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#13 The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it.


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46 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • He's my happy.
    • Doesn't want to leave RCA.
    • Lullabied...All.night.long Slooooowwwww
    • We do a lot of slow songs because that's what we're good at
    • Krispy Kreme, macaroni and cheese, and sloooooow songs.
    • God, I love his whole damn being!
    • The most adorable, lovable, huggable almost devilish creature that melts my heart .
    • It's never enough with Clay Aiken.
    • Doing the backstroke in a fondue ocean breathing through a cheese straw.
    • Well, it's really no wonder that next thing he knew she was all up on him screaming "Yeah! Yeah!"

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It's very late. The concert started late because of the security checking very sllooooooooooooooooowly everybody's bags, taking cameras, etc. I was thrilled to see Spot casually put her goodie bag on the table and then walk through the metal detector without it...nobody looked in it! And after the concert I saw her and she gave me a big thumbs up to my raised eyebrow question.....heh. There WILL be clack---she said she got the WHOLE thing!

We were expecting all kinds of high jinks, too, ladies, but....there really weren't any. The cutest thing was the girls switching back and forth singing with Clay during IWKWLI....Hee, his facial expressions were priceless! Jesse and Sean switching their instruments (what? I didn't say anything) with Sean playing piano and Jesse on drums during ATD was funny. Angela put handcuffs on Clay during Sexy Back but he got them off really fast.

But that was basically the extent of the 'last concert' special stuff...It was weird but a couple of times Clay seemed to choke--one time he REALLY choked and Q actually made a move as though to go to him to help....

He absolutely TORE up the place with MOAM. I've never seen such a long ovation....Q &A stood up and clapped, too, both with huge smiles on their faces...It was wonderful.

Both women did their solos proud, too. They can surely SANG!

My favorite concert of these last three (I didn't go to Ft. Myers) was Tampa....he was soooooo freakin' funny that night---hyper and full of silliness and my face was plastered in a permanent grin the whole time!

Then WPB---vocally the best, IMO, and I ended up sitting next to a Clay concert virgin, so that was special.

Tonight was good, but Christie and our other traveling buddy and I were talking about how, compared to the previous two concerts we saw and compared to other "Last concerts of a tour", this one sorta felt anticlimactic. But only because of the extraordinary expectations placed on the last one. We had fun and he was very, very, very purdy tonight. Funny----he said tonight Jamie didn't do his hair, so don't blame her if it looked bad. But I thought it looked good tonight! :cryingwlaughter:

Anyhoo....we board the planes for our various destinations tomorrow and it's late....

Later, y'all! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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So Clay just finished the line - did the lights come off?

CG here.

The lights were almost non-existent. There were a few but not that many, plus it was so bright where we were you wouldn't have noticed them much anyway. The line was formed quickly without the usual Jerome warnings and suddenly Clay was zooming down the line!

Even the bus line was a bit anti-climatic.....

Another tour ends. It was much more fun than I thought but I look forward to the next. I hate the idea of going home - even more so than usual, but this summer was soooooooo much fun. I not only got to play with Clay but I met so many of our wonderful FCAers and got to play with them too.

We all shared so much laughter and fun and even a few schmoopie moments.

It was a great summer. I miss it already.

Now, before I head to bed, i want to send out a HUGE thank you to Gibby for making that avie for me! As soon as I get home I will use it. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

See you when I get home.

It has truly been a fun and memorable :Tour3: and still :DoClay::DoClay:

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Well, I’m in a weird state—sad that the concerts are over but glad to be leaving the heat and humidity of Florida (which has damned near killed me.) After the last 3 lovely venues, Hard Rock was, as one Claymate declared, the venue from hell. We had to walk (I swear, this is only a slight exaggeration) about 5 miles in stifling heat to get to the venue from the biggest damn parking garage I’ve ever seen in my life and then the security was confiscating cameras, GLOW STICKS (?????), and water bottles and even some people’s smiley face lights. I mean really, this was beyond ridiculous. THEN, the seats were cramped together so that when people tried to pass in front of me I finally just gave up and stood on the seat. The concert started 1/2 hour late even though the orchestra was sitting out there ready. I swear I think the venue wanted us to buy more booze, and you all know what drunks we Claymates are at the concerts. (Good luck with that.)

