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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

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70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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I've been a body guard for awhile now, and it's been fantastic. I've learned so much about Clay and about the body I'm guarding! Yummmm! Now I'm gunning to be a personal assistant. There are so many ways I could assist him. I'll enjoy being a body guard for awhile yet, but soon I'll be assisting his person. Personally.

Here is the definition of personal: Intimately concerning a person's body or physical being.

Whew!! I'm getting hot just thinking about it. Intimately. WOWZA! I think I might melt.

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I'm also going to a Fiber Arts Fair in the Hill Country right before the JNT06, if that's more convenient. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Oooh....what kind of Fibre Art do you do? I'm into pretty much everything except weaving....

Good Morning!

Mea culpas are in order:

Gibby I really should hit the "quote" button rather than rely on my memory - Sorry! :)

Rck I remember meeting you - yes I do - I met tons of people - oopd! :)

I got quoted twice and got in trouble both times!

I suck at this!


I'm crazy about that Clay Aiken dude though!


I'm awful too so I wasn't going to mention this but just in case the people who knew my travel plans (cough-eHP-cough) read your post about our meeting in California and think I picked up someone over there -- I didn't -- KAndre was my partner throughout the state. Besides, we couldn't fit anyone else into the miata. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Well, then - colour me confused = Who the hell did I meet at the Pala pool who introduced us to their DH and I had a long conversation with him???? I thought it was you, Scarlett but now I'm all confuzzled, and I'm going to hide in a cave! :cryingwlaughter:

I gotta tell ya, this was the funniest conversation ev-ah to read! :cryingwlaughter:

I have to join the baby pic brigade tonight, even though I know y'all couldn't care less....humor me! I have waited 2 months and 7 days to see a picture of my brand new (and very first) GREAT grandson! His grandparents (my middle son and DIL) are techno-challenged and have no clue how to email pictures....his Mom (my granddaughter) has been a leeeeetle busy since he came along!

In any case, here is Keigan at approx 3 months: (clickable)


and here is Keigan and his proud Grandpa, my son Steve, just after his birth:


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EEEEEEEEE!!! I'm now a body guard. Does that mean I get to ravish protect Clay's body?

...sigh... I think I'm destined to always be a dog walker. Too bad because if my fantasies dreams ever came true and Clay were to hire me, Body Guard would be my job of choice. Imagine the possibilities. They're endless really. In my mind anyway.

Can you think of a better job?

xxx4clay, well, I kinda thought dog walker had something to do with those yoga positions we were talking about...

Toots, Thanks! I guess it's an addiction since I dyed all those racks of yarn in the (Designs & Patterns) folder myself.

LA audio clips -- It's probably too late for most but I added 24 files from The Greek to the folder. I'm beginning to love the LA vids.

FromClaygary, I mostly dye and knit and I'm trying to learn to spin. I love to dye yarn in Clay colorways. Also made my first tapestry loom a couple of weeks ago. But I'm pretty much a newbie -- started out in the Spring of 2006 (since I found myself with lots of time on my hands). Tell us about what you do! Smooches!

ps. Your GREAT grandson is a cutie! I bet he'll have his way with the ladies --- like someone we know. Hee!

ETA: Gibby, Ansa, I'll post a picture of a couple of shawls I made but the work I love is the one I linked to above for FromClaygary (hand-dyed yarn for other knitters). DixieHellCat made lovely scarves from the Unicef and Fantasy (AI4) colorways and anubee had another beautiful one from the "Always and Forever" colorway. I'll link to their work since they're much better knitters than I am.

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Claygary, your great grandson is absolutely ADORABLE!! I love that first picture. And your son sure doesn't look old enough to be a grandparent.

Oooh, Scarlett, thanks so much for adding LA! It's not too late for me. I rushed right over, and am downloading now. Do you have any pics of your needlework or tapestry?

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AWWWW FromClaygary what a cutie baby...and your son does not look old enough to be the grandad...

Scarlett I can't imagine you with lots of time in your hands...you just strike me as the type of person that has a lot of things going on all the time...what a huge project...I hope you share a picture of your project with us. I just restarted my cross stitching. I am doing this intricate castle pattern...I put it away for a few months...now I need to finish it before Christmas.

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FromClaygary, I mostly dye and knit and I'm trying to learn to spin. I love to dye yarn in Clay colorways. Also made my first tapestry loom a couple of weeks ago. But I'm pretty much a newbie -- started out in the Spring of 2006 (since I found myself with lots of time on my hands). Tell us about what you do! Smooches!

ps. Your GREAT grandson is a cutie! I bet he'll have his way with the ladies --- like someone we know. Hee!

Well how totally cool is THAT??!! What a great way to develop colorways! I've done quite a bit of dyeing and loved it, when I used to live in Alberta. I was dyeing cottons for use in quilts, though. Here in Ontario, the water is completely different and I haven't had time to do the experimentation necessary for the work. I'd LIKE to find a studio where I could work and not have to worry about dyeing my laundry room magenta *g*!

