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#13 The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it.


Thread Title Poll  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • He's my happy.
    • Doesn't want to leave RCA.
    • Lullabied...All.night.long Slooooowwwww
    • We do a lot of slow songs because that's what we're good at
    • Krispy Kreme, macaroni and cheese, and sloooooow songs.
    • God, I love his whole damn being!
    • The most adorable, lovable, huggable almost devilish creature that melts my heart .
    • It's never enough with Clay Aiken.
    • Doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.
    • Well, it's really no wonder that next thing he knew she was all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"

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Somebody wrote upthread that she hopes this person whom he called out doesn't turn to the dark side. Why? Because she might write ugly things about him on message boards? BWAH. :cryingwlaughter:

BWAH HA HA! <snort> Hell, let me know if she ever gets to the point where she might have written more good than bad...

ETA that I do agree with muski that the assumption of status within the fandom is one of those things that works my nerves, and I can live with concert famewhores as long as they don't interfere with my enjoyment.

OK, you lucky people...I'm gonna have to split up my recap 'cause this sucker is loooooong. And I don't feel particularly schmoopie...and cannot be convinced that Clay does either. It will be full of segues, totally unrelated comments, my opinions and my interpretations of everyone's actions - and therefore must be taken as the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! Really! And no snickers from the peanut gallery!

Wednesday afternoon, 15 Aug 07: I hunch over my keyboard, one hand on it, phone in the other hand, listening to my boss whine about how I'm going on vacation again and abandoning him and how I'm gonna have to work to death when I come back and how he doesn't know where anything is and have I confirmed all the appointments for the high muckety-muck coming from New York and have I made all the travel arrangements and car arrangements and flight arrangements and checked that his assistant did what she was supposed to do and check that everyone else did what they are supposed to do since I was gonna be gone when the high muckety-muck was here and couldn't fix crap since I refuse to answer my cell when I'm on vacation and why won't I get a crackberry like everyone else, not that I would answer that either. While pretending to listen to my boss whine, I do check on high muckety-muck's flight on Thursday and seen frickin' warnings about something by the name of Erin. Who was heading our way. Which was not good. Fuck muckety-muck, I gotta a flight to catch in the morning. More important, Scarlett has a flight to catch, because she has my frickin' ticket to one of my shows. I don't know which one, because I just send random people money and they say I have tickets. That works really well for me. Really, really well. I call up Scarlett and tell her to get out of Dodge RIGHT NOW. Go, go, go, go, go! Scarlett, who can seriously move when the spirit is upon her, basically said "Pbbt" to her coworkers, and scooted. I gave Solo a head's up about the problem - she said, "You need to haul your fat ass out too", and I told her I would try, but had family issues. Involving lawyers. And cutting other people out of their inheritances. And there will be a serious battle royale in about 10 years. But I digress. I also give high muckety-muck's assistant a head's up about the weather, she says "pbbt" as well as she is also tired of her high muckety-muck's and my muckety-muck (he's ain't as high as he wants to be yet) whining and plans on being missing Thursday as well. I head for home, pack an excessive amount of stuff (but still no more that can be carried on), then go deal with my mother and the lawyer. One eye on the clock, one eye on the weather channel, one eye on the documents. As 8:45pm passed, I know I'm not going to make the evening flight to Orlando, but Erin looks like it's gonna make landfall south of Houston! Yay!