Finally, people started stamping their feet, and the lights dimmed and the orchestra started with "Here You Come Again". Clay came out on our right, looking just great with those bangs, jeans, dark (black?) shirt, lighter (gray, maybe) linen jacket. Sounding good. "Everything I Have" was beautiful. Really.

When it was time for "I Want to Know What Love Is", Clay looked side to side and then turned to Angela who started singing, but then Quiana sang the next part, so he was turning from side to side and finally just threw up his hands, sat on the stool and faced forward for awhile. He changed the ending up a bit and did the contest of the notes with both Q and A, with some LOW notes with Q and then very high.

Then, he looked over and saw that there was a chicken McNugget’s box on the floor in front of Q and he asked her if there was a reason she had it. Q said that the box said “fish McNugetts” and I think Clay said something about a dead fish—I guess on a piece of paper. Q, said, “Remember” and told about the girls whom they saw at the McDonald’s who said that the chicken had fish in it, but Clay said, “They don’t ever let me off the bus.” (Shit, I guess there’s no point in following the bus!!!)

Clay talked about being at the HR,“I’ve always thought I belong at the HR with and that’s where I’d be most accepted by my peers” and then he named off a few: Nickelback, Kid Rock. He said, “I fit in best where there is an open bar” and Q corrected him and explained that an open bar is “free” and Clay said “I’m not as well versed in the liquor as you are” and said something about how he hopes she keeps all her clothes on.

Clay talked a little about some of the things that had gone on during the tour—bats, for instance. Angela said “They scared the crap out of me.” Clay said that a bug went down A’s bosom (and he repeated the word 3 times, for emphasis.) He said, “He hasn’t found its way out yet.” Angela said, “He doesn’t want to!” and Clay said, “I think he just suffocated!”

He introduced Ethel, who was there in all her smiling glory, and he explained how earlier in the tour, she had wanted to put barbecue sauce on Sean so she could suck him up! Ethel apparently had barbecue sauce sent backstage and Clay said he had personally put barbecue sauce on his finger and rubbed it behind Sean’s ears.

THEN, (and this took titanium youknowhwhats for him to deal with) he said, “Some people think that Ethel gets too much attention, but if you were willing to make a total fool of yourself, you’d get attention too.” He said he joked with Toni last night as well and that people had been being mean about it (and he clearly didn’t appreciate it). He said, “Maybe you people don’t like black people.” (Ouch) “We are a family here and all this booing and being mean to people needs to stop.” Then he talked a bit about Bob and Linda. He said how Jesse and Sean have their own little group of fans and people were sort of calling out and he said, “You people have turned this into the Jerry Springer Show. We need happiness!” He said some of this in a joking way, but it seemed pretty clear that he would talk to whom he wanted to and he didn’t expect them to take flak because of it. (Good for him and enough said.)

He started singing "When I See You Smile", and—of course—the whole place lit up with smiley faces, which brought a smile to his face. Someone gave A & Q smiley face lights and A’s was quite large and Clay said, “Size doesn’t matter, ladies.” (Right, he can say that!) Clay started to cough at one point and couldn’t sing, so the audience started singing the words. He said after the song, “I gagged on my own throat” and did an exaggerated cough. When he sang "Right Here Waiting", he grabbed his bottle and took a quick drink between phrases. On “chance” he held the note about twice as long as usual.

When WW started up, he ran backstage for a minute, and when he came back he said, “I had a piece of Hard Rock in my throat, but it’s gone now.” He talked about music and all the “classical instruments” and asked if anyone was playing the recorder, “I could have joined. I can play 3 blind mice.” He chattered on about how he always felt like the President when he watched WW and how he watches good things but Q would rather watch “Who’s you baby’s daddy?” types of shows. He said that Q watched any kind of show that had someone in a black robe and then they talked about Eye for an Eye and how the guy had a baseball bat to beat on things and asked why she was watching that (or something like that)and Q said, “because you watch it too!” and he said, “Whoops, yes I do” and said it was funny. Then he started talked about the theme songs making him who he is today. He did the usual Facts of Life and Brady bunch with pantomimes. Talked about how stupid he was at AI and said, “I’m looking for the one person in the room who hasn’t heard this story before. He picked one person, but “OH CRAP” that person had heard it. He finally found a concert virgin and said, “Oh good, fresh meat.” So, then he explained to that person how he had brain-farted. Then, on to talking about shows and asking the person who his/her favorite show was and said, ”Don’t see AI. It hasn’t been good for years!”

