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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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Well....surprise surprise!! The fans at the OFC have turned on each other. It didn't take long. Boy some people are so predictable!

Nice try Playbiller!

God, why did I go there? What a bunch of bitches. Eh, Fuck 'em. God forbid anyone disagree that Roger is lower than the devil lest they be tagged as evil and part of the "puzzle". WTFever! :fca:

I think that looks like a really good job for Roger! With record companies all discombobulated by the digital world and AI and 19 working their magic, I bet this is a good gig for him.

Pretty cool.

I hope whoever Clay ends up working with at RCA is someone he likes working with. An RCA publicist will always do what RCA wants them to do. Anyone who expects differently will always be disappointed. If Clay feels the need for a personal publicist, I reckon he'll get one. Duh.

30 seconds, merrieee. If that.

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Anybody else hate the words IPS error? Just me? Ok, going to work..

So KAndre, what sort of punishment will you reek if we're not done by the 30th - no reason for asking, just curious :cryingwlaughter:

Yes KAndre - what is the punishment for not making that Sept. 30th deadline???

Maybe Clive is mad at Roger for getting Clay the insider gig which gave him and ET connection and pretty much killed all the gossip crap that Clive was trying to spread in his quest to destroy Clay and make Daughtry king?

:cryingwlaughter: (And I bet some would take that seriously....)

I wonder if Clay will miss him? I would think he became a friend over the years or am I going to get stoned for saying that.

I won't stone you, but there are some who undoubtably would! I think they have at the very least become friendly.

I just vented on the OFC - I don't understand why all this bad stuff is such a big secret. Wouldn't you think they would want everyone to know?

Oh-oh - the dog is here.

What bad stuff?? Did I miss something???

I think Roger wasn't promoted because he no longer works for RCA, but I think he took this job because he thought it was a better job - probably more money too.

Hey - maybe that explains the promo I heard on the radio this morning for AI2 Rewind. It said something like "Let Clay Aiken take you back......" No mentiion of Ruben.

Wait! Roger can't have anything to do with that because that would mean he LIKES Clay!

Or would that just be part of the RCA/AI/Clive/19E diabolical plot to destroy any chance Clay has of becoming Rock!Star!Supertsar!Clay! by continually attaching his name to AI????

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Interesting development with the whole Roger departure. Personally I don't see how a new PR guy is going to turn Clay into a media darling. For me it's almost like waiting for that elusive Karma to bite all these wrong doers in the ass. Kathy G. stronger than ever with an Emmy. Same for Connan. PH sure is not suffering any. That's just naming a few of the ass heads.

I'm really trying hard to enjoy all that Clay is offering me now. Should something exceptional develop I'd be jumping for joy and do somersaults.

It's sorta like this for me, Clay might not ever be embraced by critics, media and the general public and I will still be ridiculed about my fandom/support. Does not make me love and admire him any less! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Interesting development with the whole Roger departure. Personally I don't see how a new PR guy is going to turn Clay into a media darling. For me it's almost like waiting for that elusive Karma to bite all these wrong doers in the ass. Kathy G. stronger than ever with an Emmy. Same for Connan. PH sure is not suffering any. That's just naming a few of the ass heads.

I'm really trying hard to enjoy all that Clay is offering me now. Should something exceptional develop I'd be jumping for joy and do somersaults.

It's sorta like this for me, Clay might not ever be embraced by critics, media and the general public and I will still be ridiculed about my fandom/support. Does not make me love and admire him any less! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

This is how I feel. :preachit:

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Warning! Warning! Danger, Will Robinson!


I repeat: DO NOT venture outside our hallowed virtual walls!

I only speak so because I care. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

"Let Clay Aiken take you back......"
Ah, CG...when I read this at first I could've SWORN it said, "Let Clay Aiken take you into the back....."

I was soooooo going with him, too. :hubbahubba:

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"Let Clay Aiken take you back......"
Ah, CG...when I read this at first I could've SWORN it said, "Let Clay Aiken take you into the back....."

I was soooooo going with him, too. :hubbahubba:

Take me, take me!


Play... don't bother. Seriously. Everyone already has their mind made up. It's not like it's going to change anything.

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I don't know all the specifics about Roger. His ultimate loyalty (other than to himself) was to RCA; sometimes Clay's and RCA's interests aligned, sometimes they didn't. The Insider gig and whatever part Roger played in it has been a gift to Clay's career that has kept on giving.

I did like the comment Roger made to a tabloid last year that Clay could not comment on their story because he was busy attending to some business on the planet Pluto, which basically showed what he thought of the journalistic integrity of that source.

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Everybody should be able to use the CC box in PM's now. Ansa tinkered around with something.