I get home around 10:30 pm, and crawl into bed. By 4 am, I'm up again, checking Continental's website which says, "Don't worry, be happy, mon!" I check the news, which says, "Worry a little, but not a lot, be happy - there are only sporadic cloudbursts! How bad can that be!" I leave my house at 6 am for an 8:30 flight. I'm at the cheap airport parking at 6:20. I hop on the shuttle and am at Terminal B at 6:25. Flight's still lookin' good. I scoot through the Elite line and start heading for Gate B84b...wait a minute..84b? Since when did Intercontinental have lower case letters tacked on to gate numbers? So I sigh and start trotting down the damn terminal (because of course gate 84 is a long fucking way away). I get to 84, and it directs me down to another frickin' tunnel. All this time, I'm checking the monitors who by this time are humming to themselves, 'we are such liars...lookit all those idiots...we can tell them anything and they believe it' while saying out loud - 'all the flights are on schedule - don't worry, be happy!' Bastards. It is now 6:50am. I have NEVER, EVER been that early for a damn flight. I call Solo, tell her it's lookin' good (the stupid monitors are snickering behind me), pull out a book and get a comfortable as possible. I look up at 7:30a - the monitors are still all pretty and shit, white letters on blue, with a couple of sets of red letters - but no where close to mine! I'm still safe! I look up at 7:45a, my flight still says, "ON SCHEDULE" but the gate agents are carefully not looking at any of the passengers and whispering frantically into phones. At 8:15, I approach the gate agents.

"What's up?" sez I.

"Whadduya mean?" sez the gate agent.

"Well, you KNOW we have an 8:30 flight and don't appear to be boarding."

"Ohhhh thaaaaaaaaaat! Well, you see, the flight from Brownsville seems to have been delayed because of Erin."

"Ahem. And when were you going to inform us of that?"

"Oh, right about now. Really. Now."

I heave a huge sigh, and look at the openly mocking monitors who still frickin' say "ON SCHEDULE". The gate agent gets on the horn and claims the plane should be in by 9 and we should take off shortly after that. This is only the first in a series of badly told lies that for some reason are never mentioned in Continental's advertisements. I periodically call Solo so she can tell me how I should have left LAST night like I made Scarlett leave. Right after the claim that "we swear on our mother's left carbuncle that your flight will be leaving at 9:45 this morning" at 9:20 they confess our flight's been cancelled. And it just fucking DISAPPEARS from the monitor. The passengers all make a maddened break for the ticket counter. Having tripped over a couple of slower moving passengers, I'm maybe 6th in line at the counter. That gives me time to listen to the other conversations which tells me - the 1 pm flight to Ft. Myers is not EVEN a possibility - half of the other direct flights to Florida have been cancelled - I'm gonna have to work this. I realize I don't even know where Ft. Myers is in Florida. Not a clue. I call Solo, who puts our native guide PerusingOne on the phone - I tell the agent that I have got to get to Florida as soon as possible and whatever he has to do to accomplish this, doing that would be in his best interest. He believes me, which is good because I was perfectly serious. PerusingOne says get to Orlando. Nothing available to Tampa until 1 that afternoon. PO says get to Sarasota. Still a no go. Get to Tampa. No go. By this time, the agent is offering up random cities in Florida - Ft. Lauderdale, Miami (PO says you know I just flew from there to Orlando, right? and if I have to drive back to get your ass, you are dead meat), Jacksonville (PO made a screaming noise), Pensacola (a louder screaming noise). By this time the ticket agent is looking in terror at my phone and gets me a guaranteed seat on the 1:50 pm flight to Tampa, and puts me on the waiting list for an 11:30 flight. It is now 9:45. I abandon him and call my contact at Continental, who checks the 9 am flight to Tampa which is now scheduled to leave at 10:30. My Continental Contact (now known as CC) says hie thee to Terminal C, gate 27 and I haul ass. I get there by 10:05. The gate agent sez the flight in full but you are somehow at the top of the wait list. I smile. And sit my butt down. At 10:15 the gate agent sez, "dudes, we don't have a flight crew, so go to gate 11 and we're taking another plane". I go to gate 11. Where the gate agent says, "dudes, the flight we were waiting on circled so much it ran out of gas and had to go to Shreveport. We will take off around noon". It is 10:30a There is not another flight until the one I have a seat on at 1:50. So I go to get something to eat. As it is delivered, PerusingOne calls me - they are boarding your flight! Go, go go go go! I abandon my food, hoof it to the gate to discover they switched us to fucking Terminal E. At the the very fucking end. I didn't know I knew that many bad words. I haul ass to the intraterminal train, run down the goddam escalator, and make it to the gate in 6 minutes. Keep in mind, I don't actually have a seat, just a standby pass and wasn't there when they first called my name. But they kept my seat for me. I tell you people, acquire some sort of status with your airline by hook or crook. I also used my muckety-muck's status. Solo calls and and says, "Your ass better be on the damn plane. By the way, we are leaving for Ft. Myers and will see you there." And they knew they would. I call Hertz, order a car with their version of Damien the GPS and sit back. It is now 11 am. They have shut the plane doors. Aaaaand... we sit our asses there until 11:59a, when our pilot says, "Fuck it - I'm jumping the line" and we taxi down the runway. We finally take off at about 12:30. The flight is fairly uneventful except for a toddler with a lung capacity that exceeds that of Mr. Aiken - he apparently only knew one word in toddler language and was seriously pissed that it wasn't getting whatever the hell it was it wanted. I thought about offering it cash. We touch down in Atlanta at a around 4:30 and PerusingOne calls as soon as we start heading for the jetway (her PDA is a thing of beauty, y'all!), sez my ticket will be at will call. Tampa does have a really pretty airport that I saw in a blur as I ran to the Hertz counter, reject the first car they gave me (the GPS is NOT an option you bastards! I don't even know if I have to go north or south). I pull out of the airport a little after 5 pm. There is oddly enough what looks like rush hour traffic on the freeway. I don't actually know the name of the venue either, so I just put in "Ft. Myers" and go. The concert starts at 8. I've got at least 130 miles to go. I pull into Ft Myers at 7 pm, call Solo and ask her where the hell I'm actually going. She says Edison College. I go to Edison College and call Solo again and ask, where in Edison College. She says Mann Hall. I say I don't see a frickin' Mann Hall and was she sure. She said it had "Mann" written on it in great big letters and there were lots of cars in the parking lot. I saw it then. I went and parked by Clay's bus since I was sure his bus driver knew where he was going, got my ticket at will call, and went looking for my erstwhile seat partner, PerusingOne - who had abandoned me for the front row. So I sucked it up and stayed on the second row. Which is why I was safe when Clay busted the rest of the eHP...though I thought I was gonna DIE laughing! I lied about Knoxville - as good as it was, Ft. Myers is totally off the hook! The violent Solo, our newest Clack gatherer, the spotlight that would not abadon Clay...