He said that Fl was a special state because you never know what way it will go, so they’ve had competitions in Fl. Said that Ft. Myers was good, Tampa (held up hands and made a face—not so good). Then he said, “WPB may not know how to punch a hanging chad, but they can sing.” He divided us up into 3 groups and we all stood and sang lustily. At one point he looked up into the balcony and yelled, “Is there a nursing home up there? What are you doing sitting down?”

Clay did the pole dance with Angie (although not on the pole), down and up. During the Jefferson’s song, Clay was a dancing fool.

Q sang the “hit” in hit parade tonight and so Clay repeated his part 2 more times so she’d have to keep doing it and each time, he threw his arms out, like in a cheer.

A big bug started circling them and A and Clay were slapping at it. Angie said something like it was trying to find her shirt and she bent down and said, “You can come too.” Clay said he was afraid he might swallow the bug and when he started singing "These Open Arms", he did it with his mouth closed for a couple of lines (very funny.) He asked Jesse if something was wrong (I hadn’t noticed) and Jesse said that the piano pedal was stuck, and Clay said, “Just hold the keys down.” Anyhow, when Clay went to sit by Angie while Q sang, they were both slapping at the bug, and he was slapping at Angie and said, “I didn’t even try. I just wanted to hurt you.” Then he called out, “You lady there in the second row with binoculars, let us know if you see the fly” and he told Angie that she might want to button the top of her blouse because she was still looking for the fly from last week.

Q ripped into WTLGD.

On "A Thousand Days", Sean was playing the piano and Jesse the drums! Clay stood over to one side so that everyone could see the change. Clay started singing "A Thousand Days", but his mike cut out and he traded mikes with Q and then motioned for her to step out and she started singing , but she sang it like Clay, with all the motioning, etc. She was great, and you could see Clay just enjoying it. At the end, Q pointed at Clay to sing the high note (like he sometimes does to her) and he nailed it! (And said later he had done that note for the first time in his life.) He told Jesse that Sean had taken his job and done perfectly fine. Sean and Jesse switched back again.

"Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word" and MOAM were just great and he really ripped it up with MOAM. The audience flat out refused to sit down and just continued to scream even though he kept signaling us to sit down, so finally he yelled, “SIT DOWN. We already started late.”

Then, he did the usual in 2003, 2004, etc. He mentioned the trips he had taken for UNICEF and asked Jerome to come out and said, “Jerome Bell, everybody.” Then, he talked about BAF and how Q had hated the stools at first because they were ugly but came to like them because they were “cushy, so we thought we’d auction them off.” He explained that 2 would be auctioned for BAF (because we’re poor) and 1 for UNICEF. He said, “We thought we’d sign on stage, and he took a marker and signed each chair, yelling at Q, “Don’t sit down. You might get my name on your fanny!” So, they each signed, and Clay said that he wanted people to know that they were really signed and not done by a machine, “You know how many of you have snuck your video cameras in here, so there’s proof.”

After "Without You" (on which he wailed) he said, “Thank goodness I won’t have to do that song again soon.”

Q had a bunch of the “Lincoln” family there and then Clay asked Sean and acted all shocked, “Your PARENTS are here!!!” He asked them to stand up and they did, with Sean’s father wearing a concert t-shirt. Clay said, “Oh, that’s a nice t-shirt. You got style.” Then he asked them how many shows they had attended—“seven.” Clay said, “You’re practically a Claymate.” Then Clay asked Bob and Linda how many they had been to—121!! Clay thought that was more than he had gone to and asked them if they didn’t get tired of going and Linda said, “I don’t get tired of anything.”

