist the night before on her way to her M&G. She had been given an invitation to our M&G but hadn't arrived and he was concerned about where she was. Just as we were filing out the door, she appeared and he talked with her for a few minutes out in the hall. They may have even gone into a small room there briefly. He is just such a kind thoughtful person. Then he was gone.

I am sure I have forgotten a zillion things....again the FOG. Sitting and talking with him in that 'hospitality room" was like talking to an old friend. Absolutely unpretentious and friendly and certainly hospitable. This was an experience I will NEVER forget. If anyone wants to carry this to any of the other boards, that is fine with me.

The bolded parts make me all schmoopie. The italic part cracks me up!!!

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What the heck airline is ATA and are they reliable and why do they have a RT ticket to Chicago on Dec 20 red eye for only 200 and will that price be available next week. This CHA business is stressful!

CG... I'm LMAO right now. What time do you have to get up, 4 am?

Um, yeah. I need to leave about 4:45AM!!!

<_< HAH! CG thinks HER flight is early at 7:30 am?

My plane is supposed to leave at 6:50 am tomorrow! So couchie, considering the mess that Oakland Airport is these days, should I get there by 4:00 or something? :scream:

What we do for this man!

Oh well, I don't mind getting up for him. I'm sure he'd do the same for me....


Yeah, but y ou l ive A LOT closer to the airport than I do!

I need to find a last minute cat sitter, do laundry, pack...........

Might I suggest multitasking?


That is so cute! And the cat sitter still hasn't called me back! I am beginning to panic!!

I guess I should start packing......

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I guess I should start packing......

Bah, it's not even midnight yet!

Tonight sounded like the most fun Clay has had on this tour.

WooT for the eHP! Too funny!!

Barry Manislowwwwwwwwwwww. :lol:


Oh, I'm MUCH better, clayzor! Thanks for askin'! :)

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Can't wait for the clack of tonight's concert! It will be fantastic. Especially Scarlett's and Clay's clack! LOL!!

Ya'll are chatty! I've been super busy the last few days, and just had a number of pages to catch up on.

Eandpmommy - WELCOME!!!!! So glad to see you over here.

{{{{{{CG}}}}}}}} I'm sending positive energy your way.

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Soooooo...admins, do I get some sort of commission for new FCA recruits? :medium-smiley-070:

Do you have one shirt or blouse that is a STAPLE of your wardrobe? Well, mine is a white shirt. I cannot FIND my white shirt. This is a bad thing.

What the HELL am I supposed to pack if I don't have my white shirt to go with anything I pack?

Am I actually going to have to....


color coordinate? :scream:

So glad to know that KAndre made it out of Houston safely and in time to do CLay, and I hope the skies over Houston don't get all grumpy again since I have to change planes there on the way to Tampa... :unsure:

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Soooooo...admins, do I get some sort of commission for new FCA recruits? :medium-smiley-070:

heee...you know, maybe we should. Thank you to all of you who love FCA enough to tell your friends. Maybe we can add numbers to your post count so you can get to that all important stylist :cryingwlaughter:

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Wow! Sounds like Clay was in prime form tonight! All you lucky ducks who got to see it live must fill us in asap!

PS to Couchie: I was thrilled with the SYTYCD results, too! The winner was completely deserving, a graceful, versatile dancer with so much innate talent. I'll admit, I was surprised--but absolutely delighted.

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Banter-PreWISYS_Clay Takes Clack_ huskerfalcon

BWAH!!! Funniest shit evah! Almost as good as "Yeah, I know your words". That was priceless in it's own way. This??... is another level altogether.


Oh, and it's an interesting peek up Clay's shirt in the beginning :eusa_whistle: part...

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