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Oh, gag me with a spoon. I just saw on the Yahoo home page that Ryan Seacrest is going to host the Emmys...I'm still gagging from hearing that he's going to 'host' a Red Carpet type thing at the freakin' Super Bowl!

What is HAPPENING in this world of ours? :blink:

On a more FUN note...isn't it wonderful how carefree Clay is now with sharing 'the boys' with us? I mean, almost every stool shot is a beauty...And when he's moving around on stage, they're just dancing along with him...

As I said to CG and Becky, it makes me think of that Seinfeld episode where Kramer goes commando and says "They're out there, Jerry, and they're LOVIN' every minute of it!"

:cryingwlaughter: :lmaosmiley-1:

BWAH!!!!! love ya!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Wow the vocals for Orlando are fantastic. I think I will find some of my best of versions from this show. HYCA, RHW, IWTKWLI...and I haven'e even seen ATD, MOAM and WY.

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Wow...your airport misadventures read like a freakin suspense thriller...How do you people do IT!!!! I would be dead with stress and whimpering by the time I make it to the venue!!!!

Can't wait for the show itself!!!!

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Bravo, KAndre! Another exciting and funny recap!

Some nice N.J.U. stories from Platinum at CV:

I was at the Orlando concert Sunday and wanted to share some NJU stories:

1) In the handshake line, I was standing next to a woman who was just looking out over the lake at the lights and I said to her, "It's pretty, isn't it?" She responded that she didn't understand English - "no entiende ingles" (excuse the Spanish spelling!). So I tried to think of the Spanish word for pretty and came up with "Esta linda?" She had no idea what I was saying. It didn't help that I pronounced linda like the name and not "leenda". It would be like someone telling me something was protty (and it would take a minute for me to figure out she meant pretty). Anyway her husband who speaks English came along and translated for me. He told me that they were from Venezuela and came to the US specifically to see Clay. That his wife downloads all of his videos off the internet and watches his Youtube ones too. His wife told me (through her husband) that she loves Clay and thinks he is beautiful. I asked what she thought of the concert and she grabbed at her arm up and down (which must be the universal sign for goosebumps!!). She only had ATDW so I got her e-mail address and want to send her some of the extras I have at home. I can't tell you how thrilled she was to get a handshake!!!!