Then, as usual, people started calling out wanting him to wish people a happy birthday, and Clay said if he did for one he’d have to do them all and for anniversaries and for “the first time you” (and made a pause there) and then someone said that a couple had gotten engaged at the concert, so Clay had to a ask about that, “Hold on! You just met them in the lobby and you’re making a fool of yourself for them?” So he said something about singing them a song about love and lifelong happiness—TWYMF and when we all got to the part about “You really turn me on” Clay said, “You apparently turn him on!” He told us to “Sing it to them!” He did some weird robotic type dancing and sort of collapsed at the end with Angie saying, “Come one, tell me. Come on!’ Clay said, “You turn me on too!” Then, he told the audience that he usually tries to go into the audience but “You seem a little crazy and I have a propensity (big words are SO sexy) to fall” and talked about falling on his butt (making people scream) and then he chatted about how we screamed no matter what he said and he tried out a few words, “roast beef, curtains.”

Then, the woman from last night started in with “BOTW” again, so Clay finally asked her to stand up and asked her name—Regina. So, he commenced to chat to her and said “You aint seen me do nothing but AI and you’re the same one who said that I should have won rather than Ruben. Have you hibernated? I have done other things besides sing that song. When we do a tour, we rehearse. No matter how many quarters drop, I’m not going to sing.” When people started to call out and interrupt, he said, “HOLD ON, I’m talking to Regina and I know you are not Regina.” Then, (and the spot light was on this woman way up in the balcony) he asked her what she listened to on the radio and she said 104.7 and he said “that’s [something that sounded like magic], right?” and asked what kind of music they played and he cracked up when she tried to say they played him. He wanted to know if they played cool songs, “I’m not talking about Josh Groban cool.” He also asked Diane, who was with Regina, what she listened to and she said some kind of community radio. Then, he continued with how if you want to be cool you have to be current and how music changes. When they were singing and he and Q were doing that hand dance thing around the faces, he had Regina do it too “Work it out girl!” He also wanted her to clap along, but she wasn’t doing it right so he said, “You got to do it on the beat, Regina. Clap when she claps (and pointed to either A or Q).

When Clay sang Sexyback, A & Q put the handcuffs one again, and then Clay said, “OMG, there’s no key!” but he got them lose.

Clay was dancing around, wiggling his butt, and REALLY partied all night.

“See what I’m talking about, Regina? You understand what I’m saying? It’s been a hard lesson learned. I haven’t always been this cool, this fly, this off the chain, this hip. You’ve got to sing songs about butts.” He said that only the cool people listen to top 40 and hip hop.

A just rocked on Listen. Clay said, “Good Lord, you tore the mess out of that. Angela didn’t want to sing that song when we started, but then she realized she can tear the roof off with that song.”

On to the story about how Jaymes was “adamant” that he write a dong. "Lover All Alone". (sniff, sniff, my LAST TIME!!!)

He introduced the members of his merry little troupe, starting with Mary. He asked Mary if she would like to play something, and she sat down (with Jesse standing over her) and played a little tune, which apparently most of the audience recognized, but I didn’t. He explained how Mary started with them 4 years ago and the first time he introduced her they had to drug her because she had such stage fright but now she was playing for “thousands” of people. She looked pleased. He said that Jamie does everything that Mary doesn’t do, like fixing hair and choosing clothes, “and she’s my cousin.”

Jerome got a standing ovation. He grinned and looked shitfaced happy. Clay said, “If you follow us after the show, you’ll see his mean face.” Introduced Fern, who has worked for everyone, including the Dixie Chicks, “I was the last one left and he’s stuck with me. “ He also said that Fern keeps the bus organized and clean even though it’s not his job.

Clay asked for the lights to be on and talked about how they look out at the audience and see faces that they recognize at concert after concert and said he recognized most of the people in the front row, “These are the crazy one! We carry our audience around with us. We have a bus for them.” He talked about how they didn’t really rehearse for the concert, but just got together for one day in his living room with the girls and Jesse. He talked about how we (the fans) give up our work, our vacations, “your husbands’ money” and how appreciate and thankful he is that we have allowed him to do this, “It’s not lost on me how much you make this happen.” It was lovely, really. I felt so sad.

"Because You Loved Me" was from the heart and the place just lit up with all the smuggled in glowsticks!!!

So sad. So sad. So sad.

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Hey, bottle! Nice pic!It's only 1:30 AM in Colorado, but I should still be in bed. Oh, well. I don't work tomorrow, so I can nap.

Clay's showing off his stubble, neck and general gorgeousness in this pic. Yummmm!