Here's a couple of the pieces I did; these were auctioned off to raise funds for BAF. I'm thrilled to say I've been able to raise more than $1500 for them from the auction of these quilts.

This is "Measure of a Man":


This is "This is the Night"...not quite completed in this pic, but you get the idea:


and the back of TITN:


ETA: I forgot to mention, the words to the songs are quilted into each piece.

Claygary, your great grandson is absolutely ADORABLE!! I love that first picture. And your son sure doesn't look old enough to be a grandparent.

Hee, I'll pass along the compliments, thanks! My son would be relieved to know that...he's just 38, but married a girl who had children from a prior marriage, and is a few years older than he is. My granddaughter (Keigan's Mom) is 23. It was a big hurdle for Steve when he had to tell the guys he plays baseball with that he was going to be a grandpa! :lmaosmiley-1:

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What's with all this 'tailor' and 'body guard' and 'masseuse' desires?

I want to be his lover.

Direct and to the point! That's my muski! :cryingwlaughter:

Not too late for me either, Scarlett! Thanks! I needed that TOA!

How come there is so little clack of Angela's "Listen" from LA????

Thank's luckiest. If there is a lot of banter on my top clips, I will let you know!

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In this picture from People mag that gibby posted. I can't seem to paste it here.

Anyway the second one. How can Clay have the teeth he has now? Those were not his teeth last year. I wonder if they photoshopped them and he liked the look. No matter it's a great picture.

FromClaygary great looking quilts.

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EEEEEEEEE!!! I'm now a body guard. Does that mean I get to ravish protect Clay's body?

...sigh... I think I'm destined to always be a dog walker. Too bad because if my fantasies dreams ever came true and Clay were to hire me, Body Guard would be my job of choice. Imagine the possibilities. They're endless really. In my mind anyway.

Can you think of a better job?

xxx4clay, well, I kinda thought dog walker had something to do with those yoga positions we were talking about...

Well now. That brings to mind interesting visuals. Maybe I need to rethink my position.


Though apparently I have a much broader definition of body guard that you guys do.

FromClaygary - congrats on the great-grandson. What a cutie!

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Ok, moving along with my do nothing life....

You guys should aspire to be chairman - it means you get to sit in Clay's lap while you are singing and he mouths the words on your back. - right? I am just waiting my turn.

I'm home and looking for battery recalls from the chocolate phone since it died on me this week. I am thinking software bug, but I have been told that when people complain they claim that you have gotten the battery wet and won't replace it. Stupid verizon.

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Scarlett, those colors are beautiful. Finding time is easier if you love to do something! Hope you keep us in pictures.

FromClaygary, that's some wonderful work you did on those quilts. Alberta is one of my favorite places on this earth, a golfers paradise. Where did you live in Alberta? Hope you keep us in pictures too!

Your grandson is beautiful!

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Just to change the subject once again...I'm kind of ADD today, sorry...but this time a bit more on topic. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I had an interesting visit earlier this morning. I just flew back from two weeks in the Maritimes (working) today; on the way back from Moncton NB to Halifax NS to catch my flight home, I took an hour and stopped in at the Anne Murray Centre in Springhill, NS.

I know the Canadians will know Anne Murray (those of a certain age at least *g*), but I think many of our American friends will as well. Since the start of her career in 1966 approximately, she's won Grammies galore (10 I think) and awards from every aspect of the music business.

Springhill at the time she first became famous was a town of about 5000 just recovering from the Springhill Mine disaster. She became well known as a performer on an popular variety show on TV in the '60's (Don Messer Jubilee). It featured east-coast music, and Anne was one of the singers on the show at age approx 20. She is well known for the beauty of her alto voice, and for her groundedness through the years of her fame.

Every step I took through the centre reminded me of Clay. The way she started, singing in talent shows etc and then going on to be featured in a TV show; her quick rise to fame, and the grounded and sensible way in which she handled it. Her love of her family, her hometown and her friends. The Centre is a non-profit organization whose proceeds go to provide jobs for the people of the village of Springhill today. Can't you see Clay doing something like this, if Raleigh were in that kind of situation?

I've been a fan of Anne's for many years (well, fan is relative...I've seen her in concert 5 or 6 times in 30 years) but I found it very interesting.

I'm so glad I took the time!