2) In the long line waiting to get in, I was standing in front of a man who was by himself. We started talking and I found out he was an exchange student from Jamaica who loved Clay on AI and wanted to see him. He thought Clay had a fantastic voice!

3) At intermission I talked to two men who were from Jacksonville and had seen Clay at a Christmas concert and wanted to see him again because they enjoyed him so much! They loved the first half and couldn't wait to see the second half.

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On a more FUN note...isn't it wonderful how carefree Clay is now with sharing 'the boys' with us? I mean, almost every stool shot is a beauty...And when he's moving around on stage, they're just dancing along with him...

As I said to CG and Becky, it makes me think of that Seinfeld episode where Kramer goes commando and says "They're out there, Jerry, and they're LOVIN' every minute of it!"

:cryingwlaughter: :lmaosmiley-1:

BWAH!!!!! love ya!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Heh, you say fun, I say throw up a little bit in my mouth. :P:lol:

JennaZ, thanks for the NJU stories! And KAndre, looking forward to part 2 of your recap! It reads like a fiction novel, and is wildly entertaining. Allthough,

went looking for my erstwhile seat partner, PerusingOne - who had abandoned me for the front row. So I sucked it up and stayed on the second row.

this is snark, right? ;) Because I'd give my eye teeth to be in the second row. I don't even dream of front row any more, because I just don't think it's ever going to happen in this lifetime....unless I win the lottery.

Edited by lickiest1
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Happy day after concert, and the day of the start of the countdown to the next concert. Aren't we lucky?

I see DJS posted, I hope that means that life is more settled, so I can call again.

You know how I, and some others, do not appreciate books about Clay, well..... I am waivering. I can see a suscessful book forming here from K'Andre - called my travels with Clay. It could either be an adventure story or, perhaps, a travel advisory of how to get somewhere when the odds are against you! It could also be a life advice book about how to find friends that are willing to drive all over the place to pick you up.

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I don't know - I see it as more of an blockbuster movie trilogy, with KAndre raining down her ire and fury over incompetent, lying airline and car rental employees and booing famehoes over the course of several continents:

The KAndre Indentity, The KAndre Supremacy, The KAndre Ultimatium.

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Oh forgot to say last night..I am glad someone said to Clay that they hoped he would keep blogging so people wouldn't make stuff up. To me a lot of the speculation from the experts has fallen on deaf ears because we can interpret stuff from Clay's own mouth. Also funny that he seems to know that no matter what he says it will be business as usual.

One more day in the city of sin. Can't wait to read KAndre's recap...but will have to wait until I get home so I can enjoy it without being on the clock.

Off to the chocolate factory!!

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On a more FUN note...isn't it wonderful how carefree Clay is now with sharing 'the boys' with us? I mean, almost every stool shot is a beauty...And when he's moving around on stage, they're just dancing along with him...

As I said to CG and Becky, it makes me think of that Seinfeld episode where Kramer goes commando and says "They're out there, Jerry, and they're LOVIN' every minute of it!"

:cryingwlaughter: :lmaosmiley-1:

:cryingwlaughter: We are lucky fans indeed. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

There is a chocolate factory in LV? :ruserious: Wait, don't tell me! *plugs ears* la-la-la-la

My gambling addiction might take a serious hit if I located it.

Oh forgot to say last night..I am glad someone said to Clay that they hoped he would keep blogging so people wouldn't make stuff up. To me a lot of the speculation from the experts has fallen on deaf ears because we can interpret stuff from Clay's own mouth. Also funny that he seems to know that no matter what he says it will be business as usual.