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THEN, (and this took titanium youknowhwhats for him to deal with) he said, “Some people think that Ethel gets too much attention, but if you were willing to make a total fool of yourself, you’d get attention too.” He said he joked with Toni last night as well and that people had been being mean about it (and he clearly didn’t appreciate it). He said, “Maybe you people don’t like black people.” (Ouch) “We are a family here and all this booing and being mean to people needs to stop.” Then he talked a bit about Bob and Linda. He said how Jesse and Sean have their own little group of fans and people were sort of calling out and he said, “You people have turned this into the Jerry Springer Show. We need happiness!” He said some of this in a joking way, but it seemed pretty clear that he would talk to whom he wanted to and he didn’t expect them to take flak because of it. (Good for him and enough said.)

:eusa_whistle: :cryingwlaughter: :lmaosmiley-1: :clap:

:sayitagain::da_best: :big hug:


OKAY............I also loved those lowriders. A LOT!!!!!

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A: Who's cool now, Aiken?

C: Wha???!!! Huh??!!

Q: :cryingwlaughter:

I had to post this one again, just 'cause.

Ansa, if you want to use what I wrote for FCA, go ahead. I'd also put PuddinsJoy's piece there too, if I were you. It was fantastic as well.

You know....upon sleepling overnight, I've decided that I need to offer an apology to Bob and Linda. I used to get incredibly frustrated at them, especially since they were able to attend so many shows and managed to gather the attention of Clay. I said so as much publicly on a message board too. But lately -- I don't know. It seems as if there's more and more of this same kind of thing happening on message boards, it's just directed at different people. And now it seems that it's not just happening on the message boards, it's happening at concerts (thank you Clay for calling this behavior out). While I'm still not crazy about people who tend to draw attention to themselves at a concert (it's really not my nature to do that kind of thing), I just have come to realize that Ethel, Regina, Bob & Linda, all the glowstick people, Cookie (remember her from Mike & Juliette?) and so many others, are FANS first and foremost. It's not MY style of fandom, but I can deal with it.

So anyway, Bob & Linda, if you're reading this -- I'm sorry I wrote some of the things I did.

*Besides, I think I know people who have seen Clay almost as many times as they have at this point*

Surprised there's no clack up from last night....

couchie, when you get back we'll talk about Merrillville. I know luckiest1 and crew will be there, with at least part of the eHP as well. I'd love for all of us to get into the same hotel if possible. I know money is tight for some, but if we work it right, maybe we can stay at the good hotel there and keep it as cheap as possible. I'd room with some of you, but since I'm gonna have hubby with me, I think that's out. (I also think that the next morning, I'll be leaving for Christmas in Minnesota....straight from Indiana. Totally different for us....)

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wow those wandacleo recaps are amazing...

How does she do that ...its so detailed and yet she writes with such humor...thanks for bringing it over. It sure filled in a lot of blank spaces from the cellstream.

hey Muski and CG...glad you guys made this trip and thanks for your recap and impressions.

Now looking forward to those eHP recaps to come...

What did I Iove:

I loved Clay's voice in this tour. I think this is one tour where he didn;t really get sick and have vocal problems except when he had to deal with the dry SoCAL air. He also showed us such versatility with his voice gave us glimpses of what he can actually do.

I loved the medley's. I know a lot of people could do without the TV medley and its true I would've made other choices...but I grew to love it cos it is sooooo Clay. Its bold and cheesy at the same time...Its fun, it gives us a glimpse of the type of shows he loved as a kid and it gave us some really funny dancing. I loved the classics medley too...just because it is also very Clay...quite unexpected and campy...yet there are moments of vocal brilliance in there.

I loved the ATDW songs. Although I missed LNM, IYDKMBN, and BW...the ones he chose he tore up and he made me love formerly meh songs like IWTKWLI and TOA. Of Course I loved LAA...what a gift to the fans. Hope we here that some more in the future.

I love the tour family. A&Q were co stars, not back ups. They not only gave us beautiful performances with their solos...they also gave Clay lots of comedic support...Jesse, great job on the music. Sean, what a cutie. Jerome...loved him specially when he made our not a line. Thanks for taking care of Clay.