Play :F_05BL17blowkiss: Agree or disagree. Frankly, I don't know what "having Clay's best interests" at heart has to do with anything. Hive minds are boring. This fandom interests me. Read some stuff yesterday that made me think people have too much time on their hands or they are addicted to drama. If something is bullshit, just say so LOUDLY for the world to hear. Don't become a CIA agent and whisper about it for a damn year. It's why I have a hard time with "if you only knew what I know you'd believe the same thing I believe." I highly doubt it.

Now, wish me luck.. Muski is fixing me dinner. heee :cryingwlaughter:

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*sniff* I can't get my quote button to work. :huh::fca:

I wanted to respond to muski's thoughts on this-> :865538451:

Good grief, I agree...wayyyyy to flaccid to be useful on a Clay Aiken message board.

...as for Roger...jazzgirl just about summed it up for me...

I don't know all the specifics about Roger. His ultimate loyalty (other than to himself) was to RCA; sometimes Clay's and RCA's interests aligned, sometimes they didn't. The Insider gig and whatever part Roger played in it has been a gift to Clay's career that has kept on giving.

I think whomever the new whipping boy PR person will be will never be good enough for some fans.

Everybody should be able to use the CC box in PM's now. Ansa tinkered around with something.

I see the cc box couchie. Hats off to ansa

Edited by laughn
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I think about Roger and only hope that if and when Clay is ready to announce a relationship, that the fans can keep their very big noses out of it [/delusional]

Well now I am confused? A relationship with Roger or a relationship with someone else?


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FromClaygary, Yay for Williamsport! I might see you and Karen Eh? over there. (And I can buy&bring stuff from the Quilt show if you want anything) *cyber-holds both your hands and jumps up and down*

Clack -- the original tapes will go to the TBAF, maybe in my lifetime of they want it and have a place for it;

Yaaay! I'm guessing that means I can leave my camera at the hotel that night? :lol: ...and thanks so much for the quilt show offer! What a sweetheart you are! I can't think of anything right now, bu may just PM you on further thought.

Re (my) bolding: I've been thinking about this ever since I went to the Anne Murray Centre. I think that, as a fandom and individuals, we have the most amazing opportunity to document the "birth of a star" that might ever have existed...because we have it all, from day one. I seriously and sincerely hope that those of you that have unique items take really, really good care of them...and then give Faye or TBAF right of first refusal if they need to be disposed of. I'm thinking of things like the original score of LAA signed by David and Clay...and there have been other things over the years that are truly priceless to this history.

I do hope that someday there is the opportunity to present them all somewhere, housed beautifully, as the documentation of the growth of the huge star he will have become by that time. down smutters!


I think about Roger and only hope that if and when Clay is ready to announce a relationship, that the fans can keep their very big noses out of it [/delusional]

Par'm me? Are you suggesting that Roger and Clay have a "relationship"?

Edited by FromClaygary
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HI everyone!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

So, Roger - over and out! Colour me surprised after the big hoopla over his promotion last year!

That's the extent of my reaction to the news. I'm not a conspiracy theorist and I don't like or dislike the man. It will be fun to see who Clay's new publicist is though! Hope she's a Clayfan, for sure!

I always kind of draw back on posting when eveyone gets upset with the way Clay has been treated by RCA. Apart from Clive and his saddling Clay with a covers sophomore album, Clay seemed to me to get lots of publicity when his albums have come out. He sure hit most of the TV spots and he's sure more well known than most all the other "idols".

I just have no worries about his career - I truly feel he is safe and will be singing to me for a very long time. When over 450 news publications print about your foot on the armrest of an airplane seat - Crap - he even made the Drudge report!!! The man is "news" . Period.

And I lurve him.

And he's hawt!

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BWAH - relationshiip with an intended, not with Roger, heh,

I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences,

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BWAH - relationshiip with an intended, not with Roger, heh,

I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences, I must learn to write clear concise sentences,

:lmaosmiley-1: :cryingwlaughter:

I knew what you meant!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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"Let Clay Aiken take you back......"
Ah, CG...when I read this at first I could've SWORN it said, "Let Clay Aiken take you into the back....."

I was soooooo going with him, too. :hubbahubba:

Well, I prefer it as "Let Clay take you from the back" but have it your way.

I would so go too...

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"Let Clay Aiken take you back......"
Ah, CG...when I read this at first I could've SWORN it said, "Let Clay Aiken take you into the back....."

I was soooooo going with him, too. :hubbahubba:

Well, I prefer it as "Let Clay take you from the back" but have it your way.

I would so go too...

Scarlett...I am shocked, shocked, I tell you! I never knew you were like this! Maybe I'll get Solo to knock some sense into you!

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