Sad but true, Couch Tomato . Plus, and this one really irks me, whatever he does say people will expect to be set in stone...like the ten commandments...and lord help us all if for some reason of a non-nefarious nature the plans changed. People just can't seem to realize that Clay's life is no different than any of ours. His life is fluid, ebbs and flows...He might want to lose those 15 lbs by Christmas, and he might have told everyone he was going to try, but that doesn't mean it's going to happen. Wait a minute...that was me...never mind.

Anyhow..I'm sure he and the crew are all working on that early 2008 CD release, but if it doesn't happen, I hope people will realize it may not be because the powers of evil have taken over the universe.

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Oh forgot to say last night..I am glad someone said to Clay that they hoped he would keep blogging so people wouldn't make stuff up. To me a lot of the speculation from the experts has fallen on deaf ears because we can interpret stuff from Clay's own mouth. Also funny that he seems to know that no matter what he says it will be business as usual.

Sad but true, Couch Tomato . Plus, and this one really irks me, whatever he does say people will expect to be set in stone...like the ten commandments...and lord help us all if for some reason of a non-nefarious nature the plans changed. People just can't seem to realize that Clay's life is no different than any of ours. His life is fluid, ebbs and flows...He might want to lose those 15 lbs by Christmas, and he might have told everyone he was going to try, but that doesn't mean it's going to happen. Wait a minute...that was me...never mind.

Anyhow..I'm sure he and the crew are all working on that early 2008 CD release, but if it doesn't happen, I hope people will realize it may not be because the powers of evil have taken over the universe.


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Like play, I have a good idea who did the booing. I wonder if I'm right - her screenname just might rhyme with someone's screenname here.

Or does it rhyme with Clay's new favorite semi-swear word...... :eusa_whistle:

My admiration for Clay reached an all time high at the concert. The man has balls - and I don't mean tennis balls. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Quite honestly, I've never 'gotten' what all the hubbub is about re:when the next CD is coming out. Am I just being a Pollyanna? I just...don't care about it. I'm happy knowing that he's working on one. It'll happen when it's ready and I'll be here. DOn't really care how he's finding a producer, what that person's bio is. Don't give a hoot how many songs have a 4/4 beat or a violin in it. Couldn't care less whether or not Clay had to send a horse's ass...er..head to Clive's bedroom ala "The Godfather" to force him to see things his way. Quite frankly, I don't have the time or energy or interest to be "IN THE KNOW" about the whole freaking process.

I don't know anything about that part of the business. It's cool to read about Clay's answers to questions during the M&Gs about it because his answers are direct and simple and matter of fact. I do NOT want to go into the whole BUSINESS of making a record, though, with people who like to squawk and preen and 'share' their expertise with us and/or propose interfering with the process by 'offering help', etc., Icertainly don't want to poke my nose into what Clay should or shouldn't do (unless, of course, if it involves "doing" things with/to ME!), what moves he 'needs' to make in order to make his mark, or whatever.

Not saying, of course, that I'll be happy as a June bug if he were to come out with a CD full of ONLY ballads or one that leans toward the Christian music lane....but I'll be danged if I need to have 'the scoop' about his 'things to do' list while getting the danged thing done.

I'm tickled to death just KNOWING about these various appearances slated for him in 2007! Coolio! I can't make it to any of them, but it's very, very cool that he's got a busy schedule, and I bet he's happy with the diversity of the gigs, too. I'll be surprised if there aren't more tv appearances, too.

So all in all, I'm a happy camper. Boyfriend can SANG! And he's funny as sh...stuff! And he's packing them in at the concert venues and in his hawt jeans. :hubbahubba: And he's winning new people every time an indifferent or cynical person re: Clay sits at one of his concerts.