I loved his interaction with the fans. From the banter on stage, love that admonition with regards to the more popular fans, love the meet and greets where he gave us so much of himself, love the busline and love how he made the fans a part of the show. He designed the whole show as a conversation ....with the fans from HYCA to BYLM...it was like old friends coming together and hanging.

I specially LOVE...getting to know my online friends in person, Couchie, Couchie's oakland friend (we need a name for you...hee)CG, Muski, KAndre,Scarlett, JennaZ, Jamar, Kareneh, totally, lovespopculture, clayzedover, AAIT, and other fans from other boards that I met. the lovely FCAers that I got to know better on line that I look forward to getting to know. (If I forgot any other FCAer I met so sorry!!!)

FINALLY...I totally love that CLAY guy...you would think that after 4 years of close scrutiny and drama in the fandom and his career I would find something that would turn me off...NOPE...the more I get to know him I love him. And not because he is perfect..nope he is not...but I love his humanity...his strengths and vulnerability. THANK YOU for such a wonderful summer experience...

NOW...its time to slowly enjoy the concert clack and collect memories and get ready for the next tour and the skating event and are you smarter.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE its never boring in this fandom!!!

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couchie, when you get back we'll talk about Merrillville. I know luckiest1 and crew will be there, with at least part of the eHP as well. I'd love for all of us to get into the same hotel if possible. I know money is tight for some, but if we work it right, maybe we can stay at the good hotel there and keep it as cheap as possible. I'd room with some of you, but since I'm gonna have hubby with me, I think that's out. (I also think that the next morning, I'll be leaving for Christmas in Minnesota....straight from Indiana. Totally different for us....)

That would be cool. I think we were looking at a Hilton chain, since one of our party gets a good discount. What is the 'good hotel'? And, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! for couchie coming to Merrillville!!!! :medium-smiley-070:

I got in the car this morning, kind of in a state of PCD (post concert depression), never mind that it is grey and pouring rain out and it's a Monday morning to boot. Hit the button for the CD player to come on, and this is what I heard first. Just made me smile and think, here we are in 2007 and how perfect are these words? I am so thankful that we've had 4 great years in this fandom, and I look forward to many more great years of tears, laughter, and fun with Clay and co.

Still the One

We've been together since way back when

Sometimes I never want to see you again

But I want you to know, after all these years

You're still the one I want whisperin' in my ear

You're still the one I want to talk to in bed

Still the one that turns my head

We're still having fun, and you're still the one

I looked at your face every day

But I never saw it 'til I went away

When winter came, I just wanted to go

Deep in the desert, I longed for the snow

You're still the one that makes me laugh

Still the one that's my better half

We're still having fun, and you're still the one

You're still the one who can scratch my itch

Still the one and I wouldn't switch

We're still having fun, and you're still the one

Changing, our love is going gold

Even though we grow old, it grows new

You are still the one that makes me shout

Still the one that I dream about

We're still having fun, and you're still the one

You're still the one, you’re still the one

We're still having fun, and you're still the one

ETA an Orlando review:

Clay Aiken packs surprises into a goofy night of fun

Matthew J. Palm

Sentinel Staff Writer

August 20, 2007

Clay Aiken performed "Baby's Got Back," accompanied by an orchestra Sunday night at Orlando's Hard Rock Live. Oh, he performed a spirited rendition of the theme to Welcome Back Kotter, too.

Got your attention?

The show, the final stop of Aiken's current tour, was full of surprises -- most of them surreal. I really never thought I would see hip-hoppy "O.P.P" mixed with Kenny Chesney's "She Thinks my Tractor's Sexy" in a medley backed by violins and cellos. Strangely enough, the more goofy things got, the more the show clicked.

Aiken, who came to fame as first runner-up on Season 2 of Fox's American Idol, has an aw-shucks, goofball persona. With a couple of tours under his belt now, he seems much more relaxed and easygoing on stage than a few years ago.

His nonsensical banter with powerhouse backing singers Angela Fisher and Quiana Parlor -- as well as a steady flow of conversation with audience members -- can make it seem to newbies that they've crashed a private party.

"There aren't many faces in the front row I don't recognize," Aiken teased, "because they're the crazy ones."

And indeed he did know many of the audience members by name, giving them shoutouts or just calling into the crowd to find out where some of the regulars were sitting. Bob and Linda got special recognition for seeing 121 concerts in four years. These fans, called Claymates, mean business.