Here's her website if anyone wants to refresh their memories:

Anne's official website with links to listen to her music

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How come there is so little clack of Angela's "Listen" from LA????
I was so disappointed because I was nabbed right after the Classics! Angela's parents were behind us and I was hoping to put together something nice for them -- *headbang*

I handed the camera to toofargone who sat near me just for that purpose but by the time we got it set up, it was already in the middle of Angela's song. *more headbangs*

FromClaygary, wow those are gorgeous!!! I've never done quilts but there's going to be a big show here in Houston on the first weekend in November. I think I'll go swing by just in case there's something interesting. Also, Karen Eh? used to teach quilting techniques, I think. Wonder if she's going to take her equipment to Kazakhstan? (ps. the place where I work has an office in Moncton; maybe we'll meet over there sometime)

For Gibby, Ansa & Toots, these were done by better knitters using the colorways:

DixieHellcat with Unicef07

QueenP with Unicef07

anubee with always & forever

KAndre pointing to the Raleigh NAT yarn

DixieHellcat made this hair wrap and mini-sock pin from the Raleigh NAT yarn

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eeek..was the site down for anyone but me for 5 minutes? and we haven't even started the upgrade yet. sheesh.

Just FYI... any time the site goes down...you can go to http://www.findingclayaiken.com and we'll get a notice up about the issues and what we're doing about it and any ETA as soon as we can.

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Couch Tomato, yes, the site was down for a few minutes.

I've been a fan of Anne's for many years (well, fan is relative...I've seen her in concert 5 or 6 times in 30 years) but I found it very interesting.

I'm so glad I took the time!

Here's her website if anyone wants to refresh their memories:

Anne's official website with links to listen to her music

Claygary, my dad was a very big Anne Murray fan. He loved "Send a Little Love My Way". I have listened to that song so many times! She is an excellent singer.

Your great-grandson is a real cutie, too!

I was so disappointed because I was nabbed right after the Classics! Angela's parents were behind us and I was hoping to put together something nice for them -- *headbang*

I handed the camera to toofargone who sat near me just for that purpose but by the time we got it set up, it was already in the middle of Angela's song. *more headbangs*

Just curious, what happens when you get nabbed? BTW, gorgeous goods! You all are very talented.

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You know how we keep saying Clay would be big in Asia......... round about discussion

Well, I got my New Brunswick state theater booklet advertising shows yesterday, I guess. I look at CHristmas shows, No Clay. I look at family shows, no CLay - where did I find Clay - under "rental Events" - aparently a group has hired this theater to present Clay - Who would do that? Why it was HK Entertainemnt - with the HK standing for Hong Kong? It is hard to google because HK entertainment is used by Hong Kong for touristy things.

I found this interesting. Annoying that it is not listed as a regular show and is hsrd to find in the book and who the heck knows if people figure they can buy tickets to a rental event.

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**runs out to buy DH a box of Krispy Kremes***


What's with all this 'tailor' and 'body guard' and 'masseuse' desires?

I want to be his lover.

That's muski -- "subtle" is her middle name!


And very sure of what she wants out of life!! You go, girl!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Last weekend there was discussion about Blue Bell Ice Cream, specifically the new flavor, Blackberry Cobbler. I am here to report is it delish. I got a half-gallon of it today and it was a hit with my family. Just FYI! [/psaoff]

Gads, there was TOO MUCH work this weekend. It's over now, I'm pooped, and I didn't get to play very much. That makes me grumpy. Good think it's just me and the cats here tonight!

Scarlett, thank you for the follow-up info regarding the eHp luncheon. I hope it will work out sometime(s) to join y'all! Sounds like a blast. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Thank you also for the mp3's. Looking forward to listening. Your yarns are amazing. I have no clue how you find the time to do all your Clack work and have time left over for other projects!! I'm amazed.

Good night everyone. I am pooped. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Belatingly stating that I met AAIT in Houston, not that I remember faces well, mostly people have to talk before I recognize them, don't know why.

I remember, playbiller!!! But I'm thinking we met originally at Englewood last December. Were you there? For some reason I'm placing you with the group of various fans who supped together at the Panera Bread place before the show. Am I remembering correctly? Whether I met you once or twice, I enjoyed it immensely!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Also, and I've been meaning to write this for a couple of weeks, shadylil, I have this memory that we also met at that same Panera Bread dinner. IIRC, we were also at the same table. Am I remembering correctly? You, or the person I'm thinking of were on the right side of the table (from my vantage point), and I was at the end, and my dear friend, HippoGA, was to my left, on the left side of the table. There was another person with us at the table, but my memory isn't calling the name. Or, I could be all confoosed!!

It was really cool. There was just this big group of Clay fans representing many boards at this dinner. Nothing formal at all, we just gathered, ate, visited, and then went to the show! Very, very wonderful. :clap:

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Just curious, what happens when you get nabbed?
It's different in every place. It wasn't Jerome in LA, it was a venue person. He was polite but firm and told me to put away the camera. He didn't lose his cool when 10 minutes later he had to say the exact same thing to toofargone who was behind me using what was obviously the same camera.

In Columbus, the Ohio police were patrolling the grounds and they were curt and threatening; they said that they would escort me out of the venue if they see me using a camera.

My worst experience was in Tampa. I wasn't even taking Clack at the time but one usher practically climbed on my lap while trying to nab the person behind me.

couchie, it would be cute to get 'scolded' by Jerome but he doesn't seem to be in that business anymore.

{{{AAIT}}} Thanks, Gibby!

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