Considering this stuff, I'll pass on the CD angst---thanks, anyway. :lilredani::imgtongue:

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Quite honestly, I've never 'gotten' what all the hubbub is about re:when the next CD is coming out. Am I just being a Pollyanna? I just...don't care about it. I'm happy knowing that he's working on one. It'll happen when it's ready and I'll be here. DOn't really care how he's finding a producer, what that person's bio is. Don't give a hoot how many songs have a 4/4 beat or a violin in it. Couldn't care less whether or not Clay had to send a horse's ass...er..head to Clive's bedroom ala "The Godfather" to force him to see things his way. Quite frankly, I don't have the time or energy or interest to be "IN THE KNOW" about the whole freaking process.
I don't think you're a Pollyanna, muskifest; I think you prefer to participate in the fandom in other ways, that's all. While I'm not one who knows a whole lot about the music business, I certainly know more now than I did before I discovered Clay Aiken. And while I don't have the time, energy or inclination to become an expert and know where and when to google specific subject matter and names of those tied to the music business, I sure as heck enjoy reading the fruits of others' labor.

I don't know anything about that part of the business. It's cool to read about Clay's answers to questions during the M&Gs about it because his answers are direct and simple and matter of fact. I do NOT want to go into the whole BUSINESS of making a record, though, with people who like to squawk and preen and 'share' their expertise with us and/or propose interfering with the process by 'offering help', etc., Icertainly don't want to poke my nose into what Clay should or shouldn't do (unless, of course, if it involves "doing" things with/to ME!), what moves he 'needs' to make in order to make his mark, or whatever.
For me, I enjoy reading Clay's take on how he perceives the business and I'll read anything he wants to share with us. I'm hoping against all hope that he really uses his blog more; he started something wonderful with the meet & greets in terms of giving fans real information and thus saved many in the fandom from the evil angst of speculation. ;) Then again, when he does offer a tidbit or two for us to gnaw on, it doesn't surprise me that reactions will include discussion and lead to speculation - it's a goodly part of what message boards in fandoms are all about, IMHO. When I participate in a discussion on a message board, I think of it as a conversation amongst fans, and never write Clay into the equation. Maybe that's a mistake on my part, but I've always considered the message boards as a place for fans to congregate and, essentially, 'talk amongst ourselves'. The one exception may be the OFC, but since I don't go there very often at all, what's discussed there is not a great concern for me, personally. Of course, with regard to doing things with/to ME! - the line forms to my right, hon! <insert elbowing/kickboxing emoticon!> :cryingwlaughter:

Not saying, of course, that I'll be happy as a June bug if he were to come out with a CD full of ONLY ballads or one that leans toward the Christian music lane....but I'll be danged if I need to have 'the scoop' about his 'things to do' list while getting the danged thing done.
Need to have 'the scoop'? Nah...I don't *need* it; if information is posted by someone who has some semblance of understanding and/or knowledge and dropped it in my lap, I sure ain't going to ignore it. However, if it doesn't come from the man himself, I'll also have a nice big salad available to go with my ever present salt lick. ;)

I'm tickled to death just KNOWING about these various appearances slated for him in 2007! Coolio! I can't make it to any of them, but it's very, very cool that he's got a busy schedule, and I bet he's happy with the diversity of the gigs, too. I'll be surprised if there aren't more tv appearances, too.

So all in all, I'm a happy camper. Boyfriend can SANG! And he's funny as sh...stuff! And he's packing them in at the concert venues and in his hawt jeans. :hubbahubba: And he's winning new people every time an indifferent or cynical person re: Clay sits at one of his concerts.

Considering this stuff, I'll pass on the CD angst---thanks, anyway. :lilredani::imgtongue:

:drinking71: Absolutely agree with the rest of your post - there's too many incredible things going on in the future for Mr. Aiken to have to take an extra blood pressure pill. It'll all be, when it'll all be - but I'll be the first to admit that I enjoy the discussions that ensue (hold the drama, please!) as having lively discussions with some of the smartest people I've had the pleasure of meeting and conversing with adds a whole lot to my enjoyment of this fandom.
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OOps I was suppose to remind people about the Are you smarter than a 5th grader BAF fundraiser...Today is the last day...