Despite tight security, which caused the show to be delayed as lines backed up at the metal detectors and the camera checkpoint, many of the faithful managed to smuggle in light-up smiley faces to wave during Aiken's cover of Bad English's "When I See You Smile."

At times such as that, the audience, which included men and women of all ages, was part of the show. There wasn't too much spectacle -- just run-of-the-mill lighting -- though the more than two dozen orchestra members filled the Hard Rock's stage.

The night was well-stocked with cover songs, which make up the bulk of Aiken's latest album, A Thousand Different Ways. Some suited him better than others -- the soaring "Without You" (most recently a hit for Mariah Carey) showcased his tremendous upper range. But he owes Dolly Parton an apology for his slowed-down "Here You Come Again" that sucked the bouncy life out of the song. "Measure of a Man" and "These Open Arms" were other strong numbers that let his vocal ability shine.

Surprisingly, so was the theme to Perfect Strangers.

Which brings us to those odd yet captivating medleys. In the first hourlong set, Aiken and the backup singers vamped their way through themes from Laverne & Shirley, The Golden Girls and Who's the Boss? among others. For a barnstorming version of The Jeffersons' "Movin' On Up," Aiken tore off the blazer he had been wearing and busted a move.

In the second-hour set, a pop medley featured "Like a Virgin," Destiny's Child's "Bills, Bills, Bills" (with Aiken doing convincing backup) and Prince's "1999." The campy highlight was Aiken bringing "SexyBack."

What with the TV songs, the singalongs, the teasing chitchat, the overall effect was of a middle-school sleepover -- a really big sleepover where the class clown got to be the star.

Other than the diss on HYCA, it's a pretty nice review!

God, I'm a post ho this morning. Cute little m&g tidbit from last night from suebee12 at the CH:

It is 2:42 in the morning, I have to be up at 6, and here I am posting! The concert was fantastic and the Meet and Greet was even better!!! I have a full page of notes that I will decipher as soon as I get home from work tomorrow but I will give you a little tidbit for an appetizer! We met in the John Lennon room of the Hard Rock and it felt as though we were sitting around in someone's living room "visiting"!

Clay was talking about some of the words he has been using in the concert and he grinned and said something like, "I said ........... last night" and let us fill in the blank. "BALLS!" He laughed and said yes, and that he didn't think it was a dirty word. He said that we have dirty minds because he was thinking of tennis balls! I kinda' said, "you mean fuzzy balls?" and he told me NO! Tennis balls. But tennis balls are fuzzy....to which he replied with a grin, that I must have a dirty mind!

I promise a full recap tomorrow but suffice it to say, my dreams will be filled with The Aiken tonight!!!!!!!!!

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Freudian slip, or does wandacleo know something we don't???

On to the story about how Jaymes was “adamant” that he write a dong. "Lover All Alone".


What a fantastic tour. I can only refer to the thread title again - there's just nothing like the Aiken experience.

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Hmm. Just a personal note - I am not sure that I agree with calling songs cheesy. One person's cheese is another persons gourmet meal. Just a personal vow I will try to execute, sort of like a lenten vow. I will not give up chocolate instead, you can't make me!

I enjoyed the tour, and I think it might have (but doubt it) caused some personal growth among fans. From Clay pointing out that we should not say bad things about each other (duh, except, I will not apologize to B&L sonce they carried some things too far and ruined conceerts for people who did not hafve thier time and/or money to attend all those concerts). Clay does talk to a lot of people who surprise and sometimes annoy me, but it has become part of his schtick and, like in other things, I can accept it or move on. So who is Toni?

Some people don't like Clay featuring various people on his team, but he hasa very closely knit group and they do function well and follow Clay with his minimal finger movements. I think it is part resting Clay to sing some challenging songs and part being a family.

Some people hated fan participation and light shows and glow sticks (pick me, me, me) but saw the point in the end (for just this song, just this show, although I did try and introduce the idea of less bright and smaller glow sticks - hey next time - glow in the dark mouth pieces - only seen by those looking at us?!?!?!). In the end, Clay had the audience sing part of the show for him.

Just when we think we would not like/do something, Clay turns it on the head and makes us not only do it, but like it.

Then there are all the people around online to share the fun. To do it with people who have similar filters helps a lot! The fans actaully make the fun more fun.

See you in a couple of months Clay!

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Hi, licky!


How about some tour pics? Somebody tell me if it's not okay to post this many at once. I'd make them clickable, but they look so much better big. :)











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Gibby, I would have added to the picture brigade this morning, but photobucket was down for maintenance.

Via toni7babe from the Orlando show:

Very cool lighting...and he's definitely a STAAAAH!


Sing it with me!


Victory! (And damn that t-shirt)


These Open Arms...will fight for you...


Because you loved us Clay....and we loved you right back...


I love Jesse watching in the background of this one....


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I just looked at the current weather conditions in Orlando - 94 degrees and sunny. (As opposed to torrential rains and gray skies I see out of my window. Blech!) Anyway, I was wondering if Team Clay was going to take the opportunity to hit Disney World while they were in the area. I'm sure Quiana can find a nearby Target or something, like she did in lieu of Cedar Point. Are members of the eHP at WDW doing the coaster thing and keeping an eye out for parties getting the VIP treatment? Will there be Clack? :imgtongue:

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Great post, playbiller. I especially agree with these quotes:

I enjoyed the tour, and I think it might have (but doubt it) caused some personal growth among fans. From Clay pointing out that we should not say bad things about each other... Clay does talk to a lot of people who surprise and sometimes annoy me, but it has become part of his schtick and, like in other things, I can accept it or move on.

Some people don't like Clay featuring various people on his team, but he hasa very closely knit group and they do function well and follow Clay with his minimal finger movements.

Some people hated fan participation and light shows and glow sticks (pick me, me, me) but saw the point in the end...

It seems to me that with every tour, Clay has grown increasingly more comfortable with his fans. From the conversational M&G's, to the unstrained banter and unconservative singing, to the endless buslines, he gave a lot of himself to the fans this summer.

I do think that people like Angela and Quiana provide him with more than just vocal back-up. I suspect their friendship helps keep him happy on the road, and if it means a little less Clay-time on stage, IMHO, it's worth it.

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I've been enjoying looking at the gorgeous pics on here and reading the recaps, and I'm SO, SO jealous of those of you who were at the Florida concerts. It seems that Clay was at his best there.

We've been going thru a family crisis here - my daughter and her fiancee called off their wedding that was supposed to take place this coming Saturday a week ago. The decision was a good one, but there's been a lot of emotional drama going on here, as you might imagine. It's been hard to focus on much else.

As for my thoughts on the tour, turns out I loved the TV medley. Clay singing the Perfect Strangers theme song was one of my favorite parts of the concert. I played that for my husband and he said, "No wonder he made it thru!" I also loved his voice on so many of those songs.

The "Classics" medley never really grew on me, as much as I tried to enjoy it, but I loved everything else so much that it didn't matter. My favorites (other than Perfect Strangers) were MOAM, LAA, and perhaps most of all Clay, the comedienne. He really is funny, sometimes more than others, but he had me rolling on the floor so many times. I will never forget Pala, Flat Clay in the window and Clay singing WISYS to it.

I hope someone puts together another Best of the Banter CD. I enjoyed the one that was put together from last year's Christmas show very much, and he was even funnier this tour.

"I think I'm kind of funny." You are, Clay. You are. :)

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Totally, scruffy13 has been putting together 'Best of Banter' montages for each of the venues. I believe she's up to the California shows by now. They are in the CH vault and at CU.

ClackUnlimited link. If you have a CH key, they are under Montages/Tributes, not the tour folder.

P.S. 'comedienne' is a girl. :-)

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Good luck with all the drama, Totally. It sounds like some pretty major stuff!

I went to the gym this morning, and as usual was watching Clay videos on my treo while on the elliptical machine. I loaded some Pala clack on it last night. I use noise-blocking headphones so that I don't hear the trashy music they play in the gym, and then I can hear Clay's voice loud and clear. I realized a couple of times that I had a silly grin on my face, and was giggling about the silly banter! Heeeee. There were all of these gals with tight abs and guys with muscles sweating around me, and I was oblivious to it all, just grinning away. Heeeee! I'm sure they must wonder what I'm on! Clack sure makes the workout pleasant!

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