As you may be aware, Bubel/Aiken Foundation co-founder Clay Aiken is appearing on a celebrity edition of “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?” hosted by Jeff Foxworthy on FOX. The show will air later, but Clay is taping his episode on August 28. For more info on the show, copy and paste this web address into your internet browser:


Beyond receiving the amazing exposure the show will bring, the Foundation will receive at least a $25,000 donation from the show. Anything beyond the $25,000 that Clay earns by answering "elementary" questions will also be donated to the Foundation. He will need to answer 6 questions to get beyond the minimum. 11 questions correct means the Foundation will receive a $1 MILLION check from the show.

We would like to issue a challenge to all of you. We would like you to pledge an amount for each correct answer Clay gives on the show. Whether it's 50 cents or 100 dollars, every amount will help us get closer to our goal of 100 Let's ALL Play camps in 2008.

If you would like to make a pledge, simply reply to this email (pledge@bubelaiken.org) with your pledge amount. We would like to receive all pledges by August 21 when we will announce the total pledges made. After the show, we will announce the number of correct answers (we're going to assume 11) and then you can make your donations online at www.bubelaiken.org or send in a check or money order to:

The Bubel/Aiken Foundation

ATTN: Smarter Pledge

8601 Six Forks Road

Suite 400

Raleigh, NC 27615


If you are a member of a Beta Alpha Chapter, you can include the chapter name with your donation and your chapter will receive the credit.

Also, and this is a big ALSO, why not take this opportunity to pass on this challenge to your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors? This not only will help with this particular drive, but can also spread more awareness about the Foundation.

Thank you so much for your support!


Aron Hall

Director Services

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OOps I was suppose to remind people about the Are you smarter than a 5th grader BAF fundraiser...Today is the last day...

As you may be aware, Bubel/Aiken Foundation co-founder Clay Aiken is appearing on a celebrity edition of “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?” hosted by Jeff Foxworthy on FOX. The show will air later, but Clay is taping his episode on August 28. For more info on the show, copy and paste this web address into your internet browser:


Beyond receiving the amazing exposure the show will bring, the Foundation will receive at least a $25,000 donation from the show. Anything beyond the $25,000 that Clay earns by answering "elementary" questions will also be donated to the Foundation. He will need to answer 6 questions to get beyond the minimum. 11 questions correct means the Foundation will receive a $1 MILLION check from the show.

We would like to issue a challenge to all of you. We would like you to pledge an amount for each correct answer Clay gives on the show. Whether it's 50 cents or 100 dollars, every amount will help us get closer to our goal of 100 Let's ALL Play camps in 2008.

If you would like to make a pledge, simply reply to this email (pledge@bubelaiken.org) with your pledge amount. We would like to receive all pledges by August 21 when we will announce the total pledges made. After the show, we will announce the number of correct answers (we're going to assume 11) and then you can make your donations online at www.bubelaiken.org or send in a check or money order to:

The Bubel/Aiken Foundation

ATTN: Smarter Pledge

8601 Six Forks Road

Suite 400

Raleigh, NC 27615


If you are a member of a Beta Alpha Chapter, you can include the chapter name with your donation and your chapter will receive the credit.

Also, and this is a big ALSO, why not take this opportunity to pass on this challenge to your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors? This not only will help with this particular drive, but can also spread more awareness about the Foundation.

Thank you so much for your support!


Aron Hall

Director Services

I just read somewhere it is extended until the 27th....

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(Is this the right place for this?) **crosses fingers**

I tried a little photography at the Tampa and WPB shows, and would like to share a few. Thanks to toni7babe, xxx4clay and jtgranny for helping me get the camera set! This digital stuff is a little different than film, with which I'm very familiar -- the response of the camera, your view through the viewfinder, etc., so I wasn't totally comfortable, but intend to keep on trying!! I LOVE the convenience and immediacy of digital!!

I LOVE messing with photos in my photo programs, so when I don't like the lighting or colors, I'll try something else. Hence, in this case, some sepia and B/W filtered images were done. There was even one image I like so well, I filtered it in color, two versions of sepia and B/W! These are just some favorites and there are many more images to work through. I just wanted to share something sooner rather than later!

Here's a link to my SmugMug account, where I will be adding more photos over time. There are a few photos or versions there that aren't posted here.

AnAmeraikenInTX's SmugMug Account Link



He's just beautiful.


Some lucky lady was getting a 'look'!!


Contemplative reflection -- well, probably not, but maybe!


Though closed, even his eyes are smiling!


Eyes. Enough said!


Ohhh. So beautiful.


Eyes, lips, light stubble, hair,... what a view Ms. MicraPhona had!



Feeling something.


Pure joy.


The three of them. Too bad half of Q's face is blocked, but I liked this anyway.

Edited by AnAmeraikenInTX
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Oh man, I've just been sitting here watching Orlando clack, and I'm all schmoopie again. I would have loved to be at the last show! It is amazing to compare this with other last shows of other tours....he just seems so much more comfortable with the fans....and he really has me convinced that he feels that we are all a family. I got teary eyed more than once watching, and I haven't even queued up BYLM yet!

I miss him and it's only been 10 days since I saw him in person. Oh well, only 76 days until the Vegas Christmas skating show! :medium-smiley-070:

ETA: Great pictures, AnAmeraikenInTX. Thanks for sharing!

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stpteach, I'm with you. I don't need to know album or other business stuff, but I do enjoy reading informed opinions about it. Basically, I'm just a nosy b*tch and I find the little tidbits to be fascinating. [Heck, I'd be interested to know what brand of dog food Raleigh and Durham eat!] I did learn a few important lessons from the last album cycle - the most important one being the only sure things are changes and delays. I also learned to be very wary of fans who claim to have an "inside source."

In the meantime, it's cool that we already know about several Clay appearances in the next few months, and before you know it the Christmas concerts will be here!

Speaking of Christmas concerts, looks like we'll need some new concert emoticons. Makes puppydawg eyes at cindilu2 and whines "Pwease?"


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OOOOH, AAIT! Purdy, PURDY pictures! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And may I take this opportunity to thank you publicly for handing 'down' your abandoned seat at WPB in order to take your destined seat exactly where you needed to be when Clay fell off the stage! I loved your up-close-and-personal video of him righting himself directly in front of you and was giggling with glee that you got so close to him! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

The seat I got turned out to be a great one, too, because I ended up next to a Clay concert virgin! A pretty young thing in her 20's whose friends all said, "Thanks, but no thanks..." when she asked them to go with her. At first she'd decided not to go, either because she didn't want to go by herself, but then the day before the concert she decided, "OH, what the heck!" It was sooooo much fun to watch her. She had a blast! Was on her feet most of the time, clapping, singing and laughing....she even accepted a glow stick from the lady on the other side of her and waved it with the best of them!

She knew about his UNICEF and BAF work---which was a pleasant surprise---and had heard SOME of his music but hadn't really followed him. Liked him lots from AI and had seen him on the AI5 finale. AND she was aware of the tabloid shit. But she dismissed it.

After the show I asked her what she was going to tell her friends. She said, "I'm going to tell them that buying a ticket to this show was the best last-minute decision I've ever made!"

Cool. :clap:

ETA: And sure, guys....I'll read all the 'juicy' info about the recording bizz....I'll just pass on the posters who preach to me about how much more she knows than the people who are actually doing the recording :wordpooper: , know what I mean? If people would just express their opinion as opinion instead of some 11th commandment or something....and would just stay out of CLay's business other than discussing possibilities, I'm chillin'.... :allgood:

But "nosy bitch"? :scream:

Not moi..... :whistling-1:

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GREAT pics Alice!! YUMMY!!

The blue shirt is the best one eva. And not just because I got to see it live and in person and tucked into the jeans of extreme low-riderness at Sterling Heights. It's also a bit of a tease, that shirt. I was watching it closely towards the end of the concert as it edged ever so close to becoming completely untucked and perhaps providing the definitive answer to the boxers or briefs debate. Those jeans, they were low... :Thud:

Just looked at the ebay auction on the sheet music. It's already up over $1,000 and it's only the first